Life After You Married Bridezillas | People Stories #219

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guys who married bridezillas what happened after the wedding got into a huge fight about broccoli on the honeymoon all my fault of course i knew then it was a mistake tought it out for two more years of abuse before i left so glad i did i didn't marry the british ella but i had coordinated her wedding we had a death in the family six month old baby a few days prior to the wedding i called the bride and told her the situation and said that my assistant would be stepping in for me so that i could attend the funeral she told me to send my assistants to the funeral and that i had better be at her wedding i told her i would be sending her a refund and that no one would be coming to her wedding the groom ended up leaving her after this whole thing went down suffice to say he really dodged a bullet there dang sorry about the baby i legit cannot imagine just how awful that is and you're that guy absolutely did first wife was a brito during the honeymoon she realized she was married and the wedding day was history she wanted the big wedding which she had not the marriage the next two years were heck until she finally tapped out i was young and stupid and the thought of divorce never crossed my mind i don't know why it didn't i guess i just assumed i'd be miserable the rest of my life when she told me she was leaving it felt as if the weight of the world was off of my shoulders on a happy note her parents were still paying off the wedding when we divorced that's what happens when you allow your daughter everything she wanted including two wedding dresses i am surprised so many people still have the bride's parents pay for the wedding i have preformed a few ceremonies that came about because things fell through for whatever reason only one of which i had to walk away from i had received a call from myself that one of her friends was supposed to get married and the priest had passed away the week before they didn't want to change the date and move anything so they had asked if she knew anyone who could help out guys said sure when is the wedding it was supposed to be in an hour okay i was on my way home from work where i had finished up an important meeting i miss meeting in person and was reasonably well dressed so i called home to say i was going to be late when i arrived the happy couple had looked at me and asked if i had proper priests vestments um no i don't and if i did i would probably not be carrying them in my car the bride had asked if i was able to go buy some and come back i told her that i wouldn't begin to know where to buy something like that the groom then told me that if i can't even try then maybe i should leave i did myself told me they cornered a priest at the church and told him he had to marry them or they would sue the church for a breach of contract and that it was the moral thing to do they divorced nine months later when a surprise baby was a different ethnicity than he was didn't help that he had a side piece as well no good deed goes unpunished a bit of a change up not a breed of zilla but a groom zilla a friend of my father was remarrying it was both his and the bride's second time around both in their early 40s and an arranged marriage think indian orthodox muslim stuff the guy was an utter groom zilla he demanded that every event be at top notch hotels with obscenely expensive catering and higher string quartets and what not for the entertainment mostly paid out of the bride's family's pocket i might add the parties on the nights leading up to the main wedding event were opportunity enough for him to make a rather public butt of himself talking at the top of his voice and showboating the entire time but the kicker came the next day when the bride was missing from her own wedding's reception obviously it was very odd and conspicuous and the few relatives from her side made some non-committal excuses about her not feeling well etc it turns out this sucker had divorced the poor woman right after he'd had his wedding night fun he said that he didn't like her enough and that's an almost literal quote so he gave her the triple divorce thing and that was it the marriage was officially over before the festivities even ended that poor woman i hope your father kicked his friend to the curb after he pulled that stunt my buddy married a brittazilla she was a braziller long before the wedding and i had dated for about seven years i have no idea how they are doing i just kind of stopped talking to him a few years after she claimed i ruined his birthday by remaining sober i had driven five hours to be at his birthday i really don't understand why people get offended if you don't want to get as drunk as they would like like the frick do you care if i'm drunk or not my cousin was married to one he comes from a very not wealthy area and has become successful himself after moving out of his hometown his wife was extremely wealthy even could say excessively they married after a year of knowing each other and boy was it a surprise to hear about the wedding plans they spent plus 250k on the wedding including catering by five seven different restaurants their food was from different cultures and cooked in front of you think almost hibachi buffet style they even had servers and tailed suits and white gloves serving taco bell after midnight once everyone was drunk once they got married she was spending more money than he could make she was getting mad because he wasn't making enough while she wasn't working and they hadn't had kids they got divorced and she gave him the ultimatum of getting his ring back or keeping the dog he kept the dog her sister a lawyer helped her file a restraining order on him and they haven't spoken since fricker but man did he dodge a bullet i think he got nicked by the bullet the couple i knew they spent tens of thousands on their wedding and then a couple of years later she cheated on him with a much younger man i knew a couple who spent 25 000 pounds on a wedding despite having three kids and still living with the bride's parents the bride had a very specific vision in mind and didn't care how much it cost they divorced a year later when she cheated on him married for seven years before i bailed best decision of my life got married again five years later to a girl that just wanted a justice of the peace wedding second best decision of my life courthouse weddings are the best ours was done in 30 minutes and then we had cajun food and sex it was nice not being so tired from wedding prep and doings that you just felt like spending the honeymoon sleeping divorce after two years she moved her stuff out while i was at work i cried and then when i got remarried to someone new i realized what real love was also my ex crap herself on five separate occasions when she was blackout drunk because she was an alcoholic so i don't miss that either my buddy married a brito they are still together 10 years later she posts on instagram about their supposedly perfect marriage but have been separated twice i'm not sure how many of her friends know he's an alcoholic now i've often noticed how the real state of the relationship is inversely proportional to the projected state of the relationship on social media i think this law needs a name my brother's fiance went off on my mom in front of me and my sister when he was 45 minutes late to the rehearsal due to his best man's car tyre blowing out whereas your butthole of a son dude should have never showed up for the wedding not only a bridazilla but a total utter sociopath her life was completely fabricated and her parents who didn't show up for the wedding called my mom to tell her the truth about it the day after that she had a rap sheet a mile long and a prison record but my brother who just wanted to believe that people can change stuck it out for seven years don't do that don't ever ever do that i tell clients all the time people can change they just generally don't my mom was a mother of the bridezilla she's an all right lady generally with her annoying habits here and there but damn woman cried because we refuse to have a receiving line we got married in our backyard the reception was on the other side of the yard why the crap would we have a receiving line she was beside herself for the better part of an entire year worrying what we would do if it rained we had a giant tent and ordered like 20 umbrellas she also had a cow that the hem on her dress had gotten pulled loose by the ridiculous rhinestone stiletto she chose to wear to a wedding in a yard on grass i told my mother get her some duct tape and my mother again cried her eyes out but to this day she complains about the fabric runner we used for the aisle because her heels dug into it saying how silly of a choice that was everyone in the wedding party was aware of it and wore wedges or flats but she snorted that that wasn't elegant she loathed that i wore ballet flats she was also appalled that for our rehearsal dinner which was at our home since that's where our wedding was consisted of takeout from our favorite local pizza and sandwich place and the rehearsal itself was all of 10 minutes she decried it for being borderline trashy thankfully following the ceremony my brother gave her a joint and all was well and happy for the party thereafter brother of the year lol honestly it's your party day not hers you do you according to my mill i'm the bridezilla we had a max limit of 36 people including ourselves and my son my mill gave me a guest list which included you guessed it 36 names she assured me that not everyone would come but that they would be very dollar sign appreciative of the invite i felt gross by that and left the decision up to my husband since it was his family needless to say they all got invites i had asked for rsvps to be given a few months before the wedding since the mill had used up all of the guest list i had greatly reduced my side of the guest list to four people with some on hold until i knew the exact numbers i finally lost it two weeks before the wedding when i still didn't have rsvps she said she would work on it and get back to me a week before the wedding she said one family also needs to bring nine other people because they were going on a family trip and our town was on the way so they would all be here anyway i flat out said no one called her out on the bs i cut off the guest list said that i was inviting the rest of my guest list and that whoever had an rsvp didn't get a chair or plate right up to the day of the wedding they were making changes we got married at a chinese buffet so that it would be the simplest planning and everyone would have something that they like to eat my dress was forty dollars off amazon my flowers were twenty dollars from costco we had a dairy queen ice cream cake for the wedding cake yet she still makes it out that i was the british my sister was labelled a bridal zilla by the staff at her venue i heard them however the chair coverings were red supposed to be brown there was no mirror in the bridal suite for her to get ready yet the photographer was late the makeup artist was very late hence the issue with the mirror the buffet was totally wrong not a single dish she chose and they charged 25 a person for what was to be a four-tier chocolate fountain but ended up being a small plastic contraption that she saw them unboxing from walgreens the day of it's a convenient store on top of it all the wait staff was one stroke to the number the contract stated and the dj refused to honor the playlist selected so yeah she lost it at the venue i'm a pretty chill person but i'd probably be having a meltdown with all of those issues too i knew i would have been a brito i get extremely stressed about things and refused to ask for help my husband and i got married at the courthouse best decision ever yes not sure i'd be a british illu but stressed anxious crying for sure it would have been miserable for everyone who loved me so we went to a town hall to do it kept the whole even a secret until a few days before only close family it was amazing and i wouldn't change it for the world married a groom zilla we are talking costume changes between wedding and reception yelling at the wedding planner dragged out all night fights about whether we can add fruit cabbage so people would maybe get enough to eat all that there was zero compromise he made a lot of promises for things i had been wanting after the wedding and they never materialized like a beach vacation and such turns out no compromise at the wedding meant no compromise anywhere else so i left him after four years of marriage best decision ever congratulations for getting out of there my sister was a brilla she asked me to be her bridesmaid the dresses were hundreds of dollars and my mom ended up paying for it because she knew i couldn't afford it 70 bucks in alterations later the stupid dress finally fit i lived in edmonton at the time and my sister was in a boxford bc by vancouver she demanded i fly down for her bachelorette party fine 300 for a flight there and my bf drove out for the wedding and picked me up 200 gas there 200 back the party was a week before the wedding so when i flew down i just stayed until the wedding stayed with my mom until my sister kicked me out on the night before her wedding wanted a special night with her two maids of honor i was the only just bridesmaid and therefore couldn't be there during the bachelorette party i was told i needed to bring booze for myself and the bride fine went to the liquor store and she ran up 100 bucks on my card with what she wanted to whatever it's her wedding proceeds to drink none of it went to bed at the hotel early because she was pissy for some reason then gave my alcohol all 100 books of it to her husband for his bachelor party the next night okay fine then she gets pissy my gift for them wasn't offer registry i looked at the registry and there was nothing under 200 bucks we even put a 900 vacuum on there then has the balls to get angry that i was a bridesmaid and didn't spend enough on her all said and done her stupid wedding costa me over a thousand dollars and like i said my mom paid the 300 for my dress she then didn't speak to me for years after and only to tell me that she didn't want me as a bridesmaid and i ruined her wedding that she only asked me out of courtesy and that the spot was actually meant for her wedding planner our cousin a bee don't know if she's happily married or not we don't keep in touch her wedding ruined our relationship ro that's f king horrible i'm so sorry you had to jump through her selfish insufferable hoops and that she tarnished your relationship my sister was a brilla she announced a two-year engagement and asked me to be more then i got the opportunity to move across the country to pursue my career it was 18 months before her wedding and her reaction to the news was you're going to leave me here to plan my wedding all by myself like i had signed away my right to have a life for the honor of being in her wedding she made us all spend hundreds of dollars on specialized dresses the bachelorette party had a dress code and a steep price tag for 10 years before her engagement i had consistently had blue green purple hair but knowing she is conservative i'll let the color grow out i had natural color but a short bob with undercut that she went on about in the lead up we talked every few days to discuss her wedding it was the closest we'd ever been and then as soon as she was married i got radio silence and she even forgot my birthday needles to say we don't speak anymore so i have no idea how her marriage is going can't blame her for missing your birthday if you didn't give her a two-year heads-up not a bridal zilla but emil zilla wife wanted a regular-sized wedding nothing fancy at a historic venue she loved we had planned for about 100 guests at most and we would do a lot of the work mill started to pressure about having to invite tons of people in laws are loaded in social butterflies change the venue change the photographer etc i didn't give a crap since it was all to make my wife happy and did my best to adjust finally one day about two months before the wedding my wife had a breakdown crying because of all the changes and balls from mill told wife i would handle mill from now on called mill and read her the riot act and told her to cool her crap or we would just get a courtroom wedding and forget about the religious wedding huge deal to the family she fought me for weeks phil fought me bills fought me told them all to pound sand we had our original wedding i was folding invitations and favors the night before until 3 a.m but by frick we got it done of course mill still changed the dj and photographers without me noticing so we had completely wrong music and we have yet to see the pictures 16 years later and we have minimal contact with the family kind of the opposite end of the spectrum my wife and i eloped a few months before our wedding and kept it mostly a secret then on the day of we could just focus on having an awesome party for us and our friends our pastor cancelled the day of after standing is up for the rehearsal my wife checked into the hotel the morning of and the lady asked lady at counter is there anything else i can help you with wife jokingly yes a pastor lack our omelet chef is ordained lack hey tony you busy tonight tony no wife okay spectacular our friend he and my husband met when kids so think about almost 20 years of friendship married abridazilla she is evangelical and religion is pretty much her life and he was agnostic nice metal head cake guy they asked us to be one of the best man woman me and my husband we are both tattooed and when we arrived at the wedding we were his only friends everyone in that big wedding was from her now also his church well the preacher kept saying to him he had his old life and now his new life his old friends and now the new friends yada yada but all the time criticizing his old ways the authentic way and everyone kept looking at me and my hubby like we were beasts worst day ever she is that kind of person that wants to be an influencer every dang thing is in her instagram their relationship seems perfect there but he always seems so unhappy so apathetic especially when we used to see him before the pandemic always talking about how they are so different how things are like she wants her stories are basically she's saying he does nothing right it's even humiliating she made him stop talking to us this last week he got out of every group we had he stopped answering my husband who is very sad he lost his friends i believe she is the one replying the few weird messages he gets that's the britazilla it seems to be really usual for the bradzilla to act up on social media but in the real life is all messy someone isolating their partner like that from their friends and family is abuse hopefully he gets out of there i married a brito he is a lovely sweet thoughtful man but boy did he lose it surrounding the wedding i could have been married with about three special people there he needed 200 plus as far as i was concerned we could eat off paper plates and napkins and have a big bonfire to burn them afterwards he need personalized moist towelettes you get the point he is a lovely person and i love him dearly but i will never marry him again my ex-husband was the same way we're getting married at this resort on this mountain with this cake and inviting these people set it up current husband who i'd marry once a year if i could afford it was concerned about making the wedding as much fun as possible for us and our guests he planned some things i planned some things everything was chill and we did indeed have fun i was a brilliant it was a small wedding like 50 people was going to be at a park very casual everything was handmade or from the dollar store i only ended up with a dress from a david's because my first little boho dress i ordered was more of a shirt so my mom and friends took me dress shopping my mom told the lady not to tell me any prices but i told her under 200 i tried on one dress and cried because i loved it so much my mom bought it and i later looked it up and saw it was three thousand dollars so that changed everything no more wedding at a park so we booked a small venue we served pizza and pies still and the groomsmen were still wearing polos and shorts bridesmaids were still in some roux 21 dresses i bought for them i only became a brazil of the day of none of my family i had invited showed up so my husband's side was full and mine was empty even our friend sat on his side rmc read the speech i wrote before we were even at the altar our camera died so we didn't get the recording i tripped going up to the altar i had herniated a disc a week before the wedding so i was miserable and in so much pain i cried so hard afterwards it felt like it was terrible like everything was ruined i did my best to hold it together but i was so relieved when it was over if i could do it all over i would change everything especially how i acted none of that excuses my snippy behavior or my crying just because i was stressed and upset and hurting doesn't give me the right to make others feel bad don't beat yourself up that sucks and back pain is no joke my brother married a bridal zilla she yelled at my mother the day of for asking her where she wanted certain decorations at the reception site there wasn't a written plan so my mom had nothing to go off of never thanked my parents for financially contributing to the wedding accused the bridesmaid of trying to upstage her by getting a spray tan before the wedding my brother wanted me to be in the wedding party but she told him to his face that i was too pretty to be in the wedding party and all of her bridesmaids had to be less attractive than her a stole myself jacket in the middle of the reception literally took it off her back because one of the bridesmaids was cold it was a night reception in the spring the girl should have brought a jacket the list goes on well they got divorced about a year later because apparently her demanding attitude carried over into the marriage needless to say the rest of my family had a little party when we heard about the divorce not a guy but i'm pretty sure my venue thinks i'm a brilla the situation was that i asked for a second tasting i was calm and asked via email even had my fiance read it before sending the reason i told them i'm a vegetarian several times prior and when i got to the first tasting i couldn't eat anything and they even put bacon on the salad they served me we also asked for absolutely no bacon pig because we had quite a few people coming who didn't eat it for religious reasons my fiance had like seven full-sized dishes around him and i was just sitting there with a glass of wine for over an hour they were very rude and treated me like a bratazilla when i came for the second tasting ish speaking with no experience of weddings i feel like i would have just wanted to drop that venue caterer on the spot feels generous that you gave them a second chance my gf of 10 years is very down to earth and level-headed we finally decided to get married later this year for a few reasons and she's feeling a lot of phantom pressure to do things a certain way it's not like there is an overbearing mom or catty friends applying pressure or expectations it's just the whole idea is overwhelming and filled to the brim with opportunities to make a decision you might end up regretting later or forever i've taken a more active role in narrowing down options instead of asking her to pick a perfect solution out of 5 million possible options it helped somewhat but there is still a lot of pressure on her seemingly out of nowhere to make a series of decisions that all depend upon the first few big decisions that are weighing heavily on her us all this to say i can see how this kind of stuff could turn a normal woman into a lunatic these types of events tend to bring late and family and friend drama to the forefront and emotions are high before crap even really gets started my guess is that a lot of the bradazillas were actually lovely people who calmed down and returned to being lovely people after the stress of the wedding stuff is removed this i think they're multiple kinds of britazilla which all get lumped into the one term like i did you experienced a stressed out bride who met a breaking point not an entitled control freak i'm glad to have the former and wouldn't have proposed to the latter best wishes on a long and happy marriage if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 208,357
Rating: 4.8932238 out of 5
Keywords: bridezilla, bridezilla 2020, bridezilla reddit, bridezilla fight, bridezilla stories, bridezilla best moments, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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