Abandoned Storage Locker Precious Crystals AND Gems Discovered.. She Made Me Buy!

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but when you open it look at that look at all the crystal rocks guys and that's not even all of them we got all that right there and all of that right there look at that [Music] all right guys we bought another storage units this is day two of unpacking a bunch of storage units we bought five storage units one two three four five and uh yeah this is weights Ventures here we have whole Adventures Ashley Ventures and we're gonna unpack this unit where I paid 620 no sorry 610 for the storage units and this thing is completely packed it is a somewhat nice day we are here in where are we at Hillsboro Oregon and let's show them the units we're gonna unpack this whole thing I cannot wait these are really unique uh lockers by the way look at that this thing is packed guys this thing is packed it is huge there's a lot here and I can't wait to go through it by the way hopefully there's some ammo in Owen ammo's expensive all right so we got a bunch of Subs we got right off the bat we got some Nikes um a bunch of shoes I think I'm gonna get my money back without even going in the unit but guess what there is a lot to unpack here this is a packed unit I think it's a five by ten I'll figure it out I'm not entirely sure but anyway we're gonna get a tub out here get the table out here and get set up you guys ready yeah you guys ready to find some Treasures yeah okay all right guys hang tight we'll be right back all right I'm a little worried about this unit guys let's do two tubs at a time so this may be uh I'm a little worried you guys gotten a little worried here on this evening uh it's a charger pink charger what do you got over here it's got to be better got to be better than Holden's is that okay there's some good clothes oh wow there we go baby brand new mavi jeans yeah these things are nice we got brand new Mabby jeans over here same exact ones to be honest oh my gosh I am super excited we at least got something yeah dang okay so we got two of those we had some more brand new clothes in here too didn't we uh okay there we go okay there we go baby I got some more okay all right I'm not I'm a little bit uh a little bit helpful that's a nice Nike okay all right we got some good clothes there let's pull out another tub that one the first time I was like oh oh we'll pull out another one here and see what we got more close here we go though brand new cool there we go what is that Batman my hands are cold okay we got champion any other brand new ones in here not working oh wait oh we gotta go through everything gotta go through everything and it's taped guys oh nothing in there okay nothing else okay all right next up moving along quickly [Music] we'll see what is that a parachute thanks okay yeah they got some really good clothes in this unit actually believe it or not these are actually really car hearts used car hers people love okay okay this is not turned not to be that bad here let's see let's see a little up close here oh wow some of this does possibly look like it could be silver this piece right here could be 925 maybe not I don't know we're gonna have to go through this I don't have my magnet here oh okay let's take a look at this ring that is a gorgeous looking ring and that is oh sorry I'm getting a phone call guys give me one second beautiful okay guys we're back sorry I had to take all the phone calls because uh I bought five units and I want to make sure I'm you know getting in touch with the managers so [Applause] let's go through this I'll probably go through it at the house I'm not entirely sure if we have any silver in here but we may have some silver here that's a nice little jewelry chest there so there you go all right what else we got here we got a rock all right so so far the best thing in here is clothes right that's by the way we have some epic garage sale clothes so make sure you go to the garage sale probably be in three months when the weather gets a little better you guys know I do the best garage sales so if you're in the Oregon area or Washington area and you want to come by let me know in two months we're gonna we're gonna do an epic garage sale all right let's get tubs out what do we got oh my gosh we have the really expensive tubs back here folks my gosh look how many there is there's so many tubs in this unit all right oh are those personals let's see I don't like to show the personals um this is all personal okay we gotta give that back to the family still put that over there okay oh my gosh this is everything everywhere I've I've done these units before and uh this is a guy oh this is a stomach all right let's kind of pibble through here and see oh there you go Top Gear man this this this is a lot of Random what who packs like this like let's let's put everything we possibly can the most random I am so confused is there anything in that no it's empty that nope is there a knife there oh what is that oh craps craft we have okay art skill okay little ball okay I think we let's let's rush to this and see if this box is not very uh oh anything in there no no okay lift that thing up let's see what we got oh nothing [Music] oh okay that's that's not you never know I've seen people pack stuff everywhere at the bottom box there we go okay oh what is that I don't know just a little glass a little ornaments maybe okay okay I think we need to move on to different parks our tub there is nothing in here okay yep next next okay oh my gosh guys let's just say this is it's These are nice tubs though okay we're getting a little better tubs here okay all right let's let's see oh that that sounds scary gotten here a bunch of randoms Roku oh there you go is there anything in the wallet no what we got in there Crown Royal okay oh oh interesting okay this is this another random boxes yeah there you go keep your head up guys keep your head up oh man oh my gosh okay all right Yep this is a random box let me get a little sneak peek of this one okay this one's a little better all right let's pull that one out yeah [Music] hopefully this one's a little better here okay all right okay we do have some Electronics I do bundle my electronics and do like a big electronic lot so flashlights yeah this is a bunch of flashlights oh man this is all random okay yep you got two cameras in there a little salt okay there's a lot of cameras in there I can lock those up and solve the cameras oh there you go this may actually be something I gotta check them out bro yeah okay we just gotta get our money back [Laughter] okay let's move on to the next all right the tubs are really nice so we did get our money back in tabs Teddy okay okay all right okay this is getting a little better there we go just a little better oh wow look at that let's open that up that is really cool some of that that's some nice fabric this is okay this is getting a little more promising getting a little more promising here wow oh those are nice are those wind chimes last one times okay got a bunch of actually can't open up but we got a bunch of beautiful shells in there a lot of these shells actually are quite expensive oh those are butterflies butterflies that is cool cool finally we got some good stuff here that is a really nice Angel it's a beautiful condition wood car box those are old oh that way yeah they are a little tough to open oh what side is that oh yeah oh nice butterfly container okay what else we got in here ashes too oh yeah yeah but let's uh put that over there [Applause] I'm gonna give that back to the family what does that go to oh wow that's an old lipstick holder it's Christmas is it finally Christmasy oh is that hand blown I think so oh those can be oh wow that is you're right all right a little dirty but it says love you 2017 hand blown they probably made oh my gosh oh Ashley what is going on here look at that big old butterfly oh you hanging on the wall that is cool somebody's gonna watch that all right what's in that thing that's probably it maybe a pitcher are these this could be family photos oh here we go oh my gosh this thing is heavy bro this is heavy oh what is that is that no this is there's no way this can be that many ashes Departments of the Navy oh okay all personal okay we'll put that over there this I mean maybe that's uh that's too many ashes or something to that but that many that's a lot of Ashes but that's probably a person okay can you put that over there for me not many though that much okay let's put that over there because we definitely want to get that back to our family what's in these suckers I've never found this many ashes in one unit oh little guys oh it's a nice container oh that's not personal that's just look at that this is a really good box oh you got little figurines oh there you go oh wow those are really cool that could be quartz yeah those are cool you got some brass stuff over there okay we gotta be careful with those those are cool oh what's in here jewelry is it oh there we go this is where the Silver's at this is where the silver is at I guarantee some of that probably is 925 baby we're gonna have to get the get it checked out in there hey look there's teeth oh let's show hers first you got was there anything on the back and you got a doll all right collector though we're getting a little better stuff here guys I was a little worried at first yeah there's some teeth in here silver teeth but that's a nice container along with that really nice containers oh okay little dolphins let's see just another open this one bad boy up let's see what's in there oh there we go come on guys Oh dolphin okay she has a lot of dolphins [Music] yeah last one had a chip that one's been great for this one yeah oh we got two there we go anybody love Dolphins put it in the comments all right let's put this away real quick this is a good box everybody keeps asking me Wade how do I buy this stuff in your videos well guess what I'm going to be selling on whatnot so you can buy all this beautiful stuff that we find in storage units and whatnot is a really cool online selling platform it allows me to auction stuff off to you okay so let me show you exactly how to get set up uh it's super easy takes two seconds because all this month I'm going to be selling on whatnot so you will not want to miss out because all this stuff is going to be auctioned off and you can buy it directly from me so let me show you how to set up set up whatnot on your phone or computer and let's get going don't forget guys 15 completely free if you're new to whatnot they'll give you 15 bucks free on your first order uh just click the link in the description of this video or you can go to like the first comment I'll pin it there it'll take you right to the download page if you want to download their app on your phone or if you want to go to the desktop sign up it takes two seconds and get ready for the auction because you'll need to be signed up before the auction guys if you already have what not downloaded just go ahead and search Wade's ventures in the search bar and you're ready to rock for a little excitement when we're done with the units but let's continue we'll do these two tubs right here real quick that way we can at least the heavy there's a little anchor oh okay there you go now the tubs are getting a little better I was worried at the beginning because I've got units like that you know where it's uh but hopefully this one gets a little better there's gotta be some stuff in here guys and don't worry all the ashes and all that's going to go back to the family it's all close okay it's all close oh no brand new clothes what what are those shorts I've never been a close guy on there but Lush push push touch push okay all right just push okay let's move on to the next top guys oh no we have got oh those are that's a huge oh there's some nice helmets in here man this is a they could fit a lot in here I didn't realize how much stuff can be in this one unit okay let's go ahead and pull this next one out and see what's in there the basketball little tops baby is there anything in there uh it feels empty let's open those up you can see they're gonna be family photos okay I thought possibly it would be um some sports cards this could be family photos okay we'll give that back to the family oh yeah we'll give that now some of these old Automotive books can be worth money you just have to Google search them all right all right let's uh let's try another man hit the thumbs up for pity for me guys can I get some pity likes okay uh okay this is gonna be interesting yeah all right give me one second I'm gonna take a quick commercial break because I'm gonna get some of this out of here so we can continue to work on the tubs all right guys we're back we got some news real quick and then we're gonna get started if you buy storage units you know this was definitely a tweaker unit uh meaning everything's everywhere like broken Electronics like garbage just you guys seen the first couple bins you guys can paint the picture here but uh um there is some really good stuff that we found amongst all that uh this is the first unit on the weights Ventures history that I actually had to go through everything and not show you as I go through it because honestly this will be a eight hour video because these these boxes were so jam-packed full just random garbage so but we found some gems and we're gonna make really good money on this unit actually this was a really really good unit after I got rid of a lot of the stuff that honestly nobody would want so that being said the first thing we want to show is this beautiful beautiful dresser guys I mean this thing is absolutely gorgeous there's only one issue over here and it had a little scuff there but people can buff that out or repaint this but other than that this thing is gorgeous um so we did get that we got obviously an air tank over there a pulley and some other kind of cool things along with the TV so that was good A lot of the furniture here was too beat up we had to actually toss that to the dump guys this was the only most beautiful piece and honestly this is one of the best looking dressers I found in a very long time it has the mirror which is in fantastic shape this mirror is a great great shape um there's nothing wrong with it and it's it's a gorgeous mirror so we've got we've got that set now that being said Ashley this guy's been working hard today give him a thumbs up guys all right um he found this it was locked but when you open it look at that let's go baby and it was sitting right here on the door I didn't even notice it um so it's sitting right here look at all those Rings my goodness folks and there's some silver in there 925 baby um got some other some beautiful costume in here as well we've got all this jewelry that we found in here all right this is real pearls guys and it um you can definitely tell the real they're not all the same shape they're grainy and really really beautiful pearls look at that there you go that we're gonna auction those off those are real real pearls guys it's gorgeous side of pearls we have some really beautiful stuff in here and some watches so we got some of it's costume a lot of that is actually 925 baby those look great on you try it out yeah all right so we have that also this was a really cool um really cool piece here this is a really really cool piece um it's like a unicorn pitcher and it's got a wood frame to it so this was really really cool you can see the back kind of a canvassy canvassy picture all right we also have all these closed we're not going to go through the clothes but these are all really good clothes and as you've seen in the beginning there's some brand new clothes in there so we got some good clothes if you're going to the garage sale you're going to want to pick up those but the real treasure is right here folks we found a ton of this this stuff is very expensive and that's one thing good about this unit look at all the crystal rocks guys and that's not even all of them we got all that right there and all of that right there you want to grab that big old one honey uh look at all those old crystal rocks I mean they're in some insane ones in here what's this brown one like a brown look to it that's the same thing right there look at all those big agates look at that we found a bunch of those in here these can be really really pricey here's a looks like they drank the drink but cool display yeah a bunch of small rocks in that one got a ton of small rocks and this one little decanter look at the blue that's nice and we have more in here suckers man these are heavy there is a these are all crystal agates and stuff I believe oh wow is that salt or rock or something I don't know beats me if anybody knows about these rocks let us know in the comments I am not too sure what those suckers are um we also have a ton in here oh this this is petrified wood you're right wow Smart Cookie over here [Laughter] that one's gorgeous dude look at that there's some beautiful so we're gonna auction all these off so if you're into rocks get ready guys because we're gonna auction off all these beautiful rocks I bought a few of these I know how expensive these can be all right let's move over to the next one all right look at that so it looks like Carnival Glass but it's not all right lots of rocks in here yeah okay oh the clearer they are the more expensive they are look at this found that guys he's finding all the good stuff today okay we do have some smaller ones little agates and oh are these old marbles these are really old marbles on those found some more rocks with a real nugget in there that would retire us if it was real okay let's face all right but this guys this is really cool and this is got some huge crystals in here that's cool but look at those big old white ones look at that that's all this one white one as well I mean there's some really cool um uh what is it seashells and stuff in there too your boy wins he should love seashells okay what do we got in here we have another set of rocks what is this one it's like oh man oh my gosh anybody know any about these things let me know let me have that one this nice blue one here I mean we just have a ton uh she collect definitely collected a lot of these I mean look at all the different agates in there rocks beautiful about to fly okay what is in there I forgot you put that in there um much more oh look at this this is a blue dish or uh sorry pink dish look at that hold that up to the light so they can see it wow somebody's gonna want that that's pink dish what do you got over here George [Applause] I think that's silver can you can you uh read on the clasp this thing right here that chain I believe it's that looks silver silver I told you we'd see silver oh what's in there uh we're gonna have to go through this we already found some silver guys remember we've bought up all our jewelry and we sell oh my gosh gosh look at those beads on that thing so if you guys are into jewelry look at that that's old oh wow look look oh here's what is this what is this do they make it oh my gosh crystal necklace whoa look at that that's cool yeah they made it so they made this crystal necklace we're gonna auction this off that is insane guys full-on crystal necklace some good stuff in here that crosses we're gonna have to look and see [Applause] um we're gonna have to look and see how much more silver we have in here I bet we have more all right what else we have in here fishing gear there's a ton of fishing gear in here there's a lot of money in fishing gear rooster tells we'll auction that off as well we're having a Monopoly game we have some old jars with seashells oh this could be uranium blast in fact this is probably uranium main Italy uranium glass glows with black light really yeah wow and it's really expensive I bet this is uranium glass here's some small seashells okay and in there I think we have more oh wow forgot about these look at those Grandma Venture is going to sell a lot of this guys so make sure you're following Grandma Ventures she loves selling glass another one there's two of those those are nice all right we got those boxes the one good thing about this is there's no commercials right okay oh we forgot to show them look at this tub guys all full but these are massive rocks in here we're gonna auction off all these so if you want some really cool crystal rocks let us know there's also big petrified wood in here so if you want petrified wood we've got you we're gonna auction a lot of those off all right and we have more over here oh my gosh more That's Heavy it's heavy what's going on look at this what do you think buddy I think it's massive is this obsidian I think this is Obsidian isn't it a big chunk of it I could be wrong some sand from not St Helens oh or Ash I mean yeah that when it exploded does anybody remember when Mount St Helens exploded in 1680. wow okay we got a ton of rock in here all right so we're here we have I'm not gonna get all out but we've got a really cool vintage pipe uh CorningWare also some other um car parts and different things in there these are all full of books guys this is all books right here [Music] that's nice there was a lot in this unit and unfortunately fortunately a lot of it was just like broken bottles and weird stuff so unfortunately I couldn't film at all but we got some pie plates here they're all the same and they got this beautiful princess design on them so maybe it's princess house so we're gonna I'll give those a gram Adventures look at that I think it's Princess House on those we got a bunch of them in here it's solid packed oh and then your favorite buddy yeah wrap them around you keep you warm yeah and he's brand new too he's got his tag have you named him yet uh peekaboo that's just because the toys yeah oh okay I was like dang you come all that on the Fly I'm witty all right and these are all these are all books and clothes guys so there you go uh oh I didn't show you this but there is a couple things in here that are really cool I like this really beautiful um urine lamp thing and this is from India so we found that gorgeous butterfly and some there's a lot of tools in here guys unfortunately but there you go I know it's not exciting storage units but they all can't be home runs but this was not bad guys it's not bad I think we're gonna get our money back here for sure um and remember we got a lot of fishing poles too so we didn't show you those but all these are full of fishing poles right here they're packed and then you got the motorcycle Holden told me this was had to get a motorcycle up in your truck so we got one of those as well but anyway there we go what do you guys think would you buy it again a lot of work yeah all right all right guys until the next adventure hopefully you guys like this video beautiful facility love the storage the new storage that they put in here really cool we're gonna get this in the truck and get some food because we are hungry and then we're gonna move on to the next storage unit see you soon don't go anywhere
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 44,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage locker, treasure hunting, found treasure, treasure hunt, Crystals, abandoned crystals, Gems, gem videos, crystal videos, storage wars, abandoned storage, how to make money, storage unit, storage auctions, abandoned storage unit, storage locker finds, making money, storage videos, storage lockers, locker videos, found in storage locker, found cash, storage unit finds, storage auction finds, storage unit auction, abandoned storage locker, real storage
Id: _7SxsZxMdfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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