Broken Driveshaft & 3 Hours From Civilization!

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not only do I not know how to drive it I don't remember how to drive it so we got a call for a truck that is broke down and stuck clear up on the Nevada Utah border like north of Hamlin Valley so we're gonna head up here and see if we can get it it's a three hour drive but with good company it's not that bad we'll have to find some of that good company right now it's like 55 degrees and it's raining on us a little bit but they just look like spring storms I think it'll blow over and it should be a nice day when we get there here's to hoping so we think this one's going to be a trail repair we've done that before and it's turned into recovery but we think we can weld this one back together and we have the Wrecker with us so this time we'll be able to weld it right I sent Jake up to get the wrecker yesterday so the record has been away for quite some time now from the shop we got a call from Chad Fab saying that he is ready for us to come down and pick up the record so I looted up blue still with the gooseneck and I'm gonna head up north and go pick up the wrecker he rolled in really early this morning we haven't even unloaded it to check it and test it so we're gonna take it on a job and learn all the controls because I don't know them yeah there's all kinds of buttons on the dash that we haven't used yet so this will be a learning experience we just turned off of the highway onto the Hamlin Valley Road it's a dirt road it's a little bit washed 40. kind of depends on the condition of the road on how far I'm willing to drive blue steel and the gooseneck trailer up here we might be jumping in the Rector and doing a 60 mile round trip the wrecker mobs through this kind of terrain so that'll be a good ride [Music] thank you [Music] I think the vehicle's stuck over there on the other side of that mountain range we're not too far from it let's see what we got on the GPS um it's not showing me miles anymore it's showing that we are totally off the map and it's not taking this so we got to get back on track before it'll give me a number [Music] all right we got about 15 miles left to go the road's starting to get a little primitive so we're gonna unload right here okay let's get the wrecker off okay I don't know how to drive this I don't even know what this is this doesn't look like our wrecker no we got a couple things going on here one um I don't know the controls anymore and two we haven't tested this at all since it's come back from Chad's we have started it and we made sure the welder works we gotta show you some of this stuff there's some cool stuff in here now that's pretty cool sounds good yeah still got that exhaust leak when we broke the header oh yeah wow look at all those lights light up okay let's see if it's the same right front axle back axle and this is this is uh rear steering it's just as awesome as I remember it okay so let's put uh front axle I don't remember how we drove this did we drive it around I think you left this in low most of the time didn't you yeah so there's the front isn't or did you leave these in low and then you switch this one so that's the rear so that okay okay so five minutes later so that's neutral that's low and this should be high all right so not only do I not know how to drive it I don't remember how to drive it all right we're off on our first recovery since the wrecker's back good to be back oh my goodness I forgot how awesome this is I've got about eight miles before we turn left okay [Music] thank you it's got a speedometer can you believe we're doing 40 miles an hour it doesn't even feel like it this thing is crazy smooth on these trails oh why they don't even drop into the rods it just Smooths it all out [Music] oh how I missed foreign [Music] [Applause] we had our compressor at 120 PSI and that nylon line did not like the heat coming off that header we're gonna have to do something about heat control we're gonna have to wrap wrap our headers we have wrap for these headers one more thing on the list that's not put on yet how's it doing back there I think we got a little bit of an oil leak going from a pie I wonder if it's coming from a oil pressure sender or something well other than that everything's fine but we'll see what else happens hopefully it goes well [Music] this Trail's got some crazy switchbacks that are really fun with the rear steer Matt's having a good time over here fenders well we're up on the top of this mountain though oh man okay we should be seeing the customers vehicle any second now the GPS is saying we're there but we can see pretty good from here and it doesn't look like there is a truck around we did some map searching here so the GPS says that they sent us none of them are where the vehicle is he sent you a picture yeah we can kind of find similar shaped features off if we take this road to our left so it looks like this is a couple miles down that way we'll see if that pans out I'm feeling pretty confident yeah yeah let's go track it down wow how big is that like three feet deep across it right here yeah oh my goodness [Music] you think that's what broke his axle there is something like this suspension oh okay here it is show me something good all right we're looking pretty good on this side [Music] not so much on that side [Music] so that broke off up there that's this one [Music] and this one either unthreaded or broke off strip out might have just stripped out and he lost the drive shaft yeah that just came apart that we can just poke back together all right let's pick the front end of this up and see what we can do what have we got to pick it up with nothing it's got nothing on the front okay we don't have to pick it up so I'm gonna pull the axle out and then Let it Loose and spline the drive shaft back in and then we can use a snatch block off the back axle to pull the axle back into place weld it and then carefully drive out of here it's our plan love it or hate it we're doing okay come over here get this kind of lined up right oh you got it this should spin so it is a little tore up though okay it's going [Music] all right so now we need to start to block the whole thing back we're gonna use this toe Point snatch block here to change the direction of the pole [Music] there it is right there is it raining it is gentle little sprinkles yes all right we need to make sure that that stays up there when the time comes and I've got to hook up to something right around this axle right here all right [Music] so what we're doing we've got to get this front axle pulled back so and rather than Park the wrecker behind there and pull backwards I'm pulling off the truck which will be better anyway because now the truck's pulling against itself so it's less less likely to shift and move [Music] so let me get this up here I don't want to put a little pressure on it [Music] there it goes can you believe that our shaft slipping back together ain't gonna line up or is that we're gonna try it there I probably should have got on it a little sooner yeah we got to go out not very far just a little he's got three things at once here he's trying to line up the upper link the lower link and the drive shaft okay I hope that's pretty stripped out and this one's walking into we need to make sure that that's a oh that's kind of touching there isn't it [Music] that one's going to be the tricky weld right there yeah I can't even see where that one's trying to go yet it's touching right now we might have to cut out some of that Fender we'll be able to get in there okay oh that was almost there [Music] I'm gonna have to do this again that's been loose for a long time this didn't break out like it was it's wore out let's weld this together so how are you gonna do this because welders over there you got the winch holding it together oh we didn't think ahead did we well we are now so we're thinking a little bit ahead all right Matt's got an evil plan to get the the welder closer to where it needs to weld he's going to pull the vehicle in with the winch so we don't lose all the progress we made hooking this up are you playing with the line locks he's got these new brake line locks he's messing with they're pretty cool we just got to figure them out so they're super awesome because they're electric but they don't have to have electricity to stay on you just need electricity to turn them on and then they'll say stay on anyway they are awesome okay Matt when you do this I want you to tell us if you like this better than the battery setup I already know the answer how much better well I've welded with this before and it was smooth and buttery so this is the Premier power welder I used it at the record games to build I don't know Merlin's trophy probably [Music] two more juice no I'm worried about these ropes we don't oh give me that jacket let me just throw the jacket over the ropes then I can just burn for a second that's hot man we are I can see it just just going way into it we're gonna finish welding up this bottom one and then we'll weld the top I'm gonna let Tom walk the top all right all right that's good enough for this bottom link now it's time for the top but it's clear up in there let's um let's take this bolt out Let's Fold the whole thing over you've got to weld that Rod onto that thing way back up in there yeah you got to come from the top okay we're gonna pull this Fender out because it's gonna be worth it okay so that's where he's trying to weld right there I got a pretty decent weld on half of it I don't know if I can get to the bottom at all we got this inner Fender put back in we're just pulling down the ropes and then we're gonna figure out who drives what out of here we'll get you to that point what are we doing who's driving the wrecker who's driving the truck winner drives the wrecker okay I'm driving all right Tom's driving the Wrecker started things are looking up I bet you wish those wipers work it should be a nice day when we get there all right we're gonna nurse this old truck out of here see if we can keep it all together oh I should have the camera on for that we barely made it through all right we got about 13 miles of driving to get back to the truck I think and then we've got to decide if we're driving this all the way out or if we're loading it on the trailer we'll make that decision when we get there I know for you at home watching it's a no-brainer but for us out here we got to think about it we're currently driving out of here at 10 miles an hour I feel like that's a prudent speed and even if we weren't kind of baby in this repair we just did I'm not sure I could handle the rough ride I don't know if you saw that deer there but there's that deer well I've done it I don't think it turned soon enough I don't know whether the straddle is yeah yeah but I'm stuck now it's your front end holding together yeah okay so this is what happened I crossed this little ditch at too shallow of an angle and all right so Tom's just gonna winch me back nice and easy look at that winch controls from inside the cab plan back up okay get a better angle on this all right okay looks like I win I did a two-wheel drive all right we made it back to the truck and trailer I've drawn the conclusion that that truck is going to be safe to drive so we're going to drive and drop it off at the repair shop we're gonna get this loaded up and strap down all right we got that dropped off it's dark you can't see anything but it's done yeah we found them we fixed them and we got them out hey guys it's Jake we got a call for a side by side out here on the Arizona strip I got Colby behind the camera what's the weather like Colby Sunny about 70 degrees a cloud inside overall pretty nice we're in blue steel we're on dirt roads right now it's a little bumpy uh we got 40 miles to go to the pin so we're gonna go try to find them and get them out [Music] [Music] we found the razor over here it's right behind this tree we'll creep up over here so you can see it all right let's go get this razor Let's uh load it up [Music] click down the old mat straps we're back on paved roads it's so smooth uh we're gonna go drop the vehicle off at the customer's house blue Steel's usually not stocked with a matte shirts like this but we got him a wrecker game shirt awesome limited edition awesome awesome hey thank you very much thank you man yeah you have a good one thanks for watching okay see how the trees makes that dip right there like this line of trees does that I'm looking for like where it does that on the dirt road like would that be the same dip
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 873,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cJoiVFlr70U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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