All Marines & Their Ranks!! (New Version) - One Piece Discussion | Tekking101

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hey everybody how you doing welcome back and let me just say one thing before we get started with this one go grab yourself a snack this is definitely a snack video we're going to be here for a while don't worry about me i'm good i still got a bag of apples over here so we're set we have one two three four we have four apples left okay so i'm good don't worry about me but yeah you should go probably find something to eat okay so this is actually going to be a remake a remaster as it were of a video i made like five years ago which is crazy to think that 2017 was about five years ago now okay so it was actually one of my favorite videos i've ever made on the channel and it was really early in the days when i was talking about one piece where i went through all of the marine ranks okay so we went through every single rank of the marines talking about the characters that had each rank and it was just a fun video and so i was watching it a couple days ago and i'm like man that'd be really cool if i could do that again and i'm thinking well since it's been almost five years and oda has introduced a few new characters a few characters have been promoted in the marines since then also through the viva cards oda has retroactively gone back and like given names and ranks to characters that before they didn't have those um also i can throw in some filler characters like the great condoriano i mean he was a marine as well i mean he really is the main character of one piece but we can include some filler characters and some movie only characters like zephyr and stuff so i thought okay yeah we can do this again also upon watching that video i remember that i had a really bad cold so in that video i'm very congested and like stuffy nose and i'm like you know talking and you can kind of you know hear that so i'm like all right let's let's redo it again let's do it right this time barry is here as a vice admiral i guess and we also have aokiji and um this is an interesting piece of one-piece merch i've received before this is a smoker but it's erroneously labeled as chief petty officer smoker i mean smoker was probably a chief petty officer but the first time we get introduced to him in the story at logtown he's a captain then he becomes a commodore and now he's a vice admiral so i just thought that was pretty funny right there okay that was that was like a week before the straw hats arrived at logtown he got promoted from chief petty officer to captain quite a promotion i must say but anyway yeah so uh let's just dive right into it we have this giant list here of every single this isn't even all of them because there's marines that like when you when you're talking about filler marines there's some that don't even have ranks so i didn't include them and i also did not include a lot of like the theater productions all for except one character from a play because he has a really funny name so we'll get to him when we get to him but other than that here's pretty much every canon marine as well as most marines that have been given a name and a rank from filler arcs ovas tv specials movies all that stuff on here and so let's get started um with the rank that's not really a rank but it's kind of a rank let's start with choreboy or zatsuyo and zatsuyo in japanese literally just translates to odd jobs all right so this is of course the rank that helmepo and kobe held when they kind of became members of the marines but not really because the way that they joined was very very unusual because remember back at shellstown you had captain morgan that was the cruel marine that ruled over the entire island luffy showed up freed zoro zoro was the one that cut morgan down remember that it wasn't luffy that defeated morgan it was zorro okay so we cut morgan down and then it was commander ripper kind of an intimidating name but he turned out to be a pretty nice guy all things considered that took over the you know the head of the marine base at shells town all right and so luffy and zoro both left they went out to sea to continue their adventure as the straw hat pirates however kobe decided to stay behind now kobe though didn't really i guess qualify for the regular enlistment process in the marines because he was kind of like a chubby kid i guess he wasn't very athletic at the time and so then you had helmepo who was the son of morgan who everybody hated so it was kind of like all right what do we do with these two guys that want to join the marines well helmepo did not want to join but it's like it was either basically he joins the marines as a choreboy and just do odd jobs around the base or they basically just kick him off the island and helmepo you know the way that he was back then he would not have been able to survive on his own in the one-piece world right he would have been homeless essentially so basically that was the best he could get and on the other side kobe on the flip side of that coin he wanted to join the marines so much so he would take whatever job they gave to him it's just like all right i guess we can find something for you to do you know here take this broom and uh you know sweep up the floor um you know captain jim was in the uh the bathroom this morning and oh my god it's a let's just say it's uh it's a war zone in there all right so have fun and then you know commander ripper gives them a mop a bucket and a broom and just leaves okay so for several weeks a few months that's all helmepo and kobe did and how mepo hated every single minute of it because he's just like oh i used to have a nice room and my dad would take care of everything i mean he hated me but he took care of everything i didn't have to worry about anything i could just do whatever i was basically the boss of this town with my wolf you know remember how mepo had a pet wolf that he would just use to terrorize the townsfolk but then kobe was like this is great this is the first step to my adventure to become a great admiral i'm gonna be king of the marines you know so they're really excited right but shoreboy zatsuyo is not an official rank i feel like it was honestly just kind of a rank that ripper just kind of gave to them because he felt bad for both of their situations right i'm sure other marine bases have chore boys maybe it's just like you know civilians in the neighborhood that want to help out but they can't they don't want to actually join the marines officially so they just give them odd jobs i'm sure they're paid to do this but yeah it's not an official rank of the marines that doesn't start until next up we have the 18th and the lowest official rank in the marines in one piece semen recruit there are three ranks of siemens so you better learn them okay semen recruit or santo hey i'll put both the english and the japanese names down here in the lower third actually do you know what these things are called down here these like little third like subtitle bars that show up in like news and stuff they're called chirons i never knew that i went to school for television media and journalism and i never knew that but they're called chirons which is like a coolest name ever for such like a mundane thing it sounds like the name of like a robot lord or something like puny humans you will bow before chiron you know that's pretty cool right so semen recruit first official rank so this is like if somebody wants to actively join the marines the correct way to follow this procedure would you go to your local marine branch whatever one that is and then walk in and be like you know hello there uh my name is jeremy and i just turned 18 years old and i would very much like to join the navy or the marines they're used interchangeably in one piece right and of course the officer at the marine base would look right at that kid and he would be like no we don't want anybody named jeremy in the marines and he would kick him out but then the next guy would come in and be like uh hi my name is fred i would very much like to join the marines ah welcome fred how are you doing come on over here we'll get you all set up all right have you ever fired a gun he's like no well here's a cannon okay so um no i'm sure there's much like how you enlist in the navy or the marines in our world there's probably a written test there's probably like a physical you have to go through to make sure that you have good eyesight and things um so i have a friend that's in the navy and recently he actually told me he was interested in becoming a pilot um to which that blew my mind because i'm like wait a second whoa the navy has airplanes and he's like yeah he's like but there's the air force and the navy it is like the navy has you know planes too you can be a pilot in the navy i'm like whoa so that just blew my mind right there also anybody that's actually in the military right now you know you probably have a better idea for this stuff than i do and i actually because of the last video i made in a few other videos about the marines i've had a few people in the military leave comments and we're going to read a few of those to actually shed some more light on the system that oda has created he takes a few liberties with it but yeah so yeah there's probably a physical there's a written exam they probably have to pass an interview or whatever but if they go through all the proper procedures they become a semen recruit and there's only one person that was actually a semen recruit like officially and that was ukari ukari was a random marine that was at shell town he was one of the marines that was just bullied by morgans uh not morgan's morgan that's there's two characters in wampi's very similar names there but you know captain morgan had that giant statue of himself and he's just like lift my statue you peons and ukari was one of like the poor marines that was like i'm sorry sir i'm lifting as high as i can oh my god please don't hit me with your axe arm you know so you got to feel bad for ukari he kind of drew the uh the short stick there becoming a marine like manny i'm gonna go and make my mom proud i'm gonna be a marine and then like he ends up in shell town with morgan it doesn't work out too well now full body and django both held this rank of semen recruit as well however they had it through unusual means okay so full body was originally a lieutenant and django was a pirate and during the cover page series django's dance dance paradise full body and django meet each other on mirrorball island and they become very close friends however there's a problem django is a pirate and so he has to be brought before a judge to be past sentence probably brought to maybe impel down or maybe some other prison jango didn't have that high of a bounty so he would probably just get thrown in regular prison i don't think he would get thrown an impel down or like executed right away but the outcome would not have been good for django right however through the machinations of django's dance dance prowess you know um the entire freaking courthouse busts out into a dance number including the judge and the jury because this is one piece and it's awesome and because of that the judge is just like oh my this was the most fun i've ever had in my entire life i don't even know why we were here anymore what did you do oh that's right you were a pirate okay all right um well i'm not gonna throw you in jail because you're a really great dancer so um oh okay all right all right here's what we're gonna do here's what we're gonna do you django you're going to be a marine now okay you're gonna have the rank of semen recruit and full body you're a lieutenant right okay well not anymore i'm demoting you because the judge apparently just has the authority to do this i'm demoting you to uh semen recruits so you can watch django so you get a demotion and you become a marine and everything's good just don't get in any trouble oh my god this was great so that was the sentence the judge passed and it actually ended up working out for them because right now they both hold the rank of lieutenant commander all right so it's actually higher than full bodies original rank so that's kind of an interesting idea for full body that he was this very arrogant very snobby kind of marine lieutenant and he was sort of humbled a bit by being dropped back down to semen recruit with his friend django and rising through the ranks under hina properly and now they eventually got to the point where their lieutenant commanders and also i would imagine full body at this point is a lot stronger than he ever was at the beginning of the story at the baratier right okay but yeah that's that's semen recruit then we have the 17th ranked seaman apprentice or nito hey and uh there's actually currently nobody that holds the rank of semen apprentice but considering the fact apprentice is in the name i would imagine at this point i mean i don't know how it exactly works and this probably is not how it works in the actual marines but this is one piece um since it's apprentice it'd be interesting if some of the higher ranked officers maybe a few times a year could actually like recruit seaman apprentices like personally okay so they could kind of just be like hey you know this new recruit seems to have promise you know he's like maybe hina or smoker or somebody of higher rank could accept them onto their own ships and their own crews and like guide them in their own way kind of like the magic knights in uh black clover where they all stand after the exam and they all like hey i want him for the green mantis or i want him for the black bulls or him for the golden dawn it might be something like that um i'm not really sure if that is how it works or it's just a name but there's nobody in the story that's ever been a semen apprentice so i can't really say one way or the other okay so then after semen apprentice we have semen first class ito hey and there's only one individual in the entire story filler or otherwise that has been a semen first class and that's lines lines did his work damn it okay he's the only person that achieved this rank okay and he was one of full bodies men back when full body was a lieutenant so we don't really know what happened to him but assuming that like his rank was stripped you know full bodies ranked so maybe lines went to another marine captain or a lieutenant and worked under them anyway lines was the one that was set to guard gene and then gene broke free and he was one of the marines that got attacked by gene as he was escaping full body ship at the baratier okay so i don't think he died but he might have who knows but that's semen first-class lines all right so now that we're done with all the semen um we're moving on to the petty officers which is not nearly as funny okay so we have the 15th rank in the marines petty officer or gocho also referred to as petty officer third class because much like the seaman there are three classes of petty officer okay so we have petty officer gocho third class and uh the first person we actually have here there's only two characters that have this rank and they're both um filler characters or movie characters um this was zephyr's rank at one point when we see in film z we go through like zephyr's timeline zephyr was a petty officer at one point and we also have comey comey was the great tactician dude he was dressed like the chinese emperor during that nebulandia ova with foxy and anything involving foxy in this story i'm not a huge fan of but i did watch the nebulondia ova it's pretty cool luffy punches him he's one of those marines that he's one of those characters that follows the whole like i'm just gonna make my entire body coded in armament hockey and then i'm invincible and just like what happened with virgo and pika yeah it didn't work out too well for uh for comey luffy punched him really hard and he was defeated there he also briefly did join the foxy pirates but yeah um he started off as a petty officer and we see him in the special as a petty officer he eventually rose through the ranks and by the time the straw hats encounter him at neblulandia he is already a vice admiral and he dresses in this very fancy garb okay so yeah that's that also when you become a petty officer it seems like at this point you're able to have like change your uh uniform attire around a little bit to suit your needs so you know how like a lot of marines wear the justice coat on their back or some variation thereof that's only available to officers okay so if you're an infantry like here uh choreboy all the way up to warrant officer that's an infantry or sailor class and then everything from ensign onwards is an officer class you can have the justice code but when you reach petty officer you can't wear the justice coat but it seems like you can at least wear modified clothing a bit like for example kobe's outfit was a little bit different than the standard like standard issue sailor outfit that you get when you first enlist okay i wonder if the marines have like a clothing line like a store you could go to at marine hq which has like a bunch of different stylized marine outfits and you can maybe get like an outfit tailored to your personal design if you really wanted to as long as it covers the policy of the marines and the dress code and it's primarily like blue and white in color because those are the colors of the marines i guess you could get like a a sweater a turtleneck a vest you can kind of get whatever you want a trench coat you know that'd be really cool i want to be a marine but i want to be like a dark mysterious marine can i get like a long trench coat it's just like sure fine whatever you know that would be really funny and you can kind of start wearing that stuff when you become a petty officer okay so next up we have the 14th highest rank we have chief petty officer or gunso second class first up we have mashikaku who is a member of the logtown marines underneath smoker and tashigi okay it was also mentioned in one of the video games i think that tashigi was like the squad captain uh that led mashikaku and a few of the other marines that we saw there at log town i like to think that mashikaku probably stayed behind at log town because smoker and tashigi kind of they kind of broke rank a little bit and just left logtown to go chase after the straw hats in the grand line and i'm imagining their superiors were a little upset over that so they probably did not take all of their men with them from log town they had to leave a few marines behind to protect the island and i guess after smoker who was the captain and tashigi who was the master chief petty officer of beyond them i guess it would be mashikaku who would have been the chief petty officer as the next highest rank so i guess he would have been left in charge of logtown he might still very well be there for all we know he might have a higher rank now he might be a lieutenant or a commander or something or maybe even a lieutenant commander who knows but yeah he was probably most likely the one left in charge of logtown um then we have shine who was one of hina's men that we saw during alabasta not much really else on shine we have assahija asahija is a chief petty officer that we see after uh thriller barks so it was mentioned that of course moria had went all over the world and stolen shadows from not just pirates but marines and regular civilians all over the world and so after luffy defeated moria at thriller bark the shadows all returned to the original owners and um asahija was one of the marines that had his shadows stolen his name literally translates to it's mourning like an act like an explanation like you know it's morning now you know and it makes sense because the sun has risen and he can finally stand out in the sun because he got his shadow back okay i must say rather impressive that asahija was able to maintain the rank of a chief petty officer while not being able to go out in the daylight that's pretty impressive he was like he was like the batman of the marines all right it's like when the sun goes down he struck into action okay asahija and then he finally got his shadow back and he's like finally i can live in the light once more you know but yeah you know i was holding him back he's probably a vice admiral right now if we're being honest with you okay um so after asahidja we have straight and straight was uh a guy that drove one of the turtle cars during film gold which by the way i mean i know it's not canon but if you ever wanted vehicles like automobiles and stuff in the one piece world there you go go watch film gold it was basically a rip-off of wacky races but whatever so we have straight uh who just literally drove a car really fast and he also had his marine companion he we don't know his rank but his name was curve all right so straight and curve because they drive cars really fast you get it oda was probably not responsible for coming up with their character designs although he might have because oda likes kind of puns like that well whatever um then we have morgan who started off as a chief petty officer at one point he was a he was that rank and then he got promoted again to a lieutenant rank before he got promoted again to captains that was captain morgan's first rank um this was also the rank that helmepo had post enemies lobby so after garp recruited kobe and helmepo and began to train them with bogart and gave them like the special recommendation helmepo was a chief petty officer and kobe was a master chief petty officer post enemies lobby very very impressive i must say considering this was only like maybe five or six months maximum since luffy left kobe and helmepo at uh shell town already they achieved this rank still infantry but still very impressive and garp himself was their uh was their uh masters that's pretty cool um and then we also have uh minchi mint minchi minchi yeah okay we have minchi and uh he was the uh marine that was uh present during goat island and i only wrote that one down because i actually do kind of like the goat island filler it was one of the fillers that took place after alabasta in between uh alabasta and jaya the rainbow mist was the other one but goat island was also there and i mean we get to meet an old man named zenny who lives on an island filled with goats and he just wants to be a pirate and he's an old man and it's just a really kind of nice filler arc but anyway yeah there were a few marines there that were like the enemy of that little short filler arc and minchi was one of them okay and he was a chief petty officer okay moving on to the 13th highest ranked master chief petty officer or socho first class all right so first we have master chief from halo i feel like i probably made that joke in the first video but yeah i've never played halo i mean i think i played it like once or twice at a friend's house but yeah is halo still even going on like is the series still continuing or is that just something from like it's like oh my god map matt stuck in 2012 much i'm like i don't know but i never really played it but i know there's a character named master chief in halo so anyway master chief petty officer there's currently nobody of that rank right now but this was tashigi's initial rank when we first met her at log town and this was also kobe's uh first official rank after choreboy when we met him post any lobby all right but right now nobody has master chief petty officer but a very impressive uh title i mean you got master you got chief petty kind of brings it down a little bit but then you have officer yeah it also makes it a little confusing that there's infantry and officer ranks but in the infantry ranks there's ranks that have officer in the title so whatever i don't know but these are also ranks that actually exist in the real marines so maybe somebody could let me know or in the navy right because unlike one piece the navy and the marines are actually different branches of the military in our world so that also makes it a little confusing anyway so next up we have the last ever the highest rank of the infantry we have the warrant officer or the uh juni okay and the warrant officer has always been a fascinating rank to me because for number one not a single person much like semen apprentice has ever held this rank in the entirety of one piece no canon characters no filler characters no ova characters no movie characters no characters from a play no characters from a holographic 3d experience which that's actually a thing we're going to get to in a second um yeah no character ever and i brought this up like how come there's no war in officers and some people in the actual navy reached out and explained this okay so this is from david here as someone in the navy i can tell you that there is no semen first class the order from lowest to highest in the enlisted is seaman recruit seaman apprentice petty officer petty officer second petty officer first class chief senior blah blah blah warren officer is actually treated as an officer mixes with an enlisted a warrant officer is treated like an ensign by a senior officer but like a high higher officer by a low officer does that make any sense well how about this one from colin it's funny but as a soldier in the army you do not see warrant officers in the actual military too they exist but they are rare and elusive kind of like unicorns i've also heard that like warrant officer is like okay if you're joining the navy and you're starting as like you want to start to go to be an officer then warrant officer is kind of like that first rank that you sort of jump to because let me explain this all right this is something that's very different between the marines in one piece and the marines in real life in the marines in one piece it's like a straight progression right so like you start as a semen recruit and then you work up the ranks as infantry and then you become an officer so it's like one after the other like you've been promoted to ensign now you've been promoted to lieutenant now you're a captain now you're a commodore now you're a vice admiral right like you're promoted through the ranks in the actual military i don't think it really works like that when you just like start as infantry and you end as like an admiral that's not really how it goes because i think you know infantry and officers have different training and i guess it's possible to go from like infantry right into being an officer but i don't think that's immediately how it goes i think officers and infantry are like recruited through different processes just at a fundamental level so don't think of it like you're 18 years old and you join the marines as a recruit and then it's like okay i'm working my way up through the navy or the marines or whatever and by the time you're 65 years old i am the fleet admiral of the marines i mean or the navy i guess it could work out like that if you have a very long and distinguished career but not necessarily that's not how it works okay so warrant officer is in this weird nebulous zone where it is infantry but it's also an officer rank but it's not something you hold for a very lengthy period of time it also might just be the rank that you hold when you're about to be promoted so like for example let's say tashigi tashigi and kobe both tashigi and kobe were both master chief petty officers which is one ranked below warrant officer right before they were officially promoted to an officer rank they might have been promoted to warrant officer very very briefly like maybe they only held that rank for like a few days or a week or something while all the paperwork got filled out and they got issued their official like justice coats and then they were promoted to a proper officer rank like then tashigi became an ensign which is an officer rank okay so maybe that's the way you could look at it but warren officer we're probably not gonna see any in the one-piece world oda did put it on the list as like maybe a buffer zone in between infantry and officer but we don't get that so we're probably not gonna ever see one in the story but i would like to see one at some point actually you know what at this point i've asked enough questions about this i'm just gonna call the navy and then just ask them myself how this stuff works okay yeah hi operator give me the navy you've reached the navy's automated phone service oh my god barry robots are running the navy everybody run robots have taken over the world world so moving on now to the officer ranks of the marines we have the 11th highest rank showy ensign okay and ensign as i said tashigi this was her promotion after the events of alabasta smoker went from captain to commodore tashigi went from master chief petty officer to ensign proper officer in the marines also i brought this up in the first video but i'll bring it up here now because it's just a factual thing for tashigi's character her breast size does tend to increase with every promotion she gets here she is as master chief petty officer then as an ensign then as a captain where she's at right now and it's just funny but that's the way that oda is going with it okay we also have mako mako was one of hina's men that worked under her we saw him at alabasta he's also an ensign as well as daddy masterson daddy masterson he was supposed to be in the actual manga he ended up being in a light novel and he was in the anime oda did want to include him and that whole thing with usopp in the manga but he also wanted the straw hats to get to the grand line by the 100th chapter of the manga so he had to hurry up the story a little bit and cut a few things in log town out and daddy masterson was one of them but he was an ensign he actually retired or resigned from the marines which doesn't really come up too often in the story but i guess he decided just to quit the marines and go be and live with his daughter and be a bounty hunter in his spare time okay so yeah i guess if you wanted to you could just quit or resign from the marines hey that's a question if you're an officer in the navy like let's say you're like a lieutenant or a captain in the navy can you just quit if you want to i imagine like like when you're an enlisted like an infantry i imagine like you get like you have to stay for like a tour of duty or whatever i don't know how this works that's why i'm asking you guys all right anyone that's in the military but if you're just like a captain and you're just like i don't want to do this anymore i want to go run a bakery can you just go to your commanding officer and just be like so put in my two weeks notice boss buy you know like is that how it works i don't know or do you have to pass like a whole process in order to leave properly i don't know how that would work but anyway yeah daddy masterson as an ensign could just leave okay anyway uh then we have this is a new character that i didn't get a chance to talk about last time we have isuka who isuka hold on is uh ace's uh rival in the ace light novel so we have ace there we got mass deuce his first mate but then we have ensign isuka or nailing isuka named after a bird and uh her thing is she has a rapier that she fights with and she was basically like the smoker to uh like she was like luffy's smoker but for ace okay that's basically her deal okay and we get to see a lot of her throughout the events of the light novel oda obviously drew her here like the official artwork and everything so she's an ensign she's the lowest officer honestly i would have preferred her rank to be a little bit higher than that because luffy was already brawling with us a captain by the time they got to logtown okay and smoker became his rival there and then was promoted to commodore and then vice admiral ace at this point already has the logia the maramara nomi and he's fighting with an ensign now isuka was still very strong in her own right but reading the novel you kind of get the impression that like it wasn't even close it was actually kind of the flip of luffy and smoker because when luffy first encountered smoker at logtown he could not beat him like simply he had no way of fighting against smoker who was a logia so it was very very one-sided um and that was like oda trying to showcase that like okay luffy is strong sure but there's a lot of really strong characters coming up in the story and smoke are kind of funny now because smoker not really that strong compared to like admirals yonko right now in the story but smoker was a really big badass back in the day it's kind of flipped with um isuka and ace where ace is way stronger than her like you get the impression if ace one and two he could just like he can just fire fist isuka and just you know reduce her to nothing and just like kill her immediately but that's not how ace rules okay but he could if he wanted to right but anyway yeah isuka's chasing after ace but they end up eventually having sort of like i don't want to say like a romantic kind of relationship but it's kind of adorbs if you read the book there's a moment where they end up at sabote together and she's like off duty wearing civilian clothing and she just kind of hangs out in a ferris wheel with ace and deuce and it's just it's just an interesting it's just a fun scene all right but anyway that's isuka she's an ensign and also that was like you know isuku could still appear in the story much like mass deuce and the rest like if oda wants to incorporate these characters into the canon he could totally do that he already has the designs so isuka would have been an ensign uh when ace set out on his journey which was three years before luffy did which was actually five years from now in the story five years in the past so she was an ensign back then maybe that's why oda did that so now she could easily be a captain a commodore maybe she's even a rear admiral who knows but that's isuka right all right so next we have the 10th highest rank which is the first of the lieutenant ranks there are three lieutenant ranks we have lieutenant junior grade or chewie chewie yeah ch the accent over the u e is uh eyes are pronounced as ease in japanese so chewy all right so we have chewbacca who is a lieutenant junior grade in the marines in one piece um you know he's a pretty strong guy you know he's got the bow caster that thing is pretty devastating that could really rock you um by the way wasn't it ever mentioned that like only wookies would be able to be strong enough to wield the bow caster and didn't like han solo in one of the new star wars movies just pick it up and fire it like no big deal that's a little weird anyway that's weird that's like okay i'm not even that huge fan of star wars but now i'm like nitpicking the random things of the movies okay well anyway so lieutenant junior grade uh we got rokukaku rokukaku of course being one of the officers at shellstown that was under morgan very fearful of him but now morrigan is no longer in the picture i think after commander ripper who is the current head of shellstown i think it was rokukaku um who was the next in command after him so he's probably the second in command of shells town right now unless he got promoted as well rokukaku also just means like hexagonal or like six-sided and so his face as you can kind of see is drawn with six sides right there so that's interesting um then we have stalker stalker was the name of the marine that was on the ship when boa hancock and luffy were being escorted to impel down on mamonga's vessel so his commanding officer was mamonga he was the one that was like you know taking notes on hancock and everything because luffy was eating all the meat so that was stalker and he's like this big guy with like darkened eyes and he was just being really creepy like kind of like a stalker like staring through the window like he's like taking notes about hancock and everything so yeah that's that's him uh then we have two marines that are in the filler arc the rookie marine filler arc that was in between zoe and totland remember when like luffy and chopper and nami and carrot all dressed up like marines and they meant uh uh grout and they met all of those characters there the marine rookie arc okay so we have and this is great we have aunt d bonham all right and then we have shemoi zappa bonham and zappa they were named after john bonham and frank zappa i don't know who was in charge of that it probably was not oda but whoever it was i applaud you because in the time-honored words of brock samson from the ventured brothers john bonham rocks and frank zappa does as well it's frank zappa for god's sake okay anyway interesting thing aunt d bonham by the way his middle initial is not the d so maybe he does have the will of d but it's ant d as in d e which must really suck for him because he's like wait a second i have the will of d awesome and just like no you don't have the will of d you have the will of d d-d-e it's like oh that sucks it's okay you're still named after one of the greatest drummers of all time i guess but i wish i had the actual will of d he's like whatever and also he is the first and only member of the long arm tribe that is a member of the marines so once again i don't know who was in charge of the marine rookie arc but you could tell they actually tried to expand the lore of one piece a bit and i love it when they do that because in pretty much every filler or ova you know marines are like an obvious pick for being like the enemies of the straw hats okay so it's like oh we're just gonna create a bunch of random marines here they go they go fight the straw hats okay but this guy actually was a little different you know auntie bonham he was like okay how about we make him a member of the long arm tribe and he joined the marines like there's giants in the marines why not a member of the long arm tribes that's pretty cool right and uh you know he fought against uh luffy i believe and luffy just defeated him there and then he has a companion also a lieutenant junior grade shimoi zappa named after frank sappa he's not like a member of the long leg tribe or anything like that he's just a regular human but he has a really cool name so that's cool i have the will of zappa the will of zee okay and with that will of z he will ascend to the top of the rock and roll charts so moving on to the uh ninth highest rank we now have lieutenant or tai yeah i guess that's how it's pronounced just tie they all wear ties all right so lieutenant we have zoto who was a lieutenant under momonga and i love mamonga this was during when uh mamonga was waiting for boa hancock and he sliced down the uh the sea king and everything so under you know his command is zoto zoto is just japanese for shiver shivering in the cold or maybe shivering when you're scared so soto was like a little fearful marine but i really like his outfit i love his hat i love his glasses soto actually has a really cool design for just a random marine that only showed up once i'll give him a tier at this point i start finally breaking down like oh i'm gonna break these down into tearless absolutely right then we have full body who was just a regular lieutenant at the beginning of the story at the baratier uh he was then demoted to semen recruit but then promoted again probably a few times he probably didn't go from semen recruit all the way to lieutenant commander but then he became a lieutenant commander okay at some point there also we cannot forget about lieutenant in chief who was of course promoted to commander in chief rest in peace trevor moore next up we have the eighth highest ranked lieutenant commander or shosa and that is like i said helmepo django and full bodies current rank in the marines we also have drake not drake x drake diaz drake we have just regular drake who was a member of the g8 arc you know he was actually in the marines um in the movies and also at g8 in the filler arc of the anime uh he was under jonathan there okay so he was um he was a lieutenant commander then we have hardy who hardy was a lieutenant commander during the warship island arc under commodore or i should say fleet commodore which isn't even a rank we'll get to him uh nelson royale and we'll get to that when we get to the commodore rank because i've never think i've talked about nelson a single time but my god how have i not talked about this guy a single moment throughout all of these videos i've made right but anyway hardy was one of his commanding officers um then we have rappani pasqua and he was a lieutenant commander he was one of the marines in the rainbow mist arc so if you remember the whole premise of the rainbow mist arc was like time travel before time travel in one piece before toki and so like they go in the past and they meet those kids and then in the future those kids are all now marines and i guess the one that was like the leader of the group was named um pascua and you know he was a lieutenant commander so he had the highest rank and all the other kids we didn't really get to learn their ranks uh but that was in the rainbow missed filler we also then had brand new morgan and draw now brand new and morgan were both promoted so morgan was promoted to captain and brand new was proponent to i believe commodore brand new was like the intelligence operative he's the guy with the green afro and the sunglasses that's always the one that's going over the wanted posters in the story right and then we have draw draw was a vice admiral that ace fought um i don't believe it's i think it's actually at the end of this book at the end of the first volume when they arrive at saba odi so ace fights against draw who is a vice admiral at this point he started off as a lieutenant commander was promoted to vice admiral and draw fought against ace with a pair of flamethrowers on his back which i mean probably not the smartest move because you're literally strapping a giant tank of highly combustible fuel like gasoline on your back and you're going up against the logia user but i guess he was like well i'm gonna fight fire with fire i i guess but yeah ace just lit his fuel tank on fire and it exploded so i think draw is still alive we actually don't know even what he looks like um because he was never given artwork by uh oda even like sketch art or a sketch art or anything like that so we don't know what draw looks like but yeah um so then moving on to the seventh highest rank we have commander and that's chusa and as for commander we have ripper who is the current commander of shell town he might actually just be the captain now he might just be the one that's like in morgan position at shellstown then we have glove now glove is interesting there are a few marines here that are given names and ranks in the anime and they appear in the manga but they're not given a name or rank in the manga so for glove glove is a marine uh commander that appears during annie's lobby he appears during the buster call okay so he's got like a cool like iron mask kind of similar to spondoms and he has boxing gloves and that's how he fights which okay you gotta give it to any marine that decided like okay the primary way i'm gonna fight against the pirates i'm not gonna use a gun i'm not going to use a sword i'm not going to use a machine gun i'm not going to use a cannon i'm not going to have a devil fruit i'm not going to learn hockey i'm not going to learn rokushiki i'm just going to fight with dee's hands i'm just going to put on some boxing gloves and go at it and he achieved the rank of commander with that philosophy of battle so way to go glove so yeah he appears in the manga in like the background but his name and his uh rank is given in the anime and i don't know whether that's like oda gave it to the anime department or if the anime department just made it up okay but that's that's what he is then we have the governor the governor from the walking dead is a commander in the marines in one piece my god this is getting very confusing here okay wow all right fine okay but no this governor now you might not have any idea who this character is and you know what i was stumped too and i was actually very surprised by this because look i have not seen every single piece of one piece media i have not seen like every ova every special everything but i thought i at least knew about everything at least like in terms of like what aired on television and uh i was proven wrong here because this guy the governor is from the third one-piece tv special and i never saw that one and so yeah he's like a really suave commander in the marines he has like a pet chameleon lizard that he hangs out with because of course he does and it was stated that he earned that rank through purely duplicitous means and lying so basically he's a big phony he's a phony all right so you can imagine governor he like basically just lied on his paperwork and stuff and you're just like yeah um i sunk 17 pirate ships this month he's like wow 17 really actually i think it was 27 27 actually i think it was 70. wow 70 pirate ships that's crazy we're just promoting you to commander immediately is like oh well guys you don't have to you know that's i guess how he achieved the rank through just lying in deceit and so he achieved that rank and he was in the third one-piece television special all right then we come to the man the myth the god the devil the angel the demon the the great old one the everything commander shepard but that right there is merely his lowly human name because we know barry of course commander shepherd is truly master god emperor condoriano oh we are not worthy of basking in his glory is too beautiful [Music] so he appears during the g8 arc uh robin you know disguises herself as him very briefly of course she cannot hold a candle i have to move on i have to move on if i spend any one more solitary moment even looking at this beautiful visage of a man then i'm just gonna go crazy we have one more commander uh unfortunately this is i believe the first marine on this list all the marines we've talked to up until now this is the first marine that is confirmed to be dead and that is roshanate uh don quixote you know so doflamingo's brother who would eventually become corazon coruscan and then he of course died but you know his his death was nothing to the greatness of conderiano okay so um this is actually really interesting and i didn't even realize this until now this is not the reason i'm doing this video but i did uh the movie for one piece d and d on rostage's twitch you know i dm that session and one of the characters i included was roshanate because i was basically just looking for canon characters to include in the movie and so i used a vala pizarro and then i used roshanate back when he was still a marine okay and i believe i said he was like a lieutenant in my version because this was like you know this was like when roshanante was like 17 years old and he was still a marine but one thing i wanted to bring up here is that when he was a commander that was before he went undercover um in doflamingo's family okay as corazon okay so provided that he would have stayed in the marines his rank actually might have been a lot higher because his rank is obviously not going to go up while he's undercover okay now had cortisone actually succeeded in this operation and managed to bring down doflamingo and save law and go back to the marines afterwards well law would have probably been a marine at that point but then also i believe roshanate would have received quite a heavy promotion and if roshanate was still alive today he might very easily have become a vice admiral you know because this was like 13 years ago he was a commander okay and even before a few years of that when he went undercover okay so i think he could have easily reached like the one of the highest ranks in the marines at this point and if he would have gotten away then law would have that actually is a good what if scenario i might do a video on that i'm not going to go into it more than that because i might go into a what if on how that would have worked if roshanate's plan actually succeeded okay and doflamingo was brought down right there um so yeah but those are the commanders next up we have the captains or taissa which is the sixth highest rank we got kobe we got shu who is the guy that has the rust rust fruit that destroyed the yuba shiri we got gorilla who is the captain we saw at baljimore he was the marine that arrived there after the events of the nightmare of baltimore after frankie blew up the entire island and so the local civilians were telling him like oh there's this guy he looks like a gorilla and gorilla's like oh you mean to tell me there's some guy looking like a gorilla running around sorry i find that hard to believe and the funny thing is he looks like a gorilla and then eventually they were the marines that came to witness frankie as the sacred beast the sacred burning beast of baltimore when he came running out of the cave wearing the the tiger pelt lit on fire and so gorilla was the one that went back to the marines and delivered the report of um this is captain gorilla reporting in from baltimore ah yes captain gorilla please let us know what happened with the horrible tragedy did you find the cause it's like i i saw it i saw it it was it was glorious in its beauty it was a sacred burning beast it was like a tiger but it was also a man it ran across the snow gleaming in the moonlight okay we'll put that on the official report i guess also we might want to have you checked for psychiatrics i'm not psychiatric psychedelics we might have you all psychiatrics and psychedelics we might want to have you checked for both you know um okay so uh yeah yeah yeah that's that's captain gorilla right there okay so next up we have sharing guru and sharing guru of course had access to the sharingan but no um he is a very interesting marine captain he showed up at the buster call at eddie's lobby but he is an example of the only character i believe so far that has a manga exclusive devil fruit meaning that there is a devil fruit that was in the manga but was never in the anime for whatever reason which is very unusual which makes me think maybe they just cut it out or they forgot about it for some reason right shining guru has the wheel wheel fruit he can turn his arms into wheels and he can use that to like attack people or like run them over he can also like pick up a sword or something and like the wheel can turn really fast and so he can add some like torque to it when he's like bringing down his sword or his weapon or whatever he wants so yeah that's charring guru kind of an interesting character just in the in the fact he has a manga exclusive devil fruit uh then we have tashigi who that's her current rank right now she's a captain in the marines although it's been a while since we've seen tashigi uh she might actually have a higher rank now she might be a commodore or a rear admiral which means her boobs might have gotten even bigger but whatever i i don't know i don't set the rules this is oda who sets the rules here okay so then we have nezumi who was the rat marine that was helping out arlong during that uh arc um i don't think actually nezumi ever really paid for his uh crimes because he's the one that went back to his marine base and he was the one that radioed the hq and that's how luffy got his first bounty so i don't really think i mean i'm assuming maybe the the citizens of koko yoshi like genzo and nojiko probably told the marines about what he was doing so he probably did pay for his crimes he was probably like court-martialed or something uh but who knows maybe he threw a dance number and he was able to get out scot-free basically as well but that's nezumi then we have lemay and i'm sure you have no idea who lemay is lemay is a video game exclusive marine from the game um for the game boy advanced uh big secret treasure of seven phantom islands so i wonder what the big secret treasure of the seven phantom islands are but yeah he shows up there and the only reason i want to show him is because he apparently ate the pixel pixel fruit allowing him to turn into pixels he can transform into game boy advance graphics whenever he chooses truly a devil fruit on par with um any logia or mythical zone absolutely also he has a green hat so he just really likes the color green i guess he's hey i mean he's a captain in the marines i guess he could pick whatever color he wants but you know typically blue and white is what the marines go with then we have captain moore moore was the captain for minchi in the goat island arc so he was just you know once again a random filler marine there um we have uh trap captain trap who was what was this called again this was okay one piece 3d trap coaster 2011 this is what this was called okay it was okay remember that the 11th one piece movie was the straw hat chase was like that 3d straw hat chase like an imax 4d kind of thing it was like that except it was an ova and it was only like 10 12 minutes long it was like a special okay and so the enemy was a marine named captain trap and he had like this iron thing over him and he like you know released a bunch of like traps to try to trap the straw hats that was like his thing so okay that's that's that character uh moving on we then have grout who was in the rookie arc and he was a captain as well he was the one that had that freaky arm that like giant gorilla arm which i don't think was ever actually explained in that filler arc whether or not like it was a mythical zone or a smile like what was that thing he just has like he just ate a devil fruit and his arm went crazy with power i guess it was like it was a strange kind of ability but okay it was he was a cool character so then we have captain morgan that was his rank before he was court-martialed and you know removed from the marines he did escape so he's not in jail he escaped the marines but they obviously kicked him out so he's not allowed anymore probably like a dishonorable discharge and so i would imagine we don't know what he's doing right now but i would imagine he's probably just living and hiding maybe off on some random island in the east blue in the woods and he's like just working as a lumberjack he just has like basically thanos after the events of infinity war he's just hanging out in the woods in a log cabin making some stew that's what morgan is up to right now because he has a very distinctive like appearance he can't just walk into town and buy some apples and just like hi there um my name is captain moore uh i mean uh my name is hank and uh i just came down from the mountain and i just want to buy some delicious gala apples it's like all right here you go sir okay thank you like they're gonna notice him with the iron jaw and the giant axe arms so he probably just has to live out in the woods the rest of his life um then we have smoker who was captain originally he was promoted virgo started out as a captain i believe he was a captain when law first met him he was obviously a pirate that was working undercover for doflamingo in the marines and i believe he was a captain when law met him and then he was promoted to vice admiral later uh then hina was a captain as well she was promoted to rear admiral and then we have t-bone who dislikes crooked men and crooked sword play all right and so t-bone was the captain that you know sliced up the sea kings on the track uh and going from water seven to enemy's lobby on the c train and then zorro cut him down in one move and now he's actually been promoted to rear admiral i think this was actually revealed relatively recently in the manga because i remember talking about that in a review not too long ago i'm actually proud of t-bone i'm happy that t-bone got promoted he deserved it damn it okay so t-bone is a rear admiral now great all right so those are the captains a lot of captains in one piece and we're not even getting into pirate captains okay so um now we have commodore or june show commodores include brand new who's the intelligence operative that's always the one going off on all the marines like he's always the one actually i can mimic it perfectly okay this is it all right ladies and gentlemen listen up i'm commodore brand new and we got some pirates to talk about today all right so first off we have pirate hunter rory nora zorro i know the name is a little confusing he doesn't hunt pirates actually he does hunt pirates but he's also a pirate with a bounty of 320 million but that bounty is nothing i repeat nothing then finn smokes sanji with a bounty of 330 million berries i want you to look into these eyes ladies and gentlemen these are the eyes of a vinsmoke these are the eyes of a germa these are the eyes of pure emotionless absolutely cold shoulder evil all right and then i guess we have goldie roger and monkey luffy uh they're causing problems as well but out of everybody on this chart there's one person you gotta pay attention to more than any other cotting candy lover tony tony chopper you might wonder why we went to the trouble of even printing a wanted poster for him for only a hundred berries that's literally less than a chocolate bar in most places but i'll tell you what it's because we were afraid we didn't know what he was we didn't know what force we would have awakened if we gave him a real bounty so we gave him the only bounty that we can think of where people might actually look out for him so they could see him coming and they know they know that death is on his heels so that's basically brand new's job right there he's intelligence operative in the marines okay so then we have dieguin daigen was really cool he was one of the marines that tried to gain access to impel down because after luffy broke into impel down every the marines were obviously like hey you have a pirate worth 300 million in the prison let us in so we can capture him and sadie came out with the demon guards and sadie was like oh no this is a impel down matter you will allow us to take care of it and so daigen was pretty cool though he had like a samurai helmet that he wore he was a pretty cool dude then we have uh yari sugi yari sugi was a commodore under g5 but because g5 was led by virgo the children being kidnapped and then the parents would go to the marines and be like please look for these kids and yari sugi was like we've already looked into it captain i mean uh vice admiral virgo looked into these cases personally and he discovered that they were all accidents at sea you just got to live with it so he was kind of a dick of a marine um we also see him during caribou's cover story he was one of the marines like torturing caribou um we have keeban who keeban is another example of a marine that we see in the background in the manga and then his name and rank are both given during the anime so whether or not he's an actual commodore or if his name is even keeban i don't know what is your name i don't know and then we have uh bielik bielik okay bielik was the dude with the weird face he was the dude with the weird face um that was the enemy during the episode of luffy uh ova which was also the first time i believe we got to see kobe and helmepo post time skip as a captain and uh lieutenant commander respectfully there so that's interesting um then we have fleet commodore nelson royale which oh my god the time has finally come to talk about this guy all right so all right so first and foremost fleet commodore is not even a rank um that's something the anime just invented once again this was early in one piece this was the first filler in one piece so i can kind of excuse it but but going beyond just the rank look at this guy how the hell does this guy become a high-ranking officer commodore is literally the fifth highest rank in the marines i'm including fleet admiral in that rank as well fleet admiral admiral vice admiral rear admiral commodore commodore all right he's on the same rank as freaking smoker and uh shuzo remember shuzo from the z's ambition filler arc i think we remember shuzo right but no like oh my god that means that means that when smoker was promoted from captain to commodore at logtown smoker had a moment where he's like i have finally achieved the same rank as fleet commodore nelson royale and you know dreams can come true right there alright so let's be let's be lenient here and say commodore nelson royale weighs 800 pounds like let's be let's be like you know um lenient here he always stays in his throne he's like jabba the hutt he can't move okay so his throne is probably also a toilet i would imagine because he can't go anywhere and he just is this really big guy that just sits in a throne all day he literally has the marine logo painted on his stomach and you know he couldn't have done that he doesn't have the arm dexterity to do that so you know some poor marine had to like tattoo this on his stomach all right and just like he's just sweating and he's like oh all right just paint the marine logo on my stomach okay there we go it's just like and he's just like capture the straw hat oh man i'm tired so yeah that's that's commodore jabba the hut so we have chewbacca and job of the hut in one piece great job great job uh then we have smoker uh then we have pudding pudding and i don't know if you remember pudding pudding pudding pudding sounds like a really stupid name sounds like a filler character actually when i first heard about him no putting pudding is a cannon character pudding pudding was the commodore that actually went to arlong park in an attempt to actually liberate the island so they actually heard about the situation going on with arlong and kokoyashi village and that the fishman had taken it over and nezumi was the captain that was kind of like suppressing that information but he had actually heard about it pudding pudding and he decided i'm gonna put him i'm gonna put a stop to this and he was very naive in how easy it was going to be to overthrow the island maybe he thought his rank was like oh i'm the commodore i can handle some some pirates i can handle the fishman pirates i'll be okay fine you know but um he did seem to actually care about the civilians because i remember when he was approaching the island he was like all right men we have two you know objectives first and foremost to eliminate the fishman pirates and second to liberate the island of kokoyashi and you know make sure civilian casualties are to a minimum and stuff like that so hachi actually went out to sea and moved uh some of the rocks under the ocean to cause a maelstrom and a disruption in the currents that pulled his ship down and just straight up killed him and his entire crew so putting pudding is dead but i mean like at least he tried i mean at least it showed that like the marines did learn about arlong and they tried to save the island all right and they were just defeated right um so then we have uh shuzo who was the enemy during the z's ambition filler it was uh right at the beginning of the um i think right before they get to punk hazard there was that little movie tie-in with film z and that was the enemy there shuzo uh he used to be a commodore but then he joined uh you know the neo marines under zephyr because that was zephyr's whole thing right all right so then moving on to my favorite rank in the entire marines we have the rear admirals okay right and there wasn't that many rear admirals or show show that's also fun to say in japanese show show that there wasn't that many of them in the first time i did this video but there's quite a bit of them now so first we have sicily sicily was a marine that we see during marine hq uh during right before uh it was during the sabbati archipelago he was the one that like reported that the straw hats and kid and law had arrived at the auction house and he was the one that said like uh captain i mean like i think it was actually addressing sengoku so like fleet admiral sengoku um some pirates are attacking the the human auction house i mean the um the voluntary employment office on sabote so he was the one like that's the official name the marines give it because they don't call it the human auction house because slavery but slavery is still a thing but they don't talk about it so they call it the human like voluntary employment office or something which is [ __ ] okay so yeah that was sicily uh then we have um akihende akihende was one of the marines in a battleship that was chasing after the uh prison escapees of impel down he was the one that was like you will never escape the gates of justice and then the gates of justice opened because of bone shawn's sacrifice of course but that was akihen day he had these cool things like earmuffs on his ears they look cool i guess whatever uh then we have katakombo and you know what katakombo i mentioned him in the first video but i didn't go into detail with him so katakombo is i don't think his rank was given last time i think that's why i think this was revealed during a viva card recently katakombo is the rear admiral who is also the commanding officer of the entire marine base at the sabahoda archipelago so remember the sabudori archelago has a marine base as the front entrance and then there's lawless areas all around the island as well do you imagine the level of [ __ ] that catacombo has to deal with okay he's got a deal he is the marine in charge of the place where all of the supernovas have to show up at some point every generation katakombo is probably like every night just every every time of year when the new crop of uh supernovas show up at the archipelago he just pours a big glass of just straight russian vodka and just like ah this crap again all right i mean after the events of luffy and law after the worst generation passed through he was like oh no i'm getting too old for this [ __ ] i can't do with this anymore not only that but it's also the island where rayleigh lives so he also has to deal with people constantly probably reporting into him like rear admiral cut a combo we saw rayleigh i'm like yes we know he lives on the island was like well aren't you gonna do something about him like i can't i can't what do you want me to do what do you people want me to do he's dark king silver's rayleigh i'm caught a combo i don't have a devil fruit i have a sword that's it that's all i have all right what do you people want from me just like buddy he's really you he's a bad guy you need to bring him in you know what you know what you know what i wouldn't even freaking be surprised if katakombo had like drinking nights with rayleigh right like like somebody goes and reports to him like rayleigh was spotted over at the drinking taverns the drinking taverns over there in grove you know 17 or whatever and katakombo's like oh fine i guess because it's like it's like his job you know he has to go no matter if he can or cannot bring him in he has to go do something so he leaves goes into the tavern and rayleigh's there drinking and he sits down and he's just like hey rayleigh how you doing ah hey katakombo how you been i'm like i'm good so did another civilian go up to you and tell you to bring me in yep uh you causing any trouble nah nah i was thinking about hitting up the gambling hall later though all right just you know when you inevitably get noticed maybe you can wear a mustache or something or like a fake pair of glasses while rayleigh already has a mustache kind of well he's a goatee and glasses maybe wear a wig or something so somebody doesn't notice you you know i have other problems to deal with really okay you know so i feel bad for katakombo he's also the dude that uh tried to stop the straw hats when they were leaving for the new world and then boa hancock showed up and stopped them and he was the one that saw boa hancock and he was like you know you know completely infatuated with her like oh my god she's so beautiful and so yeah but katakombo man being the commanding officer of the sabbah odi archipelago there is so much [ __ ] he has to deal with so i think he has our sympathies okay um the fact that he has that rank is probably because nobody else wants to deal with it nobody else wants to be promoted and deal with that position so he just keeps rising through the ranks he's like way to go you're now vice admiral katakombo that's great can i leave the island nope this is your this is your base man this is what you do i'm like all right so next up we have khadar uh who was the marine in g2 he went up against uh the fishman pirates so the sun pirates way back in the day and he was defeated by them he wasn't killed though but he was captured by them then we have hina who was promoted from uh captain to rear admiral also following the same logic with tashigi pretty sure her boobs did get bigger from the promotion so there you go uh t-bone is currently a rear admiral then we have yukimura who appeared as a filler character in marine ford he was like stated by kobe to like yukimura the slayer of a thousand men or something like that but he was defeated in marineford uh strawberry used to be the rear admiral but he was promoted and then drake uh was um you know the rear admiral diaz drake was a rear admiral before he left to go be a pirate but that was actually revealed also to be wrong he's actually working undercover as a super special agent of sword and we only know that kobe and drake work for sword and drake is like the captain of sword so it's probably just a very select group that drake is the leader of maybe like the commanding officer completely is like sengoku or garp but that's drake's official rank last official rank before he left the marines to go become member of sword okay um but then yeah now we have vice admirals and oh my god there are so many vice admirals look how many vice admirals there are there are so many vice admirals okay thankfully i've already done a full video about every vice admiral there might be a few new ones that we're just finding out now in the last few years but i made that vice admiral video not i think actually i think that was like three years ago but whatever anyway let's just go down the list we got garp we got suru we got john giant we got co meal we got um momonga we got oni gumo the guy with the spider fruit we have doberman who is not a dog but has the name of a dog we have a dalmatian who is a dog and does have the power of a dog then we have strawberry the guy with the giant the guy with the giant head that it was revealed by oda in an sbs that the sadder that strawberry becomes the taller his forehead grows so he's a pretty sad lad he has seen some [ __ ] in his life okay it's just like i have been a marine for several decades now i've seen things and then his head just keeps getting larger then we have yama kaji uh yamakaji strawberry and doberman were all um vice admirals that went to the buster called annie's lobby then we have lacroix i believe i'm pronouncing that correctly if i am i think that's also the name of a water but lacroix and then ron say who are both giants that are in the marines and i believe it was stated that every giant has a rank of vice admiral uh so john giant lacroix ron say saul was a vice admiral before he was killed by aokiji then we have stainless who is the vice admiral that went after buggy at cali bali island mozambia who was the vice admiral that was uh present at the meeting at marijuana after crocodile was removed from the warlords i believe he was one of the marines that was manipulated by doflamingo just for his entertainment um cancer who along with smoker are you know really big chain smokers in the world so you got to be careful i mean smoker has the power of the moku moku nomi he might be able to avoid getting lung cancer but cancer he smokes as well too so you might want to put down the cigarettes you might want to quit smoking cancer and then we have bastille who was originally i think stated to be a giant but that was corrected because the shortest giants are 12 feet tall a 12 meters tall sorry and uh well actually bastille is probably 12 feet tall because he's a pretty tall dude but he's nowhere near 12 meters tall okay he's much shorter than big mom and big mom is eight meters tall okay but bastille is a really tall dude and he's also vice admiral he was one along with maynard that went to dressrosa and then we have smoker who's currently a vice admiral then we have draw who i said previously was the vice admiral that ace defeated at the end of this light novel then we have jion and tokikake toki kake yes uh who are momosagi and brown pig respectfully that were both uh pink rabbit and brown pig that were sbs characters okay so somebody basically created them in an sbs and oda actually turned them into real characters in one piece so that's really cool and not just characters that don't do anything like they actually appear during reverie and they talk to garp and they bring up questions and stuff so jion and tokukake all right and i believe that he has a crush on her but he doesn't return his feelings so unfortunate but you know they're vice admirals uh then we have nazoo ketagari and he is also an sbs character that oda drew with the funny ponytails or whatever this is the character he's a vice admiral that is in charge of all of the marines titles right so when it comes to the marine titles for the admirals like green bowl you know um uh fuji torah you know we're a purple uh tiger you know uh yellow monkey blue pheasant red dog he's the one that comes up with those nicknames he has a job i imagine that's not his main job he is a vice admiral he does other vice admiral stuff but he is the guy that is in charge of coming up with titles for marines okay so he's kind of like that he might do for pirates too i i don't know because somebody has to give the pirates all their like epithets and everything like that right so yeah it's funny though it's it's really funny that oda created this character just for that purpose uh then we have jonathan who is a filler character from g8 but he is one of my favorite characters ever i would just love to see jonathan just drawn by oda in the manga even if it's just like a cover page like like a cover page thing like here's you know vice admiral jonathan playing chess or whatever and that's all it is like a fan request i would love to see that i just want him to be a canon character so bad it's like 90 because of the mustache but also because he was a fairly tactical character he did not adhere to that same logic of like i'm a really angry marine or i'm a really strong marine or i'm a really angry and a really strong marine or like that governor guy that's like i'm a very weasely marine nothing like that like he was calm he was a nice guy he was a good leader and he was a tactical individual that was like okay you know when luffy and the straw hats invaded his base he not only tried to capture them he also wanted to use this as a learning exercise for his men so he was a good admiral and funny because in the anime it was stated he trained under admiral akainu and so it's funny because akainu and jonathan seem like polar opposites now but maybe jonathan took something away from akinu and he's like i want to be like admiral akainu but not with the whole absolute justice thing so he like learned how to not act maybe uh through akinu's tutelage um then we have comey um i don't remember him too well but here's comey uh then we have prodi who was the vice admiral in charge of the marine base during the rookie filler arc uh then we have gradle gradle is the character that was in one piece dramatic stage the metal marine ford of remembrance 3dcg virtual reality special holographic event 2018 is when it came out okay i did not know this existed but apparently there was this big holographic vr cg kind of show like with holograms and [ __ ] that you could go to and sit down at and it was like a little episode of one piece that played and the enemy there was vice admiral gradle who had the power of the metal metal fruit that allowed him to turn into the t-1000 from terminator 2 judgement day knives and stabbing weapons and so he like glooped into like liquid metal and he was like fighting the straw hats in like this holographic 3d cg show and that's phenomenal okay i need to look up i didn't really have time to look into too much involving this um before i made this video but i'm gonna look that up afterwards if there's some kind of video or something involved from this because that sounds awesome the t-1000 is in one piece um then we have this is the one and only theater character i included on this because he is a vice admiral and his name is vice admiral balzac vice admiral balzac and he has the power of the bomb bomb fruit which is basically mr five's ability he can turn anything into a bomb so it's kind of like bambieta's ability from you know bleach but yeah i just can't get over the fact of his name it's just a funny name and so that's why i put him on the list uh then we have saul who died we have kuzon who was promoted sakazuki borsellino they were all you know they're all admirals at one point but they were vice admirals before they became admirals virgo was a vice admiral but he was secretly a pirate the thing about vice admirals and the reason there's just so many of them um is because vice admiral is really the highest rank that most marines can hope to achieve it is kind of like the apex for most marines okay because once you reach that rank the only two ranks that are higher than that that are in the official military are admiral and fleet admiral there can only be one fleet admiral at a time and there can only be three admirals at a time okay and also admirals i mean they have to be really strong i mean they i guess they don't all necessarily have to have devil fruits i mean i guess if you're really really good swordsman or something like mihawk doesn't have a devil fruit and i would say he definitely is strong enough to be an admiral if mihawk was a marine maybe i could do a video about that like what if the warlords were marines that's an interesting video but anyway um you know so technically speaking maybe green bowl might not even have a devil fruit for all we know he might not um but he probably does but yeah so it's just really hard to get a higher rank than that and garp didn't even want it he was offered the position of admiral i guess you don't need to have a devil fruit because garp you know he was offered the position and he didn't have a devil fruit um but he turned it down so a lot of other marines might actually follow suit because when you become an admiral it's not really you're the person that's going around anymore sailing a boat and going to islands and bringing in pirates you're not really doing that anymore you have more like officey kind of jobs and you know stay guard at headquarters and you're the guy everybody reports to and you're the one that has to approve all this stuff so it's much more of an office job you also have to exhibit your power but that's only in very few cases like at marine ford when there was the execution and whitebeard attack yes at that point the admirals got to flex their muscles and show how strong they were okay but that's not something they do on a day-to-day basis okay the reason garp didn't want to become an admiral this is because he had the most freedom when he was a vice admiral so there might be a lot of other vice admirals that might have been offered the position at some point maybe suru was offered the position at one point to be an admiral but she decided not to okay because she just wanted to stay a vice admiral because then they could still sail around and do kind of whatever they want as a commanding officer there okay so for most marines getting to the rank of vice admiral is probably the final you know thing that they do like they've achieved vice admiral we're good we're set um and a lot of ice admirals could be vice admirals for decades like garp suru they've been you know john giant i'm sure they've been vice admirals for decades and decades and they just have no desire to get promoted or it would be too difficult for them to get promoted because of the you know the limitations with the higher ranks so then we have the second highest rank we have the admiral rank thai show and um i've made so many videos about them but of course right now the current lineup is bor celino kizuru yellow monkey isho fujitora purple tiger and lastly rio kugu or green bowl who i just realized we actually do not know his real name uh kizuru's real name is borsalino fujitor's real name is isho rio kugu is just japanese for green bowls so we actually don't know his real name yet okay and we don't know really anything about him honestly other than the fact that he he's on fasting he doesn't eat very much we don't know if he has a devil fruit or what he's always in silhouette he has the silhouette silhouette fruit but of course some former admirals were sengoku before he was promoted to fleet admiral sakazuki who is now the current fleet admiral kuzon who left after the fight with akainu and then zephyr during film z was also an animal before he retired as well so yes i've made several videos about all these characters on kizuru and his kind of justice uh fuji torah and his like past and his ambition and what he's trying to do and trying to change and reform the marines um even green bowl and what his devil fruit might be and stuff i made a few videos about him uh sakazuki and you know uh kuzan or aokiji's same thing as well so i would say go check out all those videos if you don't know who the admirals are in one piece by now then i don't know what you're doing they're the strongest like fighting force of the marines and that also kind of includes the fleet admiral because i would say there's not really much i mean like sengoku was really strong but if you compare sengoku strength to akainu aokiji kizuru it was probably more or less on a same level like i don't think that like kizuru was here and sengoku was like way up here i think if sengoku was stronger than the average um admirals maybe by just a little bit you could also say he's older so he has more experience but akainu just became the fleet admiral so i would say his abilities are not really all that stronger than the admirals right now like they're all on the same level basically fleet admiral or gen sui is the absolute highest rank you could have in the marines and only one officer can have the rank at a time it used to be kong before he left to go be the commander-in-chief in the world government so that's a world government rank that has nothing to do with the marines at that point although he does oversee the marines along with the cipher pole and the warlords and then we had sengoku who was promoted after kong and then sun goku decided to leave and then akainu was promoted after that after his battle with aokiji sengoku is still a marine he's the general inspector because i imagine they couldn't just let him leave with all the information he knows about over the years he couldn't just retire like a normal marine he does he can retire i mean he's basically living i mean he's basically living in retirement essentially but he still you know works at marine hq and walks around and stuff he doesn't really have a lot of work to do um and then of course we have garp as well who left to become an instructor but he still has the rank of vice admiral just because of like an honorary title because he's like the hero of the marines right so yeah we do have a few other characters i just wanted to bring up here at the end uh bellamir who is nami and nochiko's adoptive mother we never found out her rank but we did know that she was a marine officer because we see her wearing the justice coats so i like to think that bellamir would have easily been able to be uh maybe a commander uh maybe a captain at the highest rank maybe she wasn't like a commodore or admiral obviously but maybe i would say lieutenant to captain at the highest for bellamir uh who left that life to go raise nami and nojiko she's a great mom then we have uh diaz barrels who was diaz drake's dad he used to be a marine but he left like he straight up was a traitor to the marines i like to imagine he was a fairly high ranking marine so he was an officer might have been like a captain or maybe even a commodore before he left considering drake made it all the way up to rear admiral who knows um then we have attach who wasn't really a marine but he did work for them and he was the one that was in charge of going around and taking pictures of all the pirates for the wanted posters right well he left the the lens cap on his camera like 300 times or something so he was finally discharged from the marines and morgan's actually hired him to work for the world economic journal and we actually see him during the reverie taking pictures of royalty and stuff that's attach um but then we also have some other characters like for example like we have shipwrights doctors cooks like jessica jonathan's wife at you know g8 that all have to keep the marines up and running so pretty much every job that exists on a pirate ship exists at every single marine base including custodial duties and so i will end it out with this the last marine we will discuss here is this man right here we don't know this guy's name but i'm gonna name him ted and he is the custodial chief of the g8 base so he is the person he is an officer in the marines that's in charge of the janitors the janitors will be the ones that sweep up the janitors will be the ones that unclog the toilets the janitors will be the one then that takes out the trash the janitors are the ones the unsung heroes of the marines attend hut i just love that i just love that good old ted good old ted all right well anyway that was the video we're not done yet we're not done yet we still have to do elefax lfx all right um elephants can um communicate with each other through a variety of different methods uh they can touch one another with their trunks uh they can smell of course sense of smell with also with their trunks um they communicate through uh vibrations so because they're very big they'll like stamp the stomp on the ground and they can communicate by vibration so one elephant will stomp on the ground and another elephant can like feel those vibrations through its bones and so that's another way of communicating like hey there's a bunch of elephants over there i can feel the vibrations and they can also communicate through trumpet calls like like but the crazy thing is some of these trumpet calls you think of an elephant using a trumpet call as something very bombastic and loud like a freaking like a like a like a siren or something right but it turns out some of the trumpet calls are actually at such a high frequency that they're you know you unperceivable to the human ear so that's actually really impressive right like there's certain animals that can create like frequencies that you know you can't hear um but you would not think an elephant would be one of those animals because of how big they are you think every sound an elephant makes would be like a stomp or like a you know something like that but no it's like they can make sounds so high frequency that humans cannot hear them so that's pretty cool and that's today's elephant fact so that was an hour and 30 minutes for me to film um i'll have to go back there's a few parts i messed up um one of the problem here's a little bit of backstory for this video uh whenever i have to talk about semen recruits i have the um i i have like the sense of humor of like a five-year-old so i kept laughing so i had to redo that part like seven times but i'll cut that out um okay petty officers master chief petty officers whatever a lot of marines in one piece i um i'll occasionally do that i'll go back and watch some older videos i've done and i'll be like man that video was a lot of fun to make you know how come i and it's kind of like a i don't know if anybody else on on one piece youtube deals with this but it's like man i had a lot of fun making that video i want to do it again but i don't want to do the exact same video because people are just going to say i'm rehashing or i'm like redoing videos in this case i think it's fair because it's five years ago at this point so me redoing this i think is fair um also there are some new characters i included like from fillers and stuff which i don't think i included the first time also i can just like upgrade the thing and everything like that with like the chirons and stuff um i had a lot of fun doing that spongebob joke because i'm like oh squidward the robots are running the navy not the navy and i'm like i got to put that in there somewhere so i'm glad i'm glad i could work that in anything else anything else i missed in this one it was a big video hope to god everything turned out okay i hope to god i'm not editing this and like halfway through the video the sound just cuts out it's always with these big ass videos man always um let's see anybody i forget at the very end here who was that marine i didn't know who it was um it was somebody i think i remembered every single character on this list except like one person and i saw their name comey comey who is that he's a vice admiral comey hmm if you remember comey congratulations because i don't kome oh it's this oh it's this guy again all right all right so i didn't forget him it's this guy again it's the same dude from nebulondia who i talked about as a petty officer and he was promoted to a vice admiral later okay cool cool cool yeah he's dressed like a chinese like emperor and the straw hats go up against him he's like the great tactician comey jonathan jonathan's better than him jonathan's a way cooler vice admiral that deals with like tacticians and stuff i don't know um but yeah this was like just really fun i really liked doing this kind of video the one-piece map video though that was like one of the first things i did back in 2017 was like the one-piece world map and um that's been a long time ago now and we've learned some new things about the world so i might just do a geography is everything just on the map all over again maybe i don't know but um yeah um but yeah this was a fun video this was fine um the thumbnail i i kept very similar to the way that i did the original so this was the original thumbnail i did and this video gets it got some pretty good views too it got like 500 600 000 views or something and so the new one that i'm gonna do is uh this one so i didn't want to do anything too different so it's pretty much the same one i'm going to title it as like the updated version but yeah anyway i'm almost done almost done with my apple there we go all right well anyway thanks for watching the video thanks for putting up with me for over an hour and a half you guys have a good day signing out oh did i forget about very good did i mention very good holy [ __ ] i forgot about very good oh my god no no no we're not done yet very good okay he's a captain of the marines he's the one that fought against frankie he can turn his body into balls not as funny as uh ball zack but he can turn into balls and um the other thing about him is that he was in the cp9 independent report he was one of the marines that went after cp9 which is kind of stupid on the marines part like we're gonna send this guy after like nine trained assassins but whatever anyway that's very good i didn't want to end the video without talking about very good you know well you guys have a good one techie and barry signing out
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 669,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, marines, navy, koby, admiral, fleet, smoker, tashigi, rank, infantry, officers, justice
Id: 7qvNtF73G3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 39sec (5259 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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