Why IROH Became Fire Lord After Zuko

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After the end of the 100 Year war and  the final defeat of Fire Lord Sozin,   Prince Zuko took his rightful place as ruler  of the Fire Nation… But did you know that Iroh   actually became Fire Lord after this for a  short time? This shocked many in the fire   nation and left many questions… So hit that  subscribe button if you haven’t already let’s   break down how Iroh became firelord for  a short time and exactly why it happened! So the one question that was posed ominously  at the end of Avatar The Last Airbender,   but never got answered was when Zuko Asked  Ozai where his mother was. Well that search   continued very shortly after the show came  to an end. Zuko gathered his friends and even   broke Azula out of the mental hospital and began  the search for Ursa… During this time however,   he could not rule the Fire Nation. He would  not be present in the homeland, and therefore   he was forced to appoint an interrim firelord  in his place to run the day to day affairs of   the kingdom… The obvious choice for this?  Uncle Iroh… Iroh was originally supposed to   have the throne before Ozai so it was only right  that Zuko gave this honor to his loving uncle. As Zuko set off for his journey, Iroh expressed  his great hope that Zuko would find the answers   to what he was looking for and finally close  that chapter of his life… Aang was also very   reluctant to let Azula come along on this mission  considering everything that happened during the   comet and the whole series, but Iroh stepped in  as the voice of reason and told him that Zuko   is looking for inner peace through the search for  his mother. Maybe Azula could use the same thing… Either way, Iroh was then sworn  in as the Fire Lord in Zuko’s   absence and all authority was handed over to him. Once Iroh took up residence in the royal  palace though, he wondered to himself why   he ever dreamed of this dreary and gloomy old  place. In response to this, Suki, who served   as the head bodyguard of the Fire Lord by this  point, asked if there was anything she could do. In classic Iroh fashion, he simply responded  by saying that the problem with the Fire Nation   was that everybody immediately resorted  to weapons and never to a cup of tea. The following day, he performed his first  official duty as firelord using his new power,   and proclaimed a national holiday called  “National Tea Appreciation Day” for all lands   of the fire nation. This law immediately went  into effect and that day was officially granted   Tea Holiday status. He also replaced the spear  of one of his royal guards with a cup of tea,   and encouraged all guards to drink and  enjoy. You’ve gotta love uncle iroh. Some time into his reign, Iroh realized that he  really did appreciate being fore lord more than   he ever thought he would. He was pleased  with his duty and service to his country,   but he did also begin to miss life  at the tea shop in Ba Sing Se. After quite a while had passed, Zuko finally  returned from the quest to find his mother   (which was successful by the way, video coming  on that soon), but he received a very worrying   message. The message said that a group called the  New Ozai Society was coming to hunt him down and   assassinate him. In order to prevent this, Iroh  offered to be Zuko’s body double so the assassins   would come after him instead of the real Zuko…  So in a way, Iroh continued serving as firelord,   even after Zuko got back… despite not  looking at all like the much younger Zuko. At this point, Zuko had taken the official  reign of the Fire Nation back, but immediately   appointed Iroh as his representative on matters  of international diplomacy, including attending   the inaugural celebration ceremony of Yu  Dao, which later turned into republic city. And thats it, that is how Iroh temporarily  became Fire Lord in place of Zuko while he   looked for his mother. Hit that subscribe  button if you enjoyed as there will be   plenty more coming! Cheers guys,  hope to see you in the next one!
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Keywords: sozin's sister, avatar, avatar the last airbender, avatar the legend of korra, aang, korra, avatar lore, avatar the last airbender lore, the legend of genji, genji, legend of genji, the avatarist, avatar news, new avatar, new earth avatar, earth, forbidden bending techniques, bending, ability, genji cancelled, glassbending, kyoshi glassbending, avatar glassbending, is glass bending possible, iroh firelord, the search, interim firelord, temporary, reign, zuko, iroh became firelord
Id: vlRFtN5fjk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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