Anakin Skywalker: Lore and Canon Video Supercut (3 Hours)

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hey guys how are you all doing today so in yesterday's video we talked about how much power anakin lost reducing his power to only 80 of the emperors which is surely a big defeat when he was supposed to be stronger however just how much stronger was he supposed to be well i'm going to take any doubt away and reiterate george lucas's quotes directly from his mouth from the vanity fair interview that was taken place a while back here we go anakin as skywalker as a human being was going to be extremely powerful but he ended up losing his legs and an arm and became partly a robot so a lot of his ability to use the force a lot of his powers are curved at this point because as a living form there's not that much of him left so his ability to be twice as good as the emperor disappeared and now he's maybe 20 percent less than him so that isn't what the emperor had in mind he wanted this really super guy but that got derailed by obi-wan so he finds that with luke he can get a more primo version if he can turn luke to the dark side you'll see as this goes on luke is faced with the same issues and practically the same scenes that anakin is faced with anakin says yes and luke says no you learn that darth vader isn't this monster lucas says he's a pathetic individual who made a pact with the devil and lost and he's trapped he's a sad pathetic character not an evil big monster i mean he's a monster in that he's turned to the dark side and he's serving a bad master and he's into power and he's lost a lot of his humanity in that way he's a monster but beneath that as luke says in return of the jedi early on i know they're still good in you there's good in you i can sense it only through the love of his children and the compassion of his children who believe in him even though he's a monster does he redeem himself now this is what i really like about vader he isn't the monster he's just made a bad deal and it kind of ruined his life that's relatable to many people in the world you make a bad decision and you kind of get stuck in that way because well you're stuck but there's always a way out you can always change just as vader did his ability to be twice as powerful as the emperor is saying a lot considering palps beat yoda in a fight and yoda was the most powerful jedi grandmaster you know with the exception of mason some scenarios wherever pod could be used but in the force yoda was the king now in the end it wasn't obi-wan's power that beat anakin it was his own arrogance that beat him kind of just like maul we know the story now to have someone twice as powerful as the emperor would mean that he'd be a very powerful entity in star wars by far the most powerful that has ever lived at this point he'd be able to shoot force lightning because he'd still have his hands and he'd literally be able to incinerate enemies to ash instantly he'd probably be able to jump or kind of fly for extended periods of time he'd deflect just about any force attack out there and he'd heal himself through forced drain this means basically he'd take the life of other life forms and just suck it out of them and put it into himself healing himself and making him somewhat immortal now one of the main things that anakin would have developed would have been his ability to see into the future this was anakin's greatest gift and the one that he lost on mustafar after obi-wan dealt him the cards that he'd be left with forever i'd like to go more into detail on just how powerful he'd be and all of his force abilities that we'd have gotten if he didn't fail to obi-wan but for this video i think explaining george's thoughts on just how powerful anakin would have been was important to clarify so that's it for this video guys i want you to write down in the comments how powerful you think full power anakin would be if he didn't burn and lose all of his limbs and then we can get on to that for another video hey guys how's it going and welcome to another top 10. today we're gonna go over one of my favorite characters of all time anakin skywalker the chosen one now anakin's got tons of information canon and legends out there so you can imagine really this list could be you know with top 1000 facts about anakin but i'm just going to keep it short and i'm going to keep only 10 here and i'm just going to pick some random cool things so i could even make it part 2 of this so before i digress further let's get on with the video number one anakin's visions destroyed him one of the questions that arise from anakin's fall to the dark side is if he hadn't had visions of padme's death would he have betrayed the jedi in the first place he joined the sith so he could save her life but in an ironic tragic twist it was that very choice that ultimately led to her demise so if he hadn't seen the future would the events that created it have occurred at all the ability to see into the future was one of anakin's most powerful and prominent powers however you should know that after the events of mustafar after he lost to obi-wan and officially became darth vader he lost this ability forever the death of padme is probably the most well known of his visions but throughout anakin's life he was haunted by the future on various occasions in particular during the clone wars on mortis when he encountered an entity that was the embodiment of the dark side of the force known as the sun the powerful force wielder revealed to anakin what a dark turn his life would eventually take as darth vader the knowledge of his dark fate twisted his mind and the vision itself turned him to the dark side but to restore him to the light the memory was later wiped clean by another cosmic force entity called the father number two anakin was 12 when he built his first lightsaber one of the most important rites of passage that a jedi padawan must pass is constructing their own lightsaber anakin joined the order at a later age than normal recruits but he was a quick study with a uniquely strong connection to the force so when he was 12 he built his first lightsaber in the crystal caves of the planet ilum obi-wan took anakin so that his apprentice could make his saber the young skywalker went inside the cave found a spot and began to meditate while in his meditation trance a specter of a slave and another one of darth maul appeared and attacked him but anakin was able to handle them easily when he woke from his trance he had completed his lightsaber the saber was perfectly balanced for him with a hilt that was heavy and rigid to complement his strength and would go on to serve the young jedi well until he lost it in the droid factory on geonosis in episode two number three he could tame beasts with the force some jedi were able to communicate and or manipulate with non-sentient animals or creatures throughout the galaxy this included anakin who trained in the ability from his earliest days with the jedi it proved especially useful for him in the arena on genosis when he was able to calm down a ferocious reek and even mount it as his steed the ability remained with him as a sith as well after his injuries on mustafar as vader he would go on various occasions to invade the minds of beasts to be used for his own ends number four years before his fall he nearly left the jedi given that the jedi council didn't initially want him to join the order anakin was always a little uncertain about his place with the jedi but there was a point years before the clone wars that the young jedi actually decided to leave his doubts were only heightened when he developed a friendship with chancellor palpatine whose influence began to push him away from the jedi he started to wonder whether he was on the right path in his life he joined the order as a child and hadn't really made an informed choice his doubts only grew over time until he reached the point where he handed over his lightsaber to obi-wan kenobi having decided to leave the jedi as we can see in this old anakin obi-wan comic however a crucial mission interfered in his plans he had to cast his doubts and uncertainties aside and focus on the important tasks at hand throughout that adventure anakin eventually changed his mind and made his own choice to remain with the jedi much to obi-wan's relief and later great regret but yeah what would have happened if anakin had left the order before the clone wars that's a fan fiction for another time number five anakin's robes reflected his personality now i've made a video on this by itself a couple years ago but i'm gonna reiterate and dive into a little more here anakin always stood apart from the other jedi we know this he joined them at an older age his power was unrivaled besting every other student and even some teachers his attitude was unconventional and he would at times disobey orders and improvise during dangerous situations usually to very successful outcomes but his masters and other teachers found him reckless you can argue that he liked making these little subtle at times not so subtle rebellious acts against the order even his robes were a bit of a middle finger to the jedi they were a darker shade of brown than what most jedi usually wore they also incorporated a synthetic black leather surcoat the black color was probably a fashion choice but the material itself offered greater protection than traditional cloth like obi-wan's this came in handy for a man of action type like anakin as he would at times jump into situations before stopping to think them through the roams actually supplied some protection against possible reckless lightsaber strikes as they were dense and provided armor though the outfit of course didn't reflect lightsaber strikes it merely gave him a bit better of a protection and feel the outfit did have its practical uses though the jedi were still a bit concerned with the obvious rebellious choices anakin had made in the aesthetics of his robes concerns that as it turned out they should have taken more seriously number six inspiration authors on occasion when they are trying to come up with a name for their characters sometimes find inspiration from historical figures that doesn't really appear to be the case with george lucas however who seemed to have searched for cool sounding names that reflected his character's function like luke's last name was originally starkiller but was changed to skywalker and he is a jedi and symbolically walks in the sky compared to ordinary beings with han's last name too solo was picked only because the character was a loner that lived by his own rules as we saw in the solo film though it hasn't been confirmed by lucas it is possible that the name anakin might have a historical origin as well there were allegedly giants called anakim who were creatures in the vein of goliath from david and goliath living in palestine they apparently reigned supreme and favored war above most things so perhaps anakin was supposed to be the more aggressive name and luke could have been david to anakin's goliath number seven anakin almost became a slave again when we met anakin and the phantom menace he was a slave which even after he was freed was something that haunted him the rest of his life he resented anyone who was involved in the horrendous trade so when during a mission in the clone wars anakin obi-wan and ahsoka ended up in bondage the former slave was probably dealing with one of the most difficult moments for him in the war in order to rescue togrutin colonists who had been kidnapped by zigerian slavers anakin obi-wan and ahsoka posed as slavers to get their queen's favor but she figured out who they were and anakin was forced to serve the queen as her personal slave because his friends lives were in danger he obeyed her for a time eventually he devised a plan to escape at the right moment while the queen had to face the wrath of count dooku only a slave again briefly he and ahsoka promised to free the galaxy of slavery after the clone wars of course it could be argued that anakin was a slave his whole life on tatooine in bondage he had a master and then as a jedi he had masters as a sith lord he had one master anakin skywalker darth vader was never free to be his own man if you really think about it he always had to answer to someone else number eight he trained saw gerrera the breathing impeded extremist in the cumbersome suit saw guerrera who was played by forrest whitaker in rogue one and voiced by andrew cashino in the clone wars animated show was a resistance fighter who hated the separatists and the empire and fought them both with fanatic zeal and determination during the clone wars anakin obi-wan and ahsoka trained guerrera and his people in how to wage guerrilla warfare against the separatist forces training which he would later employ with great efficiency against the empire and to some degree would be adopted by the rebel alliance meaning darth vader had to fight against the tactics of anakin skywalker number nine how he got the first scar on his face between attack of the clones and episode iii revenge of the sith anakin grew out his hair growth exponentially in power and ability and suddenly had a mysteriously cool looking scar over his right eye how did he get it well in legends at least anakin was on coruscant in the lower levels listening to a recording padme had left for him when he was suddenly attacked by count dooku's deadly apprentice asajj ventress she managed to taunt and antagonize the jedi enough that his temper left him momentarily open for her to carve the scar into his face with one of her lightsabers but she soon enough withdrew from the duel as she knew she couldn't beat him though she didn't let on instead she left with the boast that she could have ended him whenever she wanted but had chosen not to number 10 anakin's midichlorian count one of the more controversial editions george lucas added to star wars lore with the prequel films was the concept of midichlorians personally i liked it i was fine with it but i know a lot of people had issues with it they were lucas's semi-scientific explanation of how the force works where before the force had been more of a spiritual mysterious galactic energy and i feel like they still are however this was george's scientific way of trying to explain it i'm not going to get into whether the addition was a good or bad thing either way they're canon a force sensitive can sense the strength of the force in other beings but to understand their potential a count of their midichlorians is made if the jedi lived in a video game you can say that the midichlorians are a type of stat level with anakin skywalker having the highest number of any force user in the history of the jedi his count was over twenty thousand with even some sources citing it at over twenty seven thousand what he could have become at full potential remains unknown but it's clear he would have become something incredible as even with a crippled burnt body he had no equals what's going on guys so in today's video i want to talk about something i think might be interesting for those who don't know the answer now we all know that anakin was the chosen one he had many chlorines higher than yoda when he was just a boy and you know so on and so forth palpatine saw this he manipulated him for almost 10 years with extreme patience it's no surprise that once he saw him laying there in mustafar burnt to a crisp and limbless he was crushed and had no use for him anymore now before his loss to kenobi sidious told yoda during their duel that vader will become more powerful than either of them this was true he was destined to overpower every jedi in the galaxy now the answer to this is anakin or rather vader after his lost obi-wan lost over 20 percent of his total power how did i get this number george lucas in many interviews has said himself that vader was only at 80 percent of his full power after mustafar at his potential compared to sidious which means that he would have been even more powerful than that now that's one-fifth of his power gone can you imagine what he'd be like at full power i'm now going to say a quote from the revenge of the sith junior novelization where sidious on mustafar walks right up to anakin and gives us a piece of his thoughts about everything that happened and why anakin won't be as powerful as before no it can't be but it was his promising new apprentice who was to be the greatest sith who'd ever lived maimed and burned perhaps dead darth sidious ground his teeth in frustrated anger part of him wanted to turn on his heel and leave what was left of darth vader to burn to ashes in the rising lava even if he was alive even if he could be saved vader would be crippled and not just with his mechanical limbs the force dark side as well as light was generated by living beings and it took living flesh to manipulate it darth vader would never be able to cast blue force lightning that required living hands not metal ones and with so much of his body replaced by machinery he would never come close to the potential that he'd had it was a great pity darth sidious thought controlling his anger but perhaps not irreparable even diminished darth vader would still be very strong and there were no jedi left to challenge him darth sidious had seen to that himself so he kept walking until he could bend over the body and to his surprise his apprentice was still alive so first off we to think like sidious would for a moment he pretty much executed the majority of jedi in the galaxy with order 66 and those who he missed were too afraid and outnumbered to come out of hiding this would make the galaxy much more safe from the jedi than anything from his point of view at least so from here a burnt and weaker anakin was still an extremely powerful vader he was the best option from what was around however this was the moment that sparked sidious in looking for a newer younger more powerful apprentice that's why all throughout the comics he tries to find new ones or new ways to test vader then when the son of skywalker came along with all of his power and skywalker bloodline running through his veins he was like yup he's my next apprentice 100 and if he will not be turned then he will die and you know what it almost worked too as we all saw but if luke didn't see vader's chopped off hand connecting it back to his own and realizing whoa down this path is only one outcome then the star wars galaxy would have been very different today now i want to make a video covering just how powerful dark side anakin would have been if he didn't lose to obi-wan i think that'd be a fun one for sure to have theories on so at a 20 loss that's the vader that we saw which was still extremely powerful and struck so much fear into the entire galaxy so i wonder what a full power vader would be like let me know what you guys think of anakin's lost potential and what kind of powers that he'd have developed so i can cover them in the next video hey everyone and welcome to today's new video so i hope you're all having an awesome day i want to talk about something that i always wanted to talk about with you guys one of the biggest stigmas out there is that hayden christensen was the worst actor to choose for anakin skywalker's role now i made this post on twitter and instagram yesterday about it but i'd like to make a video today going over my thoughts on it in full now hayden played anakin in episodes two and three the majority of people hated the character and even george has gone on to say this poor hayden his performance is great they just don't like the character now while all that might be true many people didn't like his acting because they said he was too whiny monotone and lacks emotion while i fully agree with all of you there i'm also here to address just why he was the perfect fit george went through anakin's story with hayden the entire time from pre-production to post-production hayden knew the character inside and out he knew who he turned into and who he had to start out as let's take anakin as if he were real human in today's world you know what rather let's make it personal anakin is you you are anakin so let's begin you're born without a father figure your mom and you have to survive being slaves by the hutts and then some disgusting flying creature that whips you and beats you until you're black and blue seriously that happened in the books and comics to anakin all the time you grow up seeing your mom treated like garbage and you can't do anything about it because you're just a little boy who's also a slave and has to do anything for the hand that feeds him this kind of gives you a complex growing up wouldn't you think the only thing you have is building things you like to do that in your own downtime and really robots are your only friend anyways some magical wizard comes along with this beautiful looking girl and whisks you away to a life of being a space wizard where you can move stuff with your mind and help people because after living in a life of poverty and torture your whole life all you just want to do is have justice for yourself your mom and the people around you you know as much as you can so you leave your mom in slavery on this terrible planet you train you realize that you're more powerful than everyone in your class even some of your teachers yet they don't advance you they keep you in the same grade when you clearly can move forwards you get your first mission finally almost 10 years later with the only woman you've had a crush on yet you are forbidden to act on your feelings for her you have to be like a machine cold numb and monotone that's the way that they've raised you to be you keep having these visions of your mother dying and then you eventually fail in saving her because you were forced to be on this mission when you mentioned it countless times to your master who really wasn't supposed to be your master in the first place but only is because the real one died and he got pawned off to his student who definitely wasn't ready for an apprentice of his own he disregards your thoughts on your mother whenever you mention it and tells you to focus on the moment you witness her death she being tortured by faceless monsters in the desert on the planet you were a slave your whole life you promised to become powerful and come back to save her but they held you back your master ignored your warnings about her being in danger and now you have to bury her you fight the guy responsible for all the turmoil in the galaxy who betrayed the faction the jedi you were brainwashed to obey simultaneously he's the same guy your original master was trained by so you already have some strange resentment towards him and then he cuts your arm off you get married in secret then spend the next few years being a war hero above all the others for the clone wars you kill the guy who took your arm then immediately find out you're having a baby with your wife this is kind of a double or triple whammy the jedi can't know that you're with anyone romantically you can't be married and you definitely can't be having a child how will all of this be hidden how will that be answered when people ask her about it will she have to have a fake husband how will that work this entire time since you've become a space wizard i guess we could say you've been manipulated by this old man who's the closest thing to an uncle to you palpatine or maybe even like a father you have dreams of your wife dying in childbirth constantly now this uncle figure says that there's a way to save people from dying but not through the jedi who you've trusted your whole life but you're now starting to doubt a little bit with their actions and their over-involvement with politics you're now probably the most conflicted you've ever been in your whole life you already lost your mom because you were held back all those years when you could have been developing your powers further to maybe give you more insight a lot earlier or saved those from death sooner your mind now begins to point fingers at everyone all in anger and desperation you're moody you're stressed out you're not sleeping you're not eating you're not respected the way you should be by anyone here especially those below you but yet you keep your cool by being callous numb monotone like a machine like a ticking time bomb you're given a seat on the council what an honor but you're denied the rank of master this has never been done in history not only is that outrageous and unfair but it would have granted you access to the restricted section that only masters have access to perhaps this would have led you to learning how to save your wife from dying preventing you from turning to the dark side and pledging your allegiance to the sith and your new uncle the dreams won't stop either you find out your uncle father figure is behind all of this and that he's the most powerful and evil guy in the universe he was even behind the guy that chopped off your arm in the first place you tell the guy who has always doubted you always giving you a hard time and always felt like you didn't deserve your powers not to mention he denied you the rank you deserve he says go sit and wait for us big boys to take care of business you sit you think you cry because you can't really do anything else with all of these pent pent-up emotions that you've had for years and years on end and in response to losing the only person who promised to treat you with the power and respect that you deserve you run to see what's going on you're caught in between the guy that has always disliked you and the uncle father figure who promised to save your wife in a split second decision without thinking purely on emotion it's about you saving your wife or saving the guy who has always been mean to you you choose your wife there's no going back you're in this life for good you explode you kill everyone including the kids you're on a power trip all those years of pent up emotions and powers that you could never use are now unleashed in a span of just a few hours for the first time in your life you are sent to kill annoying evil politicians on a fire plant you kill them you see your wife she wants you to run away and raise your child together you calm down you consider it you look up to think and what do you see your master in the doorway of her ship rage blind dark rage engulfs you the next thing you know she's passed it on the ground you don't know how now it's just him and your path you don't focus on the force you don't focus on your training you just unleash you're winning he gets the high ground you have a god complex you think you can do anything in the galaxy including beating him the way that he beat the first sith lord in a thousand years which you know all about this fuels your ego even more thinking that you are that much better than him and you can beat him at his own move you try it and you lose you then spend the rest of your life in a terrible agonizing misery of depression where no one you know is around you anymore you are hated and feared by the entire galaxy and you never really can see your face again because you're entombed in this black suit and everything on you is pretty much burned off yeah everything what hayden knew this was anakin's life when he read the script for the role he played the character perfectly he was the literal definition of a brainwashed soldier however the only issue was he was brainwashed only after he spent about a decade in a life of misery and torture with the only family that he had his mother those emotions will mess you up eventually the obedient dog went mistreated i don't care how obedient he's trained to be we'll respond to nature's calling and bite back if we take all of this into account then hayden did a fantastic job watch the prequels again at least revenge of the sith his entire demeanor is always as if he's processing something and that's the genius right there whether hayden did this intentionally or not it's how anakin should be conflicted he was always conflicted luke sensed it in him even into his older age as vader anakin always had this hate and it's because of what happened to him as a kid that's something that only got worse the more he was mistreated and stressed out with all of his complexes that i just mentioned also for those who don't know hayden actually paid so much attention to how james earl jones sounds as darth vader he would try to pronunciate the same words in the same style of context notice how he says the words my master he rolls the words together just like vader did he paid very close attention to the role and i think he did a really good job i think anakin is hayden and hayden is anakin maybe there are others who could play his part sure but that doesn't mean that he didn't do a great job or that they could do a better one this is what we got and i think it lives up to the part hey everyone in today's video we're gonna take another piece out of the secrets of the jedi book or as you formally know the series that i call luke's point of view this one's gonna be short and sweet it's a little bit interesting i find because it talks about luke and his point of view of not just vader and not just anakin but anakin with invader and what really kept him to pursue this belief that he could bring his father outside of the darkness that is vader this really makes me think of that scene in return of the jedi so this is what i think luke is really talking back towards or reminiscing which is that scene when vader just captures luke and he's about to bring him aboard the second death star to the emperor so there's two parts to this and i'm gonna read the first but the second part is really the one that we want is called balance to the force and i'll announce it when we get to it so here we go a hard lesson i rushed off to play hero believing myself ready to face darth vader on my own that was the day i learned vader was my father and it was the day i lost my hand as well as my lightsaber in battle against him on bespin i was lucky i didn't pay for my hubris with my life though the wounds ran deep i soon learned that lightsabers and even hands could be rebuilt as it turned out so could death stars and as the empire prepared to use their new battle station to eliminate the rebel alliance once and for all i found myself contemplating the journey my father had taken to the dark side balance to the force so this is the one we really want to focus on and before that i find it that pretty interesting as well because it talks a lot about how luke basically cut his training short and he knew that he did that and point blank says that he was lucky that he didn't die for his own arrogance for his own hubris which is the main reason that darth maul lost obi-wan in the phantom menace it was his arrogance and his cockiness that made him believe he could win if he just toyed with his prey or you know it just wasn't going to be a big deal but of course that turned into his death and with luke his father was merely toying with him as well no matter how far my father had fallen i sensed that his turn to the dark side was not absolute i knew anakin skywalker had followed his heart to a fault during his days as a jedi our ultimate victory would rely on my belief that the same heart was still beating somewhere inside darth vader's armor the emperor tried to sway me to his side and when that didn't work he tried to kill me but at that moment my father turned against his own master to protect his son his final act was to hurl the emperor to his death not only redeeming himself but also finally restoring balance to the force as the prophecy had foretold now the main thing you can probably guess that i really like about this is that luke confirms that anakin was the chosen one and that he did fulfill the prophecy as was foretold what i really like about this as well is that it shows just how much hope luke has and it shows that no matter what no matter how evil vader was you know killing children order 66 everything that he did luke could feel the rage and anger within him and yet still chose to believe that there was a little bit of anakin breathing inside of him he says that our ultimate victory would rely on my belief that the same heart was still beating somewhere inside darth vader's armor and it also goes to mention that luke knows that anakin followed his heart to a fault during his days as a jedi so it even kind of emphasizes the fact that anakin wasn't really all that he did evil things but he wasn't evil to the core he was merely following his heart and sometimes we just follow the wrong path but at the end of the day he followed that same heart to the right path and saved his son fulfilling the prophecy as the chosen one in revenge of the sith we see anakin take his final route to the dark side and fulfill his destiny at the emperor's hand with all his evil actions such as sacrificing master windu raiding the jedi temple and killing the younglings it seems unfitting for anakin to be crying to himself especially after his eyes turned yellow on mustafar symbolizing pure evil and submission to the dark side most believe that it was because he was sad about killing the younglings or for betraying the jedi this couldn't be further from the truth it's unfortunate the movie leaves out so much whereas the books fill in all the gaps so the novelization as you guessed it has our answer in full our scene takes place just after anakin murdered all the separatist leaders on mustafar stepping outside to recollect on all that he had done our scene begins after killing all the separatist leaders palpatine's new apprentice had stepped outside the mountain fortress on mustafar to gaze at the blazing lava rivers below he would not mourn for the lives he had taken but for the loss of his former self the boy who had dreamed of becoming a jedi he was unable to hold back the tears that streamed down his cheeks anakin skywalker was gone or was he after all padme had fallen in love with anakin not darth vader he had not anticipated that padme traveling with c-3po would follow him to mustafar and refute the righteousness of his actions nor had he foreseen that obi-wan would survive the jedi purge and that the deceitful padme would bring him with her despite his powers and years of attunement to obi-wan his rage had blocked his ability to sense his former master's presence on mustafar until he saw the jedi standing in the hatch a padme starship he also never imagined that obi-wan possessed the strength to bring him down so brutally [Music] so this passage is from the rise and fall of darth vader this answers two things for us why anakin didn't sense obi-wan and padme's ship but mainly our question regarding his tears he didn't care so much for what he did to the jedi he did indeed dislike them and their dogmatic beliefs leading me to theorize that he visits luke in episode 8 and tells him why he turned away from them and why he saw through the lies of the jedi which could be why we hear luke say it's time for the jedi to end it was anakin's detachment from himself that he began to cry for a lot of people give hayden a hard time for his acting i think if we realize just how difficult it is to act when you're so conflicted emotionless depressed and moody then we'd see he did a pretty good job especially in the scenes that are just pure emotion for the most part at least in the novelization it is stated that vader recollects his detachment from anakin was when he raided the jedi temple but it can be seen here with his tears that he truly felt the break between his old self and the new sith lord he had become i've made a somewhat recent video which i'll have pop up in the last 20 seconds of this one it outlines just how anakin and vader are two entirely different people and how he and palpatine saw it this way as well anakin was full of hatred from the moment his mother died he had a taste for the dark side and it lingered within his thoughts ever since that's how he defeated dooku and how he lived the rest of his days until he turned into darth vader in one of the now legends comics obi-wan witnessed anakin when he was still a very young padawan using force fire against an enemy and burnt them to death this just goes to show the mind frame and power anakin possessed from a small age i suspect this is why ahsoka left the jedi order she saw the flaw in the code and found her own way as grey jedi which we later see in rebels the book also throws a quick fan fiction idea at us it explains during vader's thoughts about mustafar he wondered what would have happened if he never actually went or in other words left with padme come away he then leads to think about himself sitting atop a throne on course and with padme and his children that would surely have changed a lot of things i think it would make for an interesting fanfiction you can let me know if you want me to do that in the comments below what do you think of anakin's crying on mustafar do you think he was ever truly killed off and vader took over entirely or there was always a little sliver of him in there a grain of sand if you will hey everyone hope you're doing well thanks for checking out another video make sure to check out star wars and keep blowing up the forums on there so today we're going to be going over hayden christensen explaining his scene after anakin kills tuscan raiders this is probably one of my favorite scenes in all of star wars it really shows anakin's first step into the dark side and really goes into the psychology of anakin skywalker and shows you if you really think about it that he's not a bad person he's just a good person doing bad things out of desperation we're gonna hear from george lucas we're gonna hear from hayden christensen in the book star wars archives by paul duncan 1999-2005 so without further ado let's get on with the interview in the book anakin has grown up with no parental influences for the past 10 years of his life so obi-wan has become a father figure for him he loves him but at the same time there's still that resistance because anakin wants to break free of what he is doing right now which i guess is a theme of all the star wars movies so there is that conflict and animosity between the characters when obi-wan won't let him make his own choices obi-wan is the master and i am the padawan learner so there are certain things that i can pick up from ewan because he's already been in my shoes so to speak i look at the way he carries himself on set and the way he relates to his surroundings there are certain mannerisms the jedi have because they are confident they also stand on guard and there is a physicality to them since they are protectors hayden goes on to say this film is mostly a love story particularly for my character when anakin is introduced in the film he sees padme for the first time in 10 years and that was a very childlike desire and attraction and affection that turns into a much more passionate love maybe that frightens padme a little bit yoda predicted that anakin should not be trained because he has such a strong connection to his mother and would miss his mom so there's a fear of and longing for love knowing that it's not going to be there what's yoda's line fears the path to the dark side fear leads to anger anger leads to hate hate leads to suffering the crucial turning point of the dark side is when his mother dies in this scene in the garage i've just gotten back from the tuscan raider camp and that's my big breakdown when i confess to all the men women and children that i've just slaughtered in my supreme anger anakin has that feeling of failure his most prominent goal in life was to free his mom and he failed so even though he is destined to be the most powerful jedi there's that longing for a greater power which the dark side possesses that's seductive he wants to be able to stop people from dying so he'll stop at nothing to be as aggressive as he needs to achieve that so before we get on to george's final take on this scene which is one of my favorite scenes i really feel like hayden really understands anakin's story and arc and this was explained to him properly by george lucas of course because he wrote it but this is something that a lot of people don't see with anakin is that he wasn't just some psycho that wanted to go insane he was just seduced into the dark side for over 10 years of his life palpatine was seducing him and pulling these strings like a little puppet and every time the jedi council made anakin mad or didn't give him what he wanted or what he needed to save his mother in the end big things happened and changed anakin's life for the worse like his mother dying he blamed the jedi and of course palpatine was right there to pat him on the back and say well you ever heard the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise you know things like that to kind of just lead his mind a little bit that there are other ways to learn what you want to learn you must not have such a dogmatic view of the force like the jedi do there are other pathways to learn the powers you need to stop your wife from dying or to stop people from dying or to reach your potential that you want that they're holding you back that they don't trust you all these little things i need your help son and so hayden really puts it nicely where he says that anakin will stop at nothing to be as aggressive as he needs it's like fighting to stop war you know what i mean it's that you're doing basically the inverse of what you're trying not to do you're doing what you shouldn't be doing you're doing what you're trying to stop from happening so anakin kills in order to save life it's such a weird oxymoron in that sense and i feel that hayden really understands where this character is coming from that this character in itself is so unbelievably confused that he's seduced into this and he wants to be able to stop people from dying so he stops at nothing to be as aggressive as he needs to be in order to make sure that happens because the jedi sure as hell aren't teaching him what he wants to know so now he kind of has to take it into his own hands and make sure that that aggression is applied to really sink his teeth into having this power otherwise it's going to be too late and people will die people that he cares for and that is the tragedy of anakin skywalker the tragedy of darth vader george lucas goes on to say anakin's flaws like all classic mythological heroes are the flaws that everybody carries with them he's struggling with the same issues that everybody struggles with and that allows him to be human a good jedi overcomes those flaws so this is exactly what obi-wan actually overcame he saw all of the darkness with order 66 and blamed himself for decades on what had happened to the entire galaxy and to his friends and to his his brother to anakin you know and what happened to his master and he blamed everything on the dark side and he felt he was responsible in a way for everything i mean he he saw his master die before him he killed his own padawan he saw the love of his life die before his eyes at the hands of his arch nemesis his enemy in front of him who he had already thought he killed who had killed his master i mean obi-wan has gone through the most pain in star wars i think than anybody next to anakin skywalker i don't think there is another character that has witnessed more pain and gone through more of a character arc than anakin and obi-wan and you see this is the interesting part if qui-gon was alive anakin would have succeeded where obi-wan had failed him and where obi-wan succeeded in seeing that a jedi overcomes these flaws is where anakin failed as a jedi at least until he brought balance back to the force of course and you know killed palpatine with the help of luke who acted as a catalyst but it's these very interesting lessons that kind of help you understand anakin these these interesting backstories from the behind the scenes books and novels and things like that and these interviews that really help you know the character arc that is the tragedy of darth vader because without it you just kind of see a psycho guy and i feel like it's almost lost in time with these new generations of people coming in and watching star wars many of them gloss over it not the ones who are you know more die hard i feel like the ones who see it they're just sees anakin as this psychotic being but he's really a tragic pathetic character he's just a slave to his emotions and a slave to his thoughts and fears and he's allowing that to essentially drive him and his immense powers to do these terrible things and be as aggressive as he can in order to stop people from dying by killing people it's just it's crazy and it should show you what those wrong decisions will lead your life into becoming which is eventually what luke saw at the very end of episode six when he was about to strike down his father and he looked at his mechanical hand and then looked at his father's severed mechanical hand and saw oh crap if i keep going this is what is going to become of my life i'm going to be just like that and so he stopped and the rest is history as we know it so i hope you guys enjoyed this information uh please let me know if you want me to continue with these kind of videos i absolutely love these along with fan fictions and comics and all that stuff but these i feel like these are gems man like i could talk about star wars you know anyone can read from a comic book anyone can read from you know parts in the in the novels and stuff but if you can really find these tidbits and these gems from george lucas and the behind the scenes dude this is where it's at this is how you really understand star wars and the heart and soul behind this from the creator himself and of course from those who acted in his movies because they were directed by him and instructed by him and they had to in order to carry out his story as best as they could in a recent video i made i discussed how vader disassociated himself from anakin for the first time this happened on mustafar and you guys might remember the video just a couple days ago now a lot of you asked me to make a video covering everything anakin did on mustafar to the separatists so that's what this video will cover i'm going to include a piece from the last video and then i'm going to continue on it including everything that he did up until killing newt gun ray the book and movie events are completely different the book offers a much more dark powerful and descriptive version of what anakin did there are some pretty graphic parts and i wish they would have showed this in the film because it just shows his ultimate raw power at that moment but unfortunately you know we didn't and we just get it in the book so here it is and then we can talk about it afterwards as vader lands down on mustafar palpatine speaks to new gunray when the question of lord vader's arrival has been confirmed as sidious promises them a large reward invaders hands for them the transmission ends and vader walks into the doorway sandhill beat the others to the greeting welcome lord vader now obviously this is not sand hill this is newt gunray things do change in the script and the book and the film so keep that in mind his elongated legs almost tangled with each other in his rush to shake the hand of the sith lord on behalf of the leadership of the confederacy of independent systems let me be the first very well you will be the first the cloaked figure stepped inside and made a gesture with a black gloved hand blast doors slammed across every exit the control panel exploded in a shower of sparking wires the cloaked figure threw back its hood sandhill recoiled hands flapping like panicked birds sewn to his wrists you're you're anakin skywalker before a fountain of blue white plasma burned into his chest curving through a loop that charred all three of his hearts the separatist leadership watched in frozen horror as the corpse of the head of the intergalactic banking clan collapsed like a deep-powered protocol droid the resemblance darth vader said is deceptive within the separatist leadership bunker's control center were dozens of combat droids there were armed and armored guards there were automated defense systems there were screams and tears and pleas for mercy none of them mattered poggle the lesser duke of geonosis scrambled like an animal through a litter of severed arms and legs and heads both metal and flesh whimpering fluttering his ancient gauzy wings until a bar of lightning flash burned his own head free of his neck chumai president and ceo of the commerce guild hands clasped before her tears streaming down her shriveled cheeks we were promised her reward she gasped a handsome reward i am your reward the sith lord said you don't find me handsome please she screeched through her sobbing the blue white blade cut into and out from her skull and her corpse swayed a negligent flip of the wrist slashed through her column of neck rings her brain burned head tumbled to the floor the only sound then was a panicky stutter of footfalls as watt tembore and the two nemoyians scampered along a hallway toward a nearby conference room the sith lord was in no hurry to pursue all the exits from the control center were blast shielded and they were sealed and he had destroyed the controls the conference room was as the expression goes a dead end darth vader left nothing living behind when he walked from the main room of the control center casually carelessly he strolled along the hallway scoring the durasteel wall with the tip of his blade enjoying the sizzle of disintegrating metal as he had savored the smoke of charred alien flesh the conference room door was closed a barrier so paltry would be an insult to the blade a black gloved hand made a fist the door crumpled and fell the conference room was walled with transparent steel beyond obsidian mountains rained fire upon the land rivers of lava embraced the settlement roon hakko aid and confidential secretary to the viceroy of the trade federation tripped over a chair as he stumbled back he fell to the floor shaking like a grub in a frying pan wait is that anakin using forced lightning in the concept art trying to scramble beneath the table stop he cried enough we surrender do you understand you can't just kill us the sith lord smiled can't i we are unarmed we surrender please please you're a jedi you fought a war to destroy the jedi vader stood above the shivering mnemoidian smiling down upon him then fed him half a meter of plasma congratulations on your success the sith lord stepped over hako's corpse to where wat tambour clawed uselessly at the transparestial wall with his armored gauntlets the head of the techno union turned at his approach cringing arms lifted to shield his faceplate from the flames in the dragon's eyes please i'll give you anything anything you want the blade flashed twice amber's arms fell to the floor followed by his head thank you darth vader turned to the last living leader of the confederacy of independent systems newt gunray viceroy of the trade federation stood trembling in an alcove blood-tinged tears streaming down his green model cheeks the war he whimpered the war is over lord sidious promised he promised we would be left in peace his transmission was garbled the blade came up he promised you would be left in pieces and that is literally the end of everything anakin did on mustafar to the separatists now if this was actually incorporated in the film it would have gone down in history just like the rest of the movie to really see anakin's full-blooded rage in the film especially at this moment after its transformation into darth vader and harnessing all of the dark side you know after killing the younglings and all the jedi at the temple and betraying his friends i believe this would have been his possibly darkest moment in the film at least as anakin skywalker still you know in human form this scene coupled with everything he would have done at the jedi temple would have been my two favorite scenes in the film however we only got them in the book and i hope that this video could have brought some light to it and made you guys realize just how savage and evil anakin had become and how cool i should say you know i mean he just absolutely annihilated everyone now as we can see some of anakin's one-liners were a little bit clunky and funny but that just brings it all back to the prequels and how awesome they were hey everyone how are you doing today happy revenge of the fifth with the end of the clone wars i figured this would be an interesting video to cover now i will mention at the very beginning that this is legends that said it is written by matthew stover who wrote the revenge of the sith novelization so with that said let's go forwards what the empire told luke about anakin's death or how the empire said anakin skywalker died during order 66. after anakin's turn to the dark side at palpatine's feet he was deemed as darth vader and no longer anakin skywalker his transition into self-hatred was a relatively fast process from his betrayal of mace windu to raiding the jedi at the temple killing the younglings and the separatists and then finally choking padme and becoming darth vader once he wore the suit he had fully transformed into vader and any memory of anakin was just that a memory now so how did the empire say anakin skywalker died what story did they make up for the clone wars hero now that he had become the mysterious darth vader which not many knew about in the now legends novel luke skywalker and the shadows of mindor it explains the universally acknowledged story of anakin's demise this book was composed by matthew stover who also wrote the revenge of the sith novelization so we can assume this is an answer that maybe george accepted as well i'm going to read a passage from the book where luke is finally hearing the story which was widely accepted throughout the galaxy about his father here we go kid in the clone wars everyone knew him he was the greatest hero in the galaxy when he died it was just like the end of the universe nick's got twisted again at the memory it bloody well was the end of the republic luke stopped he looked like something hurt when he died nick came to a halt gratefully bending over with hands on his knees while he tried to catch his breath way i heard it he was the last jedi standing in the temple massacre when vader's 500 first went in and killed all the padawans what that's where your father was killed defending children in the jedi temple he was not only the best of the jedi he was the last nobody ever told you the story luke's eyes were closed against some inexpressible pain that's not the way i heard it what i find odd and interesting about this is that if this was so widely accepted seeing as how nick was surprised luke never heard the popular story then why does the empire shade the clone troopers in such a bad lighting seeing as how some of them still served in the empire and were now stormtroopers also in the book patterns of the force which i don't consider to be notable at all for our answer even this one's even though this one's legends too i'll add it here anyways because the information is never bad jax pavon searches for how anakin died whereas most jedi have complete stories anakin's is just one sentence jax recalled one of the rumors of where and how anakin was supposed to have died on mustafar thrown into the magma steam but no one knew by who since the first book was written by the same author as a novelization for revenge of the sith for our legends answer here i'm gonna accept this as more of an accepted one than just legends at least for the george lucas era now with the clone wars finale having come to an end that final scene was one of the most emotional and breathtaking scenes that we've gotten in animation and in star wars in general so i felt this video was fitting to explain and show at least you know in this proper legends information how the galaxy or rather how the empire made it look like anakin died let me know what you think about the information and if we'll get anything in canon someday i'd love to know how they changed the story and what they'll say about anakin today's video is going to go over the dialogue from the original unrevised script of revenge the sith you know i find it always pretty interesting reading this one because you can find so many different things that george was thinking of putting in there but you know with the words of his advisors and his own choices he decided to later cut it out of the final edit however today's will cover the scene where anakin stands before the council just after speaking to palpatine who had unofficially appointed him his personal representative on the council and told him that he must go to utapau to fight grievous now personally i think pops knew the whole time that the council wouldn't allow anakin to go and this was what he was banking on he knew it would anger him swaying anakin's allegiance more towards palpatine himself especially after their denial of his mission and then not granting him the rank of master so i'm gonna read the script for you he goes before the council and everyone basically votes for kenobi to go and kill grievous unanimously as they all agree anakin pipes up to say the chancellor has requested that i lead the campaign they all look at anakin a bit disturbed the council will make up its own mind who is to go not the chancellor yes this decision is ours to make anakin is embarrassed becomes sullen a master is needed one with more experience given our resources i recommend we send only one jedi master kenobi he was not so successful the last time he met grievous oh i don't think so obi-wan throws anakin a dirty look no offense master but i'm only stating a fact oh no you're quite right but i do have the most experience with his ways of combat hello there obi-wan my choice is i concur master kenobi should go i agree all the jedi concur very well council is adjourned anakin is angry with the decision now i can kind of see why george and lucasfilm took out this part it's a bit brash for anakin to straight up in front of the entire council throw shade at his master although it definitely would have shown more insight into how much he was changing at this time the extreme internal conflict that was going on within anakin was pretty much at this point fully baked he was pretty much ready at this point to transform into darth vader the only thing left was the events that took place in palpatine's office every moment he became more twisted to the dark side by palpatine's manipulation in the novel it's even worse as anakin was denied the rank of master he was talking to himself in his head and thinking about attacking mace making fun of his fighting style and mocking him essentially now you see that's one battle that i wish we saw in the prequels anakin fighting mace i think that would have been really interesting and entertaining to see as anakin wasn't a dark side user just yet and you see the way mace's of a pod worked was that he would channel the dark side energy from his opponent back onto them so he would use that energy and kind of use it as a cycle back onto them to fight them and kill them so the more powerful his opponent the more powerful his attacks became this wouldn't work so well with anakin because he wasn't fully into the dark side just yet and he would use his jedi powers so it would be a bit of a grey area for a fight outcome i don't really know who would win who do you guys think would win that battle let me know your opinions of the original unrevised script of revenge of the sith and i will see you all in the next episode of star wars theory now this video might just add some history to you know our prequel memes the high ground of course was a huge scene both in episode three and you know for memes all over the world but what if i told you guys that in the making of revenge of the sith book there was supposed to be a quip or line that anakin says right before obi-wan warns him of the high ground it's literally the biggest diss that anakin could have dished out to obi-wan and i'm actually kind of glad that they took it out because it would have ruined the flow of the whole scene but the fact that it was written into the script and then taken out the last minute is something that we should talk about for sure so during production george writes up the dialogue between anakin and obi-wan during the duel just before his demise anakin was supposed to say your combat skills have always been poor you're called a negotiator because you can't fight now while obviously this is a good zinger to obi-wan it would have totally taken the person out of the movie i think since it's kind of like a high school comeback type of thing and the dialogue just doesn't really fit i feel like there was too much raw emotion and anger and rage in that scene that speaking about things or maybe making you know a quip or a line kind of just reminds me of lines from the last jedi where poe and hux were making mama jokes and stuff like that it just doesn't really fit now while it's not as bad as that line i still think they took it out for the right reasons now the second part to the dis let's try to break that down why did anakin say this surely the jedi knew obi-wan was a good fighter i mean they sent him to fight general grievous with even mace windu telling him that he was the master of sorseu which was the defense favorite fighting style well and i've mentioned this before but obi-wan was actually the weakest student when he started out he lacked the most raw power and talent in the whole academy everyone knew it but it was his discipline to make himself as good if not better than most other masters if it took anakin let's say you know 10 years to learn all that he'd learned from obi-wan then it would have taken obi-wan thirty years to learn all of that of course don't quote those numbers or ratio that's just an example he was unskilled in the same sense that one might say an athlete of a sport has poor genetics or reflexes or motor controls however with practice and patience obi-wan became a great duelist and that is possibly why he was the master of defense because just like in his life being so patient so was his fighting style blocking until the opponent faltered out of arrogance or chance which is when kenobi would make his final strike in addition to this he also adds on another page walking up to hayden christensen he tells him basically you're arrogant at one point i had you say to obi-wan i could have beaten you when i was a ten-year-old now that's an extremely arrogant thing to say and i'm fully in agreement with taking that out because i'm sure little annie from tatooine couldn't have destroyed obi-wan at that age that line of course as george says was really just to pound it in how arrogant and foolhardy anakin had become now with his dark side powers in a sense he was always arrogant it was just seen in little drops here or there i also want to add in a legends book anakin did set an enemy on fire when he was just a little boy and that was one of the first times that obi-wan was like whoa this kid is kind of crazy so while you guys are now aware of the line we were supposed to get i'm glad it was taken out to preserve the raw emotion of the scene and to highlight the high ground for all of eternity i remember the first time i saw the remastered edition of the return of the jedi it was much more crisp and clear and no doubt it had an overall better quality than the vhs tapes but that's not the only thing that lucasfilm changed the original as you know shows this scene of luke skywalker after the destruction of the second death star celebrating on the forest moon of endor with his friends as he looks out into the distance at obi-wan yoda and his father anakin skywalker it was originally sebastian shaw the same actor we saw at the end of the film who died in vader's suit in the remastered edition it was changed later to hayden christensen from the prequels as someone who was a little kid when the prequels came into theaters i got pretty emotional during the scene to say the least because it tied together everything so nicely however why did they make anakin young i'm going to cover another video of why they didn't make obi-wan's ghost young but for now let's just stick to anakin the reasoning behind this is fairly simple it comes from an interview with george where he touched on this topic personally when asked he had this to say about it a jedi's force ghost is the image the jedi had of themselves when they died and that anakin died when he became darth vader so right there we can see that lucas was trying to tie in all the films as closely knit as he could and by putting young anakin's head onto old anakin's body he was able to do this at least in his vision i'm going to also add the novelization in there the piece is from a snippet when vader dies and anakin returns and for those who didn't know the return of the jedi is actually anakin returning back to the light from darth vader his thoughts were narrated in this piece here vader's own sense of anguish to his crimes added guilt at the imagined repugnance of his appearance but then this brought to mind of the way he used to look striking and grand with a ride tilt to his brow that hinted of invincibility and took in all of life with a wink yes that was how he looked once so forced ghosts are able to manifest their appearance into either themselves or just a voice like orb floating around since this image was the last time anakin was a jedi and from what we know at this point unless changed by disney is that only jedi can become force ghosts of course in canon then it makes sense for anakin to return in his younger form now my small theory about this is that we know lucas had relations with disney for years before they bought the rights as he even said in interviews so perhaps they had a little to say in the matter so that they could bring anakin back in the future helping with the continuity and to bring more hype to the films i want to know what you all think are you a fan of hayden showing up as a force ghost or would you rather it be the original sebastian shaw so with most of you wanting me to cover this topic right here i have to let you know while i was hoping to bring you all a long video with tons of information sadly there isn't as much as i hoped from just one novel so what we will cover in this video however are from three different novels and a couple of cutscenes from the playstation 2 video game revenge of the sith novelization the rise and fall of darth vader and then the dark lord the rise of darth vader as our third which covers vader's thoughts as he remembers what he did at the temple the day that he went back to it in this way we get to cover everything that happened at the temple with anakin and darth vader's thoughts the first passage will be from the revenge of the sith novelization and it will cover the scene where anakin walks up to the gates here we go gate master jarok sprinted through the empty vaulted hallway clattering echoes of his footsteps making him sound like a platoon the main doors of the temple were slowly swinging inward in answer to the code key punched into the outside lock pad the gate master had seen him on the monitor anakin skywalker alone the huge doors creeped inward as soon as they were wide enough for the gate master to pass he slipped through anakin stood in the night outside shoulders hunched head down against the rain anakin he gasped running up to the young man anakin what happened where are the masters anakin looked at him as though he wasn't sure who the gate master was where is shakti in the meditation chambers we felt something happen in the force something awful she's searching the force in deep meditation trying to get some feel for what's going on his words trailed away anakin didn't seem to be listening something has happened hasn't it drock looked past him now the night beyond the temple was full of clones battalions of them brigades thousands anakin he said slowly what's going on something's happened something horrible how bad it the last thing drock felt was the emitter of a lightsaber against the soft flesh beneath his jaw the last thing he heard a blue plasma chewed upward through his head and burst from the top of his skull and burned away his life was anakin skywalker's melancholy reply you have no idea the second piece now is during obi-wan's replay of the recordings stone faced obi-wan watched younglings run into the room fleeing a storm of blaster fire he watched cinderella and a pair of teenage padawans backing into the scene blades whirling cutting down the advancing clone troopers with deflected bolts he watched a lightsaber blade flick into the shot cutting down first one padawan then the other he watched the brisk stride of a caped figure who hacked through draelick's shoulder then stood aside as the old troll fell dying to let the rest of the clones blast the children to shreds now this third piece is from darth vader's memories as he returned to the temple and his thoughts about the younglings in his mind's eye vader saw his and the 501st march to the temple gates their wrathful attack the mad moments of bloodlust the dark side unleashed in all its crimson fury some moments he remembered more clearly than others pitting his blade against that of swordmaster cinderellic beheading some of the very masters who had instructed him in the ways of the force and of course his cold extermination of the younglings and with them the future of the jedi order he had wondered beforehand could he do it still new to the dark side would he be able to call upon his powers to guide his hand at lightsaber in answer the dark side had whispered they are only orphans they are without family or friends there is nothing that can be done with them they are better off dead this fourth piece is a cut scene from the playstation 2 game where anakin barges into the jedi archives i want access to the temple signal beacon on whose authority by order of the supreme chancellor that is not within the chancellor's power only the jedi council can authorize access the council is no longer in control [Music] [Applause] you won't get away with this skywalker now this extra bonus piece that i'm going to add in is a deleted scene from the film that didn't get properly edited it's where anakin first enters to kill shakti while she meditates as jarok explained i'll give it some sound effects and music as it originally doesn't have any just to bring it to life a little bit so as we can see anakin was extremely ruthless during this time he felt a great deal of hatred for the jedi and his path down the dark side started with the sacrifice of mace windu from there he felt the jedi would never forgive him for what he had done and basically said well it's all going bad from here so might as well just turn to the dark side and get the knowledge to save padme out of it i'll make a video later on explaining his thoughts while turning to the dark side and his main reasons for it i wish they would make a single movie about everything that happened during the jedi purge in detail i think it would give such a better understanding of anakin's psychology his depression and darth vader's turn as a whole i think it would be extremely entertaining to watch once anakin got his first real taste of the dark side when his mother was tortured and beaten by the sand people he took his first step into a much larger world in revenge of the sith anakin turned to the dark side at the manipulation of palpatine the only father figure he ever had once his transformation into darth vader was complete anakin betrayed all the jedi at the temple then murdered the separatists on mustafar at his new masters commands only now would he have committed enough dark deeds to unlock his new powers in the dark side to save padme throughout the sequel trilogy we see anakin always take over obi-wan's failed jobs and do them better while still being a padawan obi-wan was one of the least force attuned jedi at the temple it was his perseverance to study that made him as good as he was but as for natural talent he had very little anakin on the other hand was the chosen one he had more midichlorians than master yoda and his powers exponentially increased with each year how could he have lost to obi-wan in this video we will go over their fighting styles personality traits and dueling psychology to better understand exactly why anakin could have lost it's very easy to say because he was arrogant or obi-wan had the high ground but there's much more to it than that once obi-wan and anakin began to duel we were given one of the most cinematic and emotional duels in the prequel trilogy maybe even the entire saga some might say as the fight progresses we can see anakin is the aggressor having attacked first and always pushing obi-wan backwards continuously on the aggressive offense as he looks for any opening against his master in the comics and legends anakin and obi-wan have fought one another in training thousands of times for practice that's what made this duel even more difficult they knew each other's moves better than anyone only this time it was real kenobi studied form 3. this is why he failed against dooku so many times because form 3 always works on the defense it never presses forwards rather waits until the opponent either tries or makes a mistake to launch their finishing strike having trained with master windu himself many times he told obi-wan that he was the master of sorsu meaning no one could rival him in the art this is why the council sent him to defeat grievous because his art form was perfected and they knew this would be of use against the general's four limbs anakin was younger stronger used the dark side and had an overpowered mechanical hand he had studied form 5 demso which is characterized by power attacks and defense immediately followed by counter-strike he continuously pushed obi-wan back and we can see this when he fought dooku as well his attacks were so powerful in conjunction with his dominant footwork that he always pressed his opponents backwards and this can be seen through his mentality as well always looking to the next thing continuously wanting more and pressing forwards with his thoughts fears and doubts instead of collectively thinking for a minute he was brash and obi-wan knew this this leads us to the cinematic scene just before we all know what happens anakin could have waited for the robot to move down the river then ran at obi-wan from a somewhat parallel direction but he was too arrogant for that he wanted to kill his master to prove that his new powers were worth his betrayal anakin had heard the story of darth maul and the way obi-wan defeated him many times and he tried to mimic this in their duel whereas obi-wan was constantly trying to tell anakin to stop and to listen to him how the chancellor was evil now the worst thing that obi-wan could have done here was to tell an already enraged anakin to not do something don't try it anakin wanted to show his might that he was now the master the more powerful one that he could beat obi-wan even with the disadvantage of jumping over him from the low ground and so he did [Music] the next bit that i'm going to read is from the novelization and it covers more detail about obi-wan's finishing strike perched on a rise above the lava river kenobi warned vader not to attack but the sith lord ignored him blinded by arrogance and rage as vader leapt at kenobi blade angled for the kill he left himself open allowing kenobi to execute a vicious mukai finishing move dismembering vader with one swift strike vader's left arm and both of his legs were severed dropping his lightsaber vader rolled to the brink of the lava river so even though anakin was more talented physically stronger and had more powers of the dark side it was no match for his own arrogance and brash decisions if the fight had never moved to the high ground then i think anakin would still have one eventually once obi-wan grew tired just as qui-gon did against maul now my fellow jedi and sith friends what did you think of the duel in general did you like it do you think the high ground idea by the writers was kind of lame or do you think that anakin really couldn't have made that jump so something i always wondered why didn't anakin have a green lightsaber well the answer is because in a new hope obi-wan pulled out a blue one so would george had to keep the continuity thanks for watching everyone else no i'm just kidding again in star wars before disney bought the rights the old canon or now legends is what we knew best where lightsabers were indicative of a force user's favorited and most gifted power with jedi guardians using blue force users using green and evil having read synthetic ones you could find the canon answer to all the colors in this video that i made a few weeks ago if you ever were curious to know now before all this new canon george lucas created that world that we know and love today so with the rules for lightsaber colors being mentioned why didn't anakin have a green one this could be seen as confusing since he was literally created by the force in fact he was known to be one of the most potentially powerful force users in all of the known galaxy and i say known because now we have snoke so it would only make sense for him to have a green one just as qui-gon did and as yoda did well anakin just isn't all about the use of the force first off he was in the guardian class still not a jedi master to have mastered all of his skills in every aspect of the force reaching at least the early stages of his potential he was still very much a learner despite being a knight the second reason is because he was much too focused on becoming the best duelist and physical practitioner instead of practicing his force abilities and furthering his knowledge mentally we can see proof of this throughout the canon comics where he is constantly dueling a droid simulated as darth maul always trying to beat obi-wan now yoda was always meditating focusing on the tremors of the force opening up his clairvoyance who put his focus more on unveiling the mysteries of the force itself now green lightsaber users can be classified as the consular class to add to this in revenge of the sith we can see anakin and obi-wan at a stalemate with the use of the force now even though obi-wan has trained almost one and a half times anakin in terms of years they were still quite equally matched when it came to the use of the force as we can see here it has been noted that obi-wan was the least gifted with the use of the force naturally however it was his persistence and dedication to being the best that he could be that allowed him to reach the level that he did mind you this is with extreme training that he put himself under otherwise his force attunement was extremely poor when he started at the temple this just goes to show that anakin was already at this level at a younger age and without even caring much about using the force focusing more on his physical abilities rather than his telekinetic was the issue here also in the revenge of the sith novel it was said that anakin used the force to move the giant balcony that dooku threw on kenobi so we can just see indeed he was very powerful with the force despite his limited training and care for it just you know not nearly as strong as he became later on in life as darth vader when he really needed to use it and began to advance his force powers finally therefore anakin received a blue crystal as is symbolic of his jedi guardian status now if the new canon rules were in charge from the beginning then i do believe that anakin's lightsaber would have turned green sometime in revenge of the sith after the clone wars and then read once he killed the younglings especially once his eyes turned that sith yellow and orange i do wonder if disney will come out with a new blu-ray edition where the color of all the lightsabers are changed to how they want and how the new canon is outlined i mean just imagine if anakin is fighting obi-wan with a red lightsaber on mustafar it would be pretty cool and i believe there's a video of this out there somewhere on youtube i've seen it before this would open up a completely separate side story for obi-wan to turn the lightsaber back to blue before he gives it to luke in a new hope i wonder if we're going to see more tinkering of this lightsaber in the obi-wan anthology film hey guys how are you all doing today so a common question or comment that i see a lot in the comment section videos and instagram whatever is where is anakin during all of the stuff in the clone wars so we've gotten there the bad batch which we barely got anakin in there just a little bit near the end of that arc and then we got ahsoka's arc which didn't have anakin in it really at all except for that one little scene so a lot of the questions revolve around where's anakin we want more anakin and i believe me i'm one of the biggest anakin fans out there but we need more backstory and story building for these other characters and then we'll get more anakin now the reason i think this is my theory this whole video is a theory video why we're not getting much anakin in this compared to the other seasons of the clone wars is because all of these events are taking place during revenge of the sith which i think is really cool because while we get to build on ahsoka's character it ties into all of revenge of the sith and shows us that we don't really need to keep up with anakin's story at this time because we've already seen it because well we have it in episode three so they're doing this thing at least in my opinion and i could be totally wrong which during all of this stuff is the start of episode three so i think now that ahsoka is going to mandalore this is when anakin is just about to kill dooku so i'm thinking that him and obi-wan have to decide whether they're going to go and kill dooku or they're going to go to mandalore and help ahsoka defeat maul if they have any intel on it and if they don't well they're continuing with the original plan anyways but these are my thoughts on where i think the story is about to go and once we end up in mandalore then we might start actually seeing some bits with anakin here and there because it'll carry into parts of revenge of the sith now if you remember in one of the trailers for the clone wars season 7 we got this scene right here which shows the jedi council speaking to each other right before palpatine reveals to anakin that he is a sith lord this scene right here destroyed the jedi i sense a plot to destroy the jedi that is right here from revenge of the sith and this is a mirroring scene of the actual film so this happened in the film so i'm thinking we're really going fast if if we're about there we only have about four episodes left 9 10 11 12 then we really must be getting close to order 66 because there isn't much time for us to get to that scene so now that i'm thinking about it while making this video when ahsoka goes to mandalore maybe obi-wan has already just about killed grievous or at least been sent to utapau now how rex comes into contact with ahsoka i have no idea maybe the jedi figure out that maul is on mandalore and they go there i don't really know maybe the pikes send out you know some assassins to get to the jedi or something because they think you know ahsoka was part of it and the jedi get wind of what really happened and then they figured all out and go from there so in short the reason i think we're not getting much anakin right now is because we have his story in revenge of the sith and in the timeline this is all taking place at the same time so while anakin you know is killing dooku ahsoka is doing her missions with rafa and trace alasoka is going to mandalore and fighting maul anakin is learning that palpatine is a sith lord and then so on and so forth i'm really excited to see how this all melds together because as i said we really have only four episodes left and i know a lot of people have said okay this feels like you know it should be a 30 episode season and while i'd love that of course that's not the case wheeling at 12. now i think some of the episodes with rafa and trace could have been sped up a little bit or you know maybe even discarded entirely but we have to remember that those all came at the sacrifice of building ahsoka's story and who she really is turning into now so if we're aware of that and we know that this is all for the greater good for ahsoka story then i think a lot of us will be more in terms with what's going down so this is my theory on why we haven't seen much anakin in the clone wars as of yet i think that's about to change very quickly and i really hope we get to go into order 66 and see a lot of the things that we never got to see before in the temple hey everyone hope you're having a nice day so far in labyrinth of evil by james luceno having tracked count dooku to the outer rim world of taith shortly before the beginning of revenge of the sith anakin skywalker in a moment of uncontrollable anger unleashes the dark side bringing down an entire dome on top of obi-wan and himself so now i'm going to read the excerpt from chapter 41 which goes over this moment where anakin displays this power and then we're going to talk about it for a minute and then we're going to go on to another chapter which displays dooku's actual thoughts about what anakin just did and then after that we'll jump to another chapter that will focus on anakin's thoughts as he's buried within the rubble while dooku escapes and these thoughts are the ones that are quite troubling because he starts to have actual visions of padme dying so here we go from the top for every droid either of them destroyed five more would appear creating an impenetrable barrier between them and the doorway through which dooku had certainly disappeared moments before they had arrived dooku anakin snarled through clenched teeth i will kill you control your rage anakin obi-wan managed to say between breaths don't give him the satisfaction anakin shot him a worrisome scowl can't have me becoming too powerful now can we master before obi-wan could reply 20 battle droids hurried into the room through the door behind him whirling he deflected their first barrage then fought his way to cover behind a heap of dismembered droids where anakin joined him in the hope that dooku was listening from afar he shouted whatever happened here dooku your confederacy is finished the republic has all of you on the run even your master sidious more droids appeared to dooku this was nothing more than a game obi-wan told himself but if it was a demonstration of force ability that dooku wanted then anakin was still more than willing to provide it dooku he howled with such force and wrath that the ceiling of the vast hall began to collapse dragging himself out from under plastial girders and chunks of ferrocrete count dooku came shakely to his feet and gazed in astonished disbelief at the shambles of the control room had the containment dome been so weak that it had succumbed to flurries of ricocheting blaster bolts or had skywalker's voiced rage actually called the ceiling down had dooku not left forcefully at the last moment he might have been buried as the two jedi were somewhere below in the expanse of rubble that covered the archive room he was certain that they had survived but if nothing else they were trapped which had been the intent from the start but skywalker assuming that he had grown powerful enough to have collapsed the dome the end result was simply further evidence that he would someday undo himself wasn't it because admitting to any alternative explanation meant accepting that skywalker was potentially a greater threat to the sith than anyone realized initially it had cheered him to observe that skywalker and kenobi had finally learned to fight together to see how powerful they had become in partnership complementing each other's strengths compensating for each other's weaknesses kenobi making full use of his inherent discretion to balance young skywalker's inattentive rowdiness he could have watched them until the light faded unfair tithe and he wished that general grievous could be here to witness the display for himself now he wasn't so sure it was an impressive display of power to be sure but unfortunately it only managed to provide the perfect distraction for dooku to escape however though buried beneath the rubble and debris both of the jedi duo are unharmed but visions of padme death and destruction have steadily been haunting the young skywalker and now trapped under the remains of the dome the vision becomes more vivid than ever here's an excerpt from the book and then we can talk about it in the darkness buried alive anakin stretched out with his feelings in his mind's eye he saw padme stalked by a dark towering creature with a mechanical head poised at the edge of a deep abyss her world turned upside down a surprise attack opponents locked in combat ground and sky filled with fire smoke billowing in the air clouding everything death destruction deceit a labyrinth of lies his world turned upside down he shuddered as if plunged into liquid gas one touch would break him to a million shards his fear for padme expanded until he couldn't see past it yoda's voice in his ear fear leads to anger anger to hatred hatred to the dark side he was as afraid to lose her as he was to hold on to her and the pain of that contradiction made him wish he had never been born there was no solace even in the force as qui-gon had told him he needed to make sure his focus was his reality but how how qui-gon who had died even though to his young mind jedi weren't supposed to beside him obi-wan stirred and coughed you're getting awfully good at destroying things he said on vuen you needed a grenade to do this much damage and can shook the vision from his mind i told you i was becoming more powerful then do his birth a favor by getting us out from under all this they used the force their hands and backs to extricate themselves getting to their feet they stood staring at each other dusted white head to toe from the debris he was afraid to lose her as he was to hold on to her what did anakin mean by this now i'm going to get back to this question in a moment first the vision he is struck by could be foretelling anakin about the upcoming attack by general grievous on coruscant possibly after all the cyborg general is a being with a mechanical head and will conduct a surprise attack on the capital world which will endanger padme when he goes to kidnap the chancellor there will be opponents locked in combat as the vision stipulates the bombardments from the separatist fleet will make the ground and sky fill with fire and smoke but of course the vision could also perfectly describe another destined future that is a threat to padme one we are far more familiar with one with perhaps a different mechanical being a different surprise attack from a friend this time with two brothers locked in combat on a world filled from ground to sky with smoke and fire but going back to my first question anakin is both afraid to lose and to hold on to padme we can tell from this passage that i just read how much his love for his wife clashes with his responsibilities to the jedi and the force his double life is tearing him apart just like they said in episode 2 they can't live like this so he doesn't want to lose padme for obvious reasons as he wants to spend the rest of his life with the woman he loves yet the jedi in him knows he can never truly commit to the order and to the light side if he stays with her either way stay or leave padme the choice requires anakin to sacrifice an important part of himself it's no wonder that he can feel like it was better if he hadn't been born so before i wrap it up i was curious what you guys thought about qui-gon jinn's instruction to anakin to make his focus his reality this is something he talks about in episode 1 did anakin decide padme was his focus his reality and with that focus he was able to slaughter his former friends and allies in the jedi temple if so was it qui-gon jinn's teachings and not darth sidious that aided the young darth vader during order 66 from a certain point of view of course now one thing i found really interesting about this is that dooku was so astonished with how powerful anakin had become i mean this is just another testament as to how powerful the chosen one was in the sense that he didn't even know how strong he had become and these were the new powers that he was starting to develop and feel just as he turned to the dark side this is why he tells obi-wan or at least in my opinion is why he tells obi-wan you underestimate my powers because these powers that he was feeling and developing were all new he just didn't have enough time to actually learn how to use them this force rage that he showed and collapsed the whole dome of the building was something unintentional he obviously didn't mean to do that he just didn't have any control of his force powers he's kind of like phoenix from the x-men so full of power but untamed and uncontrolled now i truly believe if he had lived a little bit longer on mustafar then he would have definitely learned to own these powers at least somewhat more or if he had stayed in the light he would have really become a master of his abilities but of course we got what we got with the story now it is said that starkiller from the force unleashed was actually supposed to be a showcase of how powerful luke was supposed to become at his full potential now if anakin was supposed to be just as or maybe a little more powerful than luke it just goes to show what he could have done had he stayed in the light or at least not lost on mustafar all of anakin's issues and problems came from within they all came from his own mind which he created into this monster demon type thing that took over his whole life in existence and changed the fate of the galaxy now a fan theory and a popular one is that palpatine actually put all of these visions in his head in a video i did a long time ago it was actually said that dooku corralled the sand people to get shmee to get anakin's mother and i believe all of these things were tiny little strings that were being pulled by palpatine from the background if you remember he was the one who wanted obi-wan and anakin to be on the case for padme and her assassin he could have chose any other jedi but he made a good argument as to why obi-wan would have been the one even though they hadn't seen her in about 10 years palpatine knew what he was doing and everything was deliberately done in the background this is why i believe all of those visions and dreams and things were possibly planted in his own mind that being said one of anakin's greatest powers was his ability to see into the future his visions his premonitions so therefore it also leads me to believe that maybe palpatine wasn't the one that put these visions in his head maybe this was just the will of the force and he had to end up as darth vader there wasn't any other outcome that the force wanted definitely some interesting theories here to think about and talk about and maybe we can go over them in another video there is an excerpt here as well which i didn't read which talks about dooku theorizing on what he would do if grievous had died see at this point grievous was on course on fighting mace windu and that's another video i'm gonna make on its own as well but essentially he thinks about well if grievous died then what is he gonna do and funny enough there's actually a part in there where it talks about yoda accepting him back into the jedi temple but there are a few caveats there that we need to go over in another video which would make it really interesting the first time anakin used the dark side in the movies was during episode 2 where he left naboo to find his mother on tatooine purely based on a bad feeling now i will mention that in the eu and comics before disney took over and after there have been other cases where anakin has showed darkseid emotions however this is the most canon and the most evident to the entire star wars universe in general after tracking his mother down in the desert he came across a tribe of tuscan raiders who had captured and tortured her upon rescuing her she died in his arms very quickly anakin began to feel a rage build within him something he had never felt so vividly he was obsessed with being the master of control over all things around him and this the death of his mother was something he had no power over if we observed closely it was the death of padme that turned him to the dark side and the possible death of his son luke that turned him back to the light killing emperor palpatine causing him to go mad for all of these reasons i'm going to read out two sources for you guys the first being the disney canon book star wars 100 scenes which outlines the top biggest 100 moments in the movies and gives a brief yet extremely detailed perception on them and the second being the actual novelization of episode 2 attacked the clones the first quotes anakin searches the desert wastes for his mother his quest ends in grief and pain leading to rage fueled by the dark side of the force the episode is a glimpse of the future anakin's inability to master his emotions will lead to tragedy for himself and those he loves the second which is the original as it was the novelization of the film is the original reiteration however it goes into much more detail i think you'll enjoy this at that time the only meaning the only purpose that anakin could fathom was that of the rage building within him an anger at losing someone he did not wish to give up some small part of him warned him not to give in to that anger warned him that such emotions were of the dark side so that passage was right before anakin killed the sand people and now it's just after he kills the first few which in the movies is where we see it cut to yoda meditating and then he was running his strides enhanced by the force overcoming the fleeing creatures slaughtering them every one he didn't feel empty any longer he felt a surge of energy and strength beyond anything he had ever known felt full of the force full of power full of life so as we can see this was anakin's first step into a world that led him down a path that no one else could follow a path to the dark side this is why yoda always was so adamant about not giving in to the hatred of the dark side not even once because that's all it takes there's just one taste one feeling one act to get him addicted anger fear of aggression the dark side of the force away easily they flow but to join when they fight if once you start down the dark path forever will it dominate your destiny consume you it will if it did obi-wan's apprentice vader now it can be argued that if the vengeful massacre of an entire tribe of sand people doesn't qualify as anger and aggression then what does in accordance sand people are reasonably tough fighters like what they did to luke in episode 4 and anakin was greatly outnumbered he was using the force to beat them and if that too requires the dark side ten hands his actions then by all means the jedi must do what needs to be done this was one reason why mace windu was so powerful it's because he harnessed both sides of the force he was a true force user some might call him a dark jedi while others might call him a light sith but in the end he chose to reign peace and justice and used every single advantage he knew of to do so for a greater cause now if using the dark side in this situation is the only way to get out of a tribe infested with killer tuscan raiders who killed your mother then by all means i think there should be an exception i never understood the council's dogmatic views regarding situations like these how could one not be angry this is just another testament as to why the council was flawed in so many ways and how qui-gon jinn really saw it he felt the council was too focused on politics and not enough with allowing the force to guide one's actions i mentioned this in another video as well in legends jyn turned to the dark side albeit very briefly he eventually snapped out of it when the voice of tall his love interest who had died spoke to him in a vision now i wonder what would have happened if he actually did go through with the dark side like anakin would it have been his first of many terms in revenge of the sith we got the biggest turning point in the star wars universe order 66 where anakin cut off mace windu's hand and cities threw him out the window it was after this that anakin was dubbed as darth vader the entire conversation from the novel is quite different from what we got in the film palpatine was actually a lot more manipulative in the book where anakin would say things like he was unsure and that it was hard for him to turn so quickly because he was a jedi for so long this was where palpatine would say that it basically comes down to him choosing between the jedi and padme's life this is where anakin basically accepted his new role as a sith lord and sidious told him to wipe out the jedi at the temple and then go to mustafar to the secret base where the separatist leadership remained as anakin marched to the temple with the 501st clones behind him which later on became vader's fist they left no creature alive as sidious literally ordered for him to do in the novel now something i'm gonna also mention before we continue with the video is that in one of the original scripts one of the drafts for the scripts for revenge the sith george lucas had written that sidious reveals that he was actually anakin's father now it's not super clear in the script if palpatine was actually telling the complete truth or if it was plagueis that created him but it would seem you know with palpatine's manipulations that he was definitely saying that hey i created you even going as far as saying you could basically call me your father now i've made a video of that in the past but for today's video we want to talk about the first person that anakin killed during the jedi temple and it gets a little graphic so be warned gate master jarok sprinted through the empty vaulted hallway clattering echoes of his footsteps making him sound like a platoon the main doors of the temple were slowly swinging inward in answer to the code key punched into the outside lock pad the gate master had seen him on the monitor anakin skywalker alone the huge doors creaked inwards as soon as they were wide enough for the gate master to pass he slipped through anakin stood in the night outside shoulders hunched head down against the rain anakin he gasped running up to the young man anakin what happened where are the masters anakin looked at him as though he wasn't sure who the gate master was where's shaakti in the meditation chambers we felt something happen in the force something awful she's searching the force in deep meditation trying to get some feel for what's going on his words trailed away anakin didn't seem to be listening something has happened hasn't it jarok looked past him now the night beyond the temple was full of clones battalions of them brigades thousands anakin he said slowly what's going on something's happened something horrible how bad is it the last thing jarok felt was the emitter of a lightsaber against the soft flesh beneath his jaw the last thing he heard as blue plasma chewed up upward through his head and burst out from the top of his skull and burned away his life was anakin skywalker's melancholy reply you have no idea so obviously as we can see the gay master was killed within an instant and it's pretty dark the rest of the novel is extremely dark like this as well and george lucas was even going to go as far as putting dead younglings on the floor of the jedi temple but he thought that would be a little bit too dark and so he cut that out now you're probably wondering who this jaraka guy is well he's a bit of a funny story see he was in the revenge of the sith novel then he was in the complete star wars encyclopedia in 2008 but later then he was retconned in 2012 to ever have appeared in revenge of the sith but he was in the book and remains in print to this day so i find it a bit confusing as to why he was plucked out in 2012 randomly jarok was trusted to watch over the defense of the jedi temple as the gate master when mae swindu left with the other jedi masters to arrest palpatine he ended up telling shakti and juroc to watch over the defenses of the temple however even though he was attuned to the force jarok couldn't sense that skywalker had turned to the dark side and was slain without a chance to defend himself now of the hundreds if not maybe even thousands of jedi that anakin or darth vader has gone to kill in his life jurok was amongst the first that he actually killed and for those who think he killed mace windu well he didn't he took his hand off and then while we know the rest of the story palpatine finished the job but this was actually the first jedi that he killed which opened their way to the temple and then they executed order 66 on everyone including the younglings it was after this that anakin went to mustafar and then battled obi-wan later turning into the masked man we all know love and fear darth vader hey guys how are you doing today so jedi and sith have the ability to sense one another's presence through the force the way a dog might smell meat or a shark smell blood the ability was something that made it easy for vader to sense obi-wan on board the death star so that raises the question why didn't anakin sense him on padme's ship on mustafar especially with no other life forces around other than the creatures of mustafar anakin should have easily sensed his master's familiar presence i mean this is anakin skywalker we're talking about the chosen one he was unbelievably powerful and could sense when padme was in danger in episode 2 not to mention all the dreams that he had of his mother which caused him to go to tatooine and save her all by a little bit too late of course so him not being able to sense obi-wan is just a little bit weird and out of character and it's definitely not plot armor here as there's a reason for it the reason is revealed in the legends novel the dark lord the rise of darth vader it covers a narrative where vader thinks back on all that he's done basically going over all the events of revenge of the sith however this time as the masked vader here's the piece from the novel anakin skywalker was gone or was he after all padme had fallen in love with anakin not darth vader he had not anticipated that padme traveling with c3po would follow him to mustafar and refute the righteousness of his actions nor had he foreseen that obi-wan would survive the jedi purge and that the deceitful padme would bring him with her despite his powers and years of attunement to obi-wan his rage had blocked his ability to sense his former master's presence on mustafar until he saw the jedi standing in the hatch of padme starship he also never imagined that obi-wan possessed the strength to bring him down so brutally this is clearly self-explanatory here but i want to make a few mentions about it i really like the continuity that george lucas has in the books and the films at least for this bit here anakin's rage blinded him from his surroundings and this is a common flaw with the dark side it makes you so tunnel vision that it blocks out all of your senses and visions of what's around you as you become engulfed and entranced by your own very rage this is the same thing that happened to the emperor when he was killing luke and that's why he was blindsided by vader even while being thrown off the balcony of the shaft he was far too fixated on his rage of killing vader once in the air and by then it was too late for him to come to his senses hey everyone today's video comes from the brand new vader comic which has one big piece that i want to highlight and talk about in the comic vader goes through the portal finally after crushing moment in order to meet padme he travels through what many think is the world between worlds and well i'll explain more of that in a full video covering the full comic but as he's going through this world or what i like to call the echoes of time itself he comes across one of the first things that he sees his mother but she's younger and she's pregnant with him the words echo through the planet there was no father which is what she told qui-gon jinn when they met and discussed anakin quickly from behind her palpatine appears as a force ghost almost alluding to the fact that he was manipulating the force around her either from afar or using some sort of sith magic to conceal himself from her maybe he was doing this in her sleep who knows what we do see is inside her belly and that is the conception of the chosen one a swirl almost like a galaxy of energy being generated being created conceived and through the pages the words echo around him unnatural the chosen one now could this be someone saying the chosen one's birth was unnatural or since we know it's a place that echoes words that have already been said where else have we heard the word unnatural before that's right when palpatine was explaining the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise alluding back to that moment in the opera and then to his conception in his mother's womb now the end of the comic has city is telling vader that just about everything in this world is a lie but what we just saw wasn't really from this world so it makes me a little confused if what he just saw was really what happened or just a fabrication if you ask me i'm going with it i think this is the real case now that we've seen it told in canon it aligns perfectly with legends as well as i've covered the legends aspect in videos too where sidious says in the unedited script of the revenge of the sith that he was the one who manipulated the midichlorians to create life this can all be found in the book the making of revenge of the sith i think this is it guys i don't know sidious i think really made anakin now in the legends novel darth plagueis plagueis tried to make this ultimate sith out of the dark side however the force retaliated and created anakin to bring balance to the light and the dark now i should say darth plagueis wasn't written by george lucas it was just approved by the lucasfilm group so i'm gonna go with the unedited version of the wrench of the sith which is what george wrote saying that palpatine was the father and now we get it in canon that palpatine looks like conceived anakin so let me know do you think anakin really just saw his true father that being sidious and maybe the big question can finally be put to rest or are we just being teased i think it's legit but maybe we'll learn more in upcoming books or the prequels or something the jedi of old were known for being able to endure the hardest of situations with the force as their ally by the time of the movies the jedi had lost many of these insane abilities since they had no need to use them the sith were gone and their only enemies were weak minded fools with uncivilized weapons one of these somewhat lost abilities was called control pain the power to use the force to completely ignore pain and while most jedi could ignore discomfort ignoring excruciating torture or debilitating pain wasn't something everyone could do in legends luke uses it to ignore the pain of a blaster bolt and in canon we're finally seeing it again in the new canon audio book jedi lost we learned that jedi master dooku was a master of this technique and even showed it to his padawan qui-gon jinn it wasn't a technique dooku learned from master yoda either but from lin kustana a jedi master obsessed with preparing the jedi for the return of the sith in this scene from the book dooku tells qui-gon to strap him into a device which will send massive electronic pulses through dooku's chest and body a power so intense that it produces such pain that some races use it as a torture device now here i'm going to read from the book itself i do not wish to hurt you master qui-gon tells him and you won't dooku pushes back through the force a jedi can endure even the most debilitating pain remember the battle of neshadar master khrushtan fought on even after being immolated by the flame wielders now just take a side note real quick but remember this because in a bit we'll talk about anakin and how control pain connects to him and the immense pain he felt not only being immolated himself but also after having three limbs chopped off qui-gon continues in the book by saying injuries that would have crippled any warrior but we live in an age of peace and long made continue interrupts dooku however this technique can ease discomfort on any level the principles i teach today can be used to soothe any pain be it physical or mental now activate the band qui-gon activates the energy pulses band around his master the pain shoots through him like force lightning good turn the dial grunts dooku are you sure asks qui-gon hesitantly i wouldn't have asked you if i were not shouts back dooku impatiently qui-gon raises the power of the pulse the pain intensifies but dooku smiles good grunts dooku now reach out with the force what do you feel qui-gon concentrates your discomfort dooku shrugs it off hardly surprising but if i could focus my thoughts and calm my emotions pain is only an illusion it can be controlled he gasps under the immense pain but fights on i am a jedi qui-gon senses a change your pain i cannot sense it anymore nor can i responds dooku confidently the bane is still there i am merely denying its power over me qui-gon can't believe it i would like to try but dooku just laughs you are eager i like that and learn you shall my young padawan the scene ends there and dooku suggests that qui-gon could potentially teach it to his own apprentice one day so the question is did he and if he did did obi-wan teach it to anakin the jedi had been at peace for generations so things like control pain and other battle-hardened abilities were ignored by many especially since so few of them felt the sith would one day return the jedi believed that if the sith tried to return the force would warn them with plenty of time to prepare even master yoda didn't think they would return anytime soon in short the jedi became complacent so even if qui-gon learned control pain from dooku it's unlikely that qui-gon practiced it very often enough to master it at all or that obi-wan was able to master it too so by the time anakin received training it's unlikely that he learned to do it beyond an introduction if at all this may be one of the many abilities that anakin feared the jedi were not teaching him so if anakin didn't know control pain we know why he wasn't able to be like master khrustan and keep fighting after being burned alive during his duel with obi-wan if this is the case then we're done talking and we can end the video here but this is star wars theory so let's theorize that anakin did indeed learn the power of control pain and talk about it briefly and then i can make an actual fan fiction about it later on if you guys want so let's say he knew this power if he had learned it then he would have learned it while he was a jedi through the light side of the force and he may have been very good at it but on mustafar he was immersed with the dark side so he didn't know how to use the ability anymore anakin was beyond conflicted emotionally during his duel with obi-wan nowhere near able to focus his thoughts or calm his emotions like dooku said was required to quell the pain anakin was all over the place he could not calm himself and fuel his rage at the same time i believe this was one of the most confusing moments of anakin's life and when he felt the most helpless now palpatine does say that his anger and rage gives him focus but anakin was still very new to the dark side so for him to use this technique would have been something that was very out of the norm it was his moment of having all the power in the world but not knowing how to use it he couldn't use any of his light side powers because they conflicted with the dark side but he couldn't use the dark side fully yet because palpatine simply hadn't taught him how as yoda could counsel luke years later anakin had unlearned everything that he had learned and just not on purpose if anakin had known how to use the dark side fully he could have tapped into his pain to give him greater power something like what maul would have done this is what kylo ren does after getting shot by chewie or when darth sidious does it after vader breaks his legs yet he's still able to stand you know in charge of the past so whatever the reason is anakin didn't use this power but i can't help but imagine what would have happened if anakin had used it and overcome the pain of losing his limbs and being burned like what if anakin completely overcame his pain and then levitated himself with the force in front of obi-wan at that point you gotta think you know obi-wan would just probably jump in the lava himself since there's really no beating anakin he's kind of turned into frieza when he got chopped in half against goku now i have a few fan fictions and theories on what would have happened if anakin beat obi-wan on mustafar so check those out if you like i need to make some part twos to those as well so i want to know what you guys think do you want to see more of the force power control pain do you think anakin knew how to do it but couldn't figure it out when he needed it or do you think he was just all over the place and maybe the pain of what he was going through was just far beyond what control pain could have given him anakin skywalker was the most powerful person in the galaxy the chosen one the one to bring balance to the force he was saved by qui-gon when he was just a little boy as a slave and brought to the jedi temple for immediate training to fulfill their ancient prophecy of bringing balance to the force throughout his life he was constantly proving that he was more powerful than everyone yet he was still held back by the jedi it was for this reason anakin's frustration continued to swell and fester over the years it bothered him so much that it came down to him blaming the jedi for recognizing his powers yet failing to teach him to his full potential once he had dreams of padme dying in childbirth he wanted to save her but didn't know how he felt he should be able to he was powerful enough he just didn't have the knowledge and he blamed the jedi for this once his inevitable turn to the dark side had begun at the hands of emperor palpatine he was dubbed vader and the anakin skywalker that we knew was no more however when was the first time that vader acknowledged this himself and the audience knew about it it's not in the films but it is in the book it's a cool little scene that takes place on mustafar where he's sent to wipe out the separatists and there's a line in there that was actually cut out from the film as vader lands down on mustafar palpatine speaks to new gunray when the question of lord vader's arrival has been confirmed as sidious promises them a large reward invader's hands for them the transmission ends and vader walks into the doorway sandhill beat the others to the greeting welcome lord vader now obviously this is not sand hill this is newt gunray things do change in the script and the book and the film so keep that in mind his elongated legs almost tangled with each other in his rush to shake the hand of the sith lord on behalf of the leadership of the confederacy of independent systems let me be the first very well you will be the first the cloaked figure stepped inside and made a gesture with a black gloved hand blast doors slammed across every exit the control panel exploded in a shower of sparking wires the cloaked figure threw back its hood sandhill recoiled hands flapping like panicked birds sewn to his wrists you're you're anakin skywalker before a fountain of blue white plasma burned into his chest curving through a loop that charred all three of his hearts the separatist leadership watched in frozen horror as the corpse of the head of the intergalactic banking clan collapsed like a deep powered protocol droid the resemblance darth vader said is deceptive this is the very first time in star wars history where we as the audience see the complete disassociation between vader and anakin and that he knows it the resemblance is deceptive meaning yeah he looks like anakin but he isn't the same person at all anymore now obviously we can never say that anakin was killed entirely to do so would be click bait and flat out wrong vader suppressed anakin to almost nothing but not completely gone he was still in there somewhere and we've seen this in the comics and all that but mainly because of how the end of return of the jedi played out anakin was the return of the jedi and that's a common misconception is that a lot of people think luke was the return of the jedi but really it was anakin who was you know returned from vader now in that very scene where vader goes to mustafar and wipes out the separatist leaders there's a part in the book which explains all the things that he actually did such as exploding a door with his hand and like these are all things that i want to explain in another video so if you guys want that just let me know down below you all remember in revenge of the sith when anakin said from my point of view the jedi are evil while i've done a video about this in the past that one just covers some info from the revenge of the sith book today's information will be more legit as it comes from george lucas himself during episode 3 or you know all of the prequels in general we see a huge arc with anakin's personality and growth as a character as a little boy he starts out afraid yet curious and adventurous for his new life as a jedi then he becomes transfixed with padme and it changes his behavior in general we all know the rest he had to choose between saving his wife from his vivid premonitions and being loyal to the jedi who always held him back that moment on mustafar against obi-wan when master kenobi tells him that chancellor palpatine is evil he replies with from my point of view the jedi or evil while we all understand that he had turned to the dark side and was supposed to be the bad guy in the story what george lucas says about his point of view is this anakin's rationalization is everybody is after power even the jedi are after power therefore he thinks they're all equally corrupt now so which side am i going to be on do i align myself with palpatine who is a sith lord and who can possibly help me save padme or do i side with the jedi and maybe lose padme looking at it from that point of view if you were to look at things like anakin did then we can kind of see where he was going while what he did of course was wrong i can now see his point of view this actually makes a lot of sense to me it was the lesser of two evils in the grand scheme of things now going as far as killing younglings and betraying your friends is obviously very wrong if anakin had thought things through just a little bit he would have mentioned to the council or something that you know look i've had these dreams about padme and i want them to go away or i want to find a way to save her in which they would comfort him or they would look into it deeper or maybe grant him access to the restriction section which is why he wanted to become a master in the first place but it was his panic and lack of patience that ultimately went hand in hand with his doom if he only spoke to master yoda about it further or may swindu or obi-wan i think things could have gone a lot differently from his point of view everyone was evil so if he's gonna become evil too then does he become evil with padme alive or evil with padme dead with those two ultimatums it's a simple choice however we all know it didn't have to be so black and white there were other options i still fully believe that had anakin spoke to qui-gon somehow even through the force or a dream or something things could have been changed now if qui-gon was alive i think the galaxy would have been completely different in general but that's a different video for a different time i guess we'll never really know the true answer to that however i'd like to do a fan fiction on it once i'm back from la hey guys in today's video we'll be covering something partly from the jedi code and why this act was actually so extremely forbidden had the council found out about what really happened anakin would have had to stand trial for sure count dooku was one of the best lightsaber duelists on the council and when he left due to their heavy role in politics and lost jedi ways he eventually turned to the ways of the dark side by the hand of darth sidious also known as palpatine he ran as the head of the separatist army or at least the face of it while sidious pulled the strings and he was involved in the handling of the many attacks on padme amidala's life with newt gunray when anakin fought him in episode 2 he lost not only the battle but his right arm as well in episode 3 they fight again on screen where anakin's powers have now doubled as the fight commences and anakin ends up taking his hands which we learned in yesterday's video was called chomai a sign of mastery over the opponent dooku drops to his knees in submission and acceptance of his loss it's at this point we see much conflict within anakin skywalker as he's about to slice off dooku's head he actually never intended on killing the former jedi master however with palpatine's constant nudges to kill him he eventually succumbed into his temptations and beheaded him we see there's tons going through his head during this moment that's obvious he even himself says that he shouldn't do it but eventually does dooku was bad we know this so why not kill him he was involved with everything i mentioned and more so it was justified however this was actually something that was written in the jedi code book that disallowed jedi from performing this deadly beheading maneuver now if a sith were making this decision there would be no hesitation as the sith rely on violence and anger to fuel their power but anakin was still mostly in the light side of the force at this point and his act was forbidden by the jedi order for this very explanation sai cha comes from the ancient words for separate and head and as you might expect it describes the act of using a lightsaber to be had an opponent jedi commits saicha only when battle is at its most deadly serious and threatening or when an opponent is considered extremely dangerous even to a fully trained jedi now it goes on to explain a story between qui-gon obi-wan and a villain who qui-gon eventually had to be head and why he did this and how he had to actually explain it to the council however in today's video we're just going to cut right to why dooku was beheaded and how it was forbidden so dooku at this point was not a threat so that rules that out secondly he wasn't extremely dangerous to anakin considering anakin beat him through cho mai removing both of his hands and because he was also on his knees in submission of the duel at anakin's mercy mace windu performed sai cha against django because it was extremely dangerous to keep him alive and there was no time to spare while he was shooting at him constantly palpatine wanted anakin to do this forbidden move because he wanted him to feel the raw power of giving into his anger and emotion following through with his flow of power at that moment as dooku told him you have hate you have anger but you don't use them which is when anakin switches on his rage and defeats him this coupled with the fact that he didn't want dooku questioned by the council and blabbing about who palpatine really is so this is why that move was such a conflict for anakin not only was it just a devastating move but it was against the jedi code to do i wonder what the council would have gotten out of dooku had he been brought back as a prisoner of war and questioned how's it going guys i hope you're all having an awesome day today so probably one of my favorite scenes in revenge of the sith was this one here where palpatine talks to anakin about darth plagueis telling him that there's an old sith lord who knew how to cheat death and save the ones he loved something the movie never did was show us just what anakin did right after learning of this darth plagueis that palpatine spoke of so after the opera scene anakin left to his speeder which was outlined in the novel itself as he just sat in it to think deep in thought he then called padme and told her something's come up that he'll be spending the night at the temple and won't come home as they do their lovey-dovey stuff and she sends him a good night kiss he ends the transmission and the rest i'll narrate for you anakin fired thrusters and slicked the speeder expertly into traffic angling towards the jedi temple because that part the part about spending the night at the temple was the part that wasn't a lie the lie was that he was going to rest that he was going to even try how could he rest when every time he closed his eyes he could see her screaming on the birthing table now the council's insult burned hotter than ever he even had a name a story a place to start but how could he explain to the archives master why he needed to research a sith legend of immortality maybe he didn't need the archives after all the temple was still the greatest nexus of force energy on the planet perhaps even the galaxy and it was unquestionably the best place in the galaxy for intense focused meditation he had much he needed the force to teach him and a very short time to learn he would start by thinking inwards thinking about himself [Music] so what i wish we saw in the movie was this scene right here anakin leaving the opera all disgruntled and confused deep in thought as he races through the course and night sky to the jedi temple to go to the archives and astro costa new to find darth plagueis teachings or at least some form of immortality hinted in one of the books about the sith legend however we would then see as he thinks further he realizes that maybe he doesn't need the archives that he doesn't even need help from his masters rather he could use the temple's force nexus now that part might be a little bit confusing to some you see in the old legends a dark side nexus resided underneath the jedi temple itself in conjunction with the lightside nexus that the jedi temple spires emanated as well this is where anakin got the idea of becoming all-powerful himself i mean he always wanted to be but now he had reason and he thought he could do himself not relying on the sith legend but rather for the first time focusing inwards to unlock this knowledge on his own just as a true sith would and so now we can see the small trickling bit of sits mentality that kept prodding at anakin's mind which kind of helps us understand just how he could cut master windu's hand off so easily as we now see he's been in this state of mind for quite some time so i thought this bit was pretty interesting to make a video on which video of mine that i've made explaining the novels do wish we got to see in the films for me there's a few but one that sticks out the most is probably the one where mace and palpatine fight from anakin's perspective which just shows them as purple and red blurred speeds of light as they move around faster than his eyes can track that would have been pretty sweet to see so here's one of those videos that has been covered countless times over the internet however due to constant demand in comments facebook polls and tweets i'll explain this video in my style of presentation so anakin showed up in episode 3 with a scar just to the corner of his right eye something reminiscent to scar in the lion king it was originally added by lucas however with no backstory he simply just put it there because he thought it looked cool in an interview about this car he had this to say about it when asked i don't know ask howard said george referring to the president of lucas licensing howard rothman that's one of those things that happens in the novels between the movies i just put it in there he has to explain how it got there i think anakin got it slipping in the bathtub but of course he's not going to tell anybody about that so leaving it to howard there was a comic book that was published back in 2004 titled republic number 71 the dreadnoughts of rendilli which takes place roughly one year before revenge of the sith and in the comic anakin duels a dark side user by the name of asajj ventress now for those who haven't seen the clone wars she was basically dooku's side apprentice as short as i could put it and later she had an entire standalone comic with quinlan boss however that's neither here nor there so in the comic anakin went to the course in under levels to privately listen to a hologram from padme it was here where he was followed by ventress she took the hollow disc with the force and destroyed it engaging him in battle besting anakin she left him to find padme which made him very angry the two continued to fight when ventress slashed him across the eye not once but twice leaving his iconic mysterious scar i suppose george lucas added it in because it was his way to symbolize anakin's growth from the boy we saw an attack of the clones to a hardened and much more mature anakin in revenge of the sith one thing i do find odd about this is how luke was attacked by the wampa in episode 5 and all of his wounds healed without any scars after the back to tank i think anakin probably thought it looked mysterious and dangerous or cool and so he kept it so today's video was going to go over the dialogue from the original unrevised script of revenge of the sith you know i find it always pretty interesting reading this one because you can find so many different things that george was thinking of putting in there but you know with the words of his advisors and his own choices he decided to later cut it out of the final edit however today's will cover the scene where anakin stands before the council just after speaking to palpatine who had unofficially appointed him his personal representative on the council and told him that he must go to utapau to fight grievous now personally i think palpats knew the whole time that the council wouldn't allow anakin to go and this was what he was banking on he knew it would anger him swaying anakin's allegiance more towards palpatine himself especially after their denial of his mission and then not granting him the rank of master so i'm gonna read the script for you he goes before the council and everyone basically votes for kenobi to go and kill grievous unanimously as they all agree anakin pipes up to say the chancellor has requested that i lead the campaign they all look at anakin a bit disturbed the council will make up its own mind who is to go not the chancellor yes this decision is ours to make anakin is embarrassed becomes sullen a master is needed one with more experience given our resources i recommend we send only one jedi master kenobi he was not so successful the last time he met grievous oh i don't think so obi-wan throws annika in a dirty look no offense master but i'm only stating a fact oh no you're quite right but i do have the most experience with his ways of combat hello there obi-wan my choice is i concur master kenobi should go i agree all the jedi concur very well council is adjourned anakin is angry with the decision now i can kind of see why george and lucasfilm took out this part it's a bit brash for anakin to straight up in front of the entire council throw shade at his master although it definitely would have shown more insight into how much he was changing at this time the extreme internal conflict that was going on within anakin was pretty much at this point fully baked he was pretty much ready at this point to transform into darth vader the only thing left was the events that took place in palpatine's office every moment he became more twisted to the dark side by palpatine's manipulation in the novel it's even worse as anakin was denied the rank of master he was talking to himself in his head and thinking about attacking mace making fun of his fighting style and mocking him essentially now you see that's one battle that i wish we saw in the prequels anakin fighting mace i think that would have been really interesting and entertaining to see as anakin wasn't a dark side user just yet and you see the way mace's of a pod worked was that he would channel the dark side energy from his opponent back onto them so he would use that energy and kind of use it as a cycle back onto them to fight them and kill them so the more powerful his opponent the more powerful his attacks became this wouldn't work so well with anakin because he wasn't fully into the dark side just yet and he would use his jedi powers so it would be a bit of a grey area for a fight outcome i don't really know who would win who do you guys think would win in that battle as we all know force ghosts only apply to jedi they could transcend their consciousness into the next realm into whatever physical shape they like some may appear as an orb where others appear as their full form taught to yoda by qui-gon jinn from the other world as quoted in the revenge of the sith novelization the ultimate goal of the sith yet they can never achieve it it comes only through the release of self not the exaltation of self it comes through compassion not greed love is the answer to the darkness so if this was applied only for jedi then how did anakin skywalker become a force ghost in episode 6. that's what we will discuss in today's episode of star wars theory now according to lucas in anakin's last few minutes live on the death star he was taught by obi-wan and yoda how to transcend himself into the next dimension if you watch return of the jedi if you switch to the commentary he briefly explains how he did it however if you know my videos you know i like to go into detail i found a passage from the book the rise and fall of darth vader it explains our question today perfectly i will now read you the passage verbatim closing his eyes as he slumped back against the shuttle ramp anakin skywalker had every reason to believe that he was finally about to embrace perpetual darkness initially there was darkness for anakin skywalker a boundless shadowy realm like a universe without stars but then from somewhere at the edge of his awareness he perceived a distant shimmering light then heard a voice say anakin although anakin no longer had a body or a mouth which to speak he somehow answered obi-wan master i'm so sorry so very very anna can listen carefully obi-wan interrupted and anakin was aware that the distant light was either growing brighter or closer or perhaps both you are in the netherworld of the force but if you ever wish to revisit corporal space then i still have one thing left to teach you a way to become one with the force if you choose this path to immortality then you must listen now before your consciousness fades knowing he was beyond redemption anakin said but master why me because you ended the horror anakin obi once said because you fulfilled the prophecy the light was very bright now anakin's first thought was that he might be able to see his children again he said thank you master taking the imperial shuttle luke skywalker had escaped with his father's remains from the death star only a moment before the battle station exploded after landing on the sanctuary moon luke prepared a very private funeral in a forced clearing knight had fallen by the time luke placed anakin skywalker's armor-clad body atop a pile of gathered wood as he ignited the pyre luke said i burn this armor and with it the name of darth vader may the name of anakin skywalker be a light that guides the jedi for generations to come luke was unaware of the spirits who watched him from the shadows of the lambid woods but later when he rejoined his allies for their victory celebration in the treetop village that was home to the ewoks luke saw three shimmering apparitions materialize in the darkness they were obi-wan kenobi yoda and his father anakin skywalker the jedi had returned [Music] it's interesting to think that after all that death agony and destruction that vader actually turned back into anakin skywalker and fulfilled his prophecy as the chosen one i'll also mention that in the expanded universe sidious taught vader how to become a force ghost just like the ancient sith lord marco ragnos however he was unable to complete his training on it due to his lack of knowledge in in season two we learned a lot of new things as ahsoka enters the story and converses with grogu the child we learn that he was raised at the jedi temple on coruscant many masters trained him over the years and at the end of the clone wars he was actually hidden now as for him being hidden i don't really know what that entails where was he hidden who hid him who found him after that but what i can theorize on in this video are his parents and it all comes from one little scene that you might not have noticed in the last episode of the mando with ahsoka now grogu was lost and alone so someone has taken his memory and i think there are people there that could have taken him i've mentioned before maybe mace windu maybe jocasta new or maybe even palpatine himself however during ahsoka's explanation to din over the moonlight she tells him that she's only met one like him before mentioning the name yoda and right here is where we can see grogu actually look at ahsoka at the sound of the name it's like he recognizes yoda and knows who he is now a lot of you might be thinking well hey ahsoka said that he was trained in the jedi temple by many masters over the years up until the clone wars so no doubt he knew who yoda was the jedi temple was huge and during the time of the clone wars there were tens of thousands of jedi not to mention younglings and others who were actually at the temple that weren't a jedi i doubt they knew who every single person or master was now of course grandmaster yoda was galaxy famous but the way grogu looks at her when she says his name was like he recognized an old friend or maybe more maybe a parent this is why i think there is a clear indication that yoda could be the father or at the very least in some way related i mean look this might be far-fetched but hey we've only really seen three yoda species in star wars now i'm gonna make some legends and lore into this video as well so you guys can understand a little bit where i'm going with how grogu might have survived now many of you might say jedi are forbidden to have kids they're forbidden to form attachments however there were exceptions kiarimundi was a serene and his species were going extinct this gave reason for the jedi council to approve his pursuit of multiple families hence kiarimundi having four wives in accordance to his species answer to save their race from certain extinction maybe yoda's species was so limited in population that this mandated him to mate with his species as a means of countering the extinction of their people there was another of a species on the council a female named yadal now in legends and i've made a video on this three years ago her story was cut short as she took her own life to save anakin's yada was a skilled jedi master with a rare jedi power known as marietro this was an old ability that allowed her to slow her bodily functions down to the point of death this could come in handy if you're poisoned or something else i'm going to mention there's always been a big debate between yale and yoda as to which was stronger while many say yoda there are some very big fans of yadal who believe that she had surpassed the grand master before her untimely demise now in legends yadle actually like yarelle pouf saved millions of people and primarily anakin's life her demise can be read in the old legends book jedi quest shadow trap which takes place about seven years after the phantom menace or roughly three years before attack of the clones before i read the piece from the book essentially what happened was yadl obi-wan and anakin went to the war-torn world of mawan on a diplomatic effort which ended up in stopping a massive bioweapon our story begins just as they finally get their hands on this weapon and yadal takes it into her possession atop a giant skyscraper here we go yadal hung above anakin above the tallest building of natan the force holding her temporarily aloft she held a silver canister against her chest no he shouted but he could already feel it yadal was drawing in the great net of the force she had created drawing it around her so tightly and fiercely and strongly that anakin fell to his knees he had never felt the force move like this he couldn't speak or move from far below granta detonated the explosives anakin heard a sharp pop nothing more the force grew until anakin was dazzled instead of exploding the canister imploded and yadle drew the toxic gas and the explosive power in absorbing it into her body then she simply disappeared a shower of light particles swirled hung in the air then evaporated anakin's face was wet tears flowed and he did not feel them the night sky was empty and jedi master yadal was dead so i think with yadal having sacrificed herself for anakin assuming they care to use this legend story and if they don't i'm gonna go into that too maybe anakin would see grogu in the temple during order 66 knowing that his mother saved him if he is the child of yadal and there's a lot of ifs in this one so it's probably never gonna happen so let's say anakin sees him in the temple so he'll return the favor not by necessarily saving him but maybe sparing him now the reason i don't think this could happen just to play devil's advocate against my own theory is that anakin needed to kill the younglings what a lot of people don't understand is that he didn't necessarily want to do those things he forced himself to do them in order to have the power and the ability to save padme at least that's what palpatine brainwashed him to believe now if he did let groggy live this would really change how we see anakin and what he did during order 66. personally i don't like it i think anakin needed to do those horrible things and fully dedicate himself to the dark side otherwise it would just open up too much of changing the past and what he did and then there would be theories as to why he lost to obi-wan because he didn't have the full power of the dark side because he let grogu live and all this and that there would just be too many retcons and i just i don't think it's a good theory i don't even know why i'm making this video but anyways it it made me think so i'm like hey you know what this could be an interesting possibility i want to see what you guys think about it now if they don't use this backstory well hey grogu's head turn at the mention of yoda's name is enough for me to know that he obviously knew who the grand master was and the grandmaster knew him and of course he knows that they are of the same species this also raises another question for me what if yadol's story is different from legends now when jedi fall in order which is canon there was an easter egg about yale and i know a lot of people say yattle but i've been saying yaddle since i was a little kid so i'm just going to keep rolling with it now in the game she was mentioned by greece who said he had a dream or has dreams or people have dreams that one day yadle will return could this possibly mean that she could return is it a little placeholder a little foreshadowing maybe now look i highly doubt they're going to use the same story from legends that really no one knows about however if they do it could lead into another story about anakin saving grogu and again personally i'm really not a fan of this but it's just something i made up while there's always the chance i don't think they'll actually do it i think with yadl they'll make it so that her leaving the jedi temple was for another purpose as we mysteriously don't see her anymore in the movies after episode 1. now movie canon and comic book legends theories aren't connected especially with all the retcons that being said i do think things could change with the edel's story in the sense that john favreau and dave filoni could see that yadle needs a story and since there wasn't one told at least properly in canon they could just create one perhaps the idol is on tithin or a nearby world who knows either way i think grogu could be the love child of yoda and yadal just like pretty much everyone think but now you know with the head turn it at least lets you know that of course he did know who yoda was i guess we'll have to see for ourselves soon enough in revenge of the sith we see anakin's pivotal turn in palpatine's office how he sacrificed mace windu in order to keep palpatine alive and thus learn his teachings of immortality throughout the trilogy including the animated clone wars we see the inner man anakin is who he is at the core if stripped of his force powers and weapons and who he becomes we see him as this galliant knight and protector of all things that are good in the galaxy protector of children and all things have positive energy so it leaves one confused how he just so randomly killed the younglings like it was a walk in the park with no remorse whatsoever even after being told that he's going to be a father to his own child with padme he still walked into that room and ignited his weapon callously so how exactly does he do it so easily and why of all things could he not have just let them go and not have told the emperor let's examine this with a few sources one of which being george lucas himself and the main one which will explain how he so easily killed them it's a small dialogue from the novel the dark lord the rise of darth vader which takes place after revenge of the sith and is now as you know legends the setting is where vader goes back to corson to take over the now empty temple and turn it into palpatine's headquarters and office retrieving all the sith holocrons i hope you enjoy here we go in his mind's eye vader saw his and the 500 firsts marched to the temple gates their wrathful attack the mad moments of bloodlust the dark side unleashed in all its crimson fury some moments he remembered more clearly than others pitting his blade against that of swordmaster syndrelig beheading some of the very masters who had instructed him in the ways of the force and of course his cold extermination of the younglings and with them the future of the jedi order he had wondered beforehand could he do it still new to the dark side would he be able to call upon its power to guide his hand and lightsaber in answer the dark side had whispered they are orphans they are without family or friends there is nothing that can be done with them they are better off dead but this recalling weeks later curdled his blood this place should never have been built so as we can see as vader remembers this moment vividly he recalls that his initial reaction towards killing the english are shock and denial however once he started to imagine padme dying he knew what he had to do as palpatine said do not hesitate mercy this was a motto that helped fuel the sith through their darkest decisions i find anakin felt some hesitation or doubt whether he could go through with it or not because the small grain of sand within vader that was anakin still gleamed time to time depending on the situation it was also mentioned in the book that vader's slaughter of the younglings is a major proponent in sealing his fate to the dark side george lucas himself has also said in interviews that anakin knew he had to kill all the jedi as palpatine instructed because if he didn't then they would grow up to hunt them down and possibly kill them later on down the road which is exactly what happened with luke oddly enough so the best thing to do was to kill them all right then and there so as to leave no stone unturned the last point i'd like to mention is that anakin had initial practice for this very moment and it was actually a foreshadowed scene that many of us may have missed if we now go back to episode 2 and re-watch this and correlate it with what happened in episode 3 and not just the men but the women and the children too they're like animals and i slaughtered them like animals i hate them many of you may think this was the reason anakin can be seen crying to himself after his dark deeds are complete on mustafar that actually isn't the answer at all that's something i'd like to dive deeper in for tomorrow's episode if you so wish let me know in the comments also let me know what you thought of anakin's slaughter of the younglings was it written poorly in the films or was it just bad directing that's why i really like covering these videos because it brings to light all the hidden things we didn't know about in the novelizations hey everybody what is going on today hope you're all having a good day today so far so today i want to go over a question that was asked to me in my instagram yesterday and it's actually a pretty good one what if there was no high ground who would have won this is a question for the ages the high ground undoubtedly the most powerful unstoppable force in the galaxy but what if it didn't exist what if anakin let's say waited until the pod reached a little more down the volcanic beach and then hopped onto land climb up to obi-wan's level and then fight him well this video will combine not just my theory but their fighting styles and force abilities to make an intelligent answer so anakin utilized form 5. this is why he beat dooku using powerful aggressive strikes and always on the offensive obi-wan used form 3 sorseu he was the master of it according to mace windu he used this to fight grievous with his many arms it focused on tight blade work and always being used on the defensive it was the perfect opponent for anakin's fighting style however we all know here who the more gifted and powerful fighter was anakin by natural talent was the stronger being now it's known fact that obi-wan was one of the least gifted force users at the jedi temple however it was his unmatched dedication and practice that got him to where he was at that day which to our surprise was just as powerful as his younger apprentice as we can see in their duel now had anakin trained even a few months longer with the dark side maybe even a few weeks it'd be game over but we got what we got at the time of the high ground obi-wan was tiring out he had to think of an exit strategy and that's why he jumped to the high ground instead of just continuing to use brute force like anakin annie was too confident on his new powers obi-wan just jumped to the hill and ended it in the same weird way that he killed maul who was overconfident in his abilities too now if let's say there was no high ground and anakin just kept fighting along level ground forever he would have eventually won i fully believe that obi-wan wasn't nearly in the same physical shape or age as anakin was nor were his abilities on par he could defend and block for only so long until you know he'd eventually slip up and then it would all be over now all anakin had to do here was wait for the pod to move along the river bank get to level ground use for speed and then continue their duel he didn't and it was his downfall his overconfidence was his weakness which if you guys know george's writing you know he uses the same theme in prequels as he did in the originals anakin's defeat wasn't due to obi-wan being stronger or better than him or even smarter really anakin knew the disadvantage of the low ground it's not like he didn't he studied his master's attacks against darth maul and he saw this as a challenge to prove himself thinking that his powers in the dark side now were more than anyone in the galaxy and ultimately it led to his failure now in terms of what would have happened to the galaxy if anakin didn't lose well i've done that video a few times over so you guys can check that out but if you want i can always cover it again maybe in a different theme i'm thinking the next video i want to cover is what if yoda insidious fought in an open arena that would be a little bit different who would win in that case kind of like how hulk and thor fought alright so normally this is something you'd expect to find in the behind the scenes books or making of type of books however it's not even in there this was actually sent to me by a fan in an email just a couple days ago and it's something that i always overlooked let's just get to the point anakin full-on screams out to padme while the mask is being sealed to his face for the first time at the end of episode 3. we see his mouth start to move even through his burnt and leathered skin forcing air out of his burnt lungs one last time without the help of his synthesizer now i don't want to get copyrighted or anything obviously but if you find the clip on youtube or play it back on your tv you will notice that he's saying something and it sounds a lot like padme help me as the mask is being put on and sealed the voice sounds muffled like it would if you were talking to a voice proof helmet being attached to your face okay so this is me now editing while i'm editing the actual video i'm gonna post the clip if i get copyrighted you know i'm taking one for the team so at least just hit like on this video help me out i've added some modulators to it so you can hear the muffled voice as close as you know humanly possible here obviously if some people are better with sound editing please be my guest go ahead however it even sounds like hayden christensen so here we go guys this was the last bit of anakin that we will ever see on screen just as he's sealed into the mask forever and i think the symbolism is really deep this is something you have to really look deep into otherwise you know it's not really going to be something that you can figure out or hear on the first screening now one thing i do want to mention before we go a little more into detail about this and what it means is basically anakin was unable to speak so the voice that we heard at the end of return of the jedi was as good as it's gonna get but especially right after mustafar which was that point here he could barely speak more than a whisper so anything that he would say because his entire vocal cords were burnt and scorched and therefore it's gonna make it really hard to talk now what does this mean what's the symbolism here it's actually really beautiful it shows that he's trapped he can't be heard his emotions and true identity was always screaming out for help but it was the all-new life that was symbolized within this black suit of death that cities put him into which made him the machine that he became this is definitely one of the biggest topics or hidden topics that i could make a video on especially after the help me line that was cut from the mustafar scene which i did a video on a couple months back i believe it is so subtle but you can definitely hear him screaming something on the inside and it sounds a lot like pad may help me or help me pad me so let me know the council is no longer in control one of the most dramatic scenes in all of star wars and one of the most dark when palpatine orders anakin to storm the temple and kill all of the jedi to do what must be done while i've done videos on the reason anakin killed the younglings today's video will be the most voted topic from last night's poll on facebook how did anakin kill all the jedi at the temple during order 66. the answer is complex and not as straightforward as one may think i've managed to break it down into six detailed points first let's do some math and backtrack during the battle of geonosis in episode 2 there were roughly 200 to 250 jedi in the arena fighting the droids while that number is not official i did pause the movie and do my best to count how many jedi there were many of them were killed by the droid's robotic blaster fire and we should note that the jedi were ready for the attack fully focused and aware of who was the enemy during the purge however they were not this leads us to our first point as palpatine said we will catch them off balance the jedi were completely taken by surprise imagine it like this you're at home and your best friend knocks at your door with a group of your other close friends then they beat you up you wouldn't have expected that would you anakin was the poster boy of the jedi council and the hero of the clone wars he was the chosen one and everyone knew how gifted he was we can see the reaction of the younglings when they saw anakin they ran to him for protection only to be slaughtered like animals and i slaughtered them like animals it's unfortunate we didn't get to see the events during the raid on the jedi temple however i will make a separate video later on discussing anakin's entire thoughts from the novelization during order 66 at the temple the second point is that most of the masters were already killed by sidious or away on other planets i think there are only two jedi that anakin would lose to and those were masters yoda and windu even count dooku who stood his ground against his former master yoda lost to anakin as soon as he started using his hatred and tapped into the dark side that right there is a giveaway to gauge just how talented anakin was at dueling with obi-wan and utapau yoda and kashyyyk and mace windu out of the picture along with his strike force this left the temple very vulnerable the third point i'd like to make is something that loses the attention of many when we talk about clones the clones were genetically engineered fighting machines and not just replicas of a regular man or mercenary but the number one most ruthless jedi hunter in the galaxy for two generations jango fett and then boba who was a direct clone of django the clones were gifted genetically and if that wasn't already enough they had their entire accelerated life of training protocols and combat experience from django's methods personally order 66 was planned during their conception and was hinted to django by count dooku when he pitched the idea of cloning him for an army on top of all this these were the 501st legion of clone troopers they were top tier the best of the best and the most ruthless these were the clones that gained the reputation of vader's fist they spent years fighting next to the jedi in the clone wars learning their tactics and techniques and in the end using it to their advantage to execute order 66 the fourth point is the strategy used by the clones only we'll cover anakin's after as it isn't as elaborate the strategy implanted by the inhibitor chip for order 66 combined all of django's jedi killing knowledge with the added tactic of teamwork the clones knew the jedi unless a very powerful master of course they wouldn't be able to deflect an overwhelming load of blaster fire for too long of a time especially if they were padawans or just low-level knights even they would attack in groups and focus their firepower at the chest of the jedi and collectively shoot until one blast got through leading the rest to continue to shoot an attack like piranhas after this is exactly how they were even able to kill jedi master kiari mundi the fifth point we'll examine is anakin skywalker in general when he entered the temple he thrust his saber directly through master jarok's skull he then killed jocasta new the librarian who was also a master [Music] i want access to the temple signal beacon on whose authority by order of the supreme chancellor that is not within the chancellor's power only the jedi council can authorize access the council is no longer in [Music] you control get away with this skywalker in the clone wars we can see anakin kill shakti in yoda's vision what is it skywalker let's also examine this video here i've slowed it down for us to analyze anakin's fighting style during the raid here he is literally fending off cinderella who is a very talented swordsman and master of the academy with one hand extremely relaxed as if it's just a walk in the park while his other hand is choking the life out of a padawan anakin had outranked everyone at the temple which leads us to our sixth and final point there was a reason sidious didn't execute order 66 at an earlier time it's because he was waiting for the perfect moment to do it when the jedi were spread thin and scattered throughout the galaxy he knew if they were together then most likely they would have won however if they were taken by surprise caught off balance and alone then his plans would come to fruition he was the first to fully seek out darth bane's rule of two by hiding in the shadows and striking the jedi when they least expected it palpatine was the true leader of this operation do you understand what did you think of the raid on the jedi temple do you think things would have been different if yoda and obi-wan were back at the temple hey guys do you all remember this video that i made a little while ago well to my surprise it did blow up this is outrageous and rightfully so i guess it's a huge piece that no one noticed in the final cut that we all got in revenge of the sith now this video is in addition to that one and why george actually took that part out it's discussed in the book the making of revenge of the sith where george discusses the final scene now if you haven't seen that video go watch it i'll have it pop up at the end of this one however i'm going to briefly reiterate what it was about it took place at the end of the mustafar battle where anakin bursts into flames or rather just before he asks for obi-wan to help him where obi-wan refuses and tells him that he loves him but he cannot help him which is true i mean he literally killed all the jedi through order 66 including younglings it doesn't really get much worse than that and i don't see how obi-wan could help him anyways george just before filming goes up to ewan mcgregor who plays obi-wan if you don't know and well here's the piece from the book itself production moves on to obi-wan's new line just before he slices off anakin's limbs to prep him lucas shows mcgregor the edited sequence on one of the monitors i cut out anakin's line help me master he explains i didn't want him to be redeemed but the end stays like that he asks referring to the sequence as a whole yeah now the removal of that line is very important and that's why i'm making this video if he hadn't removed it then anakin would have forever had the idea of being redeemed and we could blame obi-wan for not choosing to help him which would have just possibly gone down a very different path one which i explored in a very different and long two-part fan fiction discussing what if obi-wan had saved anakin at the end of revenge of the sith now this is interesting to me in the sense that it closes any possible notion of him ever having second thoughts about the dark side by asking for help and the fact that it closes any conversation about obi-wan now having a full-on chance at saving anakin i'm happy george made this decision because if he didn't then it would have looked like anakin actually regretted what he did in which he did when he was crying we can see that and george actually even says that in the deleted scenes too however now in this scene after losing to obi-wan like that it just feels out of character for anakin to ask for forgiveness and to be helped by obi-wan at this moment he is engulfed in rage and that's what keeps him alive so i think it's very true to anakin's character and darth vader's character as a whole after his completed transformation once he lost to obi-wan i thought it'd be cool to show george's final words on not wanting anakin to be redeemed and explaining them a little bit in my theories and thoughts so let me know do you think anakin's line should have been left in there or are you happy george took it out hey everyone how are you all doing today welcome back to another video today we're going to cover some ships particularly anakin's jedi starfighter now just prior to the onset of the clone wars the delta 7 aether sprite class light interceptor or just the delta 7 aether sprite light interceptor was commissioned however due to the fact that it was most often used by the jedi it became more commonly known as the jedi starfighter this highly effective but expensive small interceptor was made of the state-of-the-art technology of its time with a sophisticated sensor array and communication systems along with the starfighter's two twin laser cannons which were later supplemented by an additional four quad pulse laser cannons concealed behind the ship's breakaway panels thanks to the modification added to its design by jedi master seizi tin the delta 7 made for a sleek and deadly opponent to deal with especially if its pilot was a jedi it was designed by walex blissex the engineer doctor general who during the time of the empire went together with one of the rebel alliance's first generals jan dodona work on the rz1 a-wing interceptor the delta sevens was fast with extremely powerful sunlight engines that could accelerate up to 5000 g's but due to its size and the technology of the day the jedi starfighter with a few experimental prototypes as exceptions was unable to carry an internal hyperdrive so to reach light speed the interceptor had to rely on an external hyperdrive docking ring system unlike the future starfighters to come like the t-65 x-wing the first generation of delta sevens didn't allow for a full-size astermec droid navigator so instead the droid was directly integrated into the jedi fighter leaving the astromech's head the only thing that was visible due to how fast the starfighter moved it was nearly impossible for most pilots to actually hit their targets that's where r3d came in a droid whose function was primarily to be the ship's targeting system while r4p was mainly utilized for navigation however with the introduction of the delta 7b full factory model astromechs were eventually able to be used as navigators now the interceptors were given different color markings turquoise was used for general use jedi starfighters while red was assigned to specific jedi though other hues of colors soon emerged as some jedi chose to individualize their ships such as hank skywalker who painted his fighter the azure angel similar to the look of his pod racer on tatooine but because skywalker was skywalker he also heavily modified the craft installing an experimental built-in hyperdrive and adding large turbine engines there were even some rare interceptors that had a forward sonic mine or seismic charge that could unleash a devastating shock wave or instead in the rear the ship was given a bomb shoot but again those modifications were very rare one of the most prominent and iconic moments for the delta 7 was shortly before the battle of genosis when jedi master obi-wan kenobi was attacked by the notorious bounty hunter jango fett in his slave 1. after the jedi master had tracked the infamous killer to an asteroid field on route to the planet albacus but it was really obi-wan's padawan anakin who took the starfighter to heart literally in any way as azure angel was named after senator padme amidala the young padawan's secret wife skywalker kept modifying his craft so along with the increased power to the engine to the articulated stabilizer and the vectored thrusters for superior maneuverability in space and an atmospheric flight anakin also mounted two tame and back laser cannons to each of the azure's wingtips totaling four in all but of course he wasn't done in the center fuselage he also installed a missile launcher that contained a high volume of missiles and the tame and back laser cannons could also be fired all at once or individually depending on the situation they could even hit their targets at extreme off-axis angles while the heavily modified jedi starfighter swooped by its enemies then with this missile launcher the young jedi could launch them in rapid succession as he did at the battle of munilist where he fired within only a span of a few seconds seven of them and if that wasn't enough and it can also had a pair of trans gown mag hyper drive thrusters that were used to bypass the use of the hyperdrive ring however there were some jedi that wanted to spoil anakin's fun as they were concerned that he thought of the azure angel as his own possession and saw his modifications as yet another example of his inability to let go of his attachments however not all agreed jedi master seizie tin who had made his own modifications to the overall design of the delta 7 encouraged the inventive padawan to keep going to test where the limits of the jedi starfighter could be as he hoped skywalker's improvements could prove useful in the design of the next generation of the interceptor unfortunately the original azure angel met an unfortunate end by count dooku's dark acolyte asajj ventress this was after anakin had chased her to the jungle moon of yavin iv where after he landed she destroyed it anakin fortunately defeated the dark side assassin in a ferocious duel that they had throughout the jungle and he would go on to pilot several other starfighters throughout the clone wars including at least two yellow eta ii actus a red delta seven a number of yellow delta seven b's and another blue delta seven named azure angel ii hope you enjoyed this video on all or at least most of anakin's ships that he used frequently hey guys in this episode i want to cover something pretty interesting and something that was supposed to give us a very different feel to the whole high ground scene in revenge of the sith so remember when obi-wan sliced anakin into pieces anakin was full of rage and hate in that scene and he was set in his path to kill the jedi never asking for help or forgiveness or anything right well according to the making of star wars revenge of the sith anakin was actually supposed to beg obi-wan to save him to help him this puts a totally different feel on the scene because now we have anakin asking for help and forgiveness even if for about a moment it still shows he was never fully committed to the dark side or it shows his treachery that he was going to use obi-wan's help to somehow kill him or throw him in the lava now personally i think this is the moment that anakin could have been swayed back to the light i mean there's more chance at this moment than any other really so here's the direct write-up from the book revenge of the sith deleted scene a cry for help the scene where obi-wan defeat anakin was originally slightly longer and included additional dialogue between the two men after everything that happened between them on mustafar and after everything anakin has done obi-wan's first impulse is to reach out to help the man who became his brother and anakin's first impulse is to reach out to obi-wan for help anakin's cry for help together with his outstretched hand is actually left intact in the movie even though the sound was muted you can see hayden christensen's lips clearly pronouncing the words christensen groans to get into character and then gives an emotional delivery of the two lines help me master and i hate you the making of star wars revenge of the sith by j.w rinsler documents the filming of that dialogue and there is actual behind the scenes footage where obi-wan refuses to help the fallen jedi it's only then that anakin's eyes turn from blue to sith red this revelation adds a new dimension to the scene and makes it even more heartbreaking i love you but i can't help you according to this book after anakin implores obi-wan to save him george lucas asked ewan mcgregor to say i will not softer almost to himself because after anakin bursted into flames it's as if obi-wan was talking to a dead person that's why he also suggested to drive home this point that mcgregor changed the words in the script to the past tense i loved you ewan agreed but pointed out that his subsequent line would have to change too but i could not help you lucas also explained that what obi-wan is basically saying to anakin is you were my only hope you blew it now we don't have any hope so this adds a whole new dimension of feelings for that scene anakin was asking for help and this was the moment that i feel he could have been saved obi-wan declined you know rightfully so he did a lot of wrongs in this case and thus cementing his path to the dark side forever but it makes you think what if he actually did save him this kind of takes you back to my fan fiction where i did two parts of what if obi-wan saved anakin that would have completely changed the timeline and if you haven't checked it out do check it out it was one of my favorites to make and i think it holds a lot of truth for what could have happened here however star wars wouldn't be what it is today if that did now of course the new hope was luke skywalker but they don't really know that until much later hey everyone how are you all doing today so i've never done this video because i figured it was pretty obvious but one of the things i overlook is that not everyone has seen the movies a million times and things get left out so this video is for all of you who have asked this in the comments plenty of times anakin skywalker has always used a blue lightsaber blue is indicative of a guardian status now green as we've seen with qui-gon and yoda means that person is really strong with the force otherwise known as a consular in episode 2 at the end in the geneosian arena we see anakin using a green lightsaber and it raises the question as to just why he had a green one then went back to blue in the final prequel episode what many might have forgotten is that anakin's real official blue lightsaber got destroyed in the genosian factory it gets squashed and no longer works then he gets captured by the genosians with padme and obi-wan where he still doesn't have a lightsaber at this point because it's destroyed however once the jedi arrived then obi-wan and anakin are given spare lightsabers to defend themselves by two jedi now what is curious and we could you know have some fun with a theory on it is that they knew they had to give anakin and obi-wan new lightsabers considering they were captured and their holder probably wouldn't leave them with their weapon so why didn't they grab two blue ones to return the order of what they both wielded why one green signifying force power expertise and one as a guardian the council knew anakin had the highest midi-chlorian count in the known galaxy so perhaps whoever picked these out to give to him knew the green one should be given to anakin this raises my theory that if qui-gon still trained anakin would he have given him a green lightsaber this early in the game because he knew how powerful he was or could have been had he trained properly in the force would his force powers be that much more advanced and therefore require or rather grant him the use of a green lightsaber i think that's a pretty interesting question for sure but more than likely it's just random and george thought it would be cool to switch things up for this temporary saber harnessing a green crystal now i have done a video on why anakin doesn't use a green lightsaber in episode three if you guys want i'll have a pop up at the end of this video and you can check it out in the last 20 seconds but i hope this answers that question that it wasn't actually anakin's lightsaber since his was destroyed so these were just temporary lightsabers and he ended up using this one and obi-wan's temporary blue one against dooku which of course the green one got destroyed and the blue one we don't really know what happened to it but yoda probably picked it up and put it back into storage or their spare lightsaber section we never do really see it again so this is one of those questions that you don't really hear asked but you just know that you can't be the only one wondering well for this too we have an answer the jedi were keepers of the peace not soldiers they believed in democracy and that the jedi should have a choice in how they live their lives however when it came to the jedi order they had different criteria some might say they were controlling while others believed it was a way of the order and unification while almost every other jedi master can be seen wearing light-colored robes made from the same materials reflecting their calming and positive nature the black duck stands out and that is none other than anakin skywalker if we dismiss the fact that there were a few other jedi with dark colored robes such as luminara unduly and ahsoka and even quinlan vos we can notice that it's not just anakin's robes but his entire tunic and outfit that is dark as well then we can just focus on anakin's rebellion to conform towards the jedi's color scheme let's refer to the visual dictionary from episode 2 for our answer as we land on anakin's profile by the way this book is really cool as we land on anakin's profile we get all the info we need from lucas and his team i mean obviously we can figure out what lucas was doing but if we stick to the story for the fun of it then we can finally understand officially why he wore these colors and the materials he specifically used let's start from the top with the dead giveaway the unconventional tunic color expresses anakin's independence that alone is enough for this video's answer but we have much more info next to it points to his tunic material synthetic leather surcoat offers more protection than traditional cloth garments why would anakin feel he needs to wear this material when masters like yoda and mace windu or even qui-gon jinn didn't it's because he was ready to fight at all times and confrontation was at the forefront of his mind he obsessed over it reflecting on his clothing choices down to the material to be ready at all times the third and final point shows anakin's clothing heading dark knight the tunic robes and cloaks worn by jedi are honored traditions but not uniforms oh wait one second there we go that's better from the time they become padawans jedi are free to dress as they choose anakin skywalker breaks with tradition in his garments both in their color and material his distinctive dark clothing makes him stand out at the jedi temple and draws concern from jedi elders so while his robes are his to choose meaning he can literally wear hot pink robes how can you do green or whatever he wants it didn't stop the masters from becoming concerned with his clothing choice reflecting back onto his personality and striking a red flag early on in his jedi career just another reason why mae swindu was always doubtful in his sincerity i always felt like the subtleties to anakin such as his scar and the color of his robes that strayed away from the jedi order was really what pronounced his turn to the dark side and the fact that he was different in nature altogether much more powerful much more talented and much more rebellious so why did anakin lose to the high ground well because it was the high grounds thanks for watching guys have no i'm just kidding in today's video we're going to discuss the reasons anakin lost to the high ground while covering some basic canon comics for our answer so with all the jokes about the high ground being the impenetrable form of attack i have an army we have a hulk i have the high ground spawning a universe full of hilarious memes and jokes it's led me to analyze just why the high ground was so amazing and it's not just because it was at a higher elevation it actually requires some knowledge from the anakin and obi-wan comics for this answer the one in particular is this one where anakin fights a droid simulated to look and fight just like darth maul as the story pans to the balcony above as palpatine mace windu and obi-wan observed the young padawan's impressive abilities they realize that anakin is fighting a darth maul simulator as obi-wan tells them that he has pestered him non-stop about his fight with the sin anakin knew exactly how obi-wan defeated him and it's no coincidence that the final battle between master and apprentice the soon-to-be darth vader ended in such a poetic way paying homage to the defeat of the first sith lore to show himself within a thousand years only this time obi-wan allowed the spawn of the most potentially powerful sith to corrupt and carry out the emperor's bidding it's pretty cool if you look at it in this poetic way anakin had a big inferiority complex he always wanted to beat obi-wan to prove he was more powerful than his master and always one step ahead of him in the revenge of the sith novel during his denial to be granted the rank of master anakin challenged mace windu in his mind playing out a little fight until obi-wan snapped him out of his daydream just standing there which is when he bows and takes a seat he also always compared himself to yoda as we saw in episode 2 when he thought he rivaled the grand jedi in lightsaber combat this moment for skywalker was a way to say he was better than obi-wan not just because obi-wan had the advantage for the higher ground but because it was how obi-wan killed maul when he was around the same age as anakin this was a last stab at his master that he was just as if not better than him how he could do the same thing as him and when that this move that caused his and the jedi order's victory against the sith will now be the downfall of the order entirely anakin was going to cut his master in half like maul so it was fitting that obi-wan defended himself in such a way he could feel the malevolence in anakin's energy the hatred at this point was too strong with an anakin it's all obi-wan's fault he's jealous he's holding me back he blamed obi-wan for holding him back this entire time and using him as a scapegoat for his mother's death for the death of padme and for him not becoming a master on the council so for that reason fueled by rage and arrogance of course as well he leapt however his calculations were too short and it cost him his fate of eternal suffering anakin was a brilliant jedi as smart and battle savvy as he was in the clone wars he knew the best plan of attack was to wait and cross at a distance slightly further down the river bank but he didn't he was clouded by his arrogance and it led to his rise as the masked darth vader it's too bad for anakin obi-wan had mastered the high ground and the low ground another happy landing when it comes to who is stronger well that's not a debate for this video however i do believe that anakin was more powerful potentially however their force powers were almost identical as we saw when they repelled one another back during their duel what did you think of his demise was it fitting to the story or rushed did you read the comic that i mentioned and did it ever make you think was anakin trying to emulate that same move from his master's fight [Music] this video originally started as a theory however i checked with the novelization of the revenge of the sith for this scene in particular just to see how far off i was it turns out the book confirms my thoughts so in this video i will read a passage from the novelization of the revenge of the sith regarding anakin's rejection of becoming a master then i'll explain everything in detail you'll notice how much the film's cut out in comparison to the book let's begin finally as it began to sink in upon him as he gradually allowed himself to understand that the council had finally decided to grant him his heart's desire that they finally had recognized his accomplishments his dedication his power he took a slow deep breath thank you masters you have my pledge that i will uphold the highest principles of the jedi order allow this appointment lightly the council does not yoda's ears curled forward at anakin like accusing fingers disturbing is this move by chancellor palpatine anakin inclined his head i understand i'm not sure you do mace windu leaned forward staring into anakin's eyes with a measuring squint anakin was barely paying attention in his mind he was already leaving the council chamber riding the turbolift to the archives demanding access to the restricted vault by authority of his new rank you will attend to the meetings of this council the quran master said but you will not be granted the rank and privileges of a jedi master what [Music] it was a small word a simple word an instinctive recoil from words that felt like punches like stun blasts exploding inside his brain that left his head ringing and the room spinning around him but even to his own ears the voice that came from his lips didn't sound like his own it was deeper darker clipped and oiled resonating from the depths of his heart it didn't sound like him at all and it smoked with fury how dare you anakin stood welded to the floor motionless he wasn't even truly aware of speaking it was as if someone else was using his mouth and now finally he recognized the voice it sounded like dooku but it was not dukku's voice it was the voice of dooku's destroyer no jedi in this room can match my power no jedi in the galaxy you think you can deny mastery to me the chancellor's representative you are yoda said and it is as his representative you shall attend the council sit in this chamber you will but no vote up from the depths of his furnace heart came an answer so far transcending fury that it sounded cold as interstellar space this is an insult to me and to the chancellor do not imagine that it will be tolerated mace windu's eyes were as cold as the voice from anakin's mouth take a seat young skywalker anakin matched his stare perhaps i'll take yours his own voice inside his head had a hot black fire that smoked from the depths of his furnace heart do you think you can stop me from saving my love you think you can make me watch her die go ahead and v-pod this you anakin obi-wan said softly he gestured to an empty seat beside him please and something in obi-wan's gentle voice in his simple straightforward request sent his anger slinking off ashamed and anakin found himself alone on the carpet in the middle of the jedi council blinking he suddenly felt very young and foolish forgive me master his bow of contrition couldn't hide the blaze of embarrassment that climbed his cheeks we have surveyed all systems in the republic the rest of the session passed in a haze so as we can see anakin was already thinking of taking windows spot on the council as dark as that sounds in itself it confirms his actions later on and how he could so easily betray mace in the chancellor's office [Music] that's a different video for a different time in the context of this video anakin wanted to become a master for two reasons one was because well as we know he was egotistical always obsessed with rankings such as his obsession with becoming a jedi as a little boy to later becoming a jedi master in episode 3. the second and the biggest reason he wanted the promotion was to gain access to the sith holocrons and scrolls in the restricted section the restricted section allowed entry only to masters and since anakin wasn't one yet he couldn't get in there after palpatine told him about the sith legend of darth plagueis the wise it spiked anakin's interest about the sith and their teachings even before this we can see his obsession with understanding all aspects of the force in this scene here i know there are things about the force that they're not telling me they don't trust you anakin a little quick history lesson about the jedi temple itself it was actually a sith shrine over 4 000 years ago in this timeline and what happened was as the sith killed each other and through wars having died out the four masters who were the jedi masters of the temple at that time came to coursent and built the temple upon the sith shrine as a way to block out the sith teachings this also leads to many theories about why the dark side clouded the jedi's judgment so much through the films the second part of this video that i'll have pop up at the end of this is a fan fiction that goes through my theory and thoughts of what would have happened if anakin had been granted the rank of master i truly believe that if he was then he never would have turned to the dark side since he'd have full access to all the sith teachings instead of just palpatine's info from darth plagueis if we incorporated legends material then anakin could have studied many sith who cheated death both in life and after such as the immortal sith god and dedu marco ragnos and valkoryon to name a few do you think anakin would have turned to the dark side even if he did have access to the restricted section in the jedi archives let me know below this video will cover two different topics we will first start with palpatine in revenge of the sith and all of the prequel trilogy films for that matter we see palpatine has his regular human eyes instead of his infamous bright yellow eyes why is this it's expected the most powerful sith lord would have his sith yellow eyes at all times however why do his eyes remain normal before the execution of order 66 the answer is because golden yellow eyes for a sith only happen at certain moments in their lives when the dark side is the most strong within them when they have just summoned the most amount of evil that they could and brought it out were they seen with the most terrifying ominous yellow eyes prior to order 66 palpatine was working to move under the radar of the jedi to complete his plan and become the supreme chancellor then the emperor and persuade anakin to become his apprentice in the dark side of the force he subdued almost all of his dark side powers up until the end of the fight with mace windu where he unleashed the full power of the dark side as we saw shouting unlimited power and holding nothing back this for palpatine was like a release of holding it in for so many years waiting to finally unleash his pent-up rage and letting the hatred flow strongly through him bringing mace to his end it was after this that his eyes began to glow an amber yellow as he knighted darth vader killing anakin almost entirely his eyes remained yellow because he was after all the sith lord and the most powerful in the galaxy we can see them glow even more as he ignites his hatred while killing luke in episode six drawing more and more upon the dark side of the force the same can be said for anakin just as palpatine said when he told him show no mercy only then will you be strong enough with the dark side only once he raided the jedi temple would he be able to feel the full power of the dark side and call upon it this is why we don't see anakin's eyes change for the first time until after he slaughters the separatists on mustafar completing his full turn to the dark side then once padme arrives his energy completely changes to a more subdued level and he returns to his original normal eyes most would think that his eyes would change when he was killing the younglings however he was acting in revenge and hate against politicians that he never had respect for this is the opposite to the raid on the temple and the slaughter of the younglings when his eyes were blue instead of yellow when he attacked the jedi he was in a similar mental state to kylo ren for example confronted han solo he had to kill people he knew loved and built relationships with ultimately something he knew in his heart was wrong calling upon the full power of the dark side again when he was on the brink of death at the lava bank bursting into flames and using his physical and emotional pains to fuel his survival this is why we see his eyes remain yellow behind the mask in rebels all the way up until luke helped bring him back to the likes out of the force at the time of his death in return of the jedi [Music] hey everyone we've all seen that part in episode three where anakin has just helped palpatine kill mace windu by slicing his hand off and was knighted as darth vader joining the ranks as darth sidious apprentice and fulfilling darth bane's ancient rule of two after this scene we hear palpatine tell anakin every single jedi including our friend obi-wan kenobi is now an enemy of the republic we must move quickly the jedi are relentless if they are not all destroyed it will be civil war without him which means that if the jedi including the younglings learned about this betrayal they could have informed senators such as bail organa and there would be civil war inevitably of course bale did see what was happening and despite palpatine's plans a war did eventually break out it was the will of the force that the jedi order be wiped out of existence to the last padawan their crime swearing allegiance to the galactic senate placing the will of the people over the will of the force even when the will of the people was corrupted by politics or fear defining good as the common good and not the will of the force itself only qui-gon jinn followed the force like religion he let the force guide his actions all other jedi were sworn to use the force according to the will of the people and the council to use the force against its will essentially even the padawans so on the surface if you're not an in-depth star wars fan the reason for anakin to kill the jedi was to distinguish any possible flair of jedi in the future to uprise and hunt them down in the shadows and foil any of their plans to come but why the young lives they were so insignificant if you watched the commentary during that scene lucas dubs that anakin had to kill them in case one of those kids came back later to get them there's another reason that only fans will know and we're gonna go over that one next anakin was no stranger to letting his hatred consume him the big thing about the dark side is that once you slip and allow yourself to be fully consumed by it turning back is no easy move also a big thing to remember is that he was simultaneously terrified of losing padme he just got a front row demonstration of the power of the dark side by agreeing to be palpatine's apprentice he was agreeing to carry out his orders 100 or face a punishment far worse than death for himself and his loved ones this isn't the first time he has killed innocent children i killed them all they're dead every single one of them and not just the men but the women and the children too however this is all well perceived and suspected by any member of the audience but that's not our job as fans is it we go much deeper than the surface the main reason anakin killed the younglings was to submerse himself into the dark side killing off anakin completely and being reborn as darth vader now if you haven't checked out the darth vader comics i highly recommend it but for those who haven't we're gonna go over it quickly here specifically in issue 24 we see he has visions and dreams of himself battling anakin on mustafar in a clash of evil versus good ultimately the evil side always winning until the very moment luke finally breaks through to him at the end of return of the jedi anakin wanted nothing more than to save padme and become the most powerful jedi in the galaxy dark or light it didn't matter to him the more evil unthinkable deeds a sith practices the more cemented they are to the dark side making them more powerful more hateful and more in pain just like when kylo killed his own father han solo he knew it was hard for him you can see the tears in his eyes before he does it but he knew this was the path he wanted so by killing him there was no turning back you don't just slaughter your family face to face then go back to the light side and forget everything that you did that haunts you forever as i'm sure killing the younglings haunted anakin as you can see he has tears later on as well remorseful of the path he has chosen and the things he's done but inevitably doing it for the greater good of his selfish desires or so he foolishly thought in my opinion on a side tangent if the sith learned to create life and stop others from dying so could the jedi as i've explained in my could master yoda create life video which i highly recommend you check out after this one now you remember in the force awakens when we saw kylo constantly banging on his wound that chewbacca had delivered to him with his wookie bowcaster after he killed han solo during the final battle scene with rey and finn why was he doing this it was to create more pain for himself and bleed harder creating more hatred and anger allowing himself to draw more power from the dark side now ask yourself this have you ever been in so much physical pain that you sometimes enjoy it that it makes you feel more angry or tough if you feel more pain that's exactly what happened in all these situations anakin wanted more pain to dive deeper into the dark side and pledge himself to palpatine's teachings proving his loyalty to the emperor who was his key master through the gates into unlimited power so many who watch star wars especially the revenge of the sith they may see it clear as day as to why anakin betrayed the jedi and essentially why he thought they were evil they may think well he was crazy he hated the jedi or because he wanted to save his wife while all of these answers could be true there is much more to the reason than our minds could hypothesize i think the only way to do it is to hear from anakin's point of view directly in the aftermath of the events in the book following the revenge of the sith novelization the dark lord vader explains to himself as he goes over the events in his mind how he had executed sidious commands because the jedi would never have understood his decision to kill mace windu and the rest of the odor so that padme might survive his nightmares he felt the jedi would stand in the way of his decisions regarding the fate of the galaxy so right here we can see his power struggle and a need for control over what he felt would be the best fate of the galaxy he then thought of killing sidious and the events that would ensue after this he thought of winning the war for the republic but he knew then even the jedi would have fought him to the bitter end for what he did to mace the thought of them taking custody of his children paralyzed him knowing they'd think his children would be powerful assets to the academy possibly the most powerful he thought to himself if only the jedi council had been so set in their ways so deceived by their own pride they would have grasped that the jedi needed to be brought down he believed the jedi order had grown stale corrupt and overall self-serving in a way he was right this was the same reason count dooku left the order and why qui-gon was never on nor wanted to be on the jedi council feeling disrespected at being called the chosen one all while being denied the rank of master anakin felt they were holding him back he deemed it unsettling that they didn't trust him enough yet expected him to do their dirty work to lie for them and spy on the chancellor he mumbled under his breath by calling them old fools i believe if we observe the jedi council from anakin's views this would give a better understanding of how he really felt so imagine being taken from your mother from your home planet as a young boy to become a jedi knight [Music] your master dies and now you're pawned off to his apprentice you're forbidden from ever visiting your mother again even though you have feelings of her dying and in need of your help because of the jedi's rules you get married in secret to padme and keep it secret from everyone this is extremely uncomfortable you are promised to become a peacekeeper but get turned into a general of war this would make you resent the jedi for their hypocrisy they abandoned your padawan ahsoka for being accused of murder then the jedi want you to spy on one of the only people you trust palpatine now remember palpatine was the only person anakin told about the sand and his deeper secrets this goes to show just how much he trusted palpatine and the relationship they had they tell you to accept the death of those you love just like when yoda told anakin during his indirect confession about padme dying when sensing the future anakin the fear of loss is a path to the dark side i won't let these visions come true master yoda and then they try to kill palpatine without even giving him a fair trial he must stand trial he has control of the senate and the courts he's too dangerous to be left alive if we look at it from his eyes with all this pain and unnecessary pressure to be the chosen one yet denied the rank he felt he deserved we can justify why he thought the jedi were perhaps evil and thus leading to his turn however i think the word evil is a bit of a far stretch for anakin as he was the one who killed the younglings he should have just said they were unfair or cruel but evil is just a whole another game altogether what does everyone watching think were the jedi evil just from anakin's point of view or entirely the jedi are evil should palpatine have been given trial before being executed what would have happened if mace windu showed up with yoda and the other jedi masters
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 1,486,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, obi wan, star wars eclipse, darth vader tribute, george lucas, anakin skywalker lightsaber, order 66, hayden christensen, darth vader, anakin skywalker, star wars theory, luke skywalker, the clone wars, anakin skywalker vs obi wan kenobi, star wars explained, anakin vs obi-wan, vader fan film, anakin order 66, palpatine vs yoda, luke mandalorian, book of boba fett, star wars theory fan fic, grogu, kenobi trailer, vader comic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 42sec (11682 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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