Major Storage Treasures In Old Steel Barrels!

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oh my gosh oh my gosh this is sick this is probably a 200 jacket guys all right here's what you guys been waiting for what is in the barrels we're almost done with the unit guys we got these two barrels that we're gonna go through in this video and then three boxes that we have not gone through yet either so and then a couple things over here and then I gotta find out what's in those long tubes guys have no idea what's in those two there's two of them they're taped up all right we just want to say it's kind of dark out here sorry thank you so much for following us over the last few years and you guys been amazing our support has been incredible and I just want to say thank you guys for everything so it's been one heck of a ride for the last three or four years right I mean it's been insane so hopefully good things happen this year and hopefully we get 200 000. all right so without further Ado are you ready I'm ready are you sure everyone else is and ready you know I get comments every video that we've done have you done the barrels yet have you no we have not done the barrels yet I've not looked in the barrels I have lifted one of the barrels and I've scooted the other one they don't seem very heavy so I'm hoping there's something in there um all right so which one should we start out with first this one do this one or this one has something for this one okay this one I mean it is still kind of heavy I think the barrels themselves are worth about 50 to 75 bucks a barrel so what's in here hold on it's hard to do it from this angle okay this one doesn't have a screw that other one has a screw on it [Music] and honestly the anticipation has been killing me to see what's in these things so before we go any further hit the thumbs up button and count to three in the comments and then before we open this up pause the video and put what you think is in Barrel number one okay do this pause the video right now and put in the comments of the video what you think is in Barrel number one are you ready ready did you pause it guys no cheating make sure you put in the comments ready 's kind of heavy there's something down there uh there's like nothing down there there's something okay well we got a Pawn Stars t-shirt brand new 3x so anybody who wants a Pawn Stars t-shirt we got a Pawn Stars t-shirt brand new cool and we got an old sweater here oh my gosh I can barely reach in the barrel what the heck there's something wrapped up in there hold on ah let's bring it over here oh nice sweater what is this oh my gosh it is a gun guys I don't know I need to find my I don't know where my cutter went do you know where my cutter went no not there oh gosh guys oh look how old that tape is that tape is Old Folks look how old that is yellow yeah it says cult this is Colt on it I don't know I don't know a lot about guns guys it is a gun oh yeah I I don't know it's all metal I mean I don't know a lot about guns it doesn't see it says um Colt model m1861 Navy revolver and it says on there interesting what do you guys think here let me uh give you a close-up I mean it's heavy it's really heavy you know what it could be that's the marking on there are we here I found four guns so far in units but I found a couple of Grandma Ventures a lot of them has been rusted no there's no bullets in here guys um our neighbor luckily shout out to Ken he's got a massive private collection for military that he collected from his or inherited from his dad I mean probably one of the one of the largest private military collections in Oregon I would assume and he would know about these but uh there you go guys I think this is real I think it is real I don't know I'm not gonna point the gun at you guys there is no bullets in here but I won't point it at you safety first uh this could be a fake one so who knows we'll have to ask him we'll have to ask him it's heavy um I think it's real there's no bullets in here but we'll see oh my gosh okay that was actually better than expected dude extra large look at this thing cool this is really cool that's an old sweater folks Northwest blue Northwest that is a really cool sweater if that's not the one of the best Grandpa sweaters you've seen this is pretty nice anybody want a pawn star shirt okay I think we got a second gun in here because it's wrapped up again [Music] not as cool sweater though oh yeah oh this one's a little more expensive yeah this says it's a Smith and Wesson 1869 Army revolver Smith and Wesson 1869 Army revolver that one looks a little more real yeah well I think both of them are real guys but I don't really do too I'm not again professional or maybe it's a replica like a a really good replica um it does say it uh one of them's made in Spain does say one of them is made in Spain so honestly I don't know really nice I've never been a uh hey I'm all for I I used to go to the shooting range with my buddy but I don't know a lot about guns but we used to go and have fun um I don't personally own one but I would like to I would not but it probably it just never really crossed my mind I'm more of a baseball bat kind of guy if somebody comes in the house you know or Golf Club guy I would just do a kitchen knife all right okay so that's Barrel number one folks that's it that's it and that one I cannot believe why would you be I don't know this that was so weird I feel heavier when you were uh I don't know wants to try it I I was expecting like a bunch of crafts or something not uh not not guns but okay that one has um yeah these are nice old barrels here folks I mean the barrels themselves will sell for 75 bucks I see something higher oh okay that's a little better oh that's a Burgerville jacket I think this is oh no this is an in and out jacket that one oh my gosh this is sick this is probably a 200 jacket guys oh my gosh look at the inside of that wow oh wow Burgerville excuse me in and out is highly collectible guys now um remember I don't I think it was the dad maybe the grandpa of this unit that worked for Burgerville back in the 70s and he was a high up director from this unit this is probably his jacket um this burger or uh sorry I keep saying Burgerville in and out is highly collectible look at that man that is a really really cool really really cool piece does it show oh yeah her I mean this is old this is from the 70s probably 73 to be honest yeah oh it is oh sorry no it's uh this is from the 90s actually or else they wouldn't have 70 days yeah but it would be the last one probably yeah so this is from the 90s still over 30 something years old that's really freaking cool okay turn on the back let's see what it looks like wow see that's why I thought it was older look at the back of that it looked like the 70s to me but you know the 90s still really cool that's embroidered or something that's something that is really cool wow man these barrels are actually producing over here okay let's check this out all right okay we got an old burrville what the heck why would they have was in and out once Burgerville I don't know her Turner I mean like did they I don't Maybe he maybe he was like a maybe exec for maybe he'd start yeah I don't know burgerville's huge in this area I don't know if it is in your guys's area I still like the in and out the best but that's a really cool jacket wow somebody's gonna want that that right there I'll probably put online for 200 bucks I know you guys are crazy but somebody will pay 200 bucks for that old okay we got a couple more in here just random t-shirts shirt oh no oh is it Burger bit or in and out okay in and out University I didn't know they had a university look at this this is cool okay yeah oh wow oh that's In and Out Burger wow look at that fresh every step of the way well I didn't know they may have had their own tag and everything that's cool that's really cool maybe I'll just put all the in and out stuff together somebody can buy it you know all right I can okay guys is that what you thought it would be is that what you thought I'm joking no I thought it was full of crops or something or something I just thought it wasn't liquid yeah but still we there's probably five or six hundred bucks in these barrels and this unit's insane all right so let me put all this stuff away real quick and then we'll move on to some boxes all right let's see what's in these big big massive black tubes here ah now I've already opened the one end just to save time because it was all taped down there but there's something wrong yeah I don't know I thought if you guys watched the old video I thought fishing poles but I mean it's about 16 inches or 16 feet oh yeah yeah they are oh my gosh oh wow they look freaking brand new wow oh is that it why do you need such a big tooth that's weird yeah okay [Music] probably more in here oh these are older ones oh wow these are really old wow I do fishing but I don't know a lot about fishing poles I'm mostly a crabber I love crabbing okay I've got all those fishing rods those ones are really nice yeah oh my gosh this this unit is insane all right and then we also have this one right here this is made in the United States Rod safe and they shipped it using United Airlines oh it's in there wow they took this a long time ago get out of there oh this looks nice there's a couple of in here oh another one foreign okay all right let's see what we have here folks um I again I'm more of a crabber not a I do some I do fishing yeah this is brand new this is brand new so if anybody knows about these let us know so I got that this one's brand new so this looks complete error right there you can get the tag on there okay so we have that one so we have this one now I got some fishing um reels are worth a lot of money you just gotta Google the model numbers on them but yeah you got this one here looks like it was set up to fish had a bobber probably on that obviously got one two those are all complete now look at this old old one here folks this here is definitely an old probably sea rod says custom made custom made maybe somebody made this one I don't see any other markings on here but that is big look at that look how large that is that's a c Rod right there uh that's taller wait wait dollar okay then we got this big old thing this is definitely a I don't know was this a tuna rod anybody know about this one wood grip anybody know about these oh yeah looks different okay it says Trading Post 4850 huh maybe this is like an old tuna rod or something I don't know if anybody wants any of these just let me know okay this one's freaking massive it's probably the biggest one this is a pen power stick rods of Champions this one looks like that's the nicest huh it's a medium action pc3721 that's a big boy right there folks all right there you go and next one we have this one doesn't look as big 25th anniversary composites d-a-i-w-a composite rod okay that's what we have come on this is a renegade tough Max this one's nice it's even still got the plastic on there it's in good shape you know we could sell some of these on the auction actually huh that's what we should do your hands we have another one Shamo shamana I don't know it says uh something construction on there this one's a pretty nice one too this is light man there you go here we go we have a micro light powered by im6 graphite Bass Pro Shops and it's brand new it still has the plastic on there some even though my I use my rod and I still left the plastic on there so maybe it's not brand new but it looks brand new anyway this one's got good action on it okay next one this one came out of the old old tube guys this one came out of the Old Tube the the brown tube that we opened so you got that I think this is this goes with the top here that there I don't see any markings on there this one also went out of there strike sk-16 graphite a6760d graphite rod anyway all right guys what do you think be cool this unit is insane isn't it it's so crazy this unit is so crazy all right we're gonna open up these two I don't know what's in there and then those three boxes guys we'll be right back all right this stuff was loose but look at this that's pretty man that is gorgeous guys look at that the frame is really nice too it is a beautiful frame on here I'm not sure if somebody wants this maybe I can ship it to you if not we can do the auction but this is a gorgeous piece look at that this is cowboy saddle it's a beautiful shape there's no dings this would be a good gift for somebody I'll put it over here okay next item we have oh this didn't have a uh those are so cool these are so cool this is a lazy Susan for your crafts guys put your crafts in here and it's got little drawers on the sides so look at that this is for Crafter and I'll give that to Grandma Venture she can auction this sucker off some of these are expensive it's solid wood by the way solid wood okay all right so let's see what's in here real quick shut up oh oh this is the actual bag this must be a sewing machine then you think so yeah oh yeah yep it's in there folks it's not brand new like the other ones we sold but it's in there that's really cool Kenmore in the back okay so what is that number starting machine number five maybe seven or eight okay let's see what's in here this is sealed by the way never been opened ready gonna be careful opening and then I don't want to pierce it foreign it's personal okay we'll get back back to the family don't edit it out honey okay normally we like to edit personal out but um just so you guys know we're giving all this back to the family we've got more we're going back but look at all this guys this is all family photos personal items Bibles everything in here we're gonna add that to it it's a mat this is actually like 20 times more than normal units believe it or not normal units you never have really this much personal but anyway we're gonna give all that back to the family all right let's see what this thing is real quick oh my gosh I thought it was a table but now I'm thinking it's a clock I'm thinking it's a mirror I'm here that's pretty big oh my God they really taped this thing up didn't they off they did not want anything happening to us okay all right ready might be right I'm gonna be careful that's an idea they really oh wow this is the back of it it is oh my gosh Premiere massive look how it's a claw ready yeah wow holy moly oh my God this thing is freaking huge look at this beauty this is metal you're standing stand back so you can see I mean look how big this thing is here let me uh put in perspective let me show you oh my God look at this look how big this thing is oh that is a beautiful clock by the way it's got glass on it somebody's gonna want this it is heavy oh my gosh that is insane holy moly oh I would say I would ship it to somebody but yeah it'd probably be forty dollars in shipping somebody would pay 40 bucks for shipping for that we'll keep the blanket so that's actually probably a pretty expensive clock I will keep the blanket with it good here I'll put it over here wow this unit is insane if you've not seen the other videos go go check it out folks go check it out okay let's see what's in here real quick I'm guessing it's a TV I'm thinking it's a TV as well let's open it there I mean I didn't think that was a clock you know [Music] go and just pull it out I'm gonna try to but I think the other side is take two give me one sec no they could not it could not be a TV too it could be pictures yeah you worry about the camera I got this I got it I promise you I think I think it's easy on the TV you're right Wow Let's Get in TV okay guys foreign that's a pretty nice thin TV folks this is the Samsung and it is I want to say it's 65 inches maybe what do you think I um you get 60. yeah okay that's nice though it's really thin it might even be 55. it's been ah it's bigger 960 but anyway they had to melted on the wall so okay that's a nice now oh this one says living room mantle you ready what can it be on the living room mantle candle holders your rights beautiful condition let's stir up with anime what is this oh oh wow it's a little trinket box that is really cool somebody will like that here's the other one to this you got two of them now two of those okay what's in here what do you think my sweater keeps getting caught oh oh wow handcrafted guys look at that that's cute somebody's gonna want him look at you okay I'll put him over there that is really cool we do have some candles never used brand new candles oh this I'm gonna put them on the candle holders here okay here we go ready oh what the heck he hangs over the mantle that's cute he's wood oh that's that's really cool I'll put him over here okay and we have some more candle holders okay what's in here jewelry cowboy Oh it's got personal photos in here I won't show you the inside because I gotta put give those back but look at that that's cool that looks hand done Cowboy yeah that is really really cool okay ready oh there we go here you want to show them I put him over here the Wild West so now you got two of them those are really cool somebody's gonna want that okay ready some more brand new candles we'll put those on our candle here and here's another Stirrup I do like the horse on the side that is cool horses on the side okay you're gonna call the Stirrup or is that something else uh spur spur but I was just letting you go with it I was just okay believe it or not I know a little bit about horses my grandpa when I was growing up um I used to clean horse stalls my grandpa is one of the most famous horse trainers in the state of Oregon and he used to have like 20 30 horses at one point so he used to race uh race horses [Applause] oh my gosh guys look at that look at this look at that it goes with the boxes yeah that's I mean I'm not a horse expert believe me but uh here's the oh my gosh look at those if those aren't the cutest things I've ever seen in my life those are cool yeah yeah we could I don't know those are really cool okay we have a random saying here okay what else is in here what do you think oh this is a shoe oh my gosh whoa look at that look at that folks if that is not sweet we're coming into like a Western Gun theme on this show huh what's in here it probably goes to the back of it okay let's see uh wow oh did it oh no no it didn't it's not it's not to come out it's not broken it's supposed to do that see wow that's cool that is cool somebody's gonna love that I bet you we have a second one in here oh my gosh he is heavy look at that folks oh he's got a little crack up here maybe that can be fixed I don't know here you go put him right here oh you're not gonna stand up okay okay ready honey let's see what's in here what do you think how about the second one how about this I got one and we have the spur to go with it he's ready look at that somebody's gonna love these oh yeah you're right somebody's gonna love these look at that oh my God they're big too these are about yeah these are about 12 inches guys and these are huge so okay you want to give them a little preview of what we found I like these little guys yeah those are cool just chilling just chilling all right we'll play auction a lot of these golf guys make sure you click the link in the bio remember I'm selling hundreds of items on whatnot guys you have to join and guess what guess what we forgot the good news US Canada UK like 50 other countries guys can buy from me now from what not so you can join my auctions and buy from me see you people in Canada you people in the UK you people all over the world a lot of your countries are off offering what not so sign up right now the link will be in the comments in the first pin comment click the link they'll give you 15 free for signing up as a promotion for me so sign up they'll give you 15 bucks free it's it is free and just like YouTube auctions guys so UK Canada all you guys now you guys can buy from me so a lot of the stuff you can buy now from me as opposed to uh Poshmark we weren't able to do that so there you go all right let me put all the let uh let's see I guess we got another box we're gonna pull this stuff away real quick I'm gonna be right back everybody keeps asking me Wade how do I buy this stuff in your videos well guess what I'm going to be selling on whatnot so you can buy all this beautiful stuff that we find in storage units and whatnot is a really cool online selling platform it allows me to auction stuff off to you okay so let me show you exactly how to get set up uh it's super easy takes two seconds because all this month I'm going to be selling on whatnot so you will not want to miss out because all this stuff is going to be auctioned off and you can buy it directly from me so let me show you how to set up set up whatnot on your phone or computer and let's get going don't forget guys 15 completely free if you're new to whatnot they'll give you 15 bucks free on your first order uh just click the link in the description of this video or you can go to like the first comment I'll pin it there it'll take you right to the download page if you want to download their app on your phone or if you want to go to the desktop sign up it takes two seconds and get ready for the auction because you'll need to be signed up before the auction guys if you already have one not downloaded just go ahead and search Wade's adventures in the search bar and you're ready to rock see you soon cool okay I just want to say this unit has been one of the best that I bought just really cool stuff hopefully you guys enjoyed this oh wow there's a lot in here okay I'm curious what that is keep my Skillet good and greasy keep my Skillet good I like it so this is this is food ooh what is in here folks it's a man it's a man is it a cowboy Oh it's broken a little bit oh man but still really cool somebody may want him oh the piece went in there we gotta get that back look at that the gun part broke a little bit but oh wow look at that you know what we could um easily probably glue that back on I gotta find that piece that fell in here okay so that's a really cool piece is there another man I see is there another man look at that that's cool this thing's on your wall yeah that's where I was into like Western stuff I definitely use that yeah that is cool oh there's another man in here you're right I gotta make sure that piece I get it okay oh there's some man there's all kinds of stuff in here let's see hopefully it's not personal photos and lots of well they'll show you guys oh yeah this is not yeah it's all personal photos guys let me give this back to the family here man they have a lot of personal photos in this in this storage unit yeah you have tape stuck to you huh yeah tape that's okay okay ready oh is that a man or a lady that's a lady is it a lady cowgirl oh no this is the man that's the man oh my goodness guys and he's not broken wow whoa wow now that is cool huh look at him is that not a cowboy hold my spirit sweet sign okay [Music] handcrafted in in Thailand I don't know [Music] let's see what is this oh this is a really cool Frost guys okay ready so it's a boot on the end it looks nice I thought it was a cross here it is oh maybe not never mind Oh no you're right or no it's it is across oh my gosh somebody's gonna want this that's cool you're hanging on the wall look at that it's got like um a raised Edge to it somebody's gonna want that that's a really cool piece maybe we'll have like a cowboy auction yeah you know Western oh our Western auction yeah look at this cute that's really cool that's nice we got a few of them in here what the heck is that what is this oh it's a it's a bug thing it's a Scentsy is it yeah oh it's so Scentsy weird I think you've never seen that before okay might run into oh no no personal photos ready it's nice boom look at that it goes with that big one it's got the Stars yeah oh yeah you know I think you're right oh it's here let me see I think you're right honey you're ready yes you're right yeah a little different but good call there look at that that is cool somebody out there likes Western stuff and they're a beautiful shape this is personal let me give this back to the person on here all right personal personal here we go ready oh wow you're gonna like this one oh cool look at that some boots should we auction these off guys anybody anybody interested in these oh it kind of goes with this yeah those two go together these two go together right right so those two are the ones maybe we'll sell them as a set ready ready oh wow this is wood man oh man look at that that is cool and I bet you this is made out of old reclaimed wood that is really cool somebody that's big guys look at the wood uh look at the I think it's made out of maybe old wood that is really really cool that's probably one of my favorite pieces today okay what is this it's in there it's in there oh it's personal I think it's personal let me just double check special photographs oh yeah oh yeah personal now my rule is if it's a black and white photo I'll show you guys but if it's colored photos I will not show you but old you know 60 70 year old photos I'll show you you guys ready look at the writing on this I'm gonna give it back to the family I'm gonna give it back to the family but I wanted to sh I can show black and white photos I I love you can show color too but I I only show black and white on my channel but look at that I'm gonna give this back to the family it looks like a family reunion yeah it could be and this one is also black and white kinda oh great cute yeah so that this is also going to go back put in the family pile yep that will go back to the fam fam fam okay ready hey will maybe they had like a Western Wall oh I found the pieces I found the piece of the gun right there okay ready oh she's broken a little bit yeah dang it yeah she's broken just a little bit ready but maybe it can be fixed like right there see but I think it can be fixed um that is a gorgeous looking horse though I think it could be fixed I got made out of the wood no it's something something I don't know oh wow look at this that's cool oh man it smells really old in there like just the old musky smell you know oh wow that is old it's a five gallon see five gallon where's the tag for it you guys can see man this is really cool wow this is old five gallon liquor or what does that say five gallon this is five gallon CEO Ellis and Sons or something Philadelphia liquor or was that same liquid I have no idea oh liquid yeah it's uh from Philadelphia I was thinking milk oh it could be milk yeah foreign this is more modern more modern stuff and this is the last item in here folks look at that this is the last item oh man oh man that is cool all right that's it for the storage unit oh wait that's not it for the storage unit we have one more bag oh my gosh sorry guys sorry one more bag over here and it's fitting it's in a bag it's fitting oh oh look at that oh that's cool that's a old Budweiser looks like glass um it is a um yeah this glass actually Budweiser glass yeah can you have monster truck oh the kids are gonna like that the kids are gonna like that here's a blue light filter oh this is for when you're um you know on your computer we might auction that off actually oh let me know if you're watching the comments this actually goes to your camera you bought it's brand new that camera could have been brand new guys this has not even been open so hoop uh next item you buy I'll try to put this in your lot okay and we'll give this to our kiddo when we get home all right now that's the end of the video that's the end of the video end of the locker look at that oh my lordy Lord guys this is a really cool locker really really cool locker hopefully you guys had a great time oh my gosh it's been insane right honey seven videos normally we don't we try not to do that because people are like I don't want to see the same Locker millions of times you know seven hours yeah it's probably been over seven hours nice day in Oregon we're in Oregon it's a Sunday but when you're watching this I'll probably be a few days after great facility here by the way it's a beautiful facility all right well it all must come to an end sorry folks eventually everything comes to an end that's the one guarantee in life right anyway hopefully you guys had an amazing time hit the Thumbs Up Button make sure you're following me on whatnot in the description in the comments um a lot of that Western stuff I'm going to sell on whatnot so make sure you're following me on whatnot so you guys uh can buy some of it if you like it but uh all right guys I gotta get going much love too until the next one Wade Ashley Graham adventures and the kids are out any last words thank you oh it's over until the next one it's been been long I feel like I've lived here now we got our pictures on the walls that's the sink over there this is our bedroom we're gonna make our living room right here put a little couch over here anyway see you guys later bye now
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 254,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandon storage, Storage videos, Storage auction, Life storage auctions, Storage wars, Storage treasures, Storage unit, Storage locker,, Live auctioneers, Auction house, Online storage auctions, Storage wars full episodes, 2023 storage auctions, 2023, Abandoned places, Abandon storage lockers, Abandon storage units, Self storage videos, Auction videos, Storage auction videos
Id: o3HlJyJlhHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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