I got arrested because an identical GT3 RS was running from the cops!

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my wife's gonna kill me i just bought this car two days ago i've got young kids i'm not coming home to let you know when quarantine happened i would put six thousand miles on my aston martin vantage and i think that i just want an excuse to buy a car so i was like you know what i'm putting miles in the vantage why don't i get a new g63 which is a good daily driver so i shopped around the nashville area there was a used one for sale at like 2000 miles i want to say it wasn't like the 170 to 180 000 range went and test drove it put a deposit on it on my way there my friend jeremy sweeney owns a two 3rs was like chandler why don't we switch cars on the way to test drive this car like you know i'll drive yours you drive mine and he's been trying to get me in porsche for a long time so i get on the freeway and it hits 9000 rpm and i'm like this thing's a lot of fun and we get to the test drive again the g63 and all i can think about is the 3rs so i go back to the office and i start rethinking i was like you know what if i'm going to spend 170 180 whatever i might as well just get a 3rs you know i can drive that i can drive the vantage i'm not putting you know too many miles on one car so he starts sending me listings and ironically that morning before we even got the test drive we got lunch before and him and his 12 year old son always get matchbox cars and he gave me a purple 3rs and i didn't think anything of it at all and he didn't either honestly they just got me like a matchbox car and this is before i drove his car so he didn't even know that i was seriously considering one because i wasn't so i get back to the office he sent me listings there's an or a lava orange.13rs for sale my local dealership and he was like no that's a launch color you don't want a lot of orange let me find you a better spec so he sent me this ultraviolet one that was in south carolina at greenville porsche i believe i ended up flying there two days later bought the car didn't even realize that he'd bought me a matchbox version of that car not even a week prior until i got back to my office and i look at it and i was like oh my gosh i just bought the car you gave me matchbox for him so it turns out that a couple of my buddies were driving from new york to do the tale of the dragon um so jeremy and i i was like jeremy i'm gonna go do the dragon in the rs to get it broken in do you want to come with me so he's like sure so this uh i bought the car on uh wednesday drove it back from greenville to nashville and then friday morning we we uh you know departed to east tennessee and on the way there he has a dot too and of course i ended up buying this ultraviolet one 3rs and we were going side by side and this is the moment i knew this car was going to get me in trouble we were driving late in the night to east tennessee and we were going to do some rolls and we went to about 30 and you know he has 40 more horsepower 24 horsepower stock and as we slow down and i downshift i get lit up and i was like oh man we're about to get you know taken over you know arrested for drag racing five seconds later turns those lights off and gets off and so that was kind of like my humbling moment where i was like you know what let me just take it easy we're on streets in public streets so we get to the dragon and we do stay at a local motel there and we spend the night and the next morning we depart with about 30 other supercars three rs's gt3s a couple huracans etc the whole day we're just completely ripping and all these guys from new york they're really good drivers and they're really fast drivers which is kind of like how we drive our cars as well and we come off the dragon doing a high rate of speed upwards of 150 miles an hour on this little four lane highway and uh we're you know we're splitting lanes going down the the center turn lane and uh all of a sudden we see two chargers come over the hill and they didn't have their lights on but they were moving quickly and they were kind of in formation so to speak and so we all kept going the high rate of speed until we see the blue lights behind us and we all immediately went you know we all have walkie-talkies and we're like you know let's go speed limit and just blend in with traffic and see what happens i was in the middle of the group and i was like you know if i get to the front they have to pass a lot of cars to get to me so i get towards the front of the group and there's a white gt3rs a yellow gt3 and then my purple gt3rs and behind me there's a red huracan well these two chargers pass every car and get behind the red huracan and both chargers pulled over the red huracan so i'm thinking you know what we're good let's just go to the speed limit let's get back to the hotel we pull off into a subdivision this is in the middle of maryville tennessee in the middle of nowhere uh we pull off into a subdivision to kind of get off the main road and it's just me and those two other porsches and we kind of slow roll to a stop sign and another cop passes us and it was kind of like this awkward like what's gonna happen like they're clearly looking for us because you could hear sirens everywhere we got a call in the walkie-talkie the red herring huracan said they're looking for a purple porsche and i'm like why me out of all the cars like why they have a hit out for a purple porsche and they're like no they're like really like actively looking for the porsche like the cops would not stop talking about it to this red huracan guy so we pull off and in this subdivision it was a nicer sub for the area there was also a rundown sub kind of um behind that had this gravel driveway that shared a bunch of like driveways and in the middle of the gravel driveway there's like green grass rays you kind of like when a natural trail happens and it's not super car friendly it's not low car friendly i had the front lift on the porch so i could kind of pull down we're like let's pull down this kind of alley way and there's like dump the cars or like just chill for a few i don't know if you played grand theft auto when you have five stars that's kind of what it sounded like there was cops everywhere anyways the yellow gt3 in front of me was static and lowered and he couldn't make it so he he pulled off and went to the main road and as i'm pulling the alley i see two cars block them in two cop cars and so at this point i'm like all right they're looking for a purple porsche this guy just got run up on by two cops like i'm screwed so we get out of the cars we're like you know maybe if we drop them here they don't know who's driving you know we can't get you know incriminated so to speak so we drop the cars in this alleyway and we start walking down the sidewalk keep in mind we're in maryville tennessee i'm wearing yeezys joggers and a porsche t-shirt clearly i'm standing out in this moment that same cop that passed us earlier in the subdivision rolls past us and we kind of do this awkward look and she rolls down the window she's like hey you guys seen a purple porsche we're like nope but if you went up two houses further she'd see it sitting right there if she looks between the houses so by this time she started slow rolling away and we're walking down the street and another charger pulls up and he gets out and he starts screaming who owns the purple poor she wants the purple porsche at this point i put two and two together there was another purple porsche with us on this rally now keep in mind there's only 315 ultraviolets in the entire world or maybe just the us but there's only 315 they're limited right and what are the odds that two of them are on this rally and i kind of start to put together that they're looking for this other porsche not mine and so he was saying who owns a purple porsche and i was like you know what i own one the second i said that he threw me around put me in handcuffs threw me on the ground and said don't say another word you're going to jail for reckless driving and evading the police and i was like what are you like what are you talking about i mean if he's like yeah you've been running from us all day i was like with all due respect you know with a bunch of cars and we were doing the dragon but no one was running from any police officers and he was like you're going to jail certainly don't say another word they're screaming at me and so i'm sitting on the sidewalk and we can throw the picture and i'm sitting like this and i had my photographer next to me and uh i was like tyler i don't know how to get out of this like my wife's gonna kill me i just bought this car two days ago i've got young kids i'm not coming home to let you know i don't know what was going to happen i was really nervous sure enough all these cops start showing up um the guy wouldn't let me say a word which i don't even you know know if it's i didn't know my rights at the time i feel like i had some rights that i didn't i didn't extend that being said finally this police officer pulls up gets out of the vehicle and this was the police officer it was behind the porsche and he goes um i heard him like talking like about the moment he was like yeah i got behind him turned the lights on and he just dipped and so i literally yelled i was like what color wears wheels and he goes they're black i was like i don't have black wheels go check my car and i was like what color was tail lights it was like he was like they're red and and i had clear tails so i ended up getting out of it the cops in that moment were very apologetic and were borderline nice at that point but we knew who the other driver was of course i won't mention his name and we called him we're like dude you got to get out of here because they are hot for you so we ended up moseying back um to the hotel getting our stuff and like we're heading back to nashville i think i'm i'm done with maryville tennessee for a while so and that was on day two or day three of my rs ownership off the record can help you find a speeding ticket or traffic citation no matter where you get it you just download their app take a photo of your ticket and they match you with the best local attorney to achieve the best possible outcome they can help you avoid costly insurance premium increases points on your license and other issues and when you register use the code benwicky for a discount on their services if you don't have a ticket that you need to fight right now go ahead and download their app and register using the vinwiki code and that will reserve your discount for whenever you might need it in the future it's a great thing to have in your pocket when you never know who's going to pull up behind you on your next road trip [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 432,171
Rating: 4.9099445 out of 5
Keywords: VINwiki, Car Stories, Porsche, 991, GT3 RS, Ultraviolet, Police, Cops, Ticket, Reckless Driving, Evasion, identity
Id: VdVS7NgI6N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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