is it NECESSARY to pull for yinlin's weapon ?? || wuthering waves yinlin weapon guide

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hey everyone back for another video here and today we are going to talk about Yin specifically about her weapon now Yin right now is one of the most hyped character in watering waves and for a good reason too and since she came out earlier than expected a lot of people weren't ready for her and I see a lot of players getting confused about her weapon choice and think they have to pull for a signature weapon but do they actually need to that's what we're going to answer today now first let's see what her weapon actually actually does her signature weapon is a string Master not only gives a lot of basic attack and crit rate as the subsat but the passive is where it gets interesting the first part is just a 12% damage boost to your entire kit which is great for every character and not just Yin the second part will increase your attack by 12% every time you use your skill for 5 seconds so either you can use your skill once and deal damage in your execution mode and then use your second skill or you can quickly use both of them so you'll have a 24% attack boost and lastly she gets a 12% attack boost when she's not the active character you're using as you can see there is no doubt that this is her best weapon whether you want to use her as a sub DPS or even main DPS it doesn't matter but the reason that everyone think they need to get her weapon is not just because it's op but it seems that the main reason is that there is no other good option for her weapon right now Yen has four options for her weapon the first one and the best one being her signature weapon string Master the second one is the five star standard weapon which it does have a good attack and substat and the first part of the passive is great for her too but the second part will only increase her normal attacks now if you want to use Yin as a main DPS then this is a great choice but for a sub DPS you're essentially going to ignore half of the weapon per which is not ideal the third weapon option is the battle pass weapon which to be honest it's not a bad choice at all the stats are good especially the crit rate and the attack boost you get after using your alt seems pretty good but the problem is that you have to buy the battle pass and if you already got a weapon from the battle pass you have to wait for the next one to get it which is why I can see not a lot of people going for this and finally the fourth option is the jenzo keeper which is a fourstar weapon you can get by summoning now at first glance this weapon might not look that good but I think it can be used as a last resort the punishment Mark which is the mark that damages the enemies stays on them for 18 seconds the buff for this weapon stays for 15 seconds and let's say it takes 5 Seconds to Mark the enemies that would mean she has the attack boost for more than half of the mark duration and the attack boost gets better with each refinements so this is not a bad choice at all but the other ones are definitely better now as you can see the problem with Y and weapon choice is that every option has a problem with the standard five star one you can't even use half of the weapon perk so it's better to get a weapon for another character the other one is only on the battle pass which obviously not every player wants to get it and the last one is also a Goa weapon which some people can't even get it now the question is if you don't get Gillan signature weapon is she not going to be good obviously not but should you go for it and the answer to that honestly is it depends first off we might get more fourstar weapons in the future that might be good for her and second if you don't want to beat every endgame content right now then you can probably clear it in the future with any weapon even if they don't release new one but one thing I can guarantee is that she won't be bad or useless even if you don't have a good weapon for her sure you might be less damage but she's a sub DPS and a support if your main DPS is good then yess damage is not going to matter that much thank you so much for watching the video till now hope you enjoyed it and I'll be back for another video bye-bye look what I found zaping another prey falling right into our lap
Channel: AMZ
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Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves tips, wuthering waves cbt, wuthering waves rover, wuthering waves overview, wuthering waves beginners guide, yinlin, wuthering waves yinlin, yinlin guide, yinlin wuthering waves, yinlin build, wuwa yinlin, wuwa yinlin guide, yinlin wuwa, wuthering waves yinlin gameplay, yinlin echos, yinlin weapon, yinlin echoes, is yinlin worth, is yinlin worth it, wuwa yinlin build, yinlin guide wuwa
Id: 3zPgeut_nbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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