This crazy trick could get you out of any speeding ticket

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and you're gonna say oh yes your honor I've got a lot of evidence [Music] and I always tell people be careful to wish for because you almost always get it and in my case several other women I met on the rallies over the years who seem like interesting people and one of them was in the car with me during an incident that has become infamous I always say to people when they ride along like don't touch the stereo if you're gonna drive you should be focused and it's important that you can hear the alerts and warnings because everybody gets in the car especially back then waiting like the culture of driving fast and professionally getting away with it didn't exist like it does today like today there's lots of resources that you can learn about the technology but back then people assume oh you can get it with anything so I'm in the car and she's like oh why you try faster over long we have a long trip like well because we're listening to music and I cannot hear the warnings we were in the Blitz at m5 still snickered in Italian police livery driver from New York to walkins Glen to go see a race the driver had come out and the book I think was pretty clear when it came out in a way that at the time of publication the m5 registration was already like two years expired but it was insured that was like a year and a half earlier so I'm driving with tags that are two and a half years expired I've got insurance but no documents of any kind and the car is fully liveried and period-correct oh seven gumball and I'm arguing with her about the music she's playing Depeche Mode I can't her the warnings going 75 and like a 55 and the detector goes off and I no mean who's gonna get pulled over it doesn't matter what we're doing so I passed the police car centre media and I see him and I just immediately pull over and wait I told her like whatever you do just don't say anything she has a big grin she looked terrific the situation it could not have looked worse for me until the troop arrives the window and he looked just like the instructor and Top Gun Tom Skerritt he's he's except he's got the campaign hide on like I here's a guy I just want to confess to him because he seems so cool and he's looking Mena's huge smile on his face and he says is this the car and I'm like yes is it you it's me and I'm so thrilled because I mean he knows he's gonna let us go it's cool is this vehicle registered like nope I'll be right back doesn't even ask my license walks away comes back maybe 30 40 minutes later he's got a stack of tickets and he says you know this is my lucky day because you see you know I don't do patrols anymore at my age I teach at the police academy and but one of my guys called in sick so I thought you know I I cover for him I give your book to every single student in my class I teach radar class there's a picture of this car on the wall of my class as the ultimate of what we're up against every day and to meet you here in person it's just incredible if it was anyone but you I would take the car where you say you're going walk it's not Watkins Linton it's a long way to Watkins Glen a lot of troopers every one of them a graduate of my radar class every one of them is read your book so I'm gonna give you as many tickets as I can and you're gonna take them and when you get stopped and you will you just show them the stack and point it who sign they're gonna know me and the inter yourself cuz it's gonna be great to me a long day for you but I'll see you in court I know you're gonna represent yourself so let's just call it even yeah but you have a good day I'm in tears because it's a ticket for like obstruction of the - illegal like fuel cell you know illegal you know police lights obstruction of the rear would say it's everything and I'm never gonna drive again and it's all over not even like car racing that much anyway I didn't really want to go to Watkins Glen I forgive me I don't even know today why I was going so we'd get back on the road I go like 54 miles an hour I felt like a lot longer than driving to California get to the hotel and there's a guy standing in front early 20s crew-cut he's got crutches don't I get out of the car he's a cold like a huge fan like if you got the card everything like I am in no mood to talk god it's great didn't get your autograph like please I want to talk what's wrong man you okay no I just I just got pulled over you got pulled over that's impossible you're the best anyway no I'm not I'm not the best he's what you take it for I pull out like this stack he's like holy we got to have lunch so he sit down and I tell him a story and then I'm like you know I don't want to talk about it's really nothing to be done I just kind of I'm have to eat it what's your story were you in the military he's like well I was but now I'm a state trooper I'm like really he's like well how else do you think I learned about you man like that's where I got your book how's the Academy read your book was great totally amazing and this guy he's the guy he's the he's tough it's not good for you it's not good but you have one shot when you get to court and the judge is gonna ask you how you plea you gotta say not guilty and I'm like well that's impossible like I'm clearly guilty and I don't believe in a country or people who are guilty plead not guilty I'm obviously guilty with an explanation is it cool what explanation would that be like yeah you're right I should plead not guilty but what's my angle exam he's gonna ask you if you have any evidence and you're gonna say oh yes your honor I've got a lot of evidence like well I can't work I don't have any he's gonna understand you're gonna say a lot evidence then he's gonna say well I guess we don't need to see it and it's gonna be cool I said look at that can't work music but if you don't do that you have no chance of walking out of there with license six months later I Drive to the local court in the same car still unregistered because I was busy I'm really I'm a busy person I mean what's the worst that could happen I'm already in trouble he gets the court and there's all these off-duty officers and a bunch of them had my book and all hanging out and there's the trooper who gave me two tickets and he's upset because he's upset that all his guys are excited to meet me the judge calls me in the front he's like so how do you plead not guilty not guilty with all these tickets not guilty and do you have any evidence said yes your honor I got a lot of evidence really interesting well I guess that says that wraps that up then you know Clerk and it starts crossing out the tickets and the officers like your honor do you have any idea who this man is you cannot you cannot let the visit the man said he had a lot of evidence but you have to ask him for it no I don't trust I get one ticket for like parking like on the road side of the median and the cop is livid and then so I walk out and the trooper who I met originally gave me advice says meet us at the Denny's down the road I Drive there and they're all lined up and we have lunch I'm like you have to explain to me why that worked so well when I was a kid and grew up in this area it was a very tough area it still is I got a lot of trouble and drugs and so I got arrested and the judge said I should clean up my life and I should join the military so I did when I got out I decided you know I'm just stealing the straight and narrow I would become I joined in law enforcement become a state trooper and on my first day of work got a dispatch sent me to an address that I knew well because I used to go there like buy drugs and I was a little nervous back on because I'm in uniform I didn't want to run into knew and I knew I didn't want them to think I was coming for them I didn't want them to hurt me I don't want to hurt them I want to keep it cool the call came from an apartment in the complex that was no one knew who lived in that apartment even the people who live there didn't know except that it was a woman knock on the door and I can hear like three four locks open and the door opens like two inches in Lisak four chains and the woman inside says are you a cop so yes yes ma'am I'm a police officer did you bring backup I got all the backup I need right here ma'am um aren't you open the door let's have a conversation all right but I think you're gonna need a lot more backup this investigation I'll be the judge of that once you open the door let's have a conversation turn some lights on see what's going on here so she closes the chains opens it and turns a light on the woman was wearing like a pink and black leopard styled onesie with rain boots up to here she had no upper teeth hair like a Denise again like this she could have been 20 for the meth problem she could have been 70 she says officer I'm telling you're gonna have to call for backup now and also some DNA testing experts give me a lot of help this investigation ma'am is there anyone else in the house I don't know it's the room it's a one-bedroom apartment is filled with kitty litter boxes cats everywhere the stench the smell dogs cats there's a bird's there's like a trash trash can full of syringes and pill bottles there's like another trash can filled with like empty like microwave meals like the whole place is just disgusting you know the blinds are totally drawn Samila dead he says well ma'am where might that person be tell me what did they steal oh all my drugs and what led you to believe that a crime had been committed you have any anything you noticed oh yes I woke up my door was open that door right there with all the locks and chains wide open is it possible you did your drugs and you forgot to close the door maybe where do you keep your drugs oh right in there in that trash can full of empty syringes and pill bottles and glassy vials in there is it possible you did all the drugs and you forgot maybe ma'am do you have any evidence that a crime has been committed oh yeah I got a lot of evidence do you want to see it very badly okay but before I show you might want to call that backup there's a lot of evidence you have to analyze it and that was when I realized Alex that's something much deeper was going on because when she tried to take my hand and lead me to the bedroom and then to the bathroom and she lifted the lid of the toilet seat and pointed inside and showed me how much evidence there was I was quite sure someone else had been in the house because there's no other way a woman who weighed 80 90 pounds could produce so much evidence she's like I told you you're gonna have to sample you can DNA test it it's one of my neighbors there's a couple of people I know who it could be stand by I'll get on top of this yeah dispatch unit 2 3 I'm at the location did she show you the evidence yes she did tell them we're on the way backups coming with investigators and everybody around the way and when will you get here when the next new guy starts so sat back in my den days I'm like I'm not sure I grasp this he's like oh you you grasp it all right basically she calls the police once every month or two and they send the new guy this story is well known up and down new york state thruway x' and works because you have to be in the know and of course Roy you're in the know pretty sure that story if it doesn't hasn't already stopped working it's gonna stop working as of today [Music] [Applause] you you
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 1,438,743
Rating: 4.8549094 out of 5
Keywords: Alex Roy, Polizei 144, The Driver, Watkins Glen, Police, Trick, VINwiki, Car Stories, Ed Bolian, A lot of evidence, state trooper, ticket, training, trouble
Id: nXJY06QYGjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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