Here's why Arkansas is the worst state to speed in

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I'd be a whole lot better if you hadn't made me into a fugitive from justice [Music] when you spend a lot of time driving cars that go really fast there's always this curiosity of what would happen if a cop actually saw me doing this am I gonna be pulled from the car and beaten am I gonna get arrested am I gonna get a ticket I can't get out of am I never gonna be able to get insurance again I mean certainly we've heard stories from anywhere including this channel of what happens when you get a terrible speeding ticket but at the same time in the u.s. there's a lot of variation it's not just like it isn't a lot of European cities where there's just traffic cameras and speed cameras and if you do this that happens it's not a one-to-one correlation so it's always a little bit of an unknown and you know I used to speed a lot more than I do now I'm not saying it's a responsible thing to do but if you do want to go fast in a fairly reasonable way on a public road rally's can be a really good way to do that because you're kind of insulated from some of the risk either you're in the back and the people in the front kind of take the brunt of whatever police attentions out there or you're in the front and whatever you stir up might just impact the people that are behind you and in either case you've got some plausible deniability to say you're not the one that they're looking for so if you want to get out there and see what your car can do usually there are some opportunities and these kind of events to do that and so about a month and a half ago I was doing the lux rally event from Nashville to Las Vegas and I was excited it's kind of a long rally nine days my wife was gonna come with me for the first half and a friend of mine Tom Park was gonna come in and pick it up from Dallas and so we got it in Nashville and you know they do a great job it's a you know perfect food dining experience everything's perfectly organized it's kind of just an arrive drive and have fun kind of program so we were really excited my wife was excited to be going we were driving the 430 scuderia that I had bought because the Lamborghini didn't have air conditioning and because most of my cars are you know about half the time not working and in their entirety so I was excited to take the Ferrari out even though it wasn't the most comfortable grand tourer for a trip like this but it was gonna be a lot of fun and the first day went great we led the pack so we arrived in Memphis we have a great dinner we stayed a great hotel everything's very perfectly organized then we head out the night morning towards Dallas so we're out in front and in a three car pack and it's me and the Scud a Porsche 911 and a Ferrari 599 and were she's been a pretty good pace but the thing about these rallies is even though there's the perception from most of the people involved that everybody is constantly going these insane speeds usually at the front if you maintain a pace about ninety or a hundred and don't slow down generally you're gonna stay out in front of the people who kind of get bunched up or caught as people are making passing maneuvers or whatever the case may be and then they need to go 130 hundred and fifty periodically to be able to keep their average at the same pace I mean very rarely is true exotic car rally pace that much even in the vicinity of cannonball pace and so no big deal I had done exactly the same thing on there my a me to Mardi Gras event a few months earlier and just generally driven ninety one hundred miles an hour around in front and had no issues and everybody else is having a fun time kind of playing in the background it was a great time and so I'm doing the same thing in this Ferrari and we're out in front we're using walkie-talkies to communicate and I've got a valentine one and I'm running waste that's all I had time to set up in this car since I bought it the day before the event but that's usually enough for me to make pretty good time along a road trip and you're seeing a lot of noise on the v1 but that just kind of happens now it's a very noisy kind of spectrum of radio frequencies that radar use and and some of the newer devices reduce the number of false positives and things that you'll see but regardless it tends to work for me I've been using it for 15 years and so I see some stuff and I see one signal that probably indicates that there's a cop pretty close and at about that same time jovian who's about two cars back in the 599 says hey guys I think we just passed a cop going in the other direction now at that moment that's not a huge bother we're on a divided highway two lanes in either direction and there's kind of a median divider with cords and like guardrails in the middle so he can't just spin around and come after us so the only two options really are do we go insanely fast to try to get away from whatever the threat might be or do we just drive a little bit more prudently for the next few miles and see if he's alerted anybody up ahead and so that's kind of what we do on a rally that's usually the best bet you know you just kind of slow down let everybody else catch up and then you you know might starting in and a few miles so we do that but right around the next bend we see a charger on the side of the road and it's a police car and he's right at the entrance to a rest area and as he sees us he pulls out in front of us in turns his lights on at this point we're going maybe high 80s low 90s you know worth some attention but nothing alarming it shouldn't be to him and so all three of us obediently and immediately acquiesce we pull over on the side of the road and normal protocol for getting pulled over turn the car off keys on top of the dash windows down hands on the steering wheel just don't reach for anything don't do anything that might alarm him but from there things escalated rather quickly because this cop kicks his door open and jumps out of his car gun drawn and I'm like whoa whoa whoa hands on top of the steering wheel at this point and he's like get out of the car I'm like whoa whoa okay okay I'm unbuckling this hand here and then I'm at this point he's already pulling on my door handle which doesn't unlock until I pulled the inside handle at that point he pulls the door open pulls me out of the car and immediately handcuffs me now keep in mind my wife is in the passenger seat and she's like what's going on I'm like it's gonna be alright just relax he goes get behind my car goes to Matt in the Porsche behind me handcuffs him with his spare set of handcuffs goes back to his car gets an extra set of handcuffs and goes back in handcuffs jovian so we're all in or was standing kind of around behind his car and at this point the rest of the cars are kind of coming by so about half the field went by us at a very low speed noticing that we were all there and the other half kind of snuck into the rest area so they could look through the trees to see what was going on and I guess be there in case they needed to get our cars because it didn't look like things were going all that well and so he never says that we're under arrest never reads us our rights just immediately starts kind of detaining us and restraining us and and just asking what are y'all doing and I'm like you know okay sir sorry about this we're just driving to Dallas with some friends you know we got all these stickers you can see it's an event you know we just left from Memphis we're in Nashville the day before we're not trying to hurt anybody or do anything crazy and he said well you just passed a state trooper going 111 miles an hour well if you say so but I really don't think we were going that fast and you know certainly we're not trying to I mean I understand that you know that's that would be totally unacceptable but also trust me that the cars going off a lot faster than that so if we'd been trying to go fast it would have been a whole lot more than 111 and I've had actually pretty good success with that line it tends to kind of lighten the mood a little bit and but he's just heavy breathing like super amped up and you could tell that he had just gotten a radio call from this guy saying there's three exotic cars coming your way you're just about to have a high-speed chase and he was a young cop and you know probably was really excited and you know adrenaline pump and everything in this you know emotional high at what was about to happen and then anticlimactically we all just kind of pull over and are perfectly obedient now your best strategy in any pullover regardless of what's happening is keep the cop talking the more he talks the more it humanizes you the more he gets reassured that you're not out here as some menace to society and it just ends up always resulting in a better outcome now at this point the cop that we passed has gone to an exit circled back and he pulls up behind us and a couple other police cars are showing up as well including one older cop that's in like this paratrooper uniform it's like full dark green army look at the I don't know what it was and he starts spouting off hey all these cool cars like it's like an old cannonball I mean I remember these days and all this stuff and talking about his cars and how fast he drives and all the fun he has so I'm like okay we're at least moving in the right direction but of course we're still handcuffed here and you know of course if you're being restrained by a cop you can always ask them am i under arrest and if not they're supposed to let you go either with a ticket or whatever in this circumstance we weren't gonna do that because I think the answer in that circumstance would have been oh yeah you are and let me read you your rights and throw you in the back of my car so we're all just kind of talking I explained that we do this sort of drive sometimes for charity talk about the cannibal Memorial Run raise the money for the families of fallen officers and talk about our itinerary a bit that we're just out having fun and enjoying some good cars and most cops are car guys we've seen and talked about that a lot here and so when you start talking about cars in most cases they're ready to reciprocate that I think he had some kind of a Mustang or something like that and you know it was all getting more and more friendly and I can see his heart rate and respiratory rate dropping as we continue talk and of course jovian a matt don't really say much of anything they're just kind of wide-eyed not sure what's going on and I I'd do most of the talking and so I'm still handcuffed and I'm leaning in his car he's typing in all of our informations they he's taking our wallets out of our back pockets or wherever they were and has gotten everything and it's very awkward and strange but you know we're just kind of along for the ride at this point and if he's finding out there's any warrants or crazy tickets or any things that he needs to be worried about and of course there's no issues there everybody's insurances valid no no alarm bells going off and I'm talking to him and you know just giving him some insight about other cars and what we do and all this stuff and just whatever I can say to keep him talking and eventually he's like alright guys I should take you to jail but I'm not going to I'm just gonna give you the tickets it'll be for the 111 for each of you and a reckless driving charge we were kind of all by ourselves like can it not be a reckless driving charge because in some states if you're over a certain speed they have to call it reckless driving it's like by definition over whatever a hundred is reckless driving but Arkansas is not one of those states and so I'm like alright well you know I can't talk him out of it my shrewdest of negotiations or unsuccessful we didn't meet right smack dab in the middle at a warning in a handshake and so it takes a little while probably 3045 minutes and the girls are all freaking out as to what's going on but everything gets calm again snaps a few pictures and you know eventually we're all happy and having fun they let us out of me and Matt out of the handcuffs they couldn't find the key to Jovians for a little while so he hung out in handcuffs for a little while longer than the rest of us but eventually they do just give us these tickets they tell us we're gonna be able to pay them online we don't have to appear or anything and we can just go on our way and so that's exactly what we did obviously it kind of tempered the pace a little bit for the next a little while but eventually we got into Dallas and the first thing that I did was called the ticket clinic because a few days before leaving on this trip I had closed a sponsorship for ticket clinic to be our monthly presenting sponsor for the month of September so eventually you start to see their ads but I had told him when I sign him up is that hopefully I don't require your services in the next couple of weeks because I am about to do this rally across the country and back and what they are is a company that helps you locate a local attorney in whatever jurisdiction where you get a ticket because you always want a local attorney or the chance that they go and play golf with the judge every Thursday and they'll usually have a better outcome and just a friendlier negotiation than if you have a local lawyer show up and regardless of that you never want to just show up yourself and try to argue it because if they see you and make you answer for whatever you they're just gonna throw the book at you and even if you have a license in a state where there's no reciprocity you really don't want to pay a ticket going 111 miles an hour or a reckless driving charge because at the end of the days you're gonna keep you from getting insurance unfortunately the only issue that's ever kept me from getting insurance was big diminished value claims in the past that weren't my fault and some really expensive cars and so sometimes insurance doesn't like that so everything like that was fine but I really did not want this to play out as a full conviction so the guys that ticket clinic found me a couple different lawyers in Arkansas and got me in touch with the one they recommended as being the best and I started talking to him and very immediately he was like man this is kind of a bigger deal than I think even you understand apparently the they've gotten a lot harsher on speeding Arkansas was historically pretty lenient but now a reckless driving charge apparently carried a minimum sentence of five days in jail and I'm like so you're telling me I'm gonna have to go back to Arkansas to go to jail for five days he's like well maybe I mean I'd like to think we can get it knocked down to like a lesser fine or a lesser circumstance a lesser speed and and not have the reckless on there but at this point yeah that's what I expect to have happen and he said also there's no way they're gonna let you just pay this thing online like that you can't pay the fee for a crime reckless driving is a criminal charge not just a you know a citation or a fine for speeding so he's like that's not how this is gonna go but about ten days later it did show up and at that point he had been like well I'm gonna enter a not guilty plea remotely so we don't have to show up and then they'll assign us a trial date tell me what the prosecutor is and then I'll start negotiating it but he's like you know he was gonna be surprised if it showed up and when it did he was very surprised and one of the guys had a pennsylvania license he just felt like paying it he's like I'm not you know I'm not gonna worry about this it won't come back on points and his insurance is already very expensive so he wasn't bothered by it the other guy got a different attorney and so we were both gonna see what we could have happen and in most cases the hope is that you can kind of move it to like a non points violation or a lower speed that doesn't transfer whatever in general if you spend the money on hiring a lawyer you're pumping some money into the local economy and you're willing to pay some fines usually they'll play ball and so the trial date was coming up it came and went and I he had said that he had submit everything so I was just like all right whatever but a couple days later I thought you know what I'm gonna check their little online system and see what it says now and it says failure to appear conviction of the misdemeanor Class C or D or whatever it was for reckless driving and I'm like whoa what the heck and so I screenshot it send it to him and he's you know furious he's like ice in it I've got proof all this stuff it'll be okay and I'm like well figure it out dude like this is not acceptable and it's probably gonna reduce our leverage for negotiation moving forward so let's see what happens he tells me that he's on it and that everything's gonna be okay and eventually shoots me a text says your license isn't suspended I'm like well that's good to know and he's like I'm working on the rest and so he calls me a couple days later he said how you doing I'm like well I'd be a whole lot better if you hadn't made me into a fugitive from justice but he said I know you're all right it's good everything's gonna be fine I've got it knocked down here's your new court date and I'll either have to go down there and appear hopefully we can just work it out between now and then and so that date was a couple of days ago and he called me afterwards he said all right now I was able to talk to him and I got it down to negligent operation I was like well I don't know what that means he said well it's a county ordinance violation so it's not really even like a highway moving violation there's no points doesn't transfer carries the same fine coincidentally they're still gonna get their money but at the end of the day it doesn't go in my driving record no insurance will know about it other than this video nobody will ever really hear another word about it and so that's why you do these things I mean obviously had to pay something for the attorney but it paled in comparison to the increased in insurance premiums that I would have enjoyed over the coming years if I had something like that on my driving record so I guess all's well that ends well or at least ends okay and we enjoyed the rest of the rally had an absolute blast of course ticket clinic got another very very satisfied customer and I was pleased to have had them available for something like this and managed not to get into too much more trouble but we did get pulled over three more times and they involved some a little bit more successful but shrewd negotiation and one of them was an interesting story and we'll just have to save that for another day [Music] you you
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 840,770
Rating: 4.794281 out of 5
Keywords: speeding ticket, ed bolian, arrested, rally, lux rally, ferrari, 430 scuderia, cross country, vinwiki, car stories, ticket clinic, cannonball run, grigio silverstone, ferrari 599, arkansas, reckless driving, negligent opperation, county ordinance, violation, citation, warning, lawyer, legal help, accident, attorney, defense, court, date, ticket, exotic cars, high speed chase, radar, laser, detector, jammer, waze, handcuffed, restrained, detained
Id: mYY6ozn3CcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
Reddit Comments

Aah. Privilege at its finest.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/scrnname0319 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

If I drive through the south I assume boss hog is waiting to get me, fine me, and arrest me. I'd always drive cool in an area like that.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Doomaa 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

No one cares about Arkansas

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MrPizzaMan123 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
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