What if Obi-Wan BROUGHT Anakin Back to the Light in Revenge of the Sith [ANIMATED FULL MOVIE]

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what's up guys what's going on so this is a fan fiction that's super important to me made this about five or six years ago and it was a two-parter and I think you guys requested this one the most of like any of the fan fictions at least anyways I've had part one and part two which is pretty much the full story animated it took a very long time I'm extremely impressed and happy with the product with the final version here animated by David kiss so I hope you guys sit back relax enjoy the hard work that went into this and a bit of a a homage to all of you a bit of a thank you to all all of you from the past and the present today whether you're a new or old subscriber I love you guys I wouldn't be here without you and I really appreciate everything right George hey George yeah George agrees so sit back relax leave a like and May the force be with you this is a good one foreign [Music] you can see Obi-Wan had two options here he could either give into his frustration of Anakin having turned and continue the storyline to where it is today or if he had truly used his Jedi training of persuasion and patience much like Qui-Gon would have done if he were Obi-Wan in this situation and continued his explanation of why Palpatine is evil explaining to Anakin that he merely uses powerful Fallen Jedi like Dooku or bred assassins like Maul to do his bidding and when he's done with them casts them aside like garbage and moves on to the next explaining to Anakin how he has manipulated his mind to think he needs him and his teachings he would then ask Anakin why he is doing this what has the chancellor said that could persuade him to do this Anakin would most likely reply as he had already stopped fighting Obi-Wan and started a dialogue with him it doesn't matter what he was saying but rather the fact that he was actually saying anything to him at all and not continuing to try to cut his head off this was a pivotal moment in the timeline that if Obi-Wan used to his advantage to have at the very least tried one last time to convince Anakin that Palpatine was evil he may very well have caused the slightest shift within him at this point Anakin was like a moldable clay he had taken the shape and form of a Sith Lord however he could still be brought back Padme was still alive by the ship and he had just moments before been crying about everything he had just committed now Darth Maul wouldn't have cried he would have been impatient to find the next youngling to kill Anakin had remorse he had guilt and he was suffering internally for it just as he had carried this conflict within him until the end of episode 6 with Luke's Aid he could have been turned here and now being hit with the logic that he knew deep down was true Anakin would look down and analyze the situation Obi-Wan seeing his process of confusion would shut down his lightsaber and hold it in front of him just in case Anakin were to pull a fast one Anakin would not move as the pods moved down the river now passing the point of The High Ground that Obi-Wan jumped on earlier in the original timeline he would eventually turn his lightsaber off as they would near a cliff of pouring lava Obi-Wan telling him to jump to land Anakin leapt onto the closed surface as the robots floated off the cliff and into the hot lava below melting into liquid Obi-Wan would speak Anakin you are like a brother to me this is not you you were not this evil remember your mother she would not want you to turn to this if neither would Qui-Gon Obi-Wan was Now using every heartstring he could pull on to get Anakin to come to his senses look at what the chancellor has made you to do you've killed Master Windu betrayed the Jedi at the temple and slaughtered innocent children Anakin who have you become Palpatine is a master of evil and manipulation you could have even killed Padme Anakin struck a hard stare at Obi-Wan his lips trembling I don't know what to do Master I don't know who I am anymore Obi-Wan turned Anakin's gaze from the lava erupting from afar to his face both covered in sweat and burnt Char marks he said Anakin you are the same boy who won the port races the same boy who gave Faith to Qui-Gon in his last breath and the same man who taught me as much as I taught him Anakin it's not too late it's never too late don't continue down this wrong path come back with me to Coruscant let's find the others who survive and put things slowly back to where they should be Anakin look back at Obi-Wan with tears streaming down his cheeks he wanted nothing more than to go back he could see what the emperor had turned him into the evil he had brought out of Anakin and all because he needed his powers for his own master plan upon their walk back to the ship Anakin saw Padme laying unconscious where he had left her running to her he put his hand on her forehead bringing her back to Consciousness as she opened her eyes to see her husband they smiled at one another with tears flowing down their cheeks everything seemed right again with work and effort things could maybe return either way it didn't matter to him all that mattered was Padme was alive and he could feel that he made the right choice looking at Obi-Wan they both smiled at one another as Anakin reached out to touch his shoulder when he saw him fly 50 feet behind him into a boulder as he withered on the floor in agony blue and purple spider-like webs of electricity sparking over his limbs boy shots and this is how you repay me Anakin looked up as he saw Palpatine's electrostatic fingers buzzing ready to strike again as four clone troopers guarded his sides he could see his hands directed at Padme his eyes filling with rage turning orange and yellow he stood in front of her waving his hand the clone troopers all grabbed their throats as he crushed their windpipes he knew the powers of the force now proved to be worthy of his expectations staring at the emperor's soulless eyes as if he looked into a black hole empty surrounded them as erupting lava could be heard from afar the wind blew through Anakin's sweat crunched hair and the emperor's cloak Swang parallel in the wind the universe Stood Still waiting on the next move Anakin glared intensely at Palpatine his eyes focused on the dark lord a smile made its way across Palpatine's face revealing his yellow stained teeth in an attempt to rush Palpatine Anakin charged forward with his lightsaber at arm's length pointed towards his enemy in response Palpatine raised his hand summoning a flurry of forced lightning causing Anakin to move his saber in a defensive position absorbing the lightning and in the same moment Palpatine used the force to draw his own lightsaber from inside his cloak thrusting him towards Anakin the two locked in a vicious duel as the lava and volcanoes erupted around them barely able to hear their own lightsabers over the Ferocious Roars as the fight progressed Anakin found himself drawing on both the light and the dark sides of the force wavering between the two caused him to stall his attacks which feltine took advantage of as he noticed a flaw in Skywalker's defense exploiting it and quick enough to sever a vital component in Anakin's mechanical hand near the wrist causing it to go limp and leaving Anakin with just his left hand to duel this forced Skywalker to rely heavily on Obi-Wan soar's Sioux form of combat blocking every attack Palpatine through him however Palpatine was a master of all seven forms of lightsaber combat easily reverting to the form 2 makashi he used it against Skywalker just as Dooku used it against Kenobi moments later the two of their blades were locked as were their eyes but while palpton's gaze only displayed rage pride and a little pleasure anakins were filled with fear and hatred he had never battled someone so powerful in his life the speed anger the power that he was dealing with was uncomprehensible and something that he just couldn't be ready for slowly towering out Palpatine looked at him and said you have much to learn Lord Vader it's a shame with a Twist of his wrist Palpatine saber cut deep into Anakin's right leg causing him to drop his saber and fall on his back laughing with excitement Palpatine was ready to destroy the Jedi's so-called Chosen One his eyes fixed on Anakin's head as he opened his thin crevice of a mouth [Music] two Blaster shots were fired from the same direction as the Clones Anakin had previously taken care of Palpatine quickly turned towards the blast absorbing them with two to minutes it was Padme she stood holding her stomach in one hand and the Clone sidearms in the other palpton used the force to quickly discard of the Blaster and raise both Anakin and Padme into the air fool foolish senator now both of you will experience the full power of the dark side Anakin's eyes widened and without a word palping felt his grip on Anakin's body sever as he was forced backwards hitting his head in a daze Palpatine slowly raised off the ground as Anakin used the force to both levitate the Sith Lord and grab the lightsaber from within the Dark Lord's sleeve as Compton came to his senses he saw Anakin with his limp mechanical arm raised and his eyes emitting a bright orange glow this was not Anakin Skywalker holding him in the air this was Darth Vader dark lord of the Sith Palpatine laughed he had won whether he lived or died it didn't matter now the Sith would continue as he had finally trained an apprentice worthy enough to take his place as the ruler of the Galaxy Anakin ignited pumpkins lightsaber a crimson red glow shown across his face walking to the emperor ready to finally end his rule when he stopped in Shaw as his face was illuminated staring at a bright lilac blue blade piercing through the emperor's chest cutting his laughter short at that moment Anakin's concentration faded and Palpatine's lifeless body fell to the floor revealing behind him none other than a burnt and charred Obi-Wan Kenobi his hands still firmly gripping his lightsaber as Anakin toppled to the ground clutching the wound on his leg palping's lightsaber slowly rolled away from the young Jedi Knight while such an act would have surely damned Anakin Obi-Wan was safe from any corruption for this was not an act of Revenge but rather an act of Mercy Mercy for the Republic Mercy for the Galaxy enslaved but most of all Mercy for Anakin Anakin pulled himself to his feet and with the help of Obi-Wan the two of them made their way to polis Masa where Padme would give birth to twins whom now that Anakin was present to name his son she and Anakin would name them Jin and Leia Skywalker after these events Padme would raise their children well with the help of mon mothma and bail Organa working to rebuild the Republic to a thriving democracy during this time Grandmaster Yoda and the newly appointed Master of the order Obi-Wan Kenobi which was a title previously held by Master Windu would regroup with all surviving Jedi to rebuild the Jedi Order from the ground up with the formation of the new Jedi Order bounty hunters and the evil alike would go into hiding all while being hunted by Anakin Skywalker and the order the order would never forgive Anakin for what he did as Vader but they were willing to give him one last chance however with a close eye restoring peace the Sith would once again fade from the Galaxy until from behind the Shadows a new threat which will arise this time to pray the Skywalker children did you really think it was all yeah yeah no this was this was written before you know they live happily ever after the end [Music]
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 970,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars theory, star wars explained, luke skywalker, darth vader, anakin skywalker, mace windu, anakin skywalker vs obi-wan kenobi, star wars what if, anakin vs obi wan, kylo ren, what if obi-wan brought anakin back to the light?
Id: 95wKjj8bdAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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