What Happened To Her? SHE LOST THREE Abandoned Storage Lockers After 26 Years!

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all right I just bought three storage units paid over three thousand dollars thirty six hundred dollars almost four thousand three storage units owned by the same lady and uh she's been renting here since 1996 that's over 28 years guys so this is storage unit number one then we're gonna go to storage unit number two and storage unit number three all the same person that own these units by the way it's really cold and snowy and snowy there is a lot here folks so we spent thirteen hundred dollars on this unit here and uh man it is really snowy out isn't it we gotta be quick because this is the intro so make sure you hit us with the follow guys hit us with the follow because we're gonna be doing hundreds of storage units this year but yeah this is gonna be Locker number one man this thing is jam-packed and there is a lot of fabric in here I think this is a crafting crafting store right here all right so this is Locker number one let's go blocker number two and then Locker number three and then we'll start hitting up the uh unboxings guys all right here is unit number two unit number two by the way I think this is gonna be insane we spent almost three thousand like I said on all these units a little over three thousand dollars and she's been here for quite a while guys so there is a ton a ton of crafting stuff in here this I think this whole Locker is full of it in fact I was hoping that that singer would be in there probably is but you can see it's all fabric folks this is going to be a really really insane three lockers so this is uh Locker number two right all right this is storage unit number three this is my favorite this paid for um right here this paid for four thousand dollars right here there's uh this will pay the four thousand dollar bill for all three units uh in fact this is an eerie feeling that this is the same we think it's the same lady if you guys remember the fabric unit that we purchased I'm starting to wonder this is the same kind of location I think these three units own were owned by the same fabric lady that we purchased at the other facility uh because it's the same exact fabric so all this is fabric guys everything but this is the same exact fabric high-end fabric there's a lot of Boutique there's a lot of batik in here guys and a lot of this stuff is actually cut fabric too but I'm I have a feeling that this is the same exact lady because we're finding the same exact fabric but anyway we don't want to let this intro get long this is number three so make sure you subscribe you guys subscribe we're gonna be doing about 20 videos of this unboxing so make sure you subscribe to the channel let's go to the unboxing right all right here we go guys this is the first storage unit out of three you can see there's snow this is a nice background you blend into the doors did you notice that oh did I coordinate yeah no I didn't you're like you are colorblind we need to check here right you're like a gecko a gecko yeah all right so this we got Grandma Ventures here guys and this is the unit that we're gonna be going through uh have not touched anything by the way this is really cool look at that I was looking at this isn't that cute that is really awesome it's all wood somebody's gonna love this rocking horse um and we have Mark Twain up here did you notice this right here oh but I do like Mark Twain let's see if it's in it's a snow village it's just a snow village by Mark Twain well I bet it's not by Mark Twain no I'll bet it no I'll mark knife yeah yeah is it in there it is oh my gosh is it nice yeah it's nice but his head still there okay oh isn't that cute that is cool got a little bird in the back it's great birds must have loved Mark Twain they're supposed to be um people must look like oh these are from Department 56 yes that's expensive Department 56 is a collectible hand-painted accessory from Department 56 exclusively very quick wow okay is that gonna go in your Poshmark or your auction my auction for my ladies okay all right so what we're gonna do guys is Graham Adventures is gonna be the camera person I'm gonna try to make a hole in here um because it is supposed to rain it's raining today and I don't want us to get rained on and it was raining on the way here so 40 degrees and it's 40 degrees probably be like yeah yeah you're winning at bicycles uh so I'm gonna start trying to make a hole in here real quick so we can get inside before it rains on us this is an exciting unit let's look at those boxes yes now real quick back story guys you guys already seen the beginning of the video but this lady had three storage units this is her first unit she's been renting here since 1996 20 something years ago um I bought all three of her units I also bought her public storage unit which is the uh bolt unit that you guys see the fabric unit this is the same exact lady even though it's a different facility so bizarre so yeah so we're gonna see a lot of fabric in here and some other crafting stuff as well what do you think pepper are all right we're gonna check it out all right so there's the camera all right we're gonna follow you all right so I'm gonna try to make a hole in here better hurry I failed a drop okay yeah I'm teasing okay Adventures hasn't done the camera in a while guys oh gosh it's like riding a bike oh I don't do that either look at all this packing supplies I think that's what this is yep I love that oh it's that nice packing supplies look yeah see we're excited now we're excited yeah this this is some good stuff so you guys will see that you guys buy stuff on the auction you're gonna get packing supplies out of this unit all right next it doesn't take much to excite us guys oh I love that oh this thing is huge way that's in perfect condition too it's got cast iron look yeah look at the liquor on it it's in perfect condition and look at these embroidery Hoops yeah those are massive those are oh you guys are gonna love it we're gonna find a lot of uh crafting stuff in here baskets let's stick these out so what would you use these for embroidery work or quilting man these things are quilt and if you hand quilt it okay what do you got in there I don't know but I wanna there's something in here These are nice uh oh oh these are kind of attractive I like this hey dad looked good in one of your bases what is it there's three different kinds it's from burnt wood and birdhouses it's real cute is it like a round thing I think it goes in a base or something don't fall oh oh I see what you're doing yeah yeah here oh it's large oh my gosh it's big okay all right we'll pull it out later let's not worry about it right yeah you guys you got a little glimpse of it we're gonna have a lot of baskets if you guys want baskets I have sold baskets on my auction before this is nice this is big this is very I think Ashley's gonna want this this rope uh she's got a ton of curtains or something yeah okay that is so cool that's way okay here you go let me put the stuff in the truck real quick I'll I'll use this uh we're rushing until we get a hole made I gotta get a hold made or we're not gonna be able to finish the video oh you're shaking the camera oh I I shake when I laugh yeah so if you guys see the camera thinking you're gonna think oh she saw something funny all right okay uh Fuel Services the problem is I laugh a lot so oh man the bottom is falling out of that one on the chair you're gonna have to move the whole chair out here okay I think this is just I love books oh ladies you're gonna love these I used to use these all the time what are they they're vintage uh crocheting and knitting books there's a ton of them in here yes I love those they're one of my favorite men oh they want they wanted 50 cents uh oh they're old these are these are very um crochet they're vintage ones and they're people keep those forever I used to have some look at that that's 25 cents but you know what these would be cool right now I'm gonna go through them first and then we'll get them see if you guys want any of them okay okay okay just shaking the camera again okay okay all right we have brand new baby oh my it wouldn't be it wouldn't be at all it wouldn't be a unit if we didn't get brand new towels 16 piece bath set yeah this is 16. they're black aren't they yeah we can auction this off this is 16 pieces of brand new towels yeah something nice oh my gosh that doll looks real yeah it does uh a little something yeah some kind of backpack next okay build your hole Yeah I'm building my hole okay all right let's let's see what is this this is just uh we need to this may go to a really nice solid wood dresser dresser there's our Christmas lights you're knocking around and we have a pressure washer that's nice yeah this is honestly this stuff goes great at the garage sale so our local yeah but they like they really like the garage brand new hose for the pressure washer um you guys have not been to my garage sales you need to go we need to uh do a face time for everybody or some kind of thing I don't know I just put my garage sales on YouTube yeah all right it doesn't look like much only a couple missing no I don't think and they could have fell down yeah I think they fell down this is the men in our area love our our garage sales because we always have a ton of tools okay you want to see what this is It's it oh it's Raffia bowls these are your right I thought out oh my gosh those are from the 60s yeah these are uh they look like little picnic baskets yeah they got Raffia and plastic over them I remember those back when I was a kid you know all the units we bought I've never found this before no but I remember those mom had some I'm wondering if they're um if they're rare I've never found anything they haven't seen them but I do remember them I've never bought those before all right I've never seen those before all right here we go this one says oh I think this could be what is going on oh my gosh that's a pretty picture what okay guys who wants this oh there you go the carbs Candy-O yep ooh what is this open this up oh my gosh we found one of these in the last units we found one in the last unit we bought this is so weird turn around that is awesome is it upside down yeah that's upside down the Eagles upside down he's flying diving this is very old actually I love this I think it's from the 70s I think this whole box is to tell you the truth those magazines I saw Life Magazine yeah we found one of those before okay now we do have oh Budweiser one of the early this is the world famous Clydesdales this is a one of the earlier Budweiser mugs my dad has them all and those are antique little wood blocks yeah these are really nice blocks they're very old didn't we uh I think we sold some antique blocks one time we find them occasionally yeah yeah okay I just want to make sure there's no personal in here guys because uh I did find some photos toothpaste in there and it's probably from when Kennedy died yeah I'm not going to show the information but it looks like Department of of Air Force um that does have some personal names in there look at that it's brand new now that is cool wait this looks like something for your auction yeah this is brand new folks and that look at that I bet you can't find these brand new anymore no I mean these are well if you do it's rare yeah this is brand new never open probably from this what do you say 70s I'd say or 60s 60s 70s brand new wow okay this is all paperwork I'll still look through here but more likely we did find some jewelry in odd places in the last unit she has so we got to be careful I think there's mints in there you know what those cars open up yeah there's mints you want to try the mint no I don't know I don't try anything it doesn't happen don't put stuff in your mouth from storage units guys all right now I've had to hold my breath not to breed dust in before even you know there's I was hoping it was dust there was this one unit we bought before it was on YouTube it was the rat unit that's what I was thinking about and yeah before we were on YouTube so this was years ago I had this been part of my time outside of the unit gagging God that you guys would have loved that unit uh that was a U-Haul I haven't bought a U-Haul unit in a long time that was a okay here's your real baby that was a rough unit yeah look at those eyes that is a cool doll yeah you got a twister got a twisted foot but we can fix it 2001. work we are doctor doctor Grandma ventures in here okay this is empty but we can use those packing supplies you guys you don't realize that we do not mind getting packing supplies okay all right keeps us out of the dumpsters what's in here oh gonna be a lot of craps in here oh really nice fabric really nice fabric I cleaned off the table before and we're gonna have a lot of these packages oh yeah these are the squares that everybody likes remember this is the same unit this is called the Citron twist so it's a blues and yellows and oh I love this fabric it feels good look at this and this place is really nice yards two or three yards on here oh oh there's some stuff cut out ready to make we could put this all together and somebody might have a lot of needles yeah oh yeah there's um there's a bunch this is stuff that she's was gonna sew currently working on yes and then isn't this that Boutique Boutique fabric yes it is yeah oh well the um but anyway you're gonna see lots of fabrics oh oh it's almost like when I buy my car where we're gonna go yeah go play a couple slots well we got a test drive you see I'm saying um this is batik right here yeah we already found a bunch of this in the other one see it's from Hoffman Fabrics Yep this is not expensive stuff oh you guys are gonna just love the pre-cut squares and everything patterns we're gonna find more patterns I think too okay let's put this back in all right this is good stuff right here scoop that over here we'll add some more to it oh that feels so good oh yeah this is the same lady that owned that other and look at the old singer down there I've been dying to see what's in here I love those let's see if you remember how to open these ones yeah well there's been times no nothing it felt empty but it's old and nice okay it smells old I'm out in the fresh air okay here we go this is another empty I have to get my gloves it's another empty uh yeah it's empty okay all right sorry guys sorry for making you sick we're trying I'm trying to get we're not making them trying to get her boxes so she can open it up and uh a lot of this at the beginning is like choppy it's 40 degrees out here I may have to get my gloves out of my purse that's finals at records uh we're about to see okay okay yep and and I love how they they know how to store it know how to store them I saw that and then something else over there okay ready Beetles The Beetles we're not going to go through all of these to save time this is a really big unit but Fifth Dimension that was okay yeah okay I love Brad that's one of my favorites yeah okay so pick out the here's the best of Tom Tommy James and the shondelles I remember them oh gosh Willie really know Gotta Love Willie Band on the Run Rock's greatest hits oh that must be an assortment yeah this has got oh look at that the original oh that's got some good songs on there though Neil Diamond I love Neil Diamond one of my all-time favorites Neil Diamond here we go the carpenter yep the Carpenters so is this oh here we go you ready I love Elvis but the only thing is I don't know if it's in there I love Elvis we have Linda Ronstadt one of my all-time favorites Linda Ronstadt Kenny Rogers Rogers Linda Ronstadt that's a good album well she uh she's uh she was great that's more my mother's time that's like Frank Sinatra saying with it Patsy Cline I love James Taylor when he was really good yes okay he was married to Carly Simon Okay I'm gonna do three more let's see if you know all three of them ready well rainbow I don't remember them what about this guy no no I Connie Francis I know uh follow the boys remember the movie Follow the boys okay okay last last three we're gonna do let's see if you know all three well I won't Bobby Vinton I know okay and not so much no I thought you were a professional I'm not the best I love the Guess Who okay last one last one ah one of my all-time favorites Margaritaville and It's Five O'Clock Somewhere all right we'll be right back I'm gonna get Grandma Venture some gloves don't go anywhere this unit's gonna be insane what's up guys okay everybody keeps asking me Wade where can I buy the stuff that you find in storage units I'm putting it all the information right here for you um yes I find a lot of interesting stuff at storage units so if you want to purchase any of this stuff from me directly from me um we're gonna be selling it on whatnot okay what not is an uh auction platform that allows me to auction off everything that I find in storage units and it gets sent directly to you it is amazing it is super easy and it is free also uh UK Canada you viewers can also buy from me now not just the United States the United States UK Canada and a list of other countries can now buy stuff from me on my auctions live uh which is going to be every Tuesday at 2 p.m Pacific Standard time so in the next clip I'll show you exactly how you can do that um by the way if all the links will be below to download whatnot make sure you use the link because they actually give you 15 bucks free just for signing up that you can use towards one of your items that you purchased with me today so everything will be on the next clip see you soon don't forget guys fifteen dollars completely free if you're new to whatnot they'll give you 15 bucks free on your first order uh just click the link in the description of this video or you can go to like the first comment I'll pin it there it'll take you right to the download page if you want to download their app on your phone or if you want to go to the desktop sign up it takes two seconds and get ready for the auction because you'll need to be signed up before the auction guys if you already have one not downloaded just go ahead and search Wade's ventures in the search bar and you're ready to rock see you soon guys Grandma's got her uh her gloves now so yeah that's a light up um yeah we've never I've never found one of these before well I think that's a vintage one this is an older one yeah light up one and I think we have the other one do we have the whole thing here I don't know this could easily be washed off you know what yeah they could be they will be washed off somebody in our garage sale will love them they're in great shape too those kind of things find good homes they're in great shape guys I keep looking ahead at the back of you oh see perfect you got to prepare yep I keep looking in back of you and looking at names on boxes and there's some good stuff here all right we're almost making a hole got a fan I'm not interested in that right now I'll tell you that no what's that that says pay cards oh my gosh this is gonna be cool oh my God mini tree oh these are ornaments for mini trees uh this is Mrs Miss Santa Claus ornaments yeah for mini trees all right let's put them down there little trees we'll add to our collection down here what else we got in here oh a 1996 Corvette oh that's metal or something it seems heavy yes it's this Hollywood Mickey this is a kitty car classic night uh you could oh this these are Hallmark yeah and they've never been opened they must be ornaments these are brand new Hallmark ornaments yeah those are those are Hallmarks look at this one you got a little urine see oh yeah oh here's a Scooby-Doo this yeah this is a Scooby-Doo lunchbox Hallmark these are right up Ashley's alley she loves ornaments and she loves these kind of things Hallmark's actually expensive special yeah Matchbox Collectibles wow this is heavy remember one of these Benny had one of those yeah it's uh this this is from 19.99 a lot of the stuff is from the 90s 70s 80s and 90s that's cool Santa we have a Barbie Hallmark I loved these little books when I was a kid oh with the silver sponge I loved them yes little bitty books oh wow oh that's interesting oh oh that Coca-Cola are you Coca-Cola or Pepsi person you nobody needs to ask that anybody in chat let's see if anybody's been paying attention is Grandma Ventures Coca-Cola or Pepsi put it in the comments look at this oh yeah those are those are Miniatures they're Hallmarks they're tiny little miniatures antique tractors oh wow oh that's cool it's a another scooter you haven't seen a racer scooter like that I used to have a racer okay well let's put these suckers away but there is some actual money here there's really nice stuff here these old keepsakes are highly collectible highly collectible and the boxes are in really good condition they're brand new can't eat stuff down there do we have another backpack here let's see all right we're making a hole so that way if it starts raining which it will this is empty a while we'll put this in the truck yeah these are really really cool somebody's gonna want these I love these we'll auction off Mrs and Mr Santa Claus we gotta let Ashley look at them yeah yeah yeah she likes the Christmas okay she likes Christmas and those kind of things all right plus it wasn't last year but it was the year before that tree went I have a feeling you're gonna have to buy another shed or have a shed built yeah the tree went like this he built a shed for her Christmas but I think it's pretty full The Fragile fresh I know I know fragile vintage let's look at this see look at that oh that was just uh fabric on there oh I wonder what that is right there okay oh the ladies this is the same unit look at this expensive stuff the roll these are the squares that everybody loves so oh this is the Kona fabric or uh rolls I'm telling you guys rolls and squares here let's put them on this put them on this thing right here tons of it uh you think this is a lot wait to see the other nice fabric oh it's all in here but I don't think we should take it all out because they're going to see lots of fabric today oh my God look at that but they'll see the rolls and they'll see the squares and they're gonna want this there is a lot of fabric here they wanted it this is going to be a oh look this is interesting huh airmail airmail first class yeah there's a lot of different kinds here okay it's all labeled too all right let's see ooh so we're gonna have lot we gotta sort this and put it all together do we have more Apartment 56 in here let's see okay I'm thinking we're gonna um yeah I'm gonna start making a spot this way I think oh there's a Brother sewing machine oh there's two brothers sewing machines you know I I've had brothers and I've had singers and I've had the best luck with my brothers wow there's two of them I do prefer Brothers over singer do you smell that it's a skunk I wasn't gonna say anything but it is a skunk smell yeah is it the like it's got sprayed somewhere yeah I'm sorry you guys can't smell it but but you know it's not strong enough that he was close to us it's just the wind's blowing it better I'm getting into something in this unit oh I hope not no I don't believe it's the unit I believe that the wind just flew some skunk no no what I'm talking is like we may be getting into that it's not that kind of skunk well I don't know oh oh I want you to see this I want to see this very old wooden ironing board very old does it have a date on it no it's from Chicago you got a stick that don't belong to it there I'll put this over here but you know where that's going my sister is is remodeling an old vintage house and making it look very uh antique and Country and she loves redoing Furniture she's getting that ironing board for her birthday that's coming up and I know she's not watching this because we haven't got it out yet here's a sewing table yes it is that's unique that's a good one it gives you a lot of space and I think we already found the sewing machine that goes with this table I think there's a few that would go with that okay I just want to see oh look at this ready I don't know it looked kind of funky from here what the heck oh my God hey honey look at her feet lift it up so they can see her feet oh my gosh they're scary oh somebody's gonna oh let's do a plus yeah maybe we found let's go move it scare the people oh look at she's got dried flowers that's the best part okay I know you're all clamoring to get this and you're probably emailing me right now by the way we found if you want her make sure you let me know oh this is a um that's a four foot centerfold table from Costco pretty obvious it's brand new and in the box that's a nice new table that stuff is going to be good at the garage sale well Wade's got to keep the table it's empty it's empty we'll find it somewhere and then we'll put it back in its box it's empty let's try this one right here ready we'll find it somewhere I did all that for that for nothing we'll put it back in its box at least I'm making a hole Yeah canning jars and okay Yumi I'm gonna give you a call brand new canning jars folks okay I'm starting to make a hole here oh by the way I found uh one of the sewing machine sewing machine wait that uh there's something that furniture piece over there really looks nice so let me give them let me give them a sneak peek of a little corner that I could see so we're looking this we're starting to build a hole here but you can see there is just a ton and it goes all the way back look how many boxes are back there folks this is a massive unit extremely fragile that's what that box says so we're trying to make a hole in the unit what's in here I don't know I was gonna try to check it out is this the instructions is it slays let's not get too many of these there's a bunch of them in there oh it's some it's something they got to build or something yeah we'll put that back yeah the peanuts are getting everywhere yeah okay I want to clean that up no okay all right all right yeah I thought it was something different okay all right here this goes on it okay maybe to keep the peanuts down yep all right okay guys I'm not I'm not a big fan of peanuts I don't even like I don't even like using them wait till you see what's in the other unit they haven't seen the video yet oh you're shaking the camera again um picking up a peanut let me know her camera skills in the comments all right are you guys ready I'll bribe you guys not to say anything bad [Laughter] oh wow oh wait little basket beaded baskets that she made this is nice they're beaded baskets made out of those safety pins those are really nice somebody's gonna want those a lot of craft books I have a feeling I'll put it down here yep a lot of craft books that you guys can use what is this oh it's a tablecloth boarding school quilts now that's a good quilting book I'll bet what's in there ready oh oh whoa Ashley's gonna keep this oh we have 101 Dalmatians snow globes guys okay so we got we for those that don't know we have two Dalmatians they are a handful yeah they are they're smart dogs yes they are we have two Dalmatian uh and it's very unique because one of them cannot hear but He barked constantly and I know it's because he can't hear himself sometimes I feel like he can here Wade and I talked about that I do believe he can hear a little bit yeah because it's yeah these are cool I think Ashley might like this stuff this is 101 Dalmatians they don't make this anymore obviously probably limited stuff and some little ornaments yep those are those oh you got tickers in here then they really like the ornaments didn't they okay uh we have someone in our family that does yes and more Barbies we should do uh we can do a Hallmark lot and sell Hallmarks well they loved our Christmas auctions we can do a Hallmark lot okay oh we got some knives in here random knives oh what's in there that's heavy probably business cards oh you're right I think yeah I can't get it open okay yeah it's it's business cards oh you can't get it open here hold on not with my gloves on oh oh no these are these are not business cards what are they I wonder why they would have them in here these are old sports cards oh my gosh very far from business cards yeah oh I kind of it's either business cards or sports cars that's why I don't write up your alley those look like really old you got baseball there's a there's a stack of them in there so there's there's quite a few of them in here I don't have time we won't go through them here on camera just to save time I'll they'll be in his auction I'm kind of a weird little so far a weird it's got Collectibles fabric it's very fun because you don't know what you're gonna find okay let me put all this away real quick I'm gonna uh organize the truck and we'll be right back all righty all right you ready for the Xbox I'm ready okay oh my gosh why aren't they rap oh my God careful here let me grab them they're twisted they are hand painted These are nice and they're very Pottery in motion These are nice I've had a lot of different chickens and roosters look at that one and these I love this one this one's my favorite man this one is heavy yes why is this one so freaking heavy wow this is heavy These are nice it's really nice that they're hand painted probably yeah they are I mean who does that look at this uh a hand blown bubbled paperweight wow this is heavy heavy little angel I like angels then we have our Easter egg okay let's be careful I gotta put this over here people love roosters so if you find those chickens that I love that chicken that chicken is that that chicken's almost gonna be hard to give away yeah now uh you haven't told everybody but you're going to be going to Mexico this year and that would be looking like it'd be something in the mix in Mexico that you would find right what part of Mexico am I going on we're going on a cruise guys uh November 10th all right here we go we're taking my junior high friend with me Ricky yes we got six rooms six rooms all in the same area 10th floor of Royal Caribbean it's gonna be a lot of fun all right next thing we have is this old singer but it's got a metal handle and a wooden box you know what I noticed is I found some of these before if you look right here they never have the keys oh that one does this one has the keys now what surprises me is that it has that foot pillow so that so there or it goes to a different machine probably goes to different machine because guess what this is all hard heavy duty yeah because it's a singer right here yeah that goes to this one but look at this it's in great shape it's got a little key right here too this is made in the United States obviously singer I'm trying to find a model number for you it's in really nice shape oh man it's right there is that a serial number or oh no I think that's a serial number oh wait the model number should be right here beautiful shape look at that whoa I mean no fading on the letters there get my oh there okay it turns it looks like everything I don't know yeah let's see right there I don't see the model number on then where well if you guys are interested just hit me up this is in better shape than some of them we've had I've never I've never found them on this shade before no this isn't a lot it even has the the light is intact I'm sure it still works and the wood case is in such excellent shape with the key with the key all right I'm gonna do a quick commercial break so we get this uh breakables in the dry I just cry if my uh chickens in the right Roost broke oh they're they're gonna make it all right we'll be right back guys all right take a look at this man oh man Grand Adventures hasn't even seen it yet that thing is insane it's called Swift smart singer uh do you see that big old thing in there yeah I do see it yes and what about that old rocking chair and Apartment 56 baby I'm sitting here all right here we go I wish we would have brought that heater you got me yes all right oh wait that's a whole big Toad and night stuff let's bring it over here oh I think this is the part of 56 in here folks look at that what's in the first box oh yeah in boxes oh look Coca-Cola Department 56. oh my gosh oh this thing is full oh oh wow it's ornaments oh they're all Department 56 are they yeah they're ornaments okay yeah let's do this I'm gonna clear out this little area so we can put the table real quick I'm gonna clear out this little area we're gonna put the table right here so we're out of this area and then we're gonna go through all of these ornaments with all this Department 56 this is insane guys and we'll be right back don't go anywhere all right well it's not raining yet so let's do a few more boxes here so the ones with pictures we're not going to take out just to save time and the ones with out pitchers will take out this is the Washington Street post office I can't wait to see I know it okay so we have hot dog stands here let me uh you hold the camera I'll take a few of these out just to see I was gonna take that it's a little choir boys out let's take a look and see if we've got if they're in here first of all here we go see oh yeah those are nice oh it is it's in beautiful shape and they got the tags that's what I like is when they have the tag Department 56 this is I think this is vintage stuff from the 90s probably it all looked vintage and there might be a date on them oh uh it just says Made in Taiwan Department 56 made in Taiwan well I know they're pretty old because they were bought from Meyer and Franks and it hasn't been around for a long time yeah oh yes these are probably from the 90s see if there's a date on here there's not a date it's a set of three hand-painted porcelain and then we have the choir boys yes when they go here the apartment I feel beautiful yeah I love those see they're from Meyer and Frank yeah I wonder when Martin Frank I forgot when they went out well they went out of business like 30 years ago oh this is taxi set of three Department 56. oh I like that and they're in beautiful shape I love that look at that these things are beautiful wouldn't that be a great gift for a taxi driver oh yeah yep I I I bought a few of these brand new before and some of these ornaments are like 40 50 60 bucks it's insane all right here we go light pole oh is he going up to change the light bulb yeah and oh oh I love it they're new never used yeah if anything that Ford right there that Ford Thunder is that a 1955 Ford Thunderbird this is a 1955 yep Department oh that's my Year I wish I could buy that car here hold the hold the camera it's a little closer like that right there slow down to okay I'd love to have one of those a 1955 that's it's oh that would be so cool wouldn't it this is not an ornament mom and dad had a Thunderbird they didn't have a 1955. that's not an ornament I think it's a collector card yeah I thought it'd be ornament I think it's it's porcelain hand-painted porcelain that is that's my favorite thing out of this group a old 1955. and it is in great shape if you're interested in this stuff let us know guys we're gonna auction a lot of this off probably we have a we usually do is that a primer no it's a Christmas oh it's going up the tree yeah okay I couldn't tell what that is it's something not named on the box it says uh Renwick and Wolfie flower gifts antiques in Alameda California I've never heard of them before it's me oh it's Department it's Department 56. yeah miniature chairs and things they must go with one of the houses yeah they could yes it's Department 56. it looks like they go with one of these Villages because I see a fence too we may have a village I think we got a village okay it takes a village now let's go to the big one this is Christmas in the series hand-painted baby from Department 56. that's Washington Street post office and this is huge you guys ready you guys ready oh wow do you have to put it together no it's even got the original yes but here we go in there safely oh wow to express man it has a year on the bottom I think it says 83 does it 1996. oh my good thing I didn't I told you this unit's from 1996. this is Wade was 10 years old when she put this stuff in here yes this is expensive that is beautiful and it lights up yep somebody's gonna watch it you put a light in there right over here just for a quick second so we can open up the others and then I'll put it back okay all right ready yes this is Jefferson School this is the Jefferson School House and Oregon have the Jefferson old school house Jefferson School like that yes the original Snow Village in the Jefferson area okay ready yep oh Wade Department 56 but it's so good look at that let me give them a close-up this is the original I have a hard time getting that back this is 1987. okay so there are some 80s this is the 1987 Schoolhouse I didn't know what Department 56 was that old well I never really thought about it but it must now that we yeah it is this is 19. it's from the Snow Village the original Snow Village wow so they had uh all these different things in a snow village back then yep I can't wait to see the cola one yeah we're gonna do that one next we will do that one next all right here's the cola yeah it says Corner drugstore oh this is for this for the Snow Village this is Department 56. it goes to the same Village and it goes to the uh Snow Village it's just gonna go on your store um all right here we go ah I can't get it out be careful because that's the best one yeah I know oh it's on there that that oh there we go they really pack them well they pack them where they can be shipped and it's got the original stuff this is from 1995. yeah so the Snow Village they started and then they just added to it every year I guess yeah look at that I love that drugstore 1995 Coca-Cola it's on the corner it goes on the corner yep and that's why it's shaped like that this is sweet okay we're gonna put it over here real quick we'll finish up together off camera to save time okay guys we're trying to beat the rain yeah we're doing a good job of it I don't feel it coming okay here we go it says up that way up this way yeah and it's right oh let's see and she kept everything no I'm not gonna take it out but look at that what is this one called it's a little uh little wedding Gallery it's a wedding shop yep and it's got It's all in the plastic that's where you go get your wedding dresses you made and it has one in the window I'm gonna show you this see it has one in the window I love that I've never this is the first time I bought units I've never found a unit with this much Department 56 minutes we found like one or two one or two pieces but never the I bet we're fine more too because obviously The Beekman house The Beekman house must have been a rich family's house yeah it's Pickford like it's a Pickford house like Uncle Scrooge yeah and it's a beautiful shape folks now wasn't there a famous old actress named kickford I have no idea let us know in the comments she was a silent actress oh here I got it where they can see the whole thing I wanted him to see the whole thing at once okay so Department 56 1995 1995. okay this is nice I know you guys know who I'm talking about Pigford girl that was in the silent movies okay oh that sounds like Ozzy over there when he's mad at me talk that's an adapter a bright light to adapter oh it's a Department 56 adapter yeah they have they sell all their stuff don't they all right let's just show the rest one we have this department some people the people for the village we have two random oh we'll have to put those by the mayor's house yeah and we have our little fence if we want to keep somebody in our yard oh and we're gonna put this by the mayor's house as well I think that goes by the house look a mansion that looks like the Titanic house all right what do you guys think I think this may have paid for half of the storage unit in this one box we paid 1300 for this unit this probably paid for half of the storage unit wait I think you're getting your your Pickers just getting better and better yeah yeah okay we're gonna put all this away and I gotta put that away real quick and then we'll be right back
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 48,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What Happened To Her? SHE LOST THREE Abandoned Storage Lockers After 26 Years, storage locker, treasure hunt, auction videos, storage treasures, abandoned storage, storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars, storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit, how to make money, storage auction finds, found in storage unit, self storage, online storage auctions, storage unit auctions, storage wars videos, abandoned videos, storage wars 2023, storage wars full episodes
Id: 6DVajqV7Vfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 12sec (2952 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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