Best "Did I Fricking Stutter?" Moments | People Stories #262

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redditors what was your did i have king stutter moment vehicle inspector here sir your back right tail is broken you need to get that fixed and come back i'm friends with the owner here and you're telling me that my car has a problem i already have if you aren't prepared in the future don't waste my time my friend has a shop and does vehicle inspections at least once a month he hears but some other shop gave me a sticker and his response is always how nice for you take it to that shop then when i finally kicked my ex out of my life she tried to argue us back into being together as i drove her to the airport and even had the balls to critique my arguing techniques as inconducive to resolving a fight i cut her off and said what part of this are you not getting we're way past that this is not a fight i need to work through with you i'm taking you to the airport and i never want to see or hear from you again dude i feel your pain went through almost the exact same crap with my last ex found out my supposed best friend who i was letting live on my couch was cheating on me with my gf at the time who i lived with i work in i.t so i work crazy long hours but we had a massive power outage one day and boss said to just go home for the day so i left five hours early caught both of them red-handed kicked them both out at once which was ideal because i gots a little two pigeons one stone type of deal they both apologized profusely and asked me even though they made a mistake why would i kick them out on the streets in an area where they can't afford to live silicon valley i laughed my butt off and said i guess that's something you two should have figured out during pillow talk i and slammed my front door as hard as i could in their faces needless to say it wrecked me for a while because i love that girl but looking back on it i think it's the only moment in my life where i'm proud to have stood up for my morals and values and not taken any crap or continued to let people walk all over me and that crap is priceless god dang dude props to you for being such a savage and overall badass hope everything worked out my mom came to my place and out of reflex she called me a w like she did when i was living with her as a teenager i told her to get out there was this amazing moment where she was completely disoriented by my reaction it didn't compute so i told her again it's time for you to go please leave it was one of the most important moments in my life i'm amazed you were nice enough to let her show up in the first place for treating you that badly good on you for immediately sending her out horrible situation my mom was alcoholic who was paying for all of her boyfriend's nursing home expenses and then paid all of his families expenses like car payments big purchases like appliances or home home remodel payments my mom's addiction causes a health to plummet she needs to be in nursing care her bf dies and his family never contacts her unless it's to complain about that they need money i take over her finances and cut off of all of their freaking sugar mama payments if they had stayed in regular contact or regularly visited her sure i would have considered it but no they just wanted her to cover their payments i cut off the entire family my mother had a lot of money one of the buttholes bf sister calls to tell me they're going to report me to adult protective services to report me me i say go ahead i have nothing to hide and your guys are a swipes they were flabbergasted that i said did i freaking stutter they tried to report me but adult protective services just reached out to me to see if i needed help transitioning my mother to nursing care dong sucking turds stopped talking to my mom after that she died never hearing from them again i was the one holding her hand during her last few days of life they didn't come to her funeral or the memorial her students held for her after that when i quit my last job due to a promotion i let my current boss know i accepted the promotion and gave him three weeks notice and that my last day was the 31st of march he proceeded to tell me that we would discuss a time when he would allow me to leave and i wasn't allowed to leave until he said so i very firmly repeated myself that the 31st of march would be my last day and it was not negotiable he was the worst person i've ever worked with in my career had a door-to-door salesman ring the doorbell i was nice and opened the door and stepped outside onto the step dogs were going bananas i let him tell me what he was selling and then politely told him i wasn't entrusted when to open the screen door to go in and he put his arm out to stop it from opening i have resting b face normally so i guess the look on my face was enough but i was instantly livid with him caught my girlfriend cheating and kicked her out went out on the patio for a smoke i've since quit woohoo and she followed me out asking me to at least give her a few from the pack hands over pack now i quit two bad habits in the same day worked in a gas station and two guys walked in and kept looking where all the workers were i kept an eye on them cause they looked shady then i see one of the guys put a pack of sausages in his pocket and then come to the till to buy a red bull i made my co-worker also my sister move so i could serve them and when i scanned the red bull i said in the most casual way i could with my heart nearly ripping out of my chest i'm not a confrontational person do you want to pay for the sausages you put in your pocket too and the look on his face was priceless i had to repeat myself and he just mumbles a sorry and paid for the sausages after they left my co-worker lost it said how taken back she was cause she thought i was being rude to the customer before she realized what happened she ended up telling the manager about it and i got a good doll pat on the back and a sincere thanks doesn't sound like much but i felt like a ref kin badass but i felt like a ref kin bad ass you were my ex continued to text me like normal everyday two weeks past the breakup she initiated eventually i ended up telling her look you don't wanna date you don't wanna be friends i'm not gonna keep making small talk to make you feel better a week later she still texted me to wish me a happy birthday the breakup according to her was because i couldn't read the room well jesus christ checking into campus housing when i gave them my last name fairly uncommon and the girl says do you mean insert name that rhymes with mine it's like wtf are you seriously suggesting i don't know my own name this is always my experience person misspells my name me actually it's spelled like this spells name person no no i'm pretty sure there was an r in it me no thank you i don't want to work saturday are you doing anything on saturday no i just don't want to work saturday you contracted me to work weekdays anyway i got a complaint filed against me for not being a team player we dropped our dog off at the groomers for her usual trim when i returned three hours later the receptionist returned with a dog that while adorable was definitely not our dog not the same breed or even size i chuckled and said this is definitely not my dog to which the receptionist thought the appropriate reply was yes that's miley that was her name but not the same dog i retorted i think i know what my own dog looks like miss well that's her if you don't like the cut you can discuss it with the groomer that dismissive comment immediately made me lose my patience hey get out from behind that desk and take this dog we will go back there together and i will show you which dog is mine i'm not going to waste another breath arguing this with you let's go i found our miley it was the dog that was excited instead of confused when she saw me i got that grooming for free mayo groomed so hard they changed the breed i was a csr for a popular pizza chain and was handed a phone with an angry customer on the other line they were complaining about having a pizza messed up and i asked what they ordered over the next few minutes their story kept on changing first it was the source then the toppings then a missing side i called him out on it and told him to go scam some other restaurant needless to say he only got one f-bomb in before i hung up on him when i was a shift led in a kitchen we had this one high schooler who always had an attitude and typically i would ignore it but one day she didn't want to prep or clean dishes and i gave her the choice but she flat out said said no to doing both since she had time to talk with her co-workers i told her to do both i usually don't make people do anything i ask if they can but this time i deliberately made her do both they usually don't often see me being direct like that so it was effective i almost started to but i will never let her know that i hate telling people to do this or that unless i really know them well i was given some good advice about managing people when i first promoted first ask nicely like you're asking for a favor then tell them to do it third punish them as you see necessary it's worked well for me over the years most employees get the things done on being asked every now and then you have to be direct but even good employees have off days i was babysitting an arrestee recently at the hospital who had a broken leg so they wanted to do a video arraignment whatever i don't care i'm getting paid to watch youtube they asked for my email address to send me a link to use my phone for the video conference sorry i don't have a work phone oh no they say use my personal phone for the video arrangement yeah no my personal phone is not being used in an arraignment that leaves it open to discovery in my opinion no it's fine they say officers do it all the time cool it's not happening but the judge is waiting i don't work for the judge not happening this is probably my favorite i said no in this entire topic they were too cheap to come up with a video arraignment solution themselves and pressure officers to do it to save money kudos to you for not backing down my ex lived with me when i found out that his friend who was doing pro bono work overseas was actually his fiancee me kicking him out was my did i freaking stutter moment number b get out of my house when i found out the ex-husband's last affair he had several i told him to open his ipad and start looking for a place to stay as he sure as frick wasn't going to be staying in the house he sat there and just looked at me like i was joking i said your fingers aren't broken start tapping away and find a place either i can pack your bag for you which will be done in three seconds or you can pack it i said you have three choices the car the gutter or find a friend he then stood up and made his way to the bedroom to pack said he can stay at a friend i said i don't care where you stay but it won't be here moved in with the last affair following day very classy of him but oh i hope you're doing better now teacher here this one time there was a kid that was really annoying i live by the principal three strikes and you're out when the time came i calmly told him to leave he didn't make any moves to leave so i said that wasn't a question by the way he still hesitated way too long to take his belongings and go so i dropped the did i stutter on him he was gone quickly i'm generally a young and quite loose teacher so this always gets the whole class very very silent when it happens love that every time i say i'm 26 when asked how's high school so how's high school yeah that would be the day i quit a 16 years job because they informed me the money earmarked for my recovery from work related stress was for other people who might need it and i would have to start paying out of pocket after 10 minutes of chewing the hr rep out over the phone about how i was done how horrible the place had become how i never wanted to see or hear from anyone there again i got so what time will you be back in the office all i could do was hang up the phone thank the therapist i could no longer afford and go home i never set foot in the office again it was frankly one of the best days of my life but a definite did i stutter moment i volunteer in the computer lab of the homeless shelter people use the computers to look for jobs housing education etc although most of the time they're just on youtube we have enough computers that this isn't usually an issue if they choose not to use their time productively their time can be limited at the discretion of the monitor so one guy is listening to music when another guy comes in needing to look for an apartment since all the computers are full and this guy has been on the longest it's his turn to get booted off i tell him politely your time is up you can have a minute or two to finish what you're doing but you'll have to get off and he says in a confrontational tone are you a police officer so i say to him as long as we're in this room you're dang right i'm a police officer he said all right and left without any trouble lol i worked at a homeless shelter for a couple years and anytime i got asked if i was cop or if i was gonna try to arrest them i'd say no but i have them on speed dial i was working at wally world and a customer who was on his phone from the start of his transaction don't do this placed a big package of toilet paper on the belt i told him it was ten dollars even he was still on his phone but handed me a ten dollar bill gave him his receipt and he walked away right before he walked out he noticed i didn't give him the change and he tried to argue with me that i didn't tell him that it was ten dollars and he wanted a refund i sent him to customer service because i couldn't give him a refund even if i wanted to and he mumbled under his breath that i was a dumb i replied it's not my fault you were on your phone he turned his head around and said what did you say i slammed my hands down on the countertop and said loud and clear i said it's not my fault you were on your phone he took a step back and left and i went on my break worth it after reading this and scrolling down i got about halfway through another story before realizing the voice in my head was screaming the story instead of speaking it not me who said it and it wasn't in a rude context but i went on a date with a guy and tickets were cheap that night as i was pulling out my wallet to pay for my ticket he stops me and says no i got it i asked him if he was sure and he says did i stutter what make this so funny to this day was that he did have a stutter so when he said that it was smooth as heck and now they're married i'm a medical resident i was working the newborn nursery and had a new mom ask us for help as the baby's father who was abusive actively using drugs and had been absent the entire pregnancy was trying to forcibly get involved now that the baby was born when i mentioned consulting social work as part of the plan he looked at me and he said how about we don't talk to social work i have enough drama in my life and i don't want any more so i looked right back at him and said the reason we're consulting social work is to ensure we don't have any more drama when baby leaves the hospital he backed off immediately my friend bet me 20 that he could beat me in mkx and i destroyed him he said double or nothing and i beat him again when he got paid i told him he owed me 40 and he said what this was a school team i volunteered to work as a library monitor for our school library basically you just help check in books and do some shelving fairly simple the librarian let's call him is how as in half fck did you mess up ask me when i was available i was a shy anxious kid who doesn't really like talking to teachers but i told her i could help monday and friday mornings she said all right and check me off i guess she mistakenly checked me off to help on thursday mornings i got volleyball practice but i didn't see the paper thursday morning i don't show up because i didn't apply for that time miss how saw me as she came out of the staff room to ask me why i wasn't her for library monitors me startled oh um i didn't apply for thursdays i have volleyball practice on those days ms how confused what didn't you say you're available on thursdays me in my head ohck did i stutter me no i don't recall miss how well now you have to work thursdays since fridays are full me shocked i told you already i have bull practice miss how frustrated you either work on thursday or you quit she didn't yell she just said it in an infuriating tone me sighs guess i'll quit i'm gonna be late for class have a good day miss how was startled at my response and kinda just stood there she hated me for the rest of the year which gave me anxiety on my grades welp ms how if you're reading this somehow fcku and your bs i will never understand teachers who need to go on a power trip against little children me sorry but i can't let you back into the pit if you need to get to the other side go up to the 300 cross section and go around customer but i just need to cross through me go to the 300 section and walk around customer i can't cut through i have a pit pass me the pit is closed you need to go to the 300 section and go around using that cross section i work as an usher at an open air amphitheatre and i have this conversation with multiple customers at the end of every freaking show sounds like but visor stage went out for food with my other half to some small chinese restaurant it was us and maybe two other tables on a friday night and honestly it was the best food we've ever tasted we were served by some old guy and he just made us feel welcome the bill came think it was around 40 pounds thought screw that and doubled it as a tip he just looked at me in disbelief tipping in the uk really isn't that big pressing the green enter button on that card machine was my best did i freaking stutter moment i worked for a non-profit child care for a decade and the org was probably still is falling the frick apart we failed a licensing inspection because nobody would allocate resources to fixing serious issues even though my site was running bare bones and making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year during the inspection the licenser noted that the floor tiles were exceptionally old and because of their dimensions she suspected they contained asbestos i knew at the time that some of the tiles were broken and pulling up from the floor which would expose the children to particulate matter i went to the regional director with a list of complaints and wrapped it up with a strong suggestion that we investigate the possibility that the staff and more importantly the children were being exposed to carcinogenic materials they essentially responded with it's not in the licensing agreement so we don't need to spend money on that i checked the frick out after that conversation and reported everything i possibly could to the appropriate authorities okay i do f1 in schools and you need to have a team as graphic designer i am in charge of color schemes making logos and branding i had just finished the logo in all its glory it had taken me weeks i presented it to them and then the team manager told me that we were going to change it completely to keep in mind the manager was getting updates on my work the entire time and could have told me earlier we got to the topic of color schemes and my team and i had decided on blue we told my manager and she told me she liked burgundy more i turned to her and said i actually did word for word did i stutter the color scheme ended up being blue mine was pretty recent was working a retail job think crappy gas station with a red logo and had about a year and a half in worked all kinds of overtime for them cayman early would end up staying late always with the usual guild strip bs to get you cover their asses approximately six months ago i worked 45 days straight due to the camping of call-offs we had and people being fired for calling off my schedule had been changed from first shift to second shift and i asked several times about going back to my original shift and was told every excuse under the sun they were going to move me back as soon as they got someone hired and trained and they would but the girl that was working my original shift couldn't work until 11 p.m even though that's what she was hired for because she was afraid that her boyfriend would cheat on her if she was at work that late then at the end of june the gm took two weeks of vacation and we had a woman call off six out of eight days in a row i had requested a friday off as i had plans and i was scheduled off for the day even telling them the day before if she calls off i can't cover it cue text message from the assistant manager asking me to come in and i tell her that i can't which then leads to another employee texting me about how i need to step up i'm useless people there hate me etc and after i came back at her i texted the assistant manager asking to talk to her about getting this resolved since me and the girl were supposed to work our next shifts together and was told that she doesn't take ultimatums kindly and i needed to drop it if i wanted to keep my job went into work the next day and proceeded to get my bus ripped about how i don't cover hours that need covered when people call off that they're all tired of picking up my slack and that when i ask for time off i need to make sure that it's for a legitimate reason because i'm 30 years old and taking time off from work to watch a tv show is childish and that i need to grow up and she had talked to the other girl and that the other girl just had a little temper tantrum and she's fine now so i should just let it go you guys if you could have seen the look on her face when i told her that my time was my time to do with what i wanted and it didn't matter if i sat and stared at a wall and as a matter of fact if you're picking up so much of my slack you can pick up all of it because i'm quitting and then i walked out on a day when we got four different delivery trucks in tl dr threw gasoline on that bee and burnt that bridge up have no regrets except i should have done it sooner it was my date of birth for me other person on phone are you sure our records indicate another date me i have my birth certificate in front of me i'm pretty sure that's my birthday if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 188,303
Rating: 4.9544787 out of 5
Keywords: did i stutter, did i stutter the office, did i stutter meme, stutter, stuttering, stutter meme, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Id: H9-7th804lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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