What happens if you hand the Artifact to the Githyanki | Baldur's Gate 3

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no sir it is found lucky Scott's eye my queen you are permitted to look upon me you are invited to deathless Queen has spoken you will obey these attendants you keep you taught them well my child my laser Chamas you know me a lot of careers speaks most highly as they are higher before you seek purity I may get grounded you bear that which is ours but are you friend or are you Thief an unexpected servant will is strong and your kind will go far for Glory shown by being here filthy one step further put it beyond your mortal that weapon the astral prison it is corrupted I will cleanse it for you my queen tell me how there is someone inside the mind is broken a polite they are an agent of The Grand Design sent to sabotage the astral prism our life defense against the return of the enlisted Empire they live in prison is and I will cleanse you and your allies do this and ascend Ascension you must accept refuse and you will know my Fury [Music] thank you who's the plane Caster's power to enter the artifact be wary a creature's love cut it out if you must for all gas they are not to leave until it is done as you say my queen we will not waste a second place the artifact or do not and feel my bite don't do it to the astral prism as it begins to flower thank you that's hot a Timeless space founded compressed in a foal a strong plane [Music] boundless timeless every dream that at home [Music] so you came in spite of all my warnings disappointing come we will talk in private Just the Two of Us suit yourself but only the leader of your group is coming in I will not allow anyone else by all means carry on I'll come running if you need me I may have made a mistake trusting you I told you to stay away from the gift Yankee but you just couldn't help yourself could you oh no you've come here to murder me I told you I stole the artifact from someone well I stole it from blacketh since then she has become desperate vlakis wants me dead because I know her Secret it is a secret so great that if her people ever found out that would be the end of her rule the end of her that same secret is how I've been protecting you from the absolute I can hear your thoughts you think I'm lying vlakath warned you that I would try to deceive you to consider this what reason have I to deceive you same thing as you freedom I'm on your side I have been since the very beginning I really thought you wouldn't have been so much more so you are not to be trusted I don't intend to make a habit of conversing with my killer so I will be brief your survival depends on mine and mine on yours it's less than ideal but it is where we stand I know a secret that blacketh never wants to be revealed it is the reason she mobilized her people to retrieve the astral prism it is why she sent you to kill me and why she will kill you once you leave this place since we are both dependent on your ability to survive that you would do well to remember that without me you would become a mind flayer now leave I have a battle to return to what happened in that way is blocked now for good speak have you killed my Queen's enemy unkillable I don't believe you show me your mind my mind tingles Liesel seeks entrance your thoughts become one she sees the truth of your confrontation in an instant only not my queen knows my faith she would never condemn me we must go to the try he will summon blacketh she must know of this this apostate Lazelle I've been waiting you are named hashalak bend your head for my blade is ready please summons like it there's much irrelevant cake wretch Queen has spoken your death is decreed you realize what Liesel doesn't whatever the outcome of your visit to the astral prism had no intention of letting either of you live foreign
Channel: PerfectParadox
Views: 349,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, tips, guide, walkthrough, playthrough, trophy, achievement, trophies, help, how to, fight, remastered, trailer, theory, analysis, tutorial, ps4, xbox, pc, console, lets play, let's play
Id: 7AuLW1iaqOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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