The WORST Keto Lunch Foods (Please Avoid #2)

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you're sitting out on a nice sunny day enjoying a nice keto lunch picnic and then the thomas delaware rain cloud comes in it rains on your entire day that's what i do i just poke holes and things all day but seriously let me be very upfront when i say something is better than nothing when you are getting started on a ketogenic diet take what i say with a grain of salt okay make the right advancements to doing the right things but take what i say and apply it to your daily life i'm going to give you nine things that i really think you should consider avoiding for lunch when you're on a ketogenic diet so we'll dive in we'll have some fun with this we have to remember though is if you started keto like even 15 20 years ago it was a whole different world because there weren't all these hyper palatable things like if you ate keto you pretty much went whole food that's kind of the way it was right so i've kind of broken it down into three phases right like when you first start keto you have phase one where really your goal should just be eliminate carbs if you have too much going on don't think about all the other stuff that i tell you too much just eliminate the carbs and then move on from there step two then as you get used to it then you start paying attention to the kinds of fats okay then you're worrying about eliminating carbs and paying attention to the fats and then as you get more adapted to that then you start paying attention to the additives the certain little ingredients that are in foods and things like that because they do make a big difference but i don't want you to be worrying about them too much in the beginning but this is designed to be an easy list for you by the way chocolate check out jojo's chocolate down below i've talked about them on my channel before speaking of keto chocolate that fits the mold of what i would recommend if you use that link down below you can try their raspberry in their jojo's goes hawaiian flavor keto chocolate for 30 off so you buy two get one free so check that out use that special link down below in the description that is only for people that watch my channel so check them out down below use that code and you will get 30 off and you'll get it to your doorstep and it is amazing chocolate thank you jojo's for the support on this channel as well number one you've heard me talk about it before it's mayonnaise all right here's the deal when you're first starting on keto don't worry about it have some mayonnaise now and then but the reality is unless you know where you are getting your mayonnaise you are more than likely consuming mayonnaise with a boatload of soybean oil in it and soybean oil is like rule number one when you start paying attention to fats avoid it just get it out if it has soybean oil in it it's gone okay not only is it very fragile and likely is oxidized and not good for you it's also ridiculously high in omega-6s and that's like the fatty acid rule we need to follow if it's super high in omega-6s which you don't always know but you can research you need to keep it out okay it skews the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 within our body which disrupts our cell fluidity and our cell's ability to communicate with each other and it can massively disrupt inflammatory signaling within the body making your ketogenic diet turn into an inflammatory disaster number two is going to be what i call the condiment killer so if you're looking at mustard you're looking at different ketchups you're looking at sauces marinades whatever this is an ingredient you need to pay attention to and scrap it if it hasn't in it it's called potassium sorbate and it is an antimicrobial so great it does antimicrobial things also in your body which is not what we want right we don't want to hurt our gut biome that is not a good thing and i know you're probably thinking i don't care about the microbiome that's such like fringe science your microbiome is doing more for you than your dog is doing for your kitchen that makes zero sense but my point is your microbiome is very important okay it is a synergistic relationship and it communicates all kinds of different signals to the body potassium sorbate kills off a lot of your gut microbiome and there is a study in the journal microorganisms that demonstrates it it killed off a good portion of the bacteria that were butyrate producing if that doesn't get your attention here's something that will butyrate plays a role in ketone production butyrate plays a role in short-chain fatty acids that communicate to help your body lose weight and metabolize carbs and metabolize fat get rid of those guess what you're left with kind of just well that dog in the kitchen again that makes no sense but i got your attention right point is there is evidence that shows it disrupts your microbiome and we should not be messing with that plus it elevates something called proteobacteria which has been associated with signaling an inflammatory response within the body so unfortunately this potassium sorbet is in mustards you're going to even find it in low quality apple cider vinegar no like that's my favorite right so you got to be careful with that you're going to find it in dijons you're gonna find it in ketchups so just look for it on a label it's easy to find the next one is salad dressings okay salad dressings are sneaky because of the soybean oil and generally even if they do have olive oil in them they also have soybean oil in them and unfortunately most of the restaurants are still using low quality soybean oil why because they can go to smart and final and get a giant truck full of it for the cost of i don't know a piece of toilet paper but anyhow point is that's a big reason but there's another component of salad dressings that you can also find in other things that you should be looking for that is called sodium benzoate not only does sodium benzoate have an effect on the microbiome but we already covered that it has an effect on leptin so if you see sodium benzoate in something you really should reconsider there are some places where i think in small amounts it could be okay but this study that was published in the british journal nutrition it was pretty freaky okay it found that when you had sodium benzoate or when it was exposed to cells it decreased the leptin release from the cells leptin is what we call the cheat meal hormone leptin is a hormone that is released from your cells to communicate with your brain to let your brain know that it's okay to turn up the metabolism when we have a cheat meal our goal is hey have an abundance of food so we increase leptin so that it tells the brain to burn fat well sodium benzoate for whatever reason steps in front of that and stops the leptin from being produced it's a metabolism killer it halts it slows the metabolism indirectly at least based upon that you can extrapolate that i don't really want to be messing around with that i do think a little bit now and then it's going to be fine but there's people that have the same thing over and over and over again we can't be doing that next up is partially hydrogenated oils a lot of the keto breads that you will find have partially hydrogenated oil in them they also have soybean oil so just be careful with those like you want to make a nice sandwich with some keto bread you are probably better off just i don't know making it as a lettuce wrap unfortunately or using one of the brands that i typically recommend like unbun foods but talk about them another time point is is that we have to be careful with that we do not process partially hydrogenated fats or trans fats okay so they take 51 days to break down in the body those cis bonds take time to break down the body has to deal with them and it triggers inflammatory signaling moving on some of these canned foods that seem to be good because they have olive oil in them usually olive oil in a can with the exception of some of like the sardines that are higher quality like wild planet and stuff like that usually it's not the best option so give it a bath okay rinse them off but let's not spend a lot of time there still just lower quality olive oil is the point specific processed meats let me shine a little sunshine on you for a second parma ham prosciutto some of these really good quality meats that are deli meats those are good even a lot of salamis if they don't have too much additives into them you just want to look for minimal ingredients like parma ham or prosciutto is usually just pork and salt good uncured meat the problem is most deli meats have this one thing in there it's called sodium phosphate and although it seems pretty harmless because as an element it is pretty harmless sodium and phosphate but the design of it is to be able to draw as much water as possible to keep the meat fresh it also chelates the minerals within the meat which also chelates the minerals within your gut which can throw off your electrolytes and really mess up how we absorb minerals making us feel kind of wonky plus the phosphate absorbs markedly faster than the sodium leading to higher serum levels of phosphate which can be detrimental but also just throw off your electrolytes as well if you've ever felt kind of wonky or weird after you have some deli meat that could be a reason why you mess with your electrolytes you mess with a lot of nerve signaling and you just have to listen to your body but i notice it with me you might notice it with you then we have peanut butter all right just if you had to choose between peanut butter and almond butter go with almond butter if you had to choose between peanut butter and sunflower butter i would still probably go with sunflower butter the point is is peanuts are very high in lectins and i'm not opposed to lectins in small amount but lectins which you'll find in like tomatoes and things like that yes they can disrupt leptin signaling just like the sodium benzoate can but once they're heated they're fine you're not usually cooking your peanut butter unless you're making pad thai or something so you're probably going to find that you can't really get around that issue not to mention there's a lot of partially hydrogenated oils in peanut butter too so just be careful depending which brand you get but also it's just the oil in general peanut oil is very high omega-6 and we're better off to lean into a different kind of fat so macadamia nut butter for the win if you can good old restaurant pesto that's the next one i love pesto but i love pesto that's made with a smaller amount of pine nuts and a good quality olive oil i would probably go out on a limb this is a little bit of a speculation but i'd say about 75-80 percent of the pestos that i find at the grocery store and therefore probably at the restaurants are made with soybean oil that's a bummer okay maybe a smidge of olive oil which is fine but then they have a bunch of pine nuts in them too and the pine nuts guess what super high omega-6 you have a double whammy of soybean and pine nuts but if a small amount of pine nuts make their way into your pesto as they should if they're counteracted by good quality fats like high quality olive oil it's not as big of a deal so either make your own pesto or just do your due diligence to make sure the first ingredient or at least the second outside of being soybean oil is olive oil but restaurants i doubt you're going to find it unless it's very homemade remember margins have to come in somewhere they have to make a margin and soybean oil is cheap hands down especially now in the times we're living in when everyone's kind of hurting a little bit and i'm going to end it with a simple one american cheese or processed cheese in general any kind of processed cheese is 49 or more just adulterated weird stuff so that means you're left with this huge amount that could be anything so basically when you look at the ratio it just is mostly processed anyway it's a big problem if you're going to have cheeses havarti is okay in small amounts i recommend goat cheese the most winster is okay okay gray is okay swiss is okay and otherwise go for like an aged cheddar or something like that it's going to be as aged as possible outside of a porsche like the pecorino romano and the parmigiana stuff but those don't really taste good on sandwiches so you'd have like a caesar salad with it anyway i digress now i'm getting hungry i'm going to go out some lunch i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 133,685
Rating: 4.9371414 out of 5
Keywords: keto lunch, keto lunch recipes, keto lunch ideas for work, keto lunch ideas easy, keto lunch box ideas, keto lunch recipes for weight loss, keto lunch and dinner ideas, keto meals, keto recipes, easy keto recipes, keto meal prep, keto lunch ideas, keto diet meal plan, keto food, keto meals easy, keto recipes for weight loss, worst keto foods, worst keto lunch ideas, worst keto vegetables, worst keto, worst keto recipes, worst keto mistakes, worst keto snacks
Id: rFZ0_0jmXSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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