Shocking "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace" Objections | People Stories #100

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for those who have witnessed a wedding objection during the speak now or forever hold your peace portion what happened i was working at a wedding when i was younger i was running the bar at the reception which was very close to the hall the weddings were at we were told that the reception would begin around 4 p.m it was already about 3 ish and i was packing fridges the usual bar man things while one of the male guests was still sitting there drinking i asked if he was not joining the reception to which he replied something along the lines of when i have the courage he downs his drink and leaves 10 minutes later he's back looking extremely disappointed guy orders a drink and less than 30 seconds later another guy who's dressed extremely well turned out to be the groom walks in punches him in the back of the head and leaves this dude just picked his drink up and sipped it further i eventually found out that this dude had done his drink walked into the receptions down admitted to sleeping with the wife on her hen night and again the night before the wedding he was never invited to the wedding he just felt the groom needed to know so he found out where the wedding was suited up and dropped the infomid ceremony the groom deserved to know his bride-to-be was cheating on him but it seems unnecessarily dramatic to tell him that the wedding of all times this was in the early 70s and semi-rural washington state my cousin was getting married and my aunt and the mother of the groom did not get along well during the ceremony when the pastor got to the part about objecting my aunt said something to my uncle and the groom's mom jumped up and grabbed my aunt and they started going at it all the way out the door and into the parking area they were separated and everyone filed back into the barn where the wedding continued the best part though was when another one of my cousins simply walked into the woods after the wedding because that's where he lived story is great but i'm up voting that last sentence my aunt was getting married to her second husband and during the speak now forever hold your peace bit their baby started crying the dude officiating it said if anyone older than six months has any objections speak now forever hold your peace he got a laugh and the wedding carried on they're still together 10 years later so i guess whatever my cousin had to say was misinformed a lot of these stories hinge on an unflappable officiant who makes a witty quip and keeps rolling i hope people not yet married reading this thread take away the importance of hiring the right person to officiate i bet the laugh in that room was solid the best man at my step-sister's wedding did this it happened at the rehearsal the night before it was a very large wedding and the rehearsal was bigger than a lot of weddings the minister was going over the vows quickly while giving instruction on what to do when he said something about objections the best man interrupted saying he had to put a stop to this he was in love with the bride and with sure she felt the same way my sister and everyone else was horrified it caused plenty of chaos and confusion as far as i know after that neither the bride nor groom never spoke to him again so worst man hum to be fair i didn't witness this but it happened to my parents my mom invited an ex she was still rather close with to her wedding and he stood up and yelled i object little did everyone at the wedding know my dad had gotten rather close with him and paid him to stand up and object just for the shoots and giggles and he bursts out laughing my mom didn't find it as funny and it really started their marriage off on the right foot all fun and games until the bride responds by gasping oh in certix's name i never stopped loving you it was a medieval themed wedding the best man declared his love for the bride challenged the groom to a fight for her love they march outside draw swords and go at it apparently they choreographed two nights a week for like six months but it honestly looked like they were trying to kill each other the groom wins and everything goes on like normal zero are weird but cool i attended a wedding as a guest of a family member and one thr pastor said that the doors busted open to the sanctuary and a man appeared and started to say i do but two huge ushers one who was my date quickly grabbed the guy before he could say anything but under the arms and literally lifted him up off the floor and carried him out the wedding continued as normal turned out the guy was the ex of the bright strangest sight i ever saw sounds like they were forewarned that might happen at my cousin's wedding when the exchanging of vows took place my aunt shouted wasn't there supposed to be a part where you could object or something along those lines aunt i object minister overruled one of my friends interrupted his cousin's wedding to come out of the closet he couldn't understand why people were soapy at him there's a time and place and that place is definitely not a wedding and certainly not during the ceremony when i was 13 we went to my second cousin's wedding everything is going great they even got past the speak now forever hold your peace part they wrote their own vows but before my second cousin's fiance wife could even begin her vows his son got up announced to the entire room that she was cheating on his dad with her drug dealer and he couldn't let his dad marry her my second cousin yelled at his son to either sit down or leave the son left my second cousin married her anyways and five years and one baby later he finds out it was true and they separated but were too tweaked out to be able to afford a divorce finally he got married a third time but before he could get married his third now ex-wife had to pay for their divorce this wedding had no objections they moved to missouri in this time instead of separating or asking for a divorce he decided he didn't want to be married anymore and just moved back to cali to get back together with his second ex-wife yet family dinners are a little awkward how's the sun doing [Music] groom's dad interrupted the wedding to ask the bride's father whether or not she was truly a virgin then he went on about how he didn't know anything of the wedding and blah blah blah truly weird and embarrassing i was there with an ex-boyfriend when the groom's father interrupted the wedding the bride's father officiating the wedding did in fact say was confirmed i have no clue how what they seem to be super conservative and wore sleeve dresses long hair etc and were half american they eventually showed the father-in-law out and continued with the ceremony which was super awkward afterwards it was literally as if i was on pranked said x seemed to find the ordeal entertaining because she was humiliated this was his family bride and that sort of sealed the deal something was wrong with the guy we broke up a week later it is worse if father of the bride could actually answer that question accurately got booted out of my cousin's wedding reception with about 20 other people my cousin had her wedding on a farm with a massive pig roast from what i remember there was a massive amount of people anyway her father and my other older cousin never really got along at one point during the reception my older cousin had enough and absolutely lost it he looked at a handful of us and asked if we had his back of course we all nodded not really knowing what was about to happen he disappeared and a few minutes later comes back with a 20-pound bag of pork meat from the leftover roast he walks down to where my cousin's dad is my aunt proceeds to yell lonnie no and smacks him right in the side of the face with the bag of meat an all-out family brawl ensued the whole family hasn't been invited to a wedding ever since at my own wedding but not in the traditional way we were getting married along a river at the end of summer and tons of wake boarders and boats were out i was a bull of nerves and the ceremony felt so serious when all of a sudden some dude bro on a boat blasting music screamed don't do it bro and sped off it was actually hilarious and made the rest of the ceremony a lot more fun my husband and i cracked up even though his brothers looked like they were about to jump in the river after the guy on mobile sorry for formatting issues witness this a few months ago random guest stood up and proceeded to basically declare his love for the bride and pour his heart out saying that it should have been him up on the altar that day whole room went dead silent bride went red with embarrassment and groom went red with anger best man promptly called for djmc to start playing music all this was in front of the random person's wife didn't go down to well i once went to a wedding where both families were irish gf knew them but i didn't at the ceremony the groom's ex-wife started shouting crap and was gently directed outside i couldn't hear what was said the reception was amazing nice venue and all but a bunch of guests had brought their own instruments and just started jamming what i can only describe as a genuine irish jig this went on for hours and remains a lasting memory of oral beauty but i digress there was a lot of booze there was no responsible serving of alcohol and i'm certain it was by design at some point i used the men's room and was curious if i'd just seen the groom in a stall door open with someone who was not the bride i didn't know these people and it might have just been someone else so said nothing sometime later in the gf state seriously we should get going now yeah sure we grab our crap and head downstairs i see the suspicious fellow again in the stairwell going to absolute town on this same lady gf grabs my arm tightly and keeps walking past mumbles a thank you for the invite i just smile and follow cause it's all weird yep that was the groom octopusing his ex-wife at his own wedding to another woman the bride genuinely seemed a gem the look that woman gave us as we passed with this smugly dominant i always get what i want fripia drunk as frick glare wow they had some reasonable bubbly in a tub for people to take home and who would know or care if we hawked a few extras i got it all explained to me after we were in a cab and well on our way home i never got a follow-up to that story but 10 stroke 10 on the music would tag along to an irish wedding again once the traditional music that's what you referred to as a jig still very popular in ireland starts playing it will usually get a bit chaotic i found i was best man at a wedding and the groom's older sister decided to play a joke and stood up and said i object then started giggling croom's mother stood up slapped her told her it was not an appropriate joke and told her to go home this mother still refuses to talk to her daughter four years later i'm guessing that mother-daughter relationship wasn't exactly rock solid to start with went to a co-worker's wedding and the maid of honor objected and admitted to being the other woman and that the groom had been cheating with her for months the bride left in tears and the groom immediately tried to get with the moth but she told him she wasn't gonna hurt the bride further in that he needs to frick off the bride is doing much better and is now a manager here and i haven't heard from the groom in over a year the mayan bride are on speaking terms but i don't think their relationship is gonna ever be what it used to be i don't know what [ __ ] here sleeping with her friend's fiance or waiting until the middle of her presumably expensive wedding to tell her and presumably in front of a crowd of friends and family it was at my wedding that we had at my grandmother's house who lives out in the country next to a cattle farm the cows didn't make a peep till that moment and one finally went moo we all laughed and continued but it was a funny moment about my wedding i had cows mooing at my wedding too except it was constantly through the whole ceremony i was at an orthodox jewish wedding with a chopper ceremony where they read a contract and recite seven blessings the groom's dad pinched his son's derriere at a most solemn moment caused him to loudly shriek into the silent audience of 400 bride saw and snorted loudly they also publicly kissed after the ceremony which was a huge scandal i don't understand that if someone objected and get thrown out during the ceremony anyway then why would they open the chance for them to object in the first place can't they just cut off that line and let the bride and groom kiss in peace not speak now part but well you'll see friend of mine was getting married in the park under the trees because both of them were nature people and groom had a dog that went everywhere with him that wasn't allowed in any church because dog despite being well trained and quiet there were some reserved chairs with lots of people filling them including groom's mother who was sitting with his dog bride and groom were at the front with the officiate officiant begins offician comes to the part where he says do you take groom's dog shadow began to howl aloud long mournful howl everyone laughed officiand started the question again loud long mournful howl again everyone laughed groom told shadow to come to the front shadow ran up stood directly in between the bride and groom and the officiant started again not a peep from shadow her vows his vows a fishy and looked at shadow and asked shadow do you take bride and groom to be your lawfully wedded parents shadow barked one single bark offician concluded the ceremony everyone sheared and clapped and shadow barked three times the only times that he made any sounds not kidding beautiful dog too a wedding i was at one guy got up and pledged his undying love for the bride followed by four or five others objecting for various reasons including one guy's love for the groom by the second or third objection though it was clear that the whole thing was a clever ruse i found out later that it was all set up by the bride as a prank on the unsuspecting groom and family and friends it was pretty hilarious should have had the guys fight over it for extra comedic effect but yeah three including the gay guy is enough my boyfriend was friends with a guy who was getting a quickie marriage and needed witnesses we agreed and went inside the little reception room where the preacher bride and the groom were lined up waiting on us the preacher started his thing and i noticed a woman come in and lean against the back wall she looked pee standing with her arms crossed preacher is there anyone here today who objects to the union or band please speak now the couple looked back at us and we both smiled suddenly the bride's attention turned to the woman in the back of the room bride what the f is she doing here the woman quickly raises her hand looking at the old preacher woman i object i don't agree with this marriage the bride glares at her bride shut up b wait your freaking turn it's my scheduled day you're just mad you didn't think of it first the woman had to be dragged out of the room kicking and screaming and spitting at the bride after the reception my bf's friend explained that he was originally in a relationship with the bride after 10 years together he started sleeping with her sister the woman they were close sisters until both ladies got pregnant by him simultaneously they fought each other like cats and dogs for the next several years until the two cousins became school-aged and best friends neither one of the sisters would give up the man and he wasn't sure which one he loved more so he kept seeing both women last i heard they were all still together but the two sisters had teamed up to take down his pregnant mistress what the frick my friend almost paid me to do it at my dad's marriage and i was so close to agreeing but my dad overheard and stopped me i would have done it for free if i knew how freaking crazy that stupid woman was back then here in the uk there's financial sanctions if the reason isn't good enough id doing it for a laugh my friends knew me very well and warned me in nobody had said speak now but the groom's ex still decided to get up and scream that he was her soul mate that she forgave him for this whole thing and that they should leave now because he'd proven his point by breaking up with her five years earlier falling in love and holding a wedding i ate so much cake and got so drunk at that wedding meanwhile everyone else was screaming and throwing crap good times the bride was my boyfriend's ex no idea why they invited us either your boyfriend or the groom's ex were invited because the other was i don't ask your ex to the wedding or i'll be inviting mine to kind of move a friend of the couple's in cosplay armor think master chief rangan asked the date said then i'm not too late pointed a big fake spacey rifle at the bride and said mother of the xenocide the fruit of thy womb will never destroy my planet die not her name and the groom when her name is her name seriously seriously this is date yes comma time yes comma almost right location oh no you want other very similar location one so commonly confused the invitations had mentioned it oh my bad have a nice day theater mages man i do not even that's funny but i cringed not at a wedding but at a funeral a young man mid-20s had passed away rather suddenly in some sort of accident his wife of the year or so and their respective families and friends are all in attendance as they are getting ready to lower him into the ground the pasta dude asks if anyone would like to say anything further and another woman in her early 30s stood up she began to tell everyone in attendance about how much pain she was in over the loss of the love of her life and that the two of them were meant going to be together and now they can't yup the poor wife had to find out about the cheating at the funeral row that woman sounds absolutely heinous like the dead guy is a [ __ ] too but to do that at his funeral to his family 2. i have one of these my friend groom was getting married to this awful girl we all hated they broke up during the rehearsal dinner after arguing about the order the groom's men would stand in she wanted her brother higher in the order wedding still happened the next day even though they were broken up we all show up to the church not knowing if the bride would show or what the frick would happen she shows up pastor asks for the objections and her mom objects yells something about how the groom is a piece of crap and isn't welcome in her family mum leaves the church dad and brother leave after her bride is just standing there staring at the groom with a real smug look on her face and says told you you should have put my brother second in line instead of fifth pastor doesn't know what to do but just kinda keeps on trucking and eventually they're married drank a crap ton at the reception we all did also they're divorced now didn't even make it a whole year my wife drugged me to a wedding that i did not want to be at years ago but i'm forever grateful that she did because i was able to witness one of the greatest spectacles of human drama that has ever taken place this was like an episode of jerry springer mixed with cops bride's lover spoke up at that moment and yelled i'll be goddamn if i'm gonna keep my mouth shut and let you steal my woman you're sorry piece of crap this deranged old redneck proceeds to come at the groom with a pistol threatening to shoot him if he doesn't give her up it wasn't a huge wedding maybe 40 or so people but every single one of them went screaming and running and maybe two people stayed and called the cops i grabbed my wife's hand and we retreated outside to watch the rest of the scene unfold from the church window i went to a wedding when i was five it was between my older brother and his fiance anyways they said the whole speak now spiel and right before he was done little five-year-old me said i object and everyone turned to me i was dead silent because i didn't know what would happen my dad asked me well why do you object and i said i did not know what would happen if i did and i was promptly seated my cousin was big into bodybuilding when he was younger and has always been really tall around the time he got married he was probably six feet six inches 260 pounds i was 18 at the time and i'll never forget when the priest asked are there any objections to this union my cousin turned to the crowd and opened his arms wide and gestured as if daring someone to object the whole place erupted in laughter it was amazing i can't imagine him with sleeves just ripped shoulders and cuffs at his wrists i was at an outdoor ceremony once with a storm coming in the pastor was trying to move things along so that we wouldn't get caught in the rain the reception was indoors he asked if anyone knows of any objection and instantly there was a loud clap of thunder to his credit the pastor just paused a moment and then said anyone else all right in that case and finished the ceremony i was house training my puppy and for a day or two he tried peeing on the deck as soon as he left the door the third time i caught him and hollered no and then boom massive thunderclap puppy leapt off the deck peed on the grass and has never peed the deck again my dad insisted on having this in his and my mom's wedding because he wanted it to mean speak now or forever hold your peace meaning my mom was his piece of butt almost 40 years later they're still married side note when he walked me down the aisle at my first wedding he let me know i could still say no even two steps from pachelbel's canon indeed i said nope and giggled silly me we were divorced six years later this happened very recently but in a different manner than the other comments i'm seeing for yours groom and best man are super close room together and the running joke is that they're more than friends later on groom meets bride falls in love and proposes new running joke is that best man is very disappointed that groom is marrying someone else at the wedding officiant asks if anyone has objections best man objects official quickly overrules the objection it was planned and bride thought it was a funny way to acknowledge the super close friendship between groom and best man did not result in anyone being kicked out or awkwardness fun and surprisingly appropriate i was expecting this to end with the running joke turning out to be true and the groom and best man living happily ever after lol the groom himself he just stood up there and started crying and in front of everyone told the bride that he'd fallen out of love with her a while before but he didn't know how to break it off it was extremely uncomfortable they both stepped out and ten minutes later came back out and got married because she apparently told him she was pregnant they're still together with three kids and i'm not sure about the husband but i can confirm that the wife is having an affair neither of them are happy but she has a comfortable life and he doesn't have the spine to leave this is really depressing i'm a pastor and i officiated a wedding once where the groom had a little too much to drink before the ceremony not a huge deal to me but his sister who was a bridesmaid found out she got pee and as i was walking down a hallway after using the restroom i overheard her talking to him and she said something along the lines of if you have one more beer i'm telling the bride what you did last night i wasn't sure what to do i felt like it wasn't my place to intervene so i didn't say anything the wedding went fine and they are still married i'm still curious as to what he did edit grammatical errors como i'm still super curious as to what he did hopefully not his sister if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 312,626
Rating: 4.9358883 out of 5
Keywords: speak now or forever hold your peace, wedding objections real, wedding objection, wedding objection compilation, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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