Gas Monkey Reunion: Return Of The Shop Foreman?

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we had a good group we didn't have very many changes and for all you keyboard whippersnappers out there that are already bitching like where's there and ask Aaron where Aaron is I don't know where it is [Applause] have you built your bed slip yet I mean UFC 290 is this weekend and there's going to be a lot of action going down now for this video I partnered up with our boys over at DraftKings and we've got a heck of a good deal for you if you're a new customer and you use the promo code Gas Monkey Garage and you bet just five dollars you're gonna get a hundred and fifty dollars in bonus bets instantly as in now DraftKings is the only place where you can bet same fight parlays combine multiple bets together from the same fight including the number of rounds and the method of Victory the more bets you combine the more you can win if sports betting is not available in your state yet don't worry you can still join in on all the fun at DraftKings daily fantasy for a shot at winning cash prizes so download the app DraftKings use the special promo code Gas Monkey Garage and if you're a new customer and you spend five bucks you're gonna get 150 in bonus bets instantly this is it UFC 290 this weekend get you some of that yeah what's up everybody it's beer 30 and like I said uh we're gonna start talking to some of the old crew uh back before covet even way back to the very beginning days and uh today we got a really cool cat he was an instrumental part of the success of Gas Monkey Garage and Fast and Loud and uh just an overall good guy until he left so none other than the man himself Jason Akers in the house today what's up Richard there's your beer for beer 30. that doesn't really look like your normal beer well that's cause I got big beer news coming now I can't say anything about it yet so we're hiding it in this Solo Cup but when I unveil it it's going to be pretty bitching you know me I'm always doing big things and knocking down the doors thanks for taking the time to come out man because I know you came all the way from Sunny Scottsdale Arizona my favorite town uh and uh it's good times but you left let's see you got here around 2013. November of 2013 and stayed pretty much that means season two yeah and you stayed all the way through uh ain't near to the end um I was here all the way to the end yeah you were yeah that's right so uh what did you do what have you been doing well I took your advice I moved to Scottsdale which was a huge move for me because you know I love cars and sunshine and everything else that it has to offer out there and I took a job at Barrett-Jackson which was quite the experience a lot different than what I expected I bet I mean I I don't I've bought and sold a bear at Jackson for years and years I and I know Craig could probably be a pretty hard man to work for dude I'm telling you that is in operation and that's a lot of work and mainly though it's not what I'm passionate about you know that I love cars I love building things and so well hold up before we get into that uh so what was it like because you know you went in there to be like uh maybe his personal mechanic and then you ended up kind of running all these auctions well In fairness uh my day-to-day was his personal hot rod shop that was there and you know Craig has a ton of cars tons of things that need to be done but the strange thing about that job is that you break away for all the auctions and I became a chief mechanic one of the main mechanics there you know that's a small band of guys that take care of a lot of cars so there is a lot of work not just the travel the setup the teardown it's amazing it's in operation I'll tell you these guys yeah you've been there you've seen it but I've been involved with it for years and years I haven't done much since covet hit and uh I've actually had my own big auction uh up there in Indiana with the John Cruz and his group uh worldwide auctions that went well fixing to have another one up there with the big group of cars I just bought from Madison Wisconsin so uh that's gonna see what happens there on Labor Day weekend but uh dang dude travel you were how many shows they do like 20 something auctions a year or something no they only do four but I'm telling you by the time you finish one you're already winding up for the next one and it's such a large operation and especially the ones out of state you got to get the cars there you got to get everything set up tents up down you know it is a huge project so there you go so you're working at Barrett-Jackson and uh you're getting uh ready to make another move so what happened then just I just got that urge finally to go back and build cars and do what I love to do you know uh the things I want Mustangs Shelby's mainly but you know I'll work on anything muscle cars trucks anything in the 60s 70s era you know okay so you are definitely one of the foremost Mustang Authority and restorers on the planet we already know that you've worked on the best Mustangs in the world and uh what have you but uh you're now doing uh and I don't even know if I can say this with a straight face piston and Pearls yeah I don't know why you don't like that idea I don't know what it means well the Pistons obviously are the automotive side but okay so you imagine a uh an oyster in the bottom of the ocean rough in rough shape you pop that thing open when you get done with a car you go from something really rough to a jewel at the end and even though a Pearl's not technically a jewel same idea yeah but uh I thought it was like having two sides of business like you were doing like some type of jewelry stuff and some type of car stuff but I get the analogy now but I'll tell you from being around you as the marketing genius we've already thought about ideas like that so pistons and Pearls so you got your own shot now well I have a great business partner that is a wine guy but he loves cars he's a huge Enthusiast so he is a great marketing mind like yours is and so he came up with this concept we got together we decided this is what we wanted to do and again we're going to evolve this bigger and bigger but right now we've got to shop we've already got more cars that we can do right away which is a great problem to have but as you know demand goes up then people will expect things and so you know the pressure's already on I know but the good thing about demand going up is the price can go up well this is true learned that from you as well exactly all right so let's talk about history a little bit what was like your favorite build here man I've had people ask me that question so many times um the Ford GT was still one of the coolest builds ever I want that car back so bad it is still sitting in that dude's trailer in his Warehouse with his other 900 cars and he's never moved it's just City well in the Kurt Busch Pantera was awesome that was a lot of fun and going over there and working with his group and getting it done in the time frame uh it was a lot of fun and that car was really well dialed in I talked to Kurt every once in a while and he tells me he just loves it you know it's just a lot of fun yeah and you know uh in seven years we built so many cars and we did something that no one else was doing and the quality went up every vehicle we built and so it's hard to remember all the cars that we did every time somebody asked me I think of a different one so I'm sure I'm forgetting several but you know the Firebirds wanted to kind of hold a special place in my heart because Mike Quay and I started the same day yep on that project and we were here pretty much till the end of the in the run of the show absolutely absolutely I mean we had a good group we didn't have very many changes and for all W keyboard whippersnappers out there that are already bitching like where's there and ask Aaron where Aaron is I don't know where Aaron is but you know we really had a tight crew and uh we we uh we had to you know just Kick-Ass work ethic I mean we were truly making these cars in 25 30 35 days uh even the Ferrari F40 we built like 38 days yeah I mean yeah and that was before me but I did watch it was crazy yeah uh so uh that so your your uh the one thing you the one car you hated the most I wasn't hate the Knight Rider car easily oh yeah worst build we ever had to do and we almost that was real early on and it was kind of one of those things that last minute thought and it really if we had done that car like all the way maybe but what we were forced in that situation to make happen that just that was there was some kind of promotion thing or something that and they called you up like 10 days before it had to be done yeah and so we tried to put it together as quickly as it could and it just it wasn't to our expectations but it was cool because I got to film with uh David Hasselhoff no that was cool that was the best part of the whole and then I went on to get to film with him again and some Dodge commercials and that was pretty fun yeah that guy's a trip I mean he's he's running on all cylinders at all times I like that yeah right yeah all right so pistons and Pearls you've explained it to me now and I guess I kind of get it but uh what are you working on well we've got a 67 Eleanor with the new GT500 motor in it so that's how the new third gen yeah okay yeah so we're still early on that there's a lot of development we got to do but got that project we've also started a 65 wide body Fastback project 65 wide body yeah which a lot of people don't do that you go to the later years so we're going to try to go outside the box a little bit on that one okay now are you gonna just add fenders to get that wide body effect or or how are you wide body fabricate and just build the steel like the quarters the same as Defenders I mean I don't want anything rivet on nothing that looks cheaper you can buy in a store you want it to be authentic we want to give it kind of what we did here I mean the whole idea is to build your own and we're trying to build the Pistons and Pearls name so we need a few cars that are the quality of what we want to do the kind of cars we want to do and that's we chose to start with those two well there's a new way of wide-bodying a Mustang that I've seen that is absolutely amazing so I'll show you that I'm not ready to talk about it over here yet either so you didn't hear that uh but uh you know it's pretty pretty neat and you end up getting some pretty serious meat under the ground that's awesome and uh so are you is it just you one-man show oh no uh I have a business partner Jonathan white uh he comes from the wine industry but he is passionate mustang guy so when we became friends it was just it was a natural thing we knew what we wanted to do we want to build the same kind of cars he's got quite a collection of cars as well oh very good uh kind of like you he's you know so it was a perfect match and right there in Scottsdale and you know we have the market there and people are hungry for good builds out there it's amazing how fuel options there are to get cars built anymore I mean it's just so dead I'm hot in Scottsdale yeah it really is a lot of people don't want to be there building cars it's hot do you have an air-conditioned shop well we've got swamp coolers but again once you get in the middle you gotta shut all that down so it gets real hot real quick so you work early and late man not me here it's nice we got eight seasons but I will tell you living there now three and a half years my blood's thinned out a lot so when it's 75 degrees like it is here right now it's a little chilly oh really yeah come on Diane but you get up and uh you know but I can go walk around outside when it's 120 now which I could have never done before oh I could but it was carrying a cold beer from the pool to the uh bar but yeah you're smart but uh now that's super cool man we had some really good times with uh with the team here with having you here and yeah you know I I got to tell you that was freaking pretty fun stuff we did you're you're part of John he's into Mustangs yes well I happen to know that you like Mustangs and you had to sell one uh that you had acquired but you just didn't get to it and he moved out to Scottsdale and you're really pissy about that you know I've got a 69 390 s code four speed Mach 1 here of course you do oh yeah you didn't even know I was coming and you still had it on Deck well I tried to please everybody well yeah yeah you want to go check it out absolutely did you bring your money I brought Johnny's money okay you brought Johnny let's go look at it [Music] ah the memories Jason oh no I was looking at that earlier you know this parking lot is a lot smaller than people think on TV it looks big yes it does the fact that you navigate that over and over again well I hit the wall here that one time oh I do remember that yeah a couple of your other ones I went through the fence once yeah cameras were rolling yeah uh we don't talk about that though yeah right okay so 69 390s code four speed AC car okay super super nice one small spot of rust on the floorboards it was a factory or not a factory it was taken from being a factory car to somebody back half it but they did a really really nice job yeah they did I mean this is an old job and it is well done on the tubbing and the bars and I was really hoping you wouldn't have all that because now I know the price just went up well there's a lot of parts in the trunk but the body and everything is rust free there's a little bit in the front of the floorboards but look at the back yeah and everywhere else and you could tear this stuff down yeah what are you building the rest of them so you just saved me some time you don't need any of that yeah no actually not uh the roof is good and the main thing is you know there's no rust up here and the quarters are clean yeah I mean there's even on a back half car those are perfect oh yeah I mean he's he put them right on top of the lips and you can see down you know where the Scoops are missing it's clean well I think a lot of the Scoops and stuff are in the trunk yeah no but I mean I mean you can tell just I mean it's a cool old setup under there yeah the setup's clean I mentioned this was just a fun car well it's a good place for us to start to make a more modernized suspension underneath it but it saved us a lot of time so okay good car good cars aren't cheap with the title oh that's even okay with the clear title so what are you thinking I think it should be worth 25 20 22 and a half I forgot is this Tricky Ricky or is this Richard no you where are you gonna you've seen no no you know that a good car brings 25 Grand if it needs everything yeah but you also know I like to make deals yeah okay so you're starting at 25. I honestly before I saw the car without a motor in it without drivetrain I was thinking 15 but I I'm low you're high well you sold your other one for what 25 Grand I sold it for 20 and I bought I stole it for 15. because it ran and drove but those don't exist anymore I mean that was five six years ago that was a while back yeah um but where I need to be on the car so how about 20. how about Seventeen five I know you like cash all right done cool I never thought I'd be making a deal with you you saw it here for so you saw it here first pistons and Pearls buying a car from Gas Monkey Garage none other than Jason eager got his own business going there's nothing that makes me more proud than when people come through my businesses and go on to do things for themselves and have their own businesses and be successful at it and then come back and let me make money on them I love this I get to give you a big stack of cash now I know that's going to put a smile on your face man I love the fact that I can do business at any time anywhere that's amazing you have the one car that Jonathan I like more than any to 69. well there you go yeah so uh you didn't ask me about this yeah okay so I was wondering if you were trying to bait me into coming back to work maybe this was my new Drive I was going to be the new service work truck for gas monkey yeah yeah I don't even let them Drive mine but uh no this is really cool we teamed up with boxing buddies which is Jake Paul's uh charity uh and uh teaches kids about bullying and and how to prepare themselves and just it's a really really good cause and uh so we are building this TRX me and Jake sat down and kind of designed what we wanted it to be and and we're giving it away you can go to Gas Monkey right now and donate any amount of money you want and you'll get entries to win this truck and not only that you're going to get to fly down here to Dallas and go to the fight ringside plus go backstage and meet Jake and see what's up and you know just a really first class all-around cool deal to do it and uh and get a TRX so awesome yeah so like I said Gas Monkey times Jake Paul times boxing bullies go to Gas Monkey right now and get entered to win and then on top of that you know um I I actually owe you a little something for your all of your hard work and everything you did here at Gas Monkey you know we only give a few of these rings out every once in a while so yours has been sitting in my desk until you come see me yeah it's ready to go it's got your initials right there above the eye oh that is awesome and uh I appreciate everything you did for us man I loved my time here and I can't tell you how much look at that that is awesome and it's hellaciously cool in a fight I don't think I'm gonna win many fights yeah I try not to get in them but uh you know I wouldn't be here without you man so I I appreciate it me either I feel the same way kick ass can we go uh fill up our beer cups now let's do it don't tell them what it is [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gas Monkey Garage & Richard Rawlings
Views: 284,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Richard Rawlings, Gas Monkey, Gas Monkey Garage, Fast N Loud, Fast N' Loud, Classic car, cars, car, classic, Rich Rawlings, garage, hot rod, Ford, hot rods, fast n loud, deals, selling a car, buying a car, Build, Gas Monkey Builds, gas monkey build, gas monkey garage, gas monkey, gas monkey garage full episodes, Holy grail, fast n' loud, Muscle Car Duo, profit, dodge, ford, podcast, Fast N Loud Reunion, Gas Monkey returns, gas monkey aaron returns, new, aaron kaufman
Id: u77z3vOcu5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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