These simple tricks can get you out of any speeding ticket!

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if you're one of the people that they don't remember you're likely to get a [Music] break i'm an attorney in michigan i've been practicing for 30 years i've handled hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of traffic tickets i've spoken to cops prosecutors judges everybody in the system top to bottom i've talked to other attorneys and the one thing i'm going to tell you as a driver in america that you need to know is that there are things you can do to avoid being ticketed when you are at the roadside and this is stuff that a lot of people when they hear it go really this works and it actually does and i'll explain why so if you are driving along one day and heaven forbid you look behind you and the lights have just come on you're about to get pulled over the way you behave during that traffic stop makes a huge difference in whether or not you get a ticket so you might be able to get out of getting a ticket you might be able to get a lesser ticket or they might throw the book at you but the first thing you have to remember is as the police officer turns on his lights there's a very good chance that the officers not yet made a decision about whether to give you a ticket or not the police officers have huge discretion they're allowed to at the roadside give you a warning they're allowed to talk to you or they're allowed to write you a ticket they can do they have discretion to do these things and so police officers write a lot of tickets and as an attorney defense tickets i can tell you that they write so many tickets that they will often cut people breaks who are good to them and a lot of those breaks will mean that they actually will just lecture you and let you go what it depends on is how you behave so think about it from the officer's perspective for just a minute it's late at night and they're going to pull you over because you're speeding let's say you're doing 12 over okay and they got you dead let's assume you were you know you're doing 12 over i know people who say if i was doing 12 over and a cop caught me i'll take the ticket don't you don't have to you don't have to there's ways you can try to avoid this so think of it from the police officer's perspective he's pulling somebody over she's pulling somebody over late at night they don't know whether or not you are a criminal or if this is the first time you've ever been pulled over they might not know anything about you they might not have seen your face they might not know if you're a man or woman how old you are so it's a blank slate the first thing you do is pull over the first safe spot you can as far off the road as you can every time a police officer gets out of their car they are worried about getting hit by somebody else or bad things happening to them as they approach the car if you pull way over the side so there's plenty of room for them to walk up the first thought they have is and whether they think of this consciously or not is that you are looking out for them i've seen people who got pulled over by a cop who are practically still in the road i've heard stories of police officers actually have to tell people move your car over further get it off the road they're concerned about their safety and yours the moment you let them know you're worried about their safety it helps so pull as far over the sides of the road as you can let's assume it's a nighttime stop first thing you do put the car in park shut the engine off turn on your dome light and roll down your windows and the point is that as the officer approaches your car they know your engine's not running so you're not going to take off on them and with the dome lights on they can see inside your car they don't have to guess how many people are in the car whether the people are armed if they're hostile as they walk up behind you they realize this person is taking steps to make me feel more comfortable then put your hands on the wheel and leave them there we've all heard the ten and two stuff when driving no one does it as the police officers approaching ten and two not for safe driving but they can see your hands i've spoken to cops again who tell me as they walk up their car their number one concern is is this person gonna pull something on me if your hands are in plain view dome light on window down they see your hands they know you're not gonna pull something on them i've actually talked to people clients of mine i've told this to a friend of mine actually said that as the officer walked up she said why are your hands on the wheel and he said i did that so you can see them she said thank you and i've heard stories from people who told me they followed my advice and and police officers noticed this police officers can walk and go you know why i pulled you over now this is a gray area never admit what you're doing because if you think you were speeding there's a chance he's gonna say no you ran a red light now he's got you for two things but also if you say why you thought he pulled you over number one you're not a mind reader you don't know but number two anything you say can be used against you and it'll be an admission so if you later tried to say i wasn't speeding if you're in court the cop's gonna go yeah he told me he was speeding i asked him do you know why i pulled you over said yeah speeding so never admit to anything so your best answer is some kind of vague i'm sorry officer i have no idea i'm sorry but i don't know i don't know you tell me don't say that but that's the thought and the officer is likely gonna say well you missed a stop sign back there you made a right turn on red and it's not allowed back there you're doing 12 over or whatever it might be and you say okay and see what they say and the officer is probably going to say can i see your driver's license and registration or whatever it is in your state that you need to see don't move turn to the officer and say sir i'm sitting on my wallet i'm going to reach for it my license and my registration are in my wallet is that okay and now i get a lot of pushback people say steve you're going to ask the cop for permission to reach into your own wallet and i say you're not asking for permission you're putting them on notice of what you're doing because we've seen the stories in the news we've heard the stories the news where people are talking to police officer their hand disappears and that's when cops get on on easy they're worried about where your hand is going so you tell the police officer i'm going to reach my wallet i'm going to reach the glove box wherever you're going to reach sometimes the police officer will ask you is there anything else in the car i need to know about or is there anything i should be worried about you should know that if you carry most states even require you upon contact with a law enforcement officer you have to let them know but you should let them know because if you don't let them know and they find out then you're going to be in a whole world of hurt with respect to other things in your cars or they might be in a fishing expedition you never know my advice to you is the same as i told you with you know what do you know why i pulled you over and you're not a mind reader but again if you carry that's something you should certainly know another nice thing and this is again depends on your personality but sometimes if you get a police officer who's not completely by the book you might be able to strike up a conversation with them and perhaps compliment them on the area what a beautiful area that can also play in with the idea that you know i'm not that familiar with this area never admit that you're not familiar with the law but if you say i'm not that familiar with this area but it's beautiful you know and get them talking about the area you might be able to distract them and get them off of the i want to write a ticket mode to hey i'm having a nice conversation with this guy mode so i've had people tell me they say well i keep my registration in the glove box i got pulled over once by a police officer i may have been speeding i don't know and as a rental car and i realized that the information the glove box and the cop goes can i see your driver's license and registration i said my driver's license is my wallet my registration's in the glove box and he goes okay go ahead i've reached him gave him to him guy came back he gave me a warning so the point is that you're letting him know that you are going to do that so you reach in your pocket after he said it's okay pull it out driver's license registration then of course they might go back when they go back sit there with your hands in the wheel not moving i've had police officers tell me that they walked back to their car they looked up front and they saw somebody digging around digging around i've had a client of mine tell me that the cop walked back and said what are you doing and oh i was rearranging my purse oh i remembered something's my glove box the police are watching you during the entire stop and what you want them to think is that yeah you may have been driving a couple miles over the speed limit but you're not doing anything else wrong and you are cooperative as the day is long you are congenial you are friendly you are respectful it wouldn't hurt to throw in a ser every now and then and so the point is that you're hoping that the police officer who's pulled over a dozen people that day is going to look at you and say this person didn't give me a hard time this one went smoothly so if anybody gets a break it's going to be you so they might come back and just give you the warning or they might come back and say look you're doing 12 over for five over i've heard these stories but i've heard so many stories from people who've told me about how things went wrong because they didn't follow these simple instructions and i've handled a lot of cases both for just simple traffic tickets careless driving reckless driving and also drunk drivings and the interesting thing is that i've spoken to my clients and said tell me what happened and they tell me what happened i later talked to police officer in court and go tell me what happened and they tell me a diametrically opposed version of what happened so my favorite example is i had a client who got pulled over for drinking and driving she was driving a little erratically shall we say and she said i don't know why but the cop doesn't like me and i said why do you say that she goes well he was giving me a hard time at the side of the road he was yelling at me so i said okay well later on i talked to cop i go i'm curious did my client give you a hard time and he goes well i turned my lights on he goes and she stopped in the lane of travel on an exit ramp we were blocking the exit ramp on a sunken freeway he goes i had to get on the pa and yell her move your car keep going keep going and she put it in park he had to get out on an active exit ramp go up and knock on her window she was on the phone to her husband complaining about a cop just pulled over and she wouldn't roll the window down for him and she's he's knocking on the window and finally he yells at her you know get your car off the road and so that's someone he's going to remember on the other hand if you're one of the people that they don't remember you're likely to get a break so you know i've handled a lot of tickets in court and you might think who hires an attorney for a ticket well you know some people do but the cops also have discretion in court and so if a cop has written 20 30 tickets that are all gonna be heard one morning in some particular court the cop shows up a stack of tickets of the 20 tickets he's there for a few of those people he won't remember at all because they're uneventful those are the people who are going to get breaks the people he remembers don't get brakes usually because they gave him a hard time they did something wrong they argued with them they fought with him they were obstinate or they parked their car on the exit ramp and rolled the kept the window rolled up while they talked to their cell phone and the cops banging on the window saying move your car so again the police officers have a ton of discretion and you want them to start exercising it as early as possible to let them know that you are one of the good guys or gals you're one of the people who you know something it's an aberration i normally am not speeding this is a one in a million you'll never see me again so again as the police officers walk in think of it from his perspective it's dark out he doesn't know what he's coming into so get off the side of the road dome light on or overhead lights on roll the window down hands on the wheel no sudden movements and just respectful respond and that will help you out of roadside i've written about this topic for different outlets i've done videos on it i've done podcasts on it i've spoken to all kinds of people about it and one of the most interesting things is the pushback i get where some people actually say oh so you're a kiss ass so you you know you're a bootlicker and they and they call me names for suggesting that there's a way that you might be able to avoid getting a ticket i have news for you if you don't want to take my advice don't cop walks up to your car give them a hard time dare him to write you a ticket that is how you prove what a tough guy you are and that makes you feel better knock yourself out i'm telling you right now i've had a couple tickets in my life i've also gotten out of tickets a few times in my life and i enjoyed the times i got out of the tickets more than i enjoyed the tickets so that's how i live my life but hey it's up to you how you want to live yours off the record can help you find a speeding ticket or traffic citation no matter where you get it you just download their app take a photo of your ticket and they match you with the best local attorney to achieve the best possible outcome they can help you avoid costly insurance premium increases points on your license and other issues and when you register use the code benwicky for a discount on their services if you don't have a ticket that you need to fight right now go ahead and download their app and register using the vinwiki code and that will reserve your discount for whenever you might need it in the future it's a great thing to have in your pocket when you never know who's going to pull up behind you on your next road trip [Music] you
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 334,896
Rating: 4.9276767 out of 5
Keywords: Speeding ticket, citation, ticket clinic, off the record, steve lehto, lawyer, advice, vinwiki, car stories, ticket fixer, roadside procedure, how to, getting out of tickets, speeding, ticket lawyer, reckless driving, dui
Id: cdl1PzNsStw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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