A Simple Baryonyx Hunt Turns into a Nightmare... - ARK Survival Ascended [E27]

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everything's gone wrong oh no so today I want to try and tame myself a bionic but before we do that let me show you what's going on in the base and oh my God I just noticed that light beam coming through there that's really cool looking so uh yeah since the last episode um I've done a little bit of building nothing absolutely crazy just a lot of wall placing um and a little stairs so yeah we basically blocked off the the end of the I want to just call it a hanger back here um yeah this is completely blocked off we have an elevator up to the next level I still got to do some pillar work and some other stuff around here but um yeah let me show you this look at that beautiful dorph wow why are they always so pretty but they're always such terrible levels what is that oh my God it's it's getting even better anyway so yeah this is uh pretty much the same since the last episode except now we kind of have like a rough idea of what the um the roof is going to be like so here let me zoom out a little bit more uh what's a good way of showing this maybe if I walk in here there there we go so yeah we're kind of um we're trying to figure out the whole roof here um I I have a good idea of what I want and we have like these little uh these little triangle kind of um I don't know what to even call that Gable I think no that's I don't know if that's actually what that is anyway we we have the roofs coming out like this kind of alternating with what we have going on down here uh down over this side over here you can see I've done a little bit of work to try and just tie off the end of that cuz it would have been really awkward to just try bring all the roofs into the cliff or something um and then yeah we've got uh just a rough idea of what I want to try and do at the front for the roof but right here where I'm standing is something that I'm unsure about I feel like I want to do something here I just don't know what it is but um yeah so for the roof right here what we're probably going to do is we're going to come up by another two and then from here we're going to slamp slamp we're going to slant up by another two there as well um and then we'll probably bring it up by a couple walls and then do a similar roof except it will meet in the middle and um I don't know it's going to be kind of hard to explain so yeah for the moment this is what we've got and uh I don't know I think it's looking pretty good so far and then additionally I've done this stairs over here which is very blocky I'm not super happy about that but it was kind of difficult to do because I had to add in a bunch of extra pillars and stuff to add some Foundation support for the actual stairs but uh yeah so here's what we got going on it just brings us up to this level which is a continuation of the base but we do need to do some more work down below before I even attempt doing anything up here so that's pretty much it I think um there's a couple like minor things around the area uh the Raptor is doing really good um I've actually already been grabbing out a ton of eggs I've probably got like 60 or so fertilized RG eggs so I just have it grabbing them whenever they're ready and uh yeah some of these RGS are getting kind of close again so um yeah let's uh head down and I want to just Chuck these things into the fridge I want to to grab some kibble I want to grab uh anything else that I potentially might need and then we're going to head out and try to find a good level Barry but there's another thing that I should probably talk about I've I've already had a look you remember those spinos from the last episode I was floating I was floating by and I saw those spinos and and I really I wanted to tame them but at the same time I didn't but at the same time I did and yeah I'll tell you right now they are no longer here um I really doubt anybody tamed them if anybody did don't send them any hate cuz I'm sure they didn't realize but yeah it uh it kind of sucks neither of them are there I would have figured you know what like when I couldn't find the 145 I was like okay the 140 is got to be there no it was not um so it it's all good it's fine you know there will be more spinos I mean like I said at the very start I found a 150 spino on that River so uh yeah you know what we'll probably not have a major issue finding them when I'm actually ready to go out and tame some so let's see oh and one more thing before we head out there's so many things I just constantly need to catch you guys up on the long neck this right here is not the long neck I actually just grabbed that earlier on today out of a drop um I don't know where the long neck is I took a lot of suggestions from what people were saying they said to check the RGS because I might have left it in an RG when I went over to the um to the swamp cave to actually grab my uh my like stuff after the Frog died that whole like debacle um yeah when that happened I I think I did grab out all my Loot and like I don't yeah it's not on anything but it's all good cuz I think that this Rifle right here is probably better than what it was so yeah one more thing do we have a scope we do nice so we're just going to grab that and do I have any arrows I do not that's not where my arrows are let's grab them out of here instead uh there we go let's grab some regular arrows as well just grab like half and then I'm going to grab just a couple darts um so yeah we should be good to go here um one more thing I don't think argies can pick up barries they used to at one point but I'm I don't believe that they can anymore could I block them in I feel like I could probably use the Billboards right this should work I think I don't think a Barry is going to fit through there hang on one sec let me see uh no there's no way right I don't think a Barry is going to be able to fit through there so if we can use the four Billboards we can just trap it in with that and then um maybe I'll just bring some gates I mean like I've had such bad teame look everything seems to want to uh attack my stuff whenever uh I knock them out so it's probably a good idea that I bring some extra stuff just to keep it completely safe just in case so we have narcotic we have kibble we have uh the gates we have the Billboards I think I have everything that I might potentially need I do ala habas but they do not work on barries anymore they did at one point though I am certain of it when did they make these changes I I'm not certain of that so anyway yeah we're going to be heading out we're going to take a little look in the swamp um I have been killing barries as I go but again we might have like another situation with the Frog like where I'm going to search the swamp and I'm probably going to spend like an hour going around the whole thing and then I'm going to find one at the very end so should I just start at the very end instead of this side cuz you know that's just going to happen I don't know maybe to be honest you know what let's do that let's try it there's actually a good spot around there um around the Redwoods let me see it's like it's like right around here I've always found that that spot right there is pretty good for barries but I think maybe real quick let's check this side just at like the entrance of the swamp and we'll see if we can find one there oh you know what I've just realized I should probably grab a Barry saddle cuz if I'm not able to pick them up with my RG I'm going to have to have it follow me back yeah that's that's going to be important to actually have a saddle oh man and also I should probably come out of the fur armor yeah that would make sense yep I should really be more prepared I'm fairly certain that I have either a saddle or a blueprint um definitely don't have a blueprint do I have a saddle thats in the end here oh yeah we do look at that okay I mean it's ascended you think it would be a little bit higher um armor on that but yeah I mean 80 armor is perfect that will definitely work also I've got a better anky saddle so I should just Chuck that on to you as well actually I've been pulling so many Saddles I feel like like we just got so many really good ones in here uh especially the juuso saddle that one's definitely good but also the teror bird is probably the best 150 armor on that that's kind of insane anyway Let's uh let's check this on to you and we're going to head out with our lovely bionic saddle and the uh armor that I grabbed but didn't put on let's do that as well you know what I'm actually going to grab a sleeping bag because I just don't trust today today doesn't feel like a good day it just feels like a day where I'm just going to get arked once or twice at least going to bring two just in case I really don't I don't know why I've just I have this weird feeling today that just something's going to go wrong yeah ooh is that a yellow drop with a ring oh yeah it is wow okay we need to get over to that so yeah we're just going to take a quick look here at the very start of the swamp and then I literally going to actually just fly to the other side we'll just see if we can get one over there instead uh but yeah quick luck here quick yellow drop as well um should be good to go look at that little time or oh you're so beautiful as well ah 45 guys damn it just add a one before that that's all I ask is that poop or eggs these are eggs wa why is there two okay I'll take it I'll take it boom boom we got a very angry turtle following me I I could just imagine he's uh yeah oh he's blue and everything wow what level are you dude there's so many blue creatures now it's it's great I love it but like yeah I don't know just it's just really weird it really is um let's see what do we have here I did see some bugs back there hopefully they don't come for me oh whoa oh we have the bugs nice uh hello beautiful also nice yeah that's some good stuff right there I can appreciate that okay great yeah no I'm happy about that that's awesome oh man yeah wait how expensive is it uh okay it's not as expensive as the pants that I have of like similar kind of armor value um not sure about the durability and the pants but the yeah 650 is pretty good on that nice um I don't know how we're going to have to like come up with a good way of farming the um what do you call it the uh I'm just I keep getting distracted by these little turds let's see 15 yeah it's not it's not even that nice it's kind of nice though but yeah I just um what was I even saying oh yeah yeah yeah Pelt how the hell am I going to get Pelt nowadays cuz we don't have like a chainsaw to easily get a ton of it so I don't know maybe eventually when we have a bunch of AIS we're going to you can shave them I guess and then also kill them that yeah that's kind of awful um anyway so yeah let me see if I can manage to find a Barry around here we did see a couple of them the last time I was around this area so let me check this like opening over here so we get down to kind of like ground level here I mean there's definitely got to be a couple in here uh let's see is that an alpha Raptor dude there's so many Alphas it's kind of ridiculous I'm kind of getting sick of like coming across them cuz every single time I see them I just want to stop and kill them but that's just not going to be a thing we can't kill every single one of them hello look at you a man not good still kind of hoping for a decent level stco oh there's two of them here I only noticed one of them which one did I even check was it the other one yeah it was the other one oh that's a that's a really pretty CAO but it's a CAO nonetheless I should stay away from it I really hate that you can't pick those things up anymore more God damn it um all right well anyway let me keep checking around here hopefully we can manage to find one but if not like I said the opposite side of the Redwoods we're going to check there first Barry that I've spotted uh level 15 all right let's kill it got to make sure I'm killing them cuz like there's no point otherwise also we need to uh yeah we need to start working on the um the honey soon I should try and get a bearer really really soon uh if we can tame up a what is that glowing oh okay it's a dimetrodon sale it looks like really glowy for some reason but yeah if we can tame up a um a dire bear we can easily get some bees and then we'll be kind of good to go oh titanosaur hello cuz like at this stage I have you know I have a lot of sap without any sap Taps which is great but um just in general uh oh hello I thought that was a freaking bar look at you you're trying to distract me but um yeah so we have all the crops and everything we just we need the honey to make the uh the veggie cakes and then we can tame up some snails some more avice and stuff and yeah we'll be pretty much good to go don't really see any around here you know knowing my luck I'm going to do what I said I'm going to go to the opposite side of the swamp and check over there first and then I'm going to spend the whole time going through the whole swamp and I'm going to end up back over here and I'm going to find a good level around here so I'm just I might just check just a little bit extra around here I don't know I'm just I don't want that to happen that just sounds awful oh has my Stam okay no we're good we're good um I see a froggo hello I wouldn't mind getting another frog I mean like you know they're not the best way of getting cementing paste but they're pretty fun way of doing it I don't know it's it's pretty satisfying when you don't get micro raptured inside the cave like the micro rapturing is is the worst part about what happened the rest of that was all great I didn't mind that at all is that a Barry there oh it is okay uh oh no that's a c okay my bad I can't really see oh yeah I can I can make out a CAO now yeah I couldn't really see what I was looking at cuz of the way that it looks like when it's moving in the water like now when it stops I can easily see but I could just see like the back arching out of the water and I just thought that that was a Barry all right well I think I might pop over to the other side like I said this is the stupidest thing to do oh my God all right uh is that did I just see okay I thought I saw a tree platform hello Paras aums can to quickly get the kill on you not that it really even matters oh wow I did nice first hit all right bye can I get out H we're good we're good oh man all righty well yeah I'm going to I'm going to fly all the way over to the other side now but I will keep a a little eye out as I'm flying here cuz I do not want to miss one also got to keep an eye out on the trees up there cuz AA could totally spear me out of the sky from here yeah that could happen oh hello oh hang on uh let's see let me try and get this thing freaking 150 that's dope all right I didn't even have to go fully over to the other side oh my God the ark Gods love me where exactly am I on the map uh well we we got we got pretty close yeah we definitely did um that's cool nice uh where is it though yeah we're going to have to we're going to have to get that over here I think best bet would be to have it come right over to me and we'll kind of trap it and then fly out of the Trap where where did it go uh oh did I just get stuck on you what the hell get off of me that was weird uh where the hell did this thing go it's like all over the place there's a Saro no wait wait wa there's another one or is that the same one maybe maybe it just looks different in the light okay yeah no oh no that's not it okay my bad uh okay that's a Sarco eating me um where the hell did it go hang on just a second now Mr one or Mrs 150 uh Barry there you are I see you okay nice let me go ahead and kill the Sarco I don't even care what level okay yeah 110 not uh not the most amazing uh let me try and kill this Saro and then we'll try and get the the Barry to follow me out just a little bit more am I seriously stop inside of you why do I keep getting stuck inside of everything today what get off of me there we go okay I didn't want to have to do that but it was necessary did you seriously not follow me oh my God all right you know what yeah just in general I've noticed that they don't really want to follow a huge amount uh when you're when you're flying let's see oh God I keep getting stuck all right hang on let's try and do this then okay I can't see now uh put that right down here here I guess we'll just try and uh can I do the snap points no no snap points off of that one no not I can't do like a 90° one that's not a thing H okay hang on yeah we just keep getting stuck inside of them get off of me I definitely can't pick you up right yeah you definitely can't oh man all right let's see oh okay right there that's good and then right around there that's decent uh it's kind of messy but feel like maybe if I go onto the opposite side he might not realize that it's a trap if I stand like inside of it so let's do this then um boom and then we'll pop down a sleeping P just in case cuz you never know you really you just never know um let's see boom all right where did you go is that you I get you no that's not going to hit you keep walking uh see oh my God it just does not really want to come at me here I thought it would keep walking walking there now it's walking that's a cat bro ah God damn it no stupid reload making me super no no no no no oh my God this is actually the worst what is wrong I've gotten leeched now as well everything's gone wrong a no no no no no no why get away from my life leave me alone ah God damn it uh where even is it I want to I want to deal with this Theory oh my God God damn it dude everything just went so wrong there and then the xenos I don't even trust these things God stop moving my Argy you're like full on just taking it back to your lir your tickle den oh my God here come here come here just come here it's fine uh are you going to follow me no is that the freaking Barry attacking now God damn it everything's literally just gone wrong there like what is my luck get a I get cap Road I get uh I get freaking attacked by the Barry I get leeched and then the Theo it's just like everything like all of the things that hate me just all just got together you know it was like it was like a meeting of everybody that leaves a stupid hate comment on the videos seriously now we got more leeches following me all right here we go we are we done are we good can I do things no there's even more coming oh my God I'm getting leeched constantly here there's so many of them right here I don't think I've ever seen this many on the island just like hanging around uh here we go okay I got to I got to get the stupid I got to get the barri in here man all right is there going to be any more leeches or are we okay I think we might be all right yeah where the hell did the Barry even go my somehow my RG didn't get leeched I don't even understand how that's possible why is this Barry so uninteresting interested in me like it it joined in on the on the CAO uh Fun by the way I will get rid of the leeches they're not a priority for me this Barry is I don't oh there's more of them dude go away where is that what is that what did I just see there that's okay it's a snail where exactly is the Barry gon now all right God damn it let's see let me just pick these up we'll just pick him up we'll find the Barry and then we'll do this that is annoying all right let me see what do we have is it is that it over here that are you you brought you brought a friend now that's you know that's fine wait what level was that that okay that's the level 15 yeah we've already seen that one let's try and kill it them before it other buddy comes over here nice got you killed love that can you just like can you follow me or something like cuz I feel like we're having a really really tough time here let's see and I can hear snakes now as well God damn it like literally everything right now I can't I keep getting stuck I can't move get off of me everything's gone wrong hang God hang god let's just try and trap it let's just try and do this no it just ran out nice yeah you see the issue is I'm on a flyer and it's just it's losing interest in the flyer but like pretty sure you can't bow of them I'm fairly certain I think we've already tried let's see hang on let me place this down here let me just let me try this the way I was going to try it earlier let's see uh let's get one right down no I didn't I didn't know you were following me go away Leave Me Alone um all right you you get in here get in here come on there we go okay now I need to let me give me a snap point or something uh hang on wait we hit Q to do that and then okay is that yeah looks like you're trapped right I think you are there's no big gap gaps right there's kind of a gap here no you're good nice can we get head shot I'm pretty sure what are you getting attacked by you getting attacked or you just eating I think you just oh God damn I H to shoot it it just moves oh my God this is just I you see this is it I said this earlier I said something bad was going to happen and some bad things did happen I'm quite hurt we will get rid of the uh leeches in a minute here let me me focus on getting this little tur knocked out though oh man all right well at least we got it you know well okay I'm I'm not going to speak too soon cuz you know how it goes let's see uh probably hey there we go nice okay we are not going to immediately approach I'm going to assess the situation here we're going to do a full survey of the land maybe I'll place these from a distance yeah that might work uh boom there we go all right can I place these even though those signs are still there I think so all right is that a good spot to do it yes I hate this okay there we go nice yeah when you go into K mode and you're trying to place things uh it just immediately wants to try and like rotate it for you it like Auto rotates uh oh wait hang on get to get back onto the snapping there we go sweet we love to see it there we go and then we'll get all of these things in okay I think we're I think we're fine I can hear something it's t is kind of sticking out a lot so I think I might keep the Billboards here I didn't realize how much its tail was sticking out uh yeah it's fine it's all good there we go nice all right cool let me uh let me make a campfire then so I can get rid of these leeches that are like sucking on my nipples not a big fan of that um let's see leech blood we'll keep the meat and then I will drop all the rest of that crap that you have for me thank you enjoy all right so we need a campfire let's grab the the items that we need for that let's quickly just put these onto here and then we'll we'll feed the uh the Barry here in a minute I'm seriously dying I'm actually dying of the heat as well should be honest at this point it's probably not not even worth trying to save myself I don't even think that's going to happen uh I kind of want to go to the water but maybe not yeah maybe what I should do is I should just drop the food in and then just like leave the area but in all honesty I think I should probably just die first cuz that's going to have to be a thing I mean like I'm basically dead anyway and then I'll get rid of the leeches just we like leave the leeches just sucking my dead body and then yeah we'll be we'll be good do I have a piece of organic polymer to make it quicker no okay yeah we're going to have to give the credit for the kill to the leeches look at that that's just horrifying like that's just not okay like what is this also I am so wounded looking I love the uh the actual like the blood all over the whole body now it's uh it works a lot better than it did before there we go and look at that I'm completely completely healed as soon as I die that's amazing um here we are uh did I okay I did nice let's see all righty so we have the 150 Barry hopefully we'll see um should probably get it on the tracking let me grab all my stuff first though nice yeah that made a lot more sense than trying to to save myself um all right cool so the Barry let me get you on tracking there we go lovely still at 100% that's awesome um from what I remember it's not really going to be too much kibble also I do realize that they take regular kibble but I clearly don't have the eggs for that so we're going to be using Superior which is completely fine as long as you're a tier above what it needs then you're completely fine to feed it whatever you know you just can't feed it a tier below cuz that wouldn't work out see let's do that and then let me give you five kibble yeah that's going to be enough nice so I'm actually going to leave here you know it's never a good idea for me to be around the team when it's teing so we're just I don't know we're going to fly up here we're going to see what we can what we can see maybe we can get a second Barry I don't even know cuz like there's still a lot of swamp that I haven't even really checked out cuz I've just been looking at like the open areas so there could easily be some more good level barries in here but I don't know maybe for the moment we we won't try and get any more cuz even just getting one was almost enough to to fully kill me um anyway God damn it just like I I knew something bad was going to happen I just I had that like that sense you know like my my implant was tingling and I could just feel death was incoming um yeah oh man all right 68% tamed oh you know what I don't think I actually talked about why I wanted a Barry well the main reason is because barries are actually one of the finest creatures to use for caving they are seriously really really good for caving um if you haven't like used the barries in the cave especially on the island you have definitely missed out cuz they are fantastic uh they can fit into the majority of them and then obviously on top of that uh you know they're really good cuz there's like water caves and stuff on the island there's all sorts here so it's absolutely perfect did I kill was that a CAO that jumped at me and I killed it in midair I didn't even see that happening I just saw the body fly over there that's cool yeah I just wanted to start killing some things just to get the healing Factor going cuz uh then we'll get a little bit extra healing Barry is one feet off so it's it's quite quick very very quick uh tame especially if you feed it the kibble um so yeah let's see what do we have yeah we got another body here nice do we have any more bodies that I can wait 20 seconds and then nibble on doesn't look like it so yeah um having this guy you know eventually we'll have a m boosted pair hopefully and maybe try and tame up a couple more cuz in just in general barries are really good you know what I wouldn't mind going heavy on the barries in this series so yeah cuz I think the next time we're going to actually have the opportunity is when aberation comes out so yeah it's going to be a good long while before we're actually going to get to go in on the barries again and then I don't think they're on extinction at all are they I don't think so um by the way just speaking of scorched is still I think slated for December I don't really know um but my plans for that will be to start up a scorched series and we're not going to do a cluster not not straight off the bat eventually we will do a cluster we'll have like all the maps together like the exact same way that we did uh previously currently that's not even possible actually just a heads up but um yeah eventually we'll we'll have that going but when Scorch drops we're not going to closer it with this series they're going to be two completely different series and uh we're going to have a fresh start over there just cuz I feel like going over with a super highle character would just kind of Ruin any chance of like the cool like early game struggles you know and scorched is Scorch is a difficult map I think early game at least you know surviving because of the whole water situation and you know there's a lot of terrifying creatures out in the desert so um yeah just in general it's uh it's it's an experience for sure and I want to experience it properly so when Scorch does drop it's going to be its own new series um same with aberration same with Extinction same with all of them and then eventually when they add in that brand new DLC that we have no idea what it's called Uh that's going to be its own series as well did I oh yeah it was five piece that I put in cool let's go ahead and pop that on and I should probably do we have anything good on you no okay can I carry all of this um oh yeah no yeah you've got amazing weight actually stat-wise it looks pretty good here's the thing right I I'm trying to kind of like think of the stats that I would have normally gotten on parri's but that's not really good cuz usually I would have been like level 270 cuz we've been playing with like level 180 creatures for years now so I'm just so used to those stats um but also even just in general even if I I was using level 150 max level creatures for the last seven or eight years or whatever even if that was the case it's going to be different now cuz there's no movement speed so those points are distributed between uh these other stats so yeah I feel like um oh and on top of that hang on yeah there's no oxygen and supposedly creatures that don't use the oxygen stat don't have wasted points into that I'm not 100% certain of that maybe somebody can definitely confirm it or I can hop into single player and confirm it myself eventually but um yeah if that's the case then that's actually kind of huge because you know back in survival evolved if you had like let's say a Barry it would still have points into its oxygen even though it never would need its oxygen cuz it has infinite oxygen it can breathe underwater like creatures like that you know sharks and everything they would all have like an oxygen stat which made no sense um unless they you know at some point would have potentially done some sort of system where they can come out of the water and their oxygen stat would have been like their time out of water essentially uh something like that that would have been really cool but they never did that so yeah I don't know it's um it's definitely an interesting one so that means that just having something like this having you know let's see what would it be then uh what is that divided by five yeah so let's see the the average would be 45 points into each of these and you know you're never going to get exactly 45 into each of those stats so yeah that is uh that's kind of crazy actually so I could just imagine how easily we could get what could be considered to be quite good stats but maybe aren't even that high on a Barry I don't know that that's cool um let me try and get out of the swamp I actually don't really like being in here it's way too um way too musty you know I'm getting like I'm getting like swamp ass right now it's uh it's not it's not feeling too good in these kiten leggings um let's let's get out of here just in general I don't trust myself to be able to stay alive as well um the swamp is a terrifying place okay yeah you know I am scared I will will admit it let me uh let me run up here in fact let's just go find an alpha I guarantee I'll be able to find one and we'll be able to get a head shot on it constantly and and you know hopefully manage to kill it let's see uh where exactly are we right now I think I know oh yeah it's this spot right here okay cool roughly know this area so yeah let me uh head up and around this direction we'll try and see what we can find we got a couple dillow here there we go got a nice head shot on you love that oh you know what actually we could hop into the ocean and start killing some things as well yeah cuz we can stun in the water so I could probably start killing some megal Doodles maybe even killing an alpha megood that could be a thing let's see let me uh let me head over to the coast anyway getting somewhat kind of close to the same area that we did see the uh the spinos in the last episode we're pretty close to Green OB it's like in that direction there um but like I said you know they they no longer exist I mean I I seriously searched the area I I could not find them and spinos are pretty big and they can run off if they get injured quite a lot but they wouldn't have run off that far I did search the forest for the 145 though specifically and just was not able to find it so yeah anyway let us see what we can manage to get ourselves into over here uh we're getting kind of close to the river little bit further can I drop down there we got to run through a little bit of swamp here actually this spot would have also been pretty good for some barriers but clearly I picked the right spot cuz godamn freaking 150 love that um it was like the third Barry I saw as well I think no maybe fourth yeah definitely fourth and then obviously we found one like another minute after that and that was like a level 15 so yeah really awesome I I barries are great I'm super happy about this one this is definitely going to be a good tame I just what I need to do is not that's a freaking 150 CAO God damn it oh my God why hang on hang on we'll try and get it okay give me a second give me a no let me let me go let me go uh there it is okay can you I don't think you can bow capos anymore how the hell do you get them uh okay hang on what is with the 150s man freaking 150 Barry and a 150 CAO and I can't carry either of them back to base Ah that's annoying all right you stay here you're on let's yeah let's put you on to neutral bom and then let me hop on to you oh hang on a second no I got to I got to pull you off off of following to the Barry cuz you're just going to leave me at some point come here come here come on come on let's go Nova come on Nova let's go we're leaving Nova are you being serious right now just fly to me thank you what is with the flyers I just I don't get it like half the time when you whistle them they just want to sit there for like 5 minutes all right um where is that is that the CAO I don't actually know what it looked like that's not the CAO but it was mate boosted so that means that there's another one oh that is that it we're okay sorry about those noises wait wait which one okay it's that it's that greenish one how the hell do I get that I I guarantee I can't block that in with a billboard I guarantee but let me try anyway yeah that actually might work I feel like it won't be able to jump out of there if it if we can get it like behind there or something um I might just try and knock it I don't know oh oh God damn it okay hang on that's the one I need to kill right let's kill this one no no no no no it's going to pull me off my M already tell yeah it's definitely going to I mean it definitely could have done that but yeah um where's the other one is that over there splashing around he you God damn like the second oh my god dude the second that I stop the second like the it's just ridiculous uh where are we in terms of c a oh God how the hell do I get get you uh oh wait hang on oh I can shoot off the back of the Barry oh I forgot I can do that okay yeah let's do that also I think I might have trapped it behind that sign all right you stay here Barry you and me let's go what should I name this thing I'm thinking barely Onyx it's like my classic name for pares I don't even know why I call them that it's just so stupid uh where's the CAO I can hear it oh is that it in there it's so hard to see oh yeah it's right there look at that you little turd why did they make them not bable I know why they made them so you can't pick them up anymore and it irritates me but it's because of PVP you guys screwed up the the procoptodons the these guys as well oh I thought he was moving never mind um yeah like what the hell like I think it was all to do with like meshing and stuff I wish they had a found like did he just drop I think he did oh yeah he did nice I think um it would have been great if they had just found like a different kind of way of doing it cuz I think making caos not bable is like like do the developers even play the game like micro Raptors exist so I guess they don't I don't I truly think that the developers probably actually don't even play the game at all there's no chance that they do like they wouldn't have micr Raptors in the way that they are if that was the case and plus supposedly according to Evo cuz he's done some testing having a microor on your shoulder doesn't stop them from stunning you in this game I'm certain that it did in the last game I think I've tried it but maybe I haven't I'm not even sure maybe it's just being a myth in the community for such a long time or something I don't even know anyway Let's uh let's try and get this thing I don't have a saddle for it obviously not with me but I probably have one back at the base that's awesome though two swamp creatures that are level 150 each can I manage to make this the uh the trifecta and actually get a Sarco level 150 oh we got some Saros here and we actually got another Barry level 75 let's see let's kill you come on come to me what level is that Sarco though I actually didn't even get to check uh level 55 could you imagine if that was a 150 that' be so funny like I I wouldn't even know how to explain that you know it's just like the wildest thing to like find that many 150s in a row but yeah this is great I'm happy about this even though I hate caos like I can't turn down a 150 CAO it's just not a thing you know let's pull one piece of kble off of that cuz it's only going to need four in total let me run around this way instead uh and I think we're good right yeah we should be okay all right well this thing should tame up pretty soon and I think once it is tamed up we'll probably just head straight back to the base and then I'll take the Barry out for a spin I should probably have a CAO saddle for it so yeah I'll just I'll uh I'll get back to the base real quick let me see which way is probably the best way to do that um in all honesty uh yeah swimming down the river and just going all the way around would make the most sense cuz try trying to track across the land is maybe not the best idea all right should be uh yeah there we go about to say we got you oh look at that as soon as you're tamed you're able to walk through there cool uh you also don't have an oxygen stat either and obviously you don't have movement speed either so those look pretty good it's got some good stem it's funny how the stamina is higher than the health though that's strange um all right there we go so yeah we'll uh oh let's get you on follow to him right here there we go we'll um we'll head back back to base then so I need to head basically in the opposite direction so over here yeah Green Ops right there that makes sense um probably can't get through there with the CAO yeah we'll uh we'll head back to base um I'll just try to get back there ASAP all right so we're back at base let's take this thing out for spin how the hell did I just bounce off of that so weird all right I want to maybe head over towards the coast so yeah let's just uh let's make our way over here it's probably not going to be a good idea to wear the fur into the water so that's why I'm staying in the kiten you see the thing about fur is when you get wet you actually it doesn't really help you at all it just makes you even colder so it even says it on the actual description of the items so going to try and not go into the water wearing fur cuz it probably doesn't help I don't think anyway yeah probably not anyway Let's uh let's just keep running over here let's just get to the coast and then I want to head out just a little bit take a little look and see what we can actually find probably should have brought an oxygen but I don't really plan on going that deep anyway so it's all good um hello anky I am still looking for some more ankes n not not very good at all oh hello okay we'll kill you real quick come here bro come on let's do it let me maybe potentially get some head shot on you it doesn't really look like it wants to let me all right let's do it come on no still can't do it okay hang on let me run away and then try to like knock it back yeah that works uh it's getting kind of closer though we might have to walk backwards at the same time okay that's working nice so uh yeah we'll get this dude killed up real quick that's going to be a ton of levels as well actually go ahead and eat you and H pretty good crossbow but I've got much better so probably not even going to grab it let's grab the arrows though always helpful I don't remember the last time I crafted arrows it was definitely like within the first few episodes so yeah pretty pretty good let's um let's go ahead and just pump this up a little bit more and then the rest can go into melee for the moment nice all right let me uh continue my way over to here we got a bunch of dudes here though I don't really want to fight Dar wolves so we're just going to run right by those guys let's actually do some jumping nice level five anky God damn it every single one like I've only you know I was about to say I've only ever seen one good level anky but there was also like a 145 really really early on on the herbivore Island thingy and obviously I was in no place to really tame it and obviously since then it's no longer there we've Dino wiped um so yeah anyway let's uh let's get down here see what we got and we are in the water nice oh wow that is crazy cool looking we probably should have brought some scuba goggles though because then we'll be able to actually see but it's not super bad now I know obviously I am draining oxygen but nowadays you got 150 oxygen it's not as bad as it was in survival evolved so we should be kind of okay the only issue is I am really really cold but again I feel like I'd probably still be this cold while wearing fur maybe even colder although I am draining health so maybe I should have brought some scuba pants or something let's see let me actually get some fish meat oh yeah actually hang on if we can find some more megalodons that's going to be perfect there we go they're going to find me even better here we go nice let me try and get this dude here we go give me your meat that not so I shouldn't have said that God damnn it oh man all right let's see any more megala Doodles around here we got a couple potentially I think I see one attacking a um pelagornis over there in fact I should be looking around for some more pelagornis to try and tame because obviously we have our single one um that's an RG never mind we have our single pelagornis that we have uh for the um for the organic polymer and I think that obviously having an imprinted one would make it a lot better um but also just the fact that I should probably read them a little bit and try and get a really good one see come on bro no you're not even going to land down here okay well we do have a shark over here so let's go ahead and kill this guy all right come here what level are you got to actually just take a little look at their levels too I wouldn't mind getting a shark pack going at some stage cuz I don't know sharks are really good like they're actually kind of insane I mean the the bleed that they got the pack boost like they are they deal some serious damage now it's crazy like back in the day they were always a cool creature to have but there were always like that one teame that you know you'd get one and then you'd upgrade it to a mosa or a tuso um so yeah I don't know let's see anybody else down here at all no it doesn't really look like it how much fish meat do we have oh yeah good amount so the barries actually heal like tons off of the fish meat so if you're ever looking to heal up your Barry just feed them that obviously in some of the caves we got some praw and stuff so you don't even need to bring any of that with you but for the most part probably should uh 140 hello okay I'm not going to kill you I'm not in a position to tame that thing right now but I will keep in mind that there is a 140 here yeah you know what there's a lot of sharks in the ocean I could probably kill it but I probably shouldn't cuz then I'll get a bunch of crap in the comments I can read them already you know like God damn it thech you should have tamed it oh man all right here we go no a I can't get him can I can I clip his wing no it doesn't look like it all right it is what it is let's see anybody else around here you know what trilobites if I could find some trilobites that would be great cuz a little bit more silica pearls and all the other goodies that they give let's see any of them around here at all not really just a bunch of fish yeah I need to find like a troby kingdom you know just like a ton of them together let's see uh yeah I don't really see any H just in general I feel like they're a little bit less common in this game is it just me I don't know oh what is this is this axan over here oh it is okay I didn't realize this base extends out this much oh this must be like a little water Shack or something right yeah looks like something hopefully I'm not spoiling anything so I'm not really going to look at it um we got that drop over there could probably go get that let's see do we have any sharks in here at all I'm in a rock no not really it's kind of terrifying oh my God yeah you can't really see very far at all in here it's really terrifying come here let me get you come on hey come on hey gotcha nice all right we get normal me from those guys for some reason it's so strange I I don't really understand why out of all the ocean creatures that one specifically does not give fish meat like fish meat wasn't always a thing in the game I don't believe so anyway but yeah it's just it's just really strange um oh did I just crash what the hell just happened no I just crashed oh that's the worst okay logging back in I'm totally going to be dead though yeah I'm dead where even was I definitely like around here that's so annoying yeah I know what you're going to say if you had have had an oxygen tank you would have been okay and you're right you are so right and I should have had that now I got to fly over there I got to I grab I Ah that's the worst all right wait not that one let's let's grab the oxygen tank I know I have a really good one and everything but I forgot it okay sue me don't please don't actually do that um there we go almost full scuba we just need something for the hands that'll work yeah but by the way just in case you don't believe me about the fur you can see it right there yeah you need to keep it dry so yeah let's um let's fly all the way over there and and hopefully try to grab my uh my Barry he should be fine oh I just you know what let me uh let me go ahead and track him so yeah we'll just track the Barry that way I'll be able to find my stuff super easily oh man all right let me get over here that is just super annoying oh no the white drop's going to be gone by the time we get over here that's that's terrible H well yeah I think um you know what let me let me get over here after that we'll probably end off cuz like I'm going to have to fly the Argie back you know I can't really be out the ocean doing things if my RG is following me so Ah that's super annoying wonder what even caused that though so strange just so you know like I have been crashing not crazy amounts you've seen a lot of the crashes that have happened there's been a couple more that have happened but I feel like the majority of them do happen on cam so just so people know I don't actually have like a NASA computer like I still also get the crashes but probably not as much as like the average person cuz and I'm not bragging when I say this I have a very good computer but I also have it only because of my business you know I didn't even pay for this my business did so yeah that's why I'm able to Splash out on like the the silliest uh specs for a computer here we go we're very close actually I thought we were a lot further away but we're super close to where the uh the Barry was that kind of scared me when I went into K mode and then we didn't have the little icon a man I guarantee axan was the cause of this for sure 100% he's got some weird stuff going on over here so I'm trying to think think what would be the best way of doing this um I could just jump off and and and land in the water it looks like he's moving around so he's fighting don't see any damage numbers just yet though I mean he should be fine like I don't think anything could really kill him he is fighting so we're we're okay also yeah I can't see his health or anything see you good bro what even did that is that my bag there I think that might be I'm just going to wait for the shark to be dead come on bro yeah he's not really getting hit at all um come on how like is this that 140 shark did it come back and get me is this like jaw's Revenge the worst one that's level 90 okay we're good um let's see oh no I meant to I meant to do this here we go and a jump in nice okay yeah this is this looks like a a dead s attack oh wow yeah look at that it is let's uh grab all that good stuff sweet look at all this great loot oh man that is super annoying yeah you still you still can't really even see in here at all it's crazy I don't I feel like I don't really like that I mean it's very very hard to see I don't know it's going to be like navigating the ocean is going to be just as difficult as it was before the only difference now is that it actually looks really nice it actually looks nice down below as well they did some really good work on the ocean that was one thing I was hoping for and I'm glad that they actually did it so yeah anyway we're going to have to bring this guy back to the base and uh we'll probably end off the video here guys if you have enjoyed this one go ahead do me a favor hit the like button you can't use rightclick attacks when you're in K mode anymore it's super annoying I wanted to do the spin there that would have been great but um yeah if you want to see more like this subscribe and uh yeah catch you in the next one hopefully it won't crash again doesn't look like it oh Amanda hello Justice for Steve thought that said 150 for a second oh [Music] man
Channel: Syntac
Views: 212,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, new ark, ark 2, ark remastered, ark survival ascended gameplay, asa gameplay, ark baryonyx, ark kapro
Id: 5I8hvr1rMT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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