What Do Attributes ACTUALLY Do? | ARK: Survival Ascended

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[Music] hello there bunny here and in this video I'm going to be explaining what each of the nine attributes do in Ark survival ascended given that ASA removed movement speed by default and slightly changed the attribute Point allocation I figured that some exploratory testing and explaining would benefit a lot of players also I wanted to make a video where I'm correctly saying the word attribute and not attribute because I'm sick of getting roasted in the comments by you vultures mother this mother starting at the top of the list we have health which is fairly self-explanatory health is a measure of your character's current life value if it falls under 30% of your base health or just 30 to keep it simple you become injured and will move a whole lot slower if it falls to 0% you're going to have a bad time being attacked falling off of heights drowning underwater or extreme temperatures will all reduce your health consuming things like cooked meat blood packs or medical bruise will restore it or you can simply let it regenerate over time but this does rapidly drain your food stat ASA seems to to handle fall damage much differently than ASC did meaning it's absolutely brutal I wanted to test the minimum height that you could fall without dying which seems to be around four walls high with a base of 100 Health investing one point into health will boost a stat by 10 for every Five Points invested into Health you can fall about an extra Wall height without dying but this doesn't scale linearly which further testing proved you see an ASC if your health was high enough you could survive a fall from any height in the game and I was curious if this carried over to ASA I first tested this out with 500 HP but at last the fall from the sky boundary killed me then I tested it with 1,000 HP and much to my surprise I survived the fall this goes to show that fall damage doesn't quite scale as you would expect it to or there's a hard cap in place behind the scenes that prevents you from dying after a certain health value having more health does not increase the amount of time you can survive while drowning though as this damage seems to be percentage based I know because I tested it 1,000 HP or not you're dying in 25 seconds next up is stamina which is the energy you use for running jumping swimming and Swinging weapons or tools the higher your stamina pull is the more of these actions you can perform before becoming exhausted food and water levels both rapidly drain when stamina is being restored and the more stamina that was expended the more food and water will be lost stamina regen is percentage based and seems to take about 5 seconds flat once restoration begins regardless of the amount of stamina that you have laying prone doesn't seem to restore stamina at a faster rate per se but it does shorten the interval at which you begin to restore stamina stamina drain seems to be a little bit lower than it was in ASC and I wanted to see how big of an impact investing points into stamina makes investing one point into stamina will boost a stat by 10 to test if stamina was worth it I invested 10 points into it and compared it against base with running jumping and Swinging all of these findings are approximates and not exact values but here are the results with base stamina I was able to run for 57 seconds straight before reaching exhaustion compared to 1 minute and 55 seconds with 10 points invested for jumping I was able to jump for 22 seconds straight with base stamina and 45 seconds straight with 10 points invested and finally with swinging a melee weapon I was able to swing for 1 minute and 20 seconds with base stamina compared to 2 minutes and 40 seconds with 10 points invested the real reason I ran all of these tests was to see if stamina was multiplicative in some way percentage based or if the cost of actions were reduced at all but it would seem that actions simply cost a certain amount of stamina and having a larger pole just means more actions in total in these examples having double the stamina pole quite literally meant I could perform double the actions now when it came to swimming stamina is absolutely ridiculous I made three solid attempts at getting comparison clips of Base stamina versus 200 stamina but the clips were taking me forever to get because stamina just doesn't run out like ever as you can see in this clip I was making freaking Loops in the goddamn ocean without ever hitting zero stamina to the point where my oxygen tank actually ended up breaking before my stamina ran out next up is oxygen which determines how long your character can survive underwater before drowning in ASA your starting oxygen stat is higher and you gain more oxygen per Point invested when compared to ASE so I was curious how this stat panned out in testing investing one point into oxygen will boost a stat by 20 I tested both underwater survival time and underwater swimming speed with base oxygen versus 10 points invested and here are the results with base oxygen I was able to survive for about 50 seconds underwater before drowning compared to 1 minute and 55 seconds with only 10 points invested as for swimming speed I made an interesting discovery apparently oxygen doesn't boost underwater movement speed in ASA like it did in ASE to test this I set up a quote unquote swimming pool that was exactly 40 foundations long and I aligned my character perfectly with the foundations using an overhead ladder I tested to swim with base oxygen against 10 points invested and then again with maxed out oxygen just to be sure the findings were accurate each time the swim took me exactly 39 seconds indicating that oxygen no longer influences underwater movement speed next up is food which determines how hungry you are your character's food stat will drain over time as you perform actions that consume stamina regenerating health or if you're too cold if your character's Food level reaches zero you begin dying of starvation which gradually drains your health and applies torpidity over time food can be restored by eating which is probably the stupidest thing that I've ever written or said but it's accurate food was always a completely wasted stat in ASC so I'm hopeful that this time around they've done something to make it more viable investing one point into food will boost a stat by 10 I wanted to see if investing points into food would reduce the amount of food loss from stamina Recovery Health Restoration or from being cold I tested base food stats against 10 points allocated and here's the results with base food I lost 4.8 food with full stamina recovery whereas with 10 points invested I also lost 4.8 food with full stamina recovery so no difference with base food I restored about 5 HP and lost one food every 6 seconds whereas with 10 points invested it was exactly the same finally with base food against cold weather I was losing about .1 food every 6 Health whereas with 10 points invested it was identical so in summary from all the testing I did for food against stamina drain restoring health and against cold environments I came to the solid conclusion that this stat is worthless don't bother next up is water which determines how thirsty you are your character's water will naturally decrease over time but consuming stimberries performing actions that consume stamina or if your character is too hot will all drain it faster if your character's water level reaches zero you'll begin dying of dehydration which gradually drains your health and applies torpidity water is restored by drinking which is probably the second stupidest thing I've ever written or said but it's also accurate just like with food water was always a completely wasted stat in ASC so let's see if anything changed investing one point into water will boost the stat by 10 I wanted to see if investing points into water would reduce the amount of water lost from stamina recovery or from being in a hot environment I tested base water against 10 points allocated and here are the results with base water I lost about 2.4 water with a full stamina recovery in 6 seconds whereas with 10 points invested it was exactly the same with base water I lost about one water and 5 HP in 25 seconds whereas with 10 points invested shockingly it was the same in conclusion investing points into water is just about as worthless as investing into food I can't imagine any scenario where either of these attributes are useful and it's kind of mind-blowing that they're still even in the game at the very least investing points should reduce the rate at which food and water drain but they don't seem to next up is weight which impacts how much your character can carry every item in the game has a certain weight value and if that weight reaches greater than 85% of your total weight you'll become encumbered being encumbered basically means you're really slow and can't jump but if you're too encumbered then you'll be unable to move at all weight has always been an incredibly useful stat in the game and with the changes in point distribution and removal of movement speed players are able to invest more points into weight now than than I ever could before investing one point into weight will boost the stat by 10 but that doesn't technically mean that you can carry 10 more pounds of weight before becoming incumbered just because of the way the math works out there's not a ton to test with weight because of how the attribute works but I did want to see if you could still parachute while encumbered and the answer is yes I even tested it with being fully encumbered and unable to move and the answer was still yes next up is melee damage which determines how much damage you can dish out with melee weapons and impacts the Harvest yield and chances of receiving rare resources from nodes you gather by by hand the melee damage stat is a multiplier of the base damage of a tool or weapon you're using essentially what this means is that having a high melee damage and using a toer weapon with a higher base damage will dish out a lot more damage or yield more resources while harvesting in my last video discussing Arc attributes I had some people ask me in the comments if this melee damage extends to the Harvest rates of tamed creatures but the answer is no because tamed creatures have their own melee damage stat that's completely separate from your character and they do not stack just like with weight melee damage is has always been an incredibly useful stat to stack and has probably been a staple of your build if you've played this game before investing one point into melee damage will boost the stat by 5% I tested base melee damage versus 10 points allocated for both melee damage and harvesting and here are the results with base melee damage I was dealing about 72 damage per hit with a sword and 40 damage per hit with a pike whereas with 10 points invested I was dealing 108 damage per hit with a sword and 60 damage per hit with a pike harvesting was a bit harder to test considering harvestable nodes were different sizes with different yields but I think a side by-side comparison certainly shows a difference with only 10 points allocated as a quick side note before moving on melee damage used to affect things like mining drills as well but since those aren't in the game as of yet I can't test it at this point in time next up is crafting skill which is arguably one of the most important stats in the game crafting skill increases the speed that you can craft items inside of your inventory but doesn't affect items crafted inside of crafting stations or creatures while this part of the stat is lackluster the secondary effect is is incredible crafting skill also provides a boost to the item quality of items that you craft using a blueprint including food recipes now I did a deep dive into how crafting skill actually works in a previous video and I believe that all of that stuff still applies in ASA so I'll spare you the details and simply summarize if you have a highle crafting skill and use a blueprint to craft an item or a food recipe that crafted item has the potential to receive a boost that will make it far superior to the blueprint investing one point into crafting skill will boost the stat by 10 I tested base crafting skill versus 10 points allocated for crafting speed blueprint quality and food recipe quality and here are the results with base crafting skill I crafted 100 arrows in 52 seconds whereas with 10 points allocated I crafted them in only 27 seconds with base crafting skill this ascendant Pike blueprint crafts just as the blueprint displays whereas with 10 points allocated I Reed the 9.9% boost for no extra resource cost and finally with base crafting skill this food recipe only gives 12 food four health and four stamina whereas with 10 points allocated ated it gives 42 food 11 health and 11 stamina as you can see crafting skill can make a huge difference in the outcome of a crafted item and that's only with 10 points invested a lot of players will opt to mind wipe their character fully invest into crafting skill to craft the blueprint of they're choosing and then mind wipe back to their original stats or they can simply have an alternative character with maxed crafting skill this way they're getting all of the benefits of crafting skill without the bottleneck of stats now this boost is random and sometimes isn't all that good but on higher tier items that cost a Fortune it's always worth it to get better stats for no extra cost last but not least is fortitude which is a measure of your character's resistance towards negative effects like disease torpidity and weather fortitude naturally boosts your character's hypothermic and hyperthermic insulation values and lessens the effects that hypothermia and hyperthermia have on you having a higher fortitude also means that you can sustain more torpidity inducing attacks from creatures or players stay awake longer if dying of starvation or dehydration and greatly reduces the time it takes to wake up if you do fall unconscious fortitude is something that I always stacked on my character because it makes playing the game far more enjoyable and less irritating investing one point into fortitude will boost the stat by four which is double the value that it used to be but I'm unsure if there's actually statistically any difference or if it's purely just a visual rebalance with the removal of movement speed I tested base fortitude versus 10 points allocated against harsh weather conditions torper attacks and starvation and here are the results with base fortitude I was able to survive in a freeze and cold environment for 1 minute and 18 seconds whereas with 10 points allocated I can survive in the same environment for 2 minutes and 18 seconds with base fortitude I passed out from a single sting of a level 15 scorpion whereas with 10 points allocated I was able to stay awake being bitten by the same scorpion the second sting did me in though don't worry those mother over there and finally with base fortitude I was able to survive for 5 minutes while under the effects of dehydration whereas with 10 points allocated I was able to stay awake for a whopping 13 minutes and 53 seconds yes I actually stood in one spot and timed it I hope you guys appreciate all this testing that I did because this was ridiculous so as you can see from the testing that I did fortitude makes a huge difference in your character's survival and provides a much better quality of life while playing the game it makes a massive difference inside of certain boss Arenas as well where temperature ranges can be stupid to say the least investing just one point into fortitude will actually allow you to stay awake after being bit by a trudon which is a selling point for most players since just one bite can often times be life-ending so in conclusion it would seem that most of the attributes in the game have remained relatively the same with the exception that point allocation has been juggled around a little bit and oxygen no longer boost swimming speed personally I always build my character with a balance of stats in order to have the most enjoyable gameplay experience with a new Point allocation changes I think I would end up building my character with stats similar to what's on screen right now obviously this is just personal preference and I'm not saying that this is the meta build but it's just what I would lean towards for a more enjoyable allaround experience so with all that being said thank you guys so much for watching if you found this video enjoyable and helpful then please be sure to leave me a like down below subscribe to the Channel with notifications on so you can step to date on all my latest content join the Discord for community of like my the wooden creatures and please keep leaving me comments because they worn my little Bart a special thank you get out to all the bunes that support me on patreon you guys are amazing and if you'd like to support the channel and the content that I create you can now do so for as little as $1 a month thank you again so much for watching and I will see you all on the next video [Music] he
Channel: Bunneh Gaming
Views: 11,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival ascended, ark: survival ascended, asa, ASA, ark ascended, ark attribute, ark attributes, do attributes matter, what do attributes do, ark what do attributes do, ark health, ark stamina, ark oxygen, ark food, ark water, ark crafting skill, ark fortitude, ark testing, ark tutorial, ark guide, ark best attributes, ark best build, ark character build, ark character stats, ark character attributes
Id: eyTz5uLozTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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