Blackbeard Crew's New Devil Fruits! - One Piece Discussion | Tekking101

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hey everybody how are we all doing today teching 101 back again here as always uh Barry is still not here he is on vacation but hey good news he finally made it to Japan all right so here he is hanging out in front of Mount Fuji berries worldwide tour continues where is he going to be next time I don't know but I'm still here making the videos Barry just letting you know and it's actually a fantastic fall day to do a video because I finally get to wear my devil fruit sweatshirt yes it's been so long I've had this since I got it at Anime Expo uh Briggs actually bought the same one so I don't know if Briggs has ever worn this in a video or in like a stream or anything but yeah we have the same sweatshirt really cool design we got the Bara Bara Nomi the yummy yummy Nomi the marimaranomi and the op-op fruit and also we got the Gamu Gamu Nomi there you know you know the Gamu Gamu Nomi air quotes yeah oh God Oda really did kind of divide the fan base with that right so it's like all the one-piece fans that have yet to reach like chapter 1044 which is a good ways into the story that just don't know and then everybody else that is caught up with the manga that does know all right so from here on out like if you run into somebody that has like you know not reached that point in one piece yet like oh hey man how's one piece are you enjoying it oh yeah I just reached the alabaster Ark man that's so cool I love Luffy's ability the gum gum the gum gum fruit and like oh yeah yeah the gum gum fruit yeah it's a really good ability I gotta say yeah it's just so cool he could do so much stuff with just being rubbers yeah it's crazy right he's just a rubber guy that's all he's got in his Arsenal right I just like I don't know do we just lay along or whatever okay anyway not talking about the Gamu gum unumi today I've talked enough about that today we're going to be talking about the newest arrangement of devil fruit abilities for Blackbeard's crew and you know what it was actually kind of interesting I wonder how long Oda has actually been planning this because if you go back to like Jaya when Blackbeard's crew first made their intro production uh Blackbeard at that point did have a devil fruit although we didn't know about it yet he did have the Yami Yami Nomi at that point but Burgess did not have a devil fruit auger did not have a devil fruit uh Lafitte was actually not with them during Jaya because he was at marijua he does sort of have a devil fruit but we don't know like what it is exactly he's he's able to turn into like I don't even know if he's able to turn into a pigeon but he can like summon like pigeon wings so some people have actually thought it's not even like a pigeon or Like a Bird fruit it's actually like a mythical fruit of like an angel or something given the fact he was able to fly all the way up to like marijua to like deliver the message to like sengoku and everybody about Blackbeard and that's how Blackbeard became a warlord you know what I mean so that's a whole other you know bag of worms when it comes to Lafitte okay but like a good chunk of Blackbeard's crew and even after they got the level six prisoners out of impel down did not have devil fruits and I think that was the reason Oda was like I'm gonna introduce this cast of characters like the main principal villains of the one piece world like eventually the straw hats are going to have to square up up against these guys the Blackbeard crew and I'm gonna make a point to not give most of them devil fruits because I'm going to have this whole plot at some point where they're gonna become a yonko fleet go around and hunt for powerful devil fruits okay so essentially they can get like the fruits that best suit their personality and their own abilities beforehand you know what I mean because a lot of times in the world of one piece whenever somebody eats a devil fruit it's oftentimes by accident or by like a certain incident that like pushes them to eat the fruit now in some cases it's the perfect person that gets the perfect fruit for their ability you can't look any further than uh Law's op-op fruit in this regard yeah Corazon kind of force-fed it to law but at the end of the day it was like the best fruit law could possibly have because he has you know um training in like the medical field like his dad was a doctor and Like a Surgeon and everything and like you can't really unlock the true powers of the op-op fruit unless you have those prior skills and so in some cases yes you do get you know users of a fruit that like are perfectly suited for it but in other cases in fact I would say most of cases in one piece um you know it's just kind of like oh I ate this weird fruit and I got this weird power and it was strange and it didn't seem very strong at first but I had to work for it you know what I mean that kind of bypasses everything with the Blackbeard crew where they are particularly hunting for strong devil fruit users and doing some process I don't know if it involves just killing them right away because the whole thing with like when Blackbeard showed up at Amazon Lily uh they were talking about like killing boa and I think Blackbeard said something along the lines of like well you know you don't kill her until we get what we want so the idea is maybe he can like absorb the devil fruit power from them um and then kill them afterwards and then there was the whole thing with Whitebeard because Whitebeard was well Whitebeard might have been dead when he absorbed the guragura or he might have just been like very close to death and then died anyway not really sure exactly how Blackbeard goes about stealing devil fruits but he does have some mechanism that's pretty damn reliable because at this point now we have van auger with the devil fruit Burgess with a devil fruit doc cue with the devil fruit doc Q's horse stronger with a devil fruit Blackbeard himself has two so let's count two there Katarina Davon has a mythical but San Juan wolf was confirmed to already have one San Juan wolf is a giant that has a devil fruit that makes him even more giant so that's eights shiruyu has one so that's nine oh then of course we have Lafitte who as I mentioned previously has some kind of unidentified Zone it could be a pigeon Zone it could be an angel mythical Zone but he does have a devil fruit so that's ten uh which only leaves avalo Pizarro and Vasco shot I believe that are the only two members of the 10 Titanic captains that are unconfirmed to have devil fruit abilities like I said they probably do though given the fact that all the other captains have one and uh in the case with like even stronger the horse he has one so yeah Vasco and Navarro also probably have double fruits we just don't know about them yet Oda hasn't revealed them yet so yeah even with that being said though if you exclude avalo and Vasco we still have 10 very powerful devil fruits that are part of Blackbeard's upper echelon that are really strong like you know physical power and also support devil fruits that are like the best possible combination for the person that they were given to and so we get four of them in this chapter we're going to go over today also it's just kind of refreshing to get some new different fruits that aren't all zones stronger's fruit is a Zone but like coming out of wano I think we sort of got like exhausted from all the Zone fruits am I right like it was really cool that we got all these dinosaur ancient zones and all these mythical zones and kaido's a dragon and and Yamato is a wolf deity and Luffy has the human human fruit model Nika and everything it's just like there were so many and then the smiles there were so many zones throughout all of one now I will be okay if Oda does not reveal another Zone fruit for quite some time okay with like the dozens of Zone fruits if you include the smile users literally dozens of Zone fruits that we got in wano and there really wasn't a lot of other unique devil fruits right um we did have aramakis who is you know has the logia he's the Admiral that has the forest fire his fruit so that was kind of a breath of fresh air but uh before aramaki man it was just like nothing but zones for like a good four years in this story okay but anyway let's get to the new lineup of devil fruits for a Blackbeard's crew you know let's start off with probably the most basic out of all of them and there were even some comments in the review that were even saying that this devil fruit is boring and it's not very creative and Oda ran out of ideas and that is Jesus burgess's Reiki Ricky know me or the strength strength fruit or the buff buff fruit oh yeah I'm both I should have gotten those like fake muscles I should I should have ordered anchor arms for this video you know and just put them under the sweatshirt just like yeah all right so uh Burgess of course is uh the captain of the First Fleet of Blackbeard's crew he's the Helmsman of the original ship okay which by the way a lot of people were commenting now that Burgess is this big muscular Luchador that is the Helmsman people are really thinking he's gonna square up with Jean Bae now and I can definitely see it because you know there's some of the Blackbeard crew that are like an easy one-to-one like obviously van auger the sniper is going to fight against Usopp the sniper obviously shiruyu The Swordsman is gonna fight against Zorro right obviously um but Burgess actually makes a lot more sense now to fight Jean Bae than like Sanji or anybody else because of just burgess's like roll on the crew or his initial role on the crew and now he's like he's super strength and all that stuff right so like Gene Bay is like discipline and Fishman karate and Jujitsu that would be really good okay or Jujutsu Jiu Jitsu Jiu Jitsu one of them is like the that manga that everyone tells me to read that I haven't gotten that far into and the other one's a martial arts discipline whichever however okay anyway yes Burgess does have a very simple paramecia all it does is make him very very strong it's the super strength fruit and I mentioned this in the review that it's just kind of weird that when you think of all these like simple um you know special abilities or super powers and like comic books or Manga the first ones you're going to think of are like the Justice League basic set you know like you know the flash has super speed Superman has super strength you know all that kind of stuff right you'd think that the simple abilities would be utilized first okay and a lot of other manga that's even the case I mean look at Hunter Hunter one of the first prominent users when nen started becoming you know actually introduced into the story we got the Phantom troop and we had um uh uvogene uvogene's whole nenability he was just an enhancer that just punched things really hard that was pretty much it right so you'd go through like the simple abilities first but not with Oda with Oda it takes 1063 chapters to get to the fruit that just gives you super strength okay and you know when some people said this was sort of like a a boring concept I mean I mean you're not wrong but like just because it's boring or not very original because the idea the concept of super strength has been around for literally thousands and thousands of years I would argue it was probably one of the first concepts of a superpower because says like imagine back like you know tens of thousands of years ago when like we don't even have civilization yet and we're just like a bunch of hunter-gatherers out in the woods or whatever I'm sure like our ancestors at that point were probably thinking to themselves like when language first started coming around like hey ugh wouldn't it be really cool if like you know you had the ability to lift Logs with like one hand that would be really useful you could like build houses faster it's like yeah OG that would be interesting well too bad no one's that strong right it was probably one of the first Concepts like hey wouldn't it be cool if we could run like really really really fast and like grab the gazelle and like yeah then we could eat faster I'm like yeah you know it's like it's probably one of the first ideas for like a superpower right but that doesn't make it any more terrifying Burgess was already built like a brick house and now he's just like oh wait I'm even sure stronger now now here's the big question when did he eat this fruit okay I would say It was obviously after or during the time skip okay he obviously did not have this fruit back you know pre-time Skip when we first got introduced to the Blackbeard crew I think that could pretty much be just summarized with his Bounty his Bounty back then was only 20 million which aside from Blackbeard himself who only had a bounty of zero uh you know doesn't really count uh he had the lowest Bounty out of all of the original members of Blackbeard's crew uh augers was like 60 something million I know doc Hughes was 72 million and lafitte's was like 43.4 million or something like that okay so Burgess was only 20 million so I don't think if he was like that ridiculously strong back then with like a devil fruit power his Bounty would have been that low also there was the scene when he fought against Ace very briefly and he chucked the hotel at Ace Ace just burned it up and Blackbeard was like you know Burgess you're too weak to be fighting that guy yet at his level you know so I like the idea is that he didn't get that fruit until later but here's the question did Burgess get the fruit before dressrosa or after dressrosa all right because either way this is terrifying all right now I even looked it up on the wiki and it because there's an implication in the chapter when law was fighting against all of them law like thinks to himself of like oh man they've been hunting very powerful devil fruits okay they got super strength a teleporting ability a sickness ability and now this this horse has like a mythical zone right so the implication was that law mentioned that all of these devil fruits were recently acquired by blackbeards like crewmates and stuff like the 10 Titanic captains although black I mean law wouldn't know exactly when Blackbeard's crew got these Powers okay uh maybe if law had a previous run-in with Blackbeard's crew like maybe you know after dress well no no obviously not after dressrosa because that was when he was traveling with the straw hats so yeah law would not know law is just like oh they probably got these fruits recently but he wouldn't know exactly when now I'm under the opinion in that bird just had this fruit prior to dressrosa okay because if you go back and you look at the damage that Burgess is levying at the cordadia Coliseum at dressrosa when he was a Mr store you know he was the gladiator in the arena he had two attacks that were named Hado elbow and The Galleon Lariat there was another one called Champion driver awesome name but that was non-canon okay but both of these Canon abilities the Hato elbow and The Galleon Lariat are like able to like like he used the other Hato elbow in the arena and like boom hot elbow I believe to use it against Sabo and like Sabo blocked it with hockey and like his Dragon claw and then but the shock wave from this thing like boom like blasted out half of the damn Arena okay and then he used Galleon Larry it later I think that was able to like slice multiple buildings in half just Galleon Lariat wait oh and like half the freaking town is getting blown to Pieces okay and I'll also just like here's Burgess pre-time skip here's Burgess Post Time skip okay like I get it it's anime like Zorro got a lot more buff as well but like literally Burgess was like built like like really top heavy and everything now he's built like you know the Hulk okay like he's really big right now all right so I'm under the impression that they found this fruit sometime during the time Skip and uh bird just ate the thing prior to competing at the Cordia Coliseum and you could still have the thing where like he wasn't even using his full power because in the last chapter we saw him casually like lifting up mountains like it wasn't even that big of a deal and so the whole point of Burgess being at dressrosa was to get the mara marinomi so he probably had to like play by the rules of the Coliseum he couldn't just I feel like if he did have the Ricky Ricky know me during dressrosa Burgess could have like punched the ground once in like in Baki fashion and the entire Coliseum would have just been like completely blown apart blown apart you know what I mean he he probably could have done that I guess but you know he's a Luchador like that's the whole thing he wears the mask he wants to have a fight and everything like that but he's this big giant bulky guy and he's like leving so much damage so even if you want to say though that he did not have the power of the Reiki Riki no me at terrestro say he didn't get that until after dressroso oh okay so he was able to use the auto elbow Galleon Larry and he was able to like destroy part of the Coliseum and buildings without a devil fruit power and now he has one that makes him even more powerful so okay in that regards then it doesn't matter he's terrifying no matter what pre-time skip he was already able to lift up a two-story hotel and then overhand it at freaking Ace's head okay he you know try to do that try to go outside and lift up a hotel it's not easy easy I tried it you know what I mean it's pretty hard you know Hotel Your Standard Hotel is is uh pretty heavy it would require I would say at least ten thousand Reiki rickies of force in order to lift up a hotel okay and uh yeah he was able to do that beforehand okay so yeah Burgess Burgess is not like all of the abilities in one piece don't need to be like complex nen abilities or mythical zones with like a bunch of different like extra powers on top of them like kaido could turn into a dragon and he could fire laser beams and he can also fire wind blades and he can also fire lightning it can also do this it could also turn into a duck you know not all devil fruits need to have that okay Burgess is a I wouldn't call him stupid clearly not the most intelligent member of the crew he's like the guy that charges in and just he's the bulldozer he's the tank okay that's burgess's role and he knows his role okay get it because he's a wrestler he's like I Know Your Role yeah okay anyway so um yeah I get it though I get it like he's just a tank guy he's just like I'm super buff I'm gonna run into you punch you and you and everything standing behind you is going to be knocked down and probably just obliterated okay you know Burgess obliterate you know that's his role that's what he does and he's going to carry it out also something else about Burgess that I I missed in the chapter he has like a metal like plate on his head now which may very well be from when he fought Sabo I'm not really sure although Sabo did take his Dragon claw and like crushed burgess's skull with it at one point so that might actually be from Sabo he might actually have some dents in his skull that he had to have patched up you know and everything like that so um you know it's one piece you know you just like attach some metal play plates to someone's head he's like all right we I'm back again right maybe he lost a few brain cells but like I said he wasn't the most intelligent guy anyway okay but yeah um pretty simple ability but damn is it strong uh he could do a lot of stuff with this and uh oh it's also very similar to aruges devil fruit although we don't know the name of aruges power yet I feel like a Rouge is devil fruit though like the retribution ability that's when he like um you know takes a certain amount of damage he can then convert that damage into his physical strength okay so if a Rouge gets punched by kaido and he doesn't die a Rouge could get back up and he could channel the energy of kaido's punch into his own muscles okay but with the case with Burgess he's just super buff already okay and I don't know if this is a thing where the more he trains the stronger and stronger he's stronger he gets with this like boost um but he's able to just casually lift up and throw mountains at this point like it's not even that big of a deal for him so I don't even think in the last chapter we saw burgess's like upper limit of what he could really really pick up Burgess at the end of the series he's just gonna pick up a chunk of the red line he's going to grab the moon and just throw it at Jean Bay and then jinbei is like you know Fishman karate Ogie you know Moon Devastation and like jinbei punches the moon and it shatters into a million pieces man it's gonna be a crazy ass fight that it's gonna be if okay if jinbei does end up fighting against Burgess at the end of the story that is going to be a straight up Dragon Ball Z fight like like without the laser blast but that's all oh my God it's gonna be insane all right but that was that was Jesus Burgess uh moving on now to easily my favorite devil fruit out of all of them that were revealed uh van auger supersonic van augers warp warp fruit okay so this is the teleportation devil fruit that I've been waiting for since the beginning of the story once again a very simple uh superpower it's very prevalent and a lot of anime the ability to teleport places okay we've kind of already seen this with the op-op fruit although that is a limited form of teleportation where law basically can only teleport within a set distance around him he has to open a room up first and the size of the room varies um he can make it the size of like mountains but when he does that it greatly reduces his lifespan so he can't be throwing up rooms the size of like Islands very often although if push comes to shove he could do it um but the warp warp fruit I'm imagining is probably like the true teleportation fruit that does not you know there's no downside like that like the the focus of the ability there's really not a lot of battle applications like it doesn't make you stronger it doesn't hurt your opponent but like the the supplemental aspects of this are immense so in the last chapter all auger did was use it to teleport Burgess from the ship onto the island that Law's crew had arrived at so Burgess was already on the island and he brought a welcoming dish of a Giant Mountain that he then you know threw at Law's crew um now we don't exactly know how van auger teleported Burgess because it was like kind of like Burgess was just there and then auger was like I'm going to teleport you to that Island Burgess and he's like okay and then it's just and then Boop and then he's this there um I would assume that auger would easily be able to teleport himself wherever he wanted to go that's kind of the point of the fruit uh maybe he has to come into direct contact like he has to go over and touch Burgess to actually warp him somewhere else um what's the limits with this teleportation can auger just teleport anybody anywhere I would imagine no I would imagine he can't just teleport somebody to a location that he doesn't know about uh because if that was the case it's like okay we'll just teleport everybody to laugh tail Boop and then there you go although it's interesting because there's a few limitations with this like you could go with like maybe it's a place he's already been before or he has to physically see so they've already been to Jaya for instance so would auger be able to teleport the crew back to Jaya because he's already been there uh maybe uh because the island was right there it's implied that Blackbeard's crew had never been to that Island before it was just a random island in the new world that uh Law's crew had to dock at so it might have been a situation where it's like oh I see the island okay if it's within I shot and also he's a sniper he can see very very far away he has a gun he has the um senrique or not yeah senrique which is a thousand lands and that's his like sniper rifles name okay so if he has like the scope and he can like he can snipe birds from like several several kilometers away so if it's anything it's in sight then it's still a really overpowered fruit because he has someone like the best Vision in the entire story right but let's assume it's even greater than that let's assume it's anywhere he can see he can teleport you to and any place that he's already been before very very useful so even if the crew has never and this might be how the crew rounds up all of the road Pony glyphs right because let's say Blackbeard finds out one of the road pawn glyphs is on Zoe and it's like they don't know where Zoe is but if they figure out its General location or like an island they've already been to there's like Boop it's like is Zoe here nope okay let's warp over there is Zoe there no let's warp over there I found it okay and then if if auger ever sees zunisha within eyesight he could just just warp to the top like this is such a broken ability so much of the one piece world I don't know if you knew this is covered in Ocean and that greatly reduces uh travel also the weather because the weather in the grand line especially is so dangerous so it's like it's so dangerous to get into this place it's the pirate graveyard you have to sail from island island you might die on the way there um with this fruit you just circumvent all of that you just like I can go pretty much anywhere I want which is why it's such a great ability for Van auger I don't think it's so broken that you can go anywhere you want without even knowing where the like like you know how would it even work with going to laugh half tail because they have no concept of where laughtail is what it even looks like you know they have no idea you know I don't think auger can just be like um I teleport to laughtail and then he just shows up there he's like oh I'm here okay uh Captain you know come on over you know I don't think there's anything like that that they could do um but if he's maybe if they look at a map what if it's like a map but it's like okay here's an island sharded on a map I know the general region of the world it's in I have the latitude and longitude or whatever the one piece equivalent of that is I know the general direction of where it is and everything like that uh it could be a thing where it's like hey there is an island that's uh exactly 527 kilometers North Northeast of our current location and then auger might be able to like okay I will teleport you 527 kilometers North by Northeast of this location and then I'm on the island it could be something like that where it's judged by distance even if it's not in uh eye line of him okay so like I'm sure oda's gonna like add some limitations to this but even without those limitations just to be the ability of him being a sniper he could be it like on top of a mountain and snipe you and just warp and then to like to the other side of the mountain or like another Peak or something and like snipe you from that location like auger could literally fire like seven because how fast he is already and he's like such a great uh you know shot he could literally fire like three or four bullets like warping from each cardinal direction like north south east west oh I'm dead and you get like shot from the head from four different angles like it could be something like that that he could do really powerful ability there um yeah and I think he can teleport other people as long as he comes into like direct contact with them he could probably teleport objects he could probably teleport ships and everything like that like this is the fruit I've been waiting for like this would have been my devil fruit if I could get something like this is the teleportation fruit you know I feel like having lunch in Paris today Whoop I'm in Paris now I feel like touring um I don't know Angkor Watts over in Cambodia and now I feel like looking at the area where they filmed Lord of the Rings in New Zealand and now I feel like having a nice dinner in Hawaii and then just keep doing that like that's that's my dream ability like it would be so cool to do that you have to worry about airplane travel I get motion sickness really bad so that's the main reason why I would want a teleportation fruit um but yeah van auger uh very powerful fruit out of all of the ones that were introduced I mean doc Hughes is pretty powerful as well but just in terms of the sheer range of augers yeah this this might be the strongest one we got to see in the last chapter um let's talk about strongers really quick because there's not that much to discuss about it stronger is a horse so stronger doesn't talk very much um stronger has the power of the mythical horse horse fruit model Pegasus Pegasus being the mythical horse with wings so on the surface it pretty much just allows um stronger to fly and that's the only application we really saw it in the last chapter um I do have this big mythology book over here and uh this is like the story of the Pegasus is like creation or birth so the Pegasus was actually created by Medusa see Medusa here one of the Gorgon sisters also I love the depictions of Medusa because sometimes the depictions of Medusa she's like this uh monstrous creature like in the ray harryhausen stop motion Movie you know she's like this snake lady that's like very monstrous and in other versions she's like very beautiful and in other version she's like a true monster but she can become like like put on like a glamor or like a Visage of her being beautiful like luring men into her Lair or whatever and but the whole idea is you know hair of snakes turning to Stone same basic idea and uh when Perseus showed up and lopped off her head out of her uh you know out of her wound of her neck came Pegasus and also a warrior a grown human Warrior named uh Christ sore it's Christ sore I've never heard of this guy before but um yeah and they were children of Poseidon that were created through Medusa okay so yeah very interesting also other tie-in with this story this is more of just geography and mythology but um as a tie-in with that after Perseus kills Medusa and takes her head uh he's like flying away on his magic sandals and he's going over the northern African desert and he travels uh where Atlas was and so Atlas is like holding up he's the the Titan that's forced to like hold up the sky and so uh he wants to rest because Perseus just killed you know the the Medusa and he just wants to chill out for a bit and Atlas won't let him land because Atlas received like a a word from an oracle a long time ago like you're going to be screwed over and uh robbed by one of Zeus's kids and I don't know if this is before or after the whole thing with Heracles and the golden apples or whatever and I think it actually has to be anyway Atlas is done dealing with Zeus's kids all right that's basically the point he already had to deal with Heracles and the apples and now he has to deal with Percy is showing up and so Atlas is like no I'm not letting you land here I'm not letting you deal with this and so Perseus takes out Medusa's head and turns Atlas into stone and that's the creation of the Atlas Mountains which exist in Northwestern Africa right now although back then that whole region of Africa remember which is called Libya um by the Greeks at that time okay but that's where the Atlas Mountains stand today and that's the origin of them so well not the actual geographical origin of them but you know that's that's the origin of the name okay anyway so uh yeah that's the birth of a person Pegasus by Perseus slaying the uh Medusa um often referred to as a horse day deity a lot of mythical zones give you special abilities on top of the ability to turn into the mythical animal I would imagine the ability to turn into the mythical animal of Pegasus gives you the ability to fly already I don't think that's the special ability so stronger might have some other ability that we don't know about yet I actually have to do a lot more research into the Pegasus to really find out but um out of all of them I think it's just the fruit that's like hey stronger is a horse so we'll give them the mythical horse fruit there you go it fits and so stronger can fly now which is a useful power but you know at the same time auger can teleport Lafitte was already able to fly you know so the ability to fly alone is useful but not like the end-all be-all ability you know what I mean there's a lot of other devil fruits that we've already been revealed most of them in wano that give the ability to fly in some way so yeah that's stronger and then finally we have doc cues devil fruit which is the Six Sick fruits it's also important to mention we didn't get the revelation of any of these being uh paramecia or whatever I'm assuming uh other than stronger is obviously being a Zone Burgesses augers and docues are all um paramecia class it's possible that maybe out of all of them docq might have a logia because he can like turn into like like the element of disease I guess which might be considered an element who knows but I I'm pretty sure it's a paramecia and he's able to afflict illnesses on others and the only way we saw him use this was the um the ability to I'll turn you into a woman disease that he used against a heart Pirates crew okay to make them flip their sex okay so law became a woman and Beppo became a woman and we actually don't know if it worked on ikaku because hikaku is the only woman on the heart pirate crew so maybe she became a man not really sure however law was able to fight back using his hockey and all of the crew turned back into their original sex okay so that seemed to be more of just like a joke on Doc Hughes part though like he wasn't super serious you can just imagine like the level of damage you could rot with this okay like just all of the diseases not even the diseases that exist in our world that are horrible you know like tuberculosis or something um but just all of the horrible diseases that exist in the one piece World which I think it it might actually be I think what oda's gonna go with maybe not to so much draw conclusions to our world like um I made the reference in the review of like what happens could could docu like give you like uh cancer or something and there was a lot of people that actually responded like ah maybe not because cancer kind of works differently it's like cells that like rapidly multiply it's it's not the same kind of it is a disease but it's not the same kind of disease as like the flu or something like that you know what I mean so let's take cancer off the table I don't think Oda would do that anyway I don't think Odo would like write a character's like I can give you cancer I mean let that might hit a little bit too close to home for a lot of people you know I think we've all had people that have died from cancer so I don't think Oda would put that in his in his manga so he might just create a bunch of really crazy illnesses in the one piece world like you know a fever that really just like Burns you out like literally lights you on fire which might have been something that like you know a character's had before that actually kind of rings a bell a fever that makes you so like hot it like lights you on fire or something like that so really crazy ridiculous like um you know anime diseases that he might have you know doc Q hand out still very bad very bad diseases he might have a disease that makes you like not be able to breathe air or something you know just like you know it was like yeah something like that and then yeah you're not gonna last long after that uh but yeah something else in the review I really wanted to talk about revolving around doc Hughes ability uh was the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse I'm actually really kicking myself that I didn't get a chance to talk about that in the review and I've mentioned it before when you talk about docq but you have the four horsemen right so um and it changes throughout history like for a long time the White Horse was actually regarded as just a conquest but in other versions of the story The White Horse actually becomes like the Antichrist in some of the stories and that's actually because of Napoleon's conquest of you know like France and everything like that in the surrounding areas during the time when he was around and he rode a white horse so these these symbols change throughout history just to let you know but typically the White Horse is written by the horsemen of pestilence or conquest and carries a bow the red horse is most almost always War now you might say What's the difference between conquest and War it sort of like his Conquest is like War I guess through like Conquest like your entire nation like you know spreading out and taking over other lands for your kingdom or whatever whereas the red horse uh represents like Civil War like inside and this is actually something that ties back to the splitting of like the Roman Empire so there's that um the rider of the red horse of War carries a sword okay and then we have the black horse that represents famine that carries scales so famine pretty self-explanatory there like yeah and then finally we have the Pale Horse ridden by death also accompanied by Hades himself and death carries a scythe okay so we have docq riding on a Pale Horse stronger and in addition to that during Marine Ford when we saw docu fighting against uh Whitebeard like all dealing damage to Whitebeard he was using a scythe okay and so it seems very clear from all of that that Oda is like referencing um the rider of the Pale Horse you know the death uh aspect of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse with docu okay and so the fact that he has the sick sick fruit he could probably deal out a disease that could kill you like his most dangerous disease could potentially kill you although law has shown that like as long as you have powerful hockey you can resist um yeah oh by the way I should bring this up now a lot are really concerned about Law's crew not so much for law himself but because they seem to think that Law's crew is overall very weak like Beppo Sachi penguin and Jean Bart are the strongest members of Law's crew and even they are not really all that powerful um they didn't really do anything during like wano we didn't see like Beppo take on one of the Toby Ropo or Jean Bart like wrestle with Jack or anything like that they were really just taking care of like the waiters and the pleasures and the lower ranked members so people have started to think that like oh Law's gonna lose this one because law is easily the strongest like by Leaps and Bounds stronger than every other member of his crew and the rest of his crew really don't have the strength necessary to deal with Blackbeard's crew with all these powerful devil fruits and everything I would just say to that that it is true we really haven't seen Sachi and penguin or Beppo or jean-bar do anything crazy in terms of Feats yet however I will say Beppo still has his Soo long which we have yet to see so let's not count Beppo out yet Sachi and penguin have been with law ever since you know that's how the crew began really if you read the law of light novel it's like a whole thing with that um Sachi and penguin though they don't have devil fruit Powers uh but they work together really well and then Jean Bart is really strong so maybe we might learn more about him and all the other members of the crew we really don't know anything about although I will also mention that in the anime law has panned man on his crew so as long as law has panaman even if law were to fall Panda man oh my God that would be the greatest that would be the greatest moment where you think oh man Law's crew is so weak they're gonna die you know they're just gonna get massacred by Blackbeard and everything like that and then in the next chapter laws on the ground he's beaten he's down Sachi penguin Beppo they're all defeated John Bart's down and then it's like BlackBerry it's like say now I'll take the op up fruit for myself and then Out of the Dust steps out Panda man wearing the the boiler suit of the law pirates of the law Pirates the heart Pirates and he rips off the boiler's suit and he like swells up even more muscular than Burgess and he's like it looks like it's time for you know me to show off my true power and then Panda man like one punches freaking Burgess it's like saitama in the one piece world yeah so don't don't count laws crew out yet all right no you know stepping aside from you know Panda man intervening um I I think you know they managed to make it pretty far into the new world you know what I mean like they have to have some level of combat expertise you know they can't just be like I'm a random person from the south blue and I'm just gonna join up on the Loft I keep saying the law Pirates I mean part of me feels like it should have just been called the law Pirates but the heart Pirates it's like some random dude from the south blue like I have a dagger and I'm going to fight and then it gets one-shotted by like auger or somebody like I feel like they have to have a certain level of strength so we'll see where it goes but yeah uh if your hockey is not strong enough to prevent it because hockey's becoming and I made a video about that like a couple days ago about how hockey can prevent you from like you know getting these actual illnesses that docu is dealing out so yeah it's pretty dangerous and also the idea that it's infectious diseases that he controls where it's like one person gets the disease spreads it to everybody else if those people in question don't have strong enough hockey they're just screwed you know what I mean like docu could release some kind of illness that could kill you spreads to everybody he could wipe out entire towns within a matter of like minutes maybe okay depending on how potent these diseases are okay so out of all of them I would say probably doc Hughes might be the strongest in terms of application and just widespread death so yeah and then auger's teleportation fruit really powerful and then Burgess is just raw physical strength is to like beat people down and lift up mountains that's really powerful and then stronger's Pegasus fruit although to be fair they're all really powerful all right and like I said we already have Katarina Dave on has the mythical Kitsune fruit San Juan wolf has the giant fruit we had Vala Pizarro and Vasco shot we don't know their fruits yet although they probably have one shitteryu has the clear clear fruit that they got from Absalom and of course Blackbeard has the guru guru Nomi wipers fruit and the yamiyami Nomi the darkness fruit okay and so we don't know who the 10th Titanic captain is although I guess it could have been stronger stronger was the 10th Titanic captain the whole time although I don't think it makes sense because stronger's not like a mink or anything stronger is just like a regular ass horse that has a devil fruit power that's it stronger does not seem to have very keen like you know tactics battle like organization sort of like capacity stronger as a horse okay and a very sick horse at that which also brings another question like did docu always have this devil fruit I feel like if any of the members of Blackbeard's crew might have had theirs beforehand pre-time skip doc Hughes might have had his because his Bounty was always very high and he was always very sick so I don't think this is the case I mean maybe his Bounty would have been been high because even if he didn't have the fruit he was already sickly going around town handing out exploding apples so that might have been dangerous enough to give him but a 72 million Berry Bounty pre-time skip like that's like kind of like by the standards of him like not even joining the Blackbeard crew yet like they had those bounties beforehand that's pretty damn high back then by those standards okay so I think maybe doc U might have always had that fruit all right and then Burgess got his post-time skip auger definitely got his post time skip um and then most of the other devil fruits that the Blackbeard crew had they they got later but I could see docu always having his anyway that's the video oh we got one more installment of monkey facts we'll get to that but uh anyway yeah thanks for watching everybody and like I said I could have kept going and going with the monkey facts there's so many different species but we got to stop it at this one one point and I want to get to narwhal facts so let's go [Music] one [Music] all right so with the last episode of monkey facts we have the um Northern Plains Langer uh l-a-n-g-u-r Langer I guess that's how it's pronounced also referred to as the sacred Langer uh because it is a monkey that is regarded as a sacred animal in the Hindu religion and for that reason and the reason I'm covering it is because out of all the monkeys we've covered so many of them are like very close to being uh extinct or like they're very critically endangered right now well because of its sacred status in the Hindu religion the uh the gray Langer or the sacred Langer has least concern right now so it's doing okay although it still has to deal with like just in general like habitat loss you know human beings you know building cities and stuff kind of you know indirectly causes some Strife but it's not like directly being hunted although sometimes they are hunted but not very often because of their status okay um they're a relatively small monkey they're only about 17 to 30 inches in length however their tails are way longer than their body length Okay so the tail can be upwards of 44 4 inches in length so it's even like close to like you know if it's the monkey that's like you know let's say it's a smaller monkey 17 inches well I guess the tail might not be 44 inches in that regard but like still really long tails on these monkeys okay um and yeah they're very very adaptable also which may also lend to their like status being least concerned right now because they mostly live in like dry forests and shrub lands and they're just very highly adaptable that plus their sacred status they're doing okay in some cases uh people of India actually even uh give them funerals whenever they find like a dead uh sacred Langer on the side of the road or something they will actually give the monkey a proper funeral because of their status okay so yeah those monkeys are doing okay right now in the world but anyway those are monkey facts hope you all enjoyed and now next time we're going with narwhal facts Narwhal Narwhal swimming in the ocean causing a commotion because they are so awesome narwhal
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 187,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, blackbeard, teach, burgess, stronger, doc q, van auger, warp, strength, riki, buff, sick, pegasus, law, haki, yonko, titanic captains
Id: FM95ekHF40g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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