What do you SWEAR you saw, but have no proof of? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what do you swear you saw but don't have any proof of in 1994 on a farm in the southern Midwest us five-year-old me had this huge yellow lab sweetest dog in the world who one day suddenly lost her sh t barking and ran outside being five I followed her and watched her run out into the cow pasture where the cows were suspiciously nowhere in sight and went toe to toe with the ref king gray wolf that area at that time was definitely not wolf country quietly sure but there is no way it was a quailty thing towered over my lab and I'd seen plenty enough quail tears before to know that this thing was not that my lab barked her damn head off rights in his face and after about a minute he tilted his head and then just turned around and disappeared into the woods found all the cows at the opposite end of the pasture circled around the two calves we hired they were never that terrified of quail toes and they had no fear of domestic dogs my lab literally climbed over them when they laid down and would toggle their tails Kel's gave no facts I will go to my damn grave saying it was a wolf I saw but nobody believes me of course I've spent years researching wolves and wolf hybrids but every picture I've seen of both the animal and the paw prints he left behind says it was very very very much more wolf than quality or dog or even a mix when I was 5 I like to mix various liquids plain chemistry I guess my grandma let me play with all her bathroom stuff I mixed her shampoos and creams and cleaning products etc I just realized now this might have been dangerous if I had mixed ammonia and bleach for example I swear I created a white liquid VAT produced a single black bubble that would come to the surface and pop at a regular interval no one believes me or maybe no one cares I guess it's not that cool I was at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago I walked up to the cuttlefish tank and for some reason all twenty or so of the cuttlefish rushed over to me it was a big tank maybe ten feet long I walk the length of it and they followed me I walked back and they followed a few other people saw and tried it themselves but alas the cuttlefish only had eyes for me my best guess as to the cause was that the guy who feeds them is my doppelganger when I was about six my entire family was helping to build my grandparents a new house I was helping my dad move some really long 2 x 4's from the lumber pile when a mouse ran out from under the board I had moved out in the middle of the woods mice were no big deal to any of us combo I did a double take though because the mouse was freaking blue I don't mean the Sun reflected off its fur and it had a blue sheen to it I mean a brilliant while blue he was running fast but I got my dad to notice it too and he agreed that the mouse really was royal freaking blue we've told multiple people my mom included and no one believes us but we know what we saw a fat squirrel in a tree through a piece of fried chicken at me I was walking to class and passed by a trash can with the domed lid on top was a bottom piece of a bun as was walking by it a squirrel came out of the trash can in put a chick-fil-a chicken on top of the bun then went back inside the trashcan I assumed it was to get the top done I really wish I took a photo of it another instance was a squirrel with a cigarette bus in its mouth I slipped on icy stairs last winter and swear I saw my own butt crack as I fell no one believes me when I was about 12 I was riding in the backseat of the family car I looked over in the car next to me had three people sitting in the front this was in the 1980s and it was a man woman and man in that order at the stoplight the woman leaned down in the two men leaned in and started making out this was the first time I had seen anything like this I was so dumbfounded I couldn't even tell my family I was having a secret smoke one night and when I was finished I went to put the ashtray in my hiding place on the top of a high cupboard in my kitchen instead of getting the footstool I was on my tiptoes and stretching up to put the ashtray up there when I lost my balance and the ashtray slipped out of my fingers and felt down to the floor I ducked out of the way so I didn't get covered in ash or get hit by the heavy gosh tray and I heard it hit the ground behind me loudly and then clatter as it rolled I sigh design.you I'd have to clean up ash from the floor and was annoyed at myself for being clumsy but then when I turned around to where I had heard it land there was nothing there I honestly spent about 30 minutes looking all over that kitchen for the ashtray or even a trace of ash on the floor but there was nothing it and its contents had simply vanished into thin air I went to bed totally freaked out that night and had another look the next morning but it was still gone and I have never seen it again since my friend and I were watching basketball in the early days that Charles Barkley was a panelist he was apologizing for calling a team midgets and saying that he now knew it was offensive but as they were going to commercial we both heard him say over a hot Mick besides they shouldn't hate me they should hate God double quote my friend and I were amazed and convinced he would be fired but not only did we never hear about it again the clip doesn't even exist online anywhere it's as though we had a double delusion funny enough yesterday I was reading a thread about satellite TV back in the day you could pick up the satellite feeds that broadcasters sent to local TV stations like if NBC was covering a basketball game they'd have a satellite truck set up at the arena beaming up to space the satellite would then beam that down to earth so that your local NBC station could pick it up and transmit it across its broadcast area it was up to your local station to then put in advertisements during breaks and whatnot however if you had big Dish satellite you could sometimes pick up those roar feeds supposedly you'd end up hearing the comment justbe Singh the cameraman aiming at random things etc I was at the airport and saw a businessman with a carry-on wheelie bag get off the escalator he turned the corner broke into a sprint carrying the bag by its small strapped handle on top he swung the bag forward and let go of the strap handle while it was in midair he grabbed a currently unex tended extending handle press the button and on the backswing extended the handle and landed it on its wheels and continued sprinting all without breaking stride I'm in line at a cafeteria the guy in front of me is holding a pudding Cup someone walking by stumbles and falls into pudding Cup guy knocking his pudding Cup out of his hand while everyone is looking at stumbling guy the pudding cup goes a good two feet straight up in the air pudding Cup guys totally focused and at the last second turns and catches that pudding cup behind his back he looks at me smiles and that was that no one else saw it I saw a bunch of crows around twenty-plus gather around in a circle I was like WTF and took a closer look to see three other crows in the middle of the circle all on their backs and some crows from the circle would hop in and try to peck at the three crows while they caught and tried to defend themselves with their feet I know crows are smart and all but didn't expect this level of social behavior it went on for a while before a kid ran in and scattered them all my biology teacher in seventh grade told me she came across the same thing called it crow court and said that crows who broke the law were tried by others the crimes were stealing food from young crows or mothers and killing defenseless crows she said that sometimes they would just rip out a few feathers from the tail so they couldn't fly for a while and sometimes they'd kill it depending on the severity of the offense of course she also used a rock for deodorant and brought a bunch of animals to class without permission so who knows edit I know now that the rock is alum thanks for the info as a child I touched some weird pest plant in our garden I think it stung me then I saw everything in inverted colors for short time and then back to normal I was in such a shock I couldn't explain it to my mom I just went to her crying you probably touched a bruckman sure they are loaded with scopolamine and can cause you to see things that are not there in verse colors are a common hallucination from them bruggman sure are a very common garden flower despite their effects because only small children will be affected by contact alone did you have big orange flowers that hang downwards in your garden my house shares are dead and Nelly with a brewery real cool guys great beer not a bad neighbor their kitchen does good work too one of the neighborhood skills has figured this out he got a taste for the chicken bones wins is a recurring menu item so I'll see him go into the garbage fetch a chicken wing then go over to the grease dumpster which is the most foul thing in human existence and that little [ __ ] will dunk that chicken bone in the grease and stop tucking into it like it's his favorite thing I've seen him do it a few times nobody believes me whomp-whomp oh yeah that squirrel is rided out - he looks like one of those buff kangaroo photos has huge nuts sometimes will perch on my garage roof to take a leak I think he's organizing a gang in the alley edit I am installing video cameras on my property for general security purposes and plan to try to get him on camera doing this when my grandfather died god bless his soul my 12 year old self was quite upset I asked my dad for two dimes I know it's odd I put one in his breast coat pocket and held one myself years later my whole family has been finding dimes everywhere in random spots they attributed this to grandpa looking over us kind of turned into a thing on that token my dad forgot about the double dime I request did a gramps funeral i brought up what happened at family banner recently and they think I made it up I hope they have rid it when I was five I woke up from my sleep and saw man sitting on the stairs watching me I wasn't scared though there was something tranquil about it I just watched him and he watched me for what seemed like ten minutes then all of a sudden he was gone a few days later I found out my dad was killed in Europe I live in Canada and my parents were separated there's pictures of me with him when I was just born but he left shortly after that to this day that is the only memory that I have of my dad a ghost watching over me I don't believe in ghosts but I know what I saw I've never told anyone before except my mom after my grandmother died she left her rocking chair that she had walked me to sleep in as a little boy I kept it in my bedroom as a reminder of her not long after she passed I would wake up and see her quietly sitting in the rocker smiling we'd have a conversation just as we did when she was alive this recurred regularly night after night with all sorts of discussions until one night when she disappeared from the rocking chair right before my eyes never to return I can't prove any of it of course but if those nightly visitations were all dreams they were hands-down the most vivid series ever the sad part is that after she stopped appearing that rocker seemed very empty and I realized how much I missed her UEFA's I don't mean I think I saw aliens I mean on several occasions when I was younger my parents and I saw various flying crafts that we could not identify as any current technology my money is on secret military tech edit this post prompted me to look into it I think I have identified one of the UFOs as a b-2 spirit or a similar kind of stealth bomber seen at midnight flying low over a country road in the middle of nowhere England sometime between 1997 to 2002 scared the SH T out of us as it flew straight over our car seemed like only a meter or so above us just a black triangle covered in flashy lights like it was going to abduct us before disappearing another one could have been a sort of rare kind of weather balloon forgotten the name but it looks weird as [ __ ] as for my third UFO yes to identify it to those people commenting saying they've seen floating colored glowing orbs those are actually a kind of weather balloon I was out for a walk late one night this was in rural Illinois so there was nobody else out I noticed from a distance that there were these skittles just standing in the middle of the road thought to myself that this is strange when I got closer I noticed there were three skittles standing around a cat that was lying down I thought for a minute the cat was dead but when I got closer and walked past them the skittles and cat followed me with their eyes none of them moving a muscle it was a look like move it along nothing to see here still to this day I think of how bizarre that was when I was 10 we had a 14 year old German Shepherd who was getting very sick I was home alone momentarily as my mom went to the neighbours to pick up a book or something our German Shepherd came over convinced me to walk outside with him and started licking my hands looked at me and ran away jumping the fence and he never came back he was so loyal and good that to this day no one believes me and thinks he was stolen because he would never leave I'm almost certain he did that because he didn't want us to see him die and he wanted to go to the massive forest area and do his thing I miss you buddy edit while some amazing replies here I'm glad to know all our pets loved us in this way and that they care like they do much love edit to those of you wondering why no one believes the kid on something that does happen a lot was that we lived in Iran at the time and the dogs especially rare pure breeds were usually stolen so my family what it was a result of that when I was about 10 or 11 we were having a get-together us GMA's house for the holidays all of us cousins played all day and when night fell we played hide and seek while the adults smoked and drank up by the house we stayed on the back of the property just having a good time I was hiding in between a bush in the property fence when I heard the strangest sound it was almost a scream both happy and miserable at the same time I jumped up and kinda shouted all my cousins heard it and we all saw it too it was an animal on two legs and it ran off with really jerky motions being the oldest by about three years I calmed down the crying little ones and explained as best I could that it was just someone trying to scare us I've had nightmares about that sound in my mind it seems a grotesque mimicry of our joyous screams and laughter as we played none of my cousin's today will admit to even remembering the incident although the adults remembered the commotion it caused I heard and saw something similar in the U p of michigan in the sioux sainte-marie campground everyone was asleep my campsite was the only one with a fire lit and my dad's girlfriend and I were awake all of a sudden I hear his terrible scream with an almost cackle quality to it then there was a rustling on the other side of a fence we had the clear line of sight between the campsite and the fence and this weird cougar dog human looking thing climbed over fence with its knees and arms bent at odd angles almost 90 then it was over the fence it stood up on two legs and ran to the left into the campgrounds it was terrifying no one has ever believed me but my dad's now external friend still remembers and looking into the urban legends in Michigan I came across the story of the dog man any chance you guys were in Michigan to all that there's a similar urban legend around where you live watched a white light hover in the distance between two mountains then it moved up the down at that point I called my buddies outside to watch it we witnessed it move side to side then in a perfect clockwise circle then anti-clockwise next it started doing tight figure eights one way then back the other way we watched it then move diagonally to the left then back to Center diagonally right and then back to Center during this we discuss the possibilities of what it could be a helicopter a skilled pilot a series of spotlights the speed at which it moved in the fact it didn't waver slightly in the fact the motion was so fluid left us without an explanation as we discussed and watched the movements the life moved even faster up down and diagonally it the sped off to the right at a speed we could barely focus on it was now about three kilometers on the other side of the mountain and then suddenly it took off straight up and out towards the Stars till it was gone late to the party but I post my story when I was about seven or eight I was at my grandmother's house in WV to spend the night along with my brother and sister it was Friday night and we were watching old-school TGIF there was a knock on the door and I jumped up to answer it my grandma was in her bedroom and didn't hear it I wasn't supposed to answer the door by myself but I really liked to do it I opened the door and no one was there I stepped out and looked to the left and right to the right beside the door my grandma kept a small table sitting on that table was a mandrill one of those primates like Rafiki from the Lion King I don't remember it moving I just saw it sitting there staring at me I freaked out and slammed the door my grandma came running out and I told her there was a monkey outside she ran out my brother and sister ran to the door to see the monkey I'll never forget when I ran out and that table was empty my grandma told me I shouldn't tell tall tales and not open the door when she wasn't around that's been over 20 years ago and my brother and sister still make fun of my Ficino monkey I've on Google searches about mandrels escaped from the zoo in rural West Virginia but no such luck it is still so clear in my mind I am sure it was there though a man dressed as a Confederate soldier walking down my street as I was heading home from work there was a school bus coming and he stopped on the other side of the road as if to let the bus pass before crossing and I stopped at the stop sign we looked at each other the bus passed and then he was gone I don't believe in alien invaders I'm sure there's life on other planets seems ridiculous that we'd be completely alone but I'd imagine you couldn't keep a visit from interplanetary species a secret that said I swear to God I saw a tall thin long armed long-legged thing walk from one wheat field across the road in front of my car and over into the other I thought my eyes were just playing tricks on me so I didn't say anything for a second bitter my friend in the seat next to me said wait did you see something just now ' no idea what it was but I saw something a chameleon escaped from a bag when my friend was giving it to me and it lept into a big pile of snow I looked around for it for a while but couldn't find it so I gave up several weeks later the snow will melted and I was out there and found the lizard partially frozen to the ground I peeled him off and put it in one of those little plastic tanks and sat it by the radiator in my house within an hour or two the lizard was hopping around the cage like nothing ever happened it lived for several years after that and was known to my friend and I as Jesus the resurrection lizard while I was playing poker with a few friends I was dealing and somehow managed to deal a royal flush on the board giving every person a royal flush this was well into our game and the cards were definitely well shuffled and don't forget I'd also placed the burn cards down the odds of this are so astronomical that apart from the friends I was playing with no one would believe it happened and assume I'm just a liar that is neat I can't come close but in around 2001 I was playing online poker hold them on dial-up I'd been dealt a case ooh Ted played it moderate cool then the flop came up giving me an instant Royal Flush immediately my connection drops and by the time I got back online I'd been timed out and we were on the next hand it took all I could muster to not put my monitor through that was the end of online poker for me but over the last 16 years of casual kitchen table games I've never seen it since when I was around 10 years old I went down to a lake when I was on holiday when I get down there I vividly remember a massive ball of lightning just hovering and then it struck the middle of the lake I never ran so fast in my life back to the lit house we were staying in our house was struck by lightning one night and my mom says she saw a hovering ball of lightning apparently it's something that can happen yeah it's called ball lightning it can pass through windows and a scary [ __ ] when I was about 10 they started putting missing children on milk cartons every morning for a while I was looking at his boys face on the side of the milk while I would eat my cereal then one day a car went down my street while I was playing outside and there was a boy in the back seat with his face up close to the window looking out I'm 99% sure it was the boy from the milk carton I told my parents but they didn't believe me something similar happened to me I was 5-6 and was playing outside with other kids all of a sudden those two cars stopped by a sidewalk they grabbed a girl on a tricycle and speed off only her bike was left we ran to my mom to tell her someone got kidnapped she was cooking somewhat listened not in her head smiled oh really and that was it I think about it often once when I was a teenager I was watching a movie by myself the TV room then had two chairs separate by a couch I was on the chair to the right and at one point I laughed really hard at the movie I heard someone else laugh and saw what seemed to be a girl my age double over and laughter in the other chair the weird thing is it didn't startle me it just felt nice to share laughter then I realized that I was alone in the whole house and the chair was empty so I turned off the TV and went outside law one time when I was really young maybe like 10 years old I came home after school and was making myself a salami sandwich I pulled a bag of salami out and took out two slices I smacked the two slices together and suddenly they became one I tried my hardest to separate them but there was no seam or anything that I could split them up with I even showed it to my mom but not a single person believed me when I told them I had fused two pieces of salami together [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
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Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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