A friend conned me into becoming his heist getaway driver

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drive they're gonna kill us just drive I go off to college at the University of Georgia and I have sold my truck to help pay for school I don't have a car and for a car guy you know that's a really gutting sort of thing to have that be such much of your identity and be sort of stripped of that but I was very excited to have this opportunity to go to art school at the University of Georgia and it's very excited and whatever sacrifices I had to make I get to the dorms about a week early and you know as did most of the guys there and we're all sort of you know adults for the first time you know set loose on the world and you know we're making friends and hanging out and there was a guy that lived on my hallway named Ryan and you know Ryan and I can't hit it off right away you know we both like girls and just talking and Ryan was it's a cool guy you know we were all the same age but all new in the world but he just seemed like he had been around it a few times so he just knew older kids and he knew seniors and he knew girls and he had just been places and traveled a lot of countries so he just seemed like the guy that was just more savvy and cooler than the rest of us and we made a few errands that week you know grocery store going to Walmart to get a toaster a blanket or whatever thing you know for setting up our little households in our dorms and Ryan had this car that for such a cool savvy guy this car was just atrocious it was a 1973 Ford Maverick that was painted like a bass boat glitter like a big deal it er blue but I think they used a roller it had purple tinted windows that were mostly bubbled the front one was claimed but the others were bubble and kind of hard to see out of and it was kinda like being in this weird little 70s stained glass Church in there the car had you know like the automatic transmission and the 200 cubic inch straight-6 that Ford was using at the time that had maybe honoured horsepower I'm pretty sure most of the brakes worked but really the front right ones seemed to do the bulk of the work so it was sort of a squirrely car to drive well through a couple of discussions you know it comes out that I don't have a car and you know Ryan I've been hanging a few days and he did something really cool he said you know what my uncle gave me this car and I don't really like to be seen in this car he wasn't a snobby guy he wasn't ungrateful but you know he was really popular with ladies and he had kind of an image to uphold and he was sort of dating a girl at the time that had this really cool little BMW 3-series convertible and she let him drive that all the time so the Maverick just sort of said no sort of his point he said my uncle gave me this car as a graduation gift to go off to college and you know he's a owns a junkyard he's kind of a mechanic when I bring it home he's gonna check it out and if there's only like a hundred miles on it's really gonna hurt his feelings so here are the keys to the Maverick since you don't have a car why don't you just treat it like your car you drive it if you need to I mean don't tear it up don't wreck it keep gas in it etc it needs things fixing on it Akali so you're kind of handy guy you know fix that a little bit and keep the car up you can use it when you want to I was like wow thanks a lot it's really amazing Ron and I hang out and we collect this little group of friends very quickly and you know not having a car I worked out very quickly that the way I would get to drive would be to be the designated driver most of the school year is now gone by you know Ryan and I and everybody else have been hanging out for seven or eight months now and you know Ryan being the slick cool guy that he was he had a friend who had sold some drugs to somebody no Ryan was not he was not a drug dealer at heart he was a nice guy but he was a guy that wanted to have more money than he did he I couldn't saw this other guy and kind of thought that there was some sort of gravitas to him you know being the hook-up at school of course we all tell him yeah this is a very bad idea you know don't don't do this this is really really stupid idea he said yeah you guys are probably right so you know another month or two goes by Ryan pops up one day and he says you know hey there's a party down in Macon my brother's had some friends are having a party do you want to you want to go down there Saturday I'm like yeah sure sounds great you know we're in Athens Georgia and night 93 you know there's plenty of girls at Georgia but hey there's plenty of girls in Magan maybe that haven't shot me down yet so let's go so you know setting night rolls around and you know it's about two and a half three hours to Macon from Athens they get to be about you know five six o'clock and I'm excited I'm like hey you know you hit the road he's like not yet it's kind of a later party we'll go a luau okay cool couple hours go by again it's gonna be about seven o'clock you know hey you know it's gonna be probably 10 my time we get there you know it's just gonna be the ugly girls leftover you know you sure you don't want to take off he's like no this way a little bit later it's they like to party late they'd only go into about midnight okay so we get on the road about 9:00 9:30 in the Maverick at this point in the Marigny even though he owned it when we went places like I still sort of drove it you know I'm like you know like Brad Pitt's character and once at the time time in Hollywood like he's DiCaprio he's the cool guy just sort of the handyman guy that drives him around we get to make in and we're just out in this little duplexes and just sort of the outskirts and we roll up to this house and it's this little duplex and there's nobody there there's like one car and he's like you know maybe they're not here yet I'm gonna go in and check I was like woah couch amazing I'll stay here just leave the car running yeah but I'd keep me good snacks now we'll go to buff lab my treat my treat will go off I just just sit tight okay all right fine we musta missed it so big deal I was over a road trip so I'm sitting in the car I'm sitting next to this Mustang and you know this is like 1993 this Mustang was you know fairly new it was just those years it was like the worst of the worst it was the white on white convertible the Vanilla Ice one you know with the fake painted louvers on the taillights and all the ground effects and the big spoiler on the back I've never been a big fan of Fox Body Mustangs anyway but this was just the gaudiest tackiest of that era so I'm just kind of checking the car out and I'm just sitting in the car you know waiting on Ryan to come out and you know checking out the Mustang just sitting there and Ryan comes out the door and he's kind of in a hurry and he's got this big duffel bag with him and he cops him the car those duffel bags he's like yeah let's get outta here the party's already gone we missed it let's get out here oh my okay well there's like anybody in there like use the bathroom grab it's nice and read oh something's now let's just list this Tibet let's get a look okay yeah I'm like go let's move right now you know get out with some duffel bag he said awesome clothes my brother left some stuff with him I'm just gonna take it back okay there's this sort of a you know the duplex is like on this big long straight road with you know pine trees and stuff it's one o'clock in the morning it's a long long straight road so we pull out and you know that maverick didn't do anything quickly so we're getting up to speed and he's just really squirrely and for a guy that's normally super cool and calm and collected yeah Ryan is just kind of what's going on he's like it's good and you know and there's some car coming up behind us and he does a double take and sudden he's like drive they're gonna kill us just drive you know and I'm not the kind of guy I don't I don't the tone of is well I don't need to know why this point like you know if we're sitting here and you start running I'm just gonna start running - well sort it out why later so I put my foot to the floor and you know you know the maverick slowly begins to build up speed so you know he is freaking out I'm not freaking out I'm like okay so I'm just straight road there's nowhere to go well very quickly this Mustang is like immediately behind us and you know he's like I stole their drugs they're gonna kill us I don't like you what I'm like what so we're driving it again given the space that maverick had maybe ninety miles an hour in it you know fellow Mustangs not necessarily a fast car but it's way faster than this month as maverick is so we're driving and driving it Ryan is like okay hey I was gonna buy some weed from this guy and I got there and he was all passed out and like I was kinda just like giving the money get the weed but then like the whole bag was right there and he was passed out with some girl and like I just I just took the whole bag man and I was like you brought me on a drug deal he's like I'm sorry I didn't think it was guy was just gonna get a buy a little bit and sell that it's cool but now they know I've got it we gotta go so I'm now just you know I'm like we can't go anywhere it's a straight road so we're just doing this like movie things for him back and forth the guys getting behind us eventually you know we get to like a curve in the road and I kind of believe it or not got a little bit of distance on the curve and there's a turn so now we're just randomly turning on roads again and he knows where he's going I don't know where I'm going it's dark as Jeremy Clarkson said that headlights were like candles and jam jars you were easily over running the headlights in this thing it is like the worst on-board rally video ever it's just trees and curves and mailboxes and trailers and trash cans and possums and we're just flying through the countryside outside of making being chased by these people we get to this sort of a neighborhood and then there's a stop sign and like I can see there's nothing coming but there's like this one car over here I'm doing this like timing it thing so I just run it and I think the Mustang brake just enough that just gave us just a little bit of an edge so now we've got a little bit of a gap we're just wildly going through this neighborhood it's one o'clock in the morning we're passing people's mailboxes just careening around turns and and again I'm not a great driver but I'm using I'm like digging deep every bit of skill I have you know tires squealing we've lost most of the caps off this car probably bullet style at this point I'm terrified he's terrified we're driving a car with a giant bag of marijuana he's stolen from an actual drug dealer so you know had no exit plan whatsoever like no escape plan no you know in my mind I might somehow I'm thinking like we knew people at school that had fast cars like why didn't we take that Cup you know but he never planned on this happening well he was apparently just gonna buy like a little bit and sell it and just brought me along because he wanted some company and probably was never even gonna tell me about it but couldn't resist the opportunity to get this in like you know trying to like the big like the ones like sailors take off to World War two you know this big body bag sized bag of lead I don't know how much this stuff's even worth just it's a lot they're chasing us we're on this road and just swerving it's swerving it and finally there's like this truck stop pick one of those not like the big pilot loves interstate but just like some sort of back highway kind of truck stop you know a few bays and it's lit and I just go swerving in there and now we're just careening through the rows of these trucks and through the gas pumps and you know again I've got no speed advantage on this Mustang whatsoever no handling advantage all I've got is just a little bit of guile and that sort of redneck kid survival instinct I'm channeling my inner you know bandit in the Duke boys and magnum p.i and Michael Knight and everybody all of my spirit animals from my childhood please come down and guide by hands to get away from these drug dealers you know we just do this crazy like it's like there's like you know Buster Keaton movies or like the Scooby Doo like where's the hallway and like then run in and like they're chasing them and then like now they're chasing them and they're chasing I think we're just zooming in and out and you know just this ridiculous cheese maze thing to know these big 18 wheelers and I'm just waiting at any moment it just come careening around a turn and plow into a truck or hit a big diesel tank or run over a gas pump or something yeah we're like cutting past the actual like the gas station it had those little bittle airline you know that made the little dingdong when you drove over he knows it's like dingdong dingdong dingdong and she's crazy this goes on for like minutes in here it's just like the most ridiculous Keystone Cops of just these two cars just craning all around and you know I finally get lucky like like they end up like one side of a truck from me and I hit the brakes and they overshoot it and I back up and then now they're backing up and then we go through the gas pumps again and like I kept I had another truck they they're kind of trying to get on me and I like turn the headlights off and just like zip behind this truck and then kind of just winter out in the dark I think they thought I'd double back around the other side or something we just sneak out around behind these trucks and make it out of the road and just drive for like two miles with the headlights off and miraculously like we got away so you know we're driving we get I don't even stop we just I could just had a sheer terror I just kept driving and I'm like tell me again what just happened here he said well you know I was gonna buy a little bit of marijuana from this guy and sell it to these girls that I knew and like they would kind of think I was like the hook-up and and he told me to come down as a guy my brother knew and he told me to come down and he would sell me some and I got there and you know I thought there were gonna be some people there and I figured we'd hang out a little bit and I buy it we go back and you never know and it would be fine but I get there and he's like the door was open and I went in and he's passed out with his chicken there's just this giant bag and like I didn't know like I just leave the money and take a little bit and I just it just seemed like a good opportunity and I took the whole bag and I'm like so you and I are driving around middle Georgia in a 1973 Ford Maverick worth as much as your shirt with $60,000 at the marihuana in the backseat he's like yeah I'm like we're getting rid of the marijuana we're not driving back to Athens with this in the car there's no way I'm driving three hours back to Athens and you're sketchy car with the one working taillight in the marginal headlights with worth as much as your shirt with $60,000 of the marijuana in the back seat it's got to go he's like you can't like nope like I'm like you can I'll get on a walk I can you should like hide it in the woods go back get it tomorrow throw in a river take it back to the galley or whatever like you me and this car and this bag of pot or this the equations is not gonna work out one of these things is not going about Athens with me and it is that bag of pot so we agree to pull over and he stashes it behind a dumpster at this like nursing home on the side we thought it would be like the least likely place to look for a bag we I don't know so he stashes it behind a dumpster and said he was gonna go back and get it the next day but we get in the car and we drive back to Athens and it's a sort of long quiet ride back he certainly didn't mean to get me in this situation and his intentions for a amateur drug dealer started out somewhat innocent but quickly turned much more serious so we get married Athens and I give him the keys back for the Maverick I was like you know right I've really appreciated driving the Maverick but perhaps this is better to let's just do our own thing now and I'll find another way to get around he went back to get this bag and being the slick cool guy that he was he somehow negotiated returning it to this drug dealer and was thus allowed to live another day [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 720,679
Rating: 4.9270272 out of 5
Keywords: Ford Maverick, Christopher Michaels, College, University of Georgia, Macon, War on Drugs, evasion, intense, car chase, legandary, asleep, Knight Rider, Smokey and the Bandit, Bullitt, VINwiki, Car Stories, storytelling, Interview
Id: khp2qLY3X8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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