Every Time Zuko Appears in The Legend of Korra 🔥 | Avatar

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oh my gosh it's Lord Zuko I can't believe it uh forgive my brother we're just really honored to meet you sir it's a pleasure to meet you as [Music] well they came out of nowhere I'm so sorry Lord suko how could you let this happen they caught us by surprise and Zahir is an airbender now no this can't be do you have any idea the power these criminals possess individually they could take down any Bender put them all together they could take down the entire world and now you're telling me their leader is an airbender we can track them we don't need to track them I know exactly where they're going notify the new Chiefs of the northern water tribe that an attack on their prison is imminent and send word to Lynn bayong in Republic City the Avatar must be protected [Music] it where are you going to stop [Music] them Lord Zuko Uncle this is a surprise finally something interesting happens ruling the tribe is so tedious then you should enjoy this we need to check on a secret ice prison in the western [Music] Tundra why didn't anyone tell us we have a secret prison we could have been throwing people in I'd like to put my tailor in here he never gets my cuffs right they're so Creasy we built this place secretly with your father to hold a very special prisoner she's a powerful Firebender named P who can create explosions with her mind ironically I hired a guy with a similar ability to kill the Avatar myself once didn't work don't feel bad I tried to kill cor after she ruined my wedding it happens let's just focus on keeping this woman in [Music] prison the intense cold prevents her from firebending there's certainly no way anyone's breaking out of here that's what we thought about the other three prison must be something exciting going on no one interesting has visited me in 13 years don't get used to it he's out isn't he I'm feeling warmer [Music] already did you see zah here the only thing I saw was a snowstorm heading our way that's not a snowstorm that's him I put you away once a here and I'm going to do it again yeah MinGa let's get you out of [Music] here we could have just taken the elevator sh walls I've waited 13 years to feel this warm [Music] I thought I'd never see you again I never doubt [Music] it really right [Music] now what what are you all doing here Kora you're safe yeah we made it out of the desert thanks to aami do you remember Lord Zuko I met you when you were a very young girl it's good to see you again Avatar Kora it's good to see you Lord Zuko you're leaving aren't you coming to the air temple with us I'm sorry but I can't I'm going back to the Fire Nation if it's true that the Red Lotus is targeting the nation's leaders I need to protect my daughter I understand you have to keep the fire lord safe but before you leave I was wondering if you could help me with something I was of an Ang's counsel and I'd love to be yours that's just it you knew Ang better than anyone I was wondering if you knew what he might do if he were in my situation H rebuilding the air nation was Ang's biggest dream he would be beside himself with joy with what you've done and if he accomplished that goal he might have sacrif IED anything to protect it so he would give himself up to save the air Nation I don't know for sure the air Benders might have been closest to Ang's heart but as the Avatar he was concerned with people of all Nations no one knew better than a that in times of turmoil the world needs its Avatar the most thanks your uncle was right it was helpful talking to you wait you spoke with my uncle yes in the spirit world a couple of times actually I'm glad you came to visit us in the spirit world Kora you came just in time we're having a little tea party to celebrate May Jim's wedding how can you marry each other aren you complete opposites I know I tried to fight it but she really grew on me the spirit world is very mysterious but so is love help yourself to some tea and cakes they are Spirit cakes so you won't gain any weight of course you won't lose any either this part of the spirit world isn't so scary my teapot that's right it was yours long long ago when you were Avatar 1 you used it to carry the Light Spirit ra around until the two of you became one it's my favorite thing I found here you know when you make tea in it you can still taste a little light in every [Music] cup iroll how where it's been so long almost 40 years it's nice to see you again how did you know we were here my friendly Spirit Fox told me you were lost I came to show you the way out iro we are grateful but we're not looking for the way out we're looking for my daughter I'm sorry to hear that but you shouldn't be here vatu has escaped and darkness threatens to take over I'm not leaving until I find Jora I understand but I beg you to be careful if you travel too deep into the spirit world you could end up in a place where only the Lost will ever find [Music] you they say that the game of Pau was invented by the spirits although some of them don't seem to grasp it very well just hold on I'm thinking as you can see it is a game that requir Ires great patience but time does not mean much to us here how long have you lived here oh I've been here for many years I had always enjoyed the company of the spirits so when my work was done in the material world I chose to leave my body behind and come to the spirit world it can be a wonderful place and I've made so many friends Gora what's wrong I came here with my friend but I lost her and now I'm all alone you're not alone Kora it's okay no it's not okay jinora's gone and I need to find her she's lost and we need to go home I don't like the spirit world I don't want to be here anymore did you say something to her me you're the one with the big mouth Kora please stop look at what you're doing to everyone I did that in the spirit world your emotions become your reality especially for the Avatar because you are the bridge between the two worlds you must try to stay positive I'm sorry there you see I can make the sunshine even in the material world you will find that if you look for the light you can often find it but if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see I'm looking for my friend I want her here now why didn't she come out like the sun I'm afraid finding her won't be so easy but what am I supposed to do sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else this little fellow needs to go home as well maybe if you help him find his friends you will be able to find yours I'll take him home where do I go the dragon bird nest is located there at the top of high Rio [Music] Peak there you are please don't hurt me Kora I'm just an old man iro what are you doing here I was just out searching for a new teapot to add to my collection but instead I found you in the spirit world you always seem to find something you didn't know you were looking for you look troubled I am sit what is on your mind there's a maniac on the loose and he's threatening to destroy the new Air Nation I don't know what to do just because you are the Avatar doesn't mean you will have all the answers I know many avatars have needed guidance but I'm the only one since Avatar Juan that can't get help for my past lives I wish I could talk to Ang you know Zuko and Ang were close friends Lord Zuko of course yes my nephew their relationship started off a little Rocky but they grew to become lifelong friends best friends thank you thank you so much you're right about the spirit world I came here looking for someone else but I'm glad I found you this looks scary will you come with me this is something that you must do on your own the people who have been coming to the spirit world lately have brought darkness and anger so that is what you see now but you have light and peace inside of you if you let it out you can change the world around you besides look at this little fellow this mountain is his home when you first met him you were frightened but does he seem scary to you now no many things that seem threatening in the dark they come welcoming when we shine a light on [Music] them it was good to meet you come visit me again in this life or the next bye okay time for you to go home [Music]
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 526,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA, Legend of Korra, The Legend of Korra, LOK, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending, Korra, Bolin, Mako, Asami, Ozai, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Amon, Kuvira, Zaheer, Iroh, Uncle Iroh, Leaves from the Vine, Bending, Anime, The Last Airbender, Aang vs Ozai, Agni Kai, Avatar Netflix, Avatar Studios, Fight Scene, Minecraft, Video Games, Gaming, Avatar Full Episodes, Netflix, Avatar Netflix Trailer, Avatar on Netflix, ytao_lok
Id: 7qQ1Uk2hqWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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