EXTREME Winter Snow Storm Camping Off-Road (TOO DEEP!)

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it's late winter in British Columbia Canada and my buddy Nate and I have our hearts set on some serious snow camping and adventure [Music] we're heading up a high elevation Mountain Pass while it's snowing in an attempt to make it to an ocean Inlet on the other side [Music] [Applause] this is the story till now [Music] what's up guys hope you had a good weekend we just got to the trailhead I've got our lives down there with me and he's brought the taco in a hot minute yeah what have you been up to I've been doing this sometimes but mostly I've been in the shop building things it's nice to get out it's snow here we're gonna we're gonna see a lot more of this so our goal is to get to the ocean right here Camp somewhere around here foreign this is the route here all the way through this pass so let's track our route so we can find our way back this route is known for getting heavy amounts of snow and is almost guaranteed to be a challenge for us all right well it looks like snow plowing from here this is some slimy snow yeah this is super slimy that's the last little speech section was a little sketch if you lost uh traction and you had to hit the brakes you might not stop going backwards we're only maybe two kilometers up the trail to steep climb we're already into some snow and it's super slushy snow like it's been rained on and we're already struggling quite a bit so we're airing down into single digit PSIs and then we're gonna send it up to this hill going down to two two this the video that I'm filming is testing these method bead grips I want to see how low I can go without losing a bead so I'm just gonna go super low you know I like low tire pressure anyway check out Nate's Channel if you want to see his uh test on these method B grip Wheels hi internet so myself of course I'm running the kmcb locks with toyo 40 inch Open Country MTS and I'm going to run around 8 PSI to start and see how that goes so far in the snow this combo has been perfect for me so you see this is the wrong Fork we went up here now we're back on the right Trail and this one has no tracks so Fresh Tracks up the trail and track the whole route on onyx so we can find our way back out without getting lost all right [Music] this is one of those runs where it's like it's already getting sketchy and we just started on it so it's going to be interesting it's going to get a lot deeper really quickly as soon as we get up this hill and hopefully we don't uh end up in a sticky or should I say slippery situation uh just it's getting dark here nice looking uh powder in front of you no one's been up there in a while [Music] what a nicely plowed Road thank you sir I've been practicing all day [Music] with no tracks in front of us it was already getting challenging after a small amount of elevation gain well it doesn't translate well to video this Trail is a constant upward climb [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we're making it well to the end [Music] looks like there's another lengthy climb in front of us though a fine job up there thank you sir I appreciate it oh I appreciate it I mean I'm not even using any fuel I'm just kind of idling around I'm backing up I want to give you a nice long Runway here thank you getting Flippy thank you we're plowing snow up this hill the snow is about mmm I'm gonna say about 20 inches deep since it's about halfway up my uh my 40s tired of my boots so getting out kind of sucks and it's snowing so we are maybe not even a quarter of the way yet so got another Hill Climb let's see how it goes the drill Destroyer is such a beast [Music] thank you this is gonna be interesting there's like uh like a stream Frost in here so there's like a giant hole well trying to get up this hill here I've been just plowing my way and it's getting deeper and deeper kind of back myself into a bit of a hole here so I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get out without winching howdy howdy I've got a kinetic rope handy if you yeah if you want to hook up a strap I mean that might be enough to just pull me straight back onto the track and then yep I think that's the move we'll because we'll be going downhill too so it'll be harder for me to get stuck if I'm pulling you you know yeah I just don't want you to slide I don't either Sean I'm gonna start easy yeah I think that's a good play okay [Music] let's do this having multiple rigs on this type of an adventure is absolutely essential Nate was able to pull me out of this hole with no issues you might need to drop some pressure in those tires I don't know where you're at [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sean I don't think you have enough horsepower I think that's your problem this would be easy if you just had like that demon motor or whatever maybe even the elephant who knows you messed up buddy you messed up big time holy cow I'm about to mess up and Thor's hammer your camera right into the ground when I trip [Music] what do you think about making this home I'm down this is wide enough for me it's completely flat word bro all right we've decided to call her night here it is snowing we're only about a quarter of the way up the trail it's gonna be a long haul to make it tonight but uh we'll get up early tomorrow and continue on and see if we can make it to the ocean I think we probably don't have that much further to go to get to the summit so if we can get there and we can definitely get down I said this last time I was like we make the make it down we got like within two meters of cresting the summit and hit a wall of snow we couldn't get over without like spending days digging or something exactly yeah so I brought a shovel but I don't have days so we'll see what happens yeah do you feel like I hear an animal I just heard a squeak did you hear that yeah okay there could be Grizzlies up here yeah your wonderful country wouldn't allow me to transport my own Grizzly defense system so what I normally would bring and grizzly territory is not on me because it's it'll be illegal what I normally bring is on me oh good yeah good so you got a small butter knife and a bottle of maple syrup you want it no you got to have like a like a big roll of sausage meat trust me it works you know Nate I'm telling you you got to try this big roll of sausage bear [Music] Sean what do I do what do I do [Applause] [Music] guys if you don't have a dirty and dangerous hoodie these right here available at dirtyandangers.com check them out also we're trying to get to 200 000 subscribers really appreciate it if you hit the Subscribe button if you're not already subscribed we're making progress because it used to be that 60 of people watching were not subscribed we've got that down to 54 so go team still liking the eye camper dude I love it I love it as well it's uh it's simple and very reliable I've got like 50 nights easy in this thing yeah me no [Music] as you can see it's a beautiful morning it's snowing we only got about uh an inch or so snow overnight so nothing too concerning about getting back out yet [Music] sun's trying to come out we're gonna keep going [Music] we had camped in the middle of the road and after some breakfast and packing up we're going to continue our journey to the ocean scrambled eggs some hash browns little cheese simple filling give us fuel to fight our way up this hill that looks pretty deep up there bud it's like a headlights [Music] yeah it looks like the truck's just buried when I'm plowing through it if you want more Runway to plow it like you were I'm happy to back up [Music] please [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] these types of conditions are where progress can slow to a complete halt in addition to taking a massive amount of time to plow through I was burning a lot of fuel it has a massive wall yeah it is Nate and I are not the types to give up on a challenge if there's any hope of getting it done we're gonna try no matter what it takes foreign [Music] we're plowing snow hard uh it's basically like a wall still making progress but uh it's pretty hard on the truck it's letting her cool down a little bit before we keep going this is some some deep stuff we're not giving up yet when you see how far we can keep going but uh I'm a half a tank of fuel and I gotta plow like this whole way we're not gonna make it so we'll see how she goes foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] starting to get stuck with each snow Ram a large buggy showed up behind us and offered to break Trail for a while renewing our optimism for the mission the ground clearance of those portals yeah that's awesome back up foreign [Music] problem was with his portal axles and huge tires he was going over a lot of the terrain meaning I'd have to plow through much of the snow still but it did make a difference [Music] so far I haven't been able to get up this hill even with the the big rigs going up ahead of us it's been a struggle Nate's trying now but he's uh currently sliding down the hill oh yeah sure I was just saying I didn't I was really concerned about sliding into you okay not not the truck you oh me you dude I'm in I'm in my own you're in your own life I'm In My Own Lane dude you're not gonna fly into me what's nice about you taking a run at it is it it knocks all the Slick off because yeah everywhere that I just hit my brakes and it slides back but like you saw that first run I almost made it up past and then I slipped down into where you had spun and it made it to where it slid me all the way to Hell back down here yeah all right I will back up and give you some more room thank you I gave her my best shot Sean are you kind of stuck there I can back up but I every time I back up I'm just kind of sliding closer into The Nether here so at this point after being in the air in heavy snow for hours my drone had filled up with water died and fell out of the sky [Music] all right well that buggy broke Trail for us and that helped quite a bit we've gotten quite a bit higher but uh they had to turn around and go back so now we are on our own again and the snow is super deep so I'm back to Breaking Trail and we'll see how it goes from here all right Jonathan um yeah that took about two seconds to get stuck the road ahead was relentless uphill plowing the amount of trail I was breaking with each run at it was getting less and less but we kept pushing [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] look at this wall or snow like so this snow here is like higher than my waist [Music] oh what do you think I mean that's a gladiator size uh size imprint you're doing that that is up to the hood snow uphill pushing that's going to be a lot of plowing just to get to the summit just to turn around and come back because we're not going to make it to the ocean anyway yeah I agree it sucks because we both we like we like to complete the task yeah if we had another day or two yeah well uh it bums me out but I think it's a logical path forward I think it's the safe the safe play we're pushing these trucks hard I mean we really should be on like 44s or something like for our weight especially we should be on bigger tire to try to do this I mean look how deep that is we're not even close to the ground yet I mean this is this is deep I mean you can really see it over there behind your uh behind your bed you know it's up to the light like it's deep as hell yeah I'm a little bit concerned about the fuel because I'm at a quarter tank I do have extra fuel but like depending on if we have any struggles on the way out I'd like to be sure that I have enough fuel to get out let's do it eh let's do a day we'd made the call we'd head back out after traveling less than nine kilometers on the trail [Music] all right we are starting to make our way back down the mountain in the snow we only made it about eight and a half kilometers I don't think there's much chance it was getting lost but we do have the breadcrumb trail that we routed on onyx on the way in we'll follow that on the way out if you guys are interested in trying out Onyx off-road it's super cheap for the whole year plus you can get 20 off if you use my link in the description and it helps support the channel so give Onyx a try super cool GPS app link in the description [Music] this Valley has defeated me twice now definitely a tough one to complete but I'll be back I can guarantee that thanks for watching [Music] a big thanks to my latest patreon members for helping to support us and make these trips possible [Music]
Channel: The Story Till Now
Views: 750,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, snow camping, snow wheeling, blizzard camping, jeep gladiator, solo winter camping, cold weather camping, overland camping, dirt lifestyle, deep snow, roof top tent camping, car camping, off-road, 4x4, wheeling, adventure, sleeping in jeep
Id: cQEeRP4Y78I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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