Avatar: The Last Airbender | Zuko's Life After Returning Home to be the Fire Prince Again

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and after three long years your prince has returned [Applause] [Music] Z fresh fruit prin Zuko may I wash your feet sir head massage hot [Music] towel fruko is something wrong you didn't take the palen KE I'm just going to May's house it's not far it's not a Prince's place to walk anywhere [Music] sir it's never too early for a sitting with the court painter Zuko make sure he gets it's your good side wait I need to ask you something what do you remember about our great-grandfather's history oh Zuko it's so strange how your mind works Fire Lord San began the war of course he spent his early years secretly preparing for it but he was as patient as he was clever he famously waited for the comet later renamed San's Comet and used its power to launch his fullscale invasion of the world in the end he died a very old and successful man but how did he die didn't you pay any attention in school Zuko he died peacefully in his sleep he was ancient tell me if you can have anything you wanted right now what would it be h a big fancy fruit tart with rose pedals on top you know being a prince and all I might just be able to make that happen that would be impressive do you think you can find the fresh fruit tart for the lady with rose petals on top excellent choice sir I guess there are some nice perks that come with being royalty though there's annoying stuff too like that all day war meeting coming up War meeting what are you talking about aula mentioned something I I assumed you were going too I guess I wasn't invited [Music] who's [Music] there you again stop where you are fruko I'm going in for a visit you're going to stand guard here and no one is going to know about this hello zuu if you've come for a royal hair combing I'm afraid you'll have to wait so I guess there's a big warming coming up huh and apparently I'm not welcome there what do you mean of course you're welcome there oh yeah I guess that's why no one bothered to tell me about it oh Zuko don't be so dramatic I'm certain dad wants you there you probably just weren't invited because it's so obvious that you're supposed to be there well Were you invited of course I'm the princess and I'm the Prince exactly so stop acting like a paranoid child just go to the meeting for forget it I'm not [Music] [Music] going you're sure you weren't followed I've heard about you they say you're good at what you do and even better at keeping secrets the Avatar is alive I want you to find him and end him Zuko it's just a dumb meeting who cares I don't well good you shouldn't I mean why would you even want to go just think about how things went at the last war meeting you went to I know you know what will make you feel better ordering some servants around I might be hungry for a whole tray of fruit tarts and maybe a little palen ride around town double [Music] Time Prince Zuko everyone's waiting for you what the high Admirals High generals the war ministers and the princess have all arrived you're the only person missing so my dad wants want me at the meeting the fire lord said he would not start until you arrive sir welcome Prince Zuko we waited for you General Shinu your report thank you sir bosing say is still under our control however earthbender rebellions have prevented us from achieving total victory in the earth Kingdom what is your recommendation our army is spread too thin but once the eclipse is over and The Invasion defeated we should transfer more domestic forces into the Earth Kingdom H Prince zko you've been among the Earth kingdom commoners do you think that adding more troops will stop these rebellions the people of the earth kingdom are proud and strong they can endure anything as long as they have hope yes you're right we need to destroy their hope well that's not exactly what I I think you should take their precious hope and the rest of their land and burn it all to the ground yes yes you're right Zula San's comet is almost upon us and on that day it will endow us with the strength and power of a 100 Sons no Bender will stand a chance against us what are you suggesting sir when the Comet last came my grandfather fire lord San used it to wipe out the air Nomads now I will use its power to end the Earth Kingdom permanently from our airships we were rain fire over their lands a fire that will destroy everything and out of the ashes a new world will be born a world in which all the lands are fire nation and I am the supreme ruler of everything so how did it go when I got to the meeting everyone welcomed me my father had saved me a seat he wanted me next to him I was literally at his right hand Zuko that's wonderful you must be [Music] happy during the meeting I was the perfect Prince the son my father wanted but I wasn't me
Channel: dengmandang⚜️
Views: 527,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Last Airbender, the, last, airbender, prince, zuko, life, fire, nation, fire nation prince, prince zuko, zuko's life, water, air, ozai, azula, zuko's life as a prince, avatar the last airbender, avatar prince zuko, iroh, prince of fire nation, avatar fire, mai, zuko vs ozai, story, zuko story, royal, royal family, fire nation royal, lord, fire lord, fire prince, princesss, aang, princess azula, agni kai, fire nation, zuko and azula, season 3
Id: 5SeYPORwrx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2016
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