What Is Your Workplace Trying To Hide From Customers? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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what did your job want you to hide from customers i work at a shoe store and we recently got a shipment of clearance sandals akka years old sandals they had shoved in some warehouse as i was putting them out i noticed some had green stuff all over them mold we were instructed by corporate to wipe it off and sell them anyway luckily my manager is sane and refuses to put out the moldy shoes but still some sketchy it restaurant that we would reheat sauces for several days and depending on how many times this had happened they would look and taste completely different i told my friends and family to not eat there is there was plenty of sketchy it going on there i worked at mcdonald's and they taught me how to pinch the fry carton just right while putting the fries into them so that it looked full but actually wasn't i only had one customer call me out on it he shook the fries out into his bag and poured them back into the fry carton himself and it only filled up halfway so i had to give him more fries i was impressed and embarrassed it's been seven years and i can still see his face worked for a shady computer repair company that took an electronic recycling he would charge a dollar an inch to dispose of old crt monitors and then toss them into the dumpster this was just one of the many shady things he did edit a lot of people are saying they'll just toss their stuff in the trash please don't there are legit places out there that will dispose of electronics responsibly look for companies that are r2 certified i work at a movie theater people are always trying to sneak food in in our employee handbooks it actually says people can bring food in as long as it doesn't smell bad it's funny to see customers nervously hide their bags so we don't see it edit while this blew up i work at a good rich quality theater i think all theaters will let you bring food in because it's in the handbook but the dog thing is probably just ours the reason my manager lets dogs in is because there's a homeless man that lives by the theater he has a dog named lucky and she is really well trained since she lets them and she lets other dogs in but only if they're quiet and don't disturb the movie edit too i've only seen like four other dogs than the homeless man's dog i think they were mostly service dogs and one lady had her chihuahua in her purse they haven't given us a reason to not allow it yet and nobody has complained so if you show up at a gqt in the midwest please don't complain about dogs i speak for all employees at my theater we like to pet them semicolon [Music] worked at a bike rent shop where we told customers we sanitized the helmets we rented via heat treatment heat treatment consisted of having some sorry ass high schooler run up to the top of the building essentially the attic of this old wooden structure and just leave them in boxes or if they were wet hung from nails to drip and dry i worked at an art glass store that sold glass mostly made in china with very few actual nice pieces we were told to peel the made in china stickers off if anyone asked where the glass came from we would say new jersey which is where the supplier was from i always felt like danny devito and matilda changing the odometer on his used cars at u-haul we weren't allowed to tell customers that trucks charge their fee by the 24 hours which means that a customer renting a truck for three hours is paying just as much as another customer who is renting it for the whole day for you whole employee asks if six hours is enough don't feel bad if you want to extend your time just in case edit since this is gaining some traction i think it's also worth noting to get the insurance if they offer it it's only 10-16 at a daily rate and doesn't hold you accountable if there are any damages to the vehicle trailer we had a customer whose trailer came off their vehicle causing him and the trailer to go into a ditch he rejected the insurance which meant all the damages had to be covered through him you all may overprice a lot of its equipment but that's the one thing i can recommend you put your money towards they don't make it clear enough how important it is you get protection disclaimer the insurance doesn't cover damage to the mom's attic and depending on the kind of insurance you purchased there may be a deductible is still recommended based off of the customers i've dealt with and how it could have helped their accidents however you should at least read into it before taking some random redditors advice i was a server at my first restaurant a few years ago you got it for calling in sick even if you were legit sick if you were sick they would tell you to go to the bathroom and do what's needed but get back to work a sap if you went to the bathroom too often sneezed coughed or did anything sick people do in front of customers you got scolded everyone ducking hated that manager i tried calling in one time because i was struggling to survive i was puking and eating every 30 minutes they were so pissed off because no one could cover my shift and said if i went home i would regret it when i started work i looked and felt like death the first table i went to was a party this lady said you don't look good you need to go home and when i responded with i'm okay no one can cover my shift and i need this job she got up and told me to follow her as we were walking she asked why i felt like i was going to get in trouble she flipped her it when i told her and walked straight to the manager like she was on a ducking mission and said i am a director of human resources at herpaderp i can't believe you would let him work like this and then threaten him when he wanted to go home sick i am going to contact corporate tomorrow for treating your staff in such an inhumane way and for putting your customers health at risk when he tried to respond he was bombarded so hard by this red-hot ball of fiery bostonian rage i started having vietnam flashbacks it was so ducking brutal i actually felt bad for him she told me to go home immediately she even offered to buy me an uber home and promised me there would be no repercussions in any way shape or form i'm six feet zero and at the time was pretty big but i was honestly so terrified of this five foot nothing woman i said yes ma'am and walked right out the door without clocking out this was in front of staff and customers the silence was palpable and i was in the limelight i could feel the eyes staring me down as i walked away illiterating my pants from fear and my stomach hurting i showed up to work a few days later and felt like a ducking rock star because my co-workers had the biggest eating grins on their faces giving me a thumbs up as i was walking to the back to clock in i was stopped by this professional as duck lady in a nice woman suit she sat me down and explained that she was from hr basically i was told to never fear for my employment if i needed to call in sick again and to take one more paid day off to fully recover i was like duck yeah while i was walking out a co-worker stopped me and said dude duckface hasn't been back to work since that night you went home i'm pretty sure he got fired i didn't see him again until recently when he was my server at a diner i was eating at the look on his face was priceless he went from being a manager at a very successful high-end pub to being my server at the equivalent to a dennis this wasn't the story you guys were looking for but it's one of my favorite stories the cup of soup and bowl of soup were the exact same size people would pay more for a bowl and just get a cup of soup in a bowl that was shorter and wider at the bottom than the cup during uni i used to waitress at pizza hut during one really busy shift the sign outside caught fire and our manager told us not to make a fuss keep serving and don't tell anyone so as the side of the building was on fire the fire engines turn up and fire fighters put the fire out we all carried on serving pizza i still don't understand why our manager wasn't fired excuse the pun for putting customer safety at risk edit the sign was attached to the building not just a random one in the road second edit at the time 95 of the staff were aged between 16 and 19 me included and so we didn't really think we could just leave if that happened to me now of course i would walk out third edit in the uk pizza hut still has restaurants with waiters and waitresses we do have fast food pizza huts but they're more for collection delivery of takeaways [Music] i've worked for two separate escape rooms everyone who didn't get out got really close usually we'll show you what you missed if there's only a few puzzles left if we don't show you anything it's because we didn't want to make you feel bad i used to work in a jewelry shop that sold cheap chinese it's silver gold painted plastic jewelry none of it being real metal but every sale i had to upsell one of these five dollars polishing cloths you can't polish a turd the only thing this cloth did was rub the cheap paint off the plastic faster i felt like such a con artist where all the stuff is i worked at a supermarket and we regularly reorganized the aisles put the bread on the one end of the shop and half a year later on the other end things like that marking it up so we can put it on sale edit i work at a small family owned specialty store i know a lot of bigger businesses have been caught doing this but my boss really is too in order to compete with them and their prices for a very short period of time i worked for an animal hospital their anesthesia machine hadn't been inspected in 10 plus years so the owner just gave the animals a ton of ketamine they also regularly overbooked surgeries many many animals died on the table there and the owners would make us come up a story about the animal having a heart defect or sensitivity to anesthesia the vet once forgot to declaw a cat just forgot and i was told to tell them it was because the animal didn't tolerate anesthesia well it was a show of horrors and i left as soon as i found another job did no i didn't report them i was young and naive and an idiot but within a few weeks after i left someone reported them and they were all over the news with various lawsuits so they did get theirs edit too i agree declawing is barbaric can't say i was upset when that left claws intact i have two cats that still have claws all the way around however the point wasn't how i personally feel about decline but that i was told to lie to a client one job wanted me to hide the fact that we were up selling grilled cheese edit i'm glad you all think that this is as ridiculous as i did the cheesecakes are not frozen they are deeply chilled which from what i have gathered is an industry term roughly equating to frozen af plus a bunch of other stuff worked at a nursery plants not babies that's old christmas trees in winter we had to have two employees per customer in the lot at all times one to talk to and distract the customer the other to hold up a particular tree they were interested in and shake the rats out while said customer was distracted basically these people were buying 50 rat nests to put in their house besides hiding how much we are marking up equipment those of us in the field have to actively hide all of the duck ups that happen back in the office oh it's on back order it will be in next week means that arsenal bob forgot to order it or we're actually on credit hold with that company because our customers don't pay us fast enough yeah there was a lot of traffic today means that [ __ ] steve gave us the wrong address and failed to mention the lack of a loading dock i worked in the vegetable seed industry some varieties that were exclusive to certain customers were just repackaged and renamed seed of an existing variety if something was underselling they just changed the name rewrote the description and claimed it was a better sister line it was always funny though when customers demanded the old line because a new one wasn't as good we'd just shrug change the label back to the old name and off it went the decaf at burger king isn't actually decaf it's just the regular coffee but watered down my uncle used to work in a restaurant many decades ago as a teenager it was his job each morning to strain the cockroaches out of the pancake syrup containers on each table daily deal company the fact that the third-party android tablets we were selling on our site for christmas weren't even in production yet we were basically just taking their money for that product there were parents who were super excited to find a great deal for their kid during the holiday rush and i felt like it having to sell it to them i was working customer service and they were usually calling to see how legit the product was i left soon afterwards is it hard to see why so i wasn't able to see the full consequence of that deal worked at a restaurant that also did catering people would come and for tastings regularly for things like weddings and we'd give them samples of some of our food the big thing of these tastings was the cheesecake which was made in-house to be served in the restaurant and was pretty great what we didn't tell them was that for catering events we bought premade cheesecakes instead i think they were marie calendars basically we'd sell them on our cheesecake then give them something less good that was easier cheaper for us honestly we were stretching ourselves a little thin with catering it was always a mess trying to get all the food prepared as well as run the restaurant we had one chef who worked every single day and the waiters doubled as caterers sometimes working long wait and catering shifts back to back when i still worked there staples charge 160 for basically running malwarebyte and ccleaner and called it virus removal and i think most people know 160 was bullet for that but it was always the old people that got screwed with that bs i machine embroider shirts for different companies if the stitching doesn't line up such as an outline around a logo and the colors allow for it we have a bucket full of markers to recolor the tread even going as far as coloring the shirt that shows through to make it look cohesive the best ones are sharpie or dry erase markers in canada we have the scanning code of practice we weren't allowed to tell customers that their stuff should be free if it rang up wrong we don't wash the blankets every day your ac probably has milled your mold in it unless you have a full-size ac in it also we don't vacuum your floor very well and not everything at break is fresh cooked i worked at a high end resort like two thousand dollars person a night at the time they build themselves as eco but did things that definitely weren't probably the most enjoyable were the slop dumping runs where we would go and dump kitchen scraps in the ocean the idea was to not have bears get into it so we'd freeze it in five gallon buckets and go dump it in the ocean we used the same spot and had a crab trap set up there because this stuff attracted crabs like crazy we were instructed to not dump slop on guest arrival days though since there was a bit of a slick formed who knew rich people food was so fatty anyway one day we forgot and dumped a load on an arrival's day when one of the guests commented on the slick i blamed the fish farms nearby they have since changed their ways and run a pretty good show now but back in the day we were eco in front redneck in the back a burrito chain that i worked at was on undercover boss in the episode the chain wouldn't let abc show the fact that our guacamole comes from avocado paste not fresh avocados the turnover rate is insane the leadership is a cult if you get in trouble they cut your pay in half and make you work twice as hard then fire you that we're not wearing any pants behind these desks that's why we don't get up my old boss invented a fake employee that he would blame all mistakes on when speaking with customers once in a while he would tell the customers he fired that imaginary employee and then come up with a new name for a new imaginary employee that would be the new sucker i worked at a popular chain sandwich restaurant in the chesapeake bay region many customers would order the crab sandwich which was on our local menu as seafood sensation the mixture was just thought imperial crab which is just fish and mayonnaise we were told not to tell customers that it lacked any actual crab it was also foul smelling and plain disgusting edit first of all r.i.p my inbox secondly it was indeed subway i'm not sure why i felt like being ambiguous thirdly i'm not knocking anyone for liking it but i will say that it was not popular and we did not often refill our stock of it there were often time where we would finally empty the bin of it only to pull it on the cold well and see that it had expired again expiration dates don't always mean inedible but in the case of fish it can be risky also at my particular subway we would turn the cold well off an hour before close to allow for the ice to thaw off the walls so we could clean it without our rag freezing to the metal take that as you will but it probably indicates a strong lack of temperature regulation for most products in fast food drive through comes first because they're the majority of customers if you come and you'll get your food between us serving drive through they've asked a few girls on their periods to keep working also are not supposed to talk about the prostitution that goes on the club doesn't make anything from it and aren't doing anything illegal but we're not supposed to draw attention to it anyway i worked as a delivery driver for this japanese restaurant that had two location about 10 minutes apart we only had one delivery driver on duty at a time and we were not allowed to tell the customers what sucked about that is that both restaurants had a delivery radius of 5 miles and sometimes there would be a delivery order at the other location which was only like one mile away from the house you were supposed to deliver to but really it was a longer drive for you since you were like five miles away at the other location not only would you just get a two dollar delivery fee when it should have been five dollars but then you had to deal with people angry that their food took so long when they thought you were super close on top of that when you were working as a cashier the only tips you were allowed to keep were the ones left on the table anyone's left one of the two tip jars we had or written on credit card recipients in the restaurant went to the owners and not us it felt nice when people would tip us because we provided a good service but then it felt itty that you wouldn't see any of that money do not buy produce from walmart just don't do it we get a fresh shipment every day one quarter of which is already rotten i don't mean a little mold i mean rotting to the point of putrefaction these items tend to be on top so everything below them has been fouled by a cascade of slurry the next quarter has clearly been dropped on the floor of the warehouse and then hastily placed back together blueberries and strawberries intermingled with reckless abandon the third quarter is completely smashed now walmart is not known for its stringent hiring policies but the people who build and ship these pallets have so little understanding of how physics works that i find six fifteen pounds seven kg boxes of apples precariously balanced on a single veggie tray the final quarter is perfectly edible but it all goes to the floor because duck you guys edit thank you i meant to write 15 pounds i just made a stupid error if something you eat says no added x this means whatever ingredient x is it has been added instead by adding an ingredient naturally high in that in you of adding it in its pure form for example if you've got something that says no added msg they likely threw a bunch of yeast extract in there instead which contains plenty of msg edit a few people commented and i fully agree that msg is not bad or dangerous by any standard unless you have an allergy msg makes food have better flavor and texture and doesn't make something less healthy except for the health effects of sodium in general this is just an example they do the same things with other actually worrisome ingredients such as sodium nitrite at one spa it was the clocks they didn't want clients to see what time it was because they would make us cut their massage sessions so they didn't want them to know they were being cheated at my last spa our aromatherapy we charged extra for wasn't even real aromatherapy my boss didn't want to pay the money for real essential oils so they bought fragrance oil or worse flavors used to usually make lip balm i worked in car rental in ireland we weren't supposed to sell the extra insurance to spanish or italian customers because they are not known for being great drivers and often damage the cars much more profitable to only sell insurance to people who won't use it we don't have quality control to make sure people's medicaid doesn't get screwed up by our grossly incompetent employees who are too dense to comprehend eligibility rules i worked at a grocery store with a bakery the fresh baked bread was fresh baked the fresh baked garlic bread was the bread that didn't sell yesterday with garlic butter on it edit it has been pointed out to me that this is how it is normally made my main point was that we were told not to inform customers of this and tell them it was baked fresh that morning that our credit card had about a 24 interest rate i had to tell them they'd get approved in two minutes but honestly over half the time their credit was too bad for them to get approved waste of their time but i just made some extra money at ra green they told us to tell customers rain won't wash away the liquid fertilizer and weed control we spray but it does a simple google search will tell you they also tell customers we can kill crab grass and other grassy weeds what they don't tell you is that when grassy weeds die they don't wilt away they turn purple but they will still be there i work in a body shop and they were telling me a story of when they received a car from a crash when they get a new car they always clean it first while washing out the blood they found a nose they didn't really try to hide it but they never told any customers that it was in the next room law firm hi thanks for holding the attorney is actually in a meeting with another client right now can i take a message for you and they can't call back when they are free hangs up phone goes back to talking to attorney who didn't want to talk to phone person four star hotels are slowly but surely turning into two star hotels but double the price and a different brand almost all hotel managers employ the same zero hours minimum wage zero experience don't give a duck because why should they employees and try to run the boosters with as few staff on shift as possible this means that the quality of service you get is going to be basically the same at the hilton or the holiday inn because both places are employing identically skilled staff that's not even mentioning all the other corners being cut at basically every hotel everywhere most of the time what feels like a pure goddamn miracle the place is still standing by the end of your shift i cannot ducking wait to leave this toxic at all of an industry no more in the back just whatever is on the shelves when you're too lazy to walk back and actually check get it hr guy here we are not your friend chapters indigo it is less expensive to tear off the front and back cover of a pocket paperback novel and send it back to the publisher for a fund rather than to send the whole book or sell at a reduced cost why this is bad employees must destroy the rest of the book so it is no longer readable and dispose of them in black garbage bags or risk being fired disposing of these books one night led me to finding a payless shoes employee throwing away garbage bags full of shoes that did not sell employees must cut out the tongue of the shoe so they are not usable should someone find them [Music] all the dancers on stage wandering around doing table dances and in the vip rooms are either partially drunk or indulging in one or more illicit substances hard to be the sober naked person in the room when everyone else is partying it just makes it so much easier to relax be seductive enjoy yourself and make more money i work at a place that makes artisan french fries for the last year or so we've advertised plain old red potatoes as lura potatoes which are similar but 10 000 x better a red potato is red on the outside and white starchy like a rutted on the inside allura potato is red on the outside and gold buttery smooth all around awesome on the inside it's implicit but we're pretty much encouraged to just lie to people we only got called out once when an actual potato farmer came to eat there but other than that we mostly get away with it the injustice of it all i worked at a gym for a year we gave out keys for lockers in the locker room and most people would hold on to them one individual would stuff the key in his underwear sweat and then give it back to us after working out we couldn't and wouldn't tell anyone where that specific key was previously we of course sprayed it with disinfecting spray but i felt bad for whoever had the key next it was always the same dude too restaurant worker here the photo album literally full of pictures the gm and other farm managers posing with the rats they shot with the restaurant owned pellet gun long story short this was a very old restaurant built into a hill in a nice costal town on the central california coast the main building which housed the kitchen and two of the main dining rooms was probably 80 years old by the time i was working there so there was an established rodent problem anyhow after service was said and done for the night and the cleaners were done cleaning the managers would leave the hood vent and the lights on and establish a line of sight that ran about 150 yards along the pantry kitchen the hotline dish pitted into the prep kitchen the story goes that they would grab a bottle of whatever they wanted to drink and post up for hours drinking and killing rats i vividly remember a picture of the gm holding a dead rat by the tail with this huge eating grin across his face priceless major mortgage loan servicer we denied non-hamp modifications to risk borrowers defined as not currently employed in no work history for five plus years i pointed out to one of the srops guys that we were inadvertently targeting recently divorced single moms and he got real mad at me few months later we adjusted our rules engine at a denny's i worked for they would take the almost out tabasco bottles and mix them together also the ranch was made with water instead of milk and the manager would still serve soup hours after the heater had turned off even those containing dairy [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 35,630
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: 8viSdzpN2w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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