What do I regret with my YouTube career? / QnA

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how's it going bros my name is peter pack it's time for another q a it's been a while so it's time got a lot of great questions let's just get into it is there a single thing about your career you'd change what would that be and is your choice because of public opinion or personal first question i don't know i'd like to make more serious videos i've been doing a lot of just reacting stuff lately but even though people say they like them they don't generally do well so if it was all i did it wouldn't really work but we'll see when's the next music video dropping it's colby we're trying to do something different it's going to take a lot longer but we're working on it what is a feature you feel like you two could implement that would be beneficial for people making content on this site youtube is pretty good now just make everything work that's all they got to do what are your plans for holidays and vlogs after cobin floor gang out hell yeah uh i'm going to japan straight away and see my parents of course of course mom i'm coming don't worry when you retired where will your ideal retirement country plays view what you're living i don't know this is the problem of being extremely rich you could live anywhere how can you choose i don't know we're gonna try japan since you started a healthier lifestyle did you notice improvements in your thinking or just your body ever since no nut my gaming skill improved my nails stronger i can claw stuff no telekinetic powers yet but i know they will come i am i just gotta wait are you enjoying youtube more since you decided to take respects instead of everyday uploads i noticed you really enjoyed the member community too it's nice to see i don't know if i particularly like youtube more but i like my life more i enjoyed uploading every single day and working every single day because i was enjoying youtube so much but i realized this is not a healthy way to live you know actually just playing games on my own and stuff like that how often do you get writer's block how do you counter it i got a great tip as soon as you get it just start looking for inspiration look at people that you inspire you and see what they're doing and just get ideas and maybe you'll get some inspiration don't waste time trying to force something it's a good time to just recognize all right i'm kind of stuck move on to something else dave taught me that it's great what's the absolute best memory you have for your career that's a tough one i don't know i had so many great moments oh my god so many trips you know singapore even sweden i don't know i don't it's just been so many the whole journey yeah yeah that's my answer yeah are you going to talk about letters of a stoic saw the book on the desk in one of your live streams well spotted probably not i love it it's a great book check it out i'll probably make some video on the stolix if i do a video next but i'm not sure if exactly sanaka is the one i'll pick when you meet a person and they want to develop a friendship with you how do you go about it like how do you know they're not just for the fame you get a sense for it in in very in very subtle ways you can tell what people do uh when they interact with you so it's a weird skill that you learn to develop what do you what do you think about being commonly associated with normies and annoying reddit kids as seen in the recent starter pack video or does that not concern you at all i mean i'm so used to that being so uh cringe popular it it's always been the case i don't care it's fun i want to be underground and no one else finds out about pewdiepie then he's much cooler how do you feel about the idea of aging and death wow we're really taking big leaps here and when do you see yourself no longer uploading i guess when i'm dead for sure uh so stoicism again really helped me at least uh come in terms with the idea of aging and death i mean a lot of philosophy is just based around everyone's gonna grow old everyone's gonna die how do you deal with that that's literally the start of buddhism now if anything i just see it as a virtue i it's completely changed my mindset it used to be something that i when i was younger i would struggle to fall asleep just from the anxiety of thinking about death and the universe and quantum physics oh yeah i'm really happy i i've been able to change my mindset around it especially how it puts you in the moment more as well which i enjoy uh i know you've been a we go from existentialism to anime i know you've been watch a bunch of anime which one would you recommend check out my anime list myanimelist.net user slash beauty films i think or is it pewdiepie you can judge all my anime ratings there do you ever worry that youtube is impacting too much of your mental health especially with the media scrutinizing everything you do if so how do you deal with it hey all right can we recognize i've been a good boy lately huh no controversies huh where's my you know a badge a little star little check mark check no controversy for a while check no all right fair i i just think i i realize that i enjoy making videos i don't enjoy making all this spectacle all the time it doesn't necessarily affect me that much but it's a thing where if it keeps going for a long time it just gets kind of exhausting i would say uh would you like to keep working on youtube after you retire maybe what they need is someone who truly understands creators oh working on like as an employee no bruh i never have to work again i don't have to be here you understand i've already retired i decided a couple months ago i'm doing youtube any more low pace i'm sorry that means i am not uploading as frequent as i am but i just decided i'm retired yeah have you noticed any difference how are you doing these days great thank you also would you do another book review i love your philosophy and book beat okay okay okay okay i will i will as soon as i have time i'm busy on a lot of stuff right now i'll do it do you have any long terms or gold yeah speaking of which music i know the times are weird right now but maybe you have plans music music is coming prepare yourself do you ever still feel like they're leaving your channel and starting a new one so you don't have to handle the pressure being the biggest challenge yes absolutely i i couldn't do it though i have too many contracts i i was thinking about it a few days ago actually i was like well the only thing i don't like about youtube the only thing that bothers me is just how much people put that my influence right oh he has his audience he has to be a certain way it's other people imposing on me how i should act which is really annoying i just enjoy making videos without caring what a group of people that don't watch me think but i can't really do that in the position i am so have i grown more responsible no no i have not i'm just more cautious also do you sometimes feel like you aren't breaking more molds or and being creative with your youtube content own owing to you being the one the largest creators on the platform um i think if you watch one of my videos to figure out who i am and you find out this is the biggest creator on youtube look at him he's just doing a [ __ ] q a yeah it looks dumb but we got a whole library all right and it's epic so no i think i like my study videos thank you very much i've been working out for a few weeks now good for you eric observing the routine you posted on instagram stories before nice what advice can you give to keep someone's motivation working out cheers have a great day compliment your workout with literature lit fit good food it's the ascension once you decided to join you'll be motivated for the rest of your life i know you said someone meets you randomly on the street and asks for a pick you will decide decline yeah that's right and that's completely understandable but if i ever by some ungodly amount of luck to meet you on the street could i hug you no it's covered what are you doing if it wasn't covered yes otherwise not no hit go near me what's the next gameplay you're gonna do i miss those times when i'm waiting for your live broadcast i still hate how joel died rogano uh all right i decided big announcement gaming december gaming month is happening prepare yourself what started your path towards living life how does it affect your life since you started i just always hated having stuff and then i decided hey i hate it so much let's just get rid of all this [ __ ] look how little stuff there is in my room it feels i don't know it's just a personal thing i i hate having stuff and as a youtuber i get sent stuff constantly rich people problem coming right up you see the oculus in the back i have one i love it it's great now i have two i i mean three what am i going to do with these i don't nee why ah rich people problem i don't i it happens all the time this is the problem with rich people we get everything for free it makes no sense it's like when uh you get recognized in a shop they're like you can have it for free i'm like no no no this is all wrong this is all wrong looking back to the past and now what's something that you're gonna regret at first but now you're glad of it oh that's deep um i have no regrets on my youtube what are you talking about how do you maintain balance in life yeah life advice how do you do things that you enjoy but take responsibility at the same time set goals for yourself every day i'm gonna do this this and this and then i can do whatever the [ __ ] i want yeah make bullet points it feels good i did it i did it basically work first play later yeah when you decided to quit drinking liquor how did you do it did you have people in your life that helped you push you towards that decision and then help you follow through with it do you have anyone that tried to convince you to continue to drink like there was an in issue now no one in my it came from me basically i just decided but anyone that tried to convince me to continue drink yeah it's called society it's one of those weird things where it's like everyone does it so it's normal right but it's why should you cut it down if everyone else does it and it surrounds you everywhere too so it's kind of hard to realize no just because other people do it doesn't mean i have to do it that's actually a thing i learned recently it's because everyone does it doesn't mean it's right what are you reading watching playing right now i have not finished sarah zustra i'm like 50 pages left i just started watching blood of zeus and i'm playing hades hey that's kind of on theme there yeah what's your philosophical standpoint in life that sensational pleasures will never give you long-term happiness okay long-term happiness comes from flourishing in life and being the person that you want to be the best version of yourself excuse me while i drink this g fuel when you're done with youtube you're going to pass a pewdiepie challenge to someone else that makes no sense scythe here you go take over the channel so guys i've got a subreddit of mine i'm joking scythe i'm not going to give it to you sorry i'm joking again a double joke oh this is interesting why do you feel uncomfortable or annoyed sometimes when other people are screaming or speak loud mostly on among us but you often scream in your own video great question it's almost like it's different how you act when you're on your own or in interacting with other people yeah i don't yell in front of other people that's rude i don't do that [ __ ] unless i really know them well after all these years on youtube what are things that keep you uploading video money money money money and what are things that sometimes makes me want to quit i hope not i'm joking uh i really enjoy the interacting with my fans i know that sounds cliche and yes it probably is but it's true i love i still read comments i love making videos i love filming videos side let's get real there's scythe there's all the hard work thank you side i just get to do all the fun stuff and i hope maybe i've enjoyed some of it uh what books would you recommend someone starting out to learn philosophy um start with the greeks i actually i noticed i made this mistake when i started reading the stoics everyone always talks about marcus aurelius but it's not a great book to start off with i would probably start with the sanaka or epicurus or something like that it'd give you a much better base maybe epictetus actually start with him if you want to get into stoicism you sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the people who either support look up to you look down on you talk crap or dislike you hey i feel really weird about the fact that people like my videos i still don't get it it still hasn't sunk in or that people are genuine fans it's like wait what there's all these other people here yeah you're like you have some more markiplier hey mr beast is over here over here what are you doing here hi let's get really as a kid have you experienced any embarrassing moments in public no chad all my life thank you i have no stories of my childhood that are embarrassing to tell sorry guys book recommendations for minimalist but wholesome limit you don't need a book for that all right just throw away all your [ __ ] what are something your wife has introduced you that you really enjoyed animal crossing [Laughter] when are you bringing back minecraft to the channel gaming month gaming tips on being an extrovert if i know i no you trust me you don't want to be an extrovert all right they get all the attention they get all the [ __ ] they get every you don't want you don't want to be in nah what do i think about the playstation 5 finally someone asked now i can answer this it's ugly it's really ugly if anything i look forward to the new uh controller the next gen controllers because the micro usbs are so annoying like unbelievably outdated the console itself doesn't matter it's about the games on the console and so far there's not that many games so really if you're buying the playstation 5 right away it just seems like you care more about showing off that you have products instead of the product itself you're shallow but yeah i'm gonna get one day day one i wish it would it's ugly right it's ugly come on and it's so big maybe it looks better in person i look forward to see it i just feel like pla sony always had to design down that's their thing would you ever try the long and big long hair big beard combo go full biking hell yeah braid my hair oh you're gonna take another break in january hell yeah oh january no games no revenue do you think you'll ever beat sean in bottle flight competition next year is going to be mine sean you're done don joe i've been practicing every day do you ever miss the times when you weren't famous yes i hate being famous i really do if you wouldn't you wouldn't be famous then why did you do youtube channel i didn't know i just wanted to play games online man what that means to gun them i don't know i don't remember i think i just bought it by mistake in japan one i'm doing a this one custom painting every little piece every little goddamn piece i just have to build it okay i just haven't been bothered have you decided on charity for this month yes movember we're donating didn't i not say this as that's the reason i have the mustache favorite book at the moment all right this is the last question i'll show you i said about me for my birthday and i'm so happy i finally own a real art a copy of the iliad of homer 1856. it's beautiful it's just because i i read it when i was really young just like a dumbed down version and i loved it then and then to re-read it as an adult just was such a fun experience it's a perfect example of why i love literature you can go back in time and relive those moments or people idolized or imagined for the that time it's incredible love it thank you for watching a q a hope you enjoyed look at the graph yeah you know what to do thanks for watching guys brofist we've hosted many celebrations since the launch of this most relevant of games we look far and wide to bring you the most up-to-date and interesting topics but then there is one subject that we somehow missed welcome home my tuber friends every home is different and love is central to every one of them it's a theme that is sure to appear in our room events i look forward to virtually visit your dwellings
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 3,237,992
Rating: 4.9692721 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: bdtWVQ-P_7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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