What if Order 66 Failed? (Animated) - Star Wars Theory Fan Fiction

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this shit slaps

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/13harry1999 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
as we know order 66 was the order given by emperor palpatine just after the death of mace windu and the transformation of anakin into darth vader the order was programmed into the clones heads by way of an inhibitor chip which controlled their minds to take out the jedi and serve the chancellor the rest of the events that led from this are what we know today but what if we go into another timeline an alternate universe and one that i think makes much more sense in some ways what if order 66 failed jedi have decades of training mastering the force above all else their first and foremost abilities were to be able to sense their surroundings and feel any threats such as when anakin and obi-wan could even feel the couhons that attempted to poison padme the jedi not being able to sense the complete 180 turn of the clones raising their guns at them and firing would have been enough of a shift in the force just as yoda had felt in order for them to escape or to have an advantage to fight back harder the jedi temple events however would continue to play out the way they did as anakin was too powerful for any jedi in the temple he would then go to mustafar as ordered while the rest of the clones would continue to take out the jedi slowly being killed one by one by more advancing jedi flokun would still be alive so would sakura kiari mundi cinderelig and the list goes on of course not every jedi would live the clones were a formidable force however the more powerful and more force attuned ones would sense the matter immediately after anakin was ordered to mustafar by palpatine yoda would meet obi-wan at the rated jedi temple and they would send a beacon out to all of the survivors of order 66 where we would essentially see almost the entire jedi council returning with the exception of anakin skywalker of course who is now darth vader we have to remember this doesn't give palpatine enough time to leave the city as all of these events took only a few hours at the most to execute he wouldn't have heard back from the commanders because one they'd all be dead and two he'd assumed they were all still carrying out orders yoda would send obi-wan and plo-kun to mustafar to seize and capture anakin to be tried in the galactic court while he would take kiarimundi cinderella and ayla sakura to confront the emperor while the remaining jedi would dissipate to hunt down as many clones as they could after telling padme about what anakin has done he and plo would sneak onto her ship until they landed on the fiery planet yoda and the masters would fly to the chancellor's office in coruscant to once and for all bring an end to the sith lord who had been right under their very noses for so many years as padme's ship landed she stepped out to meet anakin when he looked up to see obi-wan and plo [ __ ] standing in the opening of the ship's extended plank their silhouettes almost godlike as the light cast a shadow illuminating their outline embossed in the red blades of the red bubbling lava anakin yelled at padme choking her until flo who was much more quick to stop this in obi-wan jumped in the air and shot forced judgment onto andre this was plo's equivalent to sith forced lightning however not as powerful it still hurt anakin enough to stop his attack on padme as he let go she stumbled backwards and ran up to obi-wan this angered vader even more the betrayal he felt was compounded only with hatred he couldn't even compare to the heat of the planet's melting core as he ignited his lightsaber in unison and plo the battle began sidious frowned at yoda as he watched his royal red guards fall to the floor yoda and the three jedi masters entered his office all igniting their lightsabers palpatine tried to escape knowing he was no match for three masters and grandmaster yoda with no exit strategy he turned to face them telling yoda your arrogance blinds you master yoda and ignited his lightsaber he attempted the same strategy as he had with mace and his legions of masters thrusting his saber into sakura's heart as she laid on the floor motionless his speed was far too ferocious for them yoda jumped off the wall and flipped to block palpatine's attack on kiari mundi who went to strike palpatine's head but missed and got paralyzed by a jolt of force lightning as he withered on the floor yoda watched as drellig's head rolled next to him he was astounded by palpatine's speed and precision swinging as fast as he could and blocking just as hard the two were evenly matched as yoda sent palpatine flying back with a strong force push using this time to run to kiari who started to regain his consciousness once again helping him up the two jedi masters ran towards sidious anakin obi-wan exchanged immense hits while plo attacked when he could his lightsaber abilities were amazing but he was not on the same level as anakin here as they continued to fight down the corridor and into the station anakin could feel himself being cornered by the two jedi masters obi-wan from the left and plo from the right anakin was boxed in front flipping over plokun he landed attempting to strike him however he was stopped by obi-wan when khloe used this advantage to shoot the most powerful amount of force judgment onto anakin as he possibly could skywalker dropped to the ground shrieking in agony as yellow thunderbolts crawled up his face body and bones like spiders with daggers for legs kenobi and [ __ ] stepped over him lightsabers an inch from his skull they unanimously announced in the name of the galactic senate of the republic you are under arrest palpatine had to decide quickly which jedi he would advance to as ki arimundi and yoda rushed him he knew yoda was far more powerful so he decided to take out the weaker opponent first that being this is what yoda anticipated quickly running up to palpatine and flipping over him palpatine became confused and blocked kiari's attack then turned to block yoda's when he was cut in half by the grand master laying on the floor unable to move his fate had taken the same turn of events as his apprentice darth maul with obi-wan and plo returning to the temple as anakin sat in the back of the ship cuffed at the hands and feet they went to the chancellor's office as they saw lights flashing from within the windows meeting yoda at the docking bay he and kiyadi boarded the ship to take padme to a droid crew to deliver her unborn children anakin would remain restrained as his yellow eyes stared in hatred at the jedi masters who tried to figure out what to do with him banishing him from the council and the temple stripping him of his jedi status the galactic senate appointed bail organa as chancellor and moved to sentence anakin to spend an eternity in prison once the security footage of the massacres at the temple including the slaughter of the younglings were presented padme would survive and her children luke and leia would be trained from infancy in the jedi temple with yoda obi-wan ki arimundi plo kun and subordinate jedi who had survived as well the galaxy would live in peace and harmony with two new skywalkers eventually growing up to carry on the jedi way until anakin would be freed from jail by the hands of jar jar hey guys hope you enjoyed this video i would love to do a part two where anakin somehow gets out of jail the jar jar part was of course a joke but if you'd like to see that let me know down in the comments below i hope you enjoyed this new style of making fan fictions this is actually an older fan fiction one of my oldest ones done in december of 2016 so back when the channel wasn't even four months old or so so forgive me if the story is a little bit weird but you know it's it's a relic in time that's for sure it's an artifact leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed the style i will see you in the next one and until then my fellow jedi and said friends remember the force will be with you always you
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 6,157,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars theory, anakin vs obi wan, order 66, what if order 66 failed, star wars theory fan fic, star wars explained, darth vader, luke skywalker, the last jedi, star wars trailer, star wars news, darth vader vs luke skywalker, star wars memes, kylo ren and rey, anakin skywalker lightsaber, anakin skywalker edit, darth vader vs obi wan, kylo ren kills han solo, yoda vs palpatine, rey vs palpatine, rise of skywalker, clone wars, the mandalorian trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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