What Cringe Company Office Culture Made You Quit? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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redditors who left companies that non-stop talk about their amazing culture what was the cringe moment that made you realize you had to get out they changed the title of the receptionist to director of first impressions edit for everyone asking it's a tiny company in the midwest a co-worker was forced to work while her mother was dying in hospice mom dies she quits they escort her off the premises like a criminal not my company but a company from a neighboring building they had an entire area devoted to football pinball billiards console gaming and video booths on the ground floor and it was clearly visible because of the glass windows on street level oddly enough nobody ever used them and the place was almost always empty safe for a few people who use the internet kiosks when i learned a friend worked there i asked why nobody would want to take the opportunity to use the awesome looking recreational facility he told me that people who do use the facility often found it used against them during performance evaluations even when their use wasn't excessive at all after a while word got around and they started avoiding the place altogether the irony is that their recruitment ads always touts a culture of work hard play hard we had a problem with the client and the boss dumped all of the blame on a 24 year old woman who was basically his most loyal employee he made her cry in front of the client as if that would somehow help save the relationship when i went to firm drinks in a public bar and the firm's fund committee handed out song sheets and a choir of employees lead by a bad guitarist sang a song about how great the firm was to the tune of us of course i'm happy we were expected to sing along it was at that moment i realized i was in a cult bought out by an equity group new president on call with thousands of employees says we have two kinds of employees those that work a tremendous number of ours and those that that should find another company to work for i'm in management and we just got the message that bonuses for the last financial year were severely cut across the business probably going to receive 30 of our total potential at best then attended our financial end-of-year results meeting the next day to be told that net profits were 18 up nearly 1 billion total and the best performance in years all thanks to us okay planning on leaving now edit cleared up the 30 lush when we couldn't say bathroom on the shop floor and instead had to ask a manager for serenity treat every dollar like it was your own yahoo right after we went well over targets for the entire year and then was told a christmas party wasn't financially viable because expenses it's one of the biggest hospitality groups in australia btw when i took a 40 pay cut with no change in workload by being moved to salary we treat our employees like family ignores harassment claims hires from outside the company refuses to give out decent pay we'll write you up for doing overtime but the ceo just bought himself a new bmw i hate that place we management team spent months working with a business coach trying to collectively come up with meaningful core values we devoted a ton of time to it and really tried to decide which direction we wanted to take the company culture everybody agreed on teamwork reliability a couple others that i can't remember now and then one day the owner came in and called a meeting he sat us down in the boardroom and told us he spent all weekend brainstorming and had decided on the core values they were meaningful ownership neighborhood engagement you does anybody see what that spells he literally wanted it to be money and just came up with words that sort of worked the way you do in elementary school write in your name poem he rebranded the entire company from t-shirts with giant first letters and smaller letters for the rest of the word straight down the arms to plagues wraps on the cars every duck and thing and that's when we all knew it was going to get bad money is great but it was mortifying walking driving around with that plastered everywhere this is what the woman who interviewed me said here are cheapskate architects we don't often do all-nighters for our customers but when we do it's a real pizza party also we don't pay overtime we do it for the love and your wage is 22k even though you are an architect and also i won't be there because i'm hr management because i'm married to the director yes we need an hour depth even though there's three employees my last job was at an independent school in the uk the wealthy type during a period of streamlining the entire faculty were called into a hall and told in upbeat terms that we were struggling to make ends meet salaries were too high perks were too abundant and spending was unsustainable for clarity salaries weren't too high and perks were practically non-existent spending was definitely unsustainable however in part because they were spending hundreds of thousands redesigning the senior staff offices to hide all the cabling and install proper wood paneling so then they started listing off perks and assigning them a value for example free parking well know it the school has a lot of land and isn't in a city why would you charge secondly nice surroundings well again know it that's part of your marketing appeal long holidays nice try but i work all holiday they didn't even get as far as telling me what they planned to do with my job and pay i was gone in less than three months not me but my husband worked for two weeks for a family owned and operated business that's touted how important family was and that they were all one happy family my husband was on his way to drop our at the time two-year-old son offered daycare before work when son threw up all over himself husband called his employer to tell them what happened and that he needed to take son home and clean him up but he'd be in a sap his manager told him he needed to get his priorities straight he responded with you know what you're right i won't be back in it all he was still working part-time at his previous job where they had been sad that he was leaving so he called them and told them to put him back on the schedule full time the family business is currently in the process of liquidating assets before going out of business and i cackle every time i drive past it my district manager told me to talk my key holder out of going back to college mind you she wanted to be a doctor they were proud that no one had degrees that's fine but i'm not working 45 plus hours a week and mandatory holidays just to sell some shoes the loyalty my coworkers had were so cringy they didn't understand how we were being taken advantage of because we didn't get our degrees anyways f you going back to school was the best decision i've made this happened a couple of weeks ago when hr sent out an email to management excluding me and about two other people telling them to fraudulently leave good reviews on glassdoor and to coerce others to do the same edit i'm not exactly on a throwaway so i'm going to refrain from mentioning the company at this time however it looks like this is a common issue and there needs to be a better way to call this out had a wall of crazy where the ceo wanted to spend 20k on cool and g stuff for the office and staff could make suggestions slides beanbags napping pods etc project was scrapped when the top suggestions ended up being desks chairs working heating working wi-fi health insurance edit not american or swedish i worked at this business that was real keen on telling everyone they were like a family and chastising me for not going to company parties etc but that also refused to pay overtime and expected me to work late two or three times a week as well as doing a 14 hour a day twice a month for stock take end of month apparently because we're a family we were all expected to chip in on the big days except it was literally justice bottom tear workers who had to stay late i quit that place and never looked back [Music] when i started actually working on the floor and management was nowhere to be found i worked at bank and one of my colleagues was stabbed 30 times by a customer i was completely shaken the next morning we were taken into a big room and made to sign a document saying we wouldn't sue them if we didn't sign we'd lose our jobs also my colleague was stabbed only a month after they got rid of our security guard to save money did it since so many people have asked he did survive he lost an eye and now limps but he's alive at least edit two band is essentially british home depot when our universities vp explained that the goal of every tenured faculty member was to write enough grants to pay our salaries and replace us with tas every semester ideally every undergrad class also we'd be under a hiring freeze but could feel free to be creative and use temporary grant money to hire tenured faculty also we'd all be paying an extra two hundred and fifty dollars a year in parking fees to fund a new student parking lot dear lord i'm glad i'd already decided to leave peter i cannot identify the state university system in question the comments suggest that it's not alone in its approach if you're looking for a good college to attend ask plenty of questions for the love of god ask about accreditation and do not take we're finalizing it right now as an answer nor we're accredited by the three other colleges we're co-scamming with if you're more specifically concerned about the problem i describe ask probing questions about the percentage of classes taught by full-time faculty and grab copies of the course catalog and campus directory faculty list to check the reality of offerings i would also ask about advising colleges without advising staff offload that duty onto professors and that can make it very difficult to get your advisors attention i worked at outback the amount of team meetings and mandatory enthusiasm was ridiculous i was given the chance to backpack across europe with some friends for about three weeks one summer i told my manager and she goes three weeks i don't know you'll really have to work hard up until then and then i'll let you know if you can take that time off i straight up told her it's not if you let me go it's if you still let me work here when i get back there when i got back i immediately started looking for new jobs my last job was for a large cinema chain the incentive of working there was free movies and great culture with the colleagues this seemed great on paper there were five pillars of the company a newish thing since they were bought out one of them being osifin now i worked at one of the largest branches in the company with 50ish employees at the time every morning before we opened the doors the managers made us huddled together like a football team and gave us our morning pet talk all right guys listen up today is going to be great we've got the new x movie and whoever sells the most of why promotional item gets a free soda drink whoa go go go it's going to be amazing can you top this week's record for best reviews whoever gets the most good reviews today gets a free popcorn whoa man i hated it so much no one cared but they preached this speech at the beginning of every shift change despite every single employee being completely deadpan it was like a school care worker trying to get adults to play bricks and build the tallest tower awful i learned at an internship that we work hard and play hard means we want you to work 75 hour weeks but sometimes we'll put doughnuts in the break room when attending a management retreat and was pressured into buying charity raffle tickets i couldn't afford twenty dollars the two people who won before me donated their winnings to the same charity they bought the raffle tickets from they were middle management pissing match people who make 100 k plus i made 32 dollars k with a young daughter i won a drawing for 400 i literally had austria for two days trying to figure out how i was going to pay my bills after my job had just moved the goal posts on some sales performance bonuses i had coming my way dropping it effectively from dollar sign 1000 to dollar sign 200 now i'm the [ __ ] who's going to keep the money i won guess i'm not a team player bonus this was four hours drive from home had an overnight stay and one of those middle management ducks in an example of what should be on or off the clock said we shouldn't be paid for the drive to the retreat duck you i was on the clock from the time i left friday until i got home sunday if you're forcing me to be somewhere as part of my job it's all on the clock my district manager didn't like that and i was already looking for the door this is for flight center headquartered in brisbane australia but they are a global company trading under many names i think it's liberty travel in the states anyway everything about the company internally scrams cringe everyone treats the ceo like a ducking god his name is screw and when he takes a selfie it's called a scruffy ugg and they opened a foreign exchange atm at the head office that they call the scrutin which sounds like scrotum if you ask me it's dark and ridiculous when i was asked to sleep with a potential client edit the rest of the story at the time i was in my early twenties i'm female looking back i realize i had more going one looks wise than i knew back then this was decades ago my boss business owner always told us that he thought of the office as one big family he also referred to the female employees as his girls a new client is coming into the office my boss called me into his office and told me he was going to give me the company credit card so i could take the potential new client out for dinner and drinks he told me to sleep with him we need this client if everyone wants to get paid nice added pressure i said no and the next day quit a couple of months earlier my boss had invited me over to his house for dinner with his family and a swim in his pool because he said he knew how hard i had been working i was a little surprised that he finally noticed and thought it was kind that he wanted to do something nice for me i get there and his wife and kids are gone but there is a 25 year old guy in his pool the son of a client who just got out of the army he told me he was trying to fix me up on a date because i needed to get out more like an idiot i believed him it wasn't until later that i realized that he was hoping i'd show more interest in the guy i found out later that he had asked all the female employees at one point to sleep with clients the secretary actually did she was a young single mom and was worried she'd be fired if she said no after i quit she told me she wish she had the option to quit i didn't realize what she was saying until we talked later at the time his daughter was around four years old when i quit i asked him how old would his daughter have to be before he asked her to sleep with clients i thought he was going to hit me i have a thousand stories about working at this place the guy was an unethical idiot a dangerous combination but i learned a lot about how to not run a business from him i've owned my own business for 30 years now i've never asked an employee to sleep with clients or even go out for drinks i had the benefit of growing up in a family with money i wasn't earning much and would probably not have been able to quit and move without the assistance of my parents i never told them what happened when i told my dad i quit he was happy you hated the place now that i'm older and times have changed i would know what to do i would hope he'd face consequences today this isn't considered a regular part of business me too wasn't a thing back then no one really cared this was the only time i was directly asked to sleep with a client but not the only time i faced sexual harassment at work it was so common for me and my friends that when we pushed back against it we felt like we were really on the leading edge of changing work environments for women i guess we were but sad that we needed to be i certainly hoped women didn't face this anymore but the recent news set me straight on that i was at a fast casual restaurant for a couple months and the gm always talked about the culture you know what's a great culture when the morning shift and night shift have their daily screaming matches over it that they each accuse the other one of needing to do it was impressive just how incompetent the entire company was from ownership down when my art director wanted to get a pro bono poster on verbal abuse done faster by screaming at the designer my boss came up with a campaign called smova's smile and move we needed to be smothers and encourage other associates to be happier that they worked for a dead end retail corporate job he gave us bracelets to wear in little cards to keep on our person at all time like we worked at a written timeshare property with owners who owned part of a small independent timeshare in the early 2000s that was bought out by a huge hotel conglomerate that destroyed the entire aesthetic of what they originally invested into so these are embedded hateful people always wanting refunds for ciliate like a broken treadmill in the gym literally had a grown-ass man followed by his wife an hour later yelling raised voices in the lobby at my young visibly pregnant self because a lifeguard moved their towel from their beach chair after they left for two hours to take a nap in their room on the fourth of july while were at full capacity lol on top of the daily emails reminding us that working for wyndham was the best choice we've ever made in life and constant reminders from upper management what our mission in life your life's purpose the reason you were born was to reason on a daily basis with unreasonable garbage humans as hard as you can until they give us a five on their surveys i declined all requests for transfers and just got out as fast as i could last year i was working as a subcontractor and i was assigned a new place of work just two weeks after i started the new boss wanted to hire me he put down the contract where compared to my current contract pay was down 25 average weekly hours hours went up by 20 vacation days went down by 10 and i wouldn't have a company car for personal use anymore before he actually handed me the contract to read it he said i will only make you this offer once but it's only valid if you change all your pictures on your social media and you sell your car it's too flashy for our company um how about no pizza hut where will pizza hut take you during the interview i was told the work is hard but we feel like a family and we can always itch about the bad customers after a shift the people that were horrible the managers made you do two people's jobs for less money i was paid minimum wage for my age 4.00 an hour and the company purposely brought on 16 year olds for that reason i was also told that they didn't have enough money to pay me so my shift was cancelled i was told i'd be paid to complete my training and i wasn't our manager would fling the corks of prosecco bottles at the waitresses to make them scared there would be regular breakdowns from cooks and waiters i would regularly get screamed at in front of the whole restaurant for silly things like the knives and forks not being straight enough even though they would leave me by myself as in i was the only waiter still working one week after my first shift the waitresses would always itch about the other people in the restaurant and would shout at me for asking questions even on my first day at one point an outside chef was brought in from a different restaurant and he didn't realize he had to wash up cutlery because he doesn't have to lose his place that's an entirely separate job so we ran out of cutlery and the two more experienced waitresses instead of helping me and washing up the cutlery or teaching me how to do it myself would just hoard the cutlery so it was me that would run out then my manager would have another go at me duck that place when i had to phone around to the corporation leaders to find out why none of the mechanics i had interviewed were hired the mechanics had come from all over the country and some had waited patiently for months to know if they got the job or not turned out the ceo had changed his mind and wanted me to take care of all mechanic work i was a factory manager but they knew i'd be upset so neither he hr or the ceo wanted to be the one to tell me i worked for a company that prides itself on being in the top 100 places to work in the us they bought the hospital i was working for currently while i was doing it work there for a year they let me stay at the current hospital i was at i worked with a team for countless hours getting ready to switch out it infrastructure over to match the place's new software etc we changed out all 900 computers at our location after that was done i was then told that in the next few months i would have to commute to the main campus to keep my job at driver for me was over five hours round trip they did not offer me to transfer or even pay compensation for driving there i was literally forced to quit at this point all because a new manager took over on the new fiscal year and decided that the i.t department i was in needed to all be at the main campus got hired on that the company treats everyone like family and everyone has each other's backs you're allowed to call out six times in a year period before termination which is reasonable when trying to acquire an ada to accommodate for days missed due to an illness my manager tried to talk me out of getting it saying it would look bad on my part went through the steps of getting the ada and then got threatened with termination for missing days because my calling off clearly wasn't related to my illness called out my manager for not working with my accommodation he just shrugged and said that sometimes getting fired builds character when they did their own harlem shake video well after the meme was dead i didn't leave right after that but that was the moment that made me realize that maybe this company wasn't as hip and on top of trends as they claimed to be i worked in a call center for one fo the big four my personal moment was when i got my dollar sign 2000 bonus withheld i was 22 so it wasn't chump change because i had to stop taking calls and answer our new hires questions my bosses would be m.i.a for four hours at a time and people needed help i figured it showed initiative and also kept the operation moving along since i was one of the top 10 reps they had i was mistaken i worked at an animal hospital that wanted to be and probably is to some the best hospital in the city had the most modern equipment looked incredibly nice inside good yelp ratings etc on top of that we were told during hiring that we were a huge family and everyone loved each other this couldn't be more wrong this place was the epitome of superficial the turnaround rate was out of control and people absolutely hated each other the pay was horrible even though we charged double the amount of any other hospital for our extensive care give management some credit for their effort but it was more about hiding issues instead of addressing them we couldn't talk about our concerns because it was considered gossip and people were fired frequently for this and apparently they've now put audio recording throughout the hospital to listen in on employees conversations i honestly don't know how anyone still works there hearing our ceo say compensation is only one part of the employment experience during an earnings call when he was answering complaints about underpaying his employees after we reported record profits it was a union shop roughly 150 union employees and 50 company employees the company always said how the people were their most important asset yet they segregated themselves by having a christmas party just for them no union allowed i was seen as the poor kid in the group because i hadn't been able to buy six hundred dollars worth of tools the first month come my first and only review it went something like this manager okay you haven't been able to afford the required toolkit so that's worked against your performance review also you need to improve me okay what do you mean by improve manager you just need to improve me okay i get that i need to improve like what specifically is an example of that manager we've tried pairing you with a variety of text and they agree you need to improve me okay name a recent job where i could have improved manager the generic name contract me all right what specifically about that contract could i have improved on can i have an example manager you just need to improve now i've already said that repeatedly now you need to stop making me repeat myself me oh you're right i agree i think i do need to stop stop working here i'm out i was told by management that because i was part-time i had to work extra hours granted the money was good but the exploitation wasn't fun duck hilton and duck working in hotels it can be truly rewarding at times but it's mostly 12 hours days working to please idiots i had just finished a 108 hour week because a server got hacked the server in question was one i warned them about and said it was vulnerable and we also had no contingency plan if it went down but a 5k server just wasn't in the budget which we ended up getting when it got compromised anyways so i go in and ask for some comp time since i'm salaried they told me i could leave that too three hours early on a friday sometime things turned out good though i left for a job with better pay and i'm still there four years later i just worked a 60-hour week due to a deadline but of my own accord no one said i had to my boss told me to take friday off and not use any pto on his own initiative i didn't even ask for it when i was bullied into working 76 hours a week because they could find other managers to cover the shifts but when i went on stress leave they miraculously managed to get all my hours covered with no one else working over 38 hours i can't say i've had a job where i needed to get out but i've had a few that set in realistic dishonest expectations for their culture got a job at a warehouse just out of high school on orientation day they told us all that we believe that you don't live to work you work so that you can live then they scheduled me 70 hours a week fortunately that was just a summer job in college i worked at wendy's and they kept telling us that we were a family i remember thinking nope you are just the means by which i pay my bills while i get an education i won't even remember half of you within a year of quitting i was right i worked at a popular travel stop oversized gas station it's practically a state icon they are famous for their good wages for a low income job there's a huge sign over every entry with the starting wages around 13 hr in a state where minimum wage is seven dollars and 25 cents customers think it's a great place to work they literally fired a girl for having a stroke edit so i actually didn't expect people to see this sorry it's taken so long to respond i wrote this right before i got off my grave shift [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 160,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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