Who can rescue this Lamborghini Murci?

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you mean like paper money u.s. or Chinese currency that we just give you in a briefcase James bond-style [Applause] [Music] the two most important parts of shrewd negotiation are limiting your competition and being fully committed when you make an offer and that commitment comes from honestly becoming an expert on whatever the car is that you're targeting when people approach me or Doug Tabata Rob Pitts our advice is always the same to an aspiring car flipper and it's that you need to know everything there is to know about whatever cars you want to buy and sell trying to become a jack-of-all-trades and sell 10 different cars each month just is really really hard it takes a very long time to develop that amount of product knowledge and so we always say focus pick a car that you love learn everything you can and then you're the best person to be the buyer and obviously for me that's Lamborghini mercy eligos I just sold my sixth Lamborghini Murcielago to tyler Hoover I found a great one that I thought I might enjoy but he wanted it more and so now he's gonna start telling you all the terrible things about it and I was able to buy that car quickly in an educated way because I knew what the car was and I just loved terrible examples of really really cool cars and so that's what in fact for me limits competition and so you want to be the guy that whoever takes a car in on trade or whoever knows about a certain car calls when they know that it's available for sale and I had a little bit of that reputation while I was working to the car dealership but obviously through the YouTube channel in Instagram and everything else I have developed even more of a reputation as having an appetite for these terrible derelict examples of really really cool cars particularly Lamborghini Murcielagos and so that is the best way to limit competition because you're the first person that gets called and you can explain to them to the car and needs to transact quietly and that they need to just wait for your offer decide if they want it it's gonna be a full commitment offer with no PPI that tends to be the way that I do it because I know how much I need to cushion an offer by in case something terrible happens with the car that's you know always been my strategy of car ownership you enjoy all the benefits of a really really cool type of car but you have the liver raishin of not being so worried about what might happen to it and you get to use it however much you want and certainly you can do that with nicer things but it just feels better when you're not as worried about what might happen to the car quite honestly that's one of the things I really like about these vinci era watches i mean i have nicer watches and i love them and i wear them whenever i can but sometimes you just want to wear something that you don't have to worry as much about something that makes a great statement of the world has some great design and is very unique maybe even matches an outfit or a car a little bit more than anything else that you own might but at the same time you just feel more comfortable throwing it on taking it on vacation going wherever you need to and again it just works like a great watch and so i usually try to keep a couple of them around that look a little bit different than the watches that i wear most of the time for these special occasions where you just want to be a little bit more relaxed in a watch and so I've appreciated their support of the Van Wyck II Channel and they've set up a coupon code for our viewers if they use the link in the description below they get a 15% discount but they're a great watch company and they're a great supporter of Van Wyck II so I definitely appreciate that but again my reputation that precedes me in the automotive space is that I want these high Miele bad title accident terrible history cars because I know that you can usually make them a little bit nicer clean up the history document what actually happened and in most cases reduce the amount of imagination someone has to have when they try to evaluate what's really happened to a car in the past and then they can make a better buying decision more quickly more easily and they're willing to pay more money and so I've been pretty successful in those car flips but it requires finding the cars and honestly most years I probably only find three four five of these really good deals of these cars that really fit into my wheelhouse and about six months ago I kind of started a process on a really really interesting one it was a 2010 Lamborghini Murcielago SV the LP 670 kind of the end of run mercy and there's really two different mercies that are the best examples from a collector perspective and honestly from a driving perspective in the u.s. we got 29 manual lp640 s and 42 sv s now the only three of those were sticks so most of the sv s are paddle shift e gear but they're both brilliant cars to own and drive and so the SV s star an MSRP that was about $100,000 higher than the lp640 s but the stick cars have certainly climbed in value and they're both really really valuable I mean the real money on either of them kind of depending on color options mileage condition is gonna be anywhere from about four hundred thousand to about seven or eight hundred thousand probably well over a million for the three manual LP six 70s fees and so out of the blue as tends to happen I got a message from a guy on Instagram saying how do you know where a mercy came from and that's kind of like asking where babies come from or they all came from Italy but what he really meant was how do I know what market a mercy would have been originally delivered to because mercy Vin's start with zhw B and then there is a country digit so it'll be a character usually it'll be e for Europe you for the US a for Arabian countries or it will be C for Canada and so I said well send me the VIN and I'll tell you where it was originally delivered and in fact this was a VIN to a Canadian LP 670 it was a Bianco Isis car gloss white big weighing big sticker silver calipers there weren't a lot of real options on SVS they were all for eighty ninety five hundred thousand dollar stickers but there were not very many obviously they said that we're gonna build 350 and in fact they're all numbered out of 350 but there's really only 186 of them and again only 42 came to the US and as best we can tell on Van Wyck II only four were ever taken to Canada now obviously this one was the car of interest and so I didn't have a lot of information about it but I checked the resources that were available and again I all I could tell is that nobody had seen or heard from the car since 2012 but the guy who contacted me and this car were both in China and when you try to export a car to China it's very very sticky and it can be very very expensive and so there were a lot of cars especially out of the Pacific Northwest that wound up in China but in general they needed to be new that was one of the craziness of the early latest-generation range rover exportation issues is that almost 70% of the v6 Range Rovers that were delivered to the US and 2014 ended up being exported to either China or Russia because they had really favorable tax policies on the lower displacement motors and there was just a lot of demand so you can ex for new cars from another market into China however you still have to pay the duty and in China depending on exactly where it's gonna end up it's gonna be at least a hundred percent duty if not more so what that means is that the market value of cars in China can be twice what it is in the US or elsewhere and so that was certainly the case with Lamborghinis around two thousand ten eleven twelve when the Chinese economy was really exploding and quite honestly the US economy was pretty weak it was really great to see that the you know different parts of the world were supporting the brands that we loved when some of them weren't selling a whole lot of cars and so when I was working at Lamborghini Atlanta I would get a lot of contact from certain people that wanted me to send cars to China and and generally we wouldn't do that but we did have some customers that I believe were buying cars to send over there and now of course they still had to pay the duties when they went in and that was really where the hang-up happened with this mercy sv since it had gone in and not really been a new car it probably wasn't actually eligible to go in but regardless the person who was bringing it into China did not want to pay the massive duty so there's certainly people who will either keep cars registered elsewhere and try to drive them on visas or they just won't register them you know historically the way that the Chinese government was run a lot of people I've heard would just print fake license plates and drive the cars around car insurance works very differently in China and you kind of just have your own little automotive fixer that comes and deals with an accident if you ever have one Dave Black who helped us with the VIN Wicky app and was my co-driver on the New York to LA record he lived in China for a while and and has told me stories about this I'll have them come tell him so at some point but you know he was in an accident at some point and you don't call your insurance company you call your kind of a company that comes out and just helps you so it's actually possible to almost safely drive cars in the same way that most Chinese people drive cars without insurance as best I understand it regardless this car was not insured it was not titled it was not registered and it had been in China at this point for at least seven eight years and it had been passed around on kind of handshake cash deals several times in China and at this point they literally had no idea where the car had come from and it was owned by a friend of the guy who had contact me and so he said Edie what should we do with this car I said well I might be interested in it but we really need to understand what we can produce in terms of paperwork to see if it's even possible to remove the car from the country and so we had this Canadian merci SV in China with no paperwork the initial registration that was valid in Canada whatever purchased paperwork existed between some Chinese buyer or some export company and the Canadian seller back from 2012 was gone there was just very little to understand so this guy who had contacted me was quite a fan II had seen a lot of the videos and he had seen in particular the video where we tried to get the seized Porsche Carrera GT out of Brazil and that video got a lot of traffic because it's this fascinating idea of like you get a really good deal on a car in another country but it's this fast and furious process of trying to get it out and get it registered in the US and a lot of the research that we had done related to that car was sort of pertinent to this car because if we weren't gonna have a title we weren't gonna have like a real legitimate bill of sale we were kind of faced with the same thing we have this car that we can rightfully own like no one else is gonna make claim to it we checked all the databases there was no record of this car ever having been stolen and it wouldn't have had any insurance or no theft implications in China so it was a safe car to own it was a very hard car though to move and so I told him look it's gonna have to be a really good deal let's say if it was in the US maybe the cars worth 400 to 450 thousand dollars you know miles were pretty good I think it had about eight thousand miles let's say in the u.s. just an average merci SV like this not an exceptionally rare color but the right options and in good condition it at less than ten thousand miles would be worth mid force maybe a little bit less if it's the black car that's currently being shopped around due to some possible FBI investigation but regardless it was gonna have to be a good waste back of that to make sense for me to take all the time put out all the money and take a while to ever get the car here with some admitted risk and so we talked about it and we kind of settled on a price of $200,000 now the car ran well was all complete all there but again once we agree that's a good deal and I agree what I'm gonna pay him as kind of a finder's or brokerage fee then we have to figure out is it actually even possible because I've never shipped anything out of I understand that my original oh four yellow Guyardo from the rental car company has gone through Hong Kong and is probably in mainland China somewhere now but we haven't gotten any records of it since then but I had never tried to bring a car this way and so certainly tons of people are bringing cars from Japan in but they're all 25 years old this car wasn't even 15 years old to be able to go into Canada additionally you can bring Canadian cars into the US but you have to pay a duty of just under 3% in order to do so the problem was gonna be I would have to get a title in Canada then bring it into the US in order for that to be fully legitimate and I couldn't actually think of a good way to do that so what we had decided were there were if we couldn't get the car out we would just have to bring it in pieces because you can ship parts with a lot less restrictions the same way that I brought in the mercy powertrain from Sam hard along with the likin into the US like that gets a lot easier sometimes you've got some EPA d-o-t testing but again that was gonna be fairly simple because the car was honestly compliant after exploring a lot of ways to fly it in go the other way through Italy we found a way to get the car titled and Dubai probably but it would there were several things we explored but none of it really really made a lot of sense so that the only real option was to bring the car in in three different shipments you ship the powertrain first then you shipped kind of the pieces that are easy to take off steering wheel seats wheels wing deck lid bumpers things like that and then the third ship it would be the shell which would obviously have the VIN and everything else attached to it and each of those would be kind of representative of a strong portion of the money and so you'd have an escrow agent distribute each part of it to the seller over time and their thought was it'd be easier to get through like kind of a free port of Hong Kong so they wanted to disassemble the car take it there and then take it out and of course at this point we're months and then Chinese New Year just came and went and then they got a little bit more spooked and they came back to me last week and they said you know what we actually just want cash you mean like paper money u.s. or Chinese currency that we just give you in a briefcase James bond-style I said no that's not how this works I said I'll be more than happy to give you cash if it's on my doorstep assembled with a title but that's not really what we're doing here so at that point we kind of went back and forth a little bit and I thought quite honestly at this point I've been at it for six months and I'm just kind of decided that it's not worth any more of my time that being said I do know the car is real I do know that the seller is very interested in not owning it as they currently have a fairly useless asset that they can no longer drive around China land fake license plates because there's been kind of a crackdown on that and again they just don't know exactly what to do with it so I don't know we'll see what happens but what I did decide to do is obviously in telling this story kind of wash my hands of the car if somebody brings it in I don't mind paying somebody a profit because it is a really cool car to have and I do obviously love mercies but that being said what you would have to do once you got it into the u.s. is reassemble it and they need to go the path of getting a bonded title through your insurance company which is like an insurance policy against someone else legitimately claiming the car later fairly standardized process if you're buying a car where the title has been lost or something else that is not how you buy a car that someone has a lien on on Facebook marketplace and then try to figure out you know a way to get a title while another bank holds a lien people try to do that all the time that does not work the other option is a mechanic's lien there's a protective measure in the laws of all states that if you are a service provider and you work on a car and nobody ever pays you for it you can then lien the title and theoretically foreclose on that lien taking ownership of the car and that's the most common way that somebody would actually generate a title for a car like this so whoever was gonna do the reassembly we figured it was gonna take about 50 to 80 hours for somebody to essentially reunite all the easy to take off parts plus the powertrain of this car together then you've got a big service bill that would be written to somebody who may or may not actually exist they never get that paid they prove that they give the repair invoices to an attorney there's a hearing or they have to make public notice in a newspaper that if this bill is not paid by this person in this amount of time then they will take ownership and at that point they sell you your car and so that's what I had planned and I had people ready to do it it's easier in Florida than in Georgia but again whatever but at this point I like I said I just I'm not gonna pay the guy cash and I'm kind of done trying to negotiate different terms when there's so many moving parts and honestly since then I've just found a bunch more interesting cars to try to buy almost almost had a flood title Enzo I don't thinking that one fizzled out or this guy was just jerking me around but I love these experiments I love these opportunities and I definitely appreciate when everybody sends them to me this one though can be yours if you feel like taking it from here what I did I didn't want to give this guy's phone number Alex that wouldn't be fair to him and he doesn't even know that I'm making this video at this point but I set up an email address that's the venn of this car at gmail.com and I'm gonna give him that email address and it's password and if any of you would like to buy the car you can email him at the link in the description below and I guess take it from there he may or may not ever look at that email account but that's your best shot to try to get it cuz I don't imagine there's much other way to find this car in China so if you want the car I'd love to hear the story of how it all comes together but at this point it's not gonna wind up in my garage a watch can do a lot more than just tell time it can make a statement to the world or show people a little bit more about who you want to be then chero offers an awesome line of designer watches at a great value that you can check out today at the link in the description below you can also use the code vin wiki for a discount at checkout so be sure to check them out and thank them for their support of the channel and find your next watch it might start a great conversation turn some heads or who knows lead to your next great story [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 945,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ed Bolian, VINwiki, Car stories, ZHWBC8AH5ALA03876, 2010, Lamborghini, Murcielago, LP670-4, SV, Superveloce, exotic car, v12, lambo, import, export, duty, paperwork, mechanics lien, car flipping, strategy, how to, advice, negotiation, bonded title, vehicle history, china, canada, title, registration, tax, taxes, rescue, mission
Id: rIbZqucAMTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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