The Weirdest People on Fiverr

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check this out we got a slate baby what up guys what up what up what's up Oh what up guys it's Ted hey what's good what's up hey what's up it's we're back with another video today I'm Ted the theme of this fiber filth is selling air to stupid people so buckle on up put on your buckle up [ __ ] I will change your DNA to alpha male DNA there are so many fundamentally wrong things with this fiber gate I do have to say I like how we put spaces in between the letters and DNA I will change your dealer tube alpha male to nerd this is like some half-assed science going on here right now he's saying that DNA exists but I don't know if he knows how DNA works or he's banking on the fact that the people who are buying the gig don't know what DNA is or how it works bottom line he's advertising that he's going to be changing your DNA with a spell that somehow is gonna turn you into an alpha male I swear to god this guy was probably browsing our slash nice guys on reddit and was like huh yes there's a market for this Sheila hey Sheila ah yes Sheila go get my spell book I got a new spell I got a makeup it's gonna be big I enjoy this first picture wait actually oh just kidding I enjoyed the only picture on this on this fiber gig one dudes just totally buff and the other just doesn't have any muscle on him at all it seems like this alpha male thing that just means that he doesn't you don't have any muscles this dude's a pretty good looking guy so I don't understand how he's not how he doesn't fit as a successful per he's got a modeling career so clearly he's doing something right he's getting weird eyes he kind of looks like he wants to eat him tired of people taking advantage of you oh well go come by my Fiverr gig after I take advantage of you then that'll stop happening you are gonna see this but I'm totally amazed that there's this quantity of people who are saying that they can cast spells it's got to be like this the same people who believe that people can cast spells are probably the same people that don't vaccinate their kids so those people are also going to these people and they're like my son has polio can you heal him and they're like yikes who is an alpha male they're cool they're confident they walk into a room and everybody stops and notices when they speak other guys listen guys want to hang out with them women want to go out with them their alpha males he's just listing ideal aspects of a person that's that people like he's kind of straight away from the DNA part in fact he doesn't mention DNA at any other point in the gig now he's starting to go on this garbage about the cords of your inner soul basic alpha package get the confident you want are there different types of confident if it's a different type of confident you don't describe it as confident you describe it as like egotistical or something get the body shape don't know what body shape it could be but as long as it's a body shape you got it lead the gang maybe all of a sudden you'll just be a leader of a random biker gang sup boss her the new her the new boss one of these four points is like a kid describing sex without wanting to say it he's saying get any person to do the things for you he says I provide the most respected spells online with the best credentials what current like what are you just gonna put a read you just write up a resume that just says my cache spells that Fiverr is filthy Wow it's filthy that Fiverr town it's filthy I will send you 30 minutes of angel healing energy for anything you want this one's got a video so let's check this out you just got me a fiber ninja I'm offering angel healing for 30 minutes on anything you want whatever it is they work miracles these are God's servants that come and help us and it doesn't matter what religion you're in they work they help and I'd love to work with you if you need it right away for express service servus how do you how do you speed up the service on an angel my other gig extras got some really cool stuff there look forward to working with you I've been doing this 18 years see you at the top see you with top see you at the top baby it's just got to be the strangest pitch I've ever seen he's talking like he's pitching the Snuggie to as-seen-on-tv incorporated but he's talking about angel healing see you at the top that's a little easter egg what he really means is the angels are gonna carry away into the clouds and then they're gonna drop you from the sky while this guy's watching with a telescope so hopefully you'll land on your head and you stop being a [ __ ] idiot how do you do this how do you make a living out of this for 18 years that boggles my mind he does tear cards he's a professional psychic he works with angels I will have the angels do healing work on any issue you want for a full 30 minutes this works great on and then he lists anything that you could possibly want your goals emotional issues job career love just any relationship but what's interesting is what he says later he says as part of the angel healing if needed I will call in the arch angels to help with the healing how do you how did you get in contact with all these angels do you have them on speed dial are you guys all in it are you in a texting group chat were you just like hey guys I got another fiber gig this guy's looking to work at the M&M factory and then the Archangel is like I don't worry about it Joe will send down a couple angels help you out right away if needed I will raise your frequency and vibration what is that even what is that even referring to these are gonna make me vibrate twenty-minute angel coaching session how do you coach ethereal beings my favorite part about this gig is the no risk 100% satisfaction guaranteed I love that that's my favorite part of this gig he said they can help with your goals so if what am i if one of my goals is that I can turn my nipples into eyeballs does that mean that I'm gonna end up with a to eyeball nipples where would you coordinate this was he a priest I will remove any curse or negative energy cleansing you this one's got 228 reviews so clearly another successful Fiverr gig she's got another video let's check this out man first off she's using a webcam from 2005 which actually doesn't disqualify her from being a witch and actually kind of supports it because she's a witch we don't know how in tune with technology they are all right so you think things just don't go the way way clearly clearly she has a sparkly Party City witches wig on which is just ridiculous to me you've come to the right place you just order one of my geeks she's like she's trying to do a character I think but she's like thirty percent of the way there it's kind of like this is a draft video and she hasn't quite figured out her character but then she went ahead and posted this one anyways what is that what are you doing what are you doing what is that a dance where's that which dance are you doing spell right now what's going on with you it's not bad so we got some packages for this one you got your light package removing easy small curses and negative energy a quick fix for simple cases then you got most popular for sticky curses you know those sticky curses man get all over my get over your your pants it's gross I will coven cast billionaire wealth spell fortune money magic so this is enough this is another magic spell this is another like witch related thing her thumbnail is wild it's like a picture of money and then get filthy rich with no regrets cash green money machine wealth spell what the [ __ ] and then she's good she just puts in a bunch of pictures of cases full of money this is the cash green money machine brought to you by madam Crowley High Priestess of the coven of Union and the Black Forest witches don't these witches always have some of evil plan they don't just use it they don't usually just give out money to people she basically says this miraculous spell is not about simply getting out of debt and having a few thousand your bank this spell is about super billionaire wealth it's about changing your life your children's lives and their children's lives for at a minimum of seventy dollars you can have super billionaire wealth is what she's saying this just doesn't make sense financially for her to even have in the first place if you were a witch that can cast a spell that can give you super billionaire wealth why don't you just cast it on yourself or one of your friends why don't all of the witches in your thing in your little group chat cast the spell on each other instead you're charging people a minimum of 70 dollars in a maximum of 120 to buy it on a freelancing website online I did some research on this beforehand the Black Forest witches that's referring to like a myth and not even a myth that's in the United States where she's from it's in Germany the Black Forest is in Germany things just aren't adding up here in any department there's always one thing in these five or things that more so than anything else hints to how [ __ ] it is in this fiber in particular it's this sentence your patience and positivity will help results immensely if you complain that nothing's happened yet that's because you haven't been patient enough don't you get how spells work our final fiber gig is probably the weirdest one that doesn't make any sense I will banishing full moon ritual 19th February there's a picture of a crow I don't know what that's about the packages are just about banishing ritual banishing ritual three casts Plus shamanic theta visionary healing journey what this gig is for a full moon healing banishment ritual on the 19th of February 2019 I'm a healing ceremony working with healing chants ascended masters in crystalline diamond earth Christ grid Manesh negative cords ties soles contracts vows agreements I work with cleansing ancestral karma and accordance with your higher-self Guardian guides and angels for the highest good in alignment with Great Spirit unlike what the last paragraph is the best paragraph in my opinion working with grandmother moon what end the gods and goddesses is powerful work I'm a planetary healer old soul star seed indigo child here to insist those who have chosen to shift their vibration in alignment with the evolutionary process of our beloved mother Gaia fifth dimension ascended earth this is like a paragraph made of gibberish so that's gonna do four days fire filth thank you guys so much for watching this video I'll see bring out I'll see you guys later next time gonna disappear from existence with with this I'm going to disappear from existence with this is going to be cool outro I'm going to disappear from existence with this hoody ready going [Music] you
Channel: Ted Nivison
Views: 694,323
Rating: 4.9799938 out of 5
Keywords: The Weirdest People on Fiverr, The, Weirdest, People, On, FIverr, Fiverr Filth, Filth, Fiver, Fiverr Gig, Funny fiverr, Fiverr jesus, fiverr doctor, Ted, Nivison, Ted Nivison, Nivision, ted, fiverr cringe, cringe, strange, fiverr strange
Id: bsfGmVtiraI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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