What if Anakin Reached His Full Potential?

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Anakin Skywalker the chosen one was destined for greatness however his path to fulfilling his full potential was fraught with obstacles and challenges despite being a skilled Jedi Knight Anakin struggled with his emotions which ultimately led to his downfall when he becomes Darth Vader he is a feared Tyrant across the entire galaxy but he is nowhere near his full potential in the force after the events of Mustafa most of his force abilities had been completely reduced in power and effect but what if things had turned out differently what if Anakin had overcome his inner turmoil and reached his full potential as the greatest Jedi to ever live for Anakin to reach his full potential in the force there are a few things that must occur Anakin's Jewel against Count Dooku on Geonosis must be altered to allow Anakin to maintain all of his limbs instead of Anakin having his entire arm removed from his socket Anakin was able to defend against that Strife from Dooku's blade and continue to press his attacks and the Heat of the jewel Dooku still finds an opening and expels lightning at Anakin causing him to hit the wall and become unconscious the rest of the jewel would follow suit Yoda would show up and place enough pressure on Dooku to cause him to flee and leave the planet but now Anakin never lost his arm the year is 19 BBY and the Clone Wars are in full swing Anakin Skywalker has become one of the most important figures in the war effort his skills in the battlefield are unmatched and a strategic mind has saved countless lives however Anakin is still haunted by the loss of his mother and the fear of losing the ones that he loves he seeks guidance from his former Master Obi-Wan Kenobi who encourages him to meditate and focus on the present Anakin takes Obi-Wan's advice and begins to delve deeper into the force he spends hours meditating contemplating the nature of the universe and his place within it he also seeks out advice from other Jedi Masters including Yoda and Mace Windu who recognize his potential and offer guidance through their teaching Anakin learns to control his emotions and channel his passion into his actions as the war rages on Anakin's reputation as a skilled Warrior spreads throughout the Galaxy he leads daring missions and defeats the enemy with ease however he has also become aware of the corruption and darkness that exists within the Republic he sees the hypocrisy and Dogma that has stifled the growth of the Jedi and he vows to change it Anakin begins to question the teachings of the Jedi Order and seeks a deeper understanding of the force Yoda brings Anakin ancient Jedi texts that are usually only given to Jedi Masters but Yoda feels that because Anakin is the chosen one he should have the right to view as much knowledge as he can in order to better prepare himself to fulfill his prophecy the text show him truths about the force and how to manipulate it and you unique ways through his vast studies Anakin discovers the true nature of the force when he realizes it is neither light nor dark but a balance between the two Anakin is specifically interested in the tales written by the Jedi of the past he realizes that the current Day Jedi are far different to the Jedi of old the current Jedi blindly follow the Senate and do not fight for the safety of the people where is the Jedi of old when more like Qui-Gon they followed the will of the living force and sacrificed everything for the protection of the Galaxy a combination of light and dark energy which when used together will generate power unlike any other Anakin's Newfound understanding of the force allows him to connect with the Universe on a level never seen by any other Jedi he can sense the emotions and intentions of those around him and he can communicate with the force itself his powers grow exponentially and he becomes the most powerful Jedi to ever live Anakin realizes that the council's teachings are wrong and the things that Qui-Gon preached were actually correct through his teachings from the ancient Jedi texts Anakin learns the true nature of the Jedi and not the corrupt dogmatic views that the current Day Jedi hold he makes it his mission to spread his Newfound knowledge to the rest of the order and begin their path back to True freedom in the Galaxy Anakin was now walking the path of the force he listened to the force and let it guide him however it could as Anakin's power grows so too does it influence within the Jedi Order he challenges the dogma and traditions of the Jedi advocating for a more flexible and adaptable approach to the force this hadn't been done in generations and the reception from some Jedi was not positive especially in the middle of a galactic War like the Clone Wars Anakin preaches that changing their ways could help them discover who's behind the war he heavily pushed his agenda and motives explaining that some Jedi teachings and practices must be altered otherwise the order will fall he also speaks out against the corruption and bureaucracy that has crept into the order calling for the return of the principles of the ancient Jedi Anakin's ideas are met with resistance by some of the more traditional Jedi but his Charisma and persuasiveness win over many of his peers Anakin is drawn to the rank of Master during the third year of the Clone Wars for his wisdom and ideas that he offered during the time of warfare many inside the Jedi Temple begin to look to him for guidance and inspiration countless Jedi agreed with Anakin and knew that aligning their beliefs with the will of the force is what will bring peace and balance Anakin started to build a following within the order and attempted to use this to change the council's perspective with Anakin's leadership the Jedi Order undergoes a Renaissance they adapt to the changing Galaxy and become more involved in the Affairs of the people they have sworn to protect Anakin demonstrates his beliefs whilst on some missions and the Clone Wars the council and Senate would inform him how he should act but his strong nature caused him to follow the force instead over the course of the war this led him to winning countless battles as the poster boy for the Jedi Order they root out corruption and worked to build a better future for all beings in the Galaxy but the Jedi and Republic still needed to win the war Anakin focused his attentions only on this Palpatine realizes Anakin's draws in the force and fears that his masterful plan has gone to ruins he must rethink what he is doing how can he turn Anakin to the dark side he is the key to everything Palpatine understands that a motivator of fear isn't enough which means the dreams of Padme won't do anything instead he must instill anger and hatred enough anger and hatred that will cause him to explode and become the darkest Jedi the galaxy has ever seen his answer was anime Palpatine Journeys to her apartment to pay her a visit when he enters she drives him warmly like an old friend she even motions himself over towards Padme and gives the impression he is going to hug her but instead he ignites his Crimson blade as it tears through her chest she gasps and screams as the giant hole forms within her chest Padme falls to the floor dead Anakin discovers her body when he returns home that night he enters a fit of rage he screams at the top of his lungs as objects in the apartment begin getting thrown around he conjures the largest and most powerful force scream that has ever been produced its radius is so far that people in the Jedi Temple miles away could feel its effects Anakin bends down and touches the wound he concentrates as he must find the perpetrator as Anakin closes his eyes he is suddenly thrusted into a room that is full of blur he has no idea where he is until things around him begin to make sense once again he is still in his apartment yet Padme is here too she is alive he thought to himself but then he realizes that he wasn't actually there he turns around to the chancellor enter is this a flashback he thought to himself perhaps he has just unlocked the ability of four psychometry but as he thinks that Palpatine murders his wife and leaves her corpse lying on the cold floor Anakin regains conscious as hatred fills his mind the chancellor he must find him and it can go straight to the Jedi Council and tells them what happened Palpatine is the Sith Lord they have been looking for they must act immediately Anakin uses his immense Force Power to locate his wife's murderer through Anakin briefly tapping into the dark side his powers reach New Heights Heights that would not be possible without his experimentation of the force the force requires balance and because he didn't just focus on the light and allowed the darkness to creep in Anakin became even stronger his powers had grown so strong that him simply sensing Palpatine could provide him with a location the hangar Bay on Coruscant a place that Palpatine is accustomed to visit a lot his strength is truly Unstoppable Anakin Obi-Wan Mace Windu Yoda and kiari Mundi all travel to the hangar upon arrival they find Palpatine meditating and waiting for them as he opens his eyes and looks towards the extremely powerful Masters approaching him he smirks behind him General Grievous reveals himself and begins to cough in the face of the light Anakin is enraged yet has a sense of self-control and doesn't feel like it is time for talk he ignites his blue lightsaber and leaps into battle the Jedi follow him as they attempt to end the Darksiders grip over the Galaxy the battle commences with kyari mundi's immediate death from the hands of Palpatine this causes Anakin to scream to the other Jedi that Palpatine is his and they need to kill gravy this the Grievous ignited all four of his lightsabers and wouldn't be that easy to kill he locked Blade with Obi-Wan and swings the mace at all times his four lightsabers are put to work trying to find an opening in the Jedi's defenses Yoda left from all four corners of the room and tried to successfully kill Grievous but when the Jedi all locked blades with Grievous at once the Droid Stills one free hand remaining and stabs will be won through the chest causing him to fall to the floor Windu couldn't believe it Grievous was surely not this powerful he presses his attacks and finally finds an opening where he kills General Grievous after Grievous fell from Windu's blade all attention was focused on Anakin and Palpatine Palpatine thought that his power could rival the chosen one and even give him a chance at Victory but Anakin's power is so unbelievably greater than anyone else in the room out of nowhere he raises his hands and shoots red lightning to all corners of the room Palpatine could not have predicted this level of power as he is shot backwards he snarls as he gets back to his feet laughing and screaming as he re-engages in combat and attempts to end Anakin's life but his attempt is futile everything he does is there is no way that Palpatine can conjure enough power to defeat Anakin his strength had grown far too powerful he is the chosen one Anakin's lightning returned as he hit Palpatine in the head again and he began stumbling on his feet Palpatine was unable to defend himself and he was killed by Anakin's incredible power Anakin looked over at Yoda and Mace Windu the only two Jedi to still be alive in the room they both appeared to be in mourning and couldn't believe the sight of death that was in front of them Obi-Wan was extremely close to all of them and now he is gone Anakin closes his eyes and raised his arms he began to breathe slowly suddenly the wounds on the Jedi began to disappear miraculously Obi-Wan and Kyary Mundi were brought back to life Anakin had finally discovered the secrets to immortality the power granted to him from the force was unmatched no one could ever combat this level of strength Anakin's best friend had returned he gave Obi-Wan a hug and expressed his immense gratitude for his teachings that allowed him to defeat Palpatine this was an emotional moment between master and Apprentice Anakin goes into the medical Bay where Padme was being kept he places his hand over her as she is brought back to life as well he had become the living embodiment of a god a being that has control over all life and death in the Galaxy he has reached his full potential in the force and he will use his power for good as the war comes to a close Anakin's Legacy is secured he is not only brought balance to the force but also ushered in a new era for the Jedi Order with the defeat of Palpatine comes changes to the Jedi Order they separated themselves from the Senate and began to focus on the force itself instead of aligning with their beliefs with politics this allowed the Jedi to better protect the Republic and uncover new studies and truths about the force they have reverted back to their old ways the ways of the Jedi that allowed them to triumph over the Sith time and time again with this unparalleled power and understanding of the force Anakin becomes a symbol of Hope for all those who seek to live in peace and Harmony eventually Yoda would die from old age and would be succeeded by Anakin as Grand Master of the Jedi Order a title that allowed him to complete his mission of returning the Jedi back to its old ways Anakin's children were welcomed into the Jedi Order when they were old enough he taught them himself and ordered to best reveal their unlimited potential one day after he transcended into the net of the world of the force they would take his place so they needed to be eloquently equipped Anakin and Padme would grow old together living a life that they loved Obi-Wan would often see his children and help them whichever way he could the older Lucan Lair became the closer they were to Obi-Wan and even Ahsoka Ahsoka particularly got on well with Leia as their personalities overlapped a lot a P1 and Soca became like family to the Skywalkers and their bond was unbreakable Anakin had secured peace for his family and the Galaxy the secured piece in the Galaxy meant that a Sith had no chance of ever returning again through Anakin Skywalker unlocking his full potential in the force he discovered new powers strength and wisdom that allowed him to save the Galaxy from Evil and Propel the Republic into an era of peace and prosperity that would last a millennia everything [Music]
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 106,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anakin skywalker, star wars what if, what if anakin reached his full potential, what if anakin, what if anakin skywalker, what if star wars, what if anakin never killed dooku, what if, anakin, yfv full potential anakin, what if anakin wasnt injured, what if anakin was a jedi master, what if anakin didn't burn? full, what if anakin beat obi wan, luke skywalker vs anakin skywalker full potential, anakin vs obi wan, anakin skywalker vs obi-wan kenobi, fantasy folklore, star wars
Id: Yn9gCWe9wGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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