What's it like to crash your dream Lambo TWICE?

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and then i cried and then i crashed it twice [Music] the very first time i set my sights on a diablo it was specifically diablo and that actually plays throughout the whole story because it was an uncompromised view on what car i wanted was 1992 guinness book of world records it was a picture of a flat triangle car i didn't know what that was and i was i was obsessed with it then and then i read that it was 42 inches tall something along those lines 202 miles an hour was the top speed and i was like someday i'm gonna buy that car and i'm gonna go 200 miles an hour that was i started my computer business in 2002 and didn't make any money until 2012 2011 2012 and that's when i traveled down to atlanta because of a very helpful sales person that enabled me to find the right path to purchasing that car i had gone to lamborghini ohio and the sales guy did the exact opposite thing i came in there saying i want a lamborghini diablo and he's like you mean you want a gallardo and i just stood there like no no like i think you know this is my dream car he goes well this one's going to be more reliable and it's going to hold its value better and it's it's easier easier to work on none of that was what the second grader in me wanted i wanted the lamborghini doors i wanted the v12 i wanted the 202 miles an hour that's all that mattered there was a listing for a yellow diablo it was the dupont registry a six liter and i didn't even have my sights set on a 6 liter it was a 92 the one of the early ones the black one that was what actually had my heart but a six liter the last year of the car i thought you know you can't get any better than that and so you know i called down to ed and i i think it was how inviting at least just i was treated with respect like you didn't know me but uh he was giving me all the information necessary to make that possible i had just enough money for the down payment i had done that before i actually done my due diligence of how i was gonna afford the rest of it i'd played in the stock market and made like fifty thousand dollars in one day and then lost eighty the next in spending stocks i'm like okay that was a really really bad idea so the money the extra money i had to put more than just what it was i think forty thousand thirty eight thousand dollars down uh i lost all of it and so i ended up struggling really hard you know playing it cool like yeah oh you know i'll have the we're having some issues with you know wiring the money i'll figure it out and there was patience on the other end of that phone yeah more than was necessary i ended up making it possible and then uh on ed's inn he ended up helping find the right financing option and of course i think it was like ended up working out to be like 10 apr if you really did the numbers kind of backwards i didn't lead without thinking but i just knew is that interest and it ended up being like 40 000 in interest over the life of the the relationship i'm like that was worth it to me because that was what i wanted it was really weird because youtube was not a major part of my life it was in fact just a very very small piece but it ended up being a very pivotal piece because my computer business i paid myself very little you know it was really what was left over after paying employees and and rent and whatnot from a business standpoint that was that was what you do that's how you do it but to try and purchase an exotic that's not what you do and so it ended up being that the revenue the couple dollars a month that i was getting from youtube was enough to push me over the threshold of being capable of financing the vehicle my brother and i booked a flight down to atlanta and ed picked us up in a v10 it was some sort of audi we pull up to lamborghini of atlanta and i'm trying to like poker face it i'm trying to be all you know let's do the paperwork and i look over and the diablo is in the showroom and i'm like shaking and i'm like okay um paperwork and then i think i asked ed uh if it came with a warranty like and you just kind of looked at me and like you know like there was no good answer to that there shouldn't be an answer to that but i'm like okay well can you at least guarantee that the car will make it to michigan because my plan was to buy it in atlanta and 660 miles later drive it all the way back to michigan in one shot i bought it sight unseen uh no test drives and most of my cars have been that way i've been very fortunate with that i was so nervous when we did like a real quick loop i don't remember i don't remember how the car felt i just i just loved i was in love with the car and i remember i didn't hate it you know and it's weird to to test drive a vehicle that you're not you know uh enslaved to because the sheer amount of debt that you've incurred but to truly look at it and say do i enjoy that as an experience is this car because you know you can look at an xj 220 i don't know what it feels like to drive an xj220 it could be an amazing ride it could be rickety i don't know so the looks don't necessarily mean everything but oh my god the diablo was a visceral experience you know you could just feel everything there's no nanny controls there's no nothing it's you making the decisions and i still i still get this like half grin whenever i drive that car we left lamborghini atlanta and parked at a wendy's like a mile down the street and i was like oh my god this is real this is real this is this is uh that's my name's on this thing i i somehow am responsible enough to own this uh this is a real thing and we drove all the way back to michigan one uh one shot and then i parked it in my driveway this is my favorite video of all my videos we parked in my driveway we parked it in front of my i think like a civic parked in front of it and then called my dad over he didn't know we had flown out he knew nothing of this and he's a very critical person he shows up and even he's like whose is that who's here and i'm like no it's mine and no he goes no no who's who's here like that's my car this is a very odd source for a quote but i once saw shia labeouf say art is anything that invokes emotion to see my dad have that state change of like oh my god you know this is different this is unique and he was he was so excited by it that he had so many questions and his first question was not how much did it cost he was so excited that he couldn't believe that i'd done it he he didn't know who trusted me enough to let me have the car it was just a overall one of the greatest experiences of my life and then i cried and then i crashed it twice i would say that the first incident would be mostly my fault as an owner it was an unfortunate combination of circumstances that uh showed my inability to maintain the car so it was late fall and it was that it's like fast and furious it was one more ride we're gonna do one more ride and so i went out to an event and i the tires were bald because i was always gonna replace them as soon as i could afford to so the car was supposed to be parked for the winter which i'm not you two i'm not used to that in california but in michigan winter's eight months out of the year we get up to the event and on the way back it starts to rain i feel the car kick out once and so i bled off tons of speed and with the weight distribution in the rear being predominantly rear heavy it was the weirdest feeling until then i'd never felt a car that had most of the weight in the rear and that i think contributed my my lack of experience with that contributed to being unable to recover the car it wasn't until i hit a section of highway that had just been repaved it was asphalt but it hadn't been grooved so it's completely smooth fresh oil fresh everything and i don't blame that but that is a massive factor in that section because as soon as i went from the previous concrete over to the asphalt instantly the rear kicked out and so i will blame the all-wheel drive system because the diabolo has no turning radius i should say it has all the turning radius and it's about a mile to turn around that car so i i catch it going one way and i i correct it and then it it over i overcompensate just the slightest bit and then it's sort of slowly swing to the other side and i go and i'm slower purposely to re responding to this time and it goes and then it's it's right about there and then i hit the lock and so the card just goes past that so now i'm no longer in control of the direction and i remember the car continues to go backwards and that was the weirdest feeling continues to go backwards i'm looking at the traffic behind me now so i'm turned around fully all these headlights and i'm like really this is this is this is it this is my moment and so i had enough top of my awareness in the moment i was apologizing to my passenger because you know i had put somebody into a situation i would never ever want to do this is very slow it's not a very fast i wasn't going fast cause i already was in rain but the rear was just it was in control and the car wasn't going completely backwards it was slightly off angle and so i started sliding to the side of the road and as soon as i hit a section that had the rumble strip the rumble strip gave me enough traction that it whips the car forward again almost too much it whips the car forward again and then the front passenger tire hits the k rail so it spun me enough pink and did about 50 000 it took a couple years of i'd say self-hatred to realize that i was really the at fault emotionally i i hurt my baby i this made me realize the type of human being i am it didn't matter what mattered is that i put somebody else into a situation that i and i truly i truly that was the only time i've ever done that where i was like you know what i i put somebody else into a situation that put their life in danger and so that was that was the very first and only thing that mattered to me at that point i was actually pretty devastated that okay now i've destroyed a car and i think i had it for another two years it was until i met a forest green ford taurus and so there was in my hometown i was on a side road and this dark green ford taurus just changed lanes right into the elbow it's it's as anticlimactic as that it just happened i tried to accelerate out of the way and just tap me give me a love tap in the rear quarter panel i jumped up on a curve because i was i was trying to ride as close to the curb as possible but they knocked me up onto it and then like a skateboard i just grinded the whole bottom you know the subframe just up on that angle and i picked up speed trying to get around them from this happening and it wasn't so much that curb but you know at a corner where there's a walkway they carry the curb and then it goes dips down to where the walkway part is and then the very edge the very corner between the two walkways where it goes to 90 that very corner piece that's what did the car in so i went down i remember feeling that and i was like boom picked up and it it destroyed the subframe so it wasn't the frame but it was the subframe it folded in underneath the transmission it broke the same control arm again from the damage so i was like okay i know where i'm at now and then the front bumper and the side skirt and i'm probably nothing else and that was ended up being over 100 000 repair it was a handful of things it really on a normal car like a civic that was probably a twenty five hundred dollar uh you know accident and there's twenty of those in the local auto zone you can find all the bumpers right there it's really it would have been a non-issue and it took 13 months to get the car repaired part of that one of the one of the funniest pieces to that is that it kinked the steering rack and the shop was like hey there are there are no more steering racks in the world for the diablo we have to wait there's a video of a car in japan getting a little too spicy as he's getting onto an on-ramp in like a parade of lamborghinis and you know oversteers and then love taps the car i'm told that that was the steering rack i ended up getting i was donated that wasn't donated i paid for it i got his steering rack from that car the interesting thing is is that to a random passerby the person is going to say oh that car has been damaged it's been in multiple situations it's got quite a story you know is that a rough car and it's it's the exact opposite for me not only is it mechanically sound i've tested that multiple times testing that 202 mile an hour speed limit of the older diablos i did it i bought that entire speedometer i used the entire speedometer and that was one of the greatest experiences of my life so the car is capable but not only that it's mine it is so much a part of my identity it's a very humbling experience to go okay i want a diablo i'm a nobody who wants this epic car the valentino balboni era the all that there's these names it's an iconic vehicle to then turn around to be one of the most prolific diablo owners if you ask a lot of people who owns a diablo there are far more influential people far more important people than me but a lot of people can say oh rob owns one and that is one of the most humbling and just coolest experiences that the car i look up to i'm associated to it in some in some way if you love vinwicki you'll have heard us talk about minimizing ownership cost on exotic cars but the guys at exotic car hacks have developed a system an educational resource that you can access now using exotic car hacks dot com slash vinwicki and get the best membership race that they've offered since black friday it shows you how to leverage financing minimize what you pay maximize how you sell it and minimize the cost while you've got it so be sure to join their community of owners and enthusiasts today at exoticcarhacks.com then wiki and it'll be easier than ever to buy own and sell and love the car of your 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Channel: VINwiki
Views: 281,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rob Dahm, VINwiki, Car Stories, Lamborghini, Diablo, VT, 6.0, Lamborghini Diablo 6.0, Giallo Orion, Pearl Yellow, Batchelorette, exotic car financing, premier financial services, lamborghini ohio, gallardo, v12, vertical doors, youtuber, Guinness Book of World Records, penny stocks, entrepreneur, down payment, accident, damage, carbon fiber, repair, magnum collision, 200 mph, test drive, adventure drives, rotary, lamborghini atlanta, motorcars of georgia, goals
Id: TuOwnehBpHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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