Toph Rescues Her Daughters ⛰ | "Operation Beifong" | The Legend of Korra

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[Music] Kua tore down all the domes why would she do that she's got a whole Battalion of troops stationed there there's no way we'll be able to spot anything useful from here we'll have to go in for a closer look don't bother all the prisoners have been moved uh hey chief hey chief Grim aov you were only up to my waist the last time we were together oh man I can't this can't be happening what do you have to pee or something no well now maybe you're my hero my name is Bolan I'm dating your granddaughter I mean kind of I may have screwed that up but that's why I'm here and you're my hero oh I said that can I have a hug to you what's up with him he's an actor so you already checked the city for Sue how did you know she was captured I've been living in the swamp and keeping watch on zalu through the V lines sure okay makes sense by the time I got here they were gone I snooped around town and heard that they were taken away to some nearby prison camp where would that be there is a factory and reeducation facility not too far away how do you know that Bolin used to work for Kua how did you end up dating the kind of dipstick who works for Kua used to it's not his silver tongue I can tell you that please tell me this attitude isn't [Music] hereditary Grandma this is Juicy and I thought APPA was smelly why would you choose this leaky nasty thing you don't choose your bison he chooses you and once he chooses you you can't change believe me I [Music] checked so how long has it been since you two have seen each other little while now couple of years try 20 H time flies when you get to be my age I'm surprised you came to save Sue I thought you guys didn't get along Sue and I finally worked out our old grievances good glad we can put all that behind us right we okay there's the [Music] factory wa that's one big [Music] thing I think I know where they are feel that Cavern a few stories down it seems empty but it's guarded by an awful lot of Mech right why would you need soldiers guarding an empty Cavern they must have the them in some kind of suspended prison so they can't use their Earth bending someone's coming [Music] hide I didn't expect you until tomorrow I just wanted to check in to make sure everything was on track it looks wonderful we've had a few minor malfunctions but we should be ready for the test tomorrow you've been working on this the entire time Julie what do you think the problem is it's a very complex machine there are bound to be some bugs to work out but you're doing everything you can to fix those correct of course your eminence she's lying tell the troops and Factory workers to attend tomorrow's demonstration I want them all to witness this incredible new weapon in [Music] action we should be thinking of a way to take out Kua while we have the chance or at least destroy the cannon if she takes that to Republic City it could obliterate everything I didn't come to fight with Kua or destroy a cannon I'm here to save my family it will take everything we have just to get out alive H kuir wants every single one of her people to see the weapon test tomorrow so the factory will be mostly empty then that's our best chance to sneak in and free suit without being spotted good thinking Bolin thanks kind of have a headache now so let me ask you about Metal bending Sue tried to teach me but I couldn't get the hang of it I used to have an academy to train metal bending even Blockheads like you can figure it out with the right instruction yeah you're a real sensitive instructor I did learn how to Lava Bend really it's a very rare ability maybe you do have some talent I can't believe you think think I'm talented that means so much to me coming for my hero yeah she's real encouraging hey I'm blind not de so here's something I've always been curious about who's Lynn's dad he was a guy named Kanto nice man but it didn't really work out between us and okay Lynn I can feel your enraged breathing from here just say what you have to say and let's get it over with just get it over with yeah let's not linger on the fact that I grew up without a dad no need to get all touchy feely about it just one of those things right hey I forgave you for all your garbage a long time ago and Sue and I work things out you're the only one who wants to hold on to this family drama nonsense for the rest of your life forgive me for what and not knowing my dad is nonsense to you it was pretty important to me and until now you would never even discuss it you know after Sue and I patched things up I thought maybe I should try to reach out to Mom but now that we're together again I remember why we stopped talking you make me Furious and you don't even know why and when I tell you you don't care once we save sue you and I are finished if that's your decision and it makes you happy then [Music] fine the test is about to start they're going to blow up that empty town we flew over yesterday you're clear to go copy that we're going in [Music] the guards are on the other side of that door we'll have to be quiet shoot me over to the cage and I can swing them back in my cable pull in you'll have to catch them since Mom will be able to see them ready [Music] we'll get you out one at a Time come on I got you [Music] ah we got him we're coming [Music] out Mom Dad thank you let's move kuira caught Julie and threw her in the town what no I have to go save her you can't go in there kid it's suicide kavir is on to us we've been through too much together I can't leave her tough you said Julie was lying about fixing the cannon she must have been trying to stop it for all you know she could just have been covering her butt because she made a mistake no Julie doesn't make mistakes you guys leave if we make it out we'll get to the city somehow Bolin no you guys get out of here I have to go with Bolin could be our best chance to stop kavira maybe take out that weapon we can't let opal be the coolest if you all want to get yourselves captured again or Worse that's your business I'm through watch out for Batar senior and huan so how have you been mother I told you never to call me [Music] that you give metal Benders a bad [Music] name thanks for coming to save us mom yeah thanks Chief I'm sorry for what I said last night I was just you know look I know I wasn't a great mother but one way or another I ended up with two great kids good enough to risk my bony old butt for anyway if you can just find some way not to Hate Me Maybe that's enough at least for me me too you know I never had any family except for my brother until a few years ago and reuniting with them made me realize how special it is ah enough enjoy the ride back to the city with the gum flapper here aren't you coming back to Republic City with us grandma no my fighting Days Are Over don't tell Kora but my back is killing me now now this is why you didn't see qara messing with that Civil War nonsense at some point you got to leave it to the kids
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 126,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA, Legend of Korra, The Legend of Korra, LOK, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending, Korra, Bolin, Mako, Asami, Ozai, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Amon, Kuvira, Zaheer, Iroh, Uncle Iroh, Leaves from the Vine, Bending, Anime, The Last Airbender, Aang vs Ozai, Agni Kai, Avatar Netflix, Avatar Studios, Fight, Fight Scene, Minecraft, Gaming, Avatar Full Episodes, Netflix, Avatar Netflix Trailer, Avatar on Netflix, ytao_lok
Id: jkq4VIf8HSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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