What if Luke SAVED Anakin With Time Travel?

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in Star Wars Rebels we see Ezra Bridger locate the world Between Worlds and use it in order to save ahsoka's life from the menacing Darth Vader the world Between Worlds is a concept that hasn't been fully explored in the Star Wars Galaxy but in short it is a realm that transcends time and space providing a gateway to different points in history and Alternate realities in other words time travel so what if Luke Skywalker used the world Between Worlds to save Anakin Skywalker after the destruction of the Empire Luke began his exploration of the Galaxy he desired to learn more about the Jedi and thus dreamed of visiting every Jedi Temple in the Galaxy he went to lothal where he knew a Jedi Temple was located as Luke approached the Temple's entrance he could sense a powerful yet mysterious prisons emanating from within with cautious anticipation he stepped inside feeling the weight of History and the force surrounding him the Temple's ancient walls whispered Tales of Forgotten knowledge and untapped potential exploring the temple Luke's instincts guided him deeper into its hidden Chambers finally he stumbled Upon A mysterious artifact a gateway to the world Between Worlds intrigued by the Limitless possibilities that held Luke couldn't help himself but feel a mix of awe and trepidation as he approached the Gateway his mind and body was jolted to a nearby plane it was dark and full of many Pathways he had arrived in the world Between Worlds Luke Skywalker stepped into the Ethereal Realm of the world Between Worlds his senses immediately heightened by the sheer power and presence of the force the space around him shimmered with countless portals each representing a different moment in time as he ventured deeper into this mystical realm Whispers of the past present and future began to echo in his ears voices reverberated overlapping and intertwining carrying the weight of History Luke closed his eyes allowing the force to guide him and embrace the Symphony of voices that echoed through the fabric of time he heard the soothing yet commanding tone of Obi-Wan Kenobi the whispered wisdom of Yoda the warmth and determination of his sister Leia Organa and even the conflicted cries of his father Anakin Skywalker with each step that he took the portals revealed glimpses of the countless possibilities that lay before Him Luke witnessed moments that could have been variations of events that could have shaped the Galaxy differently one portal called to him drawing him in as he looked through it he saw the tragic scene on the Death Star where Obi-Wan Kenobi faced Darth Vader in a final confrontation the sounds of the lightsabers clashing echoed throughout the portal and Luke's heart sang as he watched Obi-Wan sacrifice himself for the greater good moving on another portal beckoned to him showing him the pivotal Jewel on Mustafar he saw Obi-Wan filled with sorrow and resolve engaging in a furious battle against Anakin Skywalker now consumed by the dark side their lightsabers dance in a beautiful Symphony of fate and Luke felt a whip of Sorrow after witnessing the anguish on both his father and his former Master the world Between Worlds continued to unfold before Luke offering him glimpses into the infinite past that could have been he witnessed potential victories and devastating defeats turning points that could have reshaped the Galaxy there were portals showing the Triumph of the Rebellion where the Death Star crumbled under the United effort of the Rebel Alliance Luke's heart swelled with pride as he saw the joyous celebrations of a galaxy finally free from the clutches of the Empire but there were also portals depicting the dark reign of the Sith where the Empire's grip on the Galaxy tightened leaving worlds oppressed and Enslaved the suffering and despair were almost tangible fueling Luke's resolve to prevent such a future from becoming reality in the midst of this intricate realm Luke caught glimpses of other potential moments he saw battles won and lost friendships forged and shattered love found and love lost the possibilities were endless and with each passing moment he understood the immense responsibility that came with this power as he navigated through the world Between Worlds the sights and sounds unfolded like pages and a Cosmic Book Luke glimpses Futures where peace reigned and the Jedi Order flourished he also witnessed ultimate pass where Darkness prevailed consuming the Galaxy with Perpetual turmoil with each Vision Luke's determination grew stronger he realized that the choices he made in the present had the power to shape the destiny of the the Galaxy armed with the knowledge and insights gained from the world Between Worlds he resolved to forge a path that would bring about balance hope and the Redemption of his father as he continued down the cosmic pathway the force called out to him urging him to witness one specific portal as Luke motioned himself towards the portal histle the opulent office of Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant within three figures stood their Destinies intertwined in a pivotal moment the first was Anakin Skywalker his face fueled by conflict and uncertainty Lou could sense the turbulence within his father's heart the struggle between his loyalty to the Jedi and his desperate desire to save his beloved Padme beside Anakin stood Mace Windu a Jedi master known for his unwavering dedication to the light side of the force his expression carried a sense of Duty determination etched upon his features as he prepared to strike down the Sith Lord Palpatine was left fixated on the floor and preparing to die when doing Skywalker engage in an argument that will determine Palpatine's fate Anakin grew increasingly hateful each second Luke's heart skipped a beat as he realized the imminent danger Anakin's anguish and turmoil were palpable his descent to Darkness was painfully evident Luke understood what was about to unfold and a surge of urgency coursed throughout his veins he couldn't let his father Commit This irreversible Act of Darkness as Anakin's lightsaber ignited he prepared to strike down Mace Windu Luke summoned all of his strength and Mastery of the force time seemed as slow as he projected a wave of energy forcefully pushing Anakin into the wall the sudden intervention bewildered the three individuals involved their expressions a mixture of confusion and surprise before Mace Windu could comprehend what had just occurred he focused his attention on the Sith law board stuck to the ground before him once again he raises his lightsaber and removes kelton's head with his blade it was done Palpatine was dead Anakin now filled with a mix of rage and betrayal Rose to his feet his eyes blazing with Fury he had seemingly forgotten about the other man who appeared out of thin air Luke stepped into Anakin's frame stealing his attention he told Anakin to stop all this would bring is pain Anakin stared intently into Luke's eyes Luke communicated to Anakin that he is his son Anakin's eyes widened with astonishment the realization Dawning upon Him Luke was his son born from the love he shared with Padme Amidala Luke extended his hand to Anakin a silent plea for his father's trust he conveyed through his expressions and body language that he held the key to their salvation Anakin torn between doubt and hope reached out tentatively his hand trembling as it touched Luke's as he touched Luke's hands the force explained to him that he could trust Luke Luke continued to explain to Anakin and mace who he was and why he was there it had worked he had saved Anakin from killing Windu and pledging himself to the dark side with a shared understanding Luke and Anakin nod and Unison the bond of Father and Son strengthened by their Silent Communication Anakin committed to listening to Luke trusting in the wisdom and guidance he carried from the future the scene shifted Padme Amidala the embodiment of resilience and Grace gave birth to their twin children Luke and Leia the force embraced her protecting her and ensuring her survival meanwhile Luke his purpose fulfilled for the moment made his way back into the world Between Worlds as he stepped through the portal the memories of his journey etched into his soul he felt a sense of Bittersweet longeen Luke emerged from the wall Between Worlds his heart pounding with anticipation as he stepped into his own timeline he immediately sensed a shift in the force the world around him had changed transformed by his actions within the mystical realm gazing out at the world before him Luke's eyes widened with awe and disbelief there was no sign of the destructive war-ridden shadow that once cast itself over the Galaxy instead he found a peaceful Naboo thriving with life and joy a smile spread across Luke's face as he realized the magnitude of his success Anakin and Padme were alive their love preserved and their children Lucan Leia grew up in the warm embrace of their nurturing presence the family that had been tragically torn apart now flourished in the idyllic setting of Naboo Luke's heart swirled with gratitude as he imagined the laughter love and shared Adventures that now filled their days Anakin once consumed by the darkness had found Redemption and together with Padme they Embrace their roles as parents mentors and Guardians of the light not far from Naboo Luke knew that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano thrived as well their bond forged through countless trials and shared wisdom had grown stronger Obi-Wan's loyalty to the Jedi code and ahsoka's determination to forge her own path had melded into a partnership built on trust and mutual respect and this new timeline that Luke created his family was alive and safe the Jedi were not defeated and instead continued thriving and providing protection for the Galaxy after they won the Clone Wars Palpatine and the Sith were dead and the Galaxy was thrusted into a new era of peace and prosperity Luke Aiken pleated his mission and brought about a bright future for the Galaxy if you enjoyed today's video you must watch what if thrawn join the Republic a what if Luke was trained from birth please check out our patreon if you're like to support the channel the link is in the description below all proceeds go towards making better videos for you guys thank you all for watching and May the force be with you [Music]
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 44,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world between worlds, star wars what if, a world between worlds, anakin skywalker, world between worlds what if, what if vader went to the world between worlds, world between worlds star wars, what if, what if obi-wan saved anakin with the world between worlds?, what if darth vader went to the world between worlds, what if anakin, what if darth vader saved padme, sequel world between worlds, anakin, world between worlds vader, ahsoka world between worlds, fantasy folklore, luke
Id: 41HNYloA8gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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