Forced To Use Equipment I Despise Out On The Arizona Strip.

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is nuts what we're doing is ridiculous so we got a call for a Trail Hawk that has stuck way out on the Arizona strip south of elbow Canyon and some of the ruggedest country in the lower 48. oh somebody asked me what the lower 48 means because they were from like New Zealand or something nobody knows we also got another call and this is for a minivan that is out in a similar location like in the same area unbelievably we're going to be sending Hefe and his crew down there to get that one we're going down to pick up a minivan that broke its oil pan or something and haul it in a Mesquite me and my crew are going to be going down to get the Trailhawk it's supposed to be a horrible Trail we have two options going the awful side that's short or the long roundabout easier way we're going in the hard way we were told it's impossible and that brought the Gambler out in me so we're leaving the yard right now we're gonna head down to Littlefield we're going to meet back up at the gas station grab supplies and Fuel and then head out into the rugged rugged Wilderness that's right we're getting fuel before we leave and we have the keys so today we're gonna do the impossible we do that every day again all right we loaded up and left the yard and peanut wasn't having it here peanut look at the camera she was not having us leave without her and she stowed away and we caught her and then she looked at me with those puppy dog eyes because she literally has puppy dog eyes so I did something I never do I put the middle seat up lost my arm rest traded it for a peanut this is gonna be a day for sure oh peanut loves you oh yeah I know from peanut she stops moving trying to lick your face she doesn't just sit still she's not a lap dog she's everywhere we got team Trailhawk over here trying to butt in on our video we're only going out to recover cool rides minivans all right so we're fueling up right now we are over where we at Littlefield Nevada uh we're going to go recover a minivan that's somewhere out there I'm guessing it's that way out in that region Beyond the Palm Trees we are fueling up right now Matt's feeling up trying to keep everybody alive I'm just looking at if I should get um original Teriyaki Greg you look like you need this all right we're all fueled up we got our Stacks we got our treats this is where we leave Hefe and team minivan go team Trailhawk yeah trailhawks we're going up over those mountains right there that's where we're headed bye team minivan we definitely have the cooler team name Oh by far minivan we have a mascot too this is our Trailhawk [Music] so we just parted ways Matt got off the previous exit but we're heading down another 20 miles we're gonna go through Bunkerville and hopefully avoid a bunch of dirt road because all of our tires are at like 60 PSI it'll be miserable driving down a dirt road for very long distance we don't want to change them because we're going to jump back on the highway and we don't have an air pump with us probably a mistake but we do have spares this is also going to be a really good test for the trailer that Colby and I repaired Anton so we'll see if it all stays together on this trip good luck Matt okay we got a couple of mountains in front of us here so we're gonna go around this first one in between that next one and wind up in between this third one I've never been here but I've heard that this road is impassable and impossible he came in from the top side so we're cutting about 65 miles out of this trip so if we find a good place to turn the trailer around anywhere in the next mile or two we'll pull off the road and unload and go about our business what do you think of this place getting excited are you ready to get out who's gonna launch starting to do a little math in my head to figure out how we're gonna get all the people in the truck plus peanut how's that going I'm kind of ignoring it two seats four people one dog beautiful weather though we find ourselves in this situation a lot where I'm unfamiliar with the area I've never been on this road I've never been up the canyon we know that we've had some really bad weather like a lot of rain and roads are washed out the customer says how terrible it is like it's impassable and they may be right but we just don't know until how we get up there so we're gonna find out in the next few minutes if this road is impossibly impossible or if it's not really that bad [Music] we have ramps attraction boards and the reason we have that is because we know this is going to be crazy rough and the Trailhawk is basically a car with a two inch lift I want to come back out this way really bad it's very short it's like seven miles versus 70 miles so we're bringing some bridge building materials I'm going to say something very controversial here if you used traction boards to get yourself out you were never really stuck in the first place and I know there's exceptions but I'm talking about 99.999 of the time traction boards got you out you weren't stuck comment below if you disagree with me we do need this strapped up right there with a matte strap okay that is held in there so we're heading to Arvada Springs and we're meeting Leroy there and he has the keys it's supposedly a little town down here a little compound of some kind I have never been out on this part of the Arizona strip the Arizona strip is huge it's the strip that lies between the Grand Canyon and Utah that's everything on that area is called the Arizona strip but we'll go see if we can get these keys and get this man out I think this is the last time we're seeing pavement so it's going to be a bouncy Road we have about 24 miles to get to aravada and this road is Bumpy we're doing about 35 miles an hour and we're getting bounced all over the place GPS says we'll be there in an hour and 15 minutes it's probably right I just hope we don't blow a tire or something [Music] caution use at your own risk these services are not regularly maintained four-wheel drive recommended or a minivan the road just got worse we're heading up through it looks like a canyon we're stuck doing around 10 miles an hour now I hope Matt's road is a little bit nicer than ours but I doubt it because all the roads out here are bad I really hope we are taking the right way because it does not look like there's anywhere to turn around we've still got another 16 miles to go and this is rough yeah it's starting to look like a river like a dried out riverbed more than it is starting to look like a road well uh check this out so Jefe was like look at this Trail kind of looks like it goes into a cave let's see what we got this is sweet whoa [Music] this is a cool little pit stop area Pizza uh we're just on the trail and we found a cave look how steep this is to climb down in here you can kind of see we had to do some traversing be careful have fun [Applause] I think this is one way to get down all right so the problem is we've got two seats on the inside but we have a whole bunch of seats on the outside so I guess it's not a problem got a place for a dog yep Peanut's gonna have to ride right there or if you can ride on my lap you want to ride on my lap I think I've reached that where I'm being ridiculous about my dog's comfort yeah you're there [Music] all right yeah this water disappears straight out of the ground so peanut just took a good dip in the pool so she's all soaked up and ready for her run we're about two miles away from the customer we're driving pretty slow we're less than five miles an hour this is a good dog pace I don't think we're on the road anymore neither yeah sure that's I think you're right [Music] so the road is starting to deteriorate look a little bit more like the customer said it's getting rougher and it probably will from here all the way to his vehicle we're about a mile and a half away okay oh look at this thank you only more primitive we got a little bit of work to get that out of here yeah it's not going to be real fast going if they took their minivan up this I wouldn't even be mad I'd be impressed okay so we're at a really gnarly spot this is probably where they broke their oil pan the truck is bottoming out when I have a two inch lift on it so if that allow you know how tall these rocks are so Rhett and Jake are gonna guide me up through here we're gonna see if we can get past it hopefully we can get into some better roads all right [Music] I can't see a minivan going up this I just can't see it how's it going back up a little bit how much worse does it get up there okay I guess we got a minivan somewhere up there we're going to get out like how did somebody bring a minivan up here another way in we probably took the wrong way this is the stuff [Music] so before we left the yard I showed Matt a map of where Google Maps was trying to take us to get out here to this point I did notice while we were driving that Google Maps was like faster route found and changed it halfway down so we are now not on the right Road there's no way that this was a trail that Matt told us to take this is a four-wheel drive Trail so we're just creeping along nice and slow hoping not to pop a tire or break something that they told me we'd never go rock crawling in this truck now we are not because we chose to thanks Google [Music] what y'all's about going as plans I wonder how my dad's job is doing I hope he's doing better than us so we've just gluing uh our second Airline we must be getting some crazy under hood tents which I wasn't expecting because there's no sides to the hood yeah these hoses are just getting blasted hot that popped right out of there I think you can push that back together I don't know how after it cools off yeah it actually like the insert yeah these wires are just blasted hot they're just too just close to them headers we've got to get them headers dropped we need the new set on wrap them I've had several comments that we should be using cast iron manifolds and I would I totally would the problem is is they're too close to the motor and the outlets clear back here which would mean I would be into the cab further yeah they're totally the wrong shape I wonder if we could get a reverse one we need one that kicks out though they all they all kick in but if we didn't if we did a cast iron manifold we got it this wheel gets into here pretty close it's unbelievable that is putting so much heat into that frame these slow hill climbs yeah this is the conditions it's not that hot out here and there's air movement I'm still baffled these are out in the open air they're not like it's not like they're trapped under a hood there's a definite reason they're coming apart they're too hot so this is what came out of there it just got hot enough to get soft enough to release that now I've just gotta push it back in there okay so that's pushed back in there that's pushed back in there I don't feel like we're really pushing it I don't know what we could do to slow it down okay well we'll got to get to them when we turn around it'll all be downhill and it'll be a lot easier we're about a mile away 1.2 yep okay we're not far okay let's go there's nothing we can do but go yeah it says we are getting really close 0.1 miles so we should see them anytime now we're starting to think this is the same road we did the job with the banana and getting the razor oh here we go I think this is elbow Canyon here he is all right Matt how do you feel about doing the impossible you did it today we did it I think we're gonna get this right out of here that way no problem there'll be a few problems but we'll fix them I think it's lunch time I agree we're gonna grab some lunch and then we're gonna turn around and we're gonna do this [Music] and they have pine hard like this it's almost like a nut you can chew it then it and it ends up like chewing gum the biggest problem with it is this for the first two minutes it crumbles into dirt and it tastes like turpentine so if you can get past the first two minutes then it becomes incredible it sounds really enticing 9 out of 10 people spit and wretch and complain about it for the rest of the day and then there's one weirdo that'll be like oh that wasn't that bad trust me it was that bad but it's worth it well I'm not the one out of ten tell me tell me what it's like I want a little experience it's awful you know here there's another cream no awesome restart my clock oh this is bad it just crumbles of pieces yeah it's like eating a graham cracker that tastes like turpentine and dirt now if you have a tapeworm your tapeworm's dead now oh it's fantastic it's a dewormer huh it is like gum but it still tastes bad I never said it tasted good I was I was waiting for it to go like spearmint flavor are you gonna it's gonna go less like dirt why are we eating it well it kills tapeworms and pinworms I didn't have any worms and hookworms well I didn't know that thank you I can't believe you did it this is not a Willy Wonka moment with the you know the gum that changes I'm gonna turn into a big blueberry worst gum ever it starts awkward because I got to show you something let me chewed on in my mouth some of you might find this interesting with this kind of thing bothers you avert your eyes there it is it's gum just like gum you would chew like if there was some sort of organic homeopathic gum that's what it's like just like gum but it tastes awful the worst gum ever let me tell you how it ends it'll be just like this it'll get slightly stiffer and then one time you'll bite on it and it will shatter in your mouth and you're like you gotta spit it all out it's like everywhere it's done at that point you can't reconstitute it can't wait for that I thought there was like a positive note like at some point [Music] there's some up here laying on the road let me see if it's part of this Jeep [Music] this yeah yeah it's a plastic pan super good idea on an off-road vehicle must have taken pretty good hey peanut [Applause] automatic transmissions like this should not be ran without fluid so the engine shouldn't be running and you also shouldn't flat to them even if they have fluid you shouldn't flot to them I don't know of any modern transmission automatic transmission that has a pump on the output so it's basically the the bearings that are high in the transmission don't get any oil we've got about seven miles to get this out of here the only way to get this out is going to be flat covered out we're going to be dragging it out this is one of the situations where it is what it is we got to get it out of here we're going to try to get it out of here with the least amount of damage but we're going to be doing something with the transmission that the owner's manual said you shouldn't do let's see what it says about flat Towing it's not going to say anything about plot towing with uh with a hole in the oil pan well let's just read what it says I think we're up on top so I'm hoping the road gets a lot better now because look at that beautiful view [Music] we are definitely testing out how good Kobe's and Jake's welds are I hope they hold out I do too I didn't see a ramp Lane on the ground we got done with that well that's a good sign so we ran into a roadblock that's a good sign the Cowboys out here know that they were expecting us so they're watching for us all right we're in the right area this is where they said we're picking up the keys we got to figure out where this guy is that we're meeting though he's somewhere around here and said you came this way well we came in the wrong way we came in you didn't come out oh yeah this is a full-service Campground you can rent there's uh Deluxe cabins up there down here below you'll see that there's six basic cabins you can rent teepees there's some miners tents over there that can you you can rent the bunk house here is part of it there's a pond that's probably the Striking feature of this place is the pond at beers just love it out here so go to to book a stay out here all right this was a cool pretty cool place we got the keys and now we're heading back the way we came which wouldn't have been the case if we would have headed the right way and then we're gonna make a slight right I'm surprised we didn't see the vehicle but it's like three miles away should be there in a minute there's the oil trail we're getting close they are out of oil right here right there [Music] so here's what we're gonna try and do we're gonna try and push the minivan backwards up a little bit and then push it onto the trailer that way we have a little bit of momentum if we have to we'll use the winch see we have the key I need to do you think Matt got to his vehicle already I bet you they already got it recovered [Music] oh what the heck try again try reverse we're gonna have to go to the manual [Music] I'm not staring who's steering jump in all right I'm gonna guide you as you're [Music] all right driver hit the brakes break okay good [Music] all right we're just hooking up to the a arm so you can use the winch puller up on we're about out of here the repairs that we did to the trailer seem to have worked Tom's winch job did great the trailer ramps were still connected and they held while the van went up onto it so I think that our job from last weekend was a success one of the main reasons why I love matte straps is because they're so Universal like this you can use them right just like this hook them up you can't get a hook through a tire like this with a regular strap so these are great Universal straps for everything and they're very high quality all right let's roll we're all loaded up we're gonna eat lunch on the road because we packed lunch with us this time thank you Jamie we're to the road that we should have come in on we're gonna see how much better this road is than the one we did coming on so far it's pretty luxurious Mesquite is right over that hill so we just got to go down and around at this so far this is a way better Road [Music] we're on paved road now we totally went the wrong way out here that could have been a really easy commute to go pick this van up but why why do it the easy way they made it the real fun one it was we have made it back to civilization we did pretty dang well our trailers in one piece the cars in one piece we're doing good so far I wonder how Matt's doing I hope he's doing as well all right we just checked the manual it says it's safe to Plateau if we tow less than 30 miles an hour and less than 30 miles so I think we're seven miles and we're going to be going about one mile an hour all right we're gonna get this turned around and hooked up we're going to be using a 20-foot mats recovery rope these are excellent tow ropes because they have some give to them and then Lizzy's gonna be picking her own way let's see how the brakes are for a minute here and then we'll have you set it off I'd like to run the motor as least as possible yeah thank you it's in neutral and it's blinking like it should it's out of fluid but you need the parking brake off it is it's off so take your foot off the brake and let's see if it'll roll oh stop does it have a neutral I'm wondering if there's the control is right there is it a how do you put it in neutral I don't know with a paper clip I hold it and this red light blinks uh I can hear it doing something down there could the owner's manual how to get turned off let's read about that for the first time ever books one out overlooks so apparently not only does this have a park and a parking brake but it has a secret parking Paul for just the rear axle inside the console hidden but we found it it's right here so Tom's being modest he said we found it but he found it but I'm actually the one that pulled the tether so I don't know I think this is 50 50. okay Lizzy let's roll on out of here I don't know why cars have to do that like hey let's make a whole bunch of secret parts thank you foreign I thought you're gonna make it you're all but there yeah it rolls really nice the airbags are pumped all the way up so you see how I'm riding but but the ground clearance we're getting out of it is worth it in my opinion [Music] oh and then when it starts rolling turn all the way to the left what [Music] you can turn me into a mango okay stop [Music] so is it just it's just dying no power steering no power brakes on that sometimes it runs and sometimes it stops trickiest spot we found on the whole thing on our way in so we stacked all of our traction boards in here trying to make ramps kind of using them like rocks you're lined up right on them okay okay steer a little bit left but you're right you're on it perfect this one's bouncing let's get some rocks up here I think this will do it all right pull me gentle men what do I need to do you can start turning right a little bit okay okay back there this side's okay [Music] oh yeah [Music] so this is going pretty good it's a little bit tedious but it's going okay I just hope jefe's job is going nice and smooth we're here at John's Truck and Auto Repair we're gonna go see where they want it [Music] nice despite going the wrong way we got out with no mishaps Matt is just getting done with his job I guess they're loading it up so he'll be about 30 minutes behind us team minivan for the win there is no competition [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] [Applause] got about two feet here Tom all right phase one is complete phase two is to take this to the Jeep dealership and drop it off how's that looking under there that's not going anywhere I'm so glad phase one is over I'm ready for the AC well I just heard from Jefe and he's ahead of us they got their job done and they were back in St George so we're about I don't know 45 minutes behind them except for we still got to drop this rig off so we're gonna be like an hour and a half behind by the time this is over everything went really good Matt continually surprised me what he was able to drive up without any power he must have really been cruising on the way down I know how we were bumping but I have learned how to break a couple of laws and one of them is the laws of gravity impressive impossibly impressive so we did The Impossible today we got to be pretty happy about that I mean it was impossible and now it's not impossible anymore thanks for watching maybe like that see what happens what do you think peanut how was that job
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 715,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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