What Happened to ZUKO'S MOTHER After The War Ended? - Avatar Lore Explained

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The two big mysteries that all of us fans were  left with at the end of Avatar the Last Airbender   were, what would happen to Azula after her  defeat, and more importantly what happened   to Zuko’s mother Ursa? Thankfully, both of  these questions have been answered in the   official canon comics, and today we’re going  to dive in to what really happened to Zuko’s   mother. So remember to subscribe for more  vids just like this and let’s get into it. So the story begins with the familiar scene  from the show where Ozai is speaking with   Firelord Azulon, his father. This meeting  came shortly after Ursa had received a tragic   letter informing her that Lu-Ten, the son of  Iroh had died in the siege of Ba Sing Sei. After finding out about this news,  Ozai visited his father and asked   him if he could take Iroh’s place  in the royal line of succession,   since now Iroh had no descendants. Firelord  Azulon was absolutely inflamed with this request,   asking how he could dare ask for such a thing so  soon after Lu Ten’s death. As a response to this,   Azulon punished Ozai by ordering him to kill  Zuko, so that he would know the pain of losing   his first-born son, just as Iroh had. An extremely  cruel reaction to an extremely cruel request. Soon after this, Ursa was informed of the  conversation because Azula had been secretely   listening in on it. She then put Azula to  bed and frantically rushed to Ozai to ask   him if he would actually go through with  the plan. After hearing Ozai’s cold “yes”,   Ursa was sent into a horrible panic. She  frantically began planning how to save   her son’s life. She eventually came up with a  plan that would exchange the Fire Nation throne   for Zuko’s life. To do this, she would mix an  untraceable, colourless and odorless poision,   which she learned from her herbalist mother to  kill Azulon. She would then create a fake will   passing the birthright of Iroh onto Ozai, making  him the new firelord. In exchange for this plan,   Ozai ordered that Ursa leave the palace in  exile, never to be seen again. He feared   that if she stayed, she would use the  poison on him in the future. Furthermore,   Ursa requested to take the children with her,  but Ozai refused, making sure they stayed as   collateral. Should Ursa ever return or cause  any trouble, they would be killed immediately. Ursa then kissed her two children goodbye and  immediately ran off into the night. The first   place she went to after leaving the palace was her  parents old house. Once she got there, she knocked   on the door and a young girl answered. Ursa asked  if Junzuk and Rina were there, but the young girl   delivered the horrible news that they had passed  away many years prior. In tears, and with nowhere   to go, Ursa rushed to the middle of her town  and visited a stage where she used to peform   in her years before becoming the Fire Princess.  There she silently cried to herself in silence. Some time after, a man named Noren approached her,  believing she was looking for a part in the next   play at the stage. Once he noticed her crying  however, he offered Ursa breakfast and she was   happy to accept. During their conversation over  breakfast, Noren suddenly called Ursa by her name,   which startled her since she had been careful not  to reveal it to anyone since leaving. This made   Ursa nervous, and caused her to lose her appetite,  so she got up and was about to leave. However,   right at this moment, Noren admitted  that he was in fact a man named Ikem,   which before Ozai chose her as princess, was  actually engaged to marry her. Noren had seen   a spirit named the Mother of Faces and changed his  entire appearance and identity so that Ozai could   not hunt him down and kill him. After hearing  this, Ursa asked Ikem why he had never gotten   married since their engagement was cut short,  and he simply responded by saying “you know why”.   After some time reconnecting, the pair agreed  that Ursa should change her own face and name too,   so that Ozai could never find her and punish  her for what had happened at the palace. At this point, the two then travelled through a  place known as The Forgetful Valley for months   without success in finding the Mother of Faces.  Finally though, their luck changed and the spirit   appeared. Ursa then made her request to change  her appearance, but the Mother of Faces asked   her why such a beautiful human such as her would  want to throw her appearance away. To test if Ursa   was truly willing to commit to such a change,  the spirit offered her a much more plain face,   and she accepted without hestiation. The  Mother of faces could sense Ursa’s deep pain,   and offered also to wipe her mind of any memory  having to do with her time as the fire princess.   Ursa was initially extremely reluctant as this  would wipe the memories of her own children,   but after some time she decided that she  needed to end the pain and suffering of   that life. She found it too painful to always  be worrying whether they were safe and sound   at the palace. She then accepted, and  the mother of faces granted her wish. So from this point forwards,  Ursa dropped her old life,   her old memories and her old identity.  She would now be known as Noriko Some time later, Ursa and  Ikem (under their new names),   decided to get married and start a  new life together. They soon after   had a daughter named Kiyi and lived  on in peaceful hiding for 5 years. This peaceful life was interrupted however when  an undercover investigation party, which was team   Avatar arrived at their residence. The main  purpose of this mission was Zuko’s quest to   find his mother, hinted at right at the end of the  Last Airbender series. And along with team Avatar,   came Azula, who was recently released out of her  mental hospital to come on the mission. **That is   fully explained in the video that you will find  in the description and the pinned comment.** And   trust me, it’s a good story. Soon though, Zuko  was able to figure out that Noriko was actually   his mother, and he went to go see her at her  house. And do remember that at this point,   Ursa still doesn’t know who Zuko is, as  her memories of that time have been wiped. When Zuko arrives at the house, he chooses not  to tell her of the truth because she seems to   living a normal, happy family life with her  new family. Ikem though stops Firelord Zuko   and encourages him to just tell the truth.  Eventually he tells her the full truth, that   he is the firelord and that she is her mother.  But before the conversation can get much further,   Azula bursts onto the scene, having gone crazy yet  again and attacks the family. Azula had still been   having crazy hallucinations about her mother and  thought that if she killed her, they would stop.   Eventually though, Ursa pleaded with Azula and  apologised for not loving her enough, despite   not even remembering it… At this point, Azula  backs off and runs off, not to be seen again…   But if you want to find out what happens, check  out that vid in the pinned comment after this one. After this incident, Zuko brings Ursa back  to the Mother of Faces and she immediately   agrees to have her face and memory granted  back to how it was prior. Ursa then tells   Zuko too that she was sorry for not loving  him enough, before setting sail with her to   the fire nation capital. The first time she  would be allowed to return since her exile. During the voyage, Aang went penguin  sledding with Kiyi, and this terrified Ursa,   as it probably would any mother. When  Ursa when to hug her daughter though,   Kiyi pushed her away, completely struggling  to recognise her mother’s new face. She even   refused to touch the doll that Ursa had hand  crafted for at all since the face change. Soon after this, a messenger hawk arrived  on the ship, sent by the Kyoshi warriors.   Upon reading the message, a sense  of shock swept across Zuko’s face,   which deeply worried his mother… Although he  didn’t tell her what the message contained,   she could see that Zuko was very concerned…  There had been a change of plans. The next day, a submarine popped up next  to their ship, and out popped Uncle Iroh   and Suki. Iroh and Ursa were stunned  to see eachother again after so long,   and Iroh apologised for the pain that his family  had caused her. The two then hugged, and Ursa   assured him that there was no need for apology,  as Iroh’s prescence had always given her hope. After this, the group arrived at the palace,  but Ursa was extremely hesitant to enter the   great hall for the first time since her exile.  She was still scarred and anxious about the   last time she was there and what had gone down.  zuko even offered her to stay in her old bed,   but she declined, not wanting to bring  back those old memories. She was even   more startled after she came across  Ozai’s painting in the Royal Gallery. Later, as the night deepened,  Ursa and Ikem, settled down,   while Zuko moved Kiyi to a different room, as  she didn’t want to be with her mother. However,   this decision unwittingly exposed Kiyi to  danger, as she was soon abducted by Azula,   who had cunningly disguised herself as a  Kemurikage, a spirit from Fire Nation folklore. The tranquil night was shattered by the sounds  of conflict erupting outside the palace. Ursa   and Ikem were abruptly awakened, their hearts  sinking as Zuko broke the distressing news:   their daughter Kiyi had been snatched away.  The parents, gripped by fear and uncertainty,   clung to each other in a tight embrace, a  silent testament to their shared anguish. In the midst of this turmoil, Ursa found herself  alone, cradling Kiyi's doll, a reminder of the   daughter now missing. Her solitude was soon  interrupted by the arrival of Iroh, who had come   swiftly via airship. The air heavy with unspoken  words, Ursa finally voiced her deep-seated fear:   that Kiyi might never truly accept her again,  now that her face had changed. But Iroh,   ever the wise and comforting presence, urged her  not to lose hope. He shared his own heartache   over the loss of his son, Lu Ten, confessing that  such grief never truly fades. His words offered   a solemn reminder: parents cannot always shield  their children from harm, but they can equip them   to face their fears with clarity and courage.  Thankfully, soon after this, Kiyi was rescued   and the mother and daughter finally embraced  once more, and Kiyi accepted her doll back. After this, Ursa gathered the strength to  visit Ozai in his cell, marking the first   time she would see him since the exile.  Iroh escorts Ursa there and after asking   her if she’s truly ready, reminds her to stand  strong and show no fear of her former Husband. The once-mighty Fire Lord, now reduced  to a mere shadow of his former self,   hurled threats and vitriol at Ursa. Yet, she  saw through his bluster, recognizing him for   what he truly was: a man who had never truly  cared for his family or even himself, a man   who tried to appear larger than life but was, in  truth, very small. Turning away from his cell,   she left him calling out in desperation, a pitiful  figure clinging to the remnants of his lost power. Following this, Ursa was relieved to finally  have confronted her past. Now it is all behind   her. She returned to her family in the palace, and  from that point , her story in Canon ends there.   Hope you guys enjoyed this story, if you did, hit  the sub button and ill see you in the next video!
Channel: AvatarStar
Views: 89,569
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Keywords: sozin's sister, avatar, avatar the last airbender, avatar the legend of korra, aang, korra, avatar lore, avatar the last airbender lore, fire lord, the legend of genji, genji, spirits, new avatar animation, avatar studios, zuko, new avatar movie, netflix live action, avatar trailer, what happened to azula, what happened to azula after avatar, azula fate, azula insane, kemurikage, what happened to zuko's mom, what happened to zuko's mother, zuko's mother, ursa, zuko mum, ursa fate
Id: Se0jDc5rts4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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