Ep. 55 - I Think I Broke The eBay Algorithm!!

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guys I think I broke the eBay [Music] algorithm hey guys welcome back into the channel if you are new here my name is Andrew and this channel is all about reselling so along with my wife Jessica we run a full-time online reselling business named five little ducks resale so that's where we go to garage sales thrift stores and estate sales we find items for cheap and then we flip those items online for a profit on sites like merari Poshmark and eBay now if you sell on eBay you've probably been told a hundred times that if you want to sell more you need to list more and that's exactly what we've been doing all this week with those auto parts that I showed you from the last video I've been listing hundreds of dollars worth of Auto Parts a day and then suddenly something happened now I want to show you this chart this is the chart of our sales over the last 31 days and while I'd love to sit here and talk about this day which was a great sales day but it's obviously an anomaly as you can see I want to direct your attention to these two days here and here so what's happened there's absolutely no sales here and this is on the tail end of me listing thousands of dollars worth of Auto Parts so what's going on now do I think that I broke the eBay algorithm no of course not I don't know any more about the eBay algorithm than the next guy but I do know that this is an interesting thing to happen now it's not uncommon for us in a 31 one day period to have at least one day spaced out of course that has no sales but two days in a row is pretty suspect now more than likely what's going on is that it's now summertime people are out and about and they're just not spending a whole lot of time on eBay in other words it's that dreaded summer slowdown now to combat that we're not going to stop listing at all we are going to push forward full force we have a garage full of auto parts that I need to list and in addition to that we got a chance to go out and do some awesome sourcing today so let's take a look at what we picked up hey what's going on everyone as you can see our table is not empty today so this is not a joke we picked up some really good stuff at some garage sales today so I have the top of the table here at the bottom of the table I have some stuff that I'll show you here in a bit so we paid $90.50 for everything so let's go through it and see if I did a good job so we got a lot of good stuff we'll start over here I picked up this bag of mini Transformer figures um these are from jada toys and the reason why I recognized them right off the bat was because in a lot of Legos that I picked up there were uh some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle um ones of these that I saw that I ended up selling as um a group by themselves and they don't do I think they're they're pretty modern these are 2023 um but I knew them them right off the bat because I had sold or I had listed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle ones didn't know that they had Transformers which I thought were kind of cool so there's of course Optimus and some other characters in there I'm thinking that they're all Transformers now that I'm looking at them that does not appear to be but I don't know all the new Transformers and whatnot so regardless I paid a dollar for all of those in there I bundled that with something else that's underneath the table which I'll show here in a little bit now today was also the local high schools band fundraising garage sale which is always a good sale we always uh go to it because there's always good stuff to pick up so case in point this next sale we paid $17 for everything I'm going to show you and that consisted of this bag of Sonic figures there is quite a few in there as you can see I won't take them all out the Pokemon plush here this cool Lounge fly Pikachu wallet still with tags and let's see here this Pokemon canister which contains a ton of mini Pokemon figs now as I was looking up some of these figures um I know that the original sort of series the Gen one Gen 2 from Tommy those seem to do pretty well I don't think that's what these are uh these are more modern figures I think and I don't know if the camera can actually zoom in on it but they are all marked with PK China and if you do a search on eBay for Pokemon mini PK China figures there are people that are selling them in Lots so don't know if I have any rare ones in there that would drive up the cost but um thought that was kind of cool anyway so $17 for the Pokémon the Pikachu wallet the plush and those uh Sonic figs at that same sale we actually made a bundle deal for all of these figures in a bag and the sky plush over here so we ended up paying $11 for that and that consists of these Mario figures which I didn't realize them at the time but these are actually for a chest set so you can see here this one's labeled King and there's some other ones obviously pawn and Bishop in there I don't think all of the pieces are there but um obviously we'll probably either sell them all together as a set or maybe just have them being sold individually for replacement pieces haven't thought that far ahead but not to worry uh also picked up all of these Ryan's World figures now I am not a Ryan's World expert by any means um but for a bundle deal we paid like I said $11 for all these I figured couldn't go wrong and inside that deal was also these Muppet Babies I think these are more modern of course but they're all Mark Disney so hey it was worth a shot so $1 for all that another sale we picked up this Lightning McQueen plush for a dollar and that band sale we also picked up another uh plush here Bubble Guppies just for a dollar nothing out of the atmosphere here or too cool yet um and an estate sale we went to today found this cool king bee hat I thought that was rather neat vintage it has the scrambled eggs on the build of course it has the Rope there and had a neat design I thought I'd give that a shot um so the estate Sil we paid let's see $12 for everything which consisted of this hat this uh box set of mysteries of the unknown Time Life books and as you can see here on my shelf I do have a couple of other ones already listed so whenever I find these if they're cheap enough I'll pick them up eventually maybe I'll get enough where I can lot them all up together because those bigger Lots tend to do well uh at that same estate sale found this pen it's not a Parker Pen though interestingly enough and I'll try to open it up here with one hand it is a pen for sure but it is a cross pen so cross pens are actually pretty good to find if you can get them cheap enough it was half off day so I didn't pay the $3 that was marked in fact $12 for everything at the estate sale so the books the Hat the pen and this cool bejweled little frog figure character thing it's pretty heavy pretty weighty it is metal all of the little rhinestone designs seem to be present um and what's cool and if I can do it it does open up and it's a little trinket box so we can you know put your trinkets in there so kind of neat so $12 for all that stuff and a completely different sale I paid $6 for this bundle of Ryan's World stuff figured I was on a Ryan's World kick so hopefully that'll treat me well haven't gone through this I just know it's a bunch of miscellaneous characters nothing major uh at another sale found some proud no not proud loud loud family plush and I did a quick comp search while I got back in the car and I think it was the same size of course I paid a quarter a piece for these and I saw a sold comp on this for like 13 plus ship so definitely not bad there another sale picked up these it was a set of four these are anchor Hawking uh I believe they're called Kimberly glasses so you can see the anchor Hawking symbol there and it's that uh kind of diamond pattern that gave it away and I've sold a couple of these before and they were actually green and white and I'll put up a picture of what those look like but it's that definite diamond pattern that gave it away I actually passed by the mug box once I was looking in there and didn't I just kind of glazed over these came back on my way out and saw that and said hey I think that looks familiar checked it out definitely knew it was anchor Hawking and so I picked them up they were they actually were selling mugs for 50 cents each but they gave them to me for four for a dollar so uh if you look up sold comps on these this Amber variety I think has a sold of somewhere close to 50 or 40 for a set of four or five so wasn't a bad pickup at all and another sale got this Pioneer Woman butter dish for a dollar um H it's nothing major but uh maybe maybe $10 plus shipping on that once it sells and then the last thing on the table here is let's see here these vintage Tet tubby puzzles so they're the big you know thick wooden ones uh I think there's three Teletubbies and one Sesame Street maybe uhoh things are falling yes Sesame Street so there's Cookie Monster there enjoying some lemonade and some cookies so a dollar each for the puzzles well that's what they were marked and then the Calico Critters these are all new in package uh some of them have some damaged boxes but but they're still new sealed so alt together all of the Calico Critters and then the puzzles did a bundle for $20 total and um I know that there's a market for the the Calico Critters and I did look these up since I just scanned the the code on the bottom and they all definitely have sold comps so we should definitely make our money back on those for sure so again that was just the top of the table we went to a lot of sales today we did pick up a lot of a lot of good stuff did a lot of bundle deals which is always fun um so let's kind of dive down underneath the table and see if we can do this now what pickup would not be complete without Legos more Legos so this was actually the same sale that I picked up those little mini Transformer figures at and there was a lot of people at that sale and everyone was just walking past this because all of the bags looked just like this and it was sitting off to the side and I was kind of doing my rounds and I had glanced at it once and it didn't register and I came back again and I saw one of these pieces poking out probably something like that just sitting on top so I kind of crouched down took a better look and sure enough these are all Legos and this box probably weighs at least 10 lbs if not more and so I asked him what he wanted he only said $10 didn't even want to haggle with him at the time because assuming this is 10B pounds a dollar per pound for bulk Legos is not a bad price for sure so I did a a small Peak I haven't opened these up in any way but I did a small peek inside and um there's for sure going to be some impostor Legos that I'll have to call out of there but I think that that's going to be a good uh score so um $1 for the sale $10 just for these so of course that's a bulk purchase so that'll go into a different purchasing category so this next one is pretty cool too and I don't have a power cord for it I'm going to get on the floor so I can actually show you what this is but this is a music box now uh it's a it does take a power chord so here is the cord there and it takes these cool album like um records obviously they're they had the little um grooves cut cut out of them and the little notches right there that will make the music blocks play that particular song so that's the the Entertainer I think so that's a nice Scott Jacklin rag time piece and what is this one we wish you a Merry Christmas what is this one silent night so yes this is a Christmas themed music box and there are some animatronics at the bottom so there looks like some people dancing so this one was only $5 and I looked at the bottom of it and it is a Mr Christmas and I know that's a really good brand to keep an eye out for um don't know if this works but the nice thing is that it does have all of the records that came with it so this one is supposed to go in this slot here and of course there's other songs again I don't know if it works I'm going to have to find a power cord for it looks like it takes a dc6v but of course it has to be the right size um didn't find an exact comp um but similar ones I saw that were being listed in the hundreds of dollars uh some sold for 50 I don't know like this one is kind of one of those mystery ones it's really dirty I definitely have to uh clean it up and test it out so I'm hoping that this works so $5 pickup that was at the band garage sale that was that was a great find and then last but not least a huge heavy heavy bin now you can't really get a good feel for how big the bin is it's it's not one of those huge bins it's one of the kind of I don't know it's maybe I don't know 18 in wider so it's not Easter stuff although there could be Easter stuff in it but let me just kind of show you here let's open it up look at all of these these are all brand new stickers so if you saw the pickup that I did a few weekends back I did buy some stickers and then if you saw the recent what sold video did sell one package of stickers they're not huge money makers again but it's that same sort of sticky dudah brand and there's other ones in here and I was looking through them just to kind of see what was in here and the lady was like hey they're they're 10 cents a piece you know you can you know just mix and match or whatever and I was looking at them and saw that there were quantities of the same ones and so you know how easy is of of a listing is that where you just take a picture and slap a quantity 10 or whatever on it and so I said hey how much for the entire bin and this bin is super heavy she's like five bucks I'm like sold so uh not bad so that'll you know these are really fun to list because they're easy you can snap a picture of the front snap a picture of the back maybe a few closeups and then figure out how many of the quantity that you have and you're you're good to go so an entire bin now I it might take until I'm 125 for these to all sell but you never know for a $5 buy cost I didn't want to pass that up for sure did see some character ones in here like Care Bears and there's some strawberry shortcake so you never know and they actually had them broken down by uh holiday so there's some Thanksgiving Halloween there's General I even saw some scratch and sniff in here as well so vintage scratch and sniff stickers if you can find them can be an absolute treasure so that's the find all that stuff on the bottom here the bulk Legos the Mr Christmas the stickers and then back up top here everything on the table so again $90.50 buy cost drop a comment below let me know if you think that we did great today let me know if you think we did poorly today what was your favorite find let me know in the comments below and hopefully we will see these sell in some of the upcoming sold videos thank you for watching all right so now let's go ahead and transition over to the sales portion of the video so like always we will start with our eBay store and we'll go from here so the sales dates in question are from May 26 to June one and we will start off with this this was a lot of Three Star Wars micro iics 3d posters 3D glasses and a single comic card together these all sold for $8.99 plus shipping next up we have this vintage Lee Jeans green and pink nylon zipper JY duffel bag this sold for $24.99 plus shipping following that we had this US Air Force 442nd tactical fighter airwing Reserve embroidered patch this sold for $2.99 plus shipping this next item was actually sold three different times but returned twice so I'm glad that it hasn't come back yet this was a harleydavidson women's XL black short sleeve shirt and it sold for $19.99 plus shipping next up was this new sealed Sopranos adult trivia board game and this sold for $9.99 plus shipping I knew that this next item was going to be a great sale and it was just a matter of time before it sold this was that set of five vintage Terror Academy young adult horror paperback novels by Nicholas Pine and together these sold for $69.99 plus shipping next up was this 2017 Thomas and Friends minis DC Super Friends npack these were mini trains dressed up as superheroes and together they sold for 14.99 plus shipping the next item was one of our Vera Bradley bags that this one was the iconic Glenna tote in the water bouquet pattern this sold for $28.99 plus shipping next up we had a plushy sell this was the ugly dolls Moxy she was an 8in pink terry cloth plush and she sold for $8.99 plus shipping and this next item was another small figurine that went for some really good money this was a vintage 1985 Chuck-E-Cheese chiz Pizza Time 2 and2 in PVC figure and he sold for $9.99 plus shipping next up was this newth tags V twins pinup girls motor engine flaming Cherry adjustable baseball hat this sold for $6.99 plus shipping next up was a set of three United States Army E8 First Sergeant insignia pins these were in the black subdued finish and these sold for $1.97 plus shipping next up was another patch this was a vintage Boy Scouts weeo embroidered Compass badge this one did not have any pins attached to it and it sold for $299 plus shipping the next item was also another patch this was a vintage Boy Scouts Atlanta area Council patch from 1993 and this ended up selling on a best offer for $183 plus shipping the next item was a pair of Nike shoes these were Nike Vapor Max men's size 13 fuchsia and lime gray running shoes and they sold for $59.99 plus shipping and the last eBay sale from this time frame was this vintage Wilson's Adventure bound men's XL water resistant leather bomber jacket and it sold for $49.99 plus shipping so let's go ahead and transition over to our merari store now marari has been doing Soo as of late uh not as good as eBay but not as bad as Poshmark either so again a good solid middle so let's start off with this this is a vintage 1951 Rogers Brothers inspiration Magnolia pattern 8 and 58 in solid pierced piie server the sold for 750 plus shipping next up was this vintage VHS movie this was that garbage pale kids movie vintage 1987 live action with the cardboard slip cover this ended up selling for $65 plus shipping next up was another US Army pin this was the US army e4 specialist rank pin which again was in that subdued black finish and this sold for $4 plus shipping next up was this vintage Teletubbies Mega Bloks bye-bye build and tote it was a plush bean bag with mega blocks inside and it sold for $15 plus shipping following that had this new with tags Rock and Roll Cowboy mens size 40x 32 pistol straight leg dark vintage jeans and these sold for $40 plus shipping next up was this 1995 Tai Beanie Babies Derby the brown horse and he sold for $5 plus shipping and the last two sales from maricari were actually stampin Up sets the first of which was this vintage set of three tiny teapots wood mounted rubber stamp set which sold for $5 plus shipping and the set called ribbons and Roses again a wood mounted rubber stamp set which sold for $450 plus shipping so last but not least we'll go over our Poshmark sales from this time period or should I say sale yes it was only one this was the Harry Potter Slytherin Build-A-Bear snake it was a stuffed animal and scarf gift set but it did sell for $28 plus shipping well now that it's the end of the video I'm going to go and list some more stuff because I really want to do something about those two days worth of no sales now if you enjoy this sort of reselling content go ahead and click the like button below and even consider subscribing to the channel because it really does help us out so thank you so much for watching all the way to the end and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Five Little Ducks Resale
Views: 309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NlbMhKDpu68
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Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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