Jinhsi Beat The Game... (Wuthering Waves)

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so it is time to show off gingi I've been playing with her almost exclusively since she came out so I have a much better idea about how she works and everything I would say she's definitely one of those characters that sounds a lot more complicated than she is she has already been raised and built and everything so I don't think I'm going to do a typical Talent overview for her because you know if I were to do that and actually explain everything we'd be here for a while instead I'd rather just talk about what she's supposed to be doing so the main focus of her kit is definitely revolving around her forte circuit and her resonance skill she technically has like four different resonance skills but the first one doesn't really matter because before even swapping to jein she what you should really make sure of is that you have her intro skill ready doing her intro skill essentially skips the first and normal resonance skill and that's important just to keep things moving once she comes in with her intro skill she will have her enhanced resonance skill already ready to use and that's when you use that her third resonance skill will be available after you use the initial one and that is then when you have to do four basic attacks once you execute the four one her final and true resonance skill will be available this is where you get the big juicy burst damage that is her basic rotation it's really not that complicated the thing with her final resonance skill which is definitely the core of her kit is that it becomes a lot stronger depending on how much Incarnation you have which is this little waveform band above the HP bar so first of all she needs 50 incandescents to max out her skill damage and she can only get up to one every 3 seconds from just other resonators attacking enemies she can gain two incandescent Stacks every 3 seconds with coordinated attacks and then if you have multiple different element coordinated attackers you can double down on this because the stacks are independent which is why Vina is by far the best healer for her because Vina can do coordinated attacks you throw another coordinated attacker in there like mortify yinlin and you're going to be getting incandescent pretty fast her residence Liberation is very separated from the rest of her kit which is why I haven't talked about it until now it is basically just a big burst damage but it does have a massive resonance cost on it so it's basically one of those things you use as soon as you have the energy to do so Talent priority most important far and away is her forte circuit after you get Forte circuit as high as you can my gut would say next most important is resident skill just because that's the core for kit but the actual multipliers that matter are getting increased with her forte circuit and not resident skill so I personally put next priority on Liberation followed closely behind skill and intro skill basic attack you really don't need to raise that much I just did because it's cheap even so that non-activated thing is bothering me so I'm going to spend my last weekly boss material on that instead of anything here we should also talk about the main echo of a build cuz it's typically pretty important to the rotation of a character this new one here Jou I think he's called or she I don't know the gender of all right I've been going back and reading the story for the past half hour just to make sure I don't accidentally Miss gender a fictional Dragon uh but they just refer to it as it so that's what I will do anyway if you do have ginchi you should really try and farm jouer to get a decent one here it is by far the best main Echo for ginchi not only does it do a lot of damage but it's a summon type echo which means you do not transform into it you don't need to do any swap cancels or anything fancy you just press the button pretty much at the beginning of your rotation and it does stuff besides that she'll also gain 16% resident skill damage bonus which is like the best thing for her so all around amazing Echo get to farming it it is one of the easiest bosses to farm ever you can just go on difficulty 3 there's no even respawn time for him so you can just go in and spam spam spam spam so so yeah that is gingi in a nutshell honestly not too complex I have changed my mind a bit on her build since I first built her and that's mainly because of her signature weapon but before we move on to that conversation let's just talk about good weapons for her it should go without saying her signature if you have it give it to her if you don't you can borrow gons his isn't as good but it's still solid the five-star standard Banner weapon lustrous razor would be actually very close to Geon signature so if you have that it's a good option for her as well sadly there aren't any amazing fourstar options even Autumn trace the battle pass broad blade isn't that great for her because the passive is almost completely useless those final basic attacks she does before her big burst damage are treated as resident skill damage so I don't believe in an optimal rotation she would even stack this still usable of course because it does have crit rate main stat that's always good if you're willing to farm the massive amount of scarlet horn you need to get you know five broad blade number 41s this would probably be the best like freeto playay option but yeah still not super ideal moving on to Echo like we already talked about you should really try and get UA if you have her signature or another crit rate weapon like Autumn Trace you would give her crit damage main stat here the best sub stats here as it usually is for DPSS crit rate and crit damage just getting those two stats makes it a good echo in my book for her though attack percent and Resident skill damage are also very good stats energyin actually also not a bad stat I was getting some people in chat saying ah her burst isn't really that important you don't need energy regen but it still does a lot of damage so I wouldn't focus on trying to get energy regen in particular but if you do get it don't be disappointed cuz it's still a good stat everything else is kind of meh some things are more meh than others like flat attack is still okay so I do want to have a little discussion about Spectre damage bonus versus attack percent bonus for the cost 3es here this is what I alluded to a little earlier in regards to her signature weapon with her signature weapon her passive effectively gives her 60% damage boost which is a massive amount in games like this a damage percent bonus like spectro damage bonus just gets kind of lumped into that just as a damage bonus so I don't believe there's technically diminished returns with stuff like this but because we're going spectro we're not going attack and it's better to have a more even spread of attack damage bonuses crit rate crit damage Etc I did look at some calculations to make sure I'm not completely talking out of my ass here but essentially when you have a signature weapon one spectro and one attack is technically the best but almost exactly the same is going attack attack and still very close behind that is double Spectra again so for all intents and purposes when you have a signature you just have flexibility so you know you can go to your cost 3s Celestial light instead of just looking at Spectra damage bonus Echoes you can also look at attacks now and raise them if you do not have for Signature weapon it's still relatively close but I would not go double attack I think you can throw one Attack One spectro in and it's going to be pretty close to double spectro if you have better substats on your attack percent as opposed to your second spectro go for the attack percent you're going to be stronger overall and then the cost one not much to say there attack percent obviously and the sub stats we talked about earlier we are going five piece Celestial light if you couldn't tell already 40% total spectr damage bonus for 15 seconds after releasing intro skill which you're going to be wanting to do anyway with her all the time there is an easier way to build her but it's just overall a little weaker and that is 44111 of course you'd have to use morning eggs as your second cost 4 here so you can still get the Sonata effect and then you'd go three cost one attacks generally you would have one crit rate and one crit damage damage on your cost fours just to even things out and this avoids having to farm like specific spectro damage bonus or other cost 3s that are a lot harder because they have so many different main stats in her case this type of build isn't that much weaker than 43311 I still would recommend trying to get 4 3311 eventually but if you just don't have a lot of echo for her it's definitely an option my current stats I don't feel like are that impressive I haven't had too much time to farm her eeko yet and really perfect them so yeah this is what we're working with 2124 attack 56 crit 236 crit damage or I guess in ginin terms 136 crit damage sadly we only got one resident skill damage bonus substat a lot of heavy attack for whatever that's worth and some residance Liberation I have been blown away and super impressed with my s0 gin shei let's go and talk about teams I do feel like Vina should always be with ginchi if you have her middle spot here we have yinin there is another one besides yinin and mortify especially if you don't have the option and that's Yuan wo he is also a coordinated attacker and he needs very little onfield time he has very consistent and easily accessible coordinated attacks he would be there primarily just to you know bump up gin's Forte gauge which is an important thing obviously I may eventually raise him just for that so my yinin can go back on the Karo team at the end of the day we will need three whole teams so I'll see for later but yeah he's an interesting option if you want to look into him I haven't tried Tower of adversity for a while so sure why not the question is do we want to try level 100 I've never tried this before I feel like it might be possible already you know we do have level 80 characters perhaps with my best team which I do believe are these three now the interference is very nice for gin shei casting resident skill grants 60% resident Liberation damage and casting resident Liberation grants 60% skill damage which I think is the more important part for her oh yeah I'm getting absolutely destroyed Jesus Christ can we uh get her uh thing real quick the coordinated please okay there we go so we can go and do that we can go ahead and do that I guess unfortunately we don't have all the stuff but I mean still a nice like 68k we should have done her burst first of course as always we're messing everything up cuz we're bad but uh he's already like 10% dead or something all right here we go this one should be good oh no I thought I did intro skill anyway here we go this should be decent oh it was no critical that would have been amazing all right here we go come on come on something big 158 I'll take it this should be decent as well I think why is it never critical and you have over 50% that should be enough killing this guy in 2 minutes I'm not sure is actually possible but I'm not really happy about one star sure let's continue oh interesting so we have a more a AOE situation here oh and then we have a boss that's cool get the stuff okay this should be decent come on 200 176 all right I'll take it ah I still don't think we're going to even be able to get two stars on this guy this might do it here oh yeah damn I think mempis is easier because it's just the boss unlike here where we have a boss and then minions and I know I messed up a lot of on him cuz I still haven't really warmed up yet so we're going to just try it again 212 let's go I was looking out for that uh 200k oh my yinin died we actually got kind of close-ish to three stars on that one do I have to try for three are you going to make me suffer yes we're trying for three even though I don't think this one's even possible to three star cuz I don't think we did that bad and we only got one so big one big one big one not bad I can talk about rotations and stuff all day but actually putting them into practice is a little harder oo a nice 188 dude no no we have like 1 second no dude that's so stupid it was so close okay we're going to restart ooh nice 213 if we can get lucky enough to have like all of her skills critical then yeah maybe I think we got a little bit closer this time unfortunately no dice I think wait come on no it was right there oh man we needed like three more seconds we can do it I know we can wait what why do we have three stars I thought I don't care we have three stars I don't know how we did that I could have sworn we were at 259 there I mean okay we have to try this now okay we got to the bringle in in 40 seconds I don't think that's enough if he's if he has anywhere near the same HP as the mthis I would have to assume he doesn't though oh my God that was so stupid Oh but dude no I'm not sure about that we definitely weren't perfect by any means but he still has 40% of his HP with no time left we need to make it to the monkey a lot faster and this thing needs to have not been alive right now that would have been good that would have been sub 32 to Monkey but uh where where's he going what the if stuff like that's going to happen I don't even know why I'm trying we made it to the monkey in decent time that time but uh no it's like I don't feel like it N I know I can make it to the monkey in 30 seconds so yeah it's kind of RNG like if the dude starts spreading out and stuff that makes it like almost impossible yeah 30 oh wait why is this dude still alive come on man yeah whatever oh why is this one so much harder than the mempis and also the monkey is so so annoying this should be good 206 yeah but still dude there's no way I mean it was definitely closer this time we're about 10 seconds over oh man I don't know oh come on don't die yeah I don't know what's going on now I can't get to the monkey under like 40 seconds which is weird I'm going to try a few more times but wait hold on oh my God go why is it always the last stupid little dude dude man I hate that it looks possible because like I'm stubborn and I'm not and I'm going to probably not give up but like I don't know like even on a not horrible run we did here we still need like 20 extra seconds we'll get the extra star and then try for like another 7 hours still a good like 30 seconds uh this time actually was pretty good got to the monkey in 30 seconds with uh one of these bursts available so ah ah no I don't think it would have worked anyway with 20 seconds left but that would have been the closest one yet for sure and the monkey why why is there one in the back I don't get it I don't get it yeah these small enemies just keep getting bounced everywhere and it's like and then there's always one left at the end with like half of its HP man this one was actually decent ah if that would have critical he wouldn't have been dead but we would have been a lot closer and there he goes again why dude it's like a 50/50 chance that he just gets bugged and oh come on please die bro oh my God what's wrong with you that could have been like a 20 second to Monkey yeah unfortunately it didn't help because like none of the big attacks actually critical this time so that I think that was actually bad luck I think we had an actual chance here o we got to a monkey in 25 seconds this time man this one was actually pretty close that's crazy I don't know what happened to the rotation at the end here but yeah that could have been a 250 pretty easily come on bro the grab it's always the grab wow immediately bro oh wait I'm Still Alive N I wasted too much time thinking I was dead now shame cuz that was actually uh going pretty decent there for a second oh man look at that dude like still too far away but if this criticals this will be my fastest monkey yet oh 20 seconds dude no don't don't do this now you son of an ass I don't care I'm still trying oh everything is messed up now come on bro really that is so unfair why why is he just randomly running to the other side of the I'm never going to get a 20 second monkey again it there was a Parry Sound there was a Parry Sound nothing is critical dude nothing are we already yeah I think we're already past time again twice in a row bro do it again yeah I am I am I am done I need about five or six tries to get a good time on you know those first five enemies to get to the monkey in like 30 seconds or less and then there's 50% chance it ends there because he just runs away I would continue to try if if it wasn't like that if he wasn't bugged uh but yeah I've run out of patience whatever she's good character big big number go go boom uh I'm going back in I don't care I don't care can you hit this one also please no he was about to I saw him critical critical critical oh dude if that had critical he probably still would would wouldn't have been dead but oh come on at least Critical with with with the E then that's all I asked Critical with the E of course why would it why would it critical why would it critical that would be silly that would be silly if it critical I only have two crit rate would be super silly if this one critical it's I did okay for the last like hour and a half I haven't been saying anything I literally threw my microphone on the other side not out of Rage just because I was like I need to get out of YouTuber Zone and get into gamer mode and uh yeah it's been 5 hours but I don't know I think we got lucky with critical feels pretty good feels pretty good okay now that I've had a chance to catch my breath let's go ahead and watch the replay just so you can see some actual gingi gameplay that's not cut to hell I am not claiming this is perfect or even good gameplay I don't know I am pretty stubborn in just trying to figure out how to play at least by myself without someone telling me about rotations and whatnot I do think I've gotten decently tight with swapping out and and stuff and not wasting too much time I'm not doing you know quick swaps where I swap to someone and then like back because I haven't figured out that yet but I think I'm more or less doing things right when jei is on field obviously in this Tower of adversity I do want to try and use my burst before skill if it's close so that the skill has an extra 60% damage and vice versa for the burst so usually I'm pressing e as soon as I swap in which I think is like pretty much correct anyway and I'm basically using the echo off cool down there is at least one or two sections during the battle where the rotation kind of gets broken in a way I have to stay with other characters on the field too long gaining conservative energy etc etc the massive Mega nerds are going to point out about 7,000 things I did wrong through sheer stubbornness we were able to three star it and I'm happy about that so that's probably not enough commentary to cover the almost two minutes of the fight so just enjoy the rest for Fore spee spee spee fore fore for look at that it's no longer shattered it is whole we have zero stars on the easier stuff and it might actually kind of stay like that because I used my best units here there's no way I'm going to reset this no way I'm going to reset this if I've raised another team already so be it I'm keeping those six stars uh and I'll take those 75 esteres thanks at one point this stopped being about jeene she and started being about this stupid monkey she is incredibly strong and super fun to play there's no way I would have been trying that fight as long as I did you know what just for reference you know the other level 100 enemy the mythis guy you can see here in my editing program how long we were fighting him it's a pretty small little bar there right and here is how long we were fighting the monkey so yeah it took a while but that's where I'm going to wrap up the Showcase now let me know what you think about jei or the video in the comments down below thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 82,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuwa, wuthering waves guide, jinhsi, jinhsi guide, jinhsi build, jinhsi weapon, jinhsi echoes, jinhsi gameplay
Id: pi8AO8r4Rqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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