Abandoned MONEY Just Left Alone In Storage Locker For YEARS!

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all right welcome in to another way Adventures video um should we give Malay the land real quick yes okay so it is just the next day it is the there's zero snow you guys are gonna think this was filmed like a week after but we had to wait till the black ice melted to get here now remember there was this is just the next day from the foot some of the footage that you've already been seeing so pretty insane how like it looks like it's like a completely new day out here we're gonna see a few more days of this because it's gonna be we're gonna having a strange winter weather off and on daily but it's gonna be more snow yeah tomorrow morning we have black ice this morning so welcome to another unboxing if you're new here make sure you subscribe okay we're gonna be buying the last storage units in facts we bought three at this facility I still gotta film and pick up three more we're planning on buying over 100 units this year I hope he doesn't do it in one day no I'm gonna try not to this stuff that all the facilities auction off all their stuff in one day they don't stagger it so then there we go um we got this old old Chandelier and we can't take this thing out guys because it looks like it there's a it's very old it's metal and yeah and it's I I don't know I don't know much about this chandelier all I know is this pieces it's in pieces and I don't want to take it out of the box it's a good project for somebody yes um all right so let me move this real quick I'll have you hold the camera let's watch it and uh I gotta be careful because the bottom looks like it's having issues on the chandelier we've had a couple bottoms come out recently very good all right let's go all right got another box here this is the next box I see nothing I'm writing just so you guys know we're still working here we got a few more boxes to go all right get working get working okay oh okay this is something a little different there we go her shoes it's something a little different oh that's a person movable doll are you sure it's worth it she's got flat legs oh what do you mean legs I don't know if they were meant to be that way or if they've opened out in time is it porcelain or rubber it's not porcelain because it's a hard material but why would her legs go flat if they had air in them before they're just super tired she's just laying down a lot I don't know I guess that's how I feel at night uh I don't know what to do with this these legs what do you think I don't think they're meant to be that way I think they just happen that way but it makes her very unique could get a little wheelchair okay I think that'd be cute okay next I don't know what to say about that oh what about uh let's take the stuff on top out first oh tender it's a boy's bear oh there we go yep boys two boys Bears they're very collectible what's the date on them do you see oh 2007 so 2007 2000 oh yeah they're expensive oh yeah 15 years ago is 20 bucks a bear right oh man okay those are people love those we'll put them down here boys Bears boys Bears I love them when I get them I put them on my Poshmark I can't believe we're finding different stuff those little buckets are cute we just have oh this is all art art stuff a little fun you make little gift buckets huh you know for Easter maybe this is something that's really I was waiting to get to that I didn't look at that that hanging in a kitchen would be soaked wait that'd be cute in your kitchen and they're ceramic aren't they yes they're ceramic they're breakable yeah those are so cute those are nice I love those we'll set them over here oh wow oh look it's a hat that's a hat planter hat basket yeah they spent 20 20 bucks on it it's a oh okay so yeah you plant stuff in here wow it's a wicker hat I've never seen one like that before oh this is a little jewelry box thing it has a drawer that opens oh that's nice nice something different I like it I like it you got little bees I think they're views oh a little popcorn what is this oh that's the paper mache car oh those are nice cute little candle holders I think yeah those are nice oh yeah you do put candles in them oh here's a a table uh a crocheted uh vintage table scarf this is a nice one guys oh who's this is this your uh oh that's a it's supposed to be an Easter that's a cute bunny look how it's got all those different flowers on it soft all right guys well there you go oh oh oh I guess her legs aren't flat is their legs flat no her legs aren't wow oh she's go she's a porcelain doll she's gorgeous we gotta keep her out her oh we don't want her to break let me see it all she's so much beautiful I need to adjust the hat and I can't with my mittens on she is she is wow Speedy gravel I would have thought put it in a planter some random stuff in here all right we're gonna box it oh we do have this this is cool oh I love that oh they got looks like they paid 10 bucks for it it's a gym Shore it's sure cute gym short guys real cute it's early make sure you hit the thumbs up button for us get your you got your cold you're supposed to be home you guys got some coffee or something all right let me put all this stuff back real quick gotta be careful with this gym Shore and everything else we'll be right back those are nice those are those would be nice hanging somewhere they'd be cute in your house actually all right next boxes and today's adventure it's still cold out here oh there you go first I can take Aussie places yeah I don't think he's gonna like that he wouldn't like that but isn't that cute they decorate them I bet it's a handful it's all metal and hand painted it's a little bird cage yeah you decorate those little flowers in them oh yeah patriotic stuff yeah Fourth of July sold I think this whole box is Fourth of July a metal the shrink is oh it's a butterfly and the screens is delicate oh oh there's two of them oh they match they're metal what would you do with these Planters or collectors or whatever you want in them put put crafts in there yeah or plants I like this and they're a set yeah that's cool I like metal items that's kind of that box we're having some different stuff here we haven't seen any Villages yet oh well they're coming they're coming are you sure I don't think we had a fire station or what a police station we have a grocery store already we're missing those okay come on I I'm anxious okay let's see it's oh careful I know this dude is made oh wow oh oh wow look at this an old Mickey alarm clock that is cool Pink Panthers yes look at this we forgot I forgot to show you this yeah did you see the Panthers this is a whole setup this is the Pink Panther collection UAC uh Joffrey oh made in Japan I love them oh my goodness guys will you ever watch those old Pink Panthers yes they're way before your time I've seen them um this these are all made in Japan wow we might have to get these things checked out I think this has a plug on it like it's a salt and pepper it is we might have to get those checked out there's a salt and pepper yes I hope there's another one I love salt and pepper shakers they're like my feet gotta be careful with this one this one is fine quality made in Japan made in Japan is this a squishable um no it's a Pizza Pal ever since you found those Squishables ever since you found them oh open that up can't wait to find another squishable lot unit oh isn't that this is a Charles Dickens Department 56 ornament yeah but this is a special one because this is a collaboration Charles Dixon House ornament oh we gotta be careful with this I'll put it back together wow that is a cool one that was a collaboration kind of like Starbucks I hope we can two of those let's see let me turn this a little bit here the lights kind of weird today it's not shining directly in okay what else we got in here we have a limited edition 19 1988. limited edition bear huh oh what's going on here thimble was stuck on it an organ thimble huh we should give this away as a free gift to somebody that buys from organ fabric from us they got to be in Oregon now this is handmade in Peru oh there is we're gonna have to put these in there carefully handmade in Peru I'm surprised they're not in here very careful but oh there's a purse oh there's three of them but have you noticed none of this stuff's broken there's three so obviously they knew what they're doing there's a family picture in here some family pictures in here yeah we will I can't believe the Pink Panther man somebody's gonna want this I like the pink oh I like her she's brass oh yeah brass Angel holder we'll put her with the other angels okay what else we find in here this goes with this oh look at this and it's got marble did we break anything no not yet oh not yet I'm working on it okay a couple uh personal photos in here and we have yeah see I'm working on it looks like some random stuff absolutely love this it's on marble and it's brass just needs to be tightened on the bottom that is nice a win win thing all right what's your favorite thing mine's Pink Panther I want to see these I love those but those were cleaned up and you put candles in them and hang them on your back Patty back patio a lot of candle holders in here what's up is that we filmed right here guys GoPro a lot of candy holders okay my favorite thing Pink Panther okay okay all right we gotta put we gotta be really careful putting this away because it is breakable so we'll be right back don't go anywhere we got another box coming we got a bunch of boxes coming [Music] [Laughter] I think I found one oh we'll be right back all right let's see what we found what did we find the good stuff the good stuff the expensive stuff the stuff I like oh these these are the good pillows so these are brand new squares they want 16 bucks a thing for them look at this one oh yeah they're quilting yeah are you keeping those let me see oh oh no never oh never ooh okay here's another one this is Christmas these are cool I like these musicals man this is heavy these are music that one's a musical one this is Riley Blake designs and this has music that's a 60 six dollars for one of these oh my gosh guys 66 bucks for one pack here this is incredible this one's thirty dollars I mean look at that oh I love the birds and the snowman look at this whole bag of one of them they all match there we go I'm ready to make a whole quilt out of there yes I bet each one of these is like 25 bucks and this one even has the thread in this kit look at that these are cute yeah like this all goes together and she included the thread wow so everything's there this is the hunting kit it's something kit to make something oh oh never mind needles in the Grove um I saw the uh yeah they're called kits and they're they got even the thread in it that makes it easy yeah makes it nice oh look at here's one she that's she made as a sample oh how cute is that wow she was talented I sold a couple of these on well I think you should sell this one on yeah okay pop it up so they can see it they haven't seen it yet oh yeah okay all right little floppy things oh they should put a p underneath too yeah and I think and then the back is cute too but she was talented these are cardinals aren't and I would uh you should this should be in your whatnot sale possibly possibly we got some more over here oh we got another one we have snow oh oh it's a cute bat oh here's another Riley break Blake a whole thing of it look at this one these are these are what the kids are these are samples of what her kids are oh yes she probably had these hanging up in the kits underneath them yep I agree smart huh these are I used to crochet pillows and I buy these really nice pillows this is the stuffing yeah they're also pillows all sewn together so you just put your things over you want to make some pillows I can't right now too bad we can't fly a bunch of our audience around the world to one area and you guys can have a so so off oh wouldn't that be fun we could have a sewing bee yeah yeah maybe we need to start a uh GoFundMe and we can pay for everybody's tickets yeah yeah wouldn't that be fun we could all get together and have a little sewing bee yeah all right this was all brand new folks there is a lot of money here I love this box look at that 66.75 for one pack but that's what those kids were we were showing the samples of them oh yeah all right let's go ahead and see what's in this next box you know she didn't tape anything it's so weird like why not tape this stuff boxes okay let's see okay this isn't what I'm moving about by the way are those these are canning jars they're charged with a great shape to them jelly jars is what I do oh yeah huh those would be jelly jars jelly jars these are what I wanted I love old stuff like these those are all from the 60s and the 70s yes and there's two different sizes we got uh oh there's a birdhouse like what is that in there in the quarter yeah it's a yeah I think it's a Hut oh okay I don't know what these are for those are nice sunflowers okay let's pull up the hut it's a bird Hut is it yeah yeah okay but it's stuck on these flowers candle holders these look like silver yeah this is a a piece of it's just wood that you decorate you paint it yourself and decorated yeah and hang it outside I need to get more birdhouses for my house I've got bird houses I really do let me grab this thing that's what I was trying to get I love wow and it's got the orange original this is all wood and you've decorated in inside with plants wow look at beautiful and birds oh you can open up the bottom of it yeah Debbie you can put some of your birds in there wow this is all wood right here somebody's gonna want this everybody's Gonna Want It all right okay now we have a treasure treasure chest let's see what's inside hopefully a lot of treasure oh sorry guys we're dealing with the mittens here like I can't get it open you're supposed to be the unboxer okay what do we got here an empty craft box this is this is almost like a uh Taco Box yeah but it's pink and purple for crafts so somebody can put their thread in here yeah or lots of stuff your embroidery stuff I like it all right so what else we got here just random stuff looks like it that's it all right let me put all this away and we shall be right back what's your favorite item oh that this yeah somebody's gonna want this that's my favorite item without a doubt at this box all right guys stack it perfectly you know I don't do perfect stack it perfectly you know I don't what's up guys okay everybody keeps asking me Wade where can I buy the stuff that you find in storage units I'm putting it all the information right here for you um yes I find a lot of interesting stuff with storage units so if you want to purchase any of this stuff from me directly from me um we're gonna be selling it on whatnots okay what not is an uh auction platform that allows me to auction off everything that I find in storage units and it gets sent directly to you it is amazing it is super easy and it is free also uh UK Canada you viewers can also buy from me now not just the United States the United States UK Canada and a list of other countries can now buy stuff from me on my auctions live uh which is going to be every Tuesday at 2 p.m Pacific Standard time so in the next clip I'll show you exactly how you can do that um by the way if you all the links will be below to download whatnot make sure you use the link because they actually give you 15 bucks free just for signing up that you can can use towards one of your items that you purchased with me today so everything will be on the next clip see you soon don't forget guys 15 completely free if you're new to whatnot they'll give you 15 bucks free on your first order uh just click the link in the description of this video or you can go to like the first comment I'll pin it there it'll take you right to the download page if you want to download their app on your phone or if you want to go to the desktop sign up it takes two seconds and get ready for the auction because you'll need to be signed up before the auction guys if you already have what not downloaded just go ahead and search Wade's ventures in the search bar and you're ready to rock see you soon guys all right so let's go let's go next boxes that's fragile everything and it's nothing I don't need nobody's gonna say I lost my knife I do not like bubbles don't we have to sweep okay go ahead no I had to sweep so I shouldn't be doing that yeah I transferred it to you now okay let's see what this is I can't get this one out oh thank you what's the tag say pink dishes it says pink dishes on there is that what it says yeah on the box oh paint's good we like pink they are pink what are they they're Vernon where made in USA is this the same stuff made out of Texas remember that everybody's going bonkers over it might be I don't know made in the United States Vernon where but see there's a whole bunch of it look at these I think this is the stuff that people are going crazy this is the stuff that people are going crazy for that was made in Texas or something it does break oh this is a picture oh tiny tiny little made in the United States and see the picture oh yeah that was in there wow so they do break they're not that plastic does it all over anywhere let's try this right here I think this is and they're pink they're all pink yeah yeah that's the place yep I recognize that oh there's a pattern to it open that up for some reason it rings the bell where this was made in Texas those ones in Texas I didn't know what they were and everybody went crazy over them I mean I sold them on my auction I could be wrong but and they loved them they went after them they liked it they knew it was oh yeah there's design almost I it's called tickled pink it's they're heavy yeah Vernon where and there's all of them here like there's a whole bunch yeah Vernon where Tickle Pink seeing it all matches there's a couple oh wait we found one like that that's a cup well I have a feeling we didn't know what we had no no no uh remember I brought one to you yeah yesterday or yeah before that looks at that same pattern yeah burning tickled pink and it's got uh stitching on it or something well it's got a design kinda all right well we don't want to take all of it out no no if you guys know about this Vernon where let us know because I I don't know put that one back that one's special it's got a place they're all special I think I pretty much like them a lot yeah oh there's another one burnware okay now we have this is called French country dishes this one's actually taped can you believe it they actually taped that one use your arms okay are you everybody's gonna be like get your gloves okay let's see what we got in here oh careful open that up oh oh oh oh These go to the dishes we found yesterday and these are like the accessories yeah I think so look at this oh oh Lordy Lord isn't that cute yes yeah it's country French Iron Stone made in Japan that is beautiful and it's made in Japan it's really good yeah I love everything in Japan hand painted yeah this one's a great shape country French yeah these are Big accessories like that we got the whole set now probably yeah we okay we don't want to take all the other ones out no no no you'll see them though because I'm gonna put them on my thoughts part I'll try to do it within a month yeah remember Google search Gram Adventures on Poshmark she's got a thousand items that are more on there and feel free to make offers yes all right let me put this stuff away real quick since it's breakables in the truck I love this though the most yeah somebody's gonna tell me what that is Vernon where I like tickled yeah yeah all right it has frostbite on it why because I think wine does yeah does it look Frozen so we found these really all oh you open it up really quick no anticipation well I thought there'd be gold uh we have not looked inside of these so all right I was looking for gold this is really old though right here very cool isn't it and the little bags that match it's an old job a little bit our hands are so cold okay next one it felt like I heard Ice Break yeah you know you know they're sitting in the cuff of their home watching this right I wish they could feel some of this it's insane okay well it's like we always wanted to smell the stuff too yeah yeah here's another what is this from the 30s I'm guessing 30s 40. yeah very old very old okay put that back okay let's open this up this is heavy by the way is it [Music] what is in here Santa socks we got Santa socks little Santa socks oh what are these oh wooden things that you you decorate oh yeah they're crazy Christmas stuff this would be fun for kids to do too oh yeah uh I don't know my girl boys okay we have singers so you go to that I go to this okay okay show that show that beautiful thing isn't that cute oh this says California Pantry on the back from 203. I like that I love the flowers this is actually full there's two of them and they have the original uh they have everything remember in the 70s everything looked kind of shaped different and it was like I don't remember that go ahead these kind of this kind of reminds me definitely of the seven is it in there yeah it's full of heavy I couldn't get it open but I I shook it yep two of them are these are the foot pedals right oh I'm thinking I'm thinking okay I think this is a sewing machine cover yeah you're probably right or Fabric and this is a kit of some kind okay and oh yeah this is those ancient CDs you told me you can do 96 ancient CDs in there they're all brand new some people still do the CDs there we go let me know if you guys still listen to CDs I'm curious oh scrapbooking stuff is that what that is yeah yeah oh childhood memory there's a ton of them in here crap yeah check this out let's check that out what kind of Scrappy yeah it is awesome it's all scrapbooking papers it shows it on the front oh wow yeah all of this is scrapbooking there's a few there's a Mickey Mouse one look at the Mickey Mouse wow there's journaling uh people are people are saying your auction is right now I'm getting I'm getting notifications saying you put scheduled your auction today and everybody's away you know what when I went in and looked at the schedule on Saturday it wasn't there I thought I didn't I thought I did it wrong oh yeah all right okay everybody we'll be there Saturday they're not gonna see this darn okay yeah they're not gonna see this in time for Saturday oh darn yeah okay all right let's put all this back real quick yeah it wasn't there I will put these guys in there somebody's gonna want these does anybody still listen to CDs let me know in the comments if you guys okay now let's let's open this box up real quick and see what's in here okay I read that oh Snow Village oh yeah we didn't have a greenhouse yet this is snowy Evergreens okay six mediums okay we gotta open that one up that's a big one this is a greenhouse I'll open it up and while you're doing that I'll show them the rest here this is all Studio 56 we have Bright Lights lighted uh looks like a deer or a reindeer got a picket fence a white picket fence Studio 56 I put um I put a video of The Studio 56 on Tick Tock and people are going crazy over it they've never seen this much vintage Studio 56 in one area before I love the greenhouse I think I'm gonna love it might have to do without gloves yep because we don't want to break it off here there's loose lights oh we lost a tree it comes off it goes right in that pot put the tree back there we go perfect now look inside the greenhouse yes it's heavy is it no it's right there this is nice it is heavy really really heavy and when it I bet those three lights on the top light up when you plug it in it does have the little trees in there yeah yeah that is so crazy they made something a little detail work on it you wonder why this stuff's so expensive they did some really good job they're really good work on the on those okay let me put all this back real quick let me know if you guys like the greenhouse I love the greenhouse and they're growing stuff when it's snowing that's impressive wow that's what greenhouses can do why we need one all right so let's see what we have I'm gonna start working on these boxes guys because I need a little more room to get through here The Nanny and the priest preschoolers what is going on with this unit we're going to a Chris a pageant how what they made every little thing in life what is going on every little thing in line this was 25 bucks just this little package 20 years ago all right so but when we put them down let's put them down with the images up yeah we have a little phone booth does anybody still have a phone booth oh that'd be so cool I love phone those old-fashioned phones I used to use them uh now snowing White Christmas this is a lot of people there's a lot of people in this one we have a parade oh mark I mean this is the the most expensive Christmas you can pretty much never get these all back in that box no it's like a puzzle I've got uh we have there's a lot of people we have our gates for uh our mansion I wonder if she put these oh we have these people are rowing puppies or they're going to get rid of those puppies yeah okay these are really cool oh yeah that's bigger now it's bigger now we got some bigger stuff okay this is a plane plane oh okay open that one up oh wow this is a used car I used car lot they even have a used car now see I was trying to be funny oh my gosh I never thought a used car lot yeah so Studio 56 is like hey oh and they wanted 50 bucks for this 20 years ago by the way oh oh wow I used car lot is that a plane a literally flying plane let me see this flying plane oh my gosh it's even got a pilot in there all this is hand painted all right we just decided now we're gonna need two rooms and uh one room can be the country stuff the log cabin and all that wow we're gonna have to have an airport don't worry guys you're gonna have a chance to buy all this probably in October let's open this one up here real quick this is a Grandma's Cottage oh let me see uh I can't pick it up with one hand but Grandma's Cottage I'm trying to get that back there and I can't okay let's see what this Grandma's Cottage looks like at least it's not raining guys or snowing so I can put stuff out here I'll just wait five minutes let's see while you're opening up that let me sneak peek in here oh my gosh more there's more and there's more lordy Lord this isn't incredible let's see what we got oh it's in see everything's so nice it's in there it's got a nice Cottage samba's not playing around that's not any ordinary little cottage she must be selling her cookies or something she's selling something illegal or illegal Grandma's getting crazy with it this is Grandma's Cottage Studio 56 and this was from 1992. this particular one we got we got Studio 56 from the 80s and 90s okay and the original Rock Creek Mill House now that one is gonna look nice is that for the lumber yard yeah we have the lumber yard we have everything oh dear we're gonna have to wait on this one I don't even know they can come up with all these buildings right okay let's let's see what else we got in here this looks like a castle uh that one the University Club and they wanted 60 bucks for it and it's a university we're gonna not open that one up it's got a beautiful photo buy a house you got ta go to a realty they even have a Realty where do they put all these well we're gonna like do we have the whole collection here like everything I bet you we do This Is A Christmas Carol reading by Charles dicks dick Dixon oh that goes in the park he's giving him a Christmas story yeah I'll take care let me no we need to see the Milhouse this that I I think it's gonna look beautiful and it's big oh someone's falling out of it too I cannot believe somebody's shopping list so somebody gets new sneakers let me know in the comments does anybody in here own Studio 56 I'm really curious if you do I'm sure you don't own 65 boxes yeah yeah I don't think they do no normal person would is that the bottom okay there we go oh wow the meals for water and stuff exactly what we had to unbox it this one is nice and they all have their uh certificate of authenticities here too okay look at that okay okay is it heavy oh it sells feed oh wow a Mill House itself oh even the sign moves look at this yeah I know look at the side move this is nice guys oh I don't even know if this is stuff's ever been unboxed really I don't wait I don't think any of it has I mean look at that oh does that move yeah it rattles that don't move look at that somebody's gonna want this I like the stone fireplace Yep this is from night or 1998 is this Studio 56 working there it's all hand painted yeah can you imagine well they probably hand painted a crap ton of them yeah like assembly line status yeah but they're all a lot of these are limited edition and what I didn't know when I was looking at the boxes is all of them are numbered on the boxes yeah they all have their own number I knew that so they're all unique yeah all right let me put all this away real quick and we shall be back somebody's gonna want that and the fishery one well they're somebody's gonna want everyone every one of them all right purple we have purple it's all brand new this is this this looks like thinner stuff though that is thinner so what do you make out of a blanket well you can make a blanket uh they make thin yarn makes very pretty things do I leave blankets table toppers and those are thick yes and now we got uh look at these all these different uh needlepoint kits these are all brand new I love this embroidery kit so you can make tablecloths yes and all everything's in there and I used to do so many of these I used to do pillowcases for everybody I knew because I loved embroidering nine bucks each holy moly would you uh do you think we should auction all these off as one or put a couple lots of these together well I'd make sure I didn't do duplicates that's what I did and the ones we got in that one unit I did them all different in in about three different mods there's some breakables yeah you could do a few but you want to make sure they have none the same we don't have this one yet and the butterflies here's some interfacing for for like purses and things you can make your purses yeah oh oh beautiful angels those are nice I love the white and gold ones there's a there's a set of them a boy and a girl These are nice you know what these are year-round too I I like Angels year-round unless they're dressed like Christmas but these oh look at this one it's a music right there angel with heart music box okay let's play us a song remember last time we got all the music boxes let's see if you can recognize the song I can't okay we I don't know if you guys uh remember watching this but we bought a unit and there's probably 400 music boxes like this in it oh it's dark um it's the one that went viral so if you guys go check it out I think it went 1.5 million views or something like that 1.2 but it had like two or three hundred of these uh music boxes in there and they're all from Japan so go check it out that was a really cool video this is handmade in Japan says so on the bottom oh nice probably hand painted too that's what it said hand-painted in Japan that's nice oh my gosh you recognize the dreams now what's the story on that I was trying to remember she fled the country yeah because uh or something because it's her and her uh husband oh it's so much in taxes they did flee flee the country you'll have to look it up there's a big long story on them but they're still collectible they're still collectible but they had to quit making them they're all retired this is looks like with that Japan yeah this is old right here folks got cobwebs on it anybody like old music boxes let me know this is actually about a six inch boom look at that she pretty she is very pretty oh she is pretty look at that my goodness this units this is getting bigger this unit they're getting bigger as we go down this unit is insane all right let's see what else we got oh got another one that matches her is it let's see oh yeah it does two of them they're about eight inches large angels put you over there oh yeah they're getting bigger and heavier as we go down in the Box yeah there's some oh my gosh look at the one down there now she matches them too there's three of them who are yeah these are really heavy angels the detail and there's no chips on these guys that she really took care of her stuff oh this is a cute little candle holder I think this is awesome on it oh yeah now we got another music box coming up here's that's the boy yeah what's the other one oh right there so we got a boy and a girl see this is the boy and the girl music boxes yep let me scoot them over here oh out of the blue we got a porcelain doll with her stand she doesn't want to come out it's just like I've been here too long he was warm yeah okay let's see oh she's gorgeous and she's got original tag look at her face and her clothes this is Paradise Galleries the world's finest porcelain dolls she's one of the prettiest ones I've seen in a long time oh yeah in perfect condition okay now we got him I love her shoes oh this is gonna be cute I have a feeling oh no look at the face I know it is so cute well no look at the face yeah I know oh wait wait what's going on right now do you need some water like what happened here I mean I get uh I thought he was pounding I didn't know he had a hole in it yeah beauty is in the eye of the beholder here but my goodness okay next let's let's act like that I gotta do some digging we're keeping that on camera okay uh she is this one's got no chips you know there's very few of them that are broken oh well you had to say that why did you get one that's broken yeah she's got her wings her wings are broke no her wings are right there yeah but they're broke off oh they need to be glued back on or are you gonna miss that one too all right let's check this oh this one's brand new still got its original uh talking on there oh that one's brand new gorgeous gorgeous oh it's an angel porcelain doll in perfect condition and beautiful she is kind of like that one right there that one is so special it's unreal what we're finding this unit folks oh my gosh look at this candle holders it holds three candles Three Angels somebody's gonna want that wait that's a drinking word today somebody's gonna want that because everything in this unit somebody wants are you sure because if they don't I do okay ready oh I love the blue these dolls are brand new in perfect condition you know sometimes we get porcelain dolls and you can tell they've sat out yeah but these are not she took care of everything oh look at this one even her fabric was in fantastic condition her dresses just need s left is all okay we'll fluff them up fluff them up she looks older than the other ones well maybe she's an older dog no she's not older she just you know the she's got an older style too yeah she's more grown up yeah she's more grown up okay we've got one last item okay ah cute little angel oh this one's thick yeah and heavy it's a heavy Angel yeah oh it's numbered here as well is it numbered yeah it says um mind print uh 2001. oh we're gonna have to look that one up she's over 20 years old yeah all right what's your favorite one all right it's one of the porcelain dolls and I think it's the burgundy one right here I actually believe it or not like this one with the blue eyes yes uh yeah this one's my favorite I so and I like that one there too all right a lot of a lot of stuff's going on Graham Adventure store so linkles links will be below for everything if you want to go shop Grandma Ventures he needs an angel we're gonna go put these uh put these back it may take us about 10 minutes so we'll be back 10 minutes don't go anywhere take a look at all this fat and we're starting to uncover even more Fabric in here right it's just amazing I mean this is really getting crazy here I love it it's so much variety yeah I mean look at all this folks there's wool in that one right there I mean I don't know by the way this is not even close to what's in the other unit for fabric we have two more units yeah of her stuff Oh Lordy Lord Lori I know part of the 65 boxes is in some of the other units I mean there's no way they're all in here let me give you how how high this is I mean I'm telling you guys uh there's all there's it's insane all right we got we gotta get working we don't have time for this so let's go ahead open the next one up open the next one up oh I don't know where my is that one box really taped and it's I can give you like I can't it has a department no way careful don't go too deep all right Apartment 56 is in it and we still have a lot of boxes to go through back there and we're good we're gonna be seeing it in my dreams yeah instead of Johnny Depp you wonder why she you know and I don't mean to sound harsh I'm not trying to sound harsh but you wonder why she lost the unit guys I mean there's like 45 Department 56. 30 40 000 so the Department 56 will put you in debt oh my gosh is it there it's there yeah we know we know all right unless it's big big we won't show the we'll show the pictures okay heading for the hills okay I don't want to lose your keys I'll put them in my pocket some more trees okay didn't we get our toe shop already or no yeah we got a garage oh look at our little camper okay that looks like the really cool old-fashioned and we got more people we got too many people for this Village I think we're gonna need more houses I don't lights okay this one I will save and open up okay oh we got we got that City I'm the electric bill for the city has to be high because we have more street lights and yeah let's just say the city needs their electric Bill's gonna be a little high oh we got a net cool car okay and oh we're even gonna charge them for parking and that one all right you unbox those five ice cream parlor about time and then we'll do the mystery one okay so about time we had an ice cream parlor oh we need one but it's not really a day for ice cream but to me any day I read this thing a while ago I don't know if I told you this but more ice cream is sold during the wintertime than the summer time I know my dad eats ice cream in the middle of the night every night and has for many years big tubs yes okay here we go I don't worry guys we have not broken item yet oh no there's little packing stuff that falls off yeah look at that so out of all these let us know what your favorites uh Department 56 is I think they need to wait till we see all 65 boxes foreign look they still kept their their paperwork in here 1990s I mean I'm telling you that they I'm gonna figure this out later I don't like to do it on camera because I look very inept no you're fine any anybody it takes a while for anybody okay what do you think this is before you open it up turn the camera so they can't see no what do you think they can't close their eyes okay yummy here okay they're closing their eyes all right they're closing their eyes better keep them close they're close stop breathing get here can you hurry they're closing their eyes what is it it's someone's house here let me uh I'm the one with one hand here okay oh it's Grandma's house I'll bet that looks like my Grandma's old house so how many houses does grandma get though I don't know we need quite a few because we have all these people and we got so we're gonna have a lot of homeless in our little city if we don't get some more houses we need more houses here this is Pacific Heights Department 56 this is old actually this one's from 1986 the year I was born earlier ones this is an earlier one here special maybe that's why the sleeve wasn't there yeah we need to be careful though I do love it though I do you love this okay don't go anywhere I like that better than the ice cream shop shocked when you open it what could this be SV SB I don't know you missed it to hold that a head issue Coca-Cola there we go those are the ones you want those are gonna be really highlights [Music] oh Cola we have a Vintage Tree here a gazebo a gazebo nice any small ones in here no these are all big oh my Lord yeah I was sitting the mountain s oh man this is a big one here okay hold on I got a park oh my gosh that is heavy that is so heavy wow you're right okay here's the police station I was asking for okay I hope they haven't defend them okay so let's go ahead and open that up I like oh which one you want the Coca-Cola well let's get the rest of these out of here first oh an apartment building yes for the people all the people we have okay so let me move the stuff out of here what we're gonna do guys is we're gonna open all this up and show you as they're open so don't go anywhere before sitting on top their boxes yes that way you guys can see what they look like all right oh this this one's different that's a tree oh yeah I wonder all right here we go we have piles and piles and uh I don't know how many so I know that we didn't unbox all of this live but we did find some more boxes that had SV on there and we thought it may just save a little time uh since I gotta get these units out in two days all three of them they're not a quick packing no they um perfect our favorite is definitely the Coca-Cola factory and you can see there they're making their Coca-Cola this one is gorgeous it's from 1994 folks these are older Department 56 we can do our own little Christmas store if we wanted this year maybe we can rent a little uh a little retail space I don't know no we're actually going online we're gonna auction all this off guys so don't worry in October there'll be some Christmas stuff for you guys but here you go and we did be our second annual CR all Christmas every year now we do have some apartments down here we have the police departments and next to the police department uh cup and donuts so that's pretty fitting there it's a Music Emporium they put Donuts by the police department well yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a well-known fact yeah but come on you can be that obvious they probably even delivered they they're that obvious to put a donut shop next to the police department that's an old joke from many many yeah I know I know but many years come on come on uh anyway we got a pizza parlor over here oh I didn't know we had pizza uh we got Nick's Tree Farm we even have a freaking Tree Farm I'm gonna go out by the Log Cabin yeah Main Street gift shop over here uh we have this guy here this is a uh yep another home all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put all this away let us know what your favorite is which is your favorite Coca-Cola I like the bottling company for Coca-Cola yes and you can see the details they actually have holes in the tops I mean they really thought of everything when they made these it's so detailed it's including including the donut shop all right we're gonna put us away real quick and we shall be right back right I cannot believe it but so we're on box I think 40 right now I'm not entirely sure long time ago so what we're gonna do these do all say SV on them but I want to show you guys what's in here so let's show the first box and oh man we have a Christian we have a Christmas shop oh my gosh we have a lot okay let's go to the next box just for a quick second we have a Red Barn a grocery store I wanted and it has a deli we're gonna open that up yeah and then next one we have uh just a bunch of stuff in here I bet that's an ornament because it's shaped like that other ornament we found I think you're right and then we have more here so what we're gonna do is we're going to display all these we're gonna open them up get them all out of the box and display them all and show you guys what we have the real fun is putting them back in the phone yes although it is really hot uh you think anybody could just slap them back in there they don't go really easy no you well they'll understand when they buy it and they get it home all right so we're gonna open it up real quick we'll be right back right here we are so what do you think I think we got a lot more yes um well we finally have our uh Wells Fargo horse and buggy Carriage over there I love that we have the city globe is that a newspaper yeah a Publishing Company looks like yeah Johnson's grocery these are obviously newer Department 56. the boxes are different yeah they're this it's so weird that these are black and white yet when you get in there they're really colorful over the years they changed their styles this is my favorite uh this is the the park Fountain oh that's cute I didn't see that they wanted 84 for this back in the 90s this one 84 bucks for this one pack and then we have some more Coca-Cola accessories Saturday morning downtown I don't know what that's out what that is we have a lighthouse I don't think we've had a lighthouse yet have we or no no that's our first one this downtown one is like uh it's a it's like a set in its own self it has a whole bunch of different pieces in it yeah I like the downtown one so it's kind of a set of its own we have accessories here we have trees more trees we need more trees we do have this which is really cool it's a fire department with a horse and bugs old-fashioned kind coffee or Cafe we have a cafe and a bench when you get tired you can sit there and read your book so there you go guys and some horses as well so what we're gonna do basically is oh they're jumping horses put this away real quick um hopefully you guys like this style as opposed to waiting forever to open the box up um oh and by the way we do have a white Christmas uh looks like a theater oh that's a theater yep I didn't know what that was I you keep forget I keep forgetting what buildings we don't have but they always just pop up oh they're gonna pop up I think oh my God they're gonna pop up guys all right let me put all this away real quick and we shall be right back don't go anywhere uh by the way my favorite is probably the fountain I love this Fountain but I wouldn't mind going to see a movie uh not white Christmas though maybe I would see white Christmas I don't know I watch it every year there you go yes let's do it do we have more SV oh she's she's happy she's big and she's she lights up she's a lamp or something she lights up I think yeah she's got a cord and an on and off switch okay let's see those big beautiful eyes look at her dress it's all quilted it's a quilt oh she lights up right here yeah okay just holding the light I wonder because she's got the plug-in in the on and off switch yep okay well somebody's gonna want it is this Christmas thing uh what what's up with this I think that's just in there for Patty okay probably all right she's nice she's like don't put me in the back of the box back in the box shover in there you're not you're Christmas okay so we have oh there's so much of that okay and and we we're there's another big box right here and I bet we have more trees and uh lights and in here because they're all small all right so give us a second guys we're gonna unbox this because you never know what's in these boxes we're gonna display real quick and we shall be right back except her she is she's napping she's nappy so if anybody is interested let us know all right I'll be right back guys here is the second the second batch of that's actually the fifth batch yeah six or seven deja vu here we go so we have uh we have airplanes we have an airplane Hangar I love the airplanes uh this airplane it says Fine Crystal and art glass limited edition collectors plates Northern Lights I'm not sure wow there's it maybe that's the store where they bought it from an airplane uh hanger over there we got the American flag holiday movers of course you need the holiday Movers um we have some stairs for our rich people the rich people uh we have a hot dog stand which is one of my favorites and we have a people getting trees I don't know where they stuck all this what I want to know is not necessarily where they put this stuff but where did you put the empty boxes at when you had them displayed yeah but it'd take you like a week or more to display it all yeah it would take you any boxes somewhere it would take you two weeks to put the boxes back then you gotta find the boxes and match them to the items yeah oh this is a big chore all right and then this one didn't have a um that one that one's really cool it's a hotel St Anthony Hotel all right guys there you go that's today's videos we're gonna be back tomorrow to finish up the units and we'll show you a bunch of the fabric we got a bunch more boxes so don't go anywhere make sure you hit the Thumbs Up Button hopefully you guys are liking these active videos and uh anyway and we got some Coca-Cola there as well all right guys have an amazing day see hopefully they'll be here based on the weather I mean it's gorgeous out here but you never know out here we made it through black yeah yeah all right guys see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 41,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned MONEY Just Left Alone In Storage Locker For YEARS!, storage locker, storage auction, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit, found cash, self storage, storage treasures, storage wars, abandoned storage, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, treasure hunt, how to make money, found in storage unit, storage hunters, found treasure, auction hunters, storage wars full episodes, treasure hunting, abandoned videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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