Magnus and the Thousand Sons EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal since starting this channel we have covered a decent number of space foreign legions in their prime marks techno knights evil bat men roid rage the cooler roid rage privilege spooky fire boys heretics speed Mongolians stinky boys and more so I felt it was just right time to put a spotlight on the dusty nerds when I think about the best and most standout Space Marines I always think of the most unique ones fortunately Games Workshop have done an outstanding job making the most of the original legions unique one of the most unique is the thousand suns not only because they're completely useless despite theoretically having the most powerful Primark and Legion but they actually get their ass handed to them on pretty much every single occasion you could call this bad riding but I prefer to call it tit snitch having a good laugh before you get started the official major kill Warhammer hentai calendar is now live and ready for sale if you're confused what the hell I'm talking about never fear I made a whole video on it that will change your life or your masturbation habits which let's face it is pretty much your life you spend your free time watching videos about Warhammer law but yeah buy my hentai that that's the point I'm trying to make here today we'll go over who the thousand suns are and what they're up to we'll also discuss the life and many failures of the second biggest disappointment of a Primark Magnus the first being anger on who as we have discussed should have been aborted as a bonus we'll also discover if Magnus actually did anything wrong or not so we can finally put another terrible meme to bed let's get into it after about the sixth cycle of the galaxy getting its cheeks clapped a humble pious man known simply as the god Emperor of mankind decided the galaxy was ready for a seventh clapping so he created 20 demigod babies called pry marks now in said galaxy there was a couple of shady dudes called the four gods of chaos who weren't a fan of getting their cheeks clapped other than slowness of course so they teamed up with the pry marks mum who is having postnatal depression and eated them across the galaxy each Primerica landed on a planet suited to them some were privileged white kids they had an easy start whilst others were edgy emos and landed on a planet full of horrific criminals and no vitamin D no is landed on Prospero a planet full of sorcerers who are shunned by the local systems due to the history of sorcerers accidentally summoning demons and causing trillions of deaths fair enough now Magnus is called Magnus the red because you know he's red this is because when the Big E was creating his children prior marks he wanted to ensure that there's enough racial diversity so he created a chalky kid a yellow kid and a red kid what happened was one of his scientists were like yo biggie what rate should I make this next one and the biggie was like hmm make him Indian but not the taxi Indian the red Indian Red Indians were a thing 28,000 years prior to said scientist being born so he took it literally and just added some red food dye to the fetus on a lot of planets a red demonic-looking child wasn't killed upon discovery I imagine when they found him someone was like oh my god he's red what is going on and his mate would have said Oh Terry we can treat lightning from our hands and summon tentacle hentai monsters him being red is pretty normal in comparison and it's Magnus was quickly adopted and became a student to the many scholars and leaders of Prospero Magnus would go on to have an easy life Orestes is his gully man's as he quickly surpassed everyone in psychic power and became leader of the planet he transformed the world making it a radiant beacon of light in an otherwise dark and grim galaxy his hunger for knowledge only matched by his arrogance you can't really blame him for his ego though imagine landing on a planet full of wizards with superpowers and within like six years becoming way more powerful than all of them he was literally a superhero - a superhero after making his planet dope Magnus began exploring the deepest parts of the warp and learning everything he could despite the warnings of his adopted father slash mentor I would say their conversation went like this Magnus be careful of the tentacles shadow demons and many malicious horrors of the war and Magnus would be like don't tell me what to do dad that shadow demon monster is my friend and he said you're an [ __ ] with a mind as bright and loud as Magnus's the emperor easily found him and had been communicating with mountains for years before his fleet arrived at Prospero when the Big East saw him he was like all she I guess there should have been more specific about the red Indian part before the two hugged it out as a note both the Emperor and Magnus were Bane's of intense psychic energy so hug between the two of them probably had the potential energy to level an entire city these are the kind of things I think about it Knight the Emperor then went on to tell Magnus more about the galaxy and how an entire Legion of legendary Space Marines that were ready to follow him Magnus was like oh boy dad that's awesome can I see him and then the Emperor was like yeah about that see Magnus and a thousand sons got claimed pretty hard by tits and it's from the get-go like unfairly hard the thousand sons had developed psychic powers which is really cool until they all started mutating into cows porn which is way less cool nice one tits niche the only time this settled down is when the Emperor's near the Legion as he genuinely scared off the cows gods so that in try and pull their bullsh in is around him as such by the time Magnus is reunited with his legion only 1,000 them were ready for duty with the rest having either been cold or put into stasis hence the name thousand suns the biggie was thinking about just culling the rest but Magnus begged to be given a chance to save them so they were spared just as tits that had planned in order to stop this flesh change Magnus were to go ask his old tentacle gente shadow demon friend who was clear incidentally also tit snitch cascada ruining your day tits which allowed Magnus to think he beat him giving Magnus the power to stop the flesh change and taking one of Magnus's eyes in return the thing I like about this is that decision didn't take Magnus a soul here or bind him to his will no the only thing Magnus lost here was an AI which he really didn't need the dude can see her soul from across the galaxy eyes are just a fashion accessory for him or test niche did that was clever was fuel Magnus's arrogance that he had mastered the warp giving him confidence to delve even deeper with the flesh change sorted and the legion recruiting fresh playthings fort its niche sorry noble sons of Magnus the red from Prospero the 15th Legion was ready to clap and clap they did an entire Legion of demigods super soldiers led by the manifestation of magic in the galaxy didn't have much trouble dominating a galaxy where anti-cycling place yet despite this however the thousand suns record for taking planets was pretty crap the Legion was still small and Magnus had more interest in learning more about the warp and other nerdy [ __ ] rather than actually conquering like every time they'd conquer a planet that had psychos on it they would copy all their knowledge into text and transport it back to Prospero on top of this most of the Imperium also despised a thousand suns due to their very frowned upon psychic powers as well as the fact that their leader had horns on his nipples also when most of your Legion turned into this obviously people aren't going to be super keen on working with you the loudest of these opposition's were Lehman and Mott Ariane for entirely different reasons Lehman thought Magnus was a little [ __ ] who hid behind psychic powers instead of engaging in a glorious mainly combat Ozma tarean didn't like psycho powers as his adoptive father was a sadistic necromancer ironically despite Lehman having a pretty weak us excuse for disliking Magnus and magic it would be more Terry and who would eventually embrace the warp and become a smelly moth one of the many reasons why Morty sucks as more and more planets fell to the Imperium the legions witness horrific war creatures as well as many planets who got molested by cyclists during the age of strife the powers that Magnus and his son were using were very similar to the powers of these very evil beings this all came to a head when the emperor called a council with all the most important people in the Imperium as well as the prime marks this was known as the Council of Nakia where the fate of psychic powers within the Imperium would be decided supporting the use of psychic powers in some form was for Grimm despite not using psyches the con Conrad sanguinis Ghul Eamon Luger Vulcan Alf arias and obviously Magnus and against the use of psychos only form was purty Lehmann Rogal Faris anger on Mott Ariane and Corvis whilst the Emperor marcador and others like Val d'Or did not comment whilst there were more pry marks that supported the use of cycles than that didn't the ones that did support them other than Magnus didn't really care either way lost the ones that didn't support cycles cared a lot it seemed that conclusion would be that psychos be allowed to remain in a very controlled format like a support class for their legion however it was then revealed that Magnus had gone balls to the walls of psychic powers and instead been using oh sorry but major kill isn't psychopaths and sorcery the same thing such a filthy flesh changing mouth to me before I turn your balls inside out with warp sorcery whilst warp sorcery does come from psychic powers it's like a dark offshoot of it imagine psychic powers is like a basic mage your little healing spell may be a bit of a boost rod are maybe a little fireball sorcerer would be like full arch major destruction specs and soul raping everyone basically you go from a support to a DPS well psychic powers are neutral warp sorcery generally comes from a dark place and gets the attention of dark things hence why Magnus had tits inches magnifying glass son in this whole time the emperor was enraged to hear that Magnus's abuse of the warp after he specifically warned him about it he lashed out and completely banned any form of psychic power other than Astro paths navigators and then obviously he is in Malka doors own power Magnus was obviously pretty salty about this he had put all of his skill points into intelligence and now he had to play like a tank DPS Magnus and his legion would be pretty useless for the rest of the crusade as their trump card was their psychic powers and now they just kind of sucked Magnus will continue to use warp sorcery on a small scale in the meantime from Prospero eventually Horus went full bold [ __ ] mode and declared jihad on the Emperor Magnus was the first to realizes however as he received a vision from none other than uncle tit snitch the vision showed the heresy play out with only his own fate been unknown to him now this is where we discover if Magnus actually did anything wrong in a panic he used warp sorcery to quickly astral projected Terra to tell the Emperor about horses and naughty antics but he found a psychic barrier in the way a barrier the Emperor put there to keep demons out while he worked at his secret web Way project now I could explain what happens here or I could just show it so yeah this is the scene from if the Emperor had a text-to-speech device by Bravo alpha Boozer aka the best 40 K channel ever horse was folly but I failed I still have a chance nothing will be lost if I can warn father there's still time to warn him I could save everyone if there wasn't a [ __ ] wall I do now sap tomato man you were gettin get out of here I don't need any more of your help looks to me like you know Sonny you can't help me this walls built up with some incredible psychic pals for a purpose and I am NOT going to break it down father put it here for a reason and I won't transgress any further not going to or not able don't start this [ __ ] again octopus face I won't fall for it even if I destroy this wall it might have terrible terrible consequences I mean I don't even know what purpose it has Oh Cyclops boy is being reasonable but he doesn't understand because he enjoys living in ignorance psyche seriously you're really doing this again comes in your way you give up immediately shut up I already tried getting through it without breaking it not strong enough it's built up by a psychic mite that surpasses my own he's not strong enough because he's a freaking [ __ ] that shits himself upon TV absolutely terrifying inanimate objects maybe we should get someone ballsy enough like leavin rust to do it instead hmm no I am better than that ignorant Savage also I don't have time for this [ __ ] time is of the essence and I have to get through bad choice let me give you a power boost I did it item the mightiest seikar in the galaxy I am the strongest wicked Lehmann you furry [ __ ] so yeah the demons poured into the web way slaughtered thousands and undid the entire project Magnus was able to appear to Daddy but the biggie was so furious that the one-shot mankind had a permanently beating chaos was now ruined that he didn't want to hear a word of it mungus realized he had messed up big time and returned to his body and we gun having a sulk the Imperial Palace now had a gaping hole in it which the Emperor now had to keep shut by sitting on the golden throne permanently and she was powerless to go and press ctrl Alt Delete on Horace like he would have previously been able to do so the Emperor ordered Lehmann and his custard ease and Sisters of silence to go to Prospero grab Magnus and bring him back to Terra for a spanking so hard it would make the rest of his body look white the Emperor needs magnets that sit on the throne and hold the web waste shot whilst the Emperor could fix things with Horace and chaos as Magnus was the only one who was a big enough nerd to do it however Lehmann once again proved to be a horrible choice when it comes to fetching prime marks as it usually ended in mass bloodshed so sending Wolf's daddy was a pretty cook thing in the infra to do as Lehmann near Prospero Horace was like your Lehmann I know dad said to bring back Magnus alive but wouldn't it just be like a really funny if you just killed him la mal and lemon was like god damn Horace you're right and he prepared to invade the world Magnus knowing had been played like a fiddle bite it snitch lowered prosperous defenses and prepared to meet his fate who sir adamant on allowing herself and his sons to die that he completely ignored Lehman's requests to parlay and he killed one of his favorite sons who discovered the oncoming space rules between the might of the Wolves custodies and sisters of silence even the mighty thousand sons were no match and they got crushed towards the end of the war Magnus changed his mind and decided that he didn't want to die hence he joined the fray Lehmann of Magnus ended up dueling resulting in Lehmann going full vain mode and breaking reigns's backer his knee shattering his spine soul and his health insurance premiums as you felt the numbing agony of becoming a paraplegic Magnus was like tentacle hentai shadow monster walk buddy save me and tits it was like oh you got it kiddo and teleported him and the remaining thousand sons to the warp now in between getting his spine snapped and youing to bite its niche Magnus's soul shuddered into different pieces creating numerous different Magnus shards his noble shard will be found by marcador and used to create the first grain height whilst his power shard would go on to become the Crimson King demon Promark of tooth snitch the shards would either get paid taken by arimin who we will discuss in a bit destroyed or eaten by the other shards this also explains how Magnus goes from a loyal son who's trying to do the right thing - big red angry nerd who just wants to kill fairies as a funny note Magnus especially now there's a demon Primark can change his physical form so it's pretty funny to see that he made himself completely jacked despite always avoiding any kind of conflict that involved physical strength so from this did Magnus do the wrong thing or was he just screwed over yes he absolutely did multiple wrong things who was warned about the warp and his tentacle hentai shadow demon war buddy who's told not to practice warp sorcery he ignored Lehman's pile a request and ended up fighting the walls regardless before finally praying for deliverance from tit snitch yes he was dealt a bad hand and yes tit snitch wanted heaps of red ass we can always win a bad hand and tentacle hentai shadow demons should never be messed with Magnus had gone to pledge to Horus and helped him during the heresy using his sorcery but between his broken spine and nearly dead Legion he wasn't really front and center and provides Horus horror gets Kamehameha so hard that his soul is completely raped and the Emperor ends up as a quadriplegic and a massive strain on the immune health care system Magnus any sons retreat to the eye of terror and set up shop in the planet of sorcerers their new home before you better believe that tits that wasn't done memeing them yet so the tentacle God himself brought the flesh changed back to him way worse than it was before the entire Legion began to turn into chaos spawn however Armin and a cabal of elite thousand son sorcerers completed a ritual which was supposed to stop the flesh change and stop it it did with the cost of all non psycho thousand sons turning to dust and having their souls trapped in their own armor whoops Magnus obviously wasn't stoked that most of his sons were now walking ash piles so he kicked the tits out of Armin but was prevented from killing him bite it snitch he wasn't done with Herman yet Magnus hasn't been super active in the galaxy since the Horus heresy other than he's a constant attempts to destroy the space wolves attempt being thwarted it's actually pretty embarrassing for Magnus like he has all this demonic power yet nearly lost the duel to one space wolf chapter master and then on a different occasion eight the acts of another space wolf chapter master and was banished both times time and time again Magnus attacks Fenris and time and time again he gets his red ass clapped if space are in sync if Magnus has asked imagine what Lehmann will do when he returns in recent times Magnus attacked the revived Ghul 'man on the way back to Terra to see daddy the two high marks for and whilst Magnus had the upper hand Guymon was able to hold his ground long enough for backup to arrive and banish Magnus again he'll g-man even got a few nasty shots in himself it seems we'd the big red man gets body two time and time again despite his power but because he's only a shot of what he was he lacks a lot of things that give a primary strength like a functional penis or not being a cocky dick all the time Magnus is currently residing in his tower angrily reading books and likely bamboozled advice complete inability to wipe out a single space rain chapter now character I mentioned earlier who is way more interesting than Magnus is a rumen when Armin was banished by Magnus he was tasked with exploring the galaxy and discovering the true nature of chaos and also try to fix the whole woops accidentally turned most my brothers into dust golem situation to do this he resolved that he needed to gain entry into the black library an elder Croft world hidden within the web way which contains all the elders and knowledge about chaos seems simple enough except it really wasn't at all and arlynn got his ass handed to him a number of times before he was eventually available to reach it only to get his ass handed to him again and kicked out of the web way like father like son as a pretty funny flex your brain The Herald of the elder god of death was able to easily turn some of the dusty Rubik Marines back to their former selves shocking and heavily embarrassing Armin whose sil yet to get even close to a similar result with the recent siege of Fenris as well as magnus duking it out with Gulman i don't think that the hours and sons are gonna be front and center for a little while Herman will keep appearing like the try-hard villainy years but with their track record as well as tits is genuinely enjoying what she saw in chaos legion fail I wouldn't expect anything big coming out of them anytime soon a big thing I like about the thousand suns is that minds aren't twisted into mindless cows Marines they can actually make moral decisions for example a loyalist empress children dreadnought was getting tortured by fulcrum the thousand sons were with fulcrum at the time who were actually on his team found the whole affair really distasteful so they allowed a nuclear bomb to go off and kill all of them for gravina demon Prince eventually came back however was a pretty cool moment and that does it for today guys the Lawrence story of the thousand suns due to their low numbers and tendency for failure they are not up there in terms of the most well known space foreign legions but they're definitely one of the most unique and I love their sudo space adduser anesthetic remember guys the calendars alive and the physical copy will only be available to buy for another two weeks before it's gone forever so get in before you miss your chance to witness what 2 grand worth of Warhammer hand-tight looks like you enjoyed the video I want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar gives you access to everything except the digital version of the calendar which is $10 hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button to see more during the disor for more memes and I'll see you in the next one please [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 612,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Lore, Magnus, Ahrimna, Thousand Sons, Heresy, horus Heresy, Majorkill, Explained, Australia, Australian, Ahriman, Black Library, warp, Chaos, Chaos gods, Warhammer fantasy, Age of Sigmar, Primarchs, Space Marines, Sci Fi, Ultramarines, Guilliman
Id: 3tTaGb2oRLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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