Moving to Our New Base Location in ARK Ascended

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hello everyone no intro straight out to be how we all do people in the chat Miss bees Sean Eli nuts SAA Trav buo how are you doing you all having a good day hope you are having a good day today people we second i Fishing sorry about the stream last night by the way internet died what the hell don't know it just died came back though about half an hour later we got a Basu I love the expression on this dude's face by the way right here we go AR ftic hello bate ghostly hello Felix Stila James right uh yeah today we are moving to our base location and we are going to prepare to build but we're going to need to get some trees knocking down first and first things first I've moved all my building mats that I've got currently made in that Vault and I'm hoping with the magic of rho I can carry this to there I've also put a few foundations along the way because if I run out stamina then I will lose everything this is quite a concerning moment but fingers crossed we don't lose everything so pick up pick up hes let's go let's do this don't stamina up oh no no that's that's wasting my stamina up let's go let's go let's go let's go right let's do this sup just finished the reset me review uh video and no time for live how's it Gooding zero my cat says hi too hola so figers crossed we don't lose this if we run out of stamina this Vault will get destroyed and I found out in ASC I don't know if it's changed in ASA if it the Vault gets destroyed we lose everything well at least okay I don't know I'm hoping a bag gets dropped but um we had a transmitter before and that got destroyed so that sucked maybe just drop a bag either way we don't want that to happen let's get this over there right let's do this let's do this man hello to all you early people in in the uh in the chat uh make sure to hit like button it really does help it certainly does it certainly does M review had you actually sweet good good could you enjoy it yeah I don't know if you don't I me reviews a thing we did for ASC we will continue to do that for ASA right I put a foundation here somewhere there right pit upop one I don't want to lose this how do I drop this how do I drop this like that so it's red at the moment I think how there it is there it is green there okay vault's been placed good good good good good Stam save save good [Laughter] idea um love my streams thank you very much cyer appreciate you love you too it does drop a bag okay though that's good that's good uh my move is a less skill dude imagine if we all had these to move house they just picked up all your belongings in one go and then they said that's it done we're going to take it to your new house I want that to happen when I move house in a couple of weeks still haven't got a moving dat still waiting for it good job we save there right good job we save there because if we had saved and I dis mounted the thing and I lost that Vault Crush one crash one hello I didn't get to finish your stream before you went live did you get the the BP no we still haven't got this bluming the BP I tell you what mate I tell you what one day it's got to happen right at some point and the me ethereum don't forget still going to sort me ethereums out unreal unreal unreal can an Ary transport a vault 2 no no no no only this and the mech from Genesis 2 which isn't in the game yet uh this is your only way of moving things at the moment oh don't do that because I use stamina there we go right okay let's move this go go go go go I'm an early bird finally early yeah Rono if you don't know can like pick up like anything and everything I'm I got a replicator I could try with but I am way too frightened to move that maybe when we've finally uh got a base build and I've got a base idea I've been debating on whether to use the dwar Builders mod and I'm going to reserve for a a moment because I haven't really spent much time building have I and I feel like I'm doing the game in Justice by not sampling arcs vanilla structures at the moment but don't worry Dwarven building will come at some point I I it looks super cool uh I want to play with that mud but I think we need to play with vanilla I've been like thinking all day all night about a cool base design and I think I've got one I think I've got one right I put another Foundation somewhere here oh my god really it's a bad day today Ain it really yeah we're going to build it a thatch now I've got a base design in mind um sadly the base design I've got in mind doesn't involve metal which I I really wanted to do but I'm going to build like a metal thing for the dinos so we're going to have a little play with everything it's all good man it's all good man second crash two crashes in 6 minutes in 5 minutes that's that's rough bro that is rough that is rough mate good grief well yesterday went well we we we played Without a crash for 3 hours but today no ah Deja Vu hello I remember you let's try that again shall we finally the big move and we are what we've got to do we got to get this Vault over here then we've got to get a wood and stone maker brachio is probably the one right yeah get the crashes out the way early right that's what we need to do that's what we need to do but now I've got a base design in mind a little bit influenced by my bearded brother uh I saw his tree design a and lung staff and I was like oo maybe I could like kind of like use that as influence cuz I I need influence man I can't just build Willy nearly don't know about you you can't just build something uh PVE anyway like PVP I I I know PVP um you know how to okay I don't know I don't know PVP you know to build PvP in ASA anyway but in PVE I need a reference man I need some some decorative piece of information to tell me what to do how to build what I'm going to how am I going to build right okay where's that Foundation I put one somewhere here and I can't remember where maybe I can make it is kab um was it here like I don't be fuing about here dude I might just go for it what my Stam on I've lost it whatever wherever I put that I've lost it okay maybe we can make it we're on half Stam where where we got to build where we got to go just there just there I think we can make this not there there oh no maybe we can make it maybe we can make it we're on quarter St don't don't lose it don't Lose It Just Lose It does the way at the vault's content affect the radio no I don't believe it does the white of mar rho is barely moved so I think we're okay I don't think the white does um do anything to it so that's nice where am I building right here my friends right here I put a pole out you all voted on it and this is what you decided to go for this is this was your choice I I I gave you three options and this is the place you chose me chose me to build why can't I see please let me build like places dudes can't place why isn't it giving me a green option dude I'm running out of Stam I'm running out of Stam I I placed it fine that's it save right that's all the building materials now we've got to get um creatures that can Harvest and in fact can't the brachio Harvest like everything maybe we could just use that and also we needed to flatten all this ground and create the space but yeah I've got a cool design for this I think it's going to look cool cuz cool um how's it digling the LW is heavy and wild o I I I look forward to it trans I've been seeing you L posts look looking cool man yeah man J doesn't hold back um on the swears I think we need to start the streams off with an advisory like this videoos not suitable for children or something like that um cuz yeah man yeah Jay doesn't hold back but you know you can't like why why change yourself me I I swear I do um I just I don't know I getting into this I was just mindful I was like I just don't really want to mate especially like me thinking at some point my kids will probably watch these videos they're not yet but at some point they probably will and we'll be sharing with their friends maybe maybe they won't maybe they'll be too cringey and embarrassed to share them but if they do don't really want that influence and that's kind of why I think I made a decision not to swear much although my original first view VI yeah my original first few videos oh get put that soap in your M son um yeah yeah man is is an OG Jay's an OG like again I said it yesterday I say it again I would L to Jade man I tell you what we should do what we should do next stream we'll do a swear jar and we'll we'll say every time you swear Jade you've got to donate that extra life that's what we're that's what we'll do remind me people that's what we're doing yeah um like when actors start doing more kid-friendly work when they have kids yeah exactly Sable I guess you know I wouldn't really class me as an actor but um but yeah right that's I think that's why like I you know I just kind of made the conscious decision to be less wary oh a few more uh buildable buildable stru nice I'm just keeping my eyes peeled for any drops like cuz you know we still need that the BP or any even a pre-made saddle would would do that we could throw into The Helio corion can't even find that mate where we moving we've just put some stuff over there we're now going to take the brachio over there I might get an NE it first yeah man I like that's it you're right I think like I know he gets a bad rap Jade uh from a lot of people but he he's a realist bro it doesn't hold back and he is worth watching oh there's a yellow drop there we're doing that yeah next stream I'm going to tell him I'm going to say to him we'll do it we'll start in fact on his channel next week we'll we'll start it I'll say right these streams every time you swear you got to put I don't know like we could do a pound and he still probably have to donate a grand to extra Life by the end of it we need we need a swear counter my members only v n like you know oh to ring I thought um like these videos there's a new feature of YouTube that before you schedule them you can allow uh members to watch them which is really really cool so that's something I'm going to do more of damn it got a nice D on Saddle though it's going to come one of these days it's going to come man it's got to come yeah it members only for like an hour but I think that's what we'll do um in future man like when wherever I can cuz that's what a great way to reward members right at least I can do that give you like a a little early look they sentence enhancers sentence enhancers nice right put all this away go have a little bit of fish treat yourself treat yourself oh the big move is coming people right uh brachio we're going to walk one over in fact we'll get yeah we'll get an egg out of them first get an egg out of Pablo hey it's Pablo yeah we're getting get of these first one so we've got two eggs at the brachos even though to be fair these are even great we can get better but we'll take the brachio I think yeah one of my favorite 7-Day streamers did PG streams but man in Discord he because like a sailor yeah man I mean you know if you got me in a private conversation I don't I don't think I'll hold back but um yeah I don't know public appearance right I'd prefer to Mellow on on the whole language swearing Malak uh I watch you in Jade all the time but love you don't have a party mouth I'm 51 but I have young grandchildren that watch you also that's lovely to hear gothy hugs to you both um just watch the live stream you and Jade made some amazing points appreciate it man thank you like I I guess sometimes like there was somebody made a comment about like stop stop saying um you know it's it's good that you're waiting so it's less bug ridden because it's it comes cross as a negative thing and to be fair I see that I see that now man like I'm just you know me man if if you know me you know me I'm just trying to say anything I can to make make you make the load a bit lighter but I get it like there's nothing that can be said right to to to make light of a bad situation sometimes just press the R button to cycle through yeah we're going to be doing that uh to um build I think we're going to be trying out this mode why not dinner time R Rass AR and Chinese oh Chinese nice I've got a FY sandwich on the [Laughter] way and it I know this is why we're moving OMG what level was the other brachio 75 I think this was or 85 it wasn't even 150 man and this thing's a monster there we go thank you very much I like the eggs right them the March I don't know whether to just March them both nah I don't know how the hell I'm going to get all these stuff over to this base this new base but we'll we'll cross that bridge when we come to it I guess maybe I should walk two braies right maybe I should maybe I should maybe I should maybe I should my fridges are full uh going to take out of these F can go that's going to spoil anyway sassy yeah man I love a good sausage Dam it I do right uh let's bring Apache let's bring canle even though it hasn't got a saddle but the mate boost combined with Pablo they got no chance right they got no chance surely all right let's go let's move is it going is life going to find a way life did find a way hey hey and I'm pretty sure this thing harvests like a lot Hang On Let's test it no it does well we need them to flatten all the trees anyway either way so it's fine I mean at some point we're going to have to take everything but for now just the braies man do they just walk through trees and knock them down they don't okay what's that what's that that collection like that was one tree get a lot of thatch this thing definitely collects um Stone metal we'll find out use the super cryopod we could use the super cryopods we could use a cryopod mod to move everything I don't know maybe I just killed a raptor by walking over it by walking over it I just killed a raptor these things dude amazing save I'm sprinting right now mate I know it doesn't look like it but I'm sprinting let's just try and Sprint at this tree get a good run up you got Harvest mode right right that's we're in Harvest mode n man oh no oh no it just moves the tree knocks it to one side okay it looks like the Rocks doesn't really affect Dominic thank you very much for the $4.99 mate uh please hold me I know man as you wait for Xbox sucks dude so what we got early next week Tuesday is normally the the days right yeah I know I've seen a lot of people saying just don't say a date but the thing is I'm pretty sure most of us were saying back when we didn't have a date give us a date right I haven't unlocked the uh I have unlocked the TCH telep I don't have the element for it though I used I took it all with me to the overseer and lost it all great have I built my base yet no no we are we are currently marching uh towards the base location though so on my lip then what that was uh this is this is the great it's a migration it's the initial migration I just where are you going son oh welcome ninja appreciate you man there there's a oh my God I just hit something for 7K down there I don't know what my bracket back there's doing come on son this is going to definitely tell me whether I'm going to do this walk ever again I get the feeling I'm not get the feeling I'm not but wow Stone no do no do cuz with the weight on this thing as well that's just taking do out of the equation totally why hitting that Raptor for zero I think it's cuz I'm on harvest mode right uh what is it is it head do I change mode now can't remember head do I change mode there to go [Music] mate they're not no more I change mode again x b f r one of the there we go are con thank you very much for the 499 mate it's very kind to you what where are you going what are you doing cany cany canle let's go love your stream bro we haven't got the element for a TP unless elements require we haven't got a Jenny either no we got nothing we just got a plot on we just got a plot on we could temporarily stall the cryopod mud we could right when it's time to move everything may maybe we might just do that I don't know we'll see we'll see ah and my Foods here and surprisingly didn't get a sausy sandwich got something much better homemade pizzas people love your stream bro thank you very much man love you too on the way D make sure to hit that like button people if you like ASMR Pizza eating and swashing of raptors just moving this around so I can get to my pizzas right there we go this is relaxing right it's a relaxing stream relaxing time I need to put just put everything NE right oh I can scare him off with the uh what button is it is that one there we go do one do one this is my town ASA ASA Mar a l got a Diplo issue this is slow man M this is slow work oh hello [ __ ] oh was that because it was fear buffed 14k 14k bro what's my opinion on AR ascended yeah no I like it mate I just wish you wouldn't crash all the time but I do like it I'm going to try and eat three and and I'm going to I'm going to multitask we're going to eat and there we go oh no I knew that was going to happen I dropped a sweet corn walking through the Mist walking through the fog can't see toppy I'm off the chair sliding should I save that's a greasy pizza man that's greasy where are we kind of go in this direction then I guess through the [ __ ] yeah we have to like sandwich the pizza right there we go we make a guide for getting all the achievements um do I do is that needed do people want that this is welcome oh didn't mean to do that man I'm so going to I'm so going to spell stuff here I don't know where's my where's Cano gone Cano K's getting attacked we're walking through the Mist we're in a cloud right now okay is it is life found our way what is it doing are you dancing man like Ras Clark Mana man Mana I'm sitting next to what is this there he there he is I'm sitting next to brachio but I don't know where I got to go cuz I'm in some dense fog eating a pizza like a lug I just dropped something else eating without a plate mate bad news mom sweet call on Pizza is great thing for that I just hurt my my braie again there we go M asking Mor is asking do a video with Eno we plan to we plan to but not yet we do plan to oh come here son spitting like crazy frog you excited about the lovely mana mana mana mana get out it's one thing I wish would be abolished is our is our brachio following us I think life's kind of finding a way let's let's see what he does come on I'm going to flatten some trees whilst we waiting what about pineapple pizza totally pineapple pizza I I flattened no nothing then uh I don't think Veno has no he hasn't said anything he said tell me what he has Mom all right T's fine let's get going we are knocking trees down we are knocking them down how about those new creatures uh which ones wait oh the new the map ones oh bro dread na us can't wait if we run into a giga I still think I kill it honestly I still think I kill it I don't know where the hell I am right now where am I going okay I think we're roughly in the right place hitting a rock um fog fog off come on that I said fog did we not get beat 32 3 2 1 let's go ah people I've got a dilemma right see thing do you know who Dam B is I'm not in Harvest mode [Music] ah that makes sense right it's still there let's wait for him he's coming he's coming he's coming your mustache my mustache is ging a mustache I think we I think we kill it like a few of these Dan ball Dan ball was one of the OG YouTubers and he still exists today he he found Fame through doing gaming GRS and he was like doing them like bar when YouTube was barely a thing um some cool ear tracks by the way one called generation gaming love that track um anyway I've been invited to like a bit of a YouTub get together uh on Wednesday next Wednesday and Dam balls going to be there like supposed to be and I thought that's pretty cool but at the same time I'm like don't really know anyone so I don't know where to go or not but I kind of want I kind of do want to go though I'd love to meet that b yeah we're family friendly BL as best as we can be no I Tred to be come on Breo so yeah I'm debating whether to go um H but if I go that's no stream next Wednesday um so yeah just saying that you know what this walk hasn't been too bad yeah I might regret if I don't yeah I am thinking that righte yeah Sor maybe I lot you say I should dude I swear best be your free bar right there's no mention of it it probably won't be probably won't be um but yeah now it'd be cool like honestly like d ball for me was like one of the first YouTubers I was like man I'd love to do this I can't rap on his level but um dude dude loving it yeah we're totally timing figes have I dabbled into nerd Core Music I'm not fam familiar with the genre mate oh stupendium is going to be there as well it's uh D B and stupendium imly I've never I've never heard of stupendium have to look him up imagine that imagine that I say bro I need a WRA for AR man he's actually done one dumble he's done an AR wrong way yeah yeah he's got an AR survival evolver um yeah but maybe right that' be cool maybe we should it says that we should and just kill the baby do I apologize little one I'm [Applause] sorry Mom this pach is messy we're nearly there we're nearly there almost BL me of the bra here it's there somewhere in the trees to rhyme of [ __ ] this is quite Caravan Caravan it's a sweet G and tomato pizza and mushroom there he is there we go right I'm trying to like not put my grasy keys on the keyboard that way that's why they're going keep going keep going ah I [Music] got should we fly back and look at the group um and see like the path of Destruction we have we have we have we gone Fara how's it going got our band do I play any musical instruments not really I used to play guitar um some years ago and I can play moonot andata on the piano that's about it I just really like I really wanted to learn how to play moonl andata and that's it uh really niola thank you very much for the $20 Dono very kind of you I'm glad I'm brightening your day with me giving ASMR in um Pizza eating thank you very much something down there below me I think he's dead you think it's dead we're nearly we're nearly there right here G oh we nearly missed the the the drop that was close that was close dude that wasn't too bad of a war CR little chat with you as we move there's a raptor under leave me somewhere do that Bronto just fell down there don't go don't don't fall down there mate mate we made it welcome to Jurassic Park and wait for it after we come out the trees welcome to Jurassic Park no wait for it one more welcome to Jurassic Park no A fitting moment to a stupid soundtrack it's a crash jump be safe back there right what a moment for it to crash dude as the game crashes yeah man [Laughter] that's funny yeah that's a short a't it that is a short thank you I need these short ideas man right oh no I just fell from the skies that hurt me a lot right where are we right we'll cut through there about there this time AR said no copyright down there somewhere oh no oh it's dead now is dread now fastest DMC take down in history come on allow me to move man am I in I'm in Harvest mode uh what's it a there we go that's fascinating so in battle mode that's how it's done people we're going to do it again though what you fighting now canle no it's going back it's going back I think whatever it was he's killed it or scared it off Gareth Koka said no Ark for you come on yeah mate cryos oh the cry laosa is they're Wicked by the way I'm really hoping like mods become much more mainstream like as in well adopted I'm dead sorry people last SL I'm nearly done and then you I stop like chomping in year old um where am I moving to um closer to wer yeah welcome to Jurassic Park and welcome to Jurassic Park there we go all right that's that done save save flipping neck what am I doing CR you coming mate I got sweet gone everywhere man done right sorry right that's you I'm thinking though this thing it's not really any good with um harvesting what is it good at harvesting Stone so wood it's no good at wood however we do have the excuse me is I think the is our best wood Harvester right it'll get like wood in seconds so we'll go get that yeah we're going get the the and then that's everything we need for this bace design stay there don't move your ears are dying I think we last like 100 viewers as I was thinking that we haven't got a mammoth we have got a mammoths what am I talking about flipp it I got like 20 million of them yeah Mommy mate I fully forgot we had we had mammoths and I've got like loads of them yellow yellow yellow anyone one these three off the floor I got like I dropped like 15 of them right likes for more singing like like the video for more more singing or not singing everyone's a winner baby that's the truth I can't believe I like completely forgot for a moment there oh hello for a moment there that I had um stuffs I had mmoths what the hell how are the elephants at harvesting good question good question mark D should we find out quickly let's find out cuz I need a good wood Harvester we that one the bracky does stone pretty well and uh fch pretty well so uh yeah we just need a wood excuse me just need a a good wood tune a wood tune a wood a wood tune yes wood tune um and then and then and then we'll start building the base we we'll flatten the area with a braie as well does the mammoth Harvest on Route just got babies asleep the rasing did I really wake your baby up if so it's both amusing and uh apologetic I can't do lb other what I used to sing I used to sing my my my $2 B no [Applause] no mate the crashes are bad today crash is a bad today hey I do apologize people I do apologize I I I I wish I I guess whatever new patch happened did as made that happen like yesterday was great he was doing so well with it crashing yeah we we moved a vault right at the start of the stream Ryan n it ain't me it's them yesterday we we streamed for 3 hours without a [Music] crash going to die to fall damage at some point today Jesse thank you very much Jesse very kind of you hitting that button getting a bit of green in your life I mean not that sort of green that this sort of green thank you very much my ASMR voice is Clos to a l but you should be standing on your I should be right I don't know why I'm not like before today's patch every time I crashed I was standing on the rho's back that's a valy point my friend or maybe I saved mid movement at the rho I don't know dead mouse giving it a member bless you and who's got it it's Nova congratulations to Nova for becoming a Russ member C see a dead mouse thank you very much mate welcome to the co gang dude I I've never saved so much is Arc survival accented worth buying depends what accent you're going for Thea of Arend oh what I'm trying to do accents like I can do accents I can't do acents let's stop that joke right there crack on Jesse just give gave it a member as well bless you thank you very much who's got it Jin HS G hin crispy memes was gifted a member thank you very much from Jesse bless you bless your face how do I fly straight up hold x x to go up C to go down that's all you got to do say it wasn't you well all right Charlie cook drop a little cheeky 5 quid thank you very much mate for singing lessons I I need them right I I totally need them I totally need them you know I've been entertaining well I haven't entertain it ages ago about like maybe getting like um not singing lessons but like vot like what's it called a voice coaching so cuz like I start I if you noticed I stut out a lot like a lot dude ums o and i' I'd like to speak much more clearly for you for your benefit so when you're watching you're not seeing repeating the same words over and over again um right I came here for something what was it Mammoth but we're going to test out our Dum first so I hit mlov let's try it meric then that isn't oh no let's try try mer let's see what this is capable of doing we need Alfred to talk I love the movement on look at the way I just backed up then that was noise easy B I'll be all right for a moment right no never never always close doors never leave them open people as you might have found in my short today May me laugh the uh few this this is fake staged why would I go to the effort of stageing up if I'm going to Stage a PVP raid it's going to be much better than looking a up all right here we go n the bracket it's harvesting wasn't great flip it sorry sorry the where'd it go there it is right let's try this thing let's crank up the mail on this thing and see what this is capable of doing okay left click does nothing right click 149 wood that's not bad 104 has it got a white debuff though 100 12 12 hang on let's let's find out impossible to know because I have everything else on me we can we can get off the the m can find out Mammoth what you know what it's called 12.5 32.5 with the saddle so it doesn't have a weight reduction so it's got to be the mammoth right that's a clean ass Spade Son thank you very much uh 120 a piece no white reduction I'm just checking does any of his other moves do anything what about it's back it's back stamp that one nah nah I'm not going to stream PVP bro I don't even know if I'm going to play it man like I've recorded a bit of me on this server and that's pretty much what I did I was repeatedly running at that base initially like running at the xplant trying at the at the entrance trying to dodge him I was like hang got a minute I see a hill there they I think they'd only just built by the way like like people say all the turrets I think they only just started building up surprisingly like this week anyway I saw the hill in in the corner like why if I just Parachute from there so I gave it a go and little do you know in that short um little do you know in that short I um I got there I went in that corner and I lay there for a whole day I lugged off I stood I laid there and I I I I was in that corner for a whole day logged down the next day and in camera mode you can do camera mode in PvP so I was able to like rotate the camera around and I'd be every now and then I was logging on to check and like the doors were like always closed and then the one time it was open I was like well this is it right so we did the run and we did the Run server crash when we got in there I was so fuming mate I was fuming absolutely fuming bro um like such an epic moment done 12.5 stack stacks of wood is is 75% reduction did we just check you're saying it is reduction then let's get rid of 12.5 12.5 there's no weight reduction the weight says 12.5 what are we am I seeing what am I seeing Oh the the story continues about that raid by the way I'll tell you I'll tell you the rest in the minute wood is normally 50 oh oh oh okay got you cool cool cool cool cool all right so that's that was harvesting what was it 125 a piece I get it now sorry I was I was looking at the weight and then the the weight on the the stat on the elephant all right so let's try one of ours now uh let's try uh we lost a few of these which really sucks chunk one of the good ones I think right Moosh I think Moosh is a bit of a chief let's let's do Moosh 254 oh multi tusking though is 270 let's do multi tusking if I can C pick this up let's see let's see what happens I got it all right multi tus in do you yeah man get Asa mate like I I think it's Goods apart from the crashing and some optimization issues and certainly some issues I think it's great who would have th it nice Rebel okay so what does this do in compar look at the size difference look at the size difference between this and this it's not even fair look at that that is elephant versus elephant anyway right back to it cuz this is an imprinted bmer with a lot of damage right a lot of damage so this could be a bit of a chief what is the new base location well we've we've moved a few things there we're going to we're just seeing what's the best wood gatherer to take over um yeah so the the story so I did that flat failed and then the serve came back up it did roll back so I'm back in the same spot and then the doors never opened again so I lged off again I logged back on the next day that's 20 is it C no is that did you hold it that's 12 am I are we am I I'm I'm getting like py wood so the daium is by far the better better one right are we am I doing the wrong attack here is there another attack that I'm missing is it is it it's a stump a it there we go it's a stump been a while sorry everyone stop press the Spikes bar all right so that 75 a pop the daperum wins it collects double the wood white 984 we've got a fch with the uh the the brachio I think dinum wins sorry the story will continue in a minute I I'll tell you in a minute hang on um but it's like five times as slow what the dinopium is I think the dinopium is rapid mate I think I think it's a d aerium That's the clear winner of the two it's and it's got like double the weight as well yeah daperum wins we we don't even need the the mammoth for fatch right go then let's take this so the story continues I luck on the next day and they found me I was I was in that spot they found me uh I was in that same spot in that little corner where you see me fall down and they found me and killed me but I was like I don't see any any difference to this base man they seem to be working like on a bigger base further up that it might even be just a grinding base but whatever so um I go I I go back up there again and parachute over there again this time all the xplants is have all the xplants have grown so as I'm falling like they're all shooting me but I'm dodging them on the parachute and uh I managed to avoid them like like there you go you can avoid plant x uh shots on a parachute get on the ceiling back down there again wait again cool feature that happens and and I noticed I don't know whether somebody was trying to raid them or something or they was getting a bit spooked but I noticed them like P like running about the base a lot trying to figure out what's going on like that definitely wasn't me it was someone else uh cuz I've been sitting there for a while and I'm in camera mode right floating R but you can only go a certain radius uh in camera mode un official because you're from your player unite spectator but somebody opened the doors and I follow cuz you can't put the camera through the mesh or through like a structure but because he opened the doors I followed him in with the camera so I'm in his base with the camera and uh just watching him going could I have some of your loot [Laughter] please like but they were on it man I don't know whether they they might have clocked me when I did it that first time but they were on every time there was in a night bom doors were closing straight like straight away I oh man all right well I'm screwed there uh so I just waited I waited I logged up again the next day this is last night I I went lged back on again and uh I saw him coming back with an anky I was like the right screwy like this is my time to shine right might as well give it a go now and um and like he got there dropped the Ane at the door the doors were there I bombed it round and I tried to crawl by the Yankee I should have just ran but I crawled instead and yeah CLA me man and just just koed me once like with the toil of the Ane damn you damn you man so yeah uh and that was that little Adventure it was fun but yeah and like the thing is I can't live stream that that's like impossible that's impossible it is impossible like I can't live that somebody go oh Jo to you son so it never work with on a live stream I like to be sneaky in in PvP that's that's my gig and that's not live stream friendly Charlie cook thank you very much for the five members mate it's very kind of you dude just gave out five members CER P Milas Vengeance nexxis and Michael S bless you cotton sucks thank you very much man yeah I got pimp SLA spy ly yeah that it's good it's good fun dairi dropped a 10 as well let's have a little round of applause for the pair of you and almost 1,000 people here watching right now big love big love to you all make sure to hit that like button cuz right now it's happening it's Tak us Way Long an hour but you know and a few crashes but we're we're set up we've got our harvesting dinos we've got our structure pieces we are ready to start working on the base when we get there imminently will we see uh Scorch Earth next month nah no way no way next year I like with the console delays there's no way we're going to see the maps this this this solid Christmas I I I don't think so this is where we're making the base people this is where you chose you voted for it so this is where it starts and here we are and here we are right okay first things first let's collect a bunch of wood on medic let's start mooving down trees no oh no something anchored the the local what the hell's going on right what what was collecting wood then is it is it right what what the hell is this every time I look look that way the game like bugs out hard sorry people I don't I don't know I'm going to restart the game I don't know what's going on I'm going to just completely close and quick yeah it's like doing that glitchy thing I'm just going to restart the game completely it ain't even closing the game it's not even closing the game dude what is going on I got to force close it better to build in a moment oh Good Charity Big Love Take Care manam bye-bye Now isn't map Dev separate from the team working on launches yeah maybe I I don't know I just don't I I'm just not I'm not seeing it uh hopefully I'm proving wrong though yeah bracky can Harvest would but it's not with other Harvest mode you being in fighting mode oh hold up oh we got to test that out we got to test that out verify files no surely not this early mate right we're here let's let's just try no way so it's going to be in battle mode right let's find out cuz we was doing in Harvest mode so yeah yeah yeah uh yeah it's got uh battle mode or harvest mode right so I I assume maybe in battle mode if if you try and hit a tree does it Harvest wood breaking rocks man nah fam I a harvest nothing quit your jibber jabber right back back to this back back to the uh this why do you think they don't communicate to the community more I mean they did right they dropped a post last night WR wrong thing man they dropped a post right just annoy the local oh we harvested in the dark harvest in the dark my trunk re in the dark harvest in the dark do you see something in the dark right like this collects a lot of wood bro this collects a lot of wood yesterday's up update was great today's update not so much oh we're getting loads of wood dudes look at this look at it m we're going to be sweet we're never going to need to build ever again right just taking out the local trees pissed a few back here let's do these here should I wait for console I mean it's figurative question right how long are you going to be waiting in for console yeah exactly we don't we don't have to rebuild all the benches and that we'll just move it all over I made a new Smithy in Fab because they cost nothing be prepared nice that's not the same song that's something from Aladdin certainly not from Lion King but I remember it now it came from the start of the film as they walked on by so so come on settle down on a carpet and ride to another Arabian Night uh hello chat hello to zi thank you very much for the $5 very nice of you mmth 2.0 mmth 2.0 indeed man mmth 2.0 indeed I don't know where that wood went somewhere there let's get all of this set the berries off though right I need to be putting these straight in a Smithy I don't know why I'm doing this or yeah no let's let's throw this throw all this in here for for now don't have a change I know like it's a shame ready right what we got in here we got I we got stuff to make a start mate I need um I need me Smith I probably need to get a bit of stone first we could do building in the daylight as well that's that was the lull request it was did you not know dude the the original Aladdin game was bad boy so good it was so good it was great they great it was great they great what's going on over here kids bit too far away from the party I don't like that yeah we we got a rock clearer in no mate what is going on here all if this is a glitch with this spot bro honestly please don't be right okay so rocks there you go rock clearing and Berry clearing so you get a bit of two for one you also get a bit of met which is nice and a lot of fiber lading game was it was so good all right screw coming down break the walls down Prince of pers was badass as well are you are you are you still going this mother chop see you what up I'm I'm not in am I in Harvest mode I'm in Harvest mode he's giving up he's not giving up what's what are you going to do son there you is just just swiping him with the back of my foot right is he giving up now still not giving up dude what doesn't that hurty that's really weird this mush chops is a tank all right let's go for another one of these and I guess one way to take it down right bracho is amazing right here we go go s oh I smell it let's get rid of these rocks up here the torch on it said I did notice that that's good that is good dude this gets this gets stone look how much Stone I already got look somehow I'm still getting what where are these rocks all right we'll just whip out the uh the bushes with the the back of me tail it's like a candy head look how much Stone we just got look how much look what the hell dude this thing is a harvesting Chief all right like this then n man it's not base game AR editions I'll be I'll be completely is that another rock there I'm not even sure I think it might be hang on we'll have a look we'll have a look oh a tappy got one of these yet 40 no good oh that is that is a rock that like little chips just came off it was that just a little rock on the Rock no I'm still I'm still hitting some form of rock here I don't know what rock I'm hitting but I'm hitting some form of rock dude there is there's a laggy spot right here you know I don't know what's happening I'm like when I turn somehow I'm I'm like this there's a bit of dirt when Rock gone beun thought where where is all this Stone coming from look it's still it's still still coming have we stopped okay I think we stopped well we have a lot of stone a lot of thatch right okay so the plan is I'm going to pull all this round something is going on here with his spot mate that that I've had that book again I got that book again I've got a force oh yeah I got to force close the game man what is this what's this bug bro no right you're sweet stay everyone stay there I've got to reload the game people sorry it's that weird glitch where it's like it's like bugging out on me m Rock stacked into one stone yeah getting loads of metal as well we've got our metal farmer that's what that's what it was right a thousand jelly fish are all spawning in the sea or something I don't know what's going on down there I I I told you dude yeah get it get Asa could it be the underwater cave could it though we not that close to it but the render distance is further no but when we've gone down there we don't load nothing in for ages and like this this this was never a thing before all anyway let's put this stone in there now right so the plan is cuz you see this base like it looks kind of folic we're going to use that to our advantage we're going to make a base we're going to make a base people what's important here is and it's there's all these little stones on the floor here as well I see them now D just give that membership thank you very much mate it's very kind of you mate so much Stone oh I lost me ability to do the thing then it does though does it it's it's a shame it is though is it that ain't just me bro big base energy but we're going to use it to our advantage I've that bug since day one is this Diplo still here okay right I can kill it I can kill it it's fine right come on let's do let's do some things people enough messing about so first things first look at all of this where am I going to drop these bags do you think I'm going to cuz I'm going to Chuck them straight off this so much fiber not as much thatch as I thought I was going to get but we don't need thatch anyway all right love that perfect right okay so slap all that in there hey everyone hello armor you're right mate so much wood and we're going to need some of that and we're going to need some Fiber So Good Times all around that game as great as I thought it was going to be I guess that's what the uh elephants for though right save right okay so we need um some Foundation of the stone variety these ones can you make them in the Smithy now please say you can you still can't you know I thought that would be a thing they do they would allow you to like anything you can make in your inventory you can make in a smiffy I don't I've never understood why they never they changed that did anyone know like what's the advantages to like not not just being able to make it in your you know in your in yourself right need a load of these let's let's make them not yet no building mod just yet this cof is cold I've never understood that though why not just allow you anything you can make in your inventory you can make a smiffy right very surprised haven't haven't done that right okay so uh that's all that how many foundations we got here uh 41 eight there let's take not all of them CU I probably won't be able to carry all them start with that let's see if we can get a crack on here is bracky more powerful and better than Bronto yes most definitely most definitely manam add some ice to the the coffee it's not cold but it's getting cold like you know I got to just St on the thing get it over and done with P system pull system is in the game uh destroy but in but you have to work to get it now oh right okay so let's get the perfect angle which I can't see that kind of sucks okay have to use the rho I think bracky could kill a giga I think it could there where no chill chill right okay so looking at this so you've got phallic City up here but if we work with that there I think in fact it's bit bubbler than I expected maybe we can maybe we can work with that so I got to look at the layer of the land as well so we're going to we're definitely going to be stepping down what no no is this going to be a thing in this area this entire time if we go there's like a knobble here right see see that nuble which kind of works that way let's go a bit more there's definitely a knobble there I was going to go like that but I'm thinking now looking at that space if I go work with that knobble he probably better like that though and we do a circle from there I'm going to start with the circle at the back basically and I need to figure out where the middle point is and I don't want to do it there got to go oh God man take care of yourself take care line it with the tip I'm trying to like figure out I'm either going to go that way and have the base coming that way across or just directly this I think it's going to be directly this way right and we're just going to have to work with the terrain as best as we can but I need to find basically the middle of the round which is about I'd say it's about here okay okay can't see it somewhere there okay what's is it looking when we finally do a circle circle I think that'll work okay cool all right yeah I wouldn't be happy it's on an angle can I I can hear something else here dude where is it there where is all this ah I went I went to grab it dude what happened that's not a grab you going to fall off perfect you stay there Farewell My friend now what we've got to do somehow level this oh god with the ground going backwards this might have to be stepping up loads mate hey man like the stream if you if you if you want to it helps me a lot yeah I've got an idea for base layout there's another Minion here why am I not grabbing grab grab there we go oh gone okay I need to basically try and I need to basically make this so it's um perfectly flat now which is the next challenge but I think I got an idea if I can get on this Apache there we go land there I don't like pillars I I like I'm I'm not a fan of pillars in the slightest in the slightest mate but the terrain should figure itself out right without me needing to do anything like look it automat basically snaps up depending on where you're going which I think that's just it's beautiful that is so we don't need pillars okay now we need to make this into more of a circle a circle so we're going to need more points how do we make this more circular well with each each route we go like that that makes another Circle didn't it right I think maybe I don't know maybe I don't because then we' put a point out there there secret basement for the base point out there no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no doing that wrong that's all wrong that's all wrong that's all wrong somebody who did it somebody did a a guide on how to do the perfect circle base but the thing is like this is just the start and then from here we're going to like push out miles so we want to do now I think like that right and the further out we go the more circular it's going to be I think so want to do that no it's not going to be circular is it yeah that that's it the square and the more squares we do the more rounded it's going to be as we go out yeah yeah yeah got it got it got it got it what the okay there we go right okay so we've got the cross so we're going to go this way now right to the edge which seems to be like here which is a bit ass and then we go oh my God why are we loading in there D and you basically yeah you go out I got it I got it yeah thank you let me go like this uh probably stop there there difficult to tell no pick that one off oh did you see that the grass below disappeared this is where we are on the map there and then triangles I'm going to have to get some Bush clearance going on soon that's not right what's happened here triangle there I think I bu up Square what the hell why am I loading in there that's a that's nasty so there's something like right there that I'm loading in this ain't right I've messed up that that triangle no that that is right but you just can't put one there right and then if we go now that's as bro I've messed up here alternate triangles and squares as I go yeah that's what we we did but it it did work triangle square triangle square oh Dy yeah yeah yeah yeah I see I see I see I think do I no I don't understand man does that need to be a triangle then now yeah yeah it does going to just put that there so I can see what's going on and then can these be squares no they can't and then that maybe that ain't right man what have the rug here bro what is it that is it that no way is it that and then it's got to be triangles no squares on the outside build in a circle yes I are that's not even close mate I think I mess this up somehow Circle right there's the inner triangle right there can't s up it there if it's playful to watch don't watch it I I'm stop learning man Leave Me Alone six triangle in Center yeah there is six triangles in the center Noah we have uh we have a triy Fed supports bate T squares triangles triangles I I did that but that didn't work attaching the triangle look look look triangle square triangle and then I I went Square and that didn't work so then I tried a triangle that didn't work yeah man listen I'm learning like this is my first time really looking at the building mechanics of Ark uh blind like like you can all pretend you're experts but like like if You' spent time building I haven't done this yet let me let me learn right P for to watch man [Music] um see I'm wondering like I heard like what you usually do with ASC doesn't work anymore it doesn't work anymore it's also it's not helping that I'm building up with some crazy uneven land um yeah that's that's what we've got so far but nothing we've got a hexagon in the middle which isn't that that's that's my issue right I've got I'm not going to make a circle because my starting block is is useless we need to extend those triangles well I've heard fence foundations don't snap to pillers uh to yeah let's just get some man safe yeah it's dark as well it's the worst time to to be building it works just for 12 side circles I don't even know what what H size this is going to have to be honest it's going to go as as close to the cliff as possible and then we'll go from there mate we're building in accordance all right let's let's get some fence foundations I want some berries right go around in a circular motion only snap triangles to the outside of squares and only snap squares to the outside of triangles all right give that a well acoustic bless you thank you very much for the $20 mate um start with six triangles in the center then against those play squares between the squares Place triangles Place squares on the outside of each triangle and so on and so forth all right cool cool cool cool cool cool all right thank you very much and thank you very much for the Dono man it's very C of you dudes again I'm going to reiterate I'm learning man I've not watched any building videos or anything so like what I'm doing right here it's all new to me man right okay so we get we go we pull it back then let's start from the top so triangle on no Square donkey so square square Square oh will this not will this not one not Place won't place oh no what if I put I put one on top but your place to that one why why you do this okay that's fine what if I just go uh I don't know where that went no I can't do it like that building on uneven terrain why w why weren't the foundation place there not I want to place here here my friend let's go let's put that one there then that one there we just need to get one up here but this this terrain isn't helping us at all wonder why the triangle's doing it fine I want can I not get a foundation like here all right let's get a wall or a pillar let's see how all that works no this is the perfect opportunity to practice right like like trying everything to see what works what makes things tick you know and all that jazz get seing as well just in case cuz I've heard snapping like works complet well we already know snapping works very different um good luck with the fence supports yeah I heard fence supports are like useless now right uh in in building tricks which is like kind of stumped the likes of uh Co F dog right and then if we put will that's snap to that now no but if we put a seeding on that will the foundation okay there we go and then we can pick that up pick that up put the foundation there there we go and it even went down for me how how nice was that there we go right okay we've now got an uneven but the starting block right okay cool so and then we just going to go around again about that there we go Gooding it man thank you very much that's uh made more much more sense I just got to work with this terrain for a minute which is why am I lagging so hard oh no not again am I building like really ass spot we got we got to reload again we're there we're there people ah dude why is why why am I getting this lag today man it's awful Aon was losing the crashes and losing stuff he built oh I bet man I know he's I know I as you know I've seen his messages about the crashing and getting annoyed he learned he did the thing I don't know what there's some there's something here that I'm loading in that the game doesn't like I don't know what it is we put the TCH away now anyway that's done with let's crack on so we need a triangle piece here and can't do that but if we put a wall there will it snap no but it will if I put a ceiling there yes oh no how weird so doesn't know it doesn't understand yet but if we put two walls up it should know right let's find out yeah that's um that's interesting nah says no says I don't know what are you on about what's going on Matthew thank you very much for the 999 mate it's very kind of you dude just want to say thank you for the streams to keep my need for Ark while I'm waiting for it to come out on Cardell just want to ask how's your day going keep the great work thank you thank you mate it's very kind you mate um yeah I'm doing well man I'm I'm doing good dude I'm doing very well thank you and and thank you very much for asking man um yeah yeah like at this point I don't even know what to say to conso players like i' I'd love to say the right combination of words like to make you feel better about it there's nothing I can say right and um just hope at the very least entertained by uh by me uh playing this that's look at that that that triangle sits on that square that's so interesting so can I now turn that there what so hang on that's no that's not it there there because can I but I can't put a a I can't put a square Foundation there but I can put one there w w fascinating fascinating stuff dude so let's go like let's do that then let's put a foundation there and then can we snap one to you we can't do that yeah I could build up but like what I'm I'm exploring here is like you can this automatic snapping to terrain right and understanding what what makes it tick it's not just about oh let's just bypass it with pillars I want to understand why is the game saying that's okay but that's not and we'll go there instead like really interesting right and that fence oh flipping NE fence foundations are a whole new world yeah there's the first one I like I mean it's snapped there something in but it doesn't helps me Place anything at all yeah I'm really strugging to put this this Foundation down we won't just won't let it won't won't let it happen no matter what to what if we have a little play with pillars let a little play with pillars for a minute so just curiosity not that that's exactly what I did before so there's no reason why it should work now what are you so so is that triangle deciding to be hooked onto the wow and gone then I'll off thank you very much for the $5 mate much love just chilling with you on the day off and I'll play ASA and steam deck and can happily wait for PS5 version I appreciate it man um how is it performing on Steam deck mate is it performing well I only got one pillar back then oh I already have the other pillar so if if I put that on if I do instead that what you what but you you'll point there but you won't point over here what is going on you'll go there and if I go no I need it I need it to point in from this direction so interesting so okay let's can we rotate this pillar like at all so it was like that no no Q it's like well that's the rotation now that isn't the rotation actually my bad cuz that's the f that it needs to be like that way right so that would have been wrong in the first place it needs it needs to be going that way check meshing K mode you can't check the meshing K mode anymore maybe hidden block can't even go through the meshing hold on sort of sort of s it then there's like a hole here that's I guess that's why there like a hole there super interesting right yeah we can't get a triangle there won't it won't let us do it but if we go and even if we got up the sides it won't let me put a triangle nowhere try try there what what that's going to be too high now surely right you shouldn't be able to snap to anything up there that shouldn't be able to snap down that there's no snaps in place huh what okay we've got one up here so that that's something that's a bit of a win there that is so let's pick up these walls cuz we needed to we needed to I think we needed to put that there to kind of get this for now and you stepped up by quarter of a wall let's bear that in mind we can we can figure all the the quarters out later right can I put right okay I can put a triangle on the back of that which is what I'm going to going to want to do but I'm not going to do that just yet because I don't want to get too confused but you will not snap there don't you just try seing I could try sealings right but I'm just like right now I'm super curious as to why um why the the foundation just isn't oh that's the wrong one is it why the foundation just won't do it no matter what because then if I'm working on a ceiling then therefore I've got a oh it doesn't really matter be foundations around it it's fine it's fine all right and all right I I concede haven't got a triangle Foundation cuz it's not that I can see that's the one got some of those right there we go yeah no we we will be but we like then we got to work on pillars and that I I don't want to do that we're learning um nope don't flip right okay there we go there's that right so got triangle there triangle there triangle there triangle there triangle there did we put one here we put one there okay then we go back out again squares and the triangles there there there and this one again won't Place let's put down a wall all right doing another a ceiling then there's two more ceilings oh ceiling there and then we've got uh triangle square square one there miss one there one there in a moment this is going to help like this this like this this this will help try to learn building in the Junes terrain possible you that's right that's Arc right like like you're giv these bizarre terrains to work with to uh to figure out so we go what the hell you won't you won't place there either do another triangle ceiling there then triangle ceiling no that's not right is that right is that right yeah but then we're going to do there we go going to do a few triangle SE that's not right is he I messed up have I messed up I feel like I have no I've not right it's it's three triangles across now right like that but then that's not going to be a circle but it can't be anything else three triangles thank you okay I did one there there there and then let's put there there is one there it's just below it and and then there there there and then there's a square there can't see CU it's in the mesh so let's raise a wall come on it's not going to snap to cuz I haven't got SE on the opposite side have I one uh I need the other ceiling ceiling yeah I think God you can pick your stuff up right progress progress we're progressing lots of progression lots of it did you want to see progression today I told you I told you I said there will be like 10 building streams now where do we get that chiby from we earn it legit in the game if you want to know how to go and check out my B guide link in the description it's not but it's like a couple of videos ago posted right and then we'll put a ceiling on top of there y y y and then uh uh no that no no no triangle there we go perfect there we go no I think did I mess up perfect and I take out this wall now lovely it's like it's it's in a fashion it's working it's just it's an even terrain at the moment but it's all going to come together don't worry it's all going to come together are you all visualizing what I can visualize or are you not on Square a I messed up I messed no yes that is that a square a that's a square a and then um there so then we've got triangles here there we go there there this is mad there what oh what's his name dude do you not hang on let me introduce you this is uh Alfred say hello Alfred to every I he's in the wall Alfred say hello to everyone people want to say hello to you people of the world my name is BF I'm a technical friend with tentac tentacles and um I Am The Reincarnation of elro but now I have uh became a [Music] CR that's Alfred my eyes are googly I need more uh triangles I need more triangles of my life just follow him for the rid have I got any more no I got to make some damn it this will all make sense in all in good time all in good time definitely need a lot more triangle found that is not a lot of triangle foundations I'm guessing is it a weight issue I've got like clipping what am I show on here is it the stone game Stone game was Stone game T typical Welshman lovely lovely Bo right there we go foundation's coming what are you uh what does what do you think of the about Alfred what do you think of the about Alfred is it is it looking is it coming together got F what the bloody hell you're doing this sir sorry I just shouted down M like C sorry uh I was delivered aart and then R was impersonated a sea creature and a foundation above sea level yes how does Alfred sound even more British the r who knows M that's Alfred Alfred going to get his own stream sorry I just realized like that super loud like I was right on the mic then sorry RI earphones so sorry that was incredibly rude of me you're hurting my ears Alfred didn't like them air drops anyway I like how red rard right New Foundations are made so let's get cracking let's get cracking Bo lovely more foundations I got to have all of these I got some of these I've got any triangle Foundation seeings no no we'll just see what we get on you're watching my videos as you're washing the dishes hey that's the best way to do it that's the best way to do it 400 likes in the chat thank you very much bad people oh it's that time it is that time dead M thank you 1 two three oh right where did we get to we got to Here There we go perfect uh right done done okay that is that's the circle but believe it or not I know it like it's it's like one of those puzzles you know you got to look at it from a certain angle to realize ah it actually is isn't it it looks a bit on the Swiff not going to lie why does it look like this it looks like an oval what the hell happened here looks like a blowing oval right right right it will now be two squares after three triangles yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you it looks more overly than circly that's fine um we're going to keep going we got to keep pushing until we reach the edge basically kind of looks like 3D chest you're done goofed I'm missing a side where am I missing a side I'm not where where am I missing the side just it looks like an oval right budy oh we've gone further right one way then we have the other way have we have we have we yeah we've gone further out oh yeah I haven't done goof I just haven't gone that far out yet donkey or donkey no yeah I I don't know anyway let's crack up let's K on Lovely um there is what's underneath there a square so can I snap you'll snap oh we're back here again we're back here again Daft o clock so underneath here there's a found there should be a foundation I believe which you can't see cuz you can't car to the mesh anymore but nevertheless bloody hell there's a square there's a that's it there stone foundation there so this needs to go not there there but you can't cuz you can't see it so what we'll do is we'll do that and then we'll go back hope this goes in hey OE all right lovely nice donkey hey room wasn't built in a day people how long did it take Aaron to build his tree house I'm in competition to beat Aaron in this try sign this the how is these foundations not stepped up yet I'm super surprised by that like they they're still like they're still low down even though we we definitely got to go up now they they're still deciding to mesh into the ground I'm very sure that's wild sa that that's that's definitely that's meshing in the ground still all right let's just step it up man let's just let's do the war thing right moving on up nothing stabby stard thank you very much damn you been a royalty member for 10 months mate wow new base time also I started my moving process to my next forever base in ASC and my breeding Pro process for taking on the buses for the island oh nice nice nice my friend it's good to hear man is it it over complicated stuff to not level everything first no do you know why I'm doing this it's a PVP thing it's a PVP thing I because you want the Integrity of the base to remain on foundations cuz that's your strongest support than pillars but yes I could just go up with pillars and make this so much more easier but I'm also kind of interested in how the snapping works with terrain which we looking at at the same time CJ Johnson dropping a 499 thank you very much mate uh Ross I took the 14 f for work just wanted to complain to you makes me feel better uh I know I I may sucks man I wish there was something I could say to make the pain go away I don't think there is I don't think there is I don't think there is there's nothing I can say at this point but I also wonder what the what the hell's going on here kid can I still can't snap a foundation here fascinating fascinating what if we use a quarter wall got a quarter wall right just curiosity maybe that's what that's what we need to do we're not snacking the foundation though that's the thing I've already got quar wall under qu these things we're not no you don't stack them sh we're not stacking foundations unofficial you you the integrity of a base works on foundations if if you are building a base at of pillars and PVP n fam don't do that you like this is like this this this is where this comes from right let's try with the c War for a second I don't know why I put two down but I did still can't put that down what if I put and then we go there we go okay sweet so just get curiosity do you it's it's it's like it's still there that's F you're there okay I all right sweet it it it went up no idea no idea yeah it went up and then we got one here same issue here uh that's right that's right going up in little bits and Bobs something's freezing hard sticking hard here I'm not sure what it is there we go and that's how we can step up to everything yeah like yeah that's the mindset man interesting there we go we're moving that way I didn't think that would do that for a second so okay what happens in the case of going down from me so you got to do that well that snap that's not going to snap to that e it because we put that there is that did I just see green then oh that's okay you're there wild okay yeah we're going to have a proper full-blown dungeon basement in this Gaff it's going to be good let's going to be good yeah thank you very much David I trust you bro you got this it's it's it's working right the whole thing just come down and then triangle square square triangle there square square triangle it's coming it's coming together yeah they would stop e effortlessly like there's a re like does do people see why I'm doing it this way though oh crap do people see see why I'm doing it this way please say you do there we go right then we fill in these gaps there we go and eventually it's all going to come together uh soon once we've even the terrain out that's going to be an issue right okay sweet there we go right next uh next bit let's go so that there need another boatload of triangle foundations we getting there looks more circular now I swear it looks more overal though as well getting there we're getting there what is that is it gone not gone gone what is that annoying how do I make it level we will oval is a new Circle does look over right is there any new developments towards the next Dingle cup season yes they are filmed they are scheduled watch the space my [Music] friend yeah I mean we're we're here now right it's been picked it's been picked this spot I know what's going on no idea right comp uh I think we need more Stone no we don't yeah we are we're okay just make as many triangle foundations as we can 40 that gets us up to a good start lovely lovely CH re re re re reupload oh is there uh I think this will look good when it's done look slightly halfhazard when the natural stones with the when where the natural Stone's poking through but it will complement it when it's finished don't worry shellin it will all make sense once done I'm not worried I don't like it makes my brain feel like bees it's not going to look like that though when when it's finished uh I predict you are going to hate this base in about a week because of that that delay in loading if yeah man I'm a bit worried Griffin uh will ghost mode allow you to see if there's dinos stuck in the mesh and the glitches but I could but I don't I don't think it's going to help I'll have a look after U been watching your streams during my vacation it's ABS absolutely amazing I'm glad you're enjoying them Liz would you usually recommend a Diplo for a rho te uh I mean yeah they're all right they're up there but they're not the best you want bronos uh G you want bronos or giggers or carers uh re reload well the crowd says boo a griffin you're fine thank you very much for the 10 uh you're Legend I've struggled with my Base today also so I know how you feel all is good all is good we're getting there we're getting there slowly but surely slowly but surely I got more Stone in here no going need to get more Stone in minute okay where was we F5 did we get I think we was over here wasn't we yeah we might to start here so we're square square triangle uh oh Greg thank you very much mate for the 399 damn man uh 30 bucks to name your next name next time oh Greg thank you very much I Ain going lie though mate you could be waiting a hot minute um before we we're teing the time uh I appreciate the Dono though I really do but but yeah you could be waiting a hot minute like a real hot minutes I don't know how hot of a minute but it could be hot a hot hot minute hot hot minute we'll just we get this filled in there right also we're here there we go oh no oh dang I've already got to make more we're getting through the materials there people let getting there though man needs a hard hat all right canor Pablo Pablo get me stone Pablo what what are you waited down by Lots it seems Lots I get shot of that metal you'll be here waiting dude thank you so much man I guess yeah old Greg have to I have to bad out in my mind mate totally totally dude the berries can do one but the metal we're keeping I'll be burning that afterwards take the wood as well anything else is farming look how much Flint an he goodbye damn that's a hell of a lot right and I'm just dropping it all cuz that shouldn't be too hard to farm uh there we go pleased to meet you I'm old cig any it man's man's doing Pro circles let's have a look at it actually is it in in the optimum spot it's a little bit right aligned but that's probably just because I've moved out to the right a bit like I've already started building on the right hand side right CU it looks like it's more right lines pretty Central okay that's not too bad let's get some let's get some Stone hey come you're not building yet de Mouse so much Rock I never let on even gr St me one of my favorite bases was on top of the Rocks yeah man I think you know that's what it's all about right figuring out how to build without the uh concern of uh rocks right please show upap I'm there my friend west side west side Craigs Islands nah so much Stone so much metal not as much metal as a ankey but still it ain't bad the Stone Collection ain't bad what did I do that got me oh wow it's the back foot the back foot gets the stone I think I don't know what it was I hit something and I just got like a load of stone in one go I'm not sure a the trough trick nice Mark that's good I mean we're too far gone now right but like yeah that have been useful when we started this is Ras Coast Baby M there's no work to do all these trees got to go we're going to build down there as what there's a lot to build man there's a lot to build this thing is a chief what you doing about here it's constantly just uh it's own little bag at the moment a been too far damn it love that I love that it's the best that is it is the best B the r just R Soul thank you very much it's very kind of you just weird that you got the the the other icon I don't understand but I I like it is what it is right I need flipping it man I need some foundations kider all right let's make 10 of those uh back foot gets Flint back foot gets Flint is the bracki saddle expensive yeah it's pretty expensive I think what was it hide or or metal I think it's hide it's like nearly a K in hide I think on that thing uh you're going to have to fill that place up fast with all the creatures oh yeah totally but this is going to be a big space going to be a big space you end up with a hexagon exactly the trough radius if the outer ring alternates 13 triangles 11 squares AR driak where are you basing and the West mate now you see how I cleared the spot right uh yeah more Stone more stone and a bit wood donkey let's get some Square foundations six my heart is broke may I have some glue sad uh d d ross is just a guy with a nice fade enjoying life plus two for having it high and tight tight like a tiger there is spawn out to opening is there how do you become member I'm not even sure I think there's a join button do you have any mods installed yes we do mate yes we do yes we do um we got a few I'm going to make a few more foundations I think first might as well right like I'm just going to be like making more going back and forth back and forth back and forth anyway better than a do yeah yeah cuz of the way right and it's got a weight reduction as well I think you could always use the stack mod yeah we could but like I'm it's really I'm in a weird place like I want to um be true to vanilla but at the same time you know check out muds cuz I think they're they're going to be such a Mainstay feature nowadays um than they were singing NADA was I singing when did I sing Nevada here we are [Music] now re uh running and jumping off exactly PJ that's the plan at the back there's going to be a dive diving board uh to the duck lots to do well we not got super Spar glass that's the thing I want to legit unlock the ing game vanilla super spy glass had to become a member he to lower foundations when you placing on the ground I don't understand mate yeah I could do I could just do that any I mean doesn't enable me to craft any quicker though don't forget so yeah now y know with the lights out it's less dangerous what what are you me a thousand people watching by the way thank you for Shing it hope you're enjoying watching me crafting if you are hit that like button with your nose bsh it helps me a lot right okay done that's that's the fair a bit crafted now can I move I can still move fantastic right how far did we get with this I got lost somewhere here here triangle triangle square square triangle triangle and and then we filled this in didn't we started filling in cuz we could triangle triangle there we go triangle I love that it steps up so cool triangle square square let I'm I'm curious what's going to happen here eh okay not yet ah but yes yes interested interested I'm going to do that anyway for now just so I've got a few there all of the lights all of blah blah All of the Lights there we go fil filling in we're filling right that's that oval done now we're going for the big oval there people the big ring uh which could be the last ring actually looking at this or maybe there's one more N I bet there's one there's one more right looks like there's one more okay we can sort them bushes out afterwards Bush what Bush I say no to Bush and going have I messed up there no I've not messed up there but it's it's going to be quite hexagonal now can we not make this more oval have I messed up is this becoming more of an oval piece I think it is right no that's pretty Circle pretty circular okay I don't know I'm I don't know I'm not sure there we go save that that is right okay just uh add a little moment there I think dude okay okay then you can basic so if you look up then you can push the foundations up as high as I possibly go but you never know okay cool this is definitely going to go be going down I don't know where the hell that went where did that one go there don't need that one octagonal I have not I'm now the boss of circles I can now make a circle look at this look at this it's going to look good in the end trust me trust me I know the bits of bush like popping out at the moment might be offending you but it's all for a greater good the're greater good the're great are good we're absolutely smashing these foundations now have I just got the lag again please don't say h more so more Stone more Stone I think we need like no no no no it's fine it's fine it's fine I know what we're doing there put the back look are perfect perfect yeah you can see the circle foaming right it's coming all these rocks here dude so many rocks right so back foot I I can't tell which one does the better better Harvest can you not harvest the bits of bushes yes I could could I come on I'll do it for you so we can see better we'll Harvest these these little bits of bush although there's not a lot there I don't think this was a different type of racky that would be the end of my base I saw your bush gun I saw me Stam gun just walking there that little overhang there quite annoying but we can make it work we'll make it work because what you can do right this is the beauty of foundation and down and not pillaring up you've got like verticality to work with then and you could like have little innards to ards in his and outies these are braies and these braies are good hello mate right I have become the the ring Master save Back Street Boys Street Boys Are Back nice oh my God we're back again uh just see your me freaking C thank you very much man I use it on even spots as compartments exactly how I get another copyright crash screw that man screw the copyright crashes Lord of the Rings Two brachos all right bust I I I feel like they were prettyy wasting now I just need to get a bit of wood let's get some wood and we'll chuck all of this down in one yes after the smiffy like you like you said and see we can craft it all in one go I like that that's a great idea doing the chaa slide to the left to get back now yo one hop this time right foot two stumps left foot two stamps freeze everybody clap your hands we we we have moved we well we haven't moved we we're in the process of moving we got to build a base to move too that's the problem all right take this away crisscross crisscross now y'all let's go to work to the left take get back now yo one hop this time flip it right for two stumps a damn it left foot two stumps D freeze everybody clap your hands come on now come on uh I love B B I cannot [Laughter] lie get some Trac in me kids put your me the trucks are we off trucks don't work they just make you worse than I no I see your face again they it's a song for everything man a song for everything people clapping in the chat man need some more cafe coffee far I do it in some more C I will do soon not yet though not yet though we're getting there I stay despite the gunet I love it every time I sing I lose viewers man every time time you think I've learn I never learn I never learn is there a song ter yeah it is there is the song to everything this is the greatest and best song in the world tribute and he said play the best song in the world all right each your souls well me and Kyle we looked at each other and we sh okay so we played the first thing that came to our heads just so happen to be the best song in the world it was the best song in the world l to my eyes and is isy to see where one makes two to or one makes three it's Destiny stop it come on we got stuff to do bad right let's make fish no no no no no no 12y old in be having fun there we go where the H that all went in the same place lovely let's do this Foundation only 20 from all of that are you joking all right I'm going to make 41 from that uh yes it's t 40 foundations triangle foundations then more dead mace don't know just for the sinking thank you very much man I am your sinking monkey your dancing monkey thank you very much for the five gr mate uh it's a good song man you know it is I know you you you come here for Ark I give you the gift of vocals you duck out [Laughter] Jurassic D and it that's what we need to do manad Jurassic d That's that we we need to do it I don't know how yet but we're going to we're going to figure it out what go H got uh the all my PC specs are in the description my friend you go there you find out man it's the best song ever it is the best song come on man 20 I got 21 seconds to go 21 seconds 21 seconds every every every hey 21 in trouble with the double cash 21 want to would I want to break when I want to go hype it up oh oh turn on the Baseline you got 21 seconds we got to move away from that one move away Romy you're done uh is there a big difference between a 4060 and a 4080 I got a 4060 uh I don't know is it honest answer I I'd expect so I'd expect so does have a nice voice than to get silly n man did they come to your primary school bro Ain lie I was a bit of a solid I add their album add the album add the album man ah damn when was that college man that was yeah man drumond Bas yeah all like the R&B Drummond Bas scene like they're not know one and the same but like they I I feel like R&B came then drum base came not long after that's like less less 40 is asley happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Ashley happy birthday to there you go uh Stones I need more Stones we we got to make loads of these bro oh is on his high leg no deep voice please I can't choose my voice it just happens I speak after to work now don't forget to say thank you very much oh safe man AR fanatic thank you very much for the two quid man no no put that cookie down no I'm going going I'm going to fight through we're going to fight through see what happens oh crap and then it's gone oh maybe it survived the the he Liv to fight we're going to have to we're going to have to reload and on this the never pop any what is going on son where did I go have the voice what do you mean what do you mean had you D washing [Music] up bro copyright any it it always lags when I sing when I start singing buad maybe it's something related to that it could well be coffee is freezing cold it's like the drgs of a coffee what the hell you picked the wrong fight you picked the wrong fight bro you picked the wrong fight push dead Bas n bless you man appreciate it dude thank you very much mate heard of dreams from Gabriella D B remix damn o guess who I uh went to see only okay it was a couple of years ago now um um uh not oxide neutrino they were playing in a a gaff when was it it was a couple of years ago now I'm thinking like it was like last week it was like like 3 4 years ago yeah man got the oide neutrino that was cool still getting Stone from something here oh there we go sub give be Stone I've got no idea what did I just hurt a I just hurted no do off fa well I told you man I'm I'm quite like I like all genres of music mate there ain't much I don't like look how much Flint we've got dude one grind I'm never going to need to make spark powder or any of that jazz ever again still getting Stone from something here I don't know what scraping the stone at the floor okay that's all G now why we moving bases uh yeah because our base spot is way too small your garage mate that's cool bum for the bomb bom back again yeah the bracket I mean to be fair now I think the the the Yankee still collects more metal but this thing is just a chief in weight on top so that makes it pretty pretty useful boo hello mate you're right how we doing man how we doing it's the day of the day it's the day of the day Stone bro like let's go over there I need to D the auto this are an auto safe mod don't lie don't lie don't don't be I must come with the drumman base are you ready for the rough neck piece not today give me this Stone bro uhoh uhoh let me hear you uh oh uh oh it's really a mud little louder the bracki isn't much yet we we currently we're building our base we've not moved we're currently building the spot the this is the hardest bit to be fair this is the hardest bit of the build really once this is done we're laughing how much Stone we got now ah that'll do for a start for 10 there we go his AR Edition Mods he's done well with him man he's done superbly well my friend he is right metal we got some fat this time got some f get up that's lovely uh oh uh oh let me hear you one of these days I'm going to figure out where I need to be to do that I think um I think I did get it then actually close enough anyway right so we've got all that uh I can just make some foundations straight away I need now those foundations not far or six uh even falling off a cliff K9 bomo sa yeah no um I don't think we'll see it this this year I really hope we do I'd like to see this other Christmas as they hoped to deliver but I don't know man we'll see Miss vins motivation talk to continue on any it Vin Diesel was playing so Vin Diesel was the reason we got soif did you know that people well the new version of soif anyway did you know that did you know that I need I need to make some more of these totally um I'll just make as many of them as I can there we go there we go that's close enough yeah uh Vin Diesel was the one who pushed for sa for the Revival love it um yeah he he said something something along the words I can't remember the exact wording that was used but Vin said I never got to play it back in the day it looks super cool can we get it back family and Cody Alex um made it happen it's really cool wonder what Vin's doing ehy at the moment in his uh in his role as uh director of convergence is gamma broken gamma I do you know I love it you can still gamma but it looks so bad it makes you not want to play with gamma very smart moves smarts people smarts I love that you can jump while still sort of like slow down you could always do that in AR it's not a new feature right okay let's have a look what we got where are we so we got this far how far did we get it's going to get dark again soon and best put me light on see what's going on good there we go I see where did we get to did we get a full circle done oh there it is ringer rooses o this has got to step down now surely hold on where's the ground going because we're getting close to what is that man we're getting close that stupid bug again ah oh this this one's bad dude whatever that book is his favorite D is family he too busy playing father fantasy yeah I read FF and I said Final Fantasy that book's got I don't know what that book is man but that's that's got to go mate if we're going to get that this entire time this new base [Music] location it's annoying turn frame gen on enough all right give rid the [Music] well if I don't have it on like the frame the frames will be so bad but all right we'll give it a while cheers be appreciate I should do [ __ ] right so we this is the front of the base but it's not going to be the front of the base I know um and we're slowly are we stepping down we're definitely stepping down so I think I'm going to if I can go down with these foundations I will it doesn't want oh it does want me to I need start going back up again sort of but not I'll appy a lot n come on we we we'll keep these nice and low oh even capping it doesn't stop it from happening oh is Charlie just giving out memberships like sweeties making it raid at rals damn thank you very much Hagley just got one Minnie Melly cat Billy Allen Russman and Roy or just became part of the r Soul Army got a nice dash of green on your face let me see those emojis and a bit of a GG lend in the chat for Charlie cook thank you very much mate it's very kind of you dude hold sight don't know what to say that for hold sights talking about all that drum base dude and garage blow you that I'll blow you that okay so we got a bit of an issue here kids what's going on one two we're going this way uh nice nice nice nice that's nice that's nice no I got to scoby what's going on Beyond here what the hell are we on a row of three now uh oh no doers okay so there's one more more Foundation behind that as I go down to the river to pray is that it's that one oh oh lo did Stack you beauty a good old way and you shall stay right there there there there it's there ah ow Michael thank you very much for the $5 dude truthfully is anyone hopeful for a November release on as of Asa consoles or should we be wary with issues from Boulders Gate Port what what was the issue with Boulders Gate Port I really don't know thank you very much for the $5 I've heard people talking about you but I don't know what the issue was was he just a bad pause or what Ian just or Ian just became a roie round of applause for you mate Chief make sure to message me on Discord and I'll give you a little little roll where I share what I'm working on I was going to sing the song um you know that one there a it it's coming on it's there but like I just did that bit and I realized how that sounded and then that that just made me laugh before I could even start singing a song you've got to press it on you that one ooh okay we've got probably one more Ring Ring of Fire the Ring of Fire yeah that's about it that's it this is the last out ring I don't know what the hell I'm going to up there we'll put I know what we'll do there we'll do like a little um stem why did I do that H motion hopefully he didn't catch that and cam that's that's what we're going to do right so now we want to be considering a no no okay let's try it then are we we we lost it oh it's gone sweet CS big love man oh boy it's the first sign of Ras CL cracking it is late night Ras clar Time come on down thank you very much for the 699 mate camps you're too kind mate you're too kind you're too kind a know it's there okay okay okay so we're going to turn off frame generation off save and then we're going turn it back on okay hey Fe comate with the skills SP thank you very much man yeah I do like small bases but we we like go big or go home right like this is what's happening now but we're going big because to be fair we are going to be on Tech here soon enough right there we go I got I want to make sure this outside Rim is um spot on oh my God what what is it what is it that's doing this I mean to be fair this outside room is big enough now right but well we're not done yet people we are not done yet oh no oh no we are not uh yeah let's go there nice bro I don't know what the hell like something here is is whack this is really too me heading a bit I'm going to lie not going to lie mate I'm getting a bit annoyed by it right what the where did that just go oh no no save is that a red drop I stay close head does that look red at or all right let's get ourselves a little bit of this little bit of that little bit of this little bit of that can't say those words three two 1 oh there we go done jump don't know what you do disco disco big rim I mean it's not that close to the underwater cave dude and it was suggested the underwater cave is like where that green drop is a bit further along and straight down that's where the C cave is but it's right there like it's right down there that's what some people theorized isn't there something I can turn down like the render distance if I okay let's just try turning down the render distance for a second um view distance right high does that will that change it we'll try we'll try we'll see what happens turn off the view the view distance see if that helps at all didn't even notice any graphical differences to be honest with that view difference change go give me some Stone in the darkness oh jeez can't see anything dead D okay I'm not getting no stone here wherever I am let Venture on Venture Mor Inland I know there's loads on the beaches to be fair yeah there's L loads here mate what am I doing not is this not stone is this just let there we go there we go oh uh Tech K's Fair Point mate cave is at three longitude I'm at like 25 longit so I'm nowhere near you really my Lane we'll see if that helps though screw it you never know imagine if it did imagine if that fixed it it is it's like a rendering issue right it's that's what it feels like when it happens like I'm I'm loading something in that's causing that to happen Bry Harvest St this Bry harvests the world mate it harvests the universe yeah the and the cave does go I don't think it goes directly under this place it I think it goes the other way it doesn't come over here so much Stone right we're close we're just on the Outer Rim now once that's done we could do walls well we got to level it up first but we're not going to level it off level it off we're going to use the verticality of the landscape to create an inner uh piece all makes sense I got no idea like I think I'm hitting some Stone here I got no idea what's going on Save ghost head straight down see if you just hit the C yeah no I will mate I will do it later I'm not going to do it for you cuz like why why why today is all about building people we need to get our base we got to move a fronto like how the hell am I going to get like do this in one episodes I don't think I am God braies are amazing but Benjamin thank you very much for the one night toight mate maybe for science go stand below and see Dam me bribing me with your don't know at the end of the stream like it's regardless right at the end of the stream we we'll have a look I haven't even got a bed down right now why the hell have I not got a bed down what am I doing what if I die I've got beds as well put I put some in this Bol right I figured out if you put the bag about where the feet are seems they seem to drop right there oh well currently we'll see Dam man that's a metal bro and thatch and wood do we do what well did we do well was the field go good not quite we was close we was close but no suar uh Foundation spe re Cliff you sir are a genius bracky should be a thing what what what my CS for the base are right here mate 50 10 there you go I can sickle the grass I sickle your pickle what I know I know this but we don't need to bother because it's going to regrow right in places oh the ceiling's being flush with the foundations is perhaps one of the best things they've done in the building imagine that like GG Fizz like his first day at work he says get them bloody seedings flush man stop it get them blaming fishes F fishing you know what I mean going to just yeah we're just going to throw this in here so I can oh no I can't we are out we are out out all right let's just make them 12 you about it's no it like is not everybody heard this thing this it's like a think like everyone says about the sickle when you say the word sickle you got to say it right what what what do you what do you mean whatever do you mean you've been looking at as what can't wait to get this I've been looking at me ASC thumbnail like a stepchild this is a family show this is a family show I don't know what you mean wait quick the strge what what what what you what you accusing me of what are you what are you accusing me of man n tickle sickle not not tickle there's no tickle just so tickle tickle did you all think I said tickle okay maybe I know there's there's people in my Discord that will back me up man I on my own on this K ards is 50 11 when ASA coming to Xbox we don't know mate 5011 so I'm sitting right on the cave entrance then that don't I didn't say so no context man bro I didn't say that I didn't say that is that what people thought I said I didn't say that man jeez no wonder you all reacted how you did I didn't say that let like not get weird let's not make it weird man you made it weird in how you heard me I didn't say that dude n the wiki Maps uh a bit off mate um I take it with a pinch of salt take it with a pinch of salt 8 9 29 we might have enough we'll see suckle oh no we need to move up from this conversation it's we're a familyfriendly channel here people is uh GTA6 going to be out before ASA comes to console possibly possibly shame actually um there a good grief good chance we might the trailer might come out around the same time but was dying right now right come him that's that might be close enough to what we need we'll see we're getting close we're getting close right we got this far we got here we got here did we get did we get this far okay cool cool cool cool cool cool his name is C deaded so pick that up save as well there we go I think we have to go up up a bit here uh the triangles little triangles which weirdly are there we go no make these high and then one more there but that is that going to go in no that' be okay uh that will also be okay oh will it no it won't this pill a bit here man yeah like I said I think we're going to what we're going to do we're we're going to put like um yeah we're going to have to push it up there okay fine this bit oh no what we this little Mound nightmare mate all right let's stick to the oval for now and then we'll cross that bridge I guess when we need to right I don't even know if that is that is that bush or or what have I got a sickle with me no I don't think there's Bush there I'm running up that hill no no no we're okay there we go Kake Bush that's why I sung that I didn't say that man oh dear well I guess there's no coming back from that so I think is that there's the triangles oh this is so dicey up here dude Charlie dropping a big fat 25 thank you very much mate is this enough to stop this singing Love the content um great having the background while I play too I'm after work now we'll be back next stream have fun bless you Charlie but I don't know man I can't I can't promise it like it's it's it's like tetes bro hopefully that wasn't a poor joke but I can't help myself it just it comes out man you know what I mean you know what I'm M okay so we're like there can I get can I get a get a triangle there nice I can't run from it now there's no getting away from it now boy okay okay okay and that is the that is the circle of life it's the circle of life all right it's done no no Potter right okay so then we got to try and now figure this out so what I'm going to do right that's the circle that is everything in place that offends me big time it's okay unless I can is there anything there the gringe in the chat uh okay all right we got the circle we what I'm going to do I'm doing now I'm figuring out how this Bas is all going to come together with the levels right because what I'm thinking is we're going to have um a balcony poking at the back your windows have just shattered um I feel like we need a rook at that view we need like a rook here on this mound cuz it's ass otherwise I for one love your sinking grass thank you very much my friend but then if we do that it might look a bit ass or it might not cuz like this this again this is why we've built foundations as well bro like if I built this high a l with pillars come on man no way man I'm going we're going to have a balcony here at the back like a little overhang um to look out to see which works like that what I might do is I might fill in how have you got green touch light at top the build idea I've got I just rendered that thing again whatever it is it's ay cave any it why the it's got to be right there needs to be something here but it's going to ruin the build idea I've got though as well because we're going to have stone wood then Stone again the level there is good I need to I need to to like Vision it in my head yeah you look look unique right um it's going to be stone wood Stone so I mean it might look cool Lighthouse yeah stone wood Stone all right but that means we're going to have to do a rook here now like a a little a little ouse rock right here which means more blood circles and I think we got we got triangle there which is like what's that is that a square there that's a triangle that's a square so we'll go there there I don't even understand what happened there but it just snapped that's is that snapping to the right that Snapp to the right thing right there's a square right there's there's the circle right there and then we're going to push out again you thought it was all over hey it's not now and then we're going to build a circle out here what yeah there there there this this triangle Foundation there but there's no ring there so that's fine triangle again there I we're the ring Master now bro we we we know how to do these Rings now don't we hey hey hey hey and what we'll do we'll go up hang on yeah we we we we will do seedings uh with that I'm just trying to get a bit of a bit of a ring you know oh oh oh if you like put a ring on it do we do one more ah don't really want to two is enough cuz then we'll have a staircase going up from the inside all the way to the top you're going to sit in the gravy boat fch has been forgotten yes forget your fch man done that's the that's the inner sanctum there I need to put it needs to go there um r g that one there then there we go that's right a it that one there then I'm guessing that oh you do snap there is that a I'm really confused what the deuce is going on here and then and then we take out that and that and then we put in that there we go and then triangle there that's a circle right Circle that's a circle right I don't know if I want to go like I might do I need to go by one more nah I won't be able to that ledge there which is fine that'll work um I think yeah I think that'll work maybe okay so we've got this here and then it goes into a staircase that we need to raise the whole thing up on this side then let's start with here um what is that is that that bu see can't see a s thing but that you what's what's this here is that floor can I not put that down there oh dude just to make this flat let's leave let's leave that there for now cuz it it'll that'll help me out a lot there we go and then that there could be a happy accident do you not see what I'm looking at do you see do you see and then ceiling there there we go look at me pretending to be your Builder and then not that one uh the quarter one run out of them another quarter it's funny see my character jump up those tall foundations uh oh no okay let's just make a few it's not going to snap right wait man love watching you work running heavy equipment makes the day go by and for the record we all we all heard suckle really damn it man oh no thank you very much agley I I swear M I didn't that's that what I meant to say that's that what I meant to say damn it damn it damn it dude not a square air it's not a square air all right go for like nine 10 I don't know many of these we're going to need maybe a few I like that you get to convert these to triangles that's cool it's cool thinking not going to snap right I don't understand what you mean man it will it will trust me I'm a doctor or we should so pickle needs to be a short damn it man right let's go and put these up over uh in situ right then you're going there uh R you won't snap to that okay you will snap to that perfect okay all right and that loads into gent is our Circle right now bear with me right cuz that's that's basically going to be a a a terwer now that we'll be able to walk to and the staircase up to it will be can I get rid of this bush like does this all go away is Sickle I need to know that's that's going to make the difference really I need to go and get a sickle I need to I need to sickle this and see if that goes away or not we need to know let's go back maybe we find a yellow drop on Route relaxing the hot tub oh nice got a hot tub envious man want a hot upb yeah let's go and um let's go and get a sickle and just see if we can get rid of all that that dirty grass Bronto yes I need to sickle this pickle no wait wait for it wait for it wait for it man can't believe I didn't bring a sickle with me what a dkey yellow if it won't go away with the dino farming why would it go away with a sickle oh man that's what I'm thinking right that like it's going to go away once filled in with foundations that's what I thought that's what I thought we'll get the sickle anyway I don't know why I haven't got it already little break little little little break from the building just to you know get some drops for a second hopefully get that beautiful the drop for uh ringed yellow these are the ones we need to be getting currently currently I need the tech mower how did I get the brachos to the new base spot we walked them yeah that's I thought I thought the grass goes away after uh you built but we're going to find out we're going to go and um get the sickle though just see what happens done and we'll see what happens and then uh take it from there yeah that light do we see anything do we see anything in the clouds any any more yellows one of these days when we least expect it though that yellow drop is going to be the ultimate saddle do a flyby under that overhang what overhang what overhang what do you mean man what overhang do you mean mate it's going to make much more sense when it comes into light yeah we really walked him you can see the start of the stream if you don't believe me it didn't take that long to walk them right people what you think it didn't take that long to get them think I'm going to be a to St may take another layer to get grass gone well we need to know we do like did sometimes I'm not too fussy with the with the grass poking through but we spent so much time on this build I think we need to on the foundations of the build see that's the thing right the foundations is the hardest part of any build because that prepares you for the rest of it once you got the foundations done the rest is Easy by Ria has some very pretty colors thanks space thanks space we actually might make it this if you don't know this is why we're moving this is why we're moving people we are at maximum capacity there is no more room at the in there is no more room at the in all right give me a sickle uh sickle all this way for a sickle lovely uh I'm going to bring I I I don't need to peek in that just a sickle I got I got the book again how weird oh that Freez is me as well for you that's that's all I didn't notice that right well while I'm might as well take one more thing with us right let's take a MMO for fatch multitasking let's go have you checked out the ASR building mod uh no I didn't know there was any more apart from the dwarfen ones well right now I'm just learning building mate I'm just learning how to build right now like I feel like we've already learned quite a lot don't you oh well sweet Circle are easy we'll go and build your circle then good to see you know where to to build um glad someone agrees yes nothing wrong with a bit of foliage it would just melt away when when the game was released I don't know why it would be changed Melt Away what do you mean man I tell you some when we moved over here we are much more closer to the swamp cave we are much more closer to Blue up the volcano the metal the crystal in the obsidian upan obsidian up there feel we're further away from drops and that but yeah yeah building is it's very different on I say man uh where are we where am I built again not that one that one dispensed any is Dingle cop season 3 going to be on ASA yes Ser this mate you sck to squares of rectangles car hello mate you're all right trims looking fresh thank you very much I did cut it myself you know I was almost tempted that because you guys picked this location to say let's push onto this mound here then I'm like it defeats the point of what we're trying to do we're building by the Sea for a CA pen right right yeah the books mate the sound design in this is is truly phenomenal it's really it it's really good work honestly the sound team did a fantastic job with this the cry mod I think you know I think when it comes to getting moving all the creatures over we might just cryo them we might just download try the cry mod right and um ah K and uh just get it done what the hell was that all right multitasking here we are okay sorry we've got our circular piece up there we've got our canopy there and then it's going to bend round and then cuz it's still not big enough I don't think it is big enough is it big enough have a look at me little reference photo of the of what what I'm kind of going for um let's have a look yeah we go for a circle OCD I know you're OCD a it we go for a circle and then we're going to go oblong yeah just a bit love all your content Rass thank you very much Dr Dr n uh every day I catch your streams it makes me more and more sad while card is botching the Xbox release cheers to you mate cheers to you thank you very much uh Donan much appreciated man and uh just yes sorry that you haven't got got it mate hopefully uh you get a date soon yeah n listen honestly like I'm the height issue not it's not a problem it's not a problem no nah no Square on back end right let's see if we can get rid of all these the sickle there's a marker coming up oh that's ground there a't it oh I know I can't even melee what the hell oh I'm meleeing My Own foundations brilliant I can't melee because I'm right you can't cut this grass bro what is this man what is this let's for a second let's see how this is running with with frame generation o oo oh we got to play F frame generation on now this is the lious part of it right and then oh I'm going to have to go up another level dude going to have to all right I'm fine going to have to go up another level that sucks everything's going to be okay man right let's uh let's get this done so I already had like a load of these that lag's terrible mate whatever the hell that's loading in that that is painful right so we go round the quarter wall not like that not like that either okay GG man beyond help uh if only I could build them with you on your server thank you very much for the Dono mate yeah if only if only I need to get some uh pieces so up mate the lag I'm getting right now is a bit nasty flip them I'm not flipping yet no uh I need the walls I need the um ceilings all the bits and pieces that we had there we go have we got any triangle ceilings yeah I do yeah yeah yeah like this is just the foundations people like we're not even we're not even um there yet we we're leveling the base at the moment it's going to make sense listen it's going to make sense I promise so uh that is a no what is that that is a quarter wall so so that that's uh okay you're coming enough there not that ceiling the rain lagging it nah what the hell what like is there something there that is absolutely dirt mate there we go now I'm wondering will that sit there if I pull that out it doesn't really matter if I do or not cuz I'm I'm going to be doing um ceiling round anyway bur up no I didn't um change into triangle connect that to that that's disgusting there that is yeah I know the won but don't don't stress it man it's all good can you not get off a quarter wall how can you not get over a quarter wall a quart walls only a railing oh there there it is right there lagging in loading in the cave a it I'm uh I'm hungry Ras you loaded the water cave as you work around there had had it happened many times in ISE so why are we building here just part of the location well thank you very much turkey that's not going to get annoying well luckily this like this bit here we're going to be oh why are we here man all right well I just I guess we're going to have to just grin and bear it now um and then that's that there you go that's that's Spa right fine so there right that's that and that's how high it's got to be right there right and this is going to be what's the flat what's the flat area that's going to be the duck out there that's going to be a corridor there there's going to be steps there I'm pointing at the screen like you can see where I'm pointing and then it's going to wrap down stairs into a spiral and this is going to be the flat area though that bit there is dirt might need to box that in so we'll make that the corridor there yeah well we're here there a't it like I put all this effort into this bro yeah and then this will be a staircase there which will go like uh not there cuz that's dirty dirt dirty dirt that's horrible that is mate and then we'll have staircase here I just need to get rid of all this grass mate which which we will not have uh because it will be blocked to some extent that I love stairs there blocking that that comes down here that comes down here and then this is our ground level right here and then I've just got to fill in that section there you're definitely the most fun streams I've V appreciate you man thank you very much no said you voted this people so we're here we're here man I'm not changing it now if it's lagging there will be worse when everything is finally in base bro I've spent 3 hours like 4 hours building this bloody bloody Foundation mate I'm not moving now I'm not moving build it like no I don't want it as a mini base like i' I've moved stop me that I st me that has spent all this time building this crap to like no if I doubt I'm I'm I'm loading in a stupid sea cave I know what you're saying like the more we had the worse it's going to get come on man I shouldn't like only going to get coffee and think about this I'll be back in 3 minutes people while I collect my thoughts and not look like I'm about to blow up and rage back in [Music] three [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh a buck right I've decided I'm putting it I'm putting the decision in your hands ladies gents boys and girls it's all on you hello crappy you're right okay St or move this is all on you people I put the power in your hands let's see what you say let's see what you say oh no oh no 70% 77% of you say move for those that have just joined there's an issue if I look at the water over here this happens because I'm looking at the C at at the C cave and the only way to resolve it is by turning off frame generation don't know if that if I can just do that and just ch by turning it off and on it didn't work and then I have to turn off frame generation save turn it back on save and we're good for a moment until we look at the cave again the sea cave but we spent so much time building this 72% to same move bro oh I I lower the distance look on the bright side rash you can take all the structures with you you being happy is important ah oh h it it sucks man it really sucks but 72% the vote don't lie man well yeah I mean we haven't wasted the time losing all the foundations we can pick it all up well second voted was by hidden Oasis was uh north of hidden Oasis I can't turn off frame generation it look the the frames are shocking cuz the thing is as well it's only going to get worse is only going to get worse because when we go down there and we build the sea duck it's going to be it's going to be even worse dude I if if I have frame generation off the frame rate's awful ah now the second most the second voted was uh was was north of hidden Oasis mate so if we're moving that's where we're moving hidden Oasis now like right at the north just north of Hidden Lake Oasis P Oasis yeah yeah North Oasis that's where we're moving if we're moving 71% 300 votes no cuz we're the whole point of this is building um near the duck near the duck mate to to to like connect to a dock and that yeah all right that's that's a that's a good chunk of you voted had the same issue kept getting a blue up glitch anytime people flew near it take what you learned brother all right thanks for the Dono man T King much appreciation all right and the good news is like we said we we've got all the structures made it could be worse right it could be worse let's throw all me stuff on the this for now then let's take all of this and let's just pick up everything oh my God yeah all right all right just don't just don't look at the uh don't look at the water I guess this what it is on the road again I can't wait to get on the road again at least the uh it's closest to my other base location as well bro this is still like Soul [Laughter] destroying Soul destroying put these away yeah it could be worse it could be worse right Che call that in there yep big rip big rip the art of building oh look at all the grass coming back oh that's lovely I could have fat dog critique in my belt I'm positive bad I just yeah come on you can't deny it's still a bit Soul destroying man we spent like 4 hours on this we got the location we're going there we're going there you know what it might even be a bit flatter and easier to work with as well I think it is as well I'm pretty sure it is I'm pretty sure it is so we might have an easier time now man a lot of people voting that poll I'm not doing that again oh well we've become well versed in in building circular bases how about that how about that well circular is we're not going hid we're going um like just north of Hidden Lake on the flo in the floaty floats the cliff One Foundation in memory I think we might have to right in memory of the location that once was is now no more and this is what we call Ark life exactly picking up these each piece picking up is just a little bit of my soul draining away and like and forced to do it because of a cave rendering but like lag like w w so how about you do me favor people let's boost that mood the pole still seems to be going crabby let's boost that mood let's hit that like button with your nose if you can bsh can we get to the big 1K 1K likes yeah exactly we've got all the foundations made you know it's not the it's it's sometimes cut out maybe we'll fly through uh this section now instead for the new area we might we might well do we might well do it was rubbish anyway we need a do we need a song for this don't we oh man like a bit of bit of uh the George Michael I'm never going to dance [Laughter] [Music] again [Music] never going to [Laughter] again you just broke your nose good man that's means you press that like button hard good stuff good stuff right let's close the pole you can close the pole now if you want to Krabby can you can you close the pole kind of curious if you can Seth I need you to come and build me a base bro I need you to come and build me a base [Laughter] man ah turkey thank you very much mate to knowledge acquired new ideas more Ras singing Big Love big love man appreciate it Dono dude it's very kind of you man and uh and and wonderful phrase name there um P doll the penguin we are here for the long run buddy excited to see what you'll do in the next spot oh you just closed for you okay we'll close it in a minute we might you know we might have better look we might have better look at the other spot I'm never going to build again cuz we got our by a cave leg never going to build again just got to get pick up my back there it is there it is all right just so when yeah man if only there's a way to get you on my on my single player oops there we go right let's get the show on the road again eh put this away get me stuffs uh there put my gear back on don't need any of that uh that is mine thank you very much don't know why I'm putting it there I'm not going to need it you never know you never know until you know don't know until you know Michael thank you very much another five of having to move I feel the pain bless you man appreciate you dude right what we're going to need to do as well is bring some foundations with us just in case this all goes a bit Peak tongue again um five six six should do the job right why is that red let's go to the new location to the new location on the road again can't wait to get out on the road again it set me back around the band but again let's go again on the road again can't wait to get on the road again I've been on this road before but we're back again we're looking for a place to build a home again where we dropping boys we're going north of Iden Oasis my friend that's where we're going that's where we're going totally in about that direction yeah yeah picking up f a thing oh oh oh oh oh oh you got to TW Bill put your heads up you got a $10 bill put your heads up S the ladies I can't hear y' make noise take the noise can't hear you I got the shaft afterno in it turn oh never going to dance again right let's place the Vault about here before we lose it I got I got a little bit more time bit more time bit more time bit more time I think if we go about here we should be right don't understand what you're saying I I can place it when I don't sometimes I don't understand this my friend where's the green icon to so I can place it no I can place it I don't even know I don't even know man only a few people know that club Jam it's a good it's a good job man my kids say you sing better than me all right I guess I'm have to leave that Foundation there nope let's go all right north of Hidden Lake hidden Oasis Hidden Lake hidden Oasis one of them but good day Stone AR you're right mate I should have saved it there oh well yeah too late I missed it where he building now to the window to the wall can't even sing the rest of that is there any talk about them fixing uh reenu only able to carry Vault really nothing else he can carry correctly does didn't know that I think we should do monarchy karaoke for extra life o baby I love the way every day yay yay I want to tell you I love the way every day yeah I want to be with you night and day what when's the next album dropping uh Christmas man right here we go new location my friends what the hell is that underneath me that is a brachio this hereo J boys and girls is now the new base location the paid although it does look a lot more flat don't it like at the top bit anyway which is where we want the base this could be good this could be good this could be better I don't know maybe maybe it is maybe it's not right let's uh slap this about [Music] here oh oh oh oh as itat this does look better to be honest sorry I just punched the mic did I save it I'm saving it again right let's get that now we got to go and get the brachos again welcome back over here um and uh the mammoth it's a bit of a slow but the base build section I think we'll be okay with yeah we're going to B bulldo it we got to walk the brachos over here now cronic load no there's no there's like no caves there dude I'm not worried easy Krabby take take care man I are moving to another base but in fact I'm going to put that me uh few distance back on Epic okay there we go yeah hopefully it'll be a lot more easier to build a you never know you never know we have to walk the brachos through all of this mate we're going to be fighting about like 30 UTIs you can get the original alad in line k l king games on the switch you can you can indeed we're going to but the thing is I'm going to have to carry oh no like everything can walk with us bro we'll bring that new Bronto as well we'll bring it all we'll bring it all we'll bring it all we'll walk it all over let's do it and we'll we'll see what happens see what we lose see what we gain a walk in it damn man it's a bloy walk feels like a long it's going to be a longer walk to there than it was back to the base I'm trying to think what what's the safest rout I think go along there right avoid the snow fingers crossed we don't run into a trying to find OB on the center is a slug yes yes man I don't even remember walking over this did I walk over this gu some L off I guess I must have the great move we moving again we're moving again people nah that's far sha why on the Earth would I want to go that way what better raft nah nah we'll do it it didn't take that long it it didn't actually take that long really did it it looks like a long walk but it ain't it ain't that bad Flyers are slow Le we forget rho is pretty fast but flyers in general are slow they are just easier not shorter yeah a lot shorter I ain't even got a raft and like listen look at this look at this man uh I need to get that Bronto up here somehow where the hell let's go let's pull this Bronto around first then where where how do I get this Bronto up here oh have to go that way don't I let's take it this way up up up here come on he's in like no that's horrible that is dude like like why why is that thing I've just lost of my base location to lag they PX son get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here there we go walk it Sol solidarity with official also bet Dev are watching let them see how painful it is what the walk we we walked here dude wasn't actually that painful yeah can we hit 1K likes people come up come up come up come up I'm I'm going to just avoid looking at the water where's that Bronto man come on Ze there he is there he is okay I'm not going to I loaded it in again right great March begins again and I am going to go on the brachio this go let's go let's go Squad let's roll out I got that I got the elephant buff oh I got the attack rally oh wow you can really Dance come on dude they are they what are you doing just sa that like button people needs to change me mode there we go is that Bronto slow or something or what I think it is [Music] that elephant's going to ruin stuff so I'm probably grateful to have that thing up with me all right let's go the great beyond awaits what we going for now kids at least we've got a path m right that we can walk through look look look this path still exists that we made with the with the original uh lot PCO trying to have a problem that no which way do we go is it that way to the right must have been that looks like the most vacant can't level anything in speed in ASA mate why is that M there we go format of streaming I don't understand the question mate I like make this is the path that I made I think it is isn't it or did I go that way left or right left or right I can't I can't tell which is my path I'm going to go up this way I think going to go up this mountains let's see how PA 40 works now kids I swear I'm still getting that lag you know turn it just turn it off and on one more time swear if we if we keep getting that lag after all this go on squads find a way life find a way don't think this is the way I WIS but I'm thinking if we go up uphill over the top it's got to be the better move right let's you so found wayto figuring out trying to figure it out can you if you got it if you got it if you got it have you got it oh it's got it okay cool let's keep moving wuon more trees oh that that that Theo is totally going to have a go no it's not can we get up here yes is this the way we came it feels like it must have been it feels like it must have been man all right that brono is never finding his way up here not in a million years I don't believe that it will it did life did find a way why is everything still following the book not dead Mo look at easy bro is there there was cave look yeah thank you Miss cave flipping neck he here we are again here we are again have I got everything I'm missing the B I missing the B what Happ to the what where did my M go no no oh jeez thank you where did where did my Mammoth go oh there we go good old path finding good old pathf finding I like to move it move it get the out to move it get the right let's go we go there that's that's obviously where I cross there you can see the path that the braggy made when we came down MF do what he want I do you surpris the BR that that Bronto is super slow but he's he's keeping up he's trying his best Dino March does look cool though right it never gets old what is my favorite dinno chut roll out roll out you tell them yeah what what happened back there it's all resolved Bronto is a bit slow mate Bronto is a bit slow yeah it's got shorter legs that's it what the hell what's the elephants doing V know you bomb I can't believe I can't believe I can't believe it come on bro we got to walk see basis all right lovely that's ay alha Caro come on come on get in range of the Caro get in R of the Caro getting Rage of the cardo oh oh I was not expected that to happen man run look at it just that just killed an Ary for onek man just bat his head off B his head off you can't do it Nikki come on pathf finding don't foul me don't Don't foul me pathfinding make this look like it was meant to be I don't know what the bracho behind me is trying to do snap like a twig what what what the sweet canle sweet it's good good path FY right there BR at the back still figuring life out to jam I'm going to put a save in there the Bron is doing well man H H there we go okay uh where did we come from now was it this Gap by any chance that I made a g with a with a brachio I'm I'm assuming it was no no no no no no no no no no no bad news bad news bad news change direction a crap yeah I just hit like a little rivet go that way people I can't do anything for the kids go that way you're not that way there go go go I see there we go there we go there we go all right this could be a bit cumbersome the hell am I stuck on all right we ain't got that far to go really if you think about it we just got to find a path and this is not a path but we're going to see how we get on flipping it man this brachio is just destroying the universe with each step right does all that make it did it not even listen to the followup commands what you do instead there's the elephants let's see what the elephants do think elephants oh oh oh oh oh found a way go on son the Bron is having a bit of an issue multitasking multitasked everyone's doing well apart from the the the long necks can call not sure what to do with himself I ain't got a Scooby Do What the bronto's doing just no not a clue oh oh oh there we go kles figured out there we go okay let's go no I you know what I didn't think it was going to figure it out come on dude what's it doing oh you got it climbed it climbed okay we're good we're good we're good we're doing well it's a straight line from here through a lot of death and destruction past the titano which I'm a bit worried about if I accidentally hit with my foot Bron's like forget this bad I'm off come on titano don't don't go for a nap in in my root home home to new base it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming all right all right let's not just not Sprint hopefully I won't danger it it's cool looking H titano though camo camo color yeah yeah the bracky we're going to fear Roar if we find a giga we'll we'll fear Roar it I need to get me uh torch and I can't see anything there we go oh light the way it's light the way home all go go go go go quickly you ever SE a Bronto across the entire map oh know you are are oh oh this is danger oh this is danger oh no I can't believe these things are as big as the titano all Sor pods uniting in the uh in the dark edge of the woods they 1K likes can we hit 1K likes people make sure to hit that like button if you're enjoying this long walk of Sor pods and the March towards a new home A New [Music] Hope oh God there's a valley there I got to watch that I I don't want to fall in that Valley right we could run into a few ues and uh dirty wolves and all that Jazzy so need to be a little bit careful big boy big boy Shai he's got the heart of the braies Bronto looking at the back he's still coming he's still coming what's going on back [Music] here how you get nothing with that damn it I'm going to I'm going to hurt that what is this is that an alpha Raptor of course it is all right well let's see the Sora part oh oh it's coming down with the Crush I think the alpha waps are dead oh there he is it's coming it's coming it's coming coming coming quick quick quick quick oh good stuff that's good stuff sth thank you very much for the $5 mate you better to bash that like button or I'll s Lo to the r and that's a threat flipping it having a bit of a bit of a mammoth issue great place to be uh having fist C is it I think we're done Fu for done okay looks good looks clear out let's wander through the darkness now I'm going to I'm not going to Sprint just in case nice thanks for replying to my comments oh good man like I try and catch as many comments as I can it's a new it's a new day it's a new base for me and I'm feeling good we're going to wait for dawn for that hello darkness my old friend I've come to talk to you again we're just going to wonder like yeah just stick to this edge of the we are going to go through the snow though it's going to be easier in a minute uh just to cut straight through it across we're not far actually torch is working wonders can you not see there you go all is that a UT up ahead there's the Bronto at the back Bronto is okay I hear something going off where's that oh right [Music] there right we got the we got the elephant buff and the the uh bracho buff these things aren't messing about to be fair feeling pretty strong we we're not far we're not far we're not far we're really not that hasn't taken as long as I thought you would holy crap I was recording for two hours then 1 two 3 oh how I calling for two hours then [Music] no all right we got a bit of a w issue H yeah bit of danger here man yeah disgusting died no save gooda disgusting Dino oh STI to the edge stick to the edge mow down the trees a something's going I'm back there what's happening we're okay okay they got this we're just going to sit and work wait what's for supper tonight I at supper I I had some pizza mate had some little bit of yeah we're not far like look look where we are dude R in the corner listen I'll talk to you about don't don't make it weird like we you be my friends come on just just fear roaring a UT that feels Mighty fun to do although I can't see anymore where where did he go is that a SLO oh SLO SLU SLU SLU SLU we should all get bug buff not anymore 16k they ain't even they ain't stuffing okay they've just been buffed get ready get ready for a fight people been just over 30 minutes not long really considering how entertaining even the movies hey it beats it beats bed n it's like 85 I think oh going for going for a big one again never ceases to get more in that day just flattened everything I think I'm stuck at a broad to oh light let there bit ligh he says and it will come have we hit 1K likes come on people let's see it now I love love just down this R bend the left and then we're hope we're there did I just tell them all to come I did Den i d you did I Whistle them all the way I don't see any of their names to be fair maybe I'm too far away there we go 15 likes to go 15 likes baby let's take it home 10K likes more it's certainly more entertaining than fishing whatk lik in the sh thank you very much people for hitting that button super cool with you man and I'm glad you're enjoying watching The Mighty March the mighty March uh I think we're going to go this way maybe I think oh it's kicking off up there though oh just giving out memberships making it R rals with five membership thank you very much mate Karen fantasy reborn Jamie marlly and kasm new Ras in the house man thank you very much mate sure what's going on here think let's just keep it moving something's going on back there in fact didn't we see uh a brachio along here how it died what is going on back there we all good we all good all right let's get going incoming road to Green any it one day I do feel like one day this chat's just going to be pure green the entire way through mate you people you're amazing much love I appreciate you come on all we got to do let's go let's cut this way I think I was going to go right but I think we'll go up here then we'll bear a right and then we're there we're there I can smell it any if you just been Gifted Man let's see those emojis people all the brand new cool emojis you just got oh oh oh oh oh we got wolves about we got wolves about wait for it wait for it hold hold hold roia let's go I did get the fresh cut flip it next another Alpha another alphaa let's just wait I want to see if that does it go the elephant's got the back in the got the re we okay there I need to get rid of this quick yeah there's a wolf below me that's dead there's an alpha Raptor there's an alpha Raptor down there there it is quick quick quick quick quick quick oh [Music] fli a lot of stuff here can we keep it all at B oh mate the like we've got Buffs going on like from the from the uh the m not the mammoth what's it called dinopium the brachio with the St rud Sero thank you very much for coming R soul mate hitting that special button for a special person thank you assassin sandwich you know what I do like Assassin sandwich oh it was a bron I thought it was a bra area it's going to not be annoying uh Cut You Through the Trees here through this path here that's where we're going that's where we're going can't it's a bit compassive though no no no we've made it we've made it we've made it there it is there it is right there let's go SE some Raptors that W as close as I thought there was tuskin Merck bra is's at the back somehow I don't know how that's happened there it is the new base location again thank you for the arc fix you're welcome man can you believe you mate oh flipping next save it yeah there it is Imagine though seeing is pulling up on a raid I [Music] mean Bronto wants to go so I say no we're getting there I'm surprised like how little we've got stuck pretty good right oh crap I I jinx it there and I I'm just trying to figure out I see Cliff edges what was that still going still moving we're still moving we're still moving oh finally we're here and this is what it's going to be people up there all the way to there you joking me we just got that same lag right here let's this let's just hope that joking there's no caves like near us here there's no caves just I'm just checking man please said that was just just a coincidence all right well we're here now all by we're here now right okay can't M this up man right we're here we're here let's do this let's get let's get it get it done let's get it done um torch torch torch torch torch right no there is no C there's no C cave here mate well I remember picking up a Smithy don't you what the hell happened to my Smithy s SM I did I not pick up the Smithy yeah maybe I'm just having PTSD yeah right let's flatten this area first uh let's get some get knock out the trees I'm definitely rendering in something I'm telling you there I'm fine as soon as I look over near car yeah soon as I look at Caro cave I want to know I even want to know anymore man I just we're here now with do we need but there's no way I I can render in the cave I mean it seems okay now it can't be a cave all right let's get rid of these rocks the base is new base is being built right here that like no no more it's more it's flatter it's easier to work with there's no dodgy pillar now so you know nah I don't think it's the ocean dinos mate no way kidding me oh my torch broke the hell how I broke my armor just stop in the ground yeah exactly well this will be up in a jiffy note to be fair at this new spot although I do have a Explorer note in the middle of me but you know whatever no it's not when whenever I'm on the bra mate that's a lot of Rock I'm in combat mode donkey um no I was in combat mode keep scraping that floor man kick it back where where are all these rocks dude well we're building here now this is as simple as that St getting like stop getting Stone dude like getting little drips and drops is weird so H myself getting Stone what am I hitting to get more Stone I'm going anym no we're still car the entire Cliff is going to collapse in a minute we done I think we're done no done we done now there we go flipp it anyone need to right then Here We Go Again people so same deal find the middle find where it's the most roundest and then how foundations did we go last time didn't remember I think we'll do that we'll do that oh the trough trick yeah but we want to know how far back that way to go in fact no we don't because there's a natural duck there do you see that there's like a natural like push out there so we go that this line here is our line that's going to be our not dock balcony whatever yeah we I haven't got a trough on me though at the moment do I need it though well the foundations go up anyway so it's fine man so a look am I facing just a little bit to the left I wanted to make sure it's facing down the ramp as well yeah I'm going to go with that to be honest it's it's kind of like I think it's about here mate probably a little bit further back can't even tell what's going on down there dude is it is it turning or what oh crap right to the no I'm I'm pretty confident that's that's it mate what's this here right and then get one up there yeah sweet OCD kicking in what do you mean man right it's pretty flat like here it's not too bad actually I think we'll we'll fly through this let's let's do this let's do this all right can I [Music] carry and we'll just go back that way for a minute and we'll see what it looks like so [Music] um that's the north side one two three I think that's as far as it went before right oh wow yep yeah you we're all seeing that PL on that was about the width of we went before that's good size yeah and then we can we can work the balcony off there um right okay let's let's crack on man let's just get this done let's get a base let's get a base let's do this let's do this uh I need I need you let's go up there we go lovely and I'm guessing this ain't going to work so need to go that way nice and uh o yeah that might just work I think it might just work okay and then yeah going to go right like that there we go nice keep going think we're going to approach the grass oh we are I got a feeling this is going to go away though this grass right after a bit you best to please say it's going to okay any if we get any high points at any point we go for the high points okay that one said no all right uh noce noce noce noise noce still going still being clever still being smart lovely look at how fast we're doing this now eh ah a ftic just did a little cheeky Bab thank you very much mate much appreciated man where that Foundation went you got it Peter Griffin just because we ass Soul that's a it's an a privilege no we're getting there we getting there no did I just do this am I tripping I's just do this one I guess I didn't I guess I did it man feels like I did though uh let's try and balance this out one there one there nice nice nice if I can try and get it like exactly the same both sides I'd be really happy so far I think it is we've got a a lovely pattern going on that's going to offend everyone I know but what are you going to do we got to go by the lay of the land but we can we can we'll work around we'll we'll make it a feature somehow a little little feature I don't know how yet but we'll we'll figure that one out look how much quicker we just built this eh it's almost like I built this before oh jeez uh foundations another Foundation something need some more was was the base like bigger then or what grand staircase stair staircase staircase stairway around it who lives in a house like this David it's over to you oh yeah yeah yeah oh we approaching the grass just I like this grass has got to go please it is going yes yeah baby that's what I've been waiting for it's working it's working it's working um let's keep it high who wants to live forever who wants to live forever uh that's that's good there no not theread we going up high nice and high then we bend it around that way right right yes and then the rest is going to be low triangles squares yes clock uh beehive what you mean like that make that a beehive but it's be hiive I thought to watch your butd anyway you know yeah it's why the land's moving it's fine shame that's the way the land dropping ah like we like it's going to it's going to look awful going out that way so probably can't make a feature out of it probably just going to have to pull it all up maybe uh which in that case if that's the case if that's the case I'm gone I'm gone a minute I'm gone a minute I'm gone a minute what does it look like the toad of Mario you have a circle there right thank you very much that's something about building here we'll be seeing lots of yellow drops and we get every yellow drop we never we never not get yellow drop yeah I see you all these squares make a circle God look at the size of them Bros mate yeah we are we're going to go all the way down here we're going to get we're going to wall off down down to that and down to that but what I'm thinking here right is that feels ever so slightly off to the side like it needed to be further left which is interesting because I went further left but I haven't filled in that Gap yet so maybe maybe we should just go fill it in right and then we'll worry about that afterwards the reason what I'm I'm I'm I'm pondering is because I'm think think of doing like an oblong thing but I want like the Dome to be [Music] seen as part of the oblog Fig does he say big the first one was was he did they end up with three squares I could probably go one more actually should I go one more was the other one like another big another one bigger than this that's getting close to the edge no we can probably we can probably push out should we push out one more we're not like like we'll go like left and right with a bit of an ablong thing right but it'll be lower down the Dome will be bigger than the oblong pieces therefore we still want to make the circle of the base let's let's do the circle circle and um we'll take it from there I think so all we got to do now is just it's three and three right three three three and three okay so it's three it's no it's three triangles three squares so it's simply oh you're going can we not have that level surely okay there we go um confused. there got that and we go down another level somewhere here I guess there not sure where probably out about there maybe yeah I think so yeah yeah that'll work no it won't cuz cuz cuz the opposite side sorry I feel like I'm talking Thinking Out Loud this is uh my Builder process so most build Builders build right they just think out load cuz I you know I relate to them now with my circles uh how it looking yeah just just keep going just keep going kid just check this triangle let let lower down by one so if anything just build it just build it and I will come um I'm help I'm getting this pattern even though it's facing the wrong way I kind of wanted now at this point I feel like I've put the I put too much time into it oh triangle it ended on the triangle but that can't go down that's too too too low so it has to go there so you have to be higher so can I get can I get that one Higher can't be done oh oh you're ruining my pattern man you're ruining my pattern bro all right then oh hello no CU it's that one is it what am I doing what am I doing anyway right we've got the circle let's let's there we go bar one One Foundation One foundation measure once cut twice right we have the circle the initial Circle but now we've got to level things out and then I got to consider it's kind of lot on the squiff a it but this this thing on the sff it pulls out to the left so let's ignore the below and just cut the top piece out completely right yeah yeah yeah we're going to we're going to raise it all I'm just trying to figure out the layer of the land because it's going to be like a circle but then a there's going to be an oblong thing in the middle and I'm also wondering should I make it one more bigger uh it's not facing down the hill it's facing right in front of it yeah ignore how it's stepping down cuz we we we'll sort that how big is that doesn't feel that big a c i don't want to talk about the building [Laughter] man did we was we one bigger before on the first one I don't want to talk about it mad but I mean the balcony we're going to push out anyway basically cap to summarize this was happening at the uh other base location and it was believed that it was loading in The Brute cave and um after building there for 3 hours 4 hours so it was decision was made to tear it all down and move over here and start again uh that's a small Tower base needs more area I think because we need space for a replicator in this thing don't forget it needs to be big enough for a rep and like I swear these bases are deceptively smaller than they look something B offends me man and the direction it's going but that is the natural ramp that way yeah don't know don't know where to go bigger one more one more round was was the last one one more round the last one was two more really oh my god oh man did the whole reason we moved was because of this say wasn't the cave after all oh it's still happening I don't know what like still happening that like the whole reason we mov was because of that and we ripped we ripped it all down and started again um one more yeah restart it doesn't fix it mate uh yeah let's do it this this um M honestly moving was the biggest mistake I made man what decided to I need to round belts too small mate what's the other one bigger we'll do it bigger feel like I've got enough foundations that what I've picked up but we I guess we'll find out you know I never thought I'd find myself building in third person hey what's that all about cuz isn't art two um going to be first person uh only third person and we all complained that we can't build in in third person yes Look At Me Now building in third person Michael thanks for the $5 man I m I do look B I feel so defeated man flipping NE thank you very much there dude Big Love right no I guess that was it then I guess I guess that was that was the uh the length we went to before I I exclusively build in first person yet I just realize I'm building in third person dude what the hell okay so that's done then we're going to go out yeah without frame gen it's the performance is awful mate I'm not even not happening and then what's that a three three by Sumer is it enough so what I'm thinking is we'll pull out the sides or the frontage a bit more but I don't want it completely a complete D mate I want to like have a little bit of difference to it basically I want to make like an oblong here right and then think think the White House there we go uh do you realize your triangle sides are four wide and your Square are three what what do you mean what do you me cup what do you mean what you trying to tell me all right and then we go out some more foundations everyone talking about Foundation like sizes damn that's we need we need more foundations then um fortunately this thing has foundations in the bucket load where where's my feet there should be right Stone metal that wood the perimeter is 34 34 34 yeah I mean I'm not going like yeah I'm not going for like the the um the world's greatest Circle mate I know this I know this um but um that we just yeah I already feel like so defeated the doc still busing you kid what you want about kid are we totally out of Foundations I guess we are all right let's get another 10 of these does that things not loose um yeah I know mate all good all good like it's not going to look like I'm I'm saying think white house but don't it's not going to look like the what house I'm not going for that the F was that um yeah three yeah all right yeah I been sure for six hours damn damn and we I we haven't got nowhere we haven't got nowhere dude oh 10 of them seven all right some of the best bases are buil asymmetrical that's the glory of AR you can still make it look good yeah man it'll look all right could you just show where you are about please I am north of H Oasis right there right there now I know the sides are right like I know it ain't A Perfect Circle it's all good it's all good it's just yeah got a foundation what what you mean man what do you mean man what's that FL I ain't got no Flint I don't think we got any Flint no you got Flint you [Music] ah Flint wood Flint like wood who was what sky I checked back in a bit to see your progress cheers cap I feel I need I definitely need some words of encouragement uh that's yeah now this was number two on the pole uh the other one won the pole you're going to make the Dome Greenhouse yes the top of the Dome will be Greenhouse that's exactly what's happening Dome Greenhouse um balcony back side panels enough space for the replicator in the middle and then like a nice you know Frontage that's what am I do I don't know I am no Builder man like I'm not I'm really not um but you know I try I try these these are the people out there they they they're good at building I I don't claim to be a good builder in the slightest so we're going to go out like this I mean it's not not going to be very much white house but uh how do we how do we how do we I guess let's try and make this as rounded as possible which ain't going to be easy easy don't I guess can't go any further than that so can we even make that no really yeah I guess we're going to have to just NZ it's look too triangular any it n it's uh I we can make that more rounded Frontage yes I'm not expecting like a winning like I'm going to be winning any building competitions mate with this don't like don't don't don't put that on me man don't put that on me bro rounded Edge there what the hell am I doing here lost me marbles no that's not going to work because I wonder if we can budge something here so if we go pick that up and then we can we slope that at all no we just Square it off I think like yeah just Square it off like that yeah that'll work little compartment there to the right little compartment there all right so that is from there one two three four foundations okay okay need to be high there 2 3 4 nice just about oh that was close that was close just about makes it okay there we go and need more foundations Alfred got an idea uh stone wood thatch foundations only 11 can't wait to just move my furniture around never build when you're tired it ties out badly that's exactly the plan Wonder we make this a balcony out the back and then Elevate down to the duck and we still got to build like a wall a a castle wall of sorts oh mate that's going to take some time this ain't this ain't happening like overnight what's your favorite tape Doo everybody chat roll out one two three four oh there we go get the seedings out not yet not yet not yet we're not there yet we're getting Edo we're getting Edo uh one two I swear down kid I swear down right let's have a look at the shape now mate come on all I was going to try to relo just going to try and reboot the game see if that helps at all man that's terrible that is ah dude both work I about see Ras maybe do a Cave Run well let's let's just be happy with the base design right cuz working up from the base won't take long it won't it won't man and um cheers I don't need to save right uh let's have a look now what the I how oh right oh you donkey well I can't go any further that way or else it's going to go over the cliff so I'm going to have to take one side out there then a she's fine it's probably for the best so it's not overhanging there we go right and I think do we fill it in do we fill it in and make a grand wall uh walk up to the front uh which is four wide which is nice that's four dinate is two I assume it's still two it is still two isn't it um the hell this that oh no no no the the the the filling in throwing me off that's that's right it's a logo right we'll fill in now with some ceilings and walls it's going up what going up by two so there going to be quite a rise so we could make a cool staircase stair staircase at the front um yeah that might that might look cool all right let's just pull it around see how high this is uh how many walls we got a lot can I carry all those I can carry all those okay great save hey look listen we're ahead more than we was before I think I feel like we are right I think as long as we've got the kind of the look of this it's going to look good right let's flatten it all out for now just just the outside that is not half a wall so okay not as high as I thought he was going need him to be I like these qu walls they're pretty cool aren't they do you like them I like them I like them recording time I I only just uh changed it mate thank you though yeah it's going to be good I think I don't like this overlap though I wish that like they they did so well at making the ceilings flush it's a shame that little overlap there is gotten but never mind what you saying that'll get rid of the line Mark if you come down with ceilings no secret door right and then that's the front and then what we'll have um you can just put another wall down the side you can hang a wall down from there to make it you can make it flush then okay well that's good to know right let's do that then so we need a few seedings uh let's pick these up cuz if we can make it flush that will certainly make me feel a lot better dly doodly yeah like I know I I hear about the flipping but like this is just the foundations so we run it off seedings right um still getting used to that so that's like that like that lock that I mean I still might use this under area for something I'm not sure yet we'll see Marcus thank you very much for the Dono mate it's very kind of you I need to get on top of there I can't see nothing man that's right what the hell yeah I mean we could use a space for whatever man um that they'll be they'll be there'll be a basement to this that's what's going to happen don't know maybe can't believe I'm building in third person bro I'd never you never caught me doing this before right and then you can run them flush now if you can I like that I like them uh flush that a flush would you go maybe up from the top maybe is that what maybe it's that maybe you build down from it how the hell does this make this flush then doesn't look flush to me dude from foundation not ceiling I'm I'm looking at the foundation one wall up then another wall hanging from the bottom of that wall yeah I just did that but you got to do a big wall maybe Razer thank you very much for the 20 quid mate uh wooo Mr Ras M milone tonight while streaming up to 750 Subs mate well done man that's good to see that's good to see dude well done is it me no we just did the walls before and then everyone and it was it was said do the seedings first to M them flush thanks again Raaz man much appreciated right so it only works with big walls hey what does he I'm I'm confused dude the ceiling and the flush walls were two different tips that got mashed together because the stream is Del light I don't understand me oh Greg thank you very much for the 7.99 uh snap another wall underneath the wall attached to the foundation to cover I mean yeah we could do that but like it's I'm being informed that we can flush without having to like cover the front you have your so another yeah I know we can overlap the foundations but I I'm I'm been informed you can run walls flush with the foundations right it's just crack on man like I'm wasted I feel I'm wasted time on this right this just crack on bro tus sin Drake Finn good name man thank you very much for the donot right okay so the front is here right there's the front no yeah there's the front and then um I want like a staircase but not like any staircase Wonder Leo thank you very much for the $5 mate love how many love how you interact with your fan base thanks for many is of archology and entertainment appreciate man thank you yeah okay would that would that make sense yeah man just like obviously putting a wall in front of it which I haven't got yeah ma'am yeah like putting it there yeah uh we won't worry about that for now though I'm going to conserve me me stuff right because we're going to be building other things so this is the front right here um and I want staircase but like not any old staircase a staircase you know uh the mid thank you very much for the $10 it's very kind of you hope you're okay we need to make a staircase have I got any like ramp stuff I got a few enjoy the part enjoy the podcast with Jade I'm glad you did mate um the stair comes out and then it's okay so it goes that way uh up by one hopefully that going to get be gotten rid of no that's not going to work is it it's a four it's not a three so if it's a four SP a staircase either and leaves a two Foundation Gap that helps two middle yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it any it one slope each two middle touch touch is going up slope yeah it's a two it's a two to a a one one slope each side two staircase middle yeah I know I think I know what you're saying so what I want is like a platform here I swear dude I think about this stuff too much man is um least get some ceilings once we've done this I think that's that's it for the for now that's that's like the foundation of the base done can you turn the foundation to the black shape like ASC Mak might fix overlap I don't know what you me mean then the door is going to be there maybe possibly so no yes no yes yes uh pull it out by one then another then I've thinking about this way too hard dude yeah yeah and then there's the entrance like obviously you got to F fill all this in but the that's the foundation people um yeah this is going to look good this is going to look good staircase in door there is that a big enough base yes big enough base get like once I start going up there'll be space for a replicator there easy on replicate here um yeah we'll fill in the sides and then there'll be like pillars possibly pushing out further holding up a canopy that will do will work into like a White House sort of over now we're going to go uh Stone into wood into stone so like the first bottom layer will be Stone then into wood until it reaches the roof then it'll be Stone a bit of glass um yeah it look cool man not big enough I think it is mate like like I think this is big enough just for me yeah I got I got to make that like yeah this is big enough mate like rep replicate there when you got the height on it it'll look it'll look loads different rep is a rep is four wide yeah that's that's fine uh what's that so like it all yeah that's about right like look at my base and I don't know if youve watched it um the monarchi season 4 um base this is bigger than that about the same size like once you get the the vault in all the crafting stuff forge on one side Forge Forge crafting area storage there more storage in there a winding thing in the middle and then it'll come up to a B I don't know maybe here maybe even a bit further Green House on the top balcony poking out of the back and then we'll push into a duck down there yeah man it'll work and then like obviously dinos aren't going in here like this is just for me mate this ain't no this ain't for for like doos and then after that we're going to build a a wall all the way down here or do we even need a wall Maybe not maybe we start a wall down here and then we block off to here and then we do a wall across here to where bloody H this side is going to suck maybe to there um and this whole section and then we'll have like a proper like breeding like a a dino Care Center about here built out of metal cuz I want to play with some metal with the over Raptor and that all right took us only uh six hours to do that what ah dude six hours and that's all we've done this is all we've done let's do a Cave Run don't want to lose that where he's on my gear actually where did I put that is it in the vault did I I put it on in the vault like a b did I put on my GE not the rho hell's my gear gun I put it on a Bronto got a little bit concerned then right go caving there we okay did you ascend I did I like tiny bases like I do like tiny builds anyway like cramped condensed builds uh it's all the rage mate that's what I'm all about bunk bed bunk bed oh crap that's that's bad news no will I use the transmitter for buses why not right ass might be ass why did you use to kill overseer uh a range of different things there's a video I did you can watch it and find out PE off oh three two one yo your sad build was super compact yeah man I like super compact builds people that's what I'm all about I'm all about that life okay that cave was a bust next cave I don't feel like I've achieved much today man we've achieved um something to inform you people out there don't whatever you do don't build on the western coast on where I just tried or else you're going to it's going to suck it's going to suck ah ah great why why the like the drops have just stopped spawning in here all together mate sometimes it's like that I guess sometimes it is just like that people you have a very unproductive despite putting in a good chunk amount of erors you just have a bit of a a bit of a bad one um the drops aren't spawning either either for me like I don't know why I don't know why um kind of sucks you were trying to build on a beacon spawn point that's why it was lacking ah there's a new there's a new reason for the lag now right I'm done I think I'm done that's it fine we've laid the foundations of our new base location a lot more to get done and uh in the next one my name is Ras Clark don't forget to like share and subscribe and as always are
Channel: Raasclark
Views: 26,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark raasclark, ark survival, raasclark, ark taming, xbox, evolved, ps5, pc, survival, gameplay, creatures, news, switch, raasclark news, ark news, ark raasclark news, ark ue5, ark survival ascended, ark new map, ark mods, ark survival ascended gameplay, Moving to Our New Base Location in ARK Ascended, Base Location Building
Id: 9AsmwT-CSco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 384min 20sec (23060 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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