Off The Edge: This Trailer Recovery Might Be Too Much For The Rat Rod Wrecker!

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casualty doing some digging for my neighbor Matt called me said he's got recovery that's my neck in the woods so we're gonna go do it got Jace with me we're actually gonna stop by pick up Michelle's brother because I need some more help I'm gonna jump the old uh wrecker on and we'll get out say hi Grandma we got a recovery Ponderosa it's a trailer or something I don't know loaded all right we're locked and loaded [Music] got a game for Jason I don't know if he wants to come really coming to get you yeah uh it's only like two miles off the trail I mean off the main road all right we're taking the Rhino Uncle Jason's Rhino so we got a quick trailer I would help but like hear the camera man yeah you know Hunter has trained you up show the show the camera the picture yeah we're going after a smart well that that clay caught hold of them it rained [Music] okay am I rides in the tow truck no you're getting in front with us we're cuddling okay slide over here put on this side all right so you guys have seen Coleman before on the channel a couple times okay he's back to semi it's all the ground and yeah I'll call you if I can't make it all right yeah yeah once we didn't film no no the good one we didn't yeah we didn't film a good one but and then Jason you see him occasionally come in the shop harass me so today I'm putting him to work he may not even be on the camera yeah that's good we're just paying it forward when we get started for the next time yeah yeah there's there's always a next time holy line of cars I'm glad we're not going up on the sands we worked on that [Music] they should put a sign up here that says don't come if it's buddy yeah if it's raining stop here you go [Applause] all right yeah I think it's pretty much set up now we're gonna find these guys [Music] thank you [Music] there's a tree at least yeah there's one there is a tree and it's a better place over it's all it's gonna do yeah what do you think you got yourself into here we're just contemplating that right holy it could be holy cow you're in a bad situation that's why we called you so we got one side off I realized I don't want to touch it anymore no no you're back at all we were going up and they just pulled that back into the truck down pulled the whole thing off yeah it happened about two seconds yeah oh no this place terrible it just happens at least it's got the Arctic package in it so you can't get to anything right yeah yeah what's your grand scheme I'm I don't have one yet we're working that out I'm gonna go look on the bottom side and see how terrible that is oh well we'll uh we'll look this over and get her figured out here we'll get back to you I wonder how substantial that back bumper is I wonder if we could sit right here yeah if you could hook that bottom one try to swing it up I think I think we'll try that so could you lift it up with that axle and lift it and pull it at the same how much does this thing weigh any idea 400 pounds empty there's probably 1200 pounds 1400 pounds worth a year okay that's heavy we're gonna try picking it up off the only place you can hook is right where you guys are hooked same way but on that bottom side try to just lift it up try to lift it up scoot it over luckily the road dried up for you yeah no doubt we'll try we'll see what happens here [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I think we can do it I'll have to reset up and snug down right it was moving it I can't remember that truck is yeah I think if we set right there guys the black truck is mine yeah um I set the front cross member down on the ground we can pull you back no problem yeah we can pull you backwards I think if I can set right there I can dive off in this I think it's gonna pull it yeah and I think it'll pull it up out of there so front end stays down yep I think so oh it's yours foreign [Music] [Music] we may want to winch that tree up there right here moving it [Music] nothing's heavy I'm hoping I can just pick it up right now we'll stay right there we got it up on the way I wonder if I come in on a little different angle see if we can pull it backwards it is another school right back there all right let's see what happens [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] we brought the headset how far do you want to see what it does [Music] crap it's tight let's get it off there yeah that's just resisting it yep we'll just pull the back of the truck over that's not hard but I'm going to come backwards probably until he's up on that berm see if we can get those tires up on good gosh they're closer yeah and then I'll pull that over right to where your tire where your foot is right there that's all you got dad are you hot Dad no it just got some oil on the header we're good thank you I'm gonna hook on right here for the ball slide you over this way yeah I'll just hook on Slide the whole truck this way and we'll do it one more time we got it watch that top thing oh don't let him hit the roof up there oh you're good saw oh you got it there you're on your ball little buff okay perfect what hole yeah oh yeah he's good he's gonna be able to chase it around I'm gonna hook on to it okay but I'm gonna hold it up I'm gonna think we can chase it around game plan we'll hook back on and lift it up we're gonna back it around here and have it out of here we'll see how that works yeah that'll just that easy right dude I hope so we may want to pull that strap out I mean before it gets caught in the tire and you have more problems there we go foreign support now me yeah I'm gonna lift that side up put some tension on it once we get it up on here yeah we we'll just walk right around here and then we'll figure it out from there all right Jace just got me I'll go pro'd up in here she's goproed we're gonna make this happen one way or another it's happening there you go he's away from me all right okay I got perfectly good headsets on the toolbox that's a good place for him yeah right yeah we just drove off and left them sitting there all charged and everything place [Music] [Applause] up on yeah so I can keep the trailer I'd probably steer it okay you're gonna bring the trailer back around now keep this from running off the road all kinds of the trailer I'm just gonna go like that oh to be on this side right here where I can see you yeah this is so soft that can't go any farther back I think if you turn hard it'll pull you back up I can steering the trailer you're gonna be good oh yeah that's good [Applause] thank you in the other direction yeah I think so about as heavy as the Old Wrecker wanted right there yeah what she's cute well that's one casualty yeah I kind of popped a radiator metal hose that has these little clamps around it and the rubber was cracked we noticed it this week did we fix it no we thought about it don't worry about it no it'll make it back to the roll back so all right thank you so much yep we'll get out of here you guys have a fun weekend before sunny side up okay is it going on Fabrics in a couple weeks probably that's right that's right we'll see you guys thank you hustling back get the roll back we noticed it the other day we didn't fix it now we're fixing it is on made it we didn't even overheat so good to go all right so it wasn't as bad as it looked when we first showed up it put the old record to the test but we got a doubt thanks Jason Coleman for the help today he's scraping the bottom of the barrel of the day uh all your State Road buddies will be impressed oh yeah yeah they're going to give you something I probably won't get a phone call out of this but we're headed back home and we'll go back to work so thanks for watching thank you
Channel: Fab Rats
Views: 1,241,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #offroadadventure, mudrescue, truckrescue, offroading, teamwork, determination, mudmadness, epicrescue, offroadexperts, winching, ropes, mudboggin, 4x4, offroadlife, adrenalinejunkies, offroaddaily, offroadnation, mudding, mudlife, rescueoperation, stuckinthemud, mattsoffroadrecovery, fabrats, rat rod wrecker, fab rats, camping
Id: ryyII1LYZ7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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