Ranking the Most Powerful Waterbenders in Avatar

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who is the strongest water bender in the Avatar series SAA look so I've been getting a lot of requests on some ranking videos and today I finally decided to do this without further Ado here's my power ranking of the strongest water benders in the Avatar World study closely number 12 on the list is Esa and desna they are the children of Unilock the chief of the northern water tribe A waterbending master and antagonist in the series Esa and desna are powerful waterbenders who favor unusually aggressive style they are able to display excellent teamwork and coordination in their water bending abilities such as launching large ice walls at their opponents and creating fields of water spikes just like we saw them do when they were fighting The Red Lotus although desna is more reserved and often acts as a support to his sister he has displayed remarkable agility and Precision in his water bending utilizing it for defensive purposes Esa on the other hand was quite intriguing to watch you ruined my wedding she had the ability to create powerful water whips and fast moving wave that could easily Propel her through the water to track down a fast moving motorboat I got to admit these partners in crime creep the hell out of me overall Esa and desna are formidable water benders and their abilities are considered to be among the strongest in the series while they may not possess the same level of power as some of the main characters like Kora they are still highly skilled and capable Benders in their own right I find it crazy that they're related to Kora leave my Bowen alone I am so done with spirits I love you let's face the end of the world together you're so romantic at number 11 is Kaa of course I can't list strongest water benders without mentioning the one and only daughter of Avatar Ang and the waterbending Master herself qara that's one happy family Kaa having been trained by her mother exhibits a high level of proficiency in water bending demonstrating fine control over moving water she effortlessly descended a waterfall and skillfully intercepted an iceblade during Ming's attack redirecting it against her opponent her Mastery extends to Advanced Techniques such as water gimbals pressurized water drills and water rings in combat she utilizes a water skin to fend off aggressors showcasing her adaptability even in environments with limited water such as when facing multiple dark Spirits notably Kaa displayed her prowess by holding her own against formidable Benders like Zahir and mingua furthermore she has mastered the art of healing honing her abilities during her travels worldwide she became a renowned healer treating boom's head injuries and maintaining jora's energy flow in her soulless body for almost a week without direct Water contact I told you those rocks were slippery you're lucky you didn't kill yourself you done with the lecture Mom good luck healing yourself additionally Kaa possesses a deep understanding of her element and its connection to the spiritual aspects of the world this combination of skills and traits makes Kaa a formidable and well-rounded Bender coming up at number 10 is tonra as a water bending Master tonra is able to demonstrate powerful water bending techniques such as creating ice projectiles manipulating large waves and forming ice armor for defense contrary to a more classical style of water bending he tends to rely more on his own brute strength to overpower his opponents and utilizes a more aggressive style combined with his quick reflexes this makes him a dangerous adversary to the point that he was able to defeat his own brother unak and several northern water tribe soldiers momentarily hold his own against the Red Lotus leaders Zahir confront numerous dark spirits that threaten the southern water tribe tonra a former General in the northern water tribe Army is a very remarkable leader and fighter showing exceptional proficiency with water tribe Weaponry his impressive physical strength and enduring resilience make him formidable in the midst of battle at number nine is Hama sorry to frighten you my name is Hama a crazy water bender who took blood bending to a whole new level Hama a powerful water bender from the southern water tribe during the the 100-year war stood alongside qara as one of the few living water benders from her tribe she was not only the last Master of the southern style but also displayed remarkable resilience against fire nation captivity during Southern water tribe raids her proficiency creativity and resourcefulness were evident in her ability to manipulate water from unconventional sources like grass flowers trees and even the air that was incredible it's a shame about the lies though this adaptability allowed her to use water bending even in the absence of an obvious and significant water source Hama developed a dark and forbidden technique blood bending with her Mastery over this Sinister art she could control the movements of others by manipulating the water within their bodies I don't know if I want that kind of power beyond her combative skills Hama proved to be a capable teacher swiftly passing on her knowledge of southern style waterbending to qara who was already a master in her own right H's proficiency extended to acting as she was able to conceal her grudge against fire nation neighbors while enacting revenge on them she even managed to hide her true intentions from tough who is a skilled human lie detector you're from the southern water tribe just like you how did you know I heard you talking around your campfire H's Mastery of bloodbending showcased the true potential of water bending albeit in a terrifying and morally questionable way tarlock comes in at number eight he is depicted as a highly skilled water bender who possesses a charismatic demeanor that when combined with his secret manipulative nature greatly Amplified his inherent power Carlock I don't know what you did to get Chief syon in your pocket but I highly doubt it was legal oh tenson always the conspiracy theorist drilled relentlessly in waterbending by his notorious father tarlock you've been shape up or you'll be out here in the cold all night until you get it right tarlock demonstrates Advanced control over water and showcases his abilities in combat just like his fight with Avatar Kora he bent a large waterfall to envelop himself in a dome of water as a shield while simultaneously propelling ice projectiles at an exceedingly rapid Pace briefly overwhelming Avatar Kora he learned another form of bending from his father who instilled not only traditional water bending techniques but also shared his knowledge of bloodbending even going so far as to instruct him in using the technique without the need for a full moon you're in my way Avatar and you need to be [Music] removed you're you're a blood Bender very observant number seven is paku paku was recognized as the most formidable master of Northern style water bending and was renowned as an instructor with immense skill and power good morning Master paku no please March right in I'm not concentrating or anything he was part of the older generation of waterbenders and was depicted as a Stern and traditional character he could create powerful water whips waves and ice structures for both offensive and defensive purposes puu's combat skills are formidable he was known for his Mastery of the waterbending scroll technique which allowed him to rapidly generate and control water in a notable duel with qara he displayed his bending prowess by creating massive waves of water and ice his victory came through trapping qara in ice spikes hurled from the air each precisely guided to ens snare her without causing harm during the siege of the north he fought alongside other water benders to defend the northern water tribe against the fire Nations Invasion despite his Advanced age paku demonstrated incredible agility strength and skill in battle holding his own against multiple Fire Nation soldiers Beyond his role as an instructor paku was a member of the order of the White Lotus and actively participated in the liberation of basing furthermore paku was one of the few who possessed the ability to heal using water bending a skill typically associated with the healing abilities of the series main character qara number six is Ming ha now let's talk about how this extraordin AR water bender overcame a unique physical challenge mingua a member of the Red Lotus lost both her arms at a young age however she utilized her waterbending abilities to create water tendrils that acted as her arms it's safe to say that she's actually waterbending with her mind on the low she's capable of conventional movement and freezing techniques though her use of shaping water into tentacles makes her a singular combatant those tentacles boost her adaptability and creativity in combat making her one of the most dangerous water benders on the planet Planet as a further Testament to her skill mingua was able to maintain her water tendrils while performing other Feats of water bending she broke out of her cell that was suspended over a volcano while taking out guards dodged ice projectiles from desna and Esa then navigated the barriers they set up to incapacitate the twins simultaneously lifted Bolan out of a pool in a sphere of water and trapped him despite already using one of her tendrils to clutch Mako mingua overpowered Kaa with a water blast formed a wave of water as she rode along while making an ice spear then CAU fought herself after being thrown off a balcony for someone who is disabled she's insanely powerful number five is the current winner of the worst father ever yakon and if you think otherwise you are on your own yakon used his bending prowess to build a criminal Empire in Republic City operating from the shadows as a powerful Crim Lord he used fear and intimidation to maintain control over the city's underworld and posed a significant threat to the city's peace and stability but I'm never ever going to forget that yakone without full moon matter of fact broad daylight literally took down a whole courtroom of people along with tough and the Avatar with his hands cuffed this man literally did all that with his psychic bloodbending and took them down in seconds he was so powerful that Ang couldn't beat him without entering the Avatar state I'm taking away your bending for good my fourth entry on the list is none other than the talented qara you're not going to win this fight I know I don't care qara was the only individual in the southern water tribe who had the gift and because of that she was forced to teach herself the basics residing in the planet's southernmost region it comes as no surprise that her inherent Affinity leaned toward the art of ice bending why is it that every time you play with magic water I get soaked as a matter of fact the act of trapping enemies within ice swiftly became a fundamental aspect of her skill [Music] set after discovering an important waterbending scroll look at this Ang it's a water bending scroll qara traveled to the northern water tribe to find a waterbending Master uh this is my friend Katara in our tribe it is forbidden for women to learn water bending although that didn't come easy and despite the challenges Katara wouldn't take no for an answer fine you want to learn to fight so bad study closely she finally mastered the northern tribes teaching and went from being a waterbender who could barely catch a fish to a waterbending Pro you've Advanced more quickly than any student I've ever trained you have proven that with Fierce determination passion and hard work you can accomplish anything when team Avatar invaded the Earth Kingdom and were fighting off the Royal Earth Bender guards qara defeated dozens of them with whips and streams of water but qara reached a breaking point that drastically changed her personality after Zuko's betrayal and the apparent death of the Avatar I see you've learned a new trick her water bending became even more advanced and destructive one scary night qara met Hama Hama began training her in southern style water bending and blood bending which qara refused to learn I don't know if I want that kind of power but when Hama did the unthinkable it forced qara to ret R [Music] alate during San's Comet she froze herself and aula into a block of solid ice before chaining aula to a water [Music] grate asides from her bending prowess qara is actually very smart when combustion man locked her in tough qara adapted to her environment by using her own sweat to form a water knife which she used to break out of a wooden prison cellara you're a genius a sweaty stinking genius also thanks to her smart ways she was able to get the information they needed to find the Earth Rumble tournament by freezing two coconut heads in solid ice how'd you get them to tell you oh a girl has her ways she even helped a woman deliver her baby bringing us to the next ability she possesses and that is the ability to heal which came to her [Music] naturally [Music] you have healing abilities the great Benders of the water tribe sometimes have this ability honestly without it who knows what shape team Avatar would have been in wow that's good water as she matured she assumed the responsibility of supervising Avatar kora's training and providing assistance during medical emergencies it is noteworthy that her decision to stand up for herself on that pivotal day significantly shaped the world number three is noatak AKA Amon while his true identity remained a mystery for some time armen's waterbending skills were undeniable from a very young age he excelled under the strict lessons of his father who continually praised him especially in comparison to the less talented tarlock that's the way it's done that's what you need to strive for he was capable of launching himself out of a body of water on a gigantic water spout yakone's bloodbending abilities were passed down to his sons with his skill in psychic bending he was able to minimally alter the movements of his opponents and give himself the advantage without revealing that he was a bender he also exhibited the ability to resist bloodbending with little effort even against tarlock who had mastered the skill to a similar level he embraced his father's Legacy dedicating himself to eradicating bending from society his ability to bloodbend without a full moon combined with his talent for energy bending allowed him to strip other Benders of their abilities just like he did to Lin bayong and other Benders unfortunately no medical intervention was effective in reversing this effect and even qara a world-renowned Healer and bloodbending expert in her own right was unable to reverse its effects the only known way to reverse armen's bending block is through the use of energy bending as demonstrated by Avatar Kora when she restored Lynn's bending apart from his combat and bending skills he had extreme physical resilience that allowed him to tank and recover from a a point blank lightning bolt shot by Mako in mere [Music] seconds at number two is unck as the chief of the northern water tribe and kora's Uncle Unilock showcased his immense waterbending skills throughout the series he was able to engage in combat using only a minimal amount of water his offensive bending stands out as his most remarkable attribute as he was able to fire off incredibly powerful attacks in quick succession even changing the type of attack he Fires mid-flight for example during his fight with Kora he transitioned from a torrent of water to a grappling technique forcefully throwing her to the ground he could attack from several directions simultaneously just like he did in his fight against tonra his water attacks were strong enough to shatter Boulders and Earth Shields what made him even more formidable was his ability to merge with vatu and become the dark Avatar because of this merger Unilock became significantly more powerful being able to use his own version of the Avatar state with orange glowing eyes instead of white after Unilock destroyed rava he ascended into a new giant humanoid version of vatu he gained incredible size and strength in this new form Uno's obsession with Spirits directly or indirectly resulted in his brother's banishment severing the Avatar's connection to their past lives and infesting Republic City with Spirit vines that would plague the city for years to come but his actions also had positive impacts as they led to humans and Spirits coexisting Kora becoming a spiritual Avatar and the return of new Airbenders to the world for the first time in almost 200 years I don't see any character confidently dealing with his waterbending prowess backed up by fantastic speed incredible raw power and crazy mind for fighting you'd need the incredibly diverse skill set of an avatar Comet boast or some sort of hack ability and other to achieve this it's honestly such a shame that his character was so Bland and dull when Unilock starts talking it's the worst part of the episode but when he starts fighting it's the best part of the episode finally at number one we have UA UA wasn't a water bender at all in fact she was a princess who as a newborn was touched by the Moon spirit and given life you have been touched by the moon Spirit some of its life is in you yes you're right when Admiral Jiao fatally struck the moon spirit's mortal form it made all water benders powerless without the moon's influence UA sacrificed herself to give back the life that the moon had given her although she did not possess any water bending ability during her life UA took over the moon spirit's abilities and became a water bender capable of Avatar level techniques if UA hadn't become the sacrificial lamb there would have been no water bending at all so UA this is an honorary award given to you for your exceptional service and internal contribution to the waterbending Community let's give it up for UA did you enjoy this video let me know your opinions in the comments be sure to check out these other great contents from mind bursters please subscribe and ring the bell to be notified whenever I post new videos until next time stay geeky now that was funny
Channel: Mind Bursterz
Views: 586,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Waterbending, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Strongest Waterbenders, Water Tribe, Katara, Amon, Korra, Master Pakku, Waterbending Masters, Top Waterbending Techniques, Legend of Korra Waterbending, Best Waterbenders in Avatar, Waterbending in Pro-Bending, Waterbending Forms and Styles, Waterbending in Avatar Comics, anime, avatar anime, best anime series, best anime in 2024, netflix avatar the last airbender, katara, sokka, northern water tribe, southern water tribe
Id: 6DXqk5ZSAD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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