Jinhsi TOPS the Tier List - Wuthering Waves | Patch 1.1

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yo so you know the drill at this point let's see who we can piss off today by simply talking about the most well-respected tier list in the weing waves community at least on the en side of things there's a very popular CN tier list and we'll probably take a look at that on a different day on for a different video now this is all based on the tower of adversary which is honestly what everybody should be basing their calculations off of right this is the endgame content that constantly Cycles through that we're constantly going to be playing with our characters and we want them to function the best in the tower of adversary and because of that the Tower of adversary changes and so sometimes the tier list might change as a result of that we're doing this today because gin she has been added to the tier list I so here's the thing I've been hearing the characters in the game for the English side of things have been saying jiny or ginshi so I'm I'm getting conflicting information from the game on this one so tell me in the comments what the correct pronunciation is if you know what it is I'm going to say gingi for the sake of the video so apologize if that's wrong but anyways she's OB nuke bro she's a super duper powerful character with a very very powerful resonance Liberation it reminds me a little bit of how Rover like Havoc Rover has that really really big nuke that goes off during her resonance Liberation it's one very powerful hit jiny has something very similar to that she uses a basic attack combo then she uses her forte to cycle that and then she gets into her skills and she enhances her skills and her basic attacks kind of turn into skills and that's basically how she works and then she builds up her residence Liberation and then her residence Liberation or ultimate you know what I mean some people call it an ultimate but it's actually residence Liberation and that thing has a ton of power output on it it's a bomb bro when it goes off it deals a ton of damage but you don't have to necessarily take my word for it right you let's go ahead and take a look at some of the calculations that were done here through with the help of some of the people that help out prideinn do their calculations and some of those folks are let's go ahead and take a look I am ravenous reent and staru so if you guys know their YouTube channels for example go give them some love or at the very least if you recognize them you'll know that they're pretty well respected in the community and they know what they're talking about here so let's go ahead and take a look at this so gyi at s0 I don't know why they call it s0 because it's known as a residence chain I feel like it should be rc0 or r0 but whatever I'm stupid right anyways 600,000 damage roughly that's based on calculations using this kit right here you can come take a look at this for yourself it's running a 43311 setup with crit rate spectro spectro attack attack that's literally what I said in my build guide for her coincidentally I didn't even look at this before I made that build guide but seeing this kind of confirms what I had thought as a good build for her some people criticized me for it but I mean take a look here at what you see pretty good stats here of course and we're using the lustrous razor at S1 for this and we're using the celestial light Sonata set so this is a really really solid build for her obviously she can get more damage out of her signature but this is still a very very solid build and it makes it very very fair for these calculations let's compare her to Gian for a second who yeah Gian also wants his signature weapon too to properly deal the damage and properly utilize his kit but in all fairness again using the lustrous Razer as the weapon this is a very very solid setup and it keeps the even playing field for all of the different characters now there's obviously some Nuance to that right because some characters get a lot more out of their signature weapon let's go back to oh by the way he's dealing like roughly 400,000 that's obviously not as high as what gin she is capable of she is the first like new premium character after 1.0 so in a way it makes sense but you know what I mean that I wouldn't consider this to be power creep or anything like that Gian is still very very strong and it's all about the team's overall damage not necessarily the individual characters damage so don't don't forget about that right for example Karo down here at tier 0.5 he's not you know necessarily that far down when you combine him with yinlin these two are like the strongest combo in the game right now and they synergize really really well with each other and yin's able to buff the crap out of Karo right now she like gingi doesn't necessarily have some really really strong support that's really really powering her up in this the same way imagine how strong she's going to be when somebody is able to like buff her spectro damage or something like that that's going to be insane but we don't have anybody like that right now and she's the first dedicated spectro damage dealer in the game so she's only going to end up getting better over time like someone like Karo who's a standard Banner character he's not even a premium character is already performing very very well because of someone like yinan coming in the game and really really buffing him up the same can be said for someone like Gian if someone comes in the game and Buffs his spectro damage like really really high like the same kind of numbers we're seeing from yinin that's going to be insane so these two characters have some longevity in this game it's going to be very hard to properly power creep them because they still don't have whoever the heck is supposed to be built to buff them in the game yet it's still very early on in the game's lifespan so let's go ahead and take a look at some interesting numbers that we saw out of I believe it was the builds here so using the ages of harvest compared to The Verdant summer which I did claim was probably her second best but I was uh I wasn't sure about that seeing this right here is really really nice we're not seeing the battle pass weapon here so yeah we're not seeing the battle pass weapon numbers here for whatever reason uh even though it is a pretty good weapon for her I don't see why we're not I don't understand why we're not seeing that here but I guess they just didn't do the Cals for that but lustrous Razer performs at a pretty solid amount that's basically our Baseline verdant summer deals slightly more damage not that much I wouldn't even consider it like that big of a deal but ages of harvester signature does give you like 18.13% better than lustrous Razer on average obviously every single player is going to perform differently and based on your play style these numbers are going to be different right but I just wanted to point out that obviously her signature is pretty darn good and if the character does have their signature obviously they're going to be performing better let's go ahead and take a look at beond for example he gets roughly the same amount he gets like 17.39% what an overall team damage output from a ginshi team right now could do compared to a Karo and yinin team right now I personally feel like that could have more damage potential for the overall team than a ging shid team but she is so strong that you know maybe she actually has the ability to outperform even a yinin and Karo team now let's go ahead and take a look at some of the other things that we saw changed here in the tier list if you didn't know yinin is a top tier tier zero character obviously the best healer in the game we have right now is Vina um we have Jan Shin who um I I really do feel like she does deserve to be bumped up she got bumped up a little bit a little while ago to tier 0.5 and moved over here to the support functionality slot cuz she's really really good as a support but she's technically a multi-roll character she could perform as a DPS but she's not as strong as the other DPS as you have options to use for but she has a multi-roll and can be technically used as somewhat of a support but she's best UTI as a as a like a Healer kind of character right or not a Healer but a a sort of like a sustainability type of character that's why I wish rather than say support this said something along the lines of like a sustain or something like that because I feel like these are sustained characters and the support characters are typically here in the hybrid section but what do I know right it's not my tier list now something I kind of don't agree with is I feel like baa is somewhat underrated I think that she deserves to be up here at tier 0.5 right now considering we only have so many like healers and sustainability characters in the game we don't have a fstar like we we only have one five star healer in the game and that's Vina right we we and technically we have a five star sustain in the form of J Shin but she's not necessarily built to solely fit that role per se people found a way for it to work baa is actually super duper strong and I feel like she deserves to be up here at tier 0.5 as well that's just my personal opinion I have had a lot of success playing her and I think I see why they did this because if you don't have her in tier one then you don't have a tier one character like there's one character to fit every single like tier here but I feel like what they should do is bump her up and just leave tier one empty now some of you guys might disagree with that statement I have her literally all the way stacked up at s 6 like she's super duper strong at S6 she even has a revive bro she can revive a fallen character that is super duper strong and that resets every 30 seconds bro that is insane like hello baa is super duper strong and I feel like some people are just kind of sleeping on her personally that's just my thoughts right now we have Yan wo who ended up getting bumped up from tier 2 to Tier 1 and I kind of agree with that because he does have some pretty decent teams that he can work with you know what I mean like he he he's actually pretty pretty strong I actually like this character a lot he's he's a pretty solid character and I think that he was like kind of underappreciated especially since he's like a defense scaling character so I just wanted to point out that you know he did get the bump up and he's a pretty darn good character we have uh don Jin here at tier one who like is kind of harder to use right if you don't get hit she's really really powerful ful if you get hit pretty often she's probably not the character for you cuz she's probably going down she sort of sucks her own health in order to deal increased damage and so she's a little bit harder to use as a result of that so unfortunate for her now Havoc Rover Karo and Encore here at tier 0.5 I agree with this for the most part I think Encore like in this on the CN tier list like they would say that she's actually better better than Gian is if Gian doesn't have his signature weapon and I kind of agree with that like gian's not quite as strong without his signature um and Encore has some really really nice power output especially since we had yin's weapon arrive in the game yin's weapon can be used on Encore as well and it's really really good on her so I just wanted to point that out it's a very solid weapon to use if you weren't already trying that out so I'm not going to go over every single character because it's going to be redundant because we've already gone over these characters before in a previous video but I wanted to talk about some of the changes we saw such as the spectr Rover getting bumped down the spectr Rover is more of a hybrid style character they have some healing abilities some multi-roll they're a cleave style character and they got the bump down now I've seen some pretty cool stuff from other people that are sort of like trying to use their spectr Rover in really cool ways and I thought that that was really neat and so I don't necessarily know if they should have bumped her down necessarily but I feel like they may have bumped her down cuz they feel like Yan wo is performing better than her for whatever reason or better than them you know you might be playing the male Rover so maybe they felt like to separate Yan wo and spectr Rover they bumped them down for whatever reason uh so I found that to be a little bit interesting but I can understand why they did so because you know Havoc Rover up here you know the Havoc Rover is so much better than spectr Rover even though you can get spectr Rover to S4 so that's like kind of interesting thing to think about as well is that despite having the ability to like really bump up their residence chains they're still not performing as well as a lot of people sort of I guess hoped for or wanted so I just wanted to point that out and something that you can't see right now this happened before this this this tier lless change ever occurred yangyang ended up getting bumped down from tier one down to tier 2 and that is that is 100% something that I I agree with that fully fully agree with that because dude if you have bit here at tier one baa is miles above yangyang in my opinion because her healing abilities are just so good as a sustainability character baa is just so much better than yangyang like she's just so so good her healing is so reliable and if you have her resonance chain really really high bro she can literally revive a down character that's nuts now most of you aren't going to end up having a downed character if you're performing well but it's nice to have that Safety Net in casee something happens and then of course touchi here one of the hottest characters in the game literally the biggest boobs in the whole game but this tier list is based right this is not based on your boobs right this is based on your performance in the game and she can be considered to be a little bit underwhelming now if you have certain residence chains that she has she gets a lot better right but the calculations currently in the game are being based on not having resonance chains for the character I really hope they change this because we get a lot of these fourstar character extra copies in this game I want to see these like these tier lists used with characters that have more resonance chains like give us at least four resonance chains for these calculations because once some of these four stars get their residence chains they become very very powerful bro Cha's first resonance chains give you guaranteed crits with her boom boom boom ability bro guaranteed crits with her boom boom ability with her first resonance chain okay some of these resonance chains are really really strong so some of these four stars you if you have certain resonance chains of these four stars these characters get a lot lot better anyways that's enough yapping for one video if you found this helpful informative in any way shape or form consider leaving a like And subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: Pancake Breakfast
Views: 2,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leaks, Changli, build, guide
Id: FSujUrOCoRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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