What happens when you get a crazy speeding ticket?

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the attainable were undesirable and the desirable were unattainable so a couple years ago I got a speeding ticket one night coming home and it was really a silly ticket on my part because the car in front of me was going the same speed if not a little bit faster and I just sped up slightly to to get past somebody and it was in a spot where I knew cops like to sit and it was just poor timing and because I was in a Corvette and the other guy was in a Subaru he assumed that I was going faster so he pulled me over and I handed him my Ohio patrolman's friends-with-benefits card and he brought it back with the ticket I was a little bit surprised actually because his 82 and a 60 wasn't anything you know incredibly ambitious certainly not cannon ball speeds I kind of said hey you knows no grace here at all and he saw my other card was which was an FOP card and he goes oh you got an FOP card I had no idea that's not sorry that this card is different than this one let me give you a like which one works here you know so he told me to call the court and they take care of it which was obviously just a passing along of responsibility because he wanted to just be on his way so I called the court they had no interest in doing anything I called the prosecutor and left him numerous messages never to get a call back so I was trying to get this taken care of myself to no avail so I finally called friend of mine who's an attorney and he said no problem I know that prosecutor will get this taken care of so got it down to a no points violation pay the court costs everybody's happy the irony of all ironies is that my court date was the day that I was leaving on a cannonball adventure to purposefully break the speed limit all the way across the country of Mexico maybe a year or so later my insurance agent calls me he goes the insurance company called and they want to move you as a driver from your company policy that's a problem because it's my company so what's the reason well you have a reckless op on your license I don't know I don't because it sits on your record and so I looked it up and it said disregard for safety and the the charge date was you know this day that I had gotten a speeding ticket pled down but it said disregard for safety zero points now disregard for safety is the term that Ohio uses for a reckless operation charge so I looked at it and just said well it's very clear it says zero points next to it it can't be a reckless off because that's four points so my insurance agent called back and pled my case to the underwriter and they decided to just not make an issue of it and you know whatever he said convinced them to not remove me from my own policy so that seemed to be a suitable explanation and satisfying outcome and I decided that nothing needed to be done about my record itself because I figured any sensible human being could interpret zero points clearly stated on their as not a reckless driving charge well that turned out not to be the case so this year I had to get all new insurance because I got married I bought a couple personal cars my life insurance was up for renewal so everything had to be redone so in the course of trying to add cars to my personal policy they denied me because they said well he has a reckless driving charge not this again so I tried in the meantime to just get added to my wife's policy because she already had existing coverage because I was only covered under my company at the time I didn't own any personal vehicles for about a six month span they didn't want to cover me they actually wanted to add a household exclusion to me so that everybody in her household except me was covered I guess they were more comfortable with a three-legged dog and a two and a half year old driving her cars than they were with me I said well all right well we got to get this sorted out quickly my wife who's much more patient with these types of things than I am called the court and got them to issue an order striking it from my record so the judge actually issued an order and said this was an error just remove it from his record what the initial charge was was unsafe vehicle that's what they had it pled down to which is a non-moving violation and it you know shouldn't even be on my record at all so that was great I thought everything was fine I sent the proof of that to my insurance company I said here's the order from the judge well we'll only go based on your driving record we can't take that we have to actually see it remove from your driving record like man they don't pay insurance underwriters to think do they they only pay them to do exactly what they're told on the flip side I'm also thinking like if this underwriter had half a brain he would just google my name and then they would probably never want to cover me ever again but thankfully for me he wasn't that astute we had to wait another two weeks or whatever for it to get removed from my record and it had actually been removed from the DMV record so I sent them screenshots of that and they said no that's not good enough it's still an our system and I guess in their system because my agent sent me a screenshot it shows differently so because it said disregard for safety even though zero points it went into their system and showed as a big red exclamation point that said major violation so their system didn't update for two weeks and they wouldn't go off of what the DMV record said they went off of what their system said so this was just a whole lot of not being insured for a while and making my wife Drive my cars and having to drive company cars while we sorted this out so we finally got them to accept me as a driver and write me a policy once all that was struck from the record and I thought my insurance woes were over I was blessed with a Christmas gift of two tickets last year on the same day in different states I can't say why just yet but we'll just say that they were at triple digit speeds now both of those became zero points violations when they came back to the state I learned something interesting that when you get charged with speeding in a different state even though there's the driver's license compact that different charges are interpreted differently so when the ticket comes back to Ohio they didn't report the speed that I was charged with they just said it was a speeding violation so thankfully it showed up as zero points in Ohio now the best part of that was the ticket in Texas I was alleged at about a hundred seventeen miles an hour I tried to get an attorney to fight it because I said this is this is not going to be good and I called around a bunch of attorneys and I couldn't get anyone to take the case they just said no we're not interested we're not interested owned we don't go to that locale now I did get one attorney that was referred to me to take the case but he gave me a little bit of the heebie-jeebies he would never return my phone calls he would only text and he seemed too willing to take it and just yep $250 you know give me your credit card number and we'll do it I might kind of want to talk to you on the phone first because I couldn't get him on the phone I decided to do a little searching and it turns out that he did not have the best reputation and actually currently had sanctions against him pending from the Texas Bar Association I found out that ticket attorneys in San Antonio for my particular case were as a friend of mine said about his son's choice of women.the attainable were undesirable and the desireable were unattainable and I even talked to one attorney that when I told him where the ticket was he goes now mmm now I mean that Judge don't get along now no I'm not doing that one I'm like man what what's wrong with what did you say or who is this judge so I finally got a rational professional attorney to call me back I was blown away by his willingness to take the time with me and not get paid but he basically said that the prosecuting attorney the judge in that particular county did not have any sense of humor or grace and or very against speeding and if you pled the oh well this is going to impact my driving record my job you know all those things they'd say well you should have thought of that before you decided to speed so he said you will not get anywhere but he said look at the violation on your ticket it says that you were charged with 10 percent or more over the speed limit the fact that you were going 117 alleged doesn't matter he said there's there's only really two charges there's 10 percent or more or less or 10 percent or more over and your charge is a flat two points violation regardless of the speed he said I think you should just pay the ticket and take the points Wow that's thank you for that that's the best free advice I think I've ever gotten so I called the court I said I'd like to pay my ticket however I need to know when you report it to the system that comes back to Ohio do you just report the charge as in this was speeding ten percent or more over or do you say the actual speed and the girl goes to check on it she goes no we we just report the charges perfect thank you she goes wow you were going really fast guys like yeah yeah yeah yeah it was so she was explaining the fines to me and it was a certain dollar amount per mile an hour over the speed limit but they cap it it like three hundred dollars so I started joking with her I go man I should have gone a hundred fifty get my money's worth you know she goes no no you wouldn't do that you wouldn't want to do that you might get hurt and then proved myself to be a complete idiot because I was looking at what I was supposed to plead on the ticket itself and they had a section where you're supposed to plead nolo comprende or contend a is for me it was no lo comprende but I said is is that like Spanish for not guilty she was Spanish as probably a lot of people are in Texas so I felt really stupid after saying that but I am from Maine so my redneck Ness just kind of came out there and she goes no that's Latin for no contest I was like yeah oh yeah if I kept reading I would have seen that yeah okay open mouth insert foot so what she was very gracious anyway and I ended up just paying the ticket and came back to Ohio zero points my ticket in Florida got pled down and that also came back to Ohio zero points now I thought that was the end of it right no points no problem well no my life insurance application then denied me because I had too many tickets I also went to get collector car insurance for my Cannonball Monte Carlo ironically and all the collector car places denied me because I had more than one ticket in the past three years and I'm like doesn't every car guy then I realized now they probably really just want to insure Corvette owners that are driving to and from their shows at the speed limit when the guy came to take my blood and check my weight and all that and confirm that I was indeed an extra medium he was asking me all these questions he does well you know do you have any speeding tickets yes how many - well how fast are you going can't remember doesn't matter it was zero points on my record well I know but how fast was the ticket for doesn't matter it's not what was alleged it's what was charged and he kept pushing me on this I'm like listen I'm not I'm not gonna answer you cuz it doesn't matter now if he had been more observant on his way out of my office he would have seen those two tickets actually framed on my wall for display on my cannonball wall that seemingly everybody else sees on their way out but thankfully he didn't and you know they they asked me that question again in the phone interview and of course I had to fill out a big questionnaire about my racing history which is you know the 24 hours of lemons and full cage fire suppressant system legal highly regulated sanctioning body all that on a closed course and they raised my rate because of that but I guess they don't have a category for cannonball shenanigans so the official lesson here is don't speed but when you do and when you inevitably get caught because we all do even the best of us it's helpful that there are resources out there like the ticket clinic and others that make it a little bit easier to find a reputable lawyer unlike the debacle I had in San Antonio trying to find a good lawyer so avail yourselves of those resources and get a good attorney that will help you navigate the nuances of the law and tell you how to interpret Latin before you make an ass of yourself talking to the court clerk a watch can do a lot more than just tell time it can make a statement to the world or show people a little bit more about who you want to be then chero offers an awesome line of designer watches at a great value that you can check out today at the link in the description below you can also use the code vin wiki for a discount at checkout so be sure to check them out and thank them for 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Channel: VINwiki
Views: 832,036
Rating: 4.8651481 out of 5
Keywords: Speeding, Ticket, Switchcars, Doug, Doug Tabbutt, Porsche, Car Flipping, speeding ticket, lawyer, court, VINwiki, Car Stories, fine, points, license, transfer, compact, drivers license, Ohio, Laser, Radar Detector, Countermeasures, cost of speeding, expense, insurance
Id: 5g0kB53E00Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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