What If Iroh Was The Fire Lord Instead?

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[Music] let's be honest we've always wanted to know the answer to this question what if iro were the fire lord frankly it would have been reality if it hadn't been for the hands of fate and the meddling of oai and taking the birthright meant for his older brother it just seems in the line of fire Lords that the youngest child is always less honorable and less Fair playing than the older but let's rewind the clock and step in and put to rest this question once in for all what if oai did not become the fire lord What If instead it was iro welcome to the amagi before we begin only 25% of our viewers are subscribed so if you're a fan of the video please like and double check if you're subscribed and with that out of the way let's get into it the coldest of winds blew down from the north the wind brought with it a chill to the Bone and the threat of death standing there on the Command Deck of his vessel Admiral Xiao looked up to the heavens as the light danced the Aurora it was said that the northern lights were ancient Spirits moving through the sky as the North Pole and the South Pole were the two strongest Bridges to the spirit world but Xiao did not believe this Xiao was a man of science he was a man who believed Less in the Supernatural and more in the material there was no movement of spirit but merely the power and strength of the Sun the celestial body from which the Fire Nation Drew its power contending with the electromagnetic field covering the Earth that was all it was this was not a spirit nor was it anything more than plasma Xiao feared no man Spirit or God he only feared his master the fire lord mostly he mostly feared his master the fire lord constant conquest and battle had brought him to the point where he was now the prestigious leader of the fire nation's Grand Fleet but there was no doubt that in his own head as he dreamed at night Xiao could see himself sitting upon a flaming Throne the most beautiful women of the world serving him hand and foot it was what any ambitious man might believe it was xiao's opinion that those who remained of low position remained as such because they were not hungry enough he would say that only those who wanted could have the only thing that set an admiral apart from a common foot soldier was ambition and that's what it was now he stood upon the Command Deck and witnessed the massive wall of ice separating him from his ultimate Victory the total Destruction of the water Nation but all the same he did not feel pleased upon his face sat a scowl a simple Soldier a mask like that of a skeleton stood silently beside him Xiao looked through the spy glass before closing it and handing it to his subordinate as if feeling like literally any ear might do xia planned a vent I don't see why he has to be here he said as he looked over his shoulder and even grander ship larger more elegant and far more dangerous than the Admiral's own Flagship sat we stand on the cusp of my achievement of the reward brought forth by my hard work and he plans to swoop in and steal the glory from me the soldier stood there silently as xia spoke unwilling to interrupt his Commander even if he is the Fire Lord this is my achievement and the praise should be mine and mine alone no doubt he'll take the credit you don't know that for certain sir the soldier said finally breaking his silence as if the imputing of the honor of the fire lord himself was too much to stay quiet about Xiao looked over oh but I do know I know because it's the same move I've made before and the same move I'll make again we'll see who takes the glory from this Battlefield elsewhere upon the crowned vessel the largest most beautiful ship of the fire Lord's own personal flotilla iose sat in the cold night air enjoying a nice cup of tea despite the Stillness of the night save only the bone chilling wind iro found no peace not in the Aurora that proved just how close to the spirit world he had come how close to Sacred lands how close to that which was his Destiny even the tea he drank could not quill his heart he rarely found peace anymore these days in times past he was easygoing even on the days he went to war but now despite the fact that he had assumed once that the role of fire lord would bring him calm and stability he was currently more stressed than ever before and the specters of his past continued to haunt him perhaps more ferociously now as if these demons in his closet had attempted to tell him that they were not afraid of his new title and instead had become emboldened by the presence of any possible hint of Pride all the while he sat there he couldn't help but think back to the positions that brought him to where he was now the ghosts haunting him could not help but imprison him within the confines of a Dream Within the walls of harrowing memory it all started those days outside the walled city of bosing SE iro had been leading the charge personally into the very heart of the earth Kingdom but they were all stubborn as oxes they were as immovable as these Stones they commanded perhaps more so during his time in the earth Kingdom iro himself had taken it upon himself to study some of the ways the people utilize the element of Earth he came to realize that to command the stone they had to have an immovable will a strength that surpassed even that of stone essentially one had to have a staring contest with The Rock and cause said Rock to Flinch well that may have been a gross oversimplification of the process but his teacher was no more than a captured Earth Kingdom Soldier whose will was somehow broken by the Crown Prince himself which was ironic by these standards iro would make a wonderful earthbender if he could even surpass the will of one with a strength that could command a stubborn brick to move but at this time confidence was what truly made iro the only one capable of taking the Earth Kingdom iro had a vision a dream as if the fates had blessed him with a glimpse into his own future and his fate his Destiny he saw the future he saw himself standing over the smoldering city of bosing SE even now before iros at The Spoils of War his forces and the forces of his son lieuten were reaching the walls that had stood for Millennia this battle was far more than that of the capture of omashu iro had recalled pulling his forces up to omashu it had been believed that the battle would be bloody but the city was taken within minutes in a bloodless Invasion this was due to the surrender of bumi king of omashu nobody understood why boomi surrendered save iro himself perhaps it was a well-kept secret but the truth was both bumi and iro were members of the prestigious order of the White Lotus a group that transcended National border and both men had an intense respect for the other but as with the way the world tended to go reality was often times disappointing and attempted to come between friendships bumi simply had already witnessed io's Iron Will and knew it surpassed that of omashu and that a battle would only lead to death on all sides and so in his great wisdom the wisened king surrendered personally to iro and the two bonded over t with iro saying that he hoped one day to invite King Bui to the capital of the Fire Nation but the Battle of bossing say was not to go as easy the current Earth King was sturdy even in the face of Destruction he could not be swayed and iro admired that he must have been a powerful and strong man either that or an ignorant and stupid child either way the wal City would not fall without a fight but despite that they were making Headway breaking through walls taking certain provinces the outer walls contained painfully Little Treasure it seemed to be home to the poorer districts to which iro and lien both felt slightly sorrowful for spoiling but all the same certain of the treasures that could be considered good were laid out on the table before him lieuten looked on as his father went over the spoils I think I'll send something home to little aula and Zuko lieen offered up only a smile at his father as he said this iro smiled and began looking through he held up a small doll this will be perfect for her iro said in regards to ula's gift I don't know father Lieutenant said offering up a slight objection she seems more the kind to desire a battle axe iro gave off a chuckle little Azula is strong there is no question but she must achieve balance as a woman and a warrior she must balance both sides of herself yes a powerful Warrior seeks a weapon of respect but as a young woman there's a side of her that wishes to be admired for her beauty and to possess something with which to offer up love and affection this will teach her and show her a new side of herself something that sounds exciting to me lieen smiled again I don't think she'll see it that way but I've long learned not to distrust your judgment father there's a reason why omashu fell in a day but now the question is what will you get for cousin Zuko iro looked once more through the treasures he held up a sheath dagger this Len cocked his head I know a moment ago I mentioned a battle axe for aula but that was a joke are you sure it's wise to give a deadly weapon to a child iro looked upon it the blade said never give up without a fight upon the blade was written never give up without a fight it had been a gift from the defeated General that had been defending the outer walls of the city iro thought about the adversity young Zuko faced the lack of emotional fortitude the boy displayed he was kind the day he was born Ira was one of the first to see him looking upon the child he saw a lack of spark in his eyes that was typical of a fire bender Ursa had believed that Zuko would be a non-bender oai had considered such a thing as shame and had even been willing to throw the infant from the walls of the palace in order to remove the stain from his name but iro was one of the supporters of Zuko from the start nobody had seen it nobody at all there was a spark there just a different one a flame boiling from a separate Source a flame like kindness instead of anger iro had been born with a similar spark to Zuko he had been said to be a non-bender until his own abilities developed Zuko was so much like iro that one might mistake the boy for lien's little brother he was in essence a mama's boy innocent and fragile in truth Zuko grew to be the exact opposite of aula and that's why he needed to give him this dagger Zuko was a child of kindness but as a man he would need to learn to be strong to balance the strength of his love with his strength of justice and to possess enough wisdom to know when which was required more this is the perfect present for him lieen smiled if you've made that decision father then I know it must be the right one and so iro would write a letter back home speaking of his exploits the things he saw there and his hope that maybe one day he would be able to show him the beautiful city of bosing SE that was if they didn't burn it to the ground he sent that letter and the gifts with it but iro had been living with his head in the clouds he'd been living a life of Pride thinking himself Untouchable and fate would turn towards him once more General one of the soldiers said iro turned to face the soldier with kindness in his voice what is it Corporal has the next wall been breached the soldier shook his head no sir I have news from lieuten Squadron iro would listen intently to what the soldier had to say in that moment a fortified city fell within io's heart the walls breached By Flames uncontrollable to him it felt in that moment that he were in the city of omashu watching as the Fire Nation burned through the streets killing everyone his heart was a flame and his eyes began to open up like a sprinkler system hoping to put the destructive blaz to rest that night the people of bosing SE record that a dragon was cited in the city it was said that the outer walls districts were raised to the ground with nothing and no one remaining Save A Lone Tree on a hill a tree that would bear what little remained of lie 10 the return to Capital City was without much commotion the hero the prince of the Fire Nation did not receive the Fanfare of the people he was met only with dark clouds and the downpour of rain iro began to wonder why he should remain in this world at all why not forsake this body and go to the spirit world but he soldiered on such a thing would be a shame to all who knew him life was finite it did not last forever for so long as he had time left he would spend it properly as to not fly in the face of his Creator's plans for him but that didn't mean he did not hurt unbeknownst to him his brother was the fire lord oai sat before aulan respectful as any man would be to their father but deep down a dark Burning Flame flickered an ambition and a plan and the desire to capitalize upon weakness to overtake he attempted to convince aulan that they should revoke io's right to the throne based on his failure at bossing SE as well as his lack of a living heir to claim the throne with oai claiming that he still possessed an heir as his reason to be chosen however ozai had underestimated his father believing that his father was as cold and heartless as he and was surprised when aulan in his wrath declared that oai did not possess the same pain in his heart that iro had and so he told oai that in return for this treachery his firstborn son Zuko would be killed though this had no true effect on oai Whose natural love for Zuko did not surpass that of his selfish desire Ursa ozai's wife of arrangement could not let her beloved child suffer like this and in return for Zuko's life would be willing to take a Zulan promising to help oai claim the throne from his brother iro if he accepted this and oai accepted that night they put poison into the food of the fire lord and waited for his death however they once again underestimated him his inner fire was too strong to immediately give into the poison and so aula survived he would discover the truth of this matter quickly and for this treachery he would have Ursa killed and would have oai thrown in prison all before making good on his promise to kill Zuko iro remembered when he witnessed the body of Zuko in the fire Lord's Throne Room strewn across an altar like some sacrifice to a false god iro would lift the boy into his arms with tears in his eyes witnessing nearby the bloody dagger whose inscription read made in the earth Kingdom iro cried out in sorrow a blood curdling cry that even a Zulan had not anticip ipated after all Zuko was not his son Zuko was ozai's child so for what reason should iro cry but upon seeing this and upon having the bound oai returned to prison from his viewing of his own child's corpse aulan would begin to question if he had done wrong by doing this this punishment was supposed to be ozai's but somehow he felt as if he had just punished iro but what was done was done aulan left alive aula who would become the sole Heir under iro iro was never the same after this and his love for Zula slowly grew colder as he witnessed the same Darkness within her that oai had displayed in his youth perhaps greater a slowly burning narcissism That Grew hotter threatening to burn away her sanity but aulan despite surviving the poison was left in a highly compromised and weaken State and as the winter set in the time of illness began to swell as the common cold entered the palace and set about giving sniffles to all save aulan to whom it brought death in the week that followed after the fire Lord's Funeral iro would be coronated he had become the Fire Lord but his duties would go on unfulfilled for a month as suffering continued iro had lost it all and all the death and pain added up and began to clutch under the Hem of His robes dragging him down into the darkness he had lost his wife in childbirth and while he had thought he might never recover he had lend to bring him back to his senses but now he had lost him as well and as if that pain weren't enough Ursa was dead oai was locked up permanently and had only been recently found dead in his cell via self-inflicted injury Zuko had also been killed sacrificed upon the altar of the Royal Family's own Pride all he had now was aula and she was unbearably cold and cruy dark he had been attempting to reprogram her to turn her into the daughter he never had but he wondered just how long it would be before he too was poisoned to death by her iro was alone all he had was the throne and his own Vengeance he grew to hate the Earth Kingdom the land where his troubles began iro would pull away from the order of the White Lotus as he continued the war in Earnest boss sing say would never fall the same way it had again the citizens were so safe within that it become common among them to deny even the war's very existence no spies sent in ever returned due to intervention by the DI no attempt to drill through the wall had ever succeeded they were indestructible and it was from this city that the Earth Kingdom organized the war the city was immovable untable a war with no end was on the horizon so so long as bossing say stood the war would remain iro would lose himself in the war it was the only purpose he had anymore he would continue his nation's Conquest in Earnest which would lead him to defeat the southern water tribe and the cornering of the northern water tribe and that had led him to where he was now as io's recollection came to an end he had found that his tea had grown cold he began to heat the cup up once more with his firebending his mere touch being enough to turn the cup a blazing red as he brought the tea back to near boiling he looked on as the Aurora shot across the sky the spirits restlessly moving as if knowing what was coming a soldier appeared before iro sir Admiral Xiao is ready to lead his assault on the Northern tribe he asks for your seal of approval on his plans iros stood and moved back to follow the soldier in there he looked over the plans what is this about capturing the moon Spirit iro asked the soldier Shrugged I do not know sir I didn't even know Admiral Xiao believed in them he doesn't believe in the spirit world to my knowledge iro looked down at it perhaps he doesn't believe in it and plans to hold it hostage due to the water trib's belief the water tribe believes that the Sea Spirit and moon Spirit took physical form as two oppositely colored koi fish twe and La iros stood there for a second he shook his head no I don't like it if harm comes to those Spirits then we will make an enemy out of more than just the water tribe tell him he is not to harm the water trib's Guardian Spirits other than that he may proceed with his sir another soldier called IO looked back at the soldier who would then offer a bow my apologies my Lord I meant not to interrupt your War meeting but we have confirmation that the Avatar is in the city iro was surprised the Avatar are you certain the man nodded iro smiled then it seems he was not destroyed how wonderful wonderful sir the soldier seemed confused iro offered a grin and a nod yes it's wonderful the Avatar is designed to keep balance in the world and do what is best for it we should not attempt to destroy him the soldiers looked at each other sir you know he will stand against us iro thought about it for a moment in all likelihood he will but that doesn't mean we should destroy his chance to reincarnate when the world returns to balance one of these days and it will we will need him to be near us he will become our greatest asset in fact he could be one of our greater Assets Now call for him and bring him to me I wish to talk with him over a cup of tea the soldier nodded as you wish my Lord Ang stood upon the wall his glider in his hand like a staff he stood there as a symbol of peace hope and justice three ideals that were closely associated with the Avatar Ang looked back on the northern water trib's Village and knew that he had to defend him the air Nomads had been eradicated by the Fire Nation already and he couldn't let the same happen to the water tribe if they were to Die the world would be thrown out of balance permanently and Ang could not let that happen it was then that they saw a small craft making its way to the water trib's gate they possessed a white flag of parlay as they came closer the water tribe soldiers were already loading up their ice catapults preparing to destroy the small craft but Ang stretched out his hand to stop them no don't hurt them they just want to talk he came to the edge of the wall and looked down over the craft what is it he called down to them one of the soldiers called up to him are you Avatar Ang of the air Nomads I am Ang said the soldiers then spoke again Fire Lord iro seeks an audience with you Ang looked back qara shook her head no you can't go Ang this is obviously a trap Saka said Ang looked back down at the boat before responding I have to guys if there's a chance that I can stop this without getting anyone hurt I have to and what if they capture you or Worse kill you Ang Shrugged then that's what happens this is my job I have to do it he then called down to the boat tell your fire lord that I accept his offer of parlay I'll be there very soon iro once more Sat On Deck at a table as a steaming pot of tea sat on the table two cups were on the table as well and a chair sat opposite of iro suddenly there was a gust of wind as the Avatar touched down on Deck iro stood and smiled and offered him a seat Are You Avatar Ang he asked the boy Ang nodded Fire Lord iro I presume iro nodded Ang sat down at the table as iro began to pour Cups of Tea jasmine tea is one of the most decadent teas I've ever had the pleasure of tasting it's perfectly balanced that's a concept I'm sure you understand Ang would silently sit down at the table as iro presented a cup to Ang he began to pour a second for himself if I may be so bold you seem very young for a 110-year-old air Nomad I would have expected you to be about about the same age as the king of omashu I was frozen in the South Pole until recently iro responded only with ah he didn't wish to get into that he had not been sure that a person could survive being frozen but he knew Not To Doubt the validity of the Avatar's statements especially if he was an air Nomad that would Mark Ang as a naturally honest person through and through as IO sat down he began to speak I called you here to speak about the upcoming battle I had hoped you might convince them to lower their defenses and allow us in allow you in Ang asked iro nodded yes allow us in you see we at War but I have no desire to shed unneeded blood here I wish to preserve the people in their culture but it's time that the war ended and that they fall under Fire Nation subjugation you got to be kidding me Ang said you know this is wrong it destroys the balance and Order of nature iro thought about it not exactly he said the natural order of the world is disorder I believe that the world is a naturally chaotic place and it requires men to help balance it while we have the ability to throw it into chaos we also have the ability to put it into order I believe that's why we're here I wish to put this world back into order and if I had you by my side the world might see it that way so all I ask is that you tell them to lower their defenses and surrender if you do I give you my word that nobody will perish Ang thought about it he felt that it was wrong for the Fire Nation to try and bring the whole world under their control but but at the same time he could not deny the fact that the fire nation was strong and they could possibly overrun the north if he had them fight for their right to be free would not water tribe and fire National be killed he felt as if two different sides of himself were arguing the same thing so what about a compromise maybe he could help the Fire Nation find a way to govern the world in a way that brought peace and Order would that be possible Ang didn't know is it okay that I ask around and see if they agree to it Ang asked iro smiled feel free if the water tribe Chief wishes he too can join me for tea and perhaps a nice game of P show Ang smiled at the man thinking how Peaceable he was I'll be sure to ask he then spread his glider's wings and took off from the deck of the ship iro sat there continuing to drink his tea eventually word came back and it came in the form of hurling ice cubes as the water splashed around the vessels the captain of the ship began barking orders turn the ship AF get the firel Lord out of their range belay that order gentlemen iro commanded the Captain looked over the side at him but sir it's dangerous iro smiled it's fine I wish to join in on the assault I too was a general once and it's time I do so again Ira would go back to his Chambers where the servants would help him get on his armor for War as he stepped back out onto the deck he witnessed the forward assault from the lard stern of xiao's Flagship the firel Lord's personal warship just behind Xiao they watched as a few ships were scuttled and the crew of said ships attempted to escape their demise into the cold freezing water send life boats out iro commanded the captain in regards to the sinking vessels the other vessels came close the fir Lords flotilla and the Armada of Xiao firing back at the walls to destroy the artillery that was sinking their vessels the ships began to punch through the wall as soldiers began to pour in the soldiers are inside one of the officers said informing iro iro let out a sigh and a smile let's hope this ends before unnecessary blood is spilled eventually Xiao himself made his way onto the battlefield he attempted to make his way through toward the most sacred site of the North in an effort to get the chief to surrender iro would follow not long after the fighting had not stopped but a clear line was established to the chief's Palace he made his way there and found nobody but Fire Nation soldiers he asked where Xiao was and they told him he had gone to the Oasis iro got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach he would go after entering the sacred site there he saw Xiao nearby was Ang and the chieftain begging for mercy Xiao what is the meaning of this iro asked Xiao looked at the fire lord we're going to end the threat of the water tribe here forever more he captured the moon spirit in a burlap sack doing so caused a sudden lunar eclipse to fall over the world the moon's light turning blood red iro raised his hand Xiao stop this do not harm that Spirit if you harm it you'll throw the elements out of balance Xiao smiled soan was too late to stop Roku from reincarnating into an air bender but I will not be too late to stop Ang from reincarnating into a water bender you can't do this Ang said if you harm the moon Spirit not only will the water tribe suffer but everyone including you he's right Xiao iro said the Fire Nation needs the Moon too we all depend on the balance whatever you do to that spirit I will unleash on you tenfold Let It Go Now Xiao stood there surprised that his master would not deal with this threat now when they had the chance but to this he relented Xiao knelt down and returned the koi to the pond causing the bloodstained light to return to normal but as he did so a thought crossed his mind no this isn't weakness this this is fear he's afraid that I'll surpass him in respect he's afraid of a coup he's afraid of losing his power to the superior man in his rage Xiao lifted his hand and brought it down sending a flame across the pond that killed the moon Spirit causing the bright night to go dark as pitch they all sat there in Surprise and Terror suddenly iro rushed forward and began to fire off blast after blast of fire a Xiao causing him to retreat iro rushed over to the pond no it cannot be he thought within himself he picked the fish up and found it to be dead it's too late he said as he looked down upon it Ang grit his teeth his eyes and arrows began to Glow as a voice of many harmonies spoke no it's not over he would then step into the lake and proceed to meditate there with LA before him suddenly he was pulled into the water and that water began to move iro sat there with the fish lamenting the loss of the natural order but as he looked over he saw the princess of the water tribe her hair was white and she gave off a particular feeling you you've been t touched by the moon Spirit he said in awe in truth she had when she was but a child it was believed that she might die but she was taken to the Moon spirit and life was restored to her but now she had to give it back despite Saka protests she had to give it back she perished her life given to become the next moon Spirit that's rough buddy all the while Ang was moving against the fire nation's forces sweeping them drowning them taking their souls to the spirit realm to be lost forever in the endless fog even Xiao who thought he might Escape was pulled into the water as the moon returned so too did Ang and LA with the forces of the Fire Nation pulled back the only one left in the North Pole was iro himself it would be then that iro would be surrounded by the forces of the water tribe but Ang would appear to stand before them all no I won't allow it he said the water tribe forces would look to him the chief would ask how he could tell them that he couldn't Ang would offer iro a small smile he's a good man I think he's capable of Peace eventually let him go without any choice the chief would let iro go iro would Smile as he walked past Ang and returned to his ship there he would contemplate the events of the night perhaps a was right maybe the war should end but then again if he just stopped the war then all the lives lost would be for nothing Len's death would be for nothing and so iro pressed on he would bring his own brand of balance to the world and he hoped one day Ang would understand or maybe maybe he already did and that the end of the story for now I hope you enjoyed this it's nice to return to my roots Avatar always was one of my favorite shows growing up and the name of my channel the aagi was actually inspired by the Avatar and a little project from our younger years the show has a deep connection to me it served as my introduction into anime and it's what led me to giving Naruto a chance so I hope you enjoyed this story I've been wanting to find the perfect time to tell it but I never seem to have the time but now that the liveaction Avatar is planned for release this upcoming month I thought now would be a good time to drop it what do you think did you enjoy the video if so let us know in the comments and give the video a like and if you would like to see more content like this be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified when more like this drops until then peace
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 220,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Elements, Life, The Life Of, Aang, earthbending, sub, metal, Korra, Kyoshi, Wan, Toph, Beifong, Kuvira, Ozai, Republic City, Suyin, Lin, Kuruk, bending, the amagi, avatar, atla, tlok, airbender, korra, scene, episode, full, entire, clip, online, youtube, hd, history, backstory, Movie, sequel, avatar the last airbender, the legend of korra, Bryan Konietzko, Michael DiMartino, comics, comic con, release, 2020, TLOK, series, new, YouTube, free, part, usa, when, life of, history of, Cycle, Avatar Studios, Movies, Netflix, Series
Id: onJ2pZjtqmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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