Fortifying our Bob Base in ARK Ascended

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you're right kids it's R Clark welcome back to another Arc survival ascending stream with me and you Dr joon's Dr Jones calling Dr Jones get up now get up now how you doing man you're right you're right you're right let's get evolved let's lock in let's do it are we all doing toight you all having a good day let me just change that uh live chat there we go perfect blacks mad kitten mcdo furry ammonite bones of the Ark JoJo shark base kamic Rex snowballs Z can't reach your name I'm FR elas Phoenix I'm good man yeah bro 24/7 baby we're 247 AR play today and the days before and the days after let's get this base up and ready are you ready Here We Go recording 3 2 1 you're kids it's Ras Clark welcome back to another episode of The Hunted the hunted to another episode that was last season to another episode of AR survival ascended where the base is coming on look at this we got grills we' got FR creates we got Jes we got all this Jazz and I've just sorted all of our stuff into all of these boxes go to sleep what is sleep I I bite my tongue no Chin what is it called bite my thumb that's the one I bite my thumb at sleep don't forget to like the video it helps but if you're going to like it like it with your nose mush there we go right so what are we doing what are we doing we tamed a few things Alo ioy tost let's get tost out here tost and it's time I think High time we start making sure our base is safe know what I mean there we go I'm back Texon hello welcome back thank you very much for the 499 um you must go oh bless you well thank you for doing that before you went it's very kind of you it seems super bright right right now doesn't it it seems super bright Let's uh move these these Ares up a bit I think far too close it seems uh yeah super bright right now what's going on no lag the lag's gone perfect that's what I hoped would happen when I restarted the stream Good Times take a spino right so first things first I think we need to put a gate at the wall that we need to do to get ourselves box in what's the use's name f doin got to be done right hello from Argentina hello to Argentina what's the world of consult no news yet I'm afraid my friend we haven't heard a thing yet uh sadly hopefully we may hear something soon I I do hope so uh first thing I've got to do before I do anything got to make a truff all these creatures are living without truff food so I need one truff there we go feeding truff bash fiber metal let's get that going on finally catching up on the stream thanks for the great content appreciate you Chris get another aloe to make a pack we should right but it was one of those we wasn't intending to time it but it was a baby We R into it we we got to just got to time it's got to be done you know what else do you need you need some more Woods there we go beautiful re it's spelled wrong what is spelled wrong the title of the video oh doin yeah we spot it rang and we're going to keep it Rong so why you up even more right let's that go off uh bom bom bom bom right lovely we got you big bro hopefully some news I I do hope we get some news sooner than later mate I really really do I really really do uh where should we put this truck let's put it it's just here for now I think that'll do seems super bright right now does it but the Gamera hasn't changed on I'm pretty sure he hasn't there we go right we got meat what you got you got some meat throw it all in here the TRU looks nice doesn't it nice and wooden nice and shiny safe safe safe everyone saying there we go that's the first save trickers we're all trickers farm that save button there we go interesting you can put the uh die berries in there as well so what's going on there's a drop down there quick let's get that that's a purple ring bro I'm going down here with no gear feels like a not a smart idea at all Dino Farm is getting bigger oh it is that's an alfafar Rex right there Rex small Rex alaer Raptor this is where it all ends right good stuff that is bro it's good stuff Ross hello Steve love your content thank you very much and big love to Algeria thanks for the great content hope ASA comes with consoles I really hope it comes out sooner than later I really do um like if the devs were confident it was going to come out on time surely surely they knew poor Alo has no name all right well let's fix that let's do the names in the covers people what's your best name give me a give me a name what you got right we finally uh sorted all this out which it was really offending me for a while not having everything that's not even in the right place not having everything in the right place so now we've organized things a bit better which is uh satisfying bu me a little bit more a little bit more and oh metal spikes at the perfect time how about that there we go Bob Bob everyone wants to call it Bob vas bread what what are these interesting names that you giving me where's that Spike where did I put that Spike there it is Spike where's that Behemoth gate there we go Jimmy Big Owl Big Al's a good one let's go for Big Al I mean the thing is I don't know like he level 40 bro why is everyone saying Jimmy so many saying Jimmy all right we'll save bigal we'll call this one uh Jimmy for now why not where's where's re name there we go Jimmy the yellow feel like this oh hello parasol it feels like your there's some pun there you're trying to get me with but we'll cross that bridge at another point so there's only one land bridge into this base which is right here so I'm thinking hang on let's have a look at this little ledge here does that go around it does so we need to put the gates to this it needs to fill both the left and the right of here right here can we get a behemoth gate to cover oh it needs to be like down there I wonder if I do it like further away maybe that will help I mean Roth hello mate you're all right how we doing oh that's going to offend me man I need it to like go down how do I drop this that's that's offending that's super offens offensive I can't deal with that man let's just get off for a minute hang on um how do I I just want to Dismount there we go right but that's where we're looking let's look at the floor go in K mode Let's see if that improves at all it doesn't really does the new Argy have a name it doesn't oh you you you're on it today aren't you people you are on it today well that's a bit annoying how can I like get this Behemoth gate to not be floating in the air like that also this be more like that way my OCD put a floor I can't put a I can't just balance it with a floor bro although might have to I might have to we might have to Instead try and oh oh this spes what if we push this further back there we go like that which now won't place and then we'll sort out the left s side that actually might be better what's this like what's this looking like down there can't tell five bus what what okay let's let's let's get some uh sickles get rid of that finishing up the line art tomorrow look forward to it mate look forward to it I'm good man I'm good thank you thank you for asking I'm very good I'm very good let's get my gear on let's see not time for pooping no time for pooping yet I think I just whistled there we go right I think what we'll do is we'll do a gate on the left yeah I just need to get rid of all these bushes mate cuz they I can't see a flamming thing with my super sick hole look look how much fiber I'm going to get everyone watching that fiber almost missed the notification welcome back put the gate at a slight diagonal to make it fit flat along there yeah but then if it's diagonal that's going to offend me as well mate but I think if we just kind of sort out this ledge area and we build like a all on the opposite sides that might look all right yeah how much F we just got what we got for is pickle pickle oh no we have got out for the RG my bad it's called crackers right uh bit more bit more bit more I need to I need to just get rid of all all this push so I can see what's going on I have so much fiber right now just hacking away at a rainforest Oh Hang gun can you even get up there you can't right well that's that's settled that then see in clearing the bushes we learned can you address the mesing issue I mean like how sickle clar so there's a ramp here you can't get up well I mean something is going to get up there right but there there we go and it ends about there so if we go get rid of this fiber like this thing look how much fiber it gets insane amount of fiber and then we push that where's where does the ledge end so the ledge is like there and then if you try and like push this into the Rock a bit oh I'd love that to sit in the rock that look beautiful man I can't deal with it like that's the bridge right there but I don't want the Behemoth gate to overhang I want this to look snug and look like it's part and parcel the ledge is about there so I think if I go there that's that's not too bad see if it's going red like wherever I wherever I go oh that's overhang there we're got to get this we're got to get this just came a little bit that way let see just just a soup sun and that I think will be fine unless it does that when I place it are you joking me why why would you do that and cameos there we looking Bop It Ked an alpha though okay I can deal with that I can deal with that that's fine that's not too bad right and then that's where our Behemoth gate is going to go up there have I put that the wrong way around no oh it's the same on both sides now well that's super interesting nartas hello man he you're right and then what we'll do is we will just have a look at these have a look at these levels 20 both ass never mind is Asa worth your money it's totally worth your money my friend totally is right and that's the only way in that one gate there so all of this area here it's a bit difficult to to really kind of gather your thoughts on at the moment but this is it moras that's what I like to see I'm here all day 24/7 baby I'm good man I'm good thank you not bad not bad not bad I need to now think about how I'm going to uh sort that out what I might do is put this away for a minute and we will in fact I tell you what let's have a quick look at the snapping just to see what snaps and what doesn't CU a very real TR got a canas stretch of canas um cities so yeah come on let's have a quick look evening it looks C Frozen your PC oh no well that's no good well that's no good dude do structure snap to Behemoth gates at all let's let's find out are they still I just had a raptor I think we're okay I best put me stone arrows in me me Jiggy thing though Jiggy okay so no snapping with the stone foundation any snapping with pillars no snapping with pillars though this definitely did snap to the um the base so that's interesting yes 1K let you see underrated Bob I am the under 0 BB I got to like fill out that left area which is really offending me but now the game's out is there a local tether I don't know yet mate I haven't I haven't been able to test that I haven't been able to test that dude at all I'm afraid we need to just like kind of block up this this side to the left a bit I don't know how though I don't know how maybe let's get a gaying uh for now we got so much space over here look at look at this look at all this this is great this is single player bait all right let's get some Sone exactly where's the top of the gate right let's make one let's make a a door try placing the foundation to the point where you want to snap the big gate what at the front oh to snap the uh the gate in it's not a bad idea you know that's not a bad idea let's should we see that if that works let's see if that works so if we go spend all that time trying to get that thingy in place never mind if we go if we put this Foundation like here for now and then I love that you kind of like Vault over Bush it's good and then we put the there we go so it's snapping now but what's it snapping in accordance to snapping to something I can't see okay so it's snapping to the pillar and as with the pillar being the middle in fact no the pillar being not the middle that's interesting and and it won't go anywhere else the Behemoth gate will snap to it look at that snap Point that's so weird I'm worried about that that theory there mate if I go okay so it'll do that so if I put it the foundation the opposite way around why wouldn't it do the do it the other way unless I'm let's have a look at the other way why overheating foundation in the middle yeah but I want the foundation to be low so the the whole thing goes in low it won't do that so interesting how we doing how we doing we all good we all good let's uh let's pick this up and let's push it through have you checked any mods out so far we've only checked out one uh the auto one and to be honest it didn't work I I I thought it might but it didn't oh yeah can't you can um I just remembered you can like lower foundations right so if we go how do you lower them lock height press Q oh there we go there we go there we go right now we've lowered that Foundation that didn't work at all that didn't work at all bit also I'm bully that there was no improvement oh my God I well that's a very handy thing I picked up the foundation and because the Behemoth gate was snapped to the foundation in Arc survival evolved that gate would have crumbled but the game said no I see what you've done you can pick it back up and he picked it up with the foundation did you did you all see that can you lower the gate that's that's what we're going to do that's we're going to find out nah I'm I'm like looking up and down n you can't unlock cam you no you can't you can't lower the pillars you can't lower the pillars can't lower the doors fantastic how many hours have I got uh 3,000 I don't know okay so we're back to what we was doing we're back to it never mind try using the stone foundation railing like maybe a fence railing all that means Arc science with Dr Clark cor re but I I'll have to have a look at it am I how am I still overheating this is just a hot day I'm I'm overheating regardless oh well I'm at base don't matter all right let's put this back in place where it was fence Foundation how how we can use a fence I just don't know how that's going to make a difference um is it interesting though right let's give it a wall fence fence Foundation fence Foundation fence Foundation have I already got one I don't let's make one then with my lots of stone all right wood TCH fence Foundation uh Stone no roof we're going to have a roof this is all part of the day we're going to have a roof that's a good idea with the uh Gilly should we do that let's do that there's my ghilly my ghilly looks cool as well gly feet Gilly feet Gilly feet Gilly feet Gilly feet there we go oh we're all Gillies up now baby M I love the ghilly costume I thought I liked the uh the riot but I think the Gilli is even better mate hang on F hold up let's get rid of the focus um wa Gil's Wicked don't don't Gilly is dripping Gil it is dupy drip love it very nice anyway so uh what we doing fense Foundation let's let's give this a wall then let's see if we got on it's also getting dark so you're said if I put a fence Foundation down then let's just get rid of these bushes cuz that's do me eding as well lovely what the heck we haven't got the headpiece that's the only thing we're missing at the moment is the head piece rid that five back don't need it so if we put a fence Foundation I mean I guess we're just testing for now right let's put one there which is interesting it's got like a face where's that okay so that's snapping right to the direction it's going ooh so yeah if we go this way and flip it and we put it there that's what I want it still rises up what wh why a man it still rises up dude well that's no Gooding up back on the streets that's no good to me no it won't clip Lisa you're right there am I I'm good you just saw a baby what the where where did you see that there's a lots of raptors down there though good grief this is why we got to get this Beth gate up all right well that's that then it can't be done it can't be done I'm I'm going to get this up this gate in cuz I'm a bit worried now Raptors are coming Raptors are coming people we need to start focusing on a bit of Base where did you see the baby Theory all right there we go there all right lovely n we tried the foundations didn't work I think we're going to have to just sett up with that it's fine cuz that's that's the natural ramping anyway you can't walk up this uh so we're just got to try and think of a cool pillar design to get rid of that where where are you seeing a baby the I see a true D disable clipping in settings yeah but in know way I kind of want to like um what have you done so far in this stream put a gate down that that's all we've done so far in this stream let's get rid of all these trees so know what's going on [Applause] that's our way in closest place it was following the theory I'm guessing I'm assuming you all thought that trudon was the theory yeah that'll work that'll work and then we got to figure a way like creating a perimeter now from that moving on we need to create like a a stone perimeter and I don't want to use stone gates no no I do not I do not yeah I want to do what the like the officials have got to do though right yeah you can enable uh leveling I'm a way um yeah so right I was making a gate that what what I was doing Stone Behemoth gate right which we only just recently got rid of going to need us it for a gate more fatch more Stone more wood more everything okay metal walls I mean we could just do met Wars but I kind of like want to get a perimeter Done Right feel like a a fullblown perimeter around this thing this is extremely tempting how Blended I am this is great there we go free build a perimeter fence with pillars what how do you mean free build it walls I don't want to use walls I no I I've spent too much time with cap now that I can't do but behem ofth Gates I know I know you'll be sighing at that but there's limits right there's limits I think we can do something with pillars and we can push it all the way up but to do so we could really do with something that Farms Stone and that a bit easier is pills and walls exactly snap walls to the gate you can't snap uh anything to that it seems that's what I put on the wrong thing dony I close to the gate Are we more wood more Stone let's get this done Sun 1,200 people watching just a little round of applause for you hope you're enjoying yourself I do have I have standards I certainly do I certainly do all right lots of stone lots of wood they didn't add snapping to Gates it seems which is a bit of a shame I'm surprised they didn't I wonder why there must be a reason for it why wouldn't why would they have not done it otherwise right why they would have done it you the thought one by four stone wall with door frames like a castle wall 1x4 stone wall yeah yeah yeah that's what we're going to do but we need to know how to round stuff so I guess well we're going to have to we're going to have to start off with fence foundations right I wonder if um fence like foundations snap def fense found found yeah Foundation snap to fense foundations and then then we can make like a fullblown base right full-blown wall following that let's let's have a quick test of a few things uh first thing I need is just a bit more Stone just need a bit more Stone in my life I I I don't know how to help if you lag mate I'm afraid that's uh it's all down to your system dudes how well it runs for you I wouldn't know what to advise I'm afraid was yeah and then we pull them off the fence foundations I think that'll work but what I want to do is like round them we going have a look we're going to have a look we're going we're going to see what the limitations are with uh AR survival as any building we're doing building well don't me wrong well we might break it up go out and have a little look see what's about we got a lot of timing to do we got bses to prep for we got lots to get done mate lots to get done I need to get rid of all this bush doing my sweding too much Bush can you use the awesome spy glass mods is it the legit one in now is it the legit one get more wood drop there how far is that n another tree there there we go yeah I'm running vanilla to see the limitations right don't wrong mods will come in we're going to play with mods but but just right now everyone and their mothers are all still learning Vana vanilla right and what can do what it's all about it just seems to have to confuse yourself with mods on top even though they will make life easier and I'm sure I'll be using them soon enough um go Brazilian unem trees I think that's enough wood for the gate what we might do as well we might do some pillar spam just so the trees don't grow back so I can see what's going on cuz that's annoying me as well there we go there's the gate save thank you very much right there we go there's the gate I think once we've cleared out all this we can have a good idea of what we're looking at right the Behemoth Gates look lovely in Arc mate know say I do look nice right you yeah listen to the sound of it that's good I like it right let's clear all this bush is the Ary not working there a smiffy it is I could have used it as a smiffy couldn't I I should have used used it as a Smithy maybe is that a tree that is a tree we're going to chop everything down we're going to Deforest erff so we can see what we're looking at look at the lay of the land keep the wood that's a lovely sound is it right I have be wood kid there we go this fiber though the fiber collection a lot of people are reporting this that the fiber's a bit excessive it's a little excessive definitely a little excessive uh crossplay for console when it comes it's not clear I think at launch you'll be waiting to crossplay we steam oh yeah can't drop a away from Gates anymore ooh think I did that that intentionally do you think they did get rid of all this there we go so see what's going on screw them trees screw team trees who has trees I am the opposite of tree whatever that be tree Feller wood cutter wood Chopper this tree right here needs to go as well there we go we got a good idea of what the land's looking like now I think if these just come back no they haven't I didn't get this far right right and then we're going to go around with some foundations so we don't have to worry about any of this anymore that's better that better you are the alpha tree we get to appreciate this location there as well for what it is up until then we up until now we couldn't like I had a good idea of how it looked in my head but until we Cho all this away we we couldn't see it there we go fiber Ras like Lumberjack hope you're all enjoy me just cutting just cutting down trees we need it done we need it done no oh Bulls I guess that was going to happen when it uh RG oh man I really need to invest in some grapples dudes RG maybe save off the cron loads all right we're going to have to run round on foot oh no there we go I'm in ghilly though so it's all good what you can't see you can't hurt right we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good I wonder if this has got automatic open pin codes unlock demolish open mode oh you can change it oh always in and always out that's nice so it is the wrong way oh well never mind oh this stuff's coming back right let's get some foundations quick come on it looks better than yeah it definitely looks better than AR survival worlds showing deforestation exactly mate right foundations pillars anything I'm pretty sure I've got some uh foundations here there we go we're just going to spam spam a few foundations down so we don't have to worry about stuff regrowing cuz that's going to do me eding I assume we can stop stuff regrowing fingers cross we can save you do need to save constantly yeah right hopefully that is enough and now we got to chop out these trees again these bushes can you name your next time Bob we'll see we'll see what's the plan right now we're just chopping down trees so we can understand the layer of the land then we're going to get some fence foundations and start making a wall for all of our timeses to sit in cuz we're going to have a lot of times it seems let it ruin your own stuff oh I'm not worried about that rock for now that's fine does paral lines yeah paralin Are Wireless is amazing which is amazing ton welcome back thank you very much for the fornite toight um we've been chopping down trees Chop Chop dig dig lots of that going on right now we're getting there and uh PR thank you very much for the 195 check it's very kind of you and now I think we are ready I just going to get rid of this tree here cuz that's do me heading maybe these two as [Applause] well there we go there we go and now we can see the base now for what it is let's get some height yeah this is a nice spot right do we all agree you know why I said that and I I went at the same time with my mouth but that's it this is a nice spot oh welcome yeah I like this I like I got mate I got fiber for all days never ending fiber yeah got you got water access on the pillar one ramp into it it's a decent spot like normally I'd have gone for the other one that's with no way up but with this one having a ramp this new p pill nice man I like this I like this this is nice let's just get a foundation there let's just make sure nothing spawns up here cuz I don't to be chasing all this for ages there we go and I think that should be about it that should be stuffing most things hopefully get the water pipes going in we don't even need to we've got water pipes going check this out right let's get r that bush so over here where is it somewhere here prob oh there it is I've got a stone intake here right and if I go that's creating a range and anything within that range I can put down I don't need to snap to it which is amazing de Shadow thank you for the $2 very kind of you mate and Oliver Butler with a 499 thank you uh rasar did you have issues with the game crashing mik it's crashing with the Fatal AA yeah it's crashing a lot well not a lot it's crashing enough to be worried that a lots of people say um save all the time uh wiress water yeah w water is cringe you're cringe Ed like that all right come on then let's get cracking let's get cracking that's uh what's his face is in TR twist right B bomb get mushrooms I'm come in use handy later on so we want picked up Beres so we want some fence foundations then let's get all the stone we got which is loads in fact let's just take all of that there we go let's have start having a little play about with this then in the dark where I can see everything it doesn't crash that much saves the game St thanks for coming to Ras it's very kind of you pressing that button right let's get two of them how many foundations we got we we got no foundations uh let's then make some pillars in fact let's just go through what we got yeah we got a you dude we got a utti it's super UT as well it's a good looking UT mate if bluetooth water still exists the do Foundation um I'm just going to have to make them a I going to have to make him is this like a new ark one yes I just need more Stone then all right let's just get a load of stone uh just be careful not to die there's so many Raptors there I am not going there dude no way no how not happening there's the U right there all lots of rocks yeah there we go and hold up is that a beaver d what does a beaver dam look like I I've been waiting to what does the Beav D look like we don't know let's just get some rocks most high form Baby World they do they do indeed I love the way the Rocks crack before they crumble it's very nice is it a a female or a male UT not sure dude um we can find out in a moment she going to get a bit more Stone should time a do right what in original Arc you normally find Beav was in the bucket load over here yeah I know we just time a do didn't it I think is we've got to get kibble in that first we got to get loads of kibble is that a rock there is that a demolish rock it looks like it is it's not sorry it's not okay fine right right let's make some f foundations and some standard foundations okay cool spawns are rigged same damn luck yeah you can certainly see more fur on the U but um yeah I'd say considering some of the other creatures the U is not that much different graphic settings everything's an epic mate everything's an epic so here we go oh it does these do snap okay so fence Foundation sna to that that's good not that I can see it very well but it's there and then this is very difficult to see in the longrass I I've got no idea where this fence foundation's going I guess that's why it's glowing green right okay I think that's two there so let's get that now oh I need pillars I need pillars donkey yep drop hunting is exciting now it's ghost drop uh let's get some pillars can I make so I need fiber don't think I've got enough I don't think I've got any fiber don't go in the L grass use fencer port easy to see I guess so we can we can sort of see where where they're going right so that's fine so then we'll put there we go [Music] uh side on there so that's in the middle of that's that fence Foundation that's in the middle of that one and then if we go it's interesting I don't even know where where even is that going it's going nowhere I ain't going nowhere in fact so then if we put snap to the left of this pillar just see how it works uh no I saw I saw I saw a snap point then there there but that's not what I want let's pick that pick this up again I can't even see it dude what the hell let's go into the back rooms okay so there's one there that's weirdly not where I thought it would go hey's the bub building we're getting there it's all about snap points so it's using the snap points to make a solid wall surround right where is that I can't even KO mod to see okay well that's that then ASA this is Asa mate uh yeah this is difficult not going to lie more difficult than I thought it would be all right let's put one there that doesn't really work does he well that's SN SN that's not spping well at all yeah t binoculars are a wikied mate oh we could just do pillars then do the pillar War thing maybe it might look better it might look better let's go let's go and get a wall and to be fair thinking about it hold up isn't there a structure this see a stone quarter wall a brick of Mor railing that acts as a simple barrier to prevent people from falling maybe we should be using that instead ideas this is a new this is a a new structure in ASA this thing yeah and you can change this to a railing or a quarter wall and then oo oo woo that kind of works oo it's the wrong bloody white rounds no it was an s+ structure ah but but as this small I remember an s+ one but it was like longer right flip it then a I must have like I don't know I don't know what I've done wrong there but have to flip the fence foundations I guess there that's going to look nice yeah little water around going all the way around all right we're not going to do too much of this we're just going to do a little bit so we know what we're looking at I think this a lot nice I do think this a lot nice and then maybe we could tie it up with some pillars yeah look at that oh oh that's happened to me man ah so happy about that that's that's going to be nice that's that's the way you're going to build perimeters now then I guess with those right I can't make it in straight lines we're going to bend it round look that's that's a Bend there right there straight away so we got other bends we're going to follow the outside of this save R CL the ASC building streamer hey did you know did you know I'm a bit of a bell to me uh let's make some let's get some more Stone then flipping ne how is the game so beautiful Magnum it's so beautiful you going to finish the island before you can even play I know maybe maybe not there's lots of zoo man we've like we've got to get kibble yet going we got to get some poop you what's some poop we got to get some poop you what's some poop we got to get some poop I don't know why I keep saying it you want some poop we got to get um some poop S no cryopods until Extinction exactly get some of these nice giant rocks mate we should really t a do though that it's going to get through our Stone easy out in fact no we're just we are we're literally going to do a couple more and then and then we'll leave the rest to get in a do we'll go out and about promise you you're not going to watch me building a wall for this entire stream I promise in fact should we go tame should we go get a Beatle Beetle Juice we need a beetle you want some I swear man what am I doing I've lost the plot already you know what I'm referencing does anyone know what I'm referencing by the way I'd like to know if you do massive points I do need a do I definitely need a do this isn't the way to get the stone at all good time uh twos I guess good indeed and an anky KN SP let's get some fence foundations in uh fence fence fence fence fence we're just going to do this one side just so we've covered the the wall and we'll do the rest later on it'll be fine about that much go for one more and then loads of these little tiny walls Bob the beetle is what's his name Bob the be okay what game is it from if I if I said it like this hey hey you want some poop oh jeez what's wrong with me what's wrong with me I've lost it man I lost it a long time ago I lost it a long time ago right here we go as if like how much Stone does that use at a time oh I need some wood I'm super curious what this is going to look like on ASA mate on Xbox totally I'm right there with you what did I just join into you want some ah come on someone okay I'll give you another clue you get you should get it now I am the Great Mighty Poo and I'm going to throw my at you a huge supply of Tish come from my Chocolate Starfish how about some scat you little dum dum that's that's that's that's you that's all you get Bob the beat okay well definitely W on the same page there dud definitely were on the same page hey there he is DSP you add some P that the beetle from that right there he is there he is can't see a side th very hard to see these and understand where I am going with these oh it's such a good game I miss it man good old coner I can't see where these fences are okay we're going to sack that off we're going to bend it around this way then building in the dark not the wisest move not by no one G man it's Ras you should be surprised what he's shooting to ever you should never be surprised speaking of games you ever play Skylanders nah mate I was uh I was a bit too old for Skylanders when he came out or El I felt like I was Great Mighty Pooh is is is one of the best I can't tell where I'm I'm going with this at all I think I'm I'm going to the left you don't need seem to know which click you're in sweet corn is the only thing that makes it through my rear how do you think I keep this lovely grin Dum is that game one of my favorite games of all time that is by the way good old kka I think I think that's right I can't tell I can't see it man you should you make a secret wall we ah should I know who's that Spar spirono wait there don't go anywhere that's all I'm saying man I'm kind of confused no secret wall Escape Escape right there we go I I think I mean that's kind of what we're going for [Laughter] right CL scatter got you got to get that scatter humor in right yeah that's nice that'll look nice when it's done I mean right now it's not but that's that's the defense done cuz any Wilds the only way is up here now and we have blocked their way in they have no way in defense done right before we do anything else before we go out and it sucks it's raining you can't really do fat anything we're going to put a roof on this base and uh to answer your question oh Secret Door secret wall what have we got here looking good for initial War that'll do for now that'll do pig that'll do right let's get some Stone get some star get some somebody shoot that do I somehow I have a wife I don't know how I don't know how mate is have distance Arc ascended it's a very um common question I don't know mate being honest when are you going to organize I am organized what are you talking about do you mean my creatures do you mean my creatures do you think the Pokemon Mod will make it for the game maybe I think they're going to be super strict on mods now for ASA and anything that sniffs like it's breaching a license Maybe not maybe not right I think it's going to be tougher back again I never left so those mods like Godzilla don't know man I don't know if we'll see them again I'd like to think we will but I don't know man I don't know man uh put this outside right I got to we got to sort this out man I can't I'm I'm struggling with this it's a bit of a state now we've made a bit of a clearing we know what's going on so right let's put you there looks like the uh ARG is already for a little bit of meeting time paleo mod is yeah p mod is working I mean hope hopefully not I think as long as people are careful with the license we might be okay um we might not be though I don't know it's not n though it's the muds um it's just it's the whole overwar system I don't know we'll see we'll see maybe maybe not right all we're going to do now is we're going to make I love this this is such a a lovely feature that to make a roof I need some fch want some f first are your boxes organized yep they are they're all so we've got gear in that one ammo and weapons in that one sadles structures yes couldn't deal with it have we got no thatch you have no thatch okay all right I'm going to just um are they still amazing have they popped out an egg yet 83% legally distant mod poaceous Garden do I like dudly orange chip St I loveely my OCD is happy now and mine too don't you worry it was it was frustrating me too just W for an EG to PO there it is beautiful going have to get these cooking soon from our level 29 crackers just make a bit of space bit further away from the base F The Beatles get snails no Beatles are good mate Beatles are good do you know why because the the issue with snails is keeping them alive that's the real issue they're a pain in the ass man right ramps we need em 1 two 3 4 8 16 16 16 16 need some touch get some fch snail what's my best structure design uh early doors mate I don't feel like I can give an opinion at the moment I guess the beam of gate looks good I've don't feel I've played with the oh I tell you what it is the grill the Grill's cool I like the grill the grill looks very nice you time to 140 Rex oh Dam that's good is that a is that an alha car what's this red glue a torch that's in gone the what what is the mesh wall yeah the Grill's looking amazing right yeah we're going to go get a beetle I just hear [Applause] no jeez can't see nothing oh look not the BB not the BB right ramps 16 ramps uh I can make four I need wood like all these things too expensive to make man you're unofficial now single player the servers are still like having an absolute game M there's no way I'm playing the servers right now yeah the main animations to make it through no yes yes I wonder why they didn't use the opportunity to make uh g s Wise It's a valid question whoa It's a f question with many answers uh mods when we feel like we we we know enough of this really I think maybe we go I don't know maybe we'll see we'll see what happens seven wow why am we not playing on K server I didn't even know K had a server mate nor was I invited they abandoned me so something is about to happen it feels like it right your single player world just corrupted how damn and there is the end of the stone anyway it's enough to work with for now so this is this the proof is oh yeah it works okay uh that way are these ramps no that's roof did that change to a roof when I put it up no it was already roof so what what angle about what do I put there then do I am I allowed to put a seiling there no if you know Arc survival evolved you know normally that ain't happening that's that's never happening y oo what a nice man right we need a bit more Stone easy right any it easy building just get a bit more Stone and then we're good and then we're going to go out and look for a dung beet there's that the again is it giving up now you had enough I risk it that is better building like in ASC it would never have let you do that you need wait you'd have to like do some fandangle thing to do it I mean yeah could probably use the ramp but why bother right why bother slope walls snap upside down watch you find a one two three if I like how axan has has [Laughter] cupcake yeah in fact somebody is kindly mudded in a mwing uh for me to use on this and I got to say I want to I'm tempted um I are tempted said just posted in his Discord what did he post about anything nice oh that is and then we'll just get some walls have we got any walls we do oh we can fill this in uh we need SLO triangles there we go yes we up do for the contents two for the content two for the content oh and you haven't going to make like two different triangles either you just put in the same one it feels like they definitely uh used Atlas as influence and there we go maybe when you read the title you thought more fortifications but the real fortification was this a roof to our base so we got to go to the cave we need some poop we need some poop has Jimmy done a poo no has doin or done a poo no can I make it do a poo uh what is it on what's a spin wheel on this thing g r d e there's a pin wheel what's the pin wheel on this thing what you're riding it right we we're getting that key binding right now we're getting that key binding right now I can't deal with that I need P for poop where's that poop defecate right where is it we need to defecate and we need to change it to poop uh you need lights ion in there nice L placement thank you very much uh where is defecate defecate defecate defecate there we're changing that to pee save oh no is that save game PE for poop not ready to defecate damn it what's Ross's real name have a guess there's nothing ready to defecate what's going on I need some poo there we go you want a poo oh that poo looked weird that wasn't a ro R ball it was like a slab of poop did you all see that I need right I need to go and move all this stuff in uh and then we're going to go find one what are you getting for Fring 60 mate all the 60s you want some boat stop it my name's Jeff my name's Jeff you got it Well Done never a Jeff right ah Gilly go away that Gilly got hurt by that fairy not happy about that that's a nice bit of Ghillie a castle what Sonic hello mate Sonic be sure to do backups oh you lost your single player Sonic dude if I did yeah I might start doing backups after every stream oh are people losing getting their games corrupted that's rough man that's rough dude 2K and Bara will expose my name Dum I need to repair some Flack and what boots have I got boots just sanded beet boots is that all we got that's a bit pants man uh I just did a poo as well uh Flack Flack boots Riot ah all right we're going to repair them then set that poop that I dropped to Nowhere no DS for console yet n if only mate I can't believe they don't haven't sold us yet smash that like button if you like poo right right take that um take a few sleeping bags we're getting a d Beetle um sleeping bags hide and fiber all right we'll just make a few and then we can bring some more for the road it's almost like this was released way too early with all the issues I mean I don't know man when you say what like too many issues I'm not having that many I don't know I don't know it's it's like yeah the crashes sucks ah dude if if my game got corrupted though I definitely have a moment yeah yeah it's all right it's all right you know when it's not happen to you but when it does then you'll start complaining right yeah for get one more out hello mate I like poo so I like this that's what I'm talking about if you like poop this is what it's all about I'll just do then I'll turn the fire on right I've got my crossbow got my tasty crossbow got my sleeping bags got my meat let's go to what cave to the hunter cave let's do the easy one first right we we've we've in fact before we do any of that before we go anywhere what's your favorite bus m is megaper what is that I can't even just read that picture dudes uh favorite bus though um it's got yeah it's got to be Rock while I it oh King Titan King Titan's fun King Titan's fun I also need some more poop what am I doing Russy them ghosts oh hello hello hello he got some poop that that's still rounded I thought it was not rounded you're not ready to defecate I really want to get a a giant poop from this thing damn it is that a large though that's a medium from the Alo what the h just medium what is this we got two mediums I need I need some large man I I need to get a large from that that thing yeah we got you we t a UT earlier on today uh right we're going to go to the cave where I lost my flippers no no oh forgot about that oh I forgot all about losing my flippers dude go go go go go run side parkour parkour snil there snil there oh there be there I can't T it I ain't timing it in here no chance B on me B on me save my bag might still be down there you know screw it we're checking oh no we'll go we'll go there afterwards Dy Dy not again what is this all right I'm plan plan I got a plan we need some parachutes we've made no parachutes I can't believe this happened again and I need some grapples that looks different [Applause] was that the bag from me though what's one it batch arrows oh man uh where's the arrows I got ruses right three grapples that I'll do for now I got no more thatch put me shoes there at least we know we can get this out oh right where that the is the love me they do love me oh no oh that's no good that's not good creatures spawning in the mesh and like why but why all well we're going to find out where it's gone what's my favorite story map um maybe Extinction all there okay well issues here right this isn't even moving this time last time we got stuck we were at least able to fly out this [Music] time I don't I don't know what we're going to do I what we I don't know what what we going to do oh that it happens on yours as well poop poop poop poop poop that's a poop um oh I can punch it out I can punch it out I can't punch it out oh man yes use the PT out yeah it's got no points in nothing grappling hook work hey oh sorted sorted kid sorted right that's you one more pit up for poo ah crap been recording for hour and a half damn it hope that doesn't wreck the stream did last time it was an hour and a half I hope it won't I apologize in advance if it does right che's done let's go let's do this D beetles we're coming is that the sign tapping we saw before yeah do I hang back for this green drop nah right Hunter cave to Hunter cave we're go go to the hunter cave we're going to get the artifacts and we're going to get a beetle I don't think foundations matter mate I think it's a bug with the RG punch when in doubt punch that's all you got to do save thank you very much it's great great place to save it I it Hunter we're coming we're coming jeez has been through a lot right we are going where there okay roof platform for BBS oh yeah we could do right maybe happen to you with three different dinos no I only have two poops that's all I needs I think I'm pretty sure unless it's a high level do I like curry curry I do when do uh happen to my Saro tries everything can get it out oh man we we could see mods coming into play sooner cuz that I assume official are going to be having the same issue right cuz all I'm doing is that's not a single player thing that's me going from bed to bed it's causing that which is slightly concerning I you know I am starting to like get used to this as the the normal noral game um yeah I'm I'm noticing my lack of appreciation a bit a bit more yeah I got I got poop we got enough poop dude we're good we're good so it's a render mesh issue I he had that from the start it three or four ascendant crossbows we got one one is enough Hunter cave easiest cave on the map no problem mate a the cowp mods deleting Doos yeah maybe yeah maybe we should avoid mods for a little bit longer eh uh RAM 64 mate all my PC specs are in the description hey could you not appreciate the level of detail oh no I certainly do mate I just I think sometimes um it get like you just you know he's watching anything and what's the norm and getting used to it I wonder what how I'm going to feel going back to any other game after this what kind of feeling do I get exhilaration where did you get the crossbow oh a drop the drops a something else this mod there are something else I tell they I could have brought the shotgun maybe I should have uh all right somewhere here where is it everyone ready for a bit of ambient bun this is the place in the place see somewhere is that there is that just that dark it really is all right going to walk the ARG in a bit until the cave renders in there we go lovely sleeping bags let's go are we ready to take on caves on foot with crossbow more of a s cish scen quite spooky oh I SP okay TI It Up Man all the links today do I like Papa I like all sorts of Music my friend any sort of music you want to play I'm happy to listen to this is single player yes I I refuse to play servers at the moment dude like yeah I'm not seeing uh any any good stories from servers at the moment creepy sounds oh it's creepy and right again this this playthrough is is all about just learning what this is all about right what AR is all about I think we can get a few artifacts today I think we can uh come on let's focus on the artifacts we're looking for dung beetles I was going to go right which to be fair we might we we might have more look finding a dung beat or this way I did bring the poop let's make sure let's confir confirm there's a dung beetle first let's kill the Wilds if there is any confirm we've got a dung beetle then we'll go back up for the poop that I left all on the birds I'm guessing did I drops are perfect one there there's oh my god oh come on then let's see what this bow is all about oh this it's good it's a good one oh [Applause] oh how did I just hit that for more hey Ain complaining oh we're totally down for doing a few caves all right some of the caves not all of them right we just going get the poop how about you versus Veno on on exploring o oh I'm not a good with exploring our locations man oh lag right let's get the poop let's bring it down let's take him on take him down to sh right Chase I eat your poop can you do one more for me perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect let's go let's get ourselves a be time what's the uh more decayed poop just in case there yes it's good crossbow right oh a good one oh it's nice you should paint that crossbow greed I should we need to start messing uh start messing about with uh paint there's lots of cool paint things you can do in the game that totally is totally totally you could use the Dire Wolf sniff ability oh for the notes oh yeah yeah yeah I forgot about that it's funny I knew it but I didn't on your dead son on your dead son that's what I wanted there we go there we go dung B coming it's a nice looking dung B look at [Music] that it's a nice looking D bit all right paint cheese yellow can you time D Doo all right people name time let's see what you got I was just watching air and lung staff and he was showing the new paint gun oh we have got a paint gun actually we could um we could use it I love the better hit the hit detection feels more accurate yeah definitely KY Doo I've read KY do is this cracky Doo I guess this is cracky Doo right it looks cracky Doo maybe it is crackie Doo dunster dooky John lenon juice bug brush off bungi poop king Ringo pomon Bea Mr po Shrek poop king oh no Richard Shrek Ringo if it'd spam it it won't coat don't spam it man uh Mr pooper but hole nice yeah I think we're going to I think we we got to go for that one right well when we time it wait until it's hungry yeah we got a name we got a name I'm just waiting for this to team come on D Defender Bob the beetle Bob the beetle Jeb Mike Tyson kids thank you very much for the Dono are you liking ASA absolutely I really am it's uh it's it's really refreshing to play the islands and feel like it's a whole new world A Whole New World it does it does feel like it it certainly does jeopard this is going down quick mate all right let's get this nose over here oh no no I don't want to Arro anything though in case and kill this thing let's let's play it safe is there any drops here it'd be cool to check out some cave drops if there are that's an Arro to my left that's a big fat nope to me but I'm going to go to the right to [Music] see if there's anything else for me yeah we're going for drops man these names man these names dude come on beat your juice eat the pool the ah come on does it feel like chewing five gum that close and it chewing five gum is that is that how it sounds in the thing in the advert the names every why is everyone say call it vo why is everyone why do everyone say call call it vo we got a know we got a name we're just waiting for it to save wait until it's hungry hungry fell two five G everyone everyone sh voo man I got to feel bad for it that's terrible oh no yeah screw it why not no we have to save that for the r though right ah you yeah you've already started it it's been started damn it come on H the po ah what do you do milk Dud everyone everyone like wanted to call the the poopies uh Foo crying out loud it's fun what's wrong with you what's wrong with you people what's what's wrong with you H come on got to be done I'm I am there I'm there with you why not right I just don't know when it when it when does it want to eat are you going to eat anytime soon dude I don't want to disturb that why would I want to do that now me just hanging around come on son is that from Step Brothers why is what is this taking a while right these do I think these do normally take a while just taking a while while right screw it let's get the note there's a note here the Ambiance a smaller relative of sarcus capros suus Pentium is a water-based primarily found lurking among the island swamps a naturally fast runner that is even faster in the water it is a solitary hunter that picks off small to medium creatures especially those isolated from their pack when attacking capriscus uses two main tactics first it patiently Waits below the water surface and when the target is sufficiently close by perform a lateral jump that it uses to quickly close distance with its prey and drag it underwater let get secondly it attacks the prey's vital areas specifically to drain its stamina these two techniques effectiv most cre escaping Capas once in a survivors are generally split about the use of caprus some love its speed both in and out of the water essentially making it among the fastest small-sized allterrain mounts WS others do not like how relatively frail capriscus is and do not think its high speed and ins snaring attempts make up for this shortcoming it's bigger than me an he he is bigger than me let's have a look at it just and then he goes small right okay he is safe enough we're going to go back down now and um get drops and artifact if we can I I am the same size as a dung beetle the hell go on then we done don't know about the seever distance I'm afraid they wrot and fullblown book Helena went went went on a bit there not going to lie not going to lie she definitely went on a bit there right there should be a drop down here oh wow a lot of cheeky kite we could be getting as well DM it oh my God I just did it for 2,300 on an AR row it's a bit broken it's a we bit broken [Applause] there's a few there there a few there careful careful [Applause] careful ah save and sleeping bag sleeping bags are all up at the top this dir shot where's the traps at bro where's the [Applause] Trap there's no drops here I'm gone what's that there let's find out what it is let's go he come you aren't using guns I got a really good crossbow why why would I need to use guns and I've got this beautiful crossbow oh no BR I missed Dam it Dam it Damm it oh head shot oh there we go there we go D me no I can get you there it's fine there we oh there we go let's get a bit of uh snake venom if we can as well we're probably going to need that we're going to need all of that that's oh yes whoa where did those come from all oh miss miss missed what did we see over there come on so [Music] much no I missed damn it all right sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet lovely that some fat snakes right you thought that was [Applause] Veno what the hell's down here yeah what's this pink thing yeah D beat up run okay run run run run run run run where's all the drops I came for drops none were presented it is a graveyard no there though it is difficult to be angry with Hima leaders despite its rather terrible nature all right we we got to turn that off mate uh cuz she can talk how do we how do we audio how do we turn that off there we go done the creature has practically no intelligence and just attaches to any nearby living flesh in an attempt to drain that creatur's blood removing humania requires Precision blade work or access to an open flame both of these can be nearly as dangerous to the host as to the leech itself once Hima attaches to a host it drains blood at a rapid pace and the host experiences hunger loss of health and lowered stamina some humania are also Carri disease swamp fever which persists beyond the leech's own lifespan few creatur creatures on the island are transmitters for this disease and it can ultimately be cured with a rare medicine while humania is not intelligent enough to be tamed it is always useful to keep us around for antidotes and fishing laws when processed proper NPC volume yeah this is terrible man bom there we go quick reactions oh oh oh oh [Music] oh oh that could have been a bit dicey weirdly bouncing me around its tail right well I've come the wrong way I need to go I think that's the way back home and I could go down here let's have a quick quick nose if there's don't know yeah that's that's a no I got grapples in fact in fact it's pretty uh shallow there around the edge may we can just walk around the edge I think we can V know they fall away fully aware of the dung beet yeah this Bow's pretty good dud dude it's it's pretty mental that's sweet just yeah because it's like proper terrain now it's not sheer Cliff faces into the water so you can bound around the edges oh God don't know where to go don't know where to go I missed it Dam it Dam it Dam it D oh my God there's a lot there all right all right all right plan plan plan plan plan so long suckers oh no oh fail fil fil oh my God oh my go no where are coming from oh ah come on run run run bro oh my God oh my God ah come on run I can't take it up there cuz I I'll lose the uh the Beet oh my God [Applause] I just bumed I just dodged in real life and this is why we we're coming in on foot foul foul foul foul [Applause] foul this crossbow is cheesing I I agree [Laughter] yeah that's a head shot on the [Applause] Arro whoa whoa whoa good idea good idea save save save save just what crossbow is that I will ATT test I got it out of a drop it's a monster crossbow what's it on 404 I'm I I'm I'm still going oh hello what out of a green cave drop feels a little bit broken that man not going to lie all right we're go we're going back we're going back disaster reverted we're going back we're going for it I I deserve that for shouting so long [Applause] suers at them man drops are ridiculous dude I don't know if there's megalan in here I don't think there's megalan in in this [Applause] cave oh here they come here they come here they come flipping X son that's a lot that's a lot that's a lot how am I avoiding the webs you can guarantee they'll have these Nerf by the time it comes to conso oh oh oh oh [Applause] oh oo is that saddle 33 what 331 settle what what the hell what the hell oh God take it easy [Applause] mate this is wild how many how many spiders anym what did I lose then my just just my flat gear oh that Riot got severely messed up as well Hunter cave I'm in the hunter cave come on we're pling on there so many cool D BS here we're pling on head shots baby I hear some something growling come [Applause] on spiders from the water cave do you think the spiders from the water cave so many oh crap f f f oh God I'm done this that torch say [Laughter] 500% what is 585 torch holy hell I got to try it out I got to try it out man I got to try it out 585 torch never how expensive is the BP not that expensive it's like just like a 10K height you can't man i' I I promise you I have done nothing no this isn't me with settings single player settings is off I found buing torch like everybody's getting ridiculous drop sus that's wild I'm going to fliping I'm going to kill overseer with a torch man that's what's happening that's what's happening down here imagine that's a clown to fame there I killed over oh at the light on this oh the artifact is gotting stuck oh those wikies ah Miss [Music] file this will make crossplay brutal I I honestly I Cross My Heart I've not touched anything with the drops the good effect the drops Hunter lock in let's go let's get out of here let's get out of this H hole killing over with a torch imagine that that's cool torch the shrooms be wiggling je G witch thank you very much thank you for the Dono so all these awesome drops will be patched by the time console comes out I mean you can guarantee right we don't know for certain but you can guarantee I got repair my gear man right we got got it we just got Odin's torch we're making that and we're testing that out on something I want to see what damage that does man does it does it do like does anyone know I'm not even that sure about torches does does anyone know that if you're hitting them with a harder torch that it does like higher burn damage does anyone know that well what resolution am I playing at uh 1440 mate what level is the crossbow 404 am I really going to leave all the kitan no I I'll get what I can get I'll get what I can get imagine if the T the Tor makes 5K T that's what I'm saying right does it do tick damage no de this is what drop should be like I've heard some people saying this is what a drop should be like no way no way it might be oh bro we got we got to test up this torch out man if it is if it is well this is it right like imagine what else there is save it save it right there we go we got loads of kite in now dudes I we living the dream you can guarantee yet like all this stuff soon is going to be patched soon enough mate soon enough it does 1% of your max HP per ah if fire is the same I'm watching bro yeah yeah good thinking coming about to get the kiten that's that's more kiteen than I'm ever going to need hopefully that's a lot of kiten just like meum level K nice plan a server so everyone can see how broken it is no that's the point that's why I'm not because it is broken I'll just be sitting trying to like into a server for like 3 hours no thank you I I intended to but mate I just I've not heard anything bad things about the servers at the moment so and don't want to I want to check out the game right come on voo let's get you home let's get you producing poop you want some poop Kon for days for cementing paste correct buo it's never enough k never enough that's Hunter cave done Lo in [Music] um leaving I want to you know what I think we can run the next cave naked but we got to get this back get this uh producing poop for us that am I flying does he eat poop not suck it what not produce it he eats poop to produce fat the game is beautiful it is beautiful drops yellows let's get them get all this home produce oil you mean no man producing fat so then we can get green houses up which then means we can make kibble oh it's a ring drop as well oh oh it's a good one oh it's a good one yeah that's a lot um it's a lot of Kon I need to re do the name thing in here what is he order there we go that's better what's that patchy I'm going to save one of them it seems we safe what level are you this is high level 15 a horse it's a 140 horse have you got carrots I got a feeling we we picked up carrots didn't we no we didn't damn it yeah imagine we get a s g a saddle from this right people here we go drop time what are we getting I need to put the Kiton away first that didn't do anything and the ru me and what's weighing me down so much there we [Music] go wow wow wow wow wow what's that metal pillars mutton oh won't say no I mean we've seem better but that's pretty good as well hang on it's pretty good pretty good I need a horse long neck I need I need the carrots though and the carrots are back at base so I can't t one as of yet will PS5 get the same menus uh yeah I believe so primer mutton don't stack I know I could I could install a stacking mods I might I might do the drops do love giving me jerky are they trying to tell me something it's a valid [Laughter] point have you getting the same Sonic am I a bank rubber what yes what what do you mean you think all BPS we already got is getting nerfed nah there's no way there's no way they can take out what you've already gotten there there nah I don't think there is I'd be nah there's no way unofficial though yeah no they couldn't no not even unofficial once You' got it you got it that's it yeah and then you got the cap as well yeah unofficial that's [Laughter] right you got fre armor on a meget on settle damn it damn right uh we now need to go let's go back in the cave again the the C cave drop all this off and then we'll get the dung beet set up and then we're going to go do another artifact cave I think why not Rally Point can you explain it yes on your map you can set points uh of anything to anywhere and I set that to tell me where my base is which is super helpful so like on your map here on this map here you can set way points or anything so uh there we go so that's a rally one of these is Rally points we should that one but you could do a location go here instead but those are temporary rally points are infinite a drop gave you 980 armor Flack piece what mate these drops insane yeah we save when we get back to base we'll save when we get no then if the Nerf drops they would have to wipe before yeah they' have to wipe why don't you name the point Ras B can I can I rename it oh edit wayo name you no that's [Music] me is it what uh Ras pill and we can change it to Green a I done the wrong thing donkey yeah that one no oh is the one I'm confused how how do I I know think it's working how goes it I'm right that's not that's not working I don't know why yeah they made it so you can save me game which is uh super handy right put put the dung be there for a minute put vo there let's go back in the cave N Miss Miss Thing delete the U it's there is it it won't go away Koo thank you very much for the five mate it's very kind of you hope you're having a explendid day um I I I don't understand what's going on right way points clear hey I clear no idea how you feeling about feeling like 2015 so many creators back on Arc yeah man um I'd feel more that that way if I was unofficial but if was unofficial I couldn't make this crazy thing fact that's not even the crazy thing we've got a better one right back to this make an artifact pedestal oh yes we should thank you great idea I've got one as well um let's go and do a drop room first see if we can make it this time oh oh right go go go go go go go middle Mouse button get another the wall is there no hello here we go here we go could be a winner could be a winner our first red cave drop we need to know what this is if those are the things we're getting out of those what do you get out of a red cave drop we need to know come on dude come on dude come on dude run run run run run is this is this it is this the moment no that's blue I thought that was red [Music] I say no still it's still as sentent uh parasaur oh me the hell looks like Temple Run Compass BEP look all these drops and then the cave give me nothing in fact what is it yeah I'm not even going to use that man screw it I'm going in the water I'm going in the water what are you going to do I'll never use it I want weak weak weak [Applause] he a BP though so no good not pre maze right uh I can't delete this middle button right click nothing's nothing's working I can't get rid of this point cuz you're not well it's there forever uh got an ascending gig saddle first try on your first red cave drop no Chuck all that in there for now all that TI oh right let's get all this stuff repaired and then we are going to a place a magical place shut the door there we go a magical place in it's uh full of magics and magical things you'll see cheese is sinking again don't no no open the no have heard that me with ages man flipping heck all right arrows uh poop for the dung beetle there we go might as well have this where is a gun but you know no he's already got poop what the hell why is he already got poop on him what is this where did the poop come from disable oh it collects automatically collects poop y right what I'm assuming that I still need to put it on wondering right so we got to make a cage let's make a c i got to sort this out first again that's that is wild dude that is wild damn right let's repair that and put that away that helmet is okay for now right no wondering does he does he not need to wonder anymore do they not need to wonder don't no but does it does it need to wonder to turn it into fertilizer so well should we test it let's test it let's put Vena over here for now and we'll see we'll see if it doesn't that's bad ass man to be fair it is a Daft thing I'm if they're taking it out then smarts smarts indeed we're going to find out right okay so we need a few things we need a bed we need our beds uh five fiber thatch hide wood fiber thatch hide wood I need some thatch everyone saying Wonder bottom of map click icons C we tried that mate good Mark it just gray them out no idea no idea I need some a torch on me I need a bit of bit of fch Bot I'm right we tried the bottom right don't work mate I don't know I think it's bugged I think it's bugged well who well so if that's what dung Beals do I wonder what else uh does new things in the game like snails that's another tree I wonder if snails are actually more beneficial now I don't know how I guess it's anything that normally collects things maybe I'm I'm curious you saw a delete button it's not I I clicked it mate it ain't working like I I I do that doesn't do nothing doesn't do anything it's not working it's bugged it's bugged it's definitely bugged oh damn all right we might be having an over Raptor as well damn uh right we need a bed hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog and a foundation uh yes you know what it's time I think we made a metal foundation and we get to see what these look like let's see what these look like let's see what a metal Foundation looks like let's do it 4i that base we did look we have fortified it look fortifications and we we was making a wall but then we stopped that to go and do things through a hot minute cuz we was getting bored look at the Ping nutty map and hold r i i i i i am looking right at it looking right at it B I'm left left of map why points I'm telling you it's bugged it's bugged it's bugged out need lights we definitely need more lights yeah so nice right go on then next one this one we're going to run naked also keep your eyes peeled for red drops T more of what it does it work holding down doesn't work it automatically just does it there's nothing it's bugged I tell thee it's definitely bugged what's the new dinos uh there's not any on the island do you have a spy no no no do no you don't know have you equ torture saddle yet no cuz I want to keep warm and it's also yes keeping warm Pur drop there I might go for that yeah nope it's buged out man I'm telling you what the hell was that just screeing at me what the hell was that a Dior nice nice if you find a m rho oh we could do Ros we could but we're not even we're not there man we need to get rexes yet and all that jazz we need to make kibble but that's that thing is is now making first or might not be probably not be a lot of you just said I got to put it on wondering but it'd be good to know right if if it works uh without wondering well by the time we get back if it's not made a fertilizer then we know we need to put it on wonder it modded the rho is there I yeah we've seen the rho oh we've seen it I thought the dwo was a huge dong oh look at this all right purple purple [Music] n we got h no we already had the G chest we got some Pace though happy days I won't say no to that did Ras poop you want some poop you can use bronos or trikes you're R this is why we got to keep ourselves healthy for we can play more Arc if we die we got enjoy this Dam that's some deep some deep words there Jonathan yeah rho I I was certainly not a fan of seeing the Rio Jo uh still here and thought it should be added in later but it is love you content love you too thank you very much could that Tad FIS oh my God what are these Rex levels dudes PC specs all in the description mate knock yourself out that is Alpha buffed there's a yellow drop what Lev is that 40 either way I I got to get it away from here oh my come on dude follow me follow me oh no at St I this is a bad time to get St I got an alpha buff trons oh no please just bit his face 551 oh oh oh oh that's not good oh no oh that's bloody that's super bloody I've got knock back on it and I'm hitting for 551 again why am I hitting damn it does give good bows the highest re you come out 130 holy jeez jeez we Bonafide Legends bro I'm going to flip in not this out in a minute right where's the cave cave is here right there right there [Applause] okay let's uh build a little overhang yeah should be safe enough I think there oh that's nice the metal foundations dudes come on man they're not even imprinted I got to sort the I I I yeah I think the leveling is a bit off man all right come on then looks smooth like butter I'm a dead I'm a dead right finally I want to look at this uh Foundation oh that's nice we just vaulted that as well USA man coming in with a cheeky New Zealand $1 thank you very much dudes how we doing the likes people have we hit the magic uh count the magic 1K how glitchy is it yeah not too bad it's not too bad right come we're going we're going to go for an on foot run in this cave the clever cave I used to on foot this all the time back in the day for the fun of it but then again back in the day you used to be able to teleport out of the cave I wonder if you can still do that imagine if you could good morning USA come on people make sure you bashing that like button with your nose let's see if we can hit the magic 1,000 pretty please suar at to run oh my [Applause] God oh my [Applause] God artifact knowledge oh let's go that way that that that's not not knowledge whoa no what was the loading oh what so close oh B and weave B weave son yeah let's go right I swear if this works VR Master with the $1 thank you very much if this teleports us s this would be amazing back in the day if you hit the botton you would teleport to the roof of the artifact cave like you you'd appear above it I don't think that's going to work damn it imagine all right and save it now we got to get out now we got to get out that was the easy part that was the easy part hello thought he put me to sleep with jump I thought it's blocking my way out [Applause] I'm going can we get out I need stab M St I crap crap crap crap crap oh no it's going to be death death Death no no that but had had have killed me ah oh no I think we can do that Seth with the two quid thank you very much just get me to the magic I can get that artifact out right everything's unepic mate we're making this we're making this we are making this dudes what's the death counter I I've last count I've lost count we're doing it again we're doing it again come on devourers W no no no no oh it was a fluke it was a fluke yep I don't think we're getting through that now without having to kill our way through are we which we can do though we kill him yeah we're still streaming let's go we're getting the artifacts um of which we've got almost we need one more and then we've got all the artifacts we need to fight brood so but you know we're ready to go we ready to go right let's do this oh you have all that I love all these thank you very much round three I didn't hear no Bell round three yeah we're not getting through that [Music] now we're going to have to take them on with our uh super bow super crossbow let's get a bit of ambiance as well on top everything got epic mate that's the graphic settings just found a 135 why am I not finding gas and car cars man 60 more likes until we hit the magic goal sounds like there's a drop in here as well here we go here we go here we go there is lots of stuff down there dude Zep coming in with a cheeky tenner thank you very much mate you believe in me I believe in you thank you very much mate let's see a little rain oh no I don't people Ling happy to see me [Applause] either this is majestic the D beers are happy feel like there's y I saw that offro de damn it missed it missed it missed it have random appause fuel cheting watching this there you go that's see [Applause] you oh my God oh my God oh my God Ah that's so many bats that is so many bats no no oh my God not good not good not [Applause] good missed Miss missed Miss missed missed missed I think chat's like why are you quite behind me the hell was [Applause] that if you should start YouTube what to start with how long have I been doing U for um like often since uh co co mate since uh oh no oh what missed fail oh my God oh my God oh no don't you get jeez dude this is so [Applause] spooky restart stream we hit the World Magic 1,000 yay thank you very much thank you very much much love [Applause] m we're making our way through all right there we go we just got past uh this point come on knobbly mushrooms why is that noise magic number thank you very much Seth what is that oh there he is oh I was really hoping I could hit that through the hole I can that's something you would never have seen in ASC although that hole I can't do that's pretty cool man I can't restart I'm not going to restart the stream bro greetings and salutations from high H Quest I'm going to pull all of this over into the water over this [Applause] end and I've got less to fight then hopefully that was enough hopefully that worked oh my God little bit little bit pop out little bit pop out oh jeez where's my death buag damn it wouldn't it been nice if I got both then in one what why are you not hitting there we go oh gra that b what the bouncing jumping spers go fresh up with all the same game breaking bugs yeah right come on next bag where did I I died like here on that Crystal right damn bro I hit that Crystal and I died like right here where is my bodyy where is my bag save thank you very much the save spam came in I'm right on the death bag no I'm right on it where is he let's back up a bit I think if you're too close it won't show up for you these death bags right so that's where I di oh there we go artifac in let's get it home that's another one right sweet that leaves only one more artifact which I reckon we can naked run right I reckon we can we need to desperately start timing some rexes in that I know there a I can I can I can hear a drop somewhere I need I need to I need to know where it is is it there let's go gg gg can hear it freaking it it all went Brown how many jumps that holy crap that was scary mate the caves in Ark survival as sended scary as hell is night time I see wow my Tres went Brown you know I could I could let's let's see the level of you it didn't look too happy let's have a quick look at the level bloody hell dude that was like s out the movies man like just turn a corner and there it is in my face all right all right all right everyone saying I've just saved dude what you doing we hit 1K I'm sure I already celebrated it but let's celebrate it again no not worth it level 50 not worth it PC specs are all in the description mate right forget that these sounds dude right right right right right right right holy hell save after a trct what do you mean what do you mean save save after a trct what does that mean I'm going to bring this bed back with me and uh we will get a bit of fat before we leave and then we're going to make some more crossbows and we're doing the other cave sorry sh jeez and we're doing the other cave screw it full-blown guard in the drop you can keep your drop I don't care man that's that's yours that's yours for your you to keep dude I will not quarrel with you uh I was that yellow artifact not attract did I call it attract what' you say or did you your flax s gets annoying you think me no I forget it what the hell what was that what is this lighting SW what is this lighting going on right now all right there we go torch is broken let's get home I went for R cl to R shot I definitely did a raw shot can't wait to oh M the Wyn well we sort of seen them there's a video um but I get a feeling the models might be a little bit more improved for se but we'll see yeah the monolifts look great at night the monolifts the obelisks damn if there's people out there still calling them monoliths what was he calling them before um it might have be monoliths back in the day I can't remember we used to call them something else until somebody went I think Callis I can't remember who it was but somebody corrected us at some point but we used to call him it might have be monol it might be yeah is that the mansoon effects oh you got to restart the game to fix that lighting tis tisk TI tisk right right we drop this off and we're going for the next cave we're doing it we're going to go for the uh massive naked Rod this lighting is awful I have got to restart it definitely got to restart it but before I do that before I do that um take all of that Holy damn lighting is all over the place what what the hell what the hell what is this lighting it's like a disco all though oh yeah did you work at all no right okay that's that's been noted in fact I kind of like the The Moody Lighting in here like this look at that Park your AR in a foundation it's fine it's fine it's not fine it's never fine uh F boy that's that's the one I did that's the tomb bro disco shows my age me in a good way I'm going to take it as as in a good way but get a disco on you is in the mesh don't don't don't oh for crying out loads what is this it is in the mesh is it changing but anyway I can't to do something kind to put the D Beetle repair that first uh with a little bit of this little bit of stone with a little bit of stone little bit of flints little bit of wood little bit of muds no you know what you do just go disc [Music] go do you really like it with the IES that's not how the the that music went man um cuz it put the80s the cuz I remember you safe I I felt like a bit of lag then if you were born in the cage right Lely uh where do I put this cage there's no here really is there acceptable in where do I where do I where do I put this I will I'm going to pick up the bed put the bed there get a bit of lag right now still access these sweet like lovely put the cage there let's uh turn off snapping weirdly that meshes through but I'll allow it there we go and then set you toward wther uh Behavior no it was a wall damn it I did it musker it on there we go perfect I I also heard these uh do a little mating there we go got an egg we got the fertilized egg thank you y yep yep I saw that uh right beds we're going to make a few more grapples grapple buly 11 we're going to get everything prepped that we need and then we're going to save and reload I hate to tell a non gamer from a gamer side that you certainly felt that save there and await people's reaction felt that safe H or o tell on their IQ oh God man Julian or God I appreciate you being here now right Gilly going to need it cuz it's hot in there it's hot and sweaty mom spaghetti right let's lay in the bunk bed and let's save and reboot why no hatch what do you mean why no hatch it was a grueling watch try moving Don away from Edge see if that helps do you think it's the edges is the issue what do I think of the new icons when they work they're great in fact this icon's gone in fact it's not this one's still here we can't get rid of this rally book point there it it won't go no matter what we do right now we've got doin issues doin can I punch it out how the hell am I getting that out all right do you reckon it's the edge oh my God oh my God are we good what the hell are you doing there that's not good yeah come follow me all now oh no sing mag just became a raser thank you very much if you're willing to change come on then can I I should be able to ride it there right no well how do I do this you looks fine to you I need a whip I ain't got no whip there's not there's no way I can get this out if he's not [Music] turning oh oh he's turning now we go here we go stay there stay there stay there oh this is awful oh my God no come on what is this try to enable wondering he's stuck on the edge oh dude and it cryos would save at us but I'm hearing the cryos is the cryo Mod's broken as well that's what we need we need a a creature that can knock him out right oh dude D that is abismal that is abysmal no um nipple Twisted what what what am I going to do with this I can't ride it okay let's let's put it like there for a minute maybe I mean it looks like let's try and ride it again one more it's trying to like really push it out no no no no not again oh no I shouldn't have whistled all right so back to this issue again could have Quest pick Itor yes but that means I have to time AC qu die that that easy bad equip a lassu oh no no no no only thing you know rho rho would do the job but damn we got to T we got r r hello mate welcome back King of the arcs Ras clacked but smiles at last yourself and keep up the excellent work hope to cross pass with you in the future love you bro thank you very much love you too Rod it's very kind of you mate um got a bit of a uy issue at the moment oh there we go there we go there we go turn turn this way turn this way or let's try it there right let's try and ride it there yeah I haven't got a quo that's the issue man I can't like listen can't T arono either I haven't got the creatures to T arono with yet no no no oh in a fashion how do I get this to get out how do I get this out you have Jimmy it seems to be the only it seems to be only making things worse yeah I to be honest I'm cool with using commands for this man that feels Fair like I I'd prefer not to but we got no choice right we got no choice oh cor those we got no choice it's stuck okay I'm all right am all right I'm all right flying uses anyone and this another reason why we're not on service I'm going to yeah I'm going to keep this UT away from the edge now and see see if that helps I'm also going to reload cuz I'm a bit worried I'm I my character is messed up now as well what we're doing with in fact does it matter no it don't matter let's go do a cave jeez they B like in this but these bugs had to be done I could got you you cheed you cheed how dare you yeah man if it if it was a one off like the RG fair enough right but you can that's going to happen off a man obviously for some reason so no yeah I guess we're going to have to build a floor should save I'm saving the save the save's coming again right the last artifact that we need to fight brood that's right we got nothing to fight brood with in fact we do have a 500% torch Odin's torch so maybe we could take on brood with a torch joking it reported it's cheated it's what it is man it could be it could be uh The Edge that would make sense actually cuz they're too close to it or something the game's like are they on the ledge are they not on the ledge let's take them down a notch but yeah I mean as soon as we get quests we're sweet we're not seeing the boss today we not I was joking it's been a few times ar ar yeah man a little bit we not owning this torch yet we're going to take it on D vura lovely party thank you very much Gina hello you're all right imagine imagine if I could do kill o kill it with oding s there's no way oh oh we got another pedestal what what are these drops man right sweet we've got two pedestals made that's great I just spat a bit then going the wrong way is the hardest Bast the dragon it was we have no idea if it still is like that's a mile as well what's a rho doing all the way here I I've I there's no way there's no way nah no you all right mate gen two lot drops yep very much gen two L drops it's the burn I appreciate it man like I I didn't intend to stream this often uh but it seems you enjoy it so who am I to refuse you of that right I can't time it man it's a male can't even time a male o there a 110 th I need kibble for the's don't forget to save I want to see what it does oh BR UNAM though brood n can smash brood man Broody torches I need to be riding like a solid M I need to ride a pachy right with that stupid saddle that's what we got to do and we'll just whack it with a torch bro I kind of want to try it we need to same Apache though like sooner than later then just for the luls right get a mind wipe on that torch see see what we can make the TW I might try it you know that would be quite funny just T like I'm never going to use it for anything else we'll just tame a high level Pache when we see one and uh yeah we'll do it off the back of Apache such have you thought about host like a who2 members Discord look there's there's already like a creators uh sort of thing uh with wild card mate uh for the you the content creators um which FYI I I I have recommended a lot of people for it and it just yeah I think they're quite selective on who can join it um I don't if I should be saying that well I have now there we go yeah you remember us of us you got this thank you do you reckon we got this place your bets are we going to do the massive artifact cave in one run in one go is there a crafting skill St stat yeah yeah crafting skill still still a thing so and we could do it an Apache with a torch and obviously if we do T Apache we got to call it Captain fat dog it's got to be done did you die a Doug beat your feet though yes I did indeed oh oh oh it's it's fairly balanced it's fairly balanced there's some Believers there's some not believers you know what I want to see what a white drop is we haven't got one white drop yet right is the cave where's the cave so hard to see there's there's a cave right there okay yeah I love the the play movement in this I it's a lot more just fluid you know it doesn't feel as like tanky save totally I'm going to wait for this drop though first I want to see what this this is do it do it now no put that cookie down what am I doing time for a change hello from Detroit Detroit what hello F well as well you got this R I believe in you thank you very much man all right here we go what's this drop bro bro what are these drops I mean the rest of it can do one you know I might even wear the wear the that for the Run bit of cluff cluff run there we go feel a bit more attuned to the Run there's my water look in water's already Bleak but screw it yolo let's do this let's go conserve that stamina are we going to overheat I am very sure we will or not wear ghilly we're not wearing ghilly we're wearing cloth we're doing the massive cave on cloth I'm not burning up yet for shoes power W no all right this is a win now I've got to decide how to do this there's two routes this man is grinding Aon hello mate how you doing good to see you mate the drops have been patched they not go go go go go go go go oh crap come on come on buddy up go no balls to laa to laa right it's fine it's fine it's fine we're going to we're going to get them and we're going to pull them over into the lava cuz we've got everything in a little cluster there now is the hunting coming to ASA we don't know we don't know mate maybe maybe not did I just really just do that I really just punch the SW I need a swarm man all right uh Stupid watching Ras in 4k we're going to do this we're going to do this dude we got super close before we can do this again it can be done come onum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum that's a lot of bats to be fair they're all there I might be able to just run past them be fine ah go I don't know what I'm singing DAV King song Let's Go the tr's coming in with a giant 50 bless your C sucks thank you so much go go go I can't read the moment I promise I will issues no no no so close hope I'm not too L it's been hard at work the artwork give a little cheeky peek for you to see can't wait to see you big love to the mighty rasell and rasar and I've been writing WR I've been writing too much hope to get there soon bless you for the giant Dono it's very kind of you trans I look forward to seeing it thank you so much massive everybody let's see a bit of ledge in the chat a little r of Applause as well let's do that do that there we go we're going to do it we're going to do it in fact demolish this and then I can repair this I need some wooden touch though there we go jump done just escap scouting run oh yeah that was was just the scouting run we're going to make it we're going to make it only the afro left we're we def we're totally going to do it we just got to find the right path I love this I I really enjoy doing artifact runs naked I don't know what it is just testing the limits let's go go go go go easy clap easy clap okay now I'm going to have an issue though I'm going have to run over the top now I think let's go let's go let's go who run that way run that way run that way oh my God 10 deaths later I man a little black out there man that's that's not good uh I do like to run around nakids lead the fledge yes right we've pul we've pulled him into that corner now so now we've got um room to kind of run around him now around the side which we're going to do well a few more tries before we give up and we do Gilly there's a lot of bats though man on foot that's going to suck was that megalonia a I thought it was I wasn't paying close attention fing chat that's three come on [Music] [Applause] let's go yes big bug little tril I will thanks yeah we we plan too soon but you know we're having a bit of fun with it appreciate you don't know two with the two two quids unless you cut [Applause] sucks issues issues oh crap crap crap crap crap crap crap I I need to drag all that I got to get all [Applause] that okay I've got it all I've got it all I've got it all gaming witch coming in with some numbers I can't read zooming for the '90s thank you Dam with a giant 50 bless you thank you so much oh no uh M oh no I don't know this route I'm not good with this route all right screw it we're doing it flipping neck uh that way up the top a giant 50 can we see a a legend of chat people to the gaming witch spiders oh go go go go go go go come on son it's this way a it go go go go go how am I getting back from that how am I getting back from that I have no idea oh no no no no I'm was was oh got it damn it ricochet into the lava unfortunate doing it again man we're doing it again right come on we're doing that again we're totally parkour parkour we're totally doing that again stupid bat you're denied man artifact blocks me yeah pulled them into the lava at least the cave dinos have babies do they really so close the b in sight is that me right let's get rid of this drop so I can get a new one in I'm never going to get a terror bird s i I'll never time one I've never timed one I'll never time one like the jumps I swear you definitely I feel like you're jumping a lot further in this right we're going this way it's dead this time this seems to work quite well just get some stamina for a minute wish my little let legs move that fast see parkour you got this tosty you've officially been arked do for getet the do lots of bats there come on son that way go go go go go go go oh oh all right all right all right right oh that there the table thing I saw the baby no [Applause] no no no what I got pimp B into the lava man oh okay well they've got to have followed me down surely damn it gaming witch what you doing 50 brother 50 what j a round of applause for the gaming witch oh bless you that's far too much man I hope I hope you're in a fortunate position position to a able to do that game which is very kind of you thank you that means a lot man Cent this is hilarious come on this is the one how you doing Aon good though yeah enjoying ASA Man Arc does not like you I mean to be fair mate we're getting somewhere right we got pin down at the bottom there this is the one this is the one I was jumping over everything there it's so fun it's so fun right oh D know AI did you see that they they all knew that's why none of them are falling falling in the lava they know they know they all just turned no did you did you see that path finding right there folks oh no ah no oh oh the web got me web got me web go come on come on I'm going to die damn it man trying to get unofficial yeah I've I've sacked off trying to play official mate for the time being I've heard like it's just a nightmare man dude did you see that path they all turned on the bridge and they like yeah they knew it that's wild that's mad man AI R definitely is ruined my plans uh we might have to do this we get last run last run last run well in fact you tell me are you enjoying these one more run or should I try and do it like with gear lot of bats yeah they're not going into lava cuz they know pathf finding it works like they have actually got pathfind ing wow but I've ran stuff off cliffs before damn all right here we go is down there now oh my God right I I got to go for a giant jump no no not like this not like this not like this no no the path finding is dumb me I'll do another one I think we can do it gear doesn't help when it's a lava correct M though I think we can do it man definitely and it the tech cave it is going to ruin the tech cave Strat how do you do Tech cave when pathf finding is a thing luring the kickers and thank you for the Dono by the way uh Moran TM with a five quid thank you very much come on Ras you can do it this is brilliant stream content as long as you're enjoying it that's what it's all about you want me to keep on naked running Ras clock got turned into Ras sced CLS they jumped over too they did we can do it we can do it we got we got so close twice we've got super close I I I know we can do it I know we can do it and I kind of want to prove a point I guess that you can run artifact caves naked still all the naked runs let's go come on then go go go go go go this looks looks okay oh oh no Foody spider webs man come on one more one more oh oh I'm going I'm going a different way I'm going a different way screw it I don't know which way this way is it's a dead end way come on little Nike Green Man [Applause] survive the hell's going go I'm not healing in here what the hell no going to work what am I doing can't one punch them are you going to fall off yay well sometimes all right here we go then I I've got like one hitting me so it's very unlikely this is going to win it's going to be a win but we're going to try oh no what was that Bulls that's not good that's not good where they are that is not good man where I just died then hello there yeah how did I just survive how it's a question with many words this is how I survive because I I practice at this I'm the naked run Master as he as he says as he runs down naked for the like 20th time damn it I might have to go to the right route now I think I'm going to have to I could go the right right routee I you know I haven't done that in ages I never do the right right route but I could do the right right route it depends if the right right route's got anything dirty in the right right route should we find out screw it let's go on let's do it there's a lot of uh Doos here on the wrong way on the right right they jumping over what is that oh time right right yeah but then we still got to get out I never do the right right route but we could do the right right all right well I pulled that over to the left so we'll go right we'll try the right route I've never for some reason I've always done the left room the thing is though I still got to get up after that but ah screw it come on pain balls hello darkness my old friend I've come to talk to you again and soft this is not the time for a swim this is certainly not the time for a swim clip it please guys what what's is when scorpions jump what is this the right right okay we're doing the right right finally green hair he's got it man you got it you got I don't think the right right route could be done I don't think we can do that I don't think we can do that Dove another swim that's the spider like didn't chase me off which means pathf finding still work it's only eight bats easy all right we're going to go left rout we're going left the right is it's a blockade now there's no way the left are probably a black out as well got your auto clicker on Oh you mean the right route not the right right route okay I got you I got you let's go let's go bbing bobbing Bing rocking and rolling down by the beach I'm strolling seag no oh stop it now H there we go so far so good little rest spr not for long though go come on come on come y we touch the ey oh no no no oh that was the one that was the run all right chat it's on you it's on you are we doing it are we doing it T the way out are we going back down again nak I can't I think I've got to go down on G Gilly now to to get that that's that's that's done enjoy the tech what what what that artifact's last forever it's gone that's it so do it do it everyone wants me to run naked again okay okay all right then here we go bro we're so close we're so close there's a few for kill few knows all right all right because of that there's a few knows this is the this is it this is the last naked run this is the last one no more after this we're giling it down to get this last artifact if I don't do this okay let kill it it'll be fine you had The High Ground would it be easier if I reset my game what you tripping up man let's go let's go let's go uh oh I only just got through this this last side I might be screwed right [Applause] here all though what happened to the spiders no oh oh Dodge the web that's good news that's a good news say stamina's looking a bit [Music] bleak no no no no [Applause] no come on oh oh what what I over here oh my God a no go go go go go on need St on Stam on St on Stam on need Stam go go go go go ah run this is the one this is the one let's go let's go go go go go go go go go stamina's back we got full stamina all we got to do is make it up here is this the one is this the one oh I think it is we did it let's go yes oh I feel achiev of Lux there did your first artifact cave naked hey that's the one that there should be one for that where's where's that aief from man oh oh that was good yeah first try don't know what all the f is [Applause] about oh right wow wow well people that's a win man that's a win and a half that's a win and a half that is dudes save yes thank you everyone Shing save damn damn told you seven try let's get this back let's get this back that was fun let's put I'm going to I'm putting them up to show these three uh pedestals it's got to be done right it's got to be done we got to slap these up to show to show the world it was done a naked run today was achieved ladies and gent boys and girls Happy Days happy days so I take it the artifact hunting is going well bro you just missed an epic naked run it was good I'm glad you enjoyed it imagine if I crashed before I saved it damn yeah we might have to turn that into a shot good idea I needed to do a short um it's been a while well done that man we knew you could do it propably shed about that that was good that was fun up next naked te cave canny itan I definitely was getting sweaty then oh you saw it yeah wicked wicked all right let's get these artifacts up let's get them standing nice looking sweet definitely a short is a 3.6 sealer can good it is very good it's very good indeed his little legs are moving it was like like a little mini Shrek hey look at yeah do do ice scave now like it bruise man we're we're taking on brooded with a torch bro that's what's that's what's going down that's what's going down oh yes all right need damn hey Frosty how will this affect LeBron's Legacy I don't know man we keep saying this I don't know what you mean what do you mean yeah we got to find a high level patchy that's what's that's what's got got to happen we got stuff to T stuff to do people to see I've surrendered you bought ASA welcome Gina come back come into the warmth there's no getting away hey nothing's under the mesh right now that's great it's funny that PT it kind of is actually right put that there let's get my uh my pedestals I'm pretty sure I can make one more pedestal we're going to save it as well pretty sure I can make one more pedestal here um it needs Acy obsidian grief there we go oh we got it you need high level tape I do need high level tape uh where is he where oh there we go oh I just wasted donkey oh well where we putting these where oh they sit on the ooh they sit on the but they sit here as well that looks better I think oh they snap oh oh that's nice in fact then we'll do on make sure keep that one there for now uh a bit where is it like there I think oh there we go there we go let's just P girls three artifacts down ready for a brood fight more artifacts to go lots of taming but we are going to end it there for the night probably will stream tomorrow as well so uh hopefully you tuning to that one until the next one my name is Ras CL don't forget to like share and subscribe and as always uh uh please out sir
Channel: Raasclark
Views: 119,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark raasclark, raasclark vs veno, ark survival, raasclark, ark taming, ARK Survival Ascended DAY 1 LIVE First Impressions, xbox, evolved, ps5, pc, survival, gameplay, creatures, news, switch, raasclark news, ark news, ark raasclark news, ark switch, ark ue5, ark survival ascended, ark new map, ark mods, ark survival ascended gameplay, drops ark, supply crates ark, Fortifying our Bob Base in ARK Ascended
Id: 42E2rxJQ9EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 55sec (14335 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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